Tempus_Test::Basis | |
 Tempus_Test::CoordFiller< TpetraVectorType > | |
 Tempus_Test::DfDp2EvaluatorFunctor< TpetraVectorType > | |
 ExplicitODEParameters< Scalar > | |
 Tempus::ImplicitODEParameters< Scalar > | |
 Tempus::IntegratorObserver< Scalar > | IntegratorObserver class for time integrators |
  Tempus::IntegratorObserverBasic< Scalar > | IntegratorObserverBasic class for time integrators. This basic class has simple no-op functions, as all basic functionality should be handled through other methods |
  Tempus::IntegratorObserverComposite< Scalar > | This observer is a composite observer, |
  Tempus::IntegratorObserverLogging< Scalar > | This observer logs calls to observer functions. This observer simply logs and counts the calls to each of the observer functions. This is useful in monirtoring and debugging the time integration |
  Tempus::IntegratorObserverNoOp< Scalar > | IntegratorObserverNoOp class for time integrators. This basic class has simple no-op functions, as all basic functionality should be handled through other methods |
  Tempus::IntegratorObserverSubcycling< Scalar > | IntegratorObserverSubcycling class for time integrators. This basic class has simple no-op functions, as all basic functionality should be handled through other methods |
 Tempus::InterpolatorFactory< Scalar > | Interpolator factory |
 Tempus_Test::JacobianEvaluatorFunctor< TpetraVectorType, TpetraMatrixType > | |
 Teuchos::LabeledObject [external] | |
  Teuchos::Describable [external] | |
   Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > [external] | |
    Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar > | Create a LinearOpWithSolveFactory for an adjoint linear op |
    Thyra::BlockedTriangularLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar > | Implicit subclass that takes a blocked triangular LOWB object and turns it into a LOWSB object |
    Thyra::MultiVectorLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar > | Create a LinearOpWithSolveFactory for a flattened-out multi-vector |
    Thyra::ReuseLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar > | A LinearOpWithSolveFactory that is designed to reuse an already created/initialized preconditioner |
    Thyra::ScaledIdentityLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar > | Create a LinearOpWithSolveFactory for a flattened-out multi-vector |
   Thyra::PreconditionerBase< Scalar > [external] | |
    Thyra::AdjointPreconditioner< Scalar > | Concrete PreconditionerBase subclass that wraps a preconditioner operator in MultiVectorLinearOp |
    Thyra::MultiVectorPreconditioner< Scalar > | Concrete PreconditionerBase subclass that wraps a preconditioner operator in MultiVectorLinearOp |
   Thyra::PreconditionerFactoryBase< Scalar > [external] | |
    Thyra::AdjointPreconditionerFactory< Scalar > | Concrete PreconditionerFactoryBase subclass that wraps a preconditioner in AdjointPreconditioner |
    Thyra::MultiVectorPreconditionerFactory< Scalar > | Concrete PreconditionerFactoryBase subclass that wraps a preconditioner in MultiVectorPreconditioner |
    Thyra::ReusePreconditionerFactory< Scalar > | Concrete PreconditionerFactoryBase subclass that just returns an already created/initialized preconditioner object |
   Tempus::Integrator< Scalar > | Thyra Base interface for time integrators. Time integrators are designed to advance the solution from an initial time, , to a final time, |
    Tempus::IntegratorAdjointSensitivity< Scalar > | Time integrator suitable for adjoint sensitivity analysis |
    Tempus::IntegratorBasic< Scalar > | Basic time integrator |
    Tempus::IntegratorForwardSensitivity< Scalar > | Time integrator implementing forward sensitivity analysis |
    Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity< Scalar > | Time integrator suitable for pseudotransient adjoint sensitivity analysis |
    Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity< Scalar > | Time integrator suitable for pseudotransient forward sensitivity analysis |
   Tempus::Interpolator< Scalar > | Base strategy class for interpolation functionality |
    Tempus::InterpolatorLagrange< Scalar > | Concrete implemenation of Interpolator that does simple lagrange interpolation |
   Tempus::PhysicsState< Scalar > | PhysicsState is a simple class to hold information about the physics |
    Tempus_Test::PhysicsStateCounter< Scalar > | PhysicsStateCounter is a simple PhysicsState that counts steps |
   Tempus::RKButcherTableau< Scalar > | Runge-Kutta methods |
   Tempus::SolutionHistory< Scalar > | SolutionHistory is basically a container of SolutionStates. SolutionHistory maintains a collection of SolutionStates for later retrival and reuse, such as checkpointing, restart, and undo operations |
   Tempus::SolutionState< Scalar > | Solution state for integrators and steppers |
   Tempus::SolutionStateMetaData< Scalar > | Solution state meta data |
   Tempus::Stepper< Scalar > | Thyra Base interface for time steppers |
    Tempus::StepperExplicit< Scalar > | Thyra Base interface for implicit time steppers |
     Tempus::StepperExplicitRK< Scalar > | Explicit Runge-Kutta time stepper |
      Tempus::StepperERK_3_8Rule< Scalar > | Explicit RK 3/8th Rule Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperERK_3Stage3rdOrder< Scalar > | RK Explicit 3 Stage 3rd order |
      Tempus::StepperERK_3Stage3rdOrderHeun< Scalar > | RK Explicit 3 Stage 3rd order by Heun |
      Tempus::StepperERK_3Stage3rdOrderTVD< Scalar > | RK Explicit 3 Stage 3rd order TVD |
      Tempus::StepperERK_4Stage3rdOrderRunge< Scalar > | RK Explicit 4 Stage 3rd order by Runge |
      Tempus::StepperERK_4Stage4thOrder< Scalar > | Runge-Kutta 4th order Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperERK_5Stage3rdOrderKandG< Scalar > | RK Explicit 5 Stage 3rd order by Kinnmark and Gray |
      Tempus::StepperERK_BogackiShampine32< Scalar > | Explicit RK Bogacki-Shampine Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperERK_ForwardEuler< Scalar > | Forward Euler Runge-Kutta Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperERK_General< Scalar > | General Explicit Runge-Kutta Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperERK_Merson45< Scalar > | Explicit RK Merson Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperERK_Midpoint< Scalar > | RK Explicit Midpoint |
      Tempus::StepperERK_Ralston< Scalar > | RK Explicit Ralston |
      Tempus::StepperERK_SSPERK54< Scalar > | Strong Stability Preserving Explicit RK Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperERK_Trapezoidal< Scalar > | RK Explicit Trapezoidal |
     Tempus::StepperForwardEuler< Scalar > | Forward Euler time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperLeapfrog< Scalar > | Leapfrog time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAForm< Scalar > | Newmark Explicit time stepper |
     Tempus_Test::StepperPhysicsStateTest< Scalar > | This is a Forward Euler time stepper to test the PhysicsState |
    Tempus::StepperImplicit< Scalar > | Thyra Base interface for implicit time steppers |
     Tempus::StepperBackwardEuler< Scalar > | Backward Euler time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperBDF2< Scalar > | BDF2 (Backward-Difference-Formula-2) time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperDIRK< Scalar > | Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK) time stepper |
      Tempus::StepperDIRK_1Stage1stOrderRadauIA< Scalar > | RK Implicit 1 Stage 1st order Radau IA |
      Tempus::StepperDIRK_1StageTheta< Scalar > | DIRK 1 Stage Theta |
      Tempus::StepperDIRK_2Stage2ndOrderLobattoIIIB< Scalar > | RK Implicit 2 Stage 2nd order Lobatto IIIB |
      Tempus::StepperDIRK_BackwardEuler< Scalar > | Backward Euler Runge-Kutta Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperDIRK_General< Scalar > | General Implicit Runge-Kutta Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperEDIRK_2Stage3rdOrder< Scalar > | EDIRK 2 Stage 3rd order |
      Tempus::StepperEDIRK_2StageTheta< Scalar > | EDIRK 2 Stage Theta Method |
      Tempus::StepperEDIRK_TrapezoidalRule< Scalar > | RK Trapezoidal Rule (A.K.A. RK Crank-Nicolson) |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_21Pair< Scalar > | SDIRK 2(1) pair |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_2Stage2ndOrder< Scalar > | SDIRK 2 Stage 2nd order |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_2Stage3rdOrder< Scalar > | SDIRK 2 Stage 3rd order |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_3Stage2ndOrder< Scalar > | SDIRK 3 Stage 2nd order |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_3Stage4thOrder< Scalar > | SDIRK 3 Stage 4th order |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_5Stage4thOrder< Scalar > | SDIRK 5 Stage 4th order |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_5Stage5thOrder< Scalar > | SDIRK 5 Stage 5th order |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_ImplicitMidpoint< Scalar > | SDIRK Implicit Midpoint |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_SSPDIRK22< Scalar > | Strong Stability Preserving Diagonally-Implicit RK Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_SSPDIRK23< Scalar > | Strong Stability Preserving Diagonally-Implicit RK Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_SSPDIRK32< Scalar > | Strong Stability Preserving Diagonally-Implicit RK Butcher Tableau |
      Tempus::StepperSDIRK_SSPDIRK33< Scalar > | Strong Stability Preserving Diagonally-Implicit RK Butcher Tableau |
     Tempus::StepperHHTAlpha< Scalar > | HHT-Alpha time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperIMEX_RK< Scalar > | Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta (IMEX-RK) time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperIMEX_RK_Partition< Scalar > | Partitioned Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta (IMEX-RK) time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAForm< Scalar > | Newmark time stepper in acceleration form (a-form) |
     Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDForm< Scalar > | Newmark time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperTrapezoidal< Scalar > | Trapezoidal method time stepper |
    Tempus::StepperOperatorSplit< Scalar > | OperatorSplit stepper loops through the Stepper list |
    Tempus::StepperRKBase< Scalar > | Base class for Runge-Kutta methods, ExplicitRK, DIRK and IMEX |
     Tempus::StepperDIRK< Scalar > | Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK) time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperExplicitRK< Scalar > | Explicit Runge-Kutta time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperIMEX_RK< Scalar > | Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta (IMEX-RK) time stepper |
     Tempus::StepperIMEX_RK_Partition< Scalar > | Partitioned Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta (IMEX-RK) time stepper |
    Tempus::StepperStaggeredForwardSensitivity< Scalar > | A stepper implementing staggered forward sensitivity analysis |
    Tempus::StepperSubcycling< Scalar > | Subcycling time stepper |
   Tempus::StepperState< Scalar > | StepperState is a simple class to hold state information about the stepper |
   Tempus::TimeStepControl< Scalar > | TimeStepControl manages the time step size. There several mechanisms that effect the time step size and handled with this class: |
   Tempus::TimeStepControlStrategy< Scalar > | TimeStepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl |
    Tempus::TimeStepControlStrategyBasicVS< Scalar > | StepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl |
    Tempus::TimeStepControlStrategyComposite< Scalar > | TimeStepControlStrategyComposite loops over a vector of TimeStepControlStrategies |
    Tempus::TimeStepControlStrategyConstant< Scalar > | StepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl |
    Tempus::TimeStepControlStrategyIntegralController< Scalar > | StepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl |
   Thyra::LinearOpBase< class > [external] | |
    Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > [external] | |
     Thyra::ScaledIdentityLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar > | Implicit concrete LinearOpBase subclass that takes a flattended out multi-vector and performs a multi-RHS apply with it |
    Thyra::RowStatLinearOpBase< Scalar > [external] | |
     Thyra::MultiVectorLinearOp< Scalar > | Implicit concrete LinearOpBase subclass that takes a flattended out multi-vector and performs a multi-RHS apply with it |
    Thyra::ScaledLinearOpBase< Scalar > [external] | |
     Thyra::MultiVectorLinearOp< Scalar > | Implicit concrete LinearOpBase subclass that takes a flattended out multi-vector and performs a multi-RHS apply with it |
   Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase [external] | |
    Thyra::ModelEvaluator< class > [external] | |
     Thyra::ModelEvaluatorDefaultBase< Scalar > [external] | |
      Thyra::ModelEvaluatorDelegatorBase< Scalar > [external] | |
       Thyra::ImplicitAdjointModelEvaluator< Scalar > | An implementation of AdjointModelEvaluatorBase that creates an implicit adjoint from the supplied model evaluator |
      Thyra::StateFuncModelEvaluatorBase< SC > [external] | |
       Tempus_Test::CDR_Model_Tpetra< SC, LO, GO, Node > | 1D CGFEM model for convection/diffusion/reaction |
      Thyra::StateFuncModelEvaluatorBase< Scalar > [external] | |
       Tempus::AdjointAuxSensitivityModelEvaluator< Scalar > | ModelEvaluator for forming adjoint sensitivity equations |
       Tempus::AdjointSensitivityModelEvaluator< Scalar > | ModelEvaluator for forming adjoint sensitivity equations |
       Tempus::AuxiliaryIntegralModelEvaluator< Scalar > | ModelEvaluator for integrating auxiliary equations |
       Tempus::CombinedForwardSensitivityModelEvaluator< Scalar > | Transform a ModelEvaluator's sensitivity equations to its residual |
       Tempus::StaggeredForwardSensitivityModelEvaluator< Scalar > | Transform a ModelEvaluator's sensitivity equations to its residual |
       Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluator< Scalar > | A ModelEvaluator which wraps the application ModelEvaluator |
        Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorBasic< Scalar > | A ModelEvaluator for residual evaluations given a state. This ModelEvaluator takes a state, x, and determines its residual, , which is suitable for a nonlinear solve. This is accomplished by computing the time derivative of the state, x_dot, (through Lambda functions), supplying the current time, and calling the application application ModelEvaluator, |
        Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairIMEX< Scalar > | ModelEvaluator pair for implicit and explicit (IMEX) evaluations |
         Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairIMEX_Basic< Scalar > | ModelEvaluator pair for implicit and explicit (IMEX) evaulations |
          Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairIMEX_CombinedFSA< Scalar > | Specialization of IMEX ME for "combined" FSA method |
          Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairIMEX_StaggeredFSA< Scalar > | Specialization of IMEX ME for "staggered" FSA method |
         Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairPartIMEX_Basic< Scalar > | ModelEvaluator pair for implicit and explicit (IMEX) evaulations |
          Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairPartIMEX_CombinedFSA< Scalar > | Specialization of IMEX-Part ME for "combined" FSA method |
          Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairPartIMEX_StaggeredFSA< Scalar > | Specialization of IMEX-Part ME for "combined" FSA method |
        Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorSecondOrder< Scalar > | A ModelEvaluator for residual evaluations given a state. This ModelEvaluator takes a state, x, and determines its residual, , which is suitable for a nonlinear solve. This is accomplished by computing the time derivative of the state, x_dot, (through Lambda functions), supplying the current time, and calling the application application ModelEvaluator, |
       Tempus_Test::CDR_Model< Scalar > | 1D CGFEM model for convection/diffusion/reaction |
       Tempus_Test::DahlquistTestModel< Scalar > | The classic Dahlquist Test Problem |
       Tempus_Test::HarmonicOscillatorModel< Scalar > | Consider the ODE:
where is a constant, is a constant damping parameter, is a constant forcing parameter, and is a constant mass parameter, with initial conditions are:
It is straight-forward to show that the exact solution to this ODE is:
where , and . While it is possible to derive the solution to this ODE for the case when and , we do not consider that case here. When , , and , our ODE simplies to a canonical differential equation model of a ball thrown up in the air, with a parabolic trajectory solution, namely
where . An EpetraExt version of this simplified version of the test is implemented in Piro::MockModelEval_B (see Trilinos/packages/piro/test), where it is used to test the Piro (EpetraExt) Newmark-Beta scheme (see input_Solver_NB.xml input file). When and , this test is equivalent to the SinCos model. |
       Tempus_Test::SinCosModel< Scalar > | Sine-Cosine model problem from Rythmos. This is a canonical Sine-Cosine differential equation
with a few enhancements. We start with the exact solution to the differential equation
then the form of the model is
where the default parameter values are , , and , and the initial conditions
determine the remaining coefficients
        Tempus_Test::SinCosModelAdjoint< Scalar > | Non-member constructor |
       Tempus_Test::SteadyQuadraticModel< Scalar > | Simple quadratic equation with a stable steady-state |
       Tempus_Test::VanDerPol_IMEX_ExplicitModel< Scalar > | Van der Pol model formulated for IMEX |
       Tempus_Test::VanDerPol_IMEX_ImplicitModel< Scalar > | Van der Pol model formulated for IMEX-RK |
       Tempus_Test::VanDerPol_IMEXPart_ImplicitModel< Scalar > | Van der Pol model formulated for the partitioned IMEX-RK |
       Tempus_Test::VanDerPolModel< Scalar > | Van der Pol model problem for nonlinear electrical circuit |
       VanDerPol_ModelEvaluator_02< Scalar > | ModelEvaluator implementation for the example van der Pol Problem |
      Tempus::SensitivityModelEvaluatorBase< Scalar > | A ModelEvaluator decorator for sensitivity analysis |
       Tempus::CombinedForwardSensitivityModelEvaluator< Scalar > | Transform a ModelEvaluator's sensitivity equations to its residual |
       Tempus::StaggeredForwardSensitivityModelEvaluator< Scalar > | Transform a ModelEvaluator's sensitivity equations to its residual |
       Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairIMEX_CombinedFSA< Scalar > | Specialization of IMEX ME for "combined" FSA method |
       Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairIMEX_StaggeredFSA< Scalar > | Specialization of IMEX ME for "staggered" FSA method |
       Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairPartIMEX_CombinedFSA< Scalar > | Specialization of IMEX-Part ME for "combined" FSA method |
       Tempus::WrapperModelEvaluatorPairPartIMEX_StaggeredFSA< Scalar > | Specialization of IMEX-Part ME for "combined" FSA method |
 Tempus_Test::LinearRegression< Scalar > | Linear regression class. Copied and modified from Rythmos |
 Tempus_Test::ModelEvaluator1DFEM< Scalar > | |
 Teuchos::ParameterListAcceptor [external] | |
  Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > [external] | |
  Thyra::PreconditionerFactoryBase< Scalar > [external] | |
  Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity< Scalar > | Time integrator suitable for pseudotransient adjoint sensitivity analysis |
  Tempus::Interpolator< Scalar > | Base strategy class for interpolation functionality |
  Tempus::StepperStaggeredForwardSensitivity< Scalar > | A stepper implementing staggered forward sensitivity analysis |
  Teuchos::ParameterListAcceptorDefaultBase [external] | |
   Tempus_Test::HarmonicOscillatorModel< Scalar > | Consider the ODE:
where is a constant, is a constant damping parameter, is a constant forcing parameter, and is a constant mass parameter, with initial conditions are:
It is straight-forward to show that the exact solution to this ODE is:
where , and . While it is possible to derive the solution to this ODE for the case when and , we do not consider that case here. When , , and , our ODE simplies to a canonical differential equation model of a ball thrown up in the air, with a parabolic trajectory solution, namely
where . An EpetraExt version of this simplified version of the test is implemented in Piro::MockModelEval_B (see Trilinos/packages/piro/test), where it is used to test the Piro (EpetraExt) Newmark-Beta scheme (see input_Solver_NB.xml input file). When and , this test is equivalent to the SinCos model. |
   Tempus_Test::SinCosModel< Scalar > | Sine-Cosine model problem from Rythmos. This is a canonical Sine-Cosine differential equation
with a few enhancements. We start with the exact solution to the differential equation
then the form of the model is
where the default parameter values are , , and , and the initial conditions
determine the remaining coefficients
   Tempus_Test::SteadyQuadraticModel< Scalar > | Simple quadratic equation with a stable steady-state |
   Tempus_Test::VanDerPol_IMEX_ExplicitModel< Scalar > | Van der Pol model formulated for IMEX |
   Tempus_Test::VanDerPol_IMEX_ImplicitModel< Scalar > | Van der Pol model formulated for IMEX-RK |
   Tempus_Test::VanDerPol_IMEXPart_ImplicitModel< Scalar > | Van der Pol model formulated for the partitioned IMEX-RK |
   Tempus_Test::VanDerPolModel< Scalar > | Van der Pol model problem for nonlinear electrical circuit |
 Tempus_Test::PreconditionerEvaluatorFunctor< TpetraVectorType, TpetraMatrixType > | |
 Tempus::Stepper_ErrorNorm< Scalar > | Stepper_ErrorNorm provides error norm calcualtions for variable time stepping |
 Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerAppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for StepperBackwardEuler |
  Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperBackwardEuler |
   Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperBackwardEuler |
  Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperBackwardEuler |
   Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperBackwardEuler |
  Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerObserverBase< Scalar > | Base observer for StepperBackwardEuler |
   Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerObserverDefault< Scalar > | Default observer for StepperBackwardEuler |
 Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerModifierXBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerObserverBase< double > | |
 Tempus::StepperBDF2AppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for StepperBDF2 |
  Tempus::StepperBDF2AppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperBDF2ModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperBDF2 |
   Tempus::StepperBDF2ModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperBDF2 |
  Tempus::StepperBDF2ModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperBDF2 |
   Tempus::StepperBDF2ModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperBDF2 |
  Tempus::StepperBDF2ObserverBase< Scalar > | Base observer for StepperBDF2 |
   Tempus::StepperBDF2ObserverDefault< Scalar > | Default observer for StepperBDF2 |
 Tempus::StepperBDF2AppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperBDF2ModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperBDF2ModifierXBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperBDF2ObserverBase< double > | |
 Tempus::StepperFactory< Scalar > | Stepper factory |
 Tempus::StepperForwardEulerAppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for StepperForwardEuler |
  Tempus::StepperForwardEulerAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperForwardEulerModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperBackwardEuler |
   Tempus::StepperForwardEulerModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperForwardEuler |
  Tempus::StepperForwardEulerModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperForwardEuler |
   Tempus::StepperForwardEulerModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperForwardEuler |
  Tempus::StepperForwardEulerObserverBase< Scalar > | Base observer for StepperForwardEuler |
   Tempus::StepperForwardEulerObserverDefault< Scalar > | Default observer for StepperForwardEuler |
 Tempus::StepperForwardEulerAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperForwardEulerModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperForwardEulerModifierXBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperForwardEulerObserverBase< double > | |
 Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaAppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for HHT Alpha |
  Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperHHTAlpha |
   Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperHHTAlpha |
  Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperHHTAlpha |
   Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperHHTAlpha |
  Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaObserverBase< Scalar > | Base observer for StepperHHTAlpha |
   Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaObserverDefault< Scalar > | Default observer for StepperHHTAlpha |
 Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaModifierXBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperHHTAlphaObserverBase< double > | |
 Tempus::StepperLeapfrogAppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for StepperLeapfrog |
  Tempus::StepperLeapfrogAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperLeapfrogModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperLeapfrog |
   Tempus::StepperLeapfrogModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperLeapfrog |
  Tempus::StepperLeapfrogModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperLeapfrog |
   Tempus::StepperLeapfrogModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperLeapfrog |
  Tempus::StepperLeapfrogObserverBase< Scalar > | Base observer for StepperLeapfrog |
   Tempus::StepperLeapfrogObserverDefault< Scalar > | Default observer for StepperLeapfrog |
 Tempus::StepperLeapfrogAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperLeapfrogModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperLeapfrogModifierXBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperLeapfrogObserverBase< double > | |
 Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAFormAppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for StepperNewmarkExplicitAForm |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAFormAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAFormModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperNewmarkExplicitAForm |
   Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAFormModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperNewmarkExplicitAForm |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAFormModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperNewmarkExplicitAForm |
   Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAFormModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperNewmarkExplicitAForm |
 Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAFormAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAFormModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAFormModifierXBase< double > | |
 Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAFormAppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for StepperNewmarkImplicitAForm |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAFormAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAFormModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperNewmarkImplicitAForm |
   Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAFormModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperNewmarkImplicitAForm |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAFormModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperNewmarkImplicitAForm |
   Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAFormModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperNewmarkImplicitAForm |
 Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAFormAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAFormModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAFormModifierXBase< double > | |
 Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDFormAppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for StepperNewmarkImplicitDForm |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDFormAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDFormModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperNewmarkImplicitDForm |
   Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDFormModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperNewmarkImplicitDForm |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDFormModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperNewmarkImplicitDForm |
   Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDFormModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperNewmarkImplicitDForm |
 Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDFormAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDFormModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDFormModifierXBase< double > | |
 Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitAppAction< Scalar > | StepperOperatorSplitAppAction class for StepperOperatorSplit |
  Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for OperatorSplit |
   Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperOperatorSplit |
  Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperOperatorSplit |
   Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperOperatorSplit |
  Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitObserverBase< Scalar > | Base observer for StepperOperatorSplit |
   Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitObserverDefault< Scalar > | Default observer for StepperOperatorSplit |
 Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitModifierXBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperOperatorSplitObserverBase< double > | |
 Tempus::StepperOptimizationInterface< Scalar > | Stepper interface to support full-space optimization |
  Tempus::StepperBackwardEuler< Scalar > | Backward Euler time stepper |
 Tempus::StepperRKAppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for StepperRKBase |
  Tempus::StepperRKAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperRKModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperRK |
   Tempus::StepperRKModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperRK |
  Tempus::StepperRKModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperRK |
   Tempus::StepperRKModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperRK |
  Tempus::StepperRKObserverBase< Scalar > | Base observer for StepperRK |
   Tempus::StepperRKObserverDefault< Scalar > | Default observer for StepperRK |
 Tempus::StepperRKAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperRKModifierBase< double > | |
   Tempus_Unit_Test::StepperRKModifierTest | Unit test class for RK Stepper Modifier AppAction |
  Tempus::StepperRKModifierXBase< double > | |
   Tempus_Unit_Test::StepperRKModifierXTest | |
  Tempus::StepperRKObserverBase< double > | |
   Tempus_Unit_Test::StepperRKObserverTest | Unit test class for RK Stepper Observer AppAction |
 Tempus::StepperSubcyclingAppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for StepperSubcycling |
  Tempus::StepperSubcyclingAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperSubcyclingModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperSubcycling |
   Tempus::StepperSubcyclingModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperSubcycling |
  Tempus::StepperSubcyclingModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperSubcycling |
   Tempus::StepperSubcyclingModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperSubcycling |
  Tempus::StepperSubcyclingObserverBase< Scalar > | Base observer for StepperSubcycling |
   Tempus::StepperSubcyclingObserverDefault< Scalar > | Default observer for StepperSubcycling |
 Tempus::StepperSubcyclingAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperSubcyclingModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperSubcyclingModifierXBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperSubcyclingObserverBase< double > | |
 Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalAppAction< Scalar > | Application Action for StepperTrapezoidal |
  Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalAppActionComposite< Scalar > | This composite AppAction loops over added AppActions |
  Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalModifierBase< Scalar > | Base modifier for StepperTrapezoidal |
   Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalModifierDefault< Scalar > | Default modifier for StepperTrapezoidal |
  Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalModifierXBase< Scalar > | Base ModifierX for StepperTrapezoidal |
   Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalModifierXDefault< Scalar > | Default ModifierX for StepperTrapezoidal |
  Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalObserverBase< Scalar > | Base observer for StepperTrapezoidal |
   Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalObserverDefault< Scalar > | Default observer for StepperTrapezoidal |
 Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalAppAction< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalModifierBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalModifierXBase< double > | |
  Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalObserverBase< double > | |
 Tempus_Test::TBasis< Scalar, LO > | |
 Tempus::TimeDerivative< Scalar > | This interface defines the time derivative connection between an implicit Stepper and WrapperModelEvaluator |
  Tempus::StepperBackwardEulerTimeDerivative< Scalar > | Time-derivative interface for Backward Euler |
  Tempus::StepperBDF2TimeDerivative< Scalar > | Time-derivative interface for BDF2 |
  Tempus::StepperDIRKTimeDerivative< Scalar > | Time-derivative interface for DIRK |
  Tempus::StepperIMEX_RKPartTimeDerivative< Scalar > | Time-derivative interface for Partitioned IMEX RK |
  Tempus::StepperIMEX_RKTimeDerivative< Scalar > | Time-derivative interface for IMEX RK |
  Tempus::StepperTrapezoidalTimeDerivative< Scalar > | Time-derivative interface for Trapezoidal method |
 Tempus::TimeEventBase< Scalar > | This class defines time events which can be used to "trigger" an action |
  Tempus::TimeEventComposite< Scalar > | This composite TimeEvent loops over added TimeEvents |
  Tempus::TimeEventList< Scalar > | TimeEventList specifies a list of time events |
  Tempus::TimeEventListIndex< Scalar > | TimeEventListIndex specifies a list of index events |
  Tempus::TimeEventRange< Scalar > | TimeEventRange specifies a start, stop and stride time |
  Tempus::TimeEventRangeIndex< Scalar > | TimeEventRangeIndex specifies a start, stop and stride index |
 VerboseObject | |
  Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > [external] | |
  Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > [external] | |
  Thyra::PreconditionerFactoryBase< Scalar > [external] | |
  Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase [external] | |
 Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase [external] | |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< Interpolator< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::Interpolator< Scalar > | Base strategy class for interpolation functionality |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< RKButcherTableau< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::RKButcherTableau< Scalar > | Runge-Kutta methods |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< SolutionHistory< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::SolutionHistory< Scalar > | SolutionHistory is basically a container of SolutionStates. SolutionHistory maintains a collection of SolutionStates for later retrival and reuse, such as checkpointing, restart, and undo operations |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< Stepper< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::Stepper< Scalar > | Thyra Base interface for time steppers |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< Tempus::Integrator< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::Integrator< Scalar > | Thyra Base interface for time integrators. Time integrators are designed to advance the solution from an initial time, , to a final time, |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< Tempus::PhysicsState< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::PhysicsState< Scalar > | PhysicsState is a simple class to hold information about the physics |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< Tempus::SolutionState< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::SolutionState< Scalar > | Solution state for integrators and steppers |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< Tempus::SolutionStateMetaData< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::SolutionStateMetaData< Scalar > | Solution state meta data |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< Tempus::StepperState< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::StepperState< Scalar > | StepperState is a simple class to hold state information about the stepper |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< Tempus::TimeStepControl< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::TimeStepControl< Scalar > | TimeStepControl manages the time step size. There several mechanisms that effect the time step size and handled with this class: |
  Teuchos::VerboseObject< Tempus::TimeStepControlStrategy< Scalar > > [external] | |
   Tempus::TimeStepControlStrategy< Scalar > | TimeStepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl |