Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
oCROL::Algorithm< Real >Provides an interface to run optimization algorithms
oCROL::TypeB::Algorithm< Real >Provides an interface to run bound constrained optimization algorithms
oCROL::TypeE::Algorithm< Real >
oCROL::TypeG::Algorithm< Real >Provides an interface to run general constrained optimization algorithms
oCROL::TypeP::Algorithm< Real >Provides an interface to run optimization algorithms to minimize composite optimization problems f+phi
oCROL::TypeU::Algorithm< Real >Provides an interface to run unconstrained optimization algorithms
oCROL::AlgorithmState< Real >State for algorithm class. Will be used for restarts
oCROL::BatchManager< Real >
oCROL::BoundConstraint< Real >Provides the interface to apply upper and lower bound constraints
oCBoundsProvides the elementwise interface to apply upper and lower bound constraints
oCROL::Bundle< Real >Provides the interface for and implements a bundle
oCROL::Bundle_U< Real >Provides the interface for and implements a bundle
oCBurgersFEM< Real >
oCConicApproximationModelProvides the interface to evaluate conic approximation function
oCROL::Constraint< Real >Defines the general constraint operator interface
oCROL::Constraint< RealT >
oCROL::ConstraintAssembler< Real >Provides a wrapper for multiple constraints
oCROL::ConstraintData< Real >
oCROL::ConstraintManager< Real >Provides a wrapper for multiple constraints
oCROL::DescentDirection_U< Real >Provides the interface to compute unconstrained optimization steps for line search
oCROL::Distribution< Real >
oCROL::details::DynamicConstraint_CheckInterface< Real >
oCROL::DynamicConstraintCheck< Real >
oCROL::DynamicFunction< Real >Provides update interface, casting and vector management to DynamicConstraint and DynamicObjective
oCROL::details::DynamicObjective_CheckInterface< Real >
oCROL::DynamicObjectiveCheck< Real >
oCExample_Objective< Real >Objective function:

\[f(x) = exp(x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5) + \frac{1}{2}*(x_1^3+x_2^3+1)^2 \]

oCROL::ExpectationQuad< Real >Provides a general interface for risk and error measures generated through the expectation risk quadrangle
oCFEM< Real >
oCFiniteDifference< Real >
oCFunctionZakharov< ScalarT >
oCFunctionZakharov< GradType >
oCFunctionZakharov< HessVecType >
oCFunctionZakharov< Real >
oCInnerProductMatrix< Real >
oCROL::Krylov< Real >Provides definitions for Krylov solvers
oCLagrange< Real >
oCROL::Lanczos< Real >Interface for computing the Lanczos vectors and approximate solutions to symmetric indefinite linear systems
oCROL::LinearOperator< Real >Provides the interface to apply a linear operator
oCROL::LinearRegression< Real >Provides the interface to construct linear regression problem
oCROL::LineSearch< Real >Provides interface for and implements line searches
oCROL::LineSearch_U< Real >Provides interface for and implements line searches
oCROL::MINRESImplements the MINRES algorithm for solving symmetric indefinite systems
oCROL::NewConstraintManager< Real >Provides a wrapper for multiple constraints
oCNodalBasis< Real >
oCROL::Objective< Real >Provides the interface to evaluate objective functions
oCObjectiveFromConstraintForm an objective function from a ROL::Constraint and a vector in the dual constraint space \(\lambda\in \mathcal{C}^\ast\)
oCROL::OptimizationProblem< Real >
oCROL::OptimizationProblemCheckData< Real >
oCROL::OptimizationSolver< Real >Provides a simplified interface for solving a wide range of optimization problems
oCROL::PenalizedObjectiveAdds barrier term to generic objective
oCdetails::PolarizationIdentity< Real >
oCROL::PolyhedralProjection< Real >
oCROL::PositiveFunction< Real >
oCROL::PrimalDualInteriorPointReducedResidualReduced form of the Primal Dual Interior Point residual and the action of its Jacobian
oCROL::PrimalDualRisk< Real >
oCROL::PrimalInteriorPointObjectiveProvides the interface to evaluate the Interior Pointy log barrier penalty function with upper and lower bounds on some elements
oCROL::Problem< Real >
oCROL::ProgressiveHedging< Real >Provides the interface to solve a stochastic program using progressive hedging
oCROL::RandVarFunctional< Real >Provides the interface to implement any functional that maps a random variable to a (extended) real number
oCROL::ReducedDynamicStationaryControlsObjectiveHook< Real >
oCROL::ReduceLinearConstraint< Real >Performs null-space transformation for reducible linear equality constraints
oCROL::RiskMeasure< Real >Provides the interface to implement risk measures
oCROL::SampledScalar< Real, Key >
oCROL::SampledVector< Real, Key >
oCROL::SampleGenerator< Real >
oCROL::ScalarTraits< Real >
oCROL::ScalarTraits_Magnitude< Real >
oCROL::ScalarTraits_Magnitude< std::complex< Real > >
oCROL::SchurComplementGiven a 2x2 block operator, perform the Schur reduction and return the decoupled system components
oCROL::SecantState< Real >
oCROL::SemismoothNewtonDualModelImplements the dual variable model function for a semismooth Newton step
oCROL::SerialFunction< Real >Provides behavior common to SerialObjective as SerialConstaint
oCROL::Sketch< Real >Provides an interface for randomized sketching
oCROL::Solver< Real >Provides a simplified interface for solving a wide range of optimization problems
oCROL::StatusTest< Real >Provides an interface to check status of optimization algorithms
oCROL::StatusTestFactory< Real >
oCROL::StdLinearOperatorFactoryCreates StdLinearOperator objects which wrap random

matrices of the desired size and property

oCROL::Step< Real >Provides the interface to compute optimization steps
oCROL::StepFactory< Real >
oCROL::StepState< Real >State for step class. Will be used for restarts
oCTestMulti< Real >
oCROL::TestProblem< Real >
oCTestSingle< Real >
oCROL::TimeStamp< typename >Contains local time step information
oCROL::TimeStamp< Real >
oCROL::TrustRegion< Real >Provides interface for and implements trust-region subproblem solvers
oCROL::TrustRegion_U< Real >Provides interface for and implements trust-region subproblem solvers
oCROL::TypeCaster< Real, Element >
oCROL::TypeCaster< double, float >
oCROL::TypeCaster< Real, std::complex< Real > >
oCROL::Vector< Real >Defines the linear algebra or vector space interface
oCROL::details::VectorClone< Real >
oCROL::VectorCloneContainer for wrapping a reusable cloned vector. Declaring an object of this type as a class member variable will decrease the number of clones needed as memory need only be allocated once in the lifetime of the host object. Verifies that member and argument types and dimensions agree when called
oCROL::VectorClone< Real >
oCROL::details::VectorCloneMap< Real, KeyType >
oCROL::VectorCloneMapContainer for wrapping a collection of uniquely-named reusable cloned vectors, which in are stored in a map. Uses string-valued ids for keys by default
oCROL::details::VectorCloneMap< Real >
oCROL::VectorCloneMap< Real >
oCROL::VectorController< Real, Key >
oCROL::VectorFunctionCalls< Ordinal >
oCROL::details::VectorWorkspace< Real >::VectorKey
oCROL::details::VectorWorkspace< Real >::VectorStack
oCROL::VectorWorkspaceProvides a "smart" cloning manager to be used a member variable in a class and called in the member function of the same class
oCROL::details::VectorWorkspace< Real >
oCROL::VectorWorkspace< Real >
oCROL::WrappedVectorProvides an interface layer which encapulates a pointer to a ROL::Vector and has the default behavior of calling its member Ptr<Vector> object. Makes creating derived classes with this idiom simpler as they need only override the methods where the desired implementation differs from the member Ptr<Vector>. For example, vectors which have a diagonal scaling that defines their inner product and dual spaces can derive from this class need overload only the methods basis, clone, dual, and dot
oCROL::WrappedVector< Real >
\CZakharov< Real >