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Tempus::Stepper< Scalar > Class Template Referenceabstract

Thyra Base interface for time steppers. More...

#include <Tempus_Integrator.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >:
Teuchos::Describable Teuchos::VerboseObject< Stepper< Scalar > > Teuchos::LabeledObject Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase Tempus::StepperExplicit< Scalar > Tempus::StepperImplicit< Scalar > Tempus::StepperOperatorSplit< Scalar > Tempus::StepperRKBase< Scalar > Tempus::StepperStaggeredForwardSensitivity< Scalar > Tempus::StepperSubcycling< Scalar > Tempus::StepperExplicitRK< Scalar > Tempus::StepperForwardEuler< Scalar > Tempus::StepperLeapfrog< Scalar > Tempus::StepperNewmarkExplicitAForm< Scalar > Tempus_Test::StepperPhysicsStateTest< Scalar > Tempus::StepperBackwardEuler< Scalar > Tempus::StepperBDF2< Scalar > Tempus::StepperDIRK< Scalar > Tempus::StepperHHTAlpha< Scalar > Tempus::StepperIMEX_RK< Scalar > Tempus::StepperIMEX_RK_Partition< Scalar > Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitAForm< Scalar > Tempus::StepperNewmarkImplicitDForm< Scalar > Tempus::StepperTrapezoidal< Scalar > Tempus::StepperDIRK< Scalar > Tempus::StepperExplicitRK< Scalar > Tempus::StepperIMEX_RK< Scalar > Tempus::StepperIMEX_RK_Partition< Scalar >

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isValidSetup (Teuchos::FancyOStream &out) const
void setStepperValues (const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > pl)
 Set Stepper member data from ParameterList. More...
virtual Teuchos::RCP< const
getValidParameters () const
< Teuchos::ParameterList
getValidParametersBasic () const
 Add basic parameters to Steppers ParameterList. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::Describable
void describe (std::ostream &out, const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=verbLevel_default) const
virtual ~Describable ()
 LabeledObject ()
virtual ~LabeledObject ()
virtual void setObjectLabel (const std::string &objectLabel)
virtual std::string getObjectLabel () const
DescribableStreamManipulatorState describe (const Describable &describable, const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=Describable::verbLevel_default)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DescribableStreamManipulatorState &d)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObject< Stepper< Scalar > >
 VerboseObject (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=VERB_DEFAULT, const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream=Teuchos::null)
virtual const VerboseObjectsetVerbLevel (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const
virtual const VerboseObjectsetOverridingVerbLevel (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const
virtual EVerbosityLevel getVerbLevel () const
RCP< const ParameterList
getValidVerboseObjectSublist ()
setupVerboseObjectSublist (ParameterList *paramList)
readVerboseObjectSublist (ParameterList *paramList, RCP< FancyOStream > *oStream, EVerbosityLevel *verbLevel)
void readVerboseObjectSublist (ParameterList *paramList, VerboseObject< ObjectType > *verboseObject)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase
virtual ~VerboseObjectBase ()
 VerboseObjectBase (const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream=Teuchos::null)
virtual const VerboseObjectBasesetOStream (const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream) const
virtual const VerboseObjectBasesetOverridingOStream (const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream) const
virtual VerboseObjectBasesetLinePrefix (const std::string &linePrefix)
virtual RCP< FancyOStreamgetOStream () const
virtual RCP< FancyOStreamgetOverridingOStream () const
virtual std::string getLinePrefix () const
virtual OSTab getOSTab (const int tabs=1, const std::string &linePrefix="") const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void setStepperX (Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > x)
 Set x for Stepper storage. More...
virtual void setStepperXDot (Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > xDot)
 Set xDot for Stepper storage. More...
virtual void setStepperXDotDot (Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > xDotDot)
 Set x for Stepper storage. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObject< Stepper< Scalar > >
void initializeVerboseObject (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=VERB_DEFAULT, const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream=Teuchos::null)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase
void initializeVerboseObjectBase (const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream=Teuchos::null)
virtual void informUpdatedVerbosityState () const

Protected Attributes

bool useFSAL_ = false
 Use First-Same-As-Last (FSAL) principle. More...
bool isInitialized_
 True if stepper's member data is initialized. More...

Private Attributes

std::string stepperName_
 Name used for output and ParameterLists. More...
std::string stepperType_
 Name of stepper type. More...
std::string ICConsistency_
 Type of consistency to apply to ICs. More...
bool ICConsistencyCheck_
 Check if the initial condition is consistent. More...
< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > 
< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > 
< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > 

Basic stepper methods

virtual void setModel (const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &appModel)
virtual Teuchos::RCP< const
Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > 
getModel () const
virtual void setSolver (Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::NonlinearSolverBase< Scalar > > solver)
 Set solver. More...
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< Thyra::NonlinearSolverBase
< Scalar > > 
getSolver () const
 Get solver. More...
virtual void initialize ()
 Initialize after construction and changing input parameters. More...
virtual bool isInitialized ()
 True if stepper's member data is initialized. More...
virtual void checkInitialized ()
 Check initialization, and error out on failure. More...
virtual void setInitialConditions (const Teuchos::RCP< SolutionHistory< Scalar > > &solutionHistory)=0
 Set initial conditions, make them consistent, and set stepper memory. More...
virtual void takeStep (const Teuchos::RCP< SolutionHistory< Scalar > > &solutionHistory)=0
 Take the specified timestep, dt, and return true if successful. More...
virtual void setInitialGuess (Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > initialGuess=Teuchos::null)=0
 Pass initial guess to Newton solver (for implicit schemes) More...
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< Tempus::StepperState< Scalar > > 
getDefaultStepperState ()=0
virtual Scalar getOrder () const =0
virtual Scalar getOrderMin () const =0
virtual Scalar getOrderMax () const =0
virtual Scalar getInitTimeStep (const Teuchos::RCP< SolutionHistory< Scalar > > &solutionHistory) const =0
virtual bool isExplicit () const =0
virtual bool isImplicit () const =0
virtual bool isExplicitImplicit () const =0
virtual bool isOneStepMethod () const =0
virtual bool isMultiStepMethod () const =0
void setStepperName (std::string s)
 Set the stepper name. More...
std::string getStepperName () const
 Get the stepper name. More...
std::string getStepperType () const
 Get the stepper type. The stepper type is used as an identifier for the stepper, and can only be set by the derived Stepper class. More...
virtual void setUseFSAL (bool a)
void setUseFSALTrueOnly (bool a)
void setUseFSALFalseOnly (bool a)
bool getUseFSAL () const
void setICConsistency (std::string s)
std::string getICConsistency () const
void setICConsistencyCheck (bool c)
bool getICConsistencyCheck () const
virtual OrderODE getOrderODE () const =0
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > 
getStepperX ()
 Get Stepper x. More...
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > 
getStepperXDot ()
 Get Stepper xDot. More...
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > 
getStepperXDotDot ()
 Get Stepper xDotDot. More...
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > 
getStepperXDotDot (Teuchos::RCP< SolutionState< Scalar > > state)
 Get xDotDot from SolutionState or Stepper storage. More...
void setStepperType (std::string s)
 Set the stepper type. More...

Overridden from Teuchos::Describable

virtual std::string description () const
virtual void describe (Teuchos::FancyOStream &out, const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObject< Stepper< Scalar > >
static void setDefaultVerbLevel (const EVerbosityLevel defaultVerbLevel)
static EVerbosityLevel getDefaultVerbLevel ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase
static void setDefaultOStream (const RCP< FancyOStream > &defaultOStream)
static RCP< FancyOStreamgetDefaultOStream ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Teuchos::Describable
static const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel_default

Detailed Description

template<typename Scalar>
class Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >

Thyra Base interface for time steppers.

Design Considerations

Definition at line 26 of file Tempus_Integrator.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Scalar >
virtual void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setModel ( const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &  appModel)
template<typename Scalar >
virtual Teuchos::RCP<const Thyra::ModelEvaluator<Scalar> > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getModel ( ) const
template<typename Scalar >
virtual void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setSolver ( Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::NonlinearSolverBase< Scalar > >  solver)
template<typename Scalar >
virtual Teuchos::RCP<Thyra::NonlinearSolverBase<Scalar> > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getSolver ( ) const
template<class Scalar >
void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::initialize ( )
template<typename Scalar >
virtual bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::isInitialized ( )

True if stepper's member data is initialized.

Definition at line 88 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::checkInitialized ( )

Check initialization, and error out on failure.

Definition at line 32 of file Tempus_Stepper_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
virtual void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setInitialConditions ( const Teuchos::RCP< SolutionHistory< Scalar > > &  solutionHistory)
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::takeStep ( const Teuchos::RCP< SolutionHistory< Scalar > > &  solutionHistory)
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setInitialGuess ( Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > >  initialGuess = Teuchos::null)
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual Teuchos::RCP<Tempus::StepperState<Scalar> > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getDefaultStepperState ( )
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual Scalar Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getOrder ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual Scalar Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getOrderMin ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual Scalar Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getOrderMax ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual Scalar Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getInitTimeStep ( const Teuchos::RCP< SolutionHistory< Scalar > > &  solutionHistory) const
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::isExplicit ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::isImplicit ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::isExplicitImplicit ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::isOneStepMethod ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
virtual bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::isMultiStepMethod ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Scalar >
void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setStepperName ( std::string  s)

Set the stepper name.

Definition at line 121 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
std::string Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getStepperName ( ) const

Get the stepper name.

The stepper name is just a name used to distinguish it during I/O and in ParameterLists, and can be anything the user would like. One example is when two steppers of the same type (see getStepperType()) are being used during the same simulation. The user can name one as "Stepper with settings 1" and the other as "Stepper with settings 2". The default name is the stepper type (e.g., "BDF2" or "Bogacki-Shampine 3(2) Pair").

Definition at line 137 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setStepperType ( std::string  s)

Set the stepper type.

Definition at line 141 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
std::string Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getStepperType ( ) const

Get the stepper type. The stepper type is used as an identifier for the stepper, and can only be set by the derived Stepper class.

Definition at line 152 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
virtual void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setUseFSAL ( bool  a)
template<class Scalar >
void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setUseFSALTrueOnly ( bool  a)

Definition at line 43 of file Tempus_Stepper_impl.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setUseFSALFalseOnly ( bool  a)

Definition at line 56 of file Tempus_Stepper_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getUseFSAL ( ) const

Definition at line 157 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setICConsistency ( std::string  s)

Definition at line 159 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
std::string Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getICConsistency ( ) const

Definition at line 164 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setICConsistencyCheck ( bool  c)

Definition at line 166 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getICConsistencyCheck ( ) const

Definition at line 171 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
virtual OrderODE Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getOrderODE ( ) const
pure virtual
template<class Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getStepperX ( )

Get Stepper x.

Definition at line 69 of file Tempus_Stepper_impl.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getStepperXDot ( )

Get Stepper xDot.

Definition at line 80 of file Tempus_Stepper_impl.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getStepperXDotDot ( )

Get Stepper xDotDot.

Definition at line 91 of file Tempus_Stepper_impl.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getStepperXDotDot ( Teuchos::RCP< SolutionState< Scalar > >  state)

Get xDotDot from SolutionState or Stepper storage.

Definition at line 102 of file Tempus_Stepper_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
virtual std::string Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::description ( ) const

Reimplemented from Teuchos::Describable.

Reimplemented in Tempus::StepperStaggeredForwardSensitivity< Scalar >.

Definition at line 191 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::describe ( Teuchos::FancyOStream out,
const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel  verbLevel 
) const
template<class Scalar >
bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::isValidSetup ( Teuchos::FancyOStream out) const
template<class Scalar >
void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setStepperValues ( const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList pl)

Set Stepper member data from ParameterList.

Definition at line 160 of file Tempus_Stepper_impl.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getValidParameters ( ) const
template<class Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::getValidParametersBasic ( ) const

Add basic parameters to Steppers ParameterList.

Definition at line 190 of file Tempus_Stepper_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
virtual void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setStepperX ( Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > >  x)

Set x for Stepper storage.

Definition at line 225 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
virtual void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setStepperXDot ( Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > >  xDot)

Set xDot for Stepper storage.

Definition at line 231 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
virtual void Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::setStepperXDotDot ( Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > >  xDotDot)

Set x for Stepper storage.

Definition at line 237 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename Scalar >
std::string Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::stepperName_

Name used for output and ParameterLists.

Definition at line 211 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
std::string Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::stepperType_

Name of stepper type.

Definition at line 212 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
std::string Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::ICConsistency_
Initial value:

Type of consistency to apply to ICs.

Definition at line 213 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::ICConsistencyCheck_
Initial value:

Check if the initial condition is consistent.

Definition at line 215 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::stepperX_

Definition at line 219 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::stepperXDot_

Definition at line 220 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::stepperXDotDot_

Definition at line 221 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::useFSAL_ = false

Use First-Same-As-Last (FSAL) principle.

Definition at line 243 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool Tempus::Stepper< Scalar >::isInitialized_
Initial value:

True if stepper's member data is initialized.

Definition at line 244 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: