Version of the Day
Teuchos | |
PolynomialTraits< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > | Specilization of Teuchos::PolynomialTraits for Thyra vectors |
Thyra | |
Exceptions | |
UnInitialized | Thrown if any member functions are called before initialize() has been called |
IncompatibleVectorSpaces | Thrown if vector spaces are incompatible |
OpNotSupported | |
DirectionalFiniteDiffCalculatorTypes | |
SelectedDerivatives | Simple utility class used to select finite difference derivatives for OutArgs object |
LinearOpBase | Base class for all linear operators |
MultiVectorBase | Interface for a collection of column vectors called a multi-vector |
VectorSpaceFactoryBase | Abstract interface for objects that can create vector spaces of a specified dimension |
VectorSpaceBase | Abstract interface for objects that represent a space for vectors |
VectorBase | Abstract interface for finite-dimensional dense vectors |
AddedLinearOpBase | Interface class for implicitly added linear operators |
ProductVectorSpaceBase | |
BlockedLinearOpBase | Base interface for linear operators that can be accessed as sub-blocks |
DiagonalLinearOpBase | Interface class for for diagonal linear operators |
IdentityLinearOpBase | Interface class for identity linear operators |
LinearOpTransformerBase | Base interface for transforming a LinearOpBase object |
MultipliedLinearOpBase | Interface class for implicitly multiplied linear operators |
MultiVectorFileIOBase | Abstract strategy interface for reading and writing (multi)vector objects to and from files |
MultiVectorRandomizerBase | Base interface for a strategy object for randomizing a multi-vector |
PhysicallyBlockedLinearOpBase | Base interface for physically blocked linear operators |
ProductMultiVectorBase | Base interface for product multi-vectors |
ProductVectorBase | Base interface for product vectors |
RowStatLinearOpBase | Interface for exxtracting row statistics as a VectorBase from a supporting LinearOpBase object |
ScaledAdjointLinearOpBase | Base class for LinearOpBase decorator subclasses that wrap a LinearOpBase object and adds on an extra scaling factor and/or a new transpose enum |
ScaledLinearOpBase | Applies left or right sclaing to the linear operator |
SpmdVectorSpaceBase | Base abstract VectorSpaceBase class for all SPMD-based vector spaces |
SpmdMultiVectorBase | Base interface class for SPMD multi-vectors |
SpmdVectorBase | Base class for SPMD vectors that can provide views of contiguous elements in a process |
VectorSpaceConverterBase | Base interface for a factory that converts vector space types and vectors and multi-vectors from one scalar type to another |
ZeroLinearOpBase | Interface class for zero linear operators |
LinearOpSourceBase | Base interface for objects that can return a linear operator |
LinearOpWithSolveBase | Base class for all linear operators that can support a high-level solve operation |
LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase | Factory interface for creating LinearOpWithSolveBase objects from compatible LinearOpBase objects |
PreconditionerBase | Simple interface class to access a precreated preconditioner as one or more linear operators objects and information on how they are meant to be applied |
PreconditionerFactoryBase | Factory interface for creating preconditioner objects from LinearOpBase objects |
SolveMeasureType | Solve tolerance type |
ReductionFunctional | A general reduction functional to be used in specialized solve convergence criteria |
SolveCriteria | Simple struct that defines the requested solution criteria for a solve |
CatastrophicSolveFailure | Exception type thrown on an catastrophic solve failure |
SolveStatus | Simple struct for the return status from a solve |
BlockedLinearOpWithSolveBase | Base interface for linear operators with a solve that can be accessed as sub-blocks |
InverseLinearOpBase | Base interface for <ttLinearOpBase objects that are implemented in terms of the solve function on a LinearOpWithSolveBase object |
LinearSolverBuilderBase | Abstract interface for an object that can create LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase objects on demand |
PhysicallyBlockedLinearOpWithSolveBase | Base interface for linear operators with a solve that are composed out of individual LOB and LOWSB objects |
ModelEvaluator | Pure abstract base interface for evaluating a stateless "model" that can be mapped into a number of different types of problems |
ModelEvaluatorBase | Base subclass for ModelEvaluator that defines some basic types |
Derivative | Simple aggregate class that stores a derivative object as a general linear operator or as a multi-vector |
DerivativeMultiVector | Simple aggregate class for a derivative object represented as a column-wise multi-vector or its transpose as a row-wise multi-vector |
DerivativeProperties | Simple public strict containing properties of a derivative object |
DerivativeSupport | Determines the forms of a general derivative that are supported |
Evaluation | Type to embed evaluation accuracy with an RCP-managed object |
InArgs | Concrete aggregate class for all input arguments computable by a ModelEvaluator subclass object |
InArgsSetup | Protected subclass of InArgs that only ModelEvaluator subclasses can access to set up the selection of supported input arguments |
MPDerivative | Simple aggregate class that stores a derivative object as a general linear operator or as a multi-vector |
MPDerivativeMultiVector | Simple aggregate class for a derivative object represented as a column-wise multi-vector or its transpose as a row-wise multi-vector |
OutArgs | Concrete aggregate class for all output arguments computable by a ModelEvaluator subclass object |
OutArgsSetup | Protected subclass of OutArgs that only ModelEvaluator subclasses can access to set up the selection of supported input arguments |
NonlinearSolverBase | Base class for all nonlinear equation solvers |
DefaultAddedLinearOp | Concrete composite LinearOpBase subclass that creates an implicitly added linear operator out of one or more constituent LinearOpBase objects |
DefaultProductVectorSpace | |
DefaultBlockedLinearOp | Concrete composite LinearOpBase subclass that creates single linear operator object out of a set of constituent LinearOpBase blocks |
DefaultColumnwiseMultiVector | Default subclass for MultiVectorBase implemented using columns of separate abstract vectors |
DefaultDiagonalLinearOp | Default concrete LinearOpBase subclass for diagonal linear operators |
DefaultIdentityLinearOp | Represents a identity linear operator M = I |
DefaultMultipliedLinearOp | Concrete composite LinearOpBase subclass that creates an implicitly multiplied linear operator out of one or more constituent LinearOpBase objects |
DefaultMultiVectorProductVectorSpace | Standard concrete implementation of a product vector space that creates product vectors fromed implicitly from the columns of a multi-vector |
DefaultMultiVectorProductVector | Concrete implementation of a product vector which is really composed out of the columns of a multi-vector |
DefaultProductMultiVector | Concrete implementation of a product multi-vector |
DefaultProductVector | Concrete implementation of a product vector |
DefaultScaledAdjointLinearOp | Concrete decorator LinearOpBase subclass that wraps a LinearOpBase object and adds on an extra scaling factor and/or a transpose enum |
DefaultZeroLinearOp | Represents a zero linear operator M = 0 |
ConstDetachedMultiVectorView | Create an explicit non-mutable (const) view of a MultiVectorBase object |
DetachedMultiVectorView | Create an explicit mutable (non-const) view of a MultiVectorBase object |
ConstDetachedVectorView | Create an explicit non-mutable (const) view of a VectorBase object |
DetachedVectorView | Create an explicit mutable (non-const) view of a VectorBase object |
LinearOpDefaultBase | Node subclass that provides a good default implementation for the describe() function |
LinearOpTester | Testing class for LinearOpBase |
ListedMultiVectorRandomizer | MultiVectorRandomizerBase subclass that returns a revolving list of preset MultiVectorBase objects |
MultiVectorAllocator | Allocator class to be used with Teuchos::AbstractFactoryStd to create MultiVectorBase objects of a given size |
MultiVectorDefaultBase | Node subclass that uses a default MultiVectorBase implementation to provide default implementations for as many other functions in MultiVectorBase interface the as is reasonable |
MultiVectorStdOpsTester | Testing class that tests all of the standard vector operations defined in ??? using an arbitrary vector space |
MultiVectorTester | Unit testing class for a MultiVectorBase object |
ParameterDrivenMultiVectorInput | Concrete utility class that an ANA can use for reading in a (multi)vector as directed by a parameter sublist |
TestResultsPrinter | Control printing of test results |
UniversalMultiVectorRandomizer | Univeral MultiVectorRandomizerBase subclass that is compatible with all MultiVectorBase objects |
VectorDefaultBase | Convenient node subclass for concrete VectorBase subclasses that relies on a default MultiVectorBase implementation |
VectorSpaceDefaultBase | Node VectorSpaceBase subclass that provides default implementations for many functions using a default multi-vectors implementation |
VectorSpaceTester | Testing class for VectorSpace and the VectorBase and MultiVectorBase objects that it creates |
VectorStdOpsTester | Testing class that tests all of the standard vector operations defined in ??? using an arbitrary vector space |
VectorTester | Unit testing class for a VectorBase object |
DefaultClusteredSpmdProductVectorSpace | |
DefaultClusteredSpmdProductVector | Concrete implementation of a clustered Spmd-based product vector |
DefaultSerialVectorSpaceConverter | Concrete subclass for a converter subclass for converting serial multi-vectors and vectors |
DefaultSpmdMultiVector | Efficient concrete implementation subclass for SPMD multi-vectors |
DefaultSpmdMultiVectorFileIO | Concrete implementation of MultiVectorFileIO that reads and writes SPMD-based (multi)vectors to and from files |
DefaultSpmdVector | Efficient concrete implementation subclass for SPMD vectors |
DefaultSpmdVectorSpace | Concrete implementation of an SPMD vector space subclass which creates DefaultSpmdVector and DefaultSpmdMultiVector objects |
DefaultSpmdVectorSpaceFactory | Concrete implementation of a vector-space factory for a locally-replicated distributed DefaultSpmdVectorSpace objects |
ConstDetachedSpmdVectorView | Create an explicit detached non-mutable (const) view of all of the local elements on this process of an VectorBase object |
DetachedSpmdVectorView | Create an explicit detached mutable (non-const) view of all of the local elements on this process of an VectorBase object |
EuclideanScalarProd | Concrete implementation of a scalar product for a Euclidean vector space (i.e. using the dot product) |
LinearOpScalarProd | Concrete implementation of a scalar product using a symmetric positive-definite linear operator |
ScalarProdVectorSpaceBase | Forward decl |
MultiVectorAdapterBase | Node subclass for MultiVectorBase subclasses that allows the insertion of an application defined scalar product |
ScalarProdBase | Abstract interface for scalar products |
SerialVectorSpaceConverterBase | Node base class for converting serial multi-vectors (and vectors) from one scalar type to another |
SpmdMultiVectorDefaultBase | Base node implementation class for SPMD multi-vectors |
SpmdMultiVectorSerializer | Concrete utility class for reading and writing SPMD-based MultiVectorBase objects to and from standard streams |
SpmdVectorDefaultBase | Base class for SPMD vectors that can provide views of contiguous elements in a process |
SpmdVectorSpaceDefaultBase | Base VectorSpaceBase class for all SPMD vector spaces with contiguous local-to-global indexing |
DefaultAdjointLinearOpWithSolve | Default concreate decorator subclass for a transpose/adjoint LinearOpWithSolveBase object |
DefaultBlockedTriangularLinearOpWithSolve | Concrete composite LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass that creates single upper or lower block triangular LOWSB object out of a set of LOWSB objects along the diagonal with LOB objects off diagonal |
DefaultBlockedTriangularLinearOpWithSolveFactory | Implicit subclass that takes a blocked triangular LOWB object and turns it into a LOWSB object |
DefaultDiagonalLinearOpWithSolve | Concrete LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass for diagonal linear operators |
DefaultInverseLinearOp | Concrete LinearOpBase subclass that creates an implicit LinearOpBase object using the inverse action of a LinearOpWithSolveBase object |
DefaultLinearOpSource | Default implementation of a LinearOpSourceBase that just accepts and gives up a single linear operator object |
DefaultMultiVectorLinearOpWithSolve | Implicit concrete LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass that takes a flattended out multi-vector and performs a multi-RHS solve with it |
DefaultPreconditioner | Default implementation of a PreconditionerBase that just accepts precreated preconditioner linear operators |
DefaultSerialDenseLinearOpWithSolve | Simple concreate subclass of LinearOpWithSolveBase for serial dense matrices implemented using LAPACK |
DefaultSerialDenseLinearOpWithSolveFactory | Concreate LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase subclass that creates DefaultSerialDenseLinearOpWithSolve objects that use LAPACK |
DelayedLinearOpWithSolve | Delayed linear solver construction LinearOpWithSolveBase decorator class |
DelayedLinearOpWithSolveFactory | General delayed construction LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase subclass |
LinearOpWithSolveTester | Testing class for LinearOpWithSolveBase |
DefaultEvaluationLoggerModelEvaluator | This class wraps any ModelEvaluator object and logs the evaluation of various functions |
DefaultFinalPointCaptureModelEvaluator | This class wraps any ModelEvaluator object and allows the client to capture the final point that is returned by a client |
DefaultFiniteDifferenceModelEvaluator | This class wraps any ModelEvaluator object and computes certain derivatives using finite differences |
DefaultInverseModelEvaluator | This class wraps any ModelEvaluator object and adds a simple, but fairly general, inverse response function |
DefaultLumpedParameterModelEvaluator | Decorator class that wraps any ModelEvaluator object and lumps parameters together using a linear basis matrix |
DefaultModelEvaluatorWithSolveFactory | This class wraps any ModelEvaluator object and uses a compatible LinearOpWithSolveFactory object to create a LinearOpWithSolveBase version of W |
DefaultMultiPeriodModelEvaluator | Composite subclass that takes a single ModelEvaluator object and represents it as a single aggregate multi-period ModelEvalator object |
DefaultNominalBoundsOverrideModelEvaluator | This class wraps any ModelEvaluator object and allows the client to overide the state contained in the nominal values and the upper and lower bounds |
DirectionalFiniteDiffCalculator | Utility class for computing directional finite differences of a model |
ModelEvaluatorDefaultBase | Default base class for concrete model evaluators |
ModelEvaluatorDelegatorBase | This is a base class that delegetes almost all function to a wrapped model evaluator object |
ResponseOnlyModelEvaluatorBase | This base class defines default function implementations appropritate for a response-only model evaluator (p) -> g(j) , for j=0...Ng-1 |
ScaledModelEvaluator | This class decorates a ModelEvaluator and returns scaled residual and Jacobian values |
StateFuncModelEvaluatorBase | This base class defines default function implementations appropritate for a set of nonlinear state functions of the form x -> f(x) |
DampenedNewtonNonlinearSolver | Simple dampended Newton solver using a Armijo line search :-) |
DefaultNonlinearSolverBuilder | Concrete subclass of Thyra::NonlinearSolverBuilderBase for creating NonlinearSolverBase objects and PreconditionerFactoryBase object on demand given configured factory objects |
DefaultStateEliminationModelEvaluator | This class wraps any ModelEvaluator object along with a NonlinearSolverBase object and eliminates the steady-state equations f(x,...)=0 |
LinearNonlinearSolver | Concrete nonlinear solver for linear equations |
DiagonalEpetraLinearOpWithSolveFactory | Create a DefaultDiagonalLinearOpWithSolve out of a diagonal Epetra_RowMatrix object |
EpetraLinearOp | Concrete LinearOpBase adapter subclass for Epetra_Operator object |
EpetraLinearOpBase | Abstract base class for all LinearOpBase objects that can return an Epetra_Operator view of themselves and details about how to apply the view |
EpetraOperatorViewExtractorBase | Strategy interface for extracting an Epetra_Operator view out of a Thyra::LinearOpBase<double> object |
EpetraOperatorViewExtractorStd | Standard strategy subclass for extracting an Epetra_Operator view out of a Thyra::LinearOpBase<double> object by dynamic casting to the EpetraLinearOpBase interface |
EpetraOperatorWrapper | Implements the Epetra_Operator interface with a Thyra LinearOperator |
EpetraModelEvaluator | Concrete Adapter subclass that takes an EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator object and wraps it as a Thyra::ModelEvaluator object |
EpetraExtAddTransformer | Transformer subclass for adding Epetra/Thyra operators using EpetraExt::MatrixMatrix |
EpetraExtDiagScaledMatProdTransformer | Transformer subclass for diagonally scaling and multiplying Epetra/Thyra operators |
EpetraExtDiagScalingTransformer | Transformer subclass for diagonally scaling a Epetra/Thyra operator |
TpetraEuclideanScalarProd | Extends concrete implementation of a Euclidean scalar product for specifically Tpetra vectors/multivectors |
TpetraExplicitAdjointModelEvaluator | A model evaluator decorator for computing an explicit adjoint |
TpetraLinearOp | Concrete Thyra::LinearOpBase subclass for Tpetra::Operator |
TpetraMultiVector | Concrete implementation of Thyra::MultiVector in terms of Tpetra::MultiVector |
TpetraOperatorVectorExtraction | Traits class that enables the extraction of Tpetra operator/vector objects wrapped in Thyra operator/vector objects |
TpetraVector | Concrete Thyra::SpmdVectorBase using Tpetra::Vector |
TpetraVectorSpace | Concrete implementation of an SPMD vector space for Tpetra |
LinearOpChanger | Silly abstract strategy interface for changing Thyra::LinearOpBase objects |
NullLinearOpChanger | No-op changer |
DiagonalQuadraticResponseOnlyModelEvaluator | Simple parallel response-only ModelEvaluator |
DiagonalScalarProd | Concrete implementation of a scalar product using a diagonal vector |
DummyTestModelEvaluator | Test helper ModelEvaluator |
Simple2DModelEvaluator | Simple 2d simulation only ModelEvaluator for f(x) = 0 |
Tpetra | |
Details | |
KokkosRefactor | |
Details | |
Trilinos | |
Details | |
ExampleTridiagSerialLinearOp | Simple example subclass for serial tridiagonal matrices |
ExampleTridiagSpmdLinearOp | Simple example subclass for Spmd tridiagonal matrices |