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Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceBase< Scalar > Class Template Referenceabstract

Base abstract VectorSpaceBase class for all SPMD-based vector spaces. More...

#include <Thyra_SpmdVectorSpaceBase_decl.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceBase< Scalar >:
Inheritance graph

Pure virtual methods to be overridden by subclasses

virtual Teuchos::RCP< const
Teuchos::Comm< Ordinal > > 
getComm () const =0
 Returns the SPMD communicator. More...
virtual Ordinal localSubDim () const =0
 Returns the number of local elements stored on this process. More...
virtual Ordinal localOffset () const =0
 Returns the offset for the local sub-vector stored on this process. More...
virtual Ordinal mapCode () const =0
 Returns the code for the mapping of elements to processes. More...
virtual bool isLocallyReplicated () const =0
 Returns true if vector space is locally replicated space. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar >
virtual Ordinal dim () const =0
 Return the dimension of the vector space. More...
virtual bool isCompatible (const VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > &vecSpc) const =0
 Compare the compatibility of two vector spaces. More...
virtual RCP< const
VectorSpaceFactoryBase< Scalar > > 
smallVecSpcFcty () const =0
 Return a VectorSpaceFactoryBase object for the creation of (usually serial) vector spaces with a small dimension. More...
virtual Scalar scalarProd (const VectorBase< Scalar > &x, const VectorBase< Scalar > &y) const =0
 Return the scalar product of two vectors in the vector space. More...
void scalarProds (const MultiVectorBase< Scalar > &X, const MultiVectorBase< Scalar > &Y, const ArrayView< Scalar > &scalarProds_out) const
 Return the scalar product of each column in two multi-vectors in the vector space. More...
virtual bool isEuclidean () const
 Return if this vector space has a Euclidean (identity) basis in which case the scalar product is the same as the dot product. More...
virtual bool hasInCoreView (const Range1D &rng=Range1D(), const EViewType viewType=VIEW_TYPE_DETACHED, const EStrideType strideType=STRIDE_TYPE_NONUNIT) const
 Returns true if this->acquireDetachedView(rng,...) returns a direct view of the range of data requested. More...
virtual RCP< const
VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > 
clone () const
 Clone this object (if supported). More...
virtual RCP< MultiVectorBase
< Scalar > > 
createCachedMembersView (const RTOpPack::SubMultiVectorView< Scalar > &raw_mv, bool initialize=true) const
 Create a (possibly) cached multi-vector member that is a non-const view of raw multi-vector data. The caching mechanism must be implemented by child classes, by default this just calls the regular createMembersView. More...
virtual RCP< const
MultiVectorBase< Scalar > > 
createCachedMembersView (const RTOpPack::ConstSubMultiVectorView< Scalar > &raw_mv) const
 Create a (possibly) cached multi-vector member that is a const view of raw multi-vector data. The caching mechanism must be implemented by child classes, by default this just calls the regular createMembersView. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar >
virtual RCP< VectorBase< Scalar > > createMember () const =0
 Create a vector member from the vector space. More...
virtual RCP< MultiVectorBase
< Scalar > > 
createMembers (int numMembers) const =0
 Create a set of vector members (a MultiVectorBase) from the vector space. More...
virtual RCP< VectorBase< Scalar > > createMemberView (const RTOpPack::SubVectorView< Scalar > &raw_v) const =0
 Create a vector member that is a non-const view of raw vector data. More...
virtual RCP< const VectorBase
< Scalar > > 
createMemberView (const RTOpPack::ConstSubVectorView< Scalar > &raw_v) const =0
 Create a vector member that is a const view of raw vector data. More...
virtual RCP< MultiVectorBase
< Scalar > > 
createMembersView (const RTOpPack::SubMultiVectorView< Scalar > &raw_mv) const =0
 Create a multi-vector member that is a non-const view of raw multi-vector data. More...
virtual RCP< const
MultiVectorBase< Scalar > > 
createMembersView (const RTOpPack::ConstSubMultiVectorView< Scalar > &raw_mv) const =0
 Create a multi-vector member that is a const view of raw multi-vector data. More...
virtual void scalarProdsImpl (const MultiVectorBase< Scalar > &X, const MultiVectorBase< Scalar > &Y, const ArrayView< Scalar > &scalarProds) const =0

Detailed Description

template<class Scalar>
class Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceBase< Scalar >

Base abstract VectorSpaceBase class for all SPMD-based vector spaces.

This interface defines a basic mechanism for the interoperability of SPMD VectorBase and MultiVectorBase objects. See the base classes SPMDVetorBase and SpmdMultiVectorBase to demonstrate how this interface is used to achieve universal interoperability of vector and multi-vector objects.

Specifically, these classes are designed to handle three different use case:

This interface provides all the information necessary to implement the SpmdVectorBase::applyOp() and SpmdMultiVectorBase::applyOp() functions in all of the above described use cases. This interface returns an SPMD communicator (of which all compatible vector spaces must have the same communicator obviously) through the method getComm().

VectorBase data layout:

For the case of a distributed parallel vector, this interface base class assumes that vector data is partitioned to processes in contiguous chunks of dense subvectors. To spell this out, let v be the local vector that is sorted on this process and let g be the global vector. Then these two vectors are related (using zero-based indexing) as:

   v(k) == g(this->localOffset() + k), for k = 0...this->localSubDim()-1

Any type of mapping of vector data to processes that can not be interpreted in this way can not rely on this base class for interoperability. Note that as long as the elements in a process are partitioned to unique processes and no ghost elements are present, the actual indexes used by the application with these vectors is immaterial. The indexes associated with this set of interfaces, however, are only meaningful to abstract numerical algorithms and provide an arbitrary label for certain types of coordinate-dependent operations (like required in an active-set method for optimization). Therefore, as long as the underlying vector represents a unique partitioning of elements, these classes can be used. There is a default implementation of localOffset() that automatically assumes this contiguous mapping of elements to processes and in general this should not be changed.

Notes to subclass developers:

The pure virtual methods getComm() and localSubDim() declared in this interface along with the pure virtual methods dim() and createMember() are the only methods that must be overridden.

If this this is in an uninitialized state then localSubDim() should return 0.

If optimized implementations of multi-vectors can be supported, then the createMembers() method should also be overridden.

Definition at line 20 of file Thyra_SpmdMultiVectorBase.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<class Scalar>
virtual Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<Ordinal> > Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceBase< Scalar >::getComm ( ) const
pure virtual
template<class Scalar>
virtual Ordinal Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceBase< Scalar >::localSubDim ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the number of local elements stored on this process.

If this this is uninitialized then localSubDim() returns 0.

Implemented in Thyra::DefaultSpmdVectorSpace< Scalar >, and Thyra::TpetraVectorSpace< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >.

template<class Scalar>
virtual Ordinal Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceBase< Scalar >::localOffset ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the offset for the local sub-vector stored on this process.

Implemented in Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceDefaultBase< Scalar >.

template<class Scalar>
virtual Ordinal Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceBase< Scalar >::mapCode ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the code for the mapping of elements to processes.


Implemented in Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceDefaultBase< Scalar >.

template<class Scalar>
virtual bool Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceBase< Scalar >::isLocallyReplicated ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns true if vector space is locally replicated space.

Implemented in Thyra::SpmdVectorSpaceDefaultBase< Scalar >.

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