Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) is a C++ package for large-scale optimization. It is used for the solution of optimal design, optimal control and inverse problems in large-scale engineering applications. Other uses include mesh optimization and image processing.
ROL aims to combine flexibility, efficiency and robustness. Key features:
For a detailed description of user interfaces and algorithms, see the presentations ROL-Trilinos-xx.x.pptx (or .pdf) in the doc/presentations directory.
To start using ROL, including all its advanced algorithms and features, jump to the Modules page.
For a basic example, see below.
The Rosenbrock example (rol/example/rosenbrock/example_01.cpp) demonstrates the basic use of ROL. It amounts to six steps:
— or try one of the provided implementations, such as ROL::StdVector in rol/vector.
— or try one of the provided functions, such as ROL::ZOO::Objective_Rosenbrock in rol/zoo.
— with ROL::ParameterList settings in the variable parlist.
— starting from the initial iterate x, applied to objective function obj.