Teuchos::AbstractFactory< BasisSystem > [external] | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystemFactory | Interface for a factory object that will create BasisSystem objects |
AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystemFactoryStd | Default implementation for BasisSystemPermDirectSparse obejcts using DirectSparseSolver object |
Teuchos::AbstractFactory< VectorMutable > [external] | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpace | Abstract interface for objects that represent a space for mutable coordinate vectors |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpaceBlocked | VectorSpace subclass for the composite of one or more VectorSpace objects |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpaceSerial | Subclass for serial vector space objects that create VectorMutableDense vector and MultiVectorMutableDense multi-vector objects |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpaceSubSpace | Concrete subclass for a default sub-space of a vector |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpaceThyra | VectorSpace adapter subclass for Thyra::VectorSpaceBase<value_type> |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchur::ActiveSet | Represents and manages the active set for the QPSchur algorithm |
MoochoPack::ActSetStats | Class for storing statistics about the changes in the active set of an SQP algorithm |
IterationPack::Algorithm | Acts as the central hub for an iterative algorithm |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgo | RSQP Algorithm control class |
IterationPack::AlgorithmState | Abstacts a set of iteration quantities for an iterative algorithm |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoState | Reduced space SQP state encapsulation interface |
MoochoPack::IpState | |
IterationPack::AlgorithmStep | Base type for all objects that perform steps in an Algorithm |
IterationPack::AlgorithmStepTesting | Testing class |
IterationPack::ControledLoop1Step | |
IterationPack::MinorLoop1Step | |
IterationPack::RuntimeConfigChangeStep | |
MoochoPack::CalcD_vStep_Step | Calculates dvl_k = mu*invXl_k*e - vl_k - invXl_k*Vl_k*d_k and dvu_k = mu*invXu_k*e - vu_k + invXu_k*Vu_k*d_k |
MoochoPack::CalcDFromYPY_Step | Calculates d = Ypy |
MoochoPack::CalcDFromYPYZPZ_Step | Calculates d = Ypy + Zpz |
MoochoPack::CalcDFromZPZ_Step | Calculates d = Zpz |
MoochoPack::CalcReducedGradLagrangianStd_AddedStep | Calculates the reduced gradient of the Lagrangian rGL = rGf + Z' * nu + GcUP' * lambda(equ_undecomp) + GhUP' * lambdaI(inequ_undecomp) |
MoochoPack::CheckConvergenceStd_AddedStep | Check for convergence |
MoochoPack::CheckDecompositionFromPy_Step | Check if the decomposition is going singular and if it is select a new decomposition |
MoochoPack::CheckDecompositionFromRPy_Step | Check if the decomposition is going singular and if it is select a new decomposition |
MoochoPack::CheckDescentQuasiNormalStep_Step | Checks for descent in the decomposed equality constraints with respect to the range space step Ypy using finite differences |
MoochoPack::CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd_Step | Checks if a BFGS update should be preformed |
MoochoPack::EvalNewPointStd_Step | Standard new point evaluation step class |
MoochoPack::EvalNewPointTailoredApproach_Step | Base class for evaluating a new point for the "Tailored Approach" |
MoochoPack::EvalNewPointTailoredApproachCoordinate_Step | Implements "coordinate" decompostion for "Tailored Appraoch" |
MoochoPack::EvalNewPointTailoredApproachOrthogonal_Step | Implements "orthogonal" decompostion for "Tailored Appraoch" |
MoochoPack::InitFinDiffReducedHessian_Step | Initializes the reduced hessian using a single finite difference along the null space of the constraints |
MoochoPack::LineSearchDirect_Step | Delegates the line search to a DirectLineSearch_Strategy object |
MoochoPack::LineSearchFailureNewDecompositionSelection_Step | Directs the selection of a new decomposition if the line search fails |
MoochoPack::LineSearchFilter_Step | Filter line-search step class |
MoochoPack::LineSearchFullStep_Step | Takes the full step x_kp1 = x_k + d_k (d_k = Ypy_k + Zpz_k) |
MoochoPack::LineSearchNLE_Step | Delegates the line search to a DirectLineSearch_Strategy object |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_DummyUpdate_Step | Simply updates merit_func_nlp_k = merit_func_nlp_km1 |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdate_AddedStep | Base class for steps that update penalty parameters based on the Lagrange multipliers lambda_k (or some approximation to them) |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_PenaltyParamsUpdateWithMult_AddedStep | Updates a set of penalty parameters for a merit function as: mu(j) = max( mu(j), |lambda_k(j)| ) |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdateGuts_AddedStep | Updates the penalty parameter for a merit function as: mu_k = max( mu_km1, min_mu ) |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdateMultFree_AddedStep | Specializes the update of the penalty parameter for a merit function as: min_mu = |(Gf_k+nu_k)'* Ypy_k| / ||c_k||1 |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdateWithMult_AddedStep | Specializes the update of the penalty parameter for a merit function as: min_mu =||lambda||inf |
MoochoPack::PostEvalNewPointBarrier_Step | Standard evaluation step class for extra parameters in primal/dual barrier method |
MoochoPack::PostProcessBarrierLineSearch_Step | Fraction to boundary rule for calculating alpha max |
MoochoPack::PreEvalNewPointBarrier_Step | Standard evaluation step class for extra parameters in primal/dual barrier method |
MoochoPack::PreProcessBarrierLineSearch_Step | Fraction to boundary rule for calculating alpha max |
MoochoPack::QPFailureReinitReducedHessian_Step | Directs the algorithm to reinitalize the reduced Hessian on the event of a QP failure |
MoochoPack::QuasiNormalStepStd_Step | Calculates the range space step by, solving for py = -inv(R)*c(equ_decomp) , then setting Ypy = Y * py |
MoochoPack::ReducedGradientStd_Step | Computes the reducecd gradient of the objective rGf_k = Z_k' * Gf_k |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianSecantUpdateStd_Step | Updates rHL_k using a secant update |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianSerialization_Step | Serializes rHL_k to and from a file |
MoochoPack::SetDBoundsStd_AddedStep | Computes the bounds for the QP subproblem from the NLP bounds |
MoochoPack::TangentialStepIP_Step | Null Space Step for Interior Point algorithm |
MoochoPack::TangentialStepWithInequStd_Step | Solves the reduced QP subproblem with bounds and/or general inequalities |
MoochoPack::TangentialStepWithoutBounds_Step | Solves the unconstrained QP subproblem: min qp_grad' * pz + (1/2) * pz' * rHL * pz |
MoochoPack::UpdateBarrierParameter_Step | Barrier Parameter (mu) Update |
MoochoPack::UpdateReducedSigma_Step | Standard class for updating the reduced sigma for interior point optimization |
IterationPack::AlgorithmTracker | Used to ouput iteration results and other information |
IterationPack::AlgorithmTrackerComposite | This class acts a composite container for other AlgorithmTracker objects |
IterationPack::AlgorithmTrackTesting | Testing class |
MoochoPack::MoochoTrackerConsoleStd | This rSQP iteration class provides a tablular output suitable for an 80 char wide console |
MoochoPack::MoochoTrackerStatsStd | This is a simple track class for getting statistics about a solved (or not solved) NLP |
MoochoPack::MoochoTrackerSummaryStd | This class simply outputs the convergence information for each iteration |
MoochoPack::MoochoTrackerXMLSummary | This class outputs an XML summary file of the algorithm results and performance |
IterationPack::Algorithm::assoc_steps_ele_t | |
BasisMatrix | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverImp::BasisMatrixImp | Implementation node subclass that combines factorization structure and factorization nonzeros into a single basis matrix object |
BasisMatrixImp | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverDense::BasisMatrixDense | Implements the BasisMatrix object for Dense |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverMA28::BasisMatrixMA28 | Implements the BasisMatrix object for MA28 |
AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystem | Interface for the creation and maintainance of a basis matrix for a decomposition of linearlized constriants |
AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystemComposite | Simple BasisSystem subclass the case where the client sets up seperate C and N matrices |
NLPInterfacePack::ExampleBasisSystem | Subclass of BasisSystem for example NLP |
AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystemPerm | Interface for setting and selecting a basis from the Jacobian from a set of equations |
AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystemPermDirectSparse | Permutatble basis system subclass that uses a direct sparse solver |
AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystemTester | Testing class for BasisSystem interface |
MoochoPack::BFGSUpdate_Strategy | Strategy interface which contains the guts for a dampened BFGS update |
DenseLinAlgPack::LinAlgPackIO::bit_flags | |
DenseLinAlgPack::LinAlgPackIO::bound_format< T > | |
NLPInterfacePack::CalcFiniteDiffProd | Strategy interface for computing the product of the derivatives of the functions of an NLP along given directions using finite differences |
CastIQMember | |
MoochoPack::act_set_stats_iq_member | Class for object that attempts to return an IterQuantityAccess<ActSetStats> from an AlgorithmState object with the name act_set_stats_name |
MoochoPack::qp_solver_stats_iq_member | Class for object that attempts to return an IterQuantityAccess<QPSolverStats> from an AlgorithmState object with the name qp_solver_stats_name |
MoochoPack::quasi_newton_stats_iq_member | Class for object that attempts to return an IterQuantityAccess<QuasiNewtonStats> from an AlgorithmState object with the name quasi_newton_stats_name |
IterationPack::CastIQMemberBase | Base class for some of the implementation features of CastIQMember |
IterationPack::CastIQMember< VectorMutable > | |
IterationPack::CastIQMember< T > | Template class to be used to lookup an interation quantity, cast it to an IterQuantityAccess<T> object and cache the iq_id for fast access later |
MoochoPack::CheckConvergence_Strategy | Strategy interface for performing convergence checks |
MoochoPack::CheckConvergenceStd_Strategy | Implementation of CheckConvergence_Strategy interface |
MoochoPack::CheckConvergenceIP_Strategy | Implementation of CheckConvergence_Strategy interface |
OptionsFromStreamPack::CommandLineOptionsFromStreamProcessor | Reads from a file and/or parses from the commandline to initalize an OptionsFromStream object |
DenseLinAlgPack::LinAlgPackIO::const_bound_format< T > | |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchurPack::Constraints | Represents the extra constraints in the QP to be satisfied by the schur complement QP solver QPSchur {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchurPack::ConstraintsRelaxedStd | Constraints subclass that is used to represent generic varaible bounds, and general inequality and equality constraints |
AbstractLinAlgPack::COOMatrix | Sparse Coordinate Matrix abstraction storage class |
AbstractLinAlgPack::COOMatrixPartitionedView< T_Indice, T_Value > | COO Matrix partitioning view class |
AbstractLinAlgPack::COOMatrixPartitionedView< indice_type, value_type > | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::COOMatrixWithPartitionedView | Aggregation of a COO matrix and a partitioned view of it |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystem | This class abstracts a decomposition choice for the quasi-range space Y and null space Z matrices for a linearly independent set of columns of Gc |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystemVarReduct | Specialization of DecompositionSystem for variable reduction decompositions |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystemVarReductImp | Specialization node implementation subclass of DecompositionSystem for variable reduction decompositions |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystemCoordinate | Coordinate variable reduction subclass |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystemOrthogonal | Orthogonal variable reduction subclass |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystemVarReductPerm | Specialization interface of DecompositonSystem that allows basis permutations |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystemVarReductPermStd | Concreate subclass of DecompositionSystemVarReductPerm that uses an aggregate DecompostionSystemVarReductImp object |
MoochoPack::DecompositionSystemHandler_Strategy | Interface for range/null decomposition handling |
MoochoPack::DecompositionSystemHandlerSelectNew_Strategy | Interface for range/null decomposition handling |
MoochoPack::DecompositionSystemHandlerVarReductPerm_Strategy | Subclass for selecting and updating the range/null space decomposition using the DecompositionSystemVarReductPerm interface |
MoochoPack::DecompositionSystemHandlerStd_Strategy | Subclass for updating the range/null space decomposition using the base DecompositionSystem interface only |
MoochoPack::DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd | Standard builder object for creating DecompositionSystem, EvalNewPoint Step and other objects and setting up some of the state object |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystemTester | Testing class for DecompositionSystem interface |
ConstrainedOptPack::DirectLineSearch_Strategy | Abstract strategy interface for 1D line searches {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::DirectLineSearchArmQuad_Strategy | Performs a line search using the Armijo condition and uses quadratic interpolation to select each new alpha |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolver | Abstract interface to serial direct sparse linear solvers |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverImp | Implementation node class for DirectSparseSolver that takes care of the memory management details |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverDense | Concreate sparse solver subclass that uses the dense LAPACK routines |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverMA28 | Concreate sparse solver subclass that uses MA28 |
DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrix | |
DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSlice | |
DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSliceSym | |
DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSliceTri | |
DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSliceTriEle | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::TransSparseCOOElementViewIter< T_Iter, T_IterCat, T_Indice, T_ValRef, T_Diff >::ElementView< TT_Iter, TT_IterCat, TT_Indice, TT_ValRef, TT_Diff > | Type for the object that is returned for the transpose sparse element |
AbstractLinAlgPack::TransSparseCOOElementViewIter< T_Iter, T_IterCat, T_Indice, T_ValRef, T_Diff >::ElementView< T_Iter, T_IterCat, T_Indice, T_ValRef, T_Diff > | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::EtaVector | Create an eta vector (scaled by alpha = default 1) |
AbstractLinAlgPack::GenPermMatrixSliceIteratorPack::external_row_col_value_type< T > | External storage of a row and column indice. This is required for creating a temporary in an assignment operation in a sorting algorithm (like std::sort(...)) |
FactorizationNonzeros | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverDense::FactorizationNonzerosDense | Stores the factorization nonzeros for Dense |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverImp::FactorizationNonzeros | Abstract class for objects that represent the factorization nonzeros of a particular matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverMA28::FactorizationNonzerosMA28 | Stores the factorization nonzeros for MA28 |
FactorizationStructure | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverDense::FactorizationStructureDense | Stores the factorization structure for Dense |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverMA28::FactorizationStructureMA28 | Stores the factorization structure for MA28 |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolver::FactorizationStructure | Abstract class for objects that represent the factorization structure of a particular matrix |
OptionsFromStreamPack::OptionsFromStreamUtilityPack::false_bool_t | |
MoochoPack::FeasibilityStep_Strategy | Abstract interface for a strategy object that will compute a step that will improve feasibility (at least descent) {abstract} |
MoochoPack::FeasibilityStepReducedStd_Strategy | Implements the feasibility step computation for reduced space SQP |
MoochoPack::FilterEntry | |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac::FirstOrderExplInfo | Struct for zero and explicit first order quantities that subclass must fill in |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstOrder::FirstOrderInfo | Struct for zero and first order quantities (pointers) |
DenseLinAlgPack::LinAlgPackIO::format | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::GenPermMatrixSlice | Concrete matrix type to represent general permutation (mapping) matrices |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseElement< T_Index, T_Value >::index_and_padding | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable::Inertia | Struct for the inertia of the matrix |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxedQPSchur::InitKKTSystem | Interface for the object that forms the initial KKT system {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchurInitKKTSystemHessianFixedFree | Implementation of initial KKT system using the Hessian for the free variables only |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchurInitKKTSystemHessianFull | Implementation of initial KKT system for all variables initially free and Ko = G |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchurInitKKTSystemHessianRelaxed | Implementation of initial KKT system where all original variables are free and all the relaxation variables are fixed |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchurInitKKTSystemHessianSuperBasic | Implementation of initial KKT system for all variables initially fixed and free where #Ko = B_RR# |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxedQPSchur::ReinitKKTSystem | Interface for the object that can reform an initial KKT system dynamically {abstract} |
AbstractLinAlgPack::InnerProduct | Abstract interface for inner products |
AbstractLinAlgPack::InnerProductDot | Implements the inner product as the dot product |
AbstractLinAlgPack::InnerProductThyra | Implements the inner product using Thyra::VectorSpaceBase::scalarProd() |
DenseLinAlgPack::LinAlgPackIO::ios_format_memento | |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoState::iq_id_encap | |
IterationPack::IterQuantity | Iterface for information about Iteration Quantities |
IterationPack::IterQuantityAccess< T_info > | Interface to typed iteration quantities |
IterationPack::IterQuantityAccessContiguous< T_info > | Iteration Quanities subclass for contiguous iterations |
IterationPack::IterQuantityAccessDerivedToBase< T_Base, T_Derived > | |
LineSearch_Step | |
MoochoPack::LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect_Step | Implements second order correction |
MoochoPack::LineSearchFullStepAfterKIter_Step | Changes from a line search step to just taking full steps after full_steps_after_k iterations |
MoochoPack::LineSearchWatchDog_Step | Implements watchdog line search |
logic_error | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::COOMatrixPartitionedView< T_Indice, T_Value >::UninitializedException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolver::FactorizationFailure | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolver::IncompatibleMatrixStructureException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolver::InvalidObjectType | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolver::NoCurrentBasisException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolver::UnsymmetricRankDeficientException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixBase::IncompatibleMatrices | Thrown if matrices are incompatible |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixNonsing::SingularMatrix | This exception will be thrown if it turns out at runtime that the matrix is numerically singular |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOp::IncompatibleMatrices | Thrown if matrices are not compatible |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable::MaxSizeExceededException | Thrown if the maximum size is exceeded in augment_update(...) |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable::SingularUpdateException | Thrown if the matrix is singular and should not have been |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable::WarnNearSingularUpdateException | Thrown if the matrix is near singular as a warning |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable::WrongInertiaUpdateException | Thrown if matrix has the wrong inertia from what was expected |
AbstractLinAlgPack::PreConditionException | Base class for precondition exceptions |
AbstractLinAlgPack::InputException | Base class for input exceptions (Preconditions) |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SetupException | Base class for invalid setup for a class object when an exception is thrown |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::DoesNotExistException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::DuplicateIndexesException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::NoNonZeroElementsException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::NotSortedException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::OutOfRoomException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::SpVecIndexLookup< T_Element >::InvalidInternalStateException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::SpVecIndexLookup< T_Element >::NoSpVecSetException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::UnsizedException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpace::IncompatibleVectorSpaces | Thrown if vector spaces are incompatible |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystem::InvalidMatrixType | |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystem::SingularDecomposition | |
ConstrainedOptPack::DirectLineSearch_Strategy::NotDescentDirection | Thrown if the direction vector d_k is not a descent direction for the merit funciton |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixKKTFullSpaceRelaxed::InvalidMatrixType | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixKKTFullSpaceRelaxed::NotInitializedException | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixKKTFullSpaceRelaxed::SingularMatrixException | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLE::InvalidInitialization | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLP::InvalidInitialization | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncPenaltyParams::CanNotResize | |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchur::InconsistantConstraintsException | Thrown if constraints are inconsistant (no feasible region) |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchur::TestFailed | Thrown if a test failed |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxed::Infeasible | Thrown if the QP is infeasible |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxed::InvalidInput | Thrown if there is invalid input |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxed::TestFailed | Thrown if a test failed |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxed::Unbounded | Thrown if the QP is unbounded |
DenseLinAlgLAPack::FactorizationException | Exception for factorization error |
DenseLinAlgPack::LinAlgPackIO::InputException | Exception throw on input error |
FortranTypes::InvalidFileNameException | Thrown if the file name is not a valid ASCII string |
FortranTypes::OpenException | Thrown if the open operation fails |
IterationPack::Algorithm::AlreadyExists | Thrown if name already exists |
IterationPack::Algorithm::DoesNotExist | Thrown if name or id does not exist |
IterationPack::Algorithm::InvalidConfigChange | Thrown if a member function is called while this is in an invalid running state. |
IterationPack::Algorithm::InvalidControlProtocal | Thrown if an invalid control protocal is used |
IterationPack::Algorithm::InvalidRunningState | Thrown if a member function is called while this is in an invalid running state. |
IterationPack::AlgorithmState::AlreadyExists | Thrown if name already exists |
IterationPack::AlgorithmState::DoesNotExist | Thrown if name or id does not exist |
IterationPack::InvalidTypeCastException | |
IterationPack::IterQuantity::NoStorageAvailable | Thrown memory if attempted to be set that storage can not be allocated to |
IterationPack::IterQuantity::QuanityNotSet | Thrown when memory access is attempted when it has not yet been updated |
MoochoPack::InfeasibleConstraints | |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoConfig::InvalidNLPType | Thrown if NLP type is incompatible with this config |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoState::InvalidType | Thrown if an iteration quantity is of an invalid type |
MoochoPack::NLPSolverClientInterface::InvalidSetup | Thrown if the setup is not valid |
NLPInterfacePack::NLP::IncompatibleType | Thrown if an incompatible object is used |
NLPInterfacePack::NLP::InvalidInitialization | Thrown from initialize() if some logical error occured |
NLPInterfacePack::NLP::NoBounds | Thrown some bounds do not existe |
NLPInterfacePack::NLP::UnInitialized | Thrown if any member functions are called before initialize() has been called |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess::InconsistantBounds | Thrown if xl(i) > xu(i) |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPVarReductPerm::InvalidBasis | Thrown if an invalid basis selection is made |
OptionsFromStreamPack::AccessException | Access error |
OptionsFromStreamPack::StringToIntMap::DoesNotExist | |
OptionsFromStreamPack::InputException | Input from stream error |
OptionsFromStreamPack::OptionsFromStream::InputStreamError | Thrown if there is an input error |
OptionsFromStreamPack::StringToIntMap::AlreadyExists | |
StandardCompositionRelationshipsPack::NoRefSet | Thrown when the reference has not been set |
MA28_Cpp::MA28CommonBlockReferences | |
MA28_Cpp::MA28CommonBlockStorage | |
MA28_CppDecl::Fortran::MA28ED_struct | |
MA28_CppDecl::Fortran::MA28FD_struct | |
MA28_CppDecl::Fortran::MA28GD_struct | |
MA28_CppDecl::Fortran::MA28HD_struct | |
MA28_Cpp::MA28Solver | MA28 Basic Encapsulation Class |
MA28_CppDecl::Fortran::MA30ED_struct | |
MA28_CppDecl::Fortran::MA30FD_struct | |
MA28_CppDecl::Fortran::MA30GD_struct | |
MA28_CppDecl::Fortran::MA30HD_struct | |
MA28_CppDecl::Fortran::MA30ID_struct | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOp::MatNorm | Returned form calc_norm() |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixBase | Base class for all polymorphic matrices |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixConvertToSparse | Mix-in interface for extracing explicit elements from a sparse matrix in one of several Fortran compatible formats |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixConvertToSparseEncap | Sparse conversion subclass based on views of a MatrixExtractSparseElements object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixExtractSparseElements | Interface for extracting nonzero elements from a banded subregion of a permuted sparse matrix in one of several Fortran compatible formats |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSparseCOORSerial | Coordinate matrix subclass |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymDiagSparse | Abstract base class for all serial symmetric diagonal matrices with significant zeros along the diagonal |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymDiagSparseStd | Concrete subclass for a serial symmetric diagonal matrix with many zeros on the diagonal |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixExtractInvCholFactor | Mix-in Interface for extracting the inverse cholesky factor of a dense symmetric positive definite matrix |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymIdentitySerial | Matrix class for a serial scaled identity matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixLoadSparseElements | Mix-in interface for loading nonzero elements into a sparse matrix data structure |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSparseCOORSerial | Coordinate matrix subclass |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixNonsing | Abstract base class for all nonsingular polymorphic matrices that can solve for linear system with but it may not be convienent to compute matrix vector products {abstract} |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolver::BasisMatrix | Abstract class for objects that represent the factorized matrix and can be used to solve for different right-hand-sides |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixNonsing objects implemented in shared memory space |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial nonsingular polymorphic matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems efficiently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial polymorphic symmetrix nonsingular matrices that can be used to solve for linear systems relatively efficiently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial polymorphic symmetric nonsingular matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems relatively efficiently |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymIdentitySerial | Matrix class for a serial scaled identity matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpNonsing | Abstract base class for all nonsingular polymorphic matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems efficiently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpNonsingAggr | Aggregate matrix class pulling together a MatrixOp object and a MatrixNonsing object into a unified matrix object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial nonsingular polymorphic matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems efficiently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpNonsingThyra | MatrixOpNonsing adapter subclass for Thyra::Nonlin::LinearOpWithSolve |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpNonsing | Abstract base class for all polymorphic symmetrix nonsingular matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems relatively efficently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymDiag | Interface to all diagonal matrices {abstract} |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymDiagStd | Simple diagonal matrix class |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymIdent | Matrix subclass for a scaled identity matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial polymorphic symmetric nonsingular matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems relatively efficiently |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymHessianRelaxNonSing | Matrix class for non-singular Hessian matrix augmented with a terms for "Big M" relaxation variables |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefLBFGS | Implementation of limited Memory BFGS matrix for arbitrary vector spaces |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial polymorphic symmetric nonsingular matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems relatively efficiently |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixDecompRangeOrthog | Matrix subclass for variable reduction orthogonal matrix R = Gc(:,con_decomp)'*Y |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymNonsing | Abstract base class for all polymorphic symmetrix nonsingular matrices that can be used to solve for linear systems relatively efficently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial polymorphic symmetrix nonsingular matrices that can be used to solve for linear systems relatively efficiently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpNonsing | Abstract base class for all polymorphic symmetrix nonsingular matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems relatively efficently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOp | Base class for all matrices that support basic matrix operations |
AbstractLinAlgPack::COOMatrixPartitionViewSubclass | Implementation of MatrixOp abstract interface for COOMatrixWithPartitionedView::partition_type |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixComposite | Matrix class for matrices composed out of a set of other matrices and vectors |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpGetGMS | Abstract interface that allows the extraction of a const DMatrixSlice view of an abstract matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpGetGMSMutable | Abstract interface that allows the extraction of a non-const DMatrixSlice view of an abstract matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MultiVectorMutableDense | MultiVectorMutable "Adapter" subclass for DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSlice or DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrix object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpGetGMSTri | Mix-in interface that allows the extraction of a const DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSliceTri view of an non-singular abstract matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpNonsing | Abstract base class for all nonsingular polymorphic matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems efficiently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpSerial | Base class for all matrices implemented in a shared memory address space |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial nonsingular polymorphic matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems efficiently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpSerial | Abstract base class for all AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOp objects implemented in shared memory space |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymDiagSparse | Abstract base class for all serial symmetric diagonal matrices with significant zeros along the diagonal |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial polymorphic symmetric nonsingular matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems relatively efficiently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MultiVectorMutableDense | MultiVectorMutable "Adapter" subclass for DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSlice or DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrix object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpSubView | Standard subclass for representing a sub, possibly transposed, view of a matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpThyra | MatrixOp adapter subclass for Thyra::LinearOpBase |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpNonsingThyra | MatrixOpNonsing adapter subclass for Thyra::Nonlin::LinearOpWithSolve |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MultiVectorMutableThyra | MultiVectorMutable adapter subclass for Thyra::MultiVectorBase |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixPermAggr | Aggregate matrix class for a matrix and its permuted view |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSparseCOORSerial | Coordinate matrix subclass |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOp | Interface adding operations specific for a symmetric matrix {abstract} |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpGetGMSSym | Abstract interface that allows the extraction of a const DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSliceSym view of an abstract matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpGetGMSSymMutable | Abstract interface that allows the extraction of a non-const DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSliceSym view of a symmetry abstract matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpNonsing | Abstract base class for all polymorphic symmetrix nonsingular matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems relatively efficently |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOpSerial | Abstract base class for all AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOp objects implemented in shared memory space |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixWithOpConcreteEncap< M > | This template class defines the storage for a concrete matrix class that operations are based on |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixZero | Implementation of a matrix with all zeros |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MultiVector | Interface for a collection of non-mutable vectors (multi-vector, matrix) |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MultiVectorMutable | Interface for a collection of mutable vectors (multi-vector, matrix) |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MultiVectorMutableCols | Default subclass for MultiVectorMutable implemented using columns of separate abstract vectors |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MultiVectorMutableDense | MultiVectorMutable "Adapter" subclass for DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSlice or DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrix object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MultiVectorMutableThyra | MultiVectorMutable adapter subclass for Thyra::MultiVectorBase |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixIdentConcat | Matrix class for a matrix vertically concatonated with an identity matrix {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixIdentConcatStd | Concrete implementation class for a matrix vertically concatonated with an identity matrix |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixVarReductImplicit | Implements D = - inv(C) * N for a variable reduction projection |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable | Mix-in Interface for updating a serial symmetric matrix by adding and deleting rows and columns |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymDenseInitialize | Mix-in Interface for initializing a matrix with a dense symmetric matrix |
MatrixConvertToSparseFortranCompatible | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixKKTFullSpaceRelaxed | Implementation of a KKT matrix factorized in the full space |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixCOORTmplItfc< T_Scalar, T_Index > | Templated class that supports the COOMatrixTemplateInterface template interface |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixCOORTmplItfcItr< T_Scalar, T_Index > | Templated class for iterator returning objects that support the SparseCOOElementTemplatInterface specification |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixCOORTmplItfcItrEleView< T_Scalar, T_Index > | Templated class for objects that support the SparseCOOElementTemplatInterface specification |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixDenseEncap | Helper class type that simplifies the usage of the MatrixOpGetGMS interface for clients |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixDenseMutableEncap | Helper class type that simplifies the usage of the MatrixOpGetGMSMutable interface for clients |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixDenseSymEncap | Helper class type that simplifies the usage of the MatrixSymOpGetGMSSym interface for clients |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixDenseSymMutableEncap | Helper class type that simplifies the usage of the MatrixSymOpGetGMSSymMutable interface for clients |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixDenseTriEncap | Helper class type that simplifies the usage of the MatrixOpGetGMSTri interface for clients |
MatrixExtractInvCholFactor | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefInvCholFactor | Implementation of MatrixOp abstract interface for SymInvCholMatrix |
MatrixOp | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixGenBanded | Matrix subclass for general (possibly singular) banded matrices |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchurPack::ConstraintsRelaxedStd::MatrixConstraints | Matrix type for A_bar |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOpNonsingTester | Testing class for MatrixOpNonsing interface |
MatrixOpSerial | |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchur::U_hat_t | Represents the matrix U_hat |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixScaling_Strategy | Abstract interface for sparse matrix scaling strategies |
MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymAddDelBunchKaufman | This class maintains the factorization of symmetric indefinite matrix using a Bunch & Kaufman factorization |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefLBFGS | Implementation of limited Memory BFGS matrix for arbitrary vector spaces |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymAddDelUpdateableWithOpNonsingular | Interface for updating a symmetric matrix and its factorization by adding and deleting rows and columns and preforming operations with it |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymAddDelBunchKaufman | This class maintains the factorization of symmetric indefinite matrix using a Bunch & Kaufman factorization |
MatrixSymInitDiag | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixHessianSuperBasicInitDiagonal | Matrix class that adds the ability to initialize to a diagonal to a MatrixHessainSuperBasic object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymInitDiag | Mix-in Interface for setting a matrix to a diagonal {abstract} |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymDiagStd | Simple diagonal matrix class |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymSecant | Mix-in interface for all polymorphic symmetric matrices that support secant updating |
MatrixSymOp | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixHessianRelaxed | Represents a symmetric Hessian matrix with a relaxation variable added |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixHessianSuperBasic | Matrix class that represents a hessian matrix where only the super submatrix for the super basic variables need be nonsingular |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixHessianSuperBasicInitDiagonal | Matrix class that adds the ability to initialize to a diagonal to a MatrixHessainSuperBasic object |
MatrixSymOpNonsingSerial | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymAddDelBunchKaufman | This class maintains the factorization of symmetric indefinite matrix using a Bunch & Kaufman factorization |
MatrixSymSecant | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefInvCholFactor | Implementation of MatrixOp abstract interface for SymInvCholMatrix |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefLBFGS | Implementation of limited Memory BFGS matrix for arbitrary vector spaces |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefLBFGS | Implementation of limited Memory BFGS matrix for arbitrary vector spaces |
MatrixSymWithOpFactorized | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefBandedChol | Matrix subclass for banded symmetric positive definite matrices and their Cholesky factors |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefInvCholFactor | Implementation of MatrixOp abstract interface for SymInvCholMatrix |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefLBFGS | Implementation of limited Memory BFGS matrix for arbitrary vector spaces |
MatrixWithOpConcreteEncap | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefInvCholFactor | Implementation of MatrixOp abstract interface for SymInvCholMatrix |
MatrixWithOpFactorized | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixKKTFullSpaceRelaxed | Implementation of a KKT matrix factorized in the full space |
MA28_CppDecl::Fortran::MC23BD_struct | |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncCalc | Abstract iterface for n-D merit functions {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncCalcNLE | Adds the ability to compute phi(c(x)) at x directly instead of having to compute c first. This class uses an aggregate NLP to perform the computations of c(x) |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncCalcNLP | Adds the ability to compute phi(f(x),c(x),h(x)) at x directly instead of having to compute f, c and h first. This class uses an aggregate NLP to perform the computations of f(x) c(x) and h(x) |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncCalc1D | Abstracts a 1D merit function {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncCalc1DQuadratic | Adds the ability to compute phi(alpha) at alpha of a given set of vectors |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLE | Base class for all merit functions for systems of NonLinear Equations (NLE) {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLESqrResid | A merit function for the square of the constriant values |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLP | Base class for all merit functions for NonLinear Programs (NLP) {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLPL1 | The L1 merit function |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLPModL1 | The modified L1 merit function using different penatly parameters for each constriant |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLPDirecDeriv | This class provides a mix-in interface for allowing subclass merit functions to compute the directional 1D derivative at a base point |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLPL1 | The L1 merit function |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLPModL1 | The modified L1 merit function using different penatly parameters for each constriant |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncPenaltyParam | This class provides interface for setting and retrieving a penalty parameter that many merit functions use {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLPL1 | The L1 merit function |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncPenaltyParams | This class provides interface for setting and retrieving a penalty parameter that many merit functions use {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::MeritFuncNLPModL1 | The modified L1 merit function using different penatly parameters for each constriant |
MoochoPack::MoochoSolver | Universal interface to a MOOCHO solver |
IterationPack::Algorithm::name_comp< T_ele > | |
MoochoPack::NewDecompositionSelection_Strategy | Abstract interface for an object that directs the selection of a new decomposition |
MoochoPack::NewDecompositionSelectionStd_Strategy | Just force the decomposition system object to select a new decomposition and let everyone else fend for themselves |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoConfig | Interface for objects responsible for configuring an rSQP algorithm |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoConfigIP | This is a do all configuration class for NLPAlgo |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama | This is a do all configuration class for NLPAlgo |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoInterface | Interface NLPAlgoContainer uses to access NLPAlgo |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgo | RSQP Algorithm control class |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPDirectTester | Concrete class that tests the computed values of the NLPDirect interface using finite differences |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstDerivTester | Concrete class that tests the derivatives using finite differences |
MoochoPack::NLPSolverClientInterface | This is the most basic interface that clients use to solve an NLP |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoClientInterface | Interface that smart clients use to set the algorithm configuration object that defines the rSQP algorithm to be used to solve the NLP |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoContainer | Implementation for NLPAlgo solver |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPTester | Testing class for base NLP interface |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPObjGrad::ObjGradInfo | Struct for gradient (objective), objective and constriants (pointers) |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess::ObjGradInfoSerial | Struct for serial gradient (objective), objective and constriants (pointers) |
OptionsFromStreamPack::OptionsFromStream | Extracts options from a text stream and then allows convenient access to them |
OptionsFromStreamPack::OptionsFromStreamUtilityPack::OptionsGroup | Class used to encapsulate options belonging an options group |
Teuchos::ParameterListAcceptor [external] | |
MoochoPack::MoochoThyraSolver | MOOCHO NLP Solver class for models represented through Thyra::ModelEvaluator |
AbstractLinAlgPack::COOMatrixPartitionedViewUtilityPack::Partition< T_Indice, T_Value > | Class for a partition or a set of continous partitions in a partitioned COO matrix |
AbstractLinAlgPack::Permutation | Abstract interface to permutation matrices |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable::PivotTolerances | Struct for pivot tolerances to be used when initializing, and augmenting and deleting rows and columns |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::SpVecIndexLookup< T_Element >::poss_type | Struct with members: size_type poss; ElementRelation rel; |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefLBFGS::PostMod | PostMod class to use with MemMngPack::AbstractFactorStd |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymDiagStd::PostMod | PostMod class to use with MemMngPack::AbstractFactorStd |
ProfileHackPack::ProfileTiming | Helper class that takes care of timing |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchurPack::QP | Represents the QP to be solved by QPSchur {abstract} |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchurPack::QPInitFixedFreeStd | General (and flexible) implementation class for a QPSchur QP problem |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchur | Solves a Quadratic Program with a dual QP method using a schur complement factorization |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxed | Solves Quadratic Programs (QPs) of several different forms while allowing a relaxation of the constraints |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxedQPKWIK | Solves Quadratic Programming (QP) problem using the primal-dual active-set solver QPKWIK |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxedQPOPTSOL | Node base clase for the primal QP solvers QPOPT and QPSOL |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxedQPSchur | Solves Quadratic Programming (QP) problems using QPSchur |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxedTester | Tests the optimality conditions of the output from a QPSolverRelaxed object |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverStats | Class for storing statistics about a run of a (active set?) QP solver |
MoochoPack::QuasiNewtonStats | Class for storing statistics about the Quasi-Newton updating |
MoochoPack::QuasiRangeSpaceStep_Strategy | Abstract interface for a strategy object that will compute a step that will approximalty solve a range space subproblem {abstract} |
MoochoPack::QuasiRangeSpaceStepStd_Strategy | Strategy class for computing a quasi-range-space step by solving the approximate range space problem directly |
MoochoPack::QuasiRangeSpaceStepTailoredApproach_Strategy | Strategy class for computing a quasi range space step for the tailored approach NLP interface |
RangePack::Range1D | . One-based subregion index range class |
ReducedHessian_Step | |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianExactStd_Step | Computes the exact reduced Hessian rHL_k = Z_k' * HL_k * Z_k |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianSecantUpdate_Strategy | Strategy interface for performing secant updates {abstract} |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSFull_Strategy | Perform BFGS updates on full reduced Hessian |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_Strategy | Perform BFGS updates on only the free independent (super basic) variables |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianSecantUpdateLPBFGS_Strategy | Perform BFGS updates on only the free independent (super basic) variables |
ReductTarget | |
RTOpPack::ReductTargetC | Adapter subclass for RTOp_ReductTarget |
MemMngPack::ReleaseResource | Abstract interface for releasing an object when it is not needed anymore {abstract} |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSparseCOORSerial::ReleaseValRowColArrays | Subclass to delete dynamically allocated memory with delete [] |
MemMngPack::ReleaseResource_ref_count_ptr< T > | Template class that implements ReleaseResource interface for a RCP<T> object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::GenPermMatrixSliceIteratorPack::row_col_iterator< T > | This is a full random access iterator for accessing row and colunmn indices |
AbstractLinAlgPack::GenPermMatrixSliceIteratorPack::row_col_value_type< T > | Internal storage for the iterator of the row and column indices |
rSQPAlgo_Step | |
MoochoPack::ActSetStats_AddedStep | Updates the active set statistics for the current iteration |
MoochoPack::CalcLambdaIndepStd_AddedStep | Calculates the lagrange multipliers for the independent constraints |
MoochoPack::CrossTermExactStd_Step | W_k = Z_k' * HL_k * Ypy_k |
MoochoPack::DampenCrossTermStd_Step | Compute a dampening term zeta_k for the cross term w_k such that Gf'*Z*pz <= 0 |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_ModifiedL1LargerSteps_AddedStep | This function increases the penalty parameters of the modifed L1 merit function to allow for larger steps by taking advantage of constraints that are reduced for a full step |
MoochoPack::NumFixedDepIndep_AddedStep | Computes and outputs the number of fixed variables from the dependent and independent set. |
RTOP_MPI_Status | |
RTOp_MutableSubVector | |
RTOp_obj_type_vtbl_t | |
RTOp_ROp_find_nan_inf_reduct_obj_t | |
RTOp_ROp_get_sub_vector_rng_t | |
RTOp_ROp_max_inequ_viol_reduct_obj_t | |
RTOp_ROp_max_near_feas_step_reduct_obj_t | |
RTOp_RTOp | |
RTOp_RTOp_vtbl_t | |
RTOp_Server_op_class_name | |
RTOp_SparseSubVector | |
RTOp_SubVector | |
RTOp_TOp_random_vector_bnd_t | |
RTOp_TOp_set_sub_vector_state_t | |
RTOp_value_index_type | |
RTOp_value_value_type | |
RTOpPack::RTOpCPostMod | |
RTOpT | |
RTOpPack::RTOpC | Adapter subclass that uses a RTOp_RTOp object |
runtime_error | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystem::SingularBasis | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixOp::MethodNotImplemented | Thrown if a method is not implemented |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymSecant::UpdateFailedException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymSecant::UpdateSkippedException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::NaNInfException | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::PostConditionException | Base class for postcondition exceptions |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystem::TestFailed | |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchur::NumericalInstabilityException | Thrown if there is some numerical instability |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchur::DualInfeasibleException | Thrown if during the course of the primal-dual iteration a non-dual feasible point if found |
DenseLinAlgPack::NaNInfException | |
IterationPack::Algorithm::AlgorithmInterrupted | Thrown if Algorithm was interrupted by the user |
MoochoPack::LineSearchFailure | Thrown if a line search failure occurs |
MoochoPack::QPFailure | Thrown if a the QP failed and was not corrected |
MoochoPack::TestFailed | Thrown if a runtime test failed |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSecondOrder::SecondOrderInfo | Struct for zero, first and second order quantities (pointers) |
SerializationPack::Serializable | Mixin interface for objects that can be serialized to and from a stream |
ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixSymPosDefInvCholFactor | Implementation of MatrixOp abstract interface for SymInvCholMatrix |
QPKWIK_Output::set_output | |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsFromStream | Abstact interface for objects that have options to be set that are contained in an OptionsFromStreamObject |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsFromStreamNode | Node class for setting options from a stream |
AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystemTesterSetOptions | Set options for BasisSystemTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverMA28SetOptions | Set options for DirectSparseSolverMA28 from OptionsFromStream object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpaceTesterSetOptions | Set options for VectorSpaceTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystemTesterSetOptions | Set options for DecompositionSystemTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
ConstrainedOptPack::DirectLineSearchArmQuad_StrategySetOptions | Set options for DirectLineSearchArmQuad_Strategy from a OptionsFromStream object |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxedQPSchurSetOptions | Set options for QPSolverRelaxedQPSchur from an OptionsFromStream object |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxedTesterSetOptions | Set options for QPSolverRelaxedTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
ConstrainedOptPack::VariableBoundsTesterSetOptions | Set options for VariableBoundsTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
IterationPack::AlgorithmSetOptions | Set options for Algorithm from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::BFGSUpdate_StrategySetOptions | Set options for BFGSUpdate_Strategy from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::CheckConvergence_StrategySetOptions | Set options for CheckConvergence_Strategy from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::CheckConvergenceStd_AddedStepSetOptions | Set options for CheckConvergenceStd_AddedStep from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd_StepSetOptions | Set options for CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd_Step from a OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::EvalNewPointTailoredApproach_StepSetOptions | Set options for EvalNewPointTailoredApproach_Step from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::FeasibilityStepReducedStd_StrategySetOptions | Set options for FeasibilityStepReducedStd_Strategy from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::InitFinDiffReducedHessian_StepSetOptions | Set options for InitFinDiffReducedHessian_Step from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect_StepSetOptions | Set options for LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect_Step from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::LineSearchWatchDog_StepSetOptions | Set options for LineSearchWatchDog_Step from a OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_ModifiedL1LargerSteps_AddedStepSetOptions | Set options for MeritFunc_ModifiedL1LargerSteps_AddedStep from a OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdate_AddedStepSetOptions | Set options for MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdate_AddedStep from a OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::NLPSolverClientInterfaceSetOptions | Set options for NLPSolverClientInterface from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::PreEvalNewPointBarrier_StepSetOptions | |
MoochoPack::PreProcessBarrierLineSearch_StepSetOptions | |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_StrategySetOptions | Set options for ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_Strategy from a OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianSecantUpdateLPBFGS_StrategySetOptions | Set options for ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_Strategy from a OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::TangentialStepWithInequStd_StepSetOptions | Set options for TangentialStepWithInequStd_Step from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::UpdateBarrierParameter_StepSetOptions | |
MoochoPack::UpdateReducedSigma_StepSetOptions | |
NLPInterfacePack::CalcFiniteDiffProdSetOptions | Set options for CalcFiniteDiffProd from an OptionsFromStream object |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPDirectTesterSetOptions | Set options for NLPDirectTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstDerivTesterSetOptions | Set options for NLPFirstDerivTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPTesterSetOptions | Set options for NLPTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< T > | Templated node class manipulating a reference to a target object who will have its options set. |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< Algorithm > | |
IterationPack::AlgorithmSetOptions | Set options for Algorithm from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< BasisSystemTester > | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystemTesterSetOptions | Set options for BasisSystemTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< BFGSUpdate_Strategy > | |
MoochoPack::BFGSUpdate_StrategySetOptions | Set options for BFGSUpdate_Strategy from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< CalcFiniteDiffProd > | |
NLPInterfacePack::CalcFiniteDiffProdSetOptions | Set options for CalcFiniteDiffProd from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< CheckConvergence_Strategy > | |
MoochoPack::CheckConvergence_StrategySetOptions | Set options for CheckConvergence_Strategy from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< CheckConvergenceStd_AddedStep > | |
MoochoPack::CheckConvergenceStd_AddedStepSetOptions | Set options for CheckConvergenceStd_AddedStep from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd_Step > | |
MoochoPack::CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd_StepSetOptions | Set options for CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd_Step from a OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< DecompositionSystemTester > | |
ConstrainedOptPack::DecompositionSystemTesterSetOptions | Set options for DecompositionSystemTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< DirectLineSearchArmQuad_Strategy > | |
ConstrainedOptPack::DirectLineSearchArmQuad_StrategySetOptions | Set options for DirectLineSearchArmQuad_Strategy from a OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< DirectSparseSolverMA28 > | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::DirectSparseSolverMA28SetOptions | Set options for DirectSparseSolverMA28 from OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< EvalNewPointTailoredApproach_Step > | |
MoochoPack::EvalNewPointTailoredApproach_StepSetOptions | Set options for EvalNewPointTailoredApproach_Step from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< FeasibilityStepReducedStd_Strategy > | |
MoochoPack::FeasibilityStepReducedStd_StrategySetOptions | Set options for FeasibilityStepReducedStd_Strategy from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< InitFinDiffReducedHessian_Step > | |
MoochoPack::InitFinDiffReducedHessian_StepSetOptions | Set options for InitFinDiffReducedHessian_Step from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect_Step > | |
MoochoPack::LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect_StepSetOptions | Set options for LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect_Step from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< LineSearchWatchDog_Step > | |
MoochoPack::LineSearchWatchDog_StepSetOptions | Set options for LineSearchWatchDog_Step from a OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< MeritFunc_ModifiedL1LargerSteps_AddedStep > | |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_ModifiedL1LargerSteps_AddedStepSetOptions | Set options for MeritFunc_ModifiedL1LargerSteps_AddedStep from a OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdate_AddedStep > | |
MoochoPack::MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdate_AddedStepSetOptions | Set options for MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdate_AddedStep from a OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< NLPDirectTester > | |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPDirectTesterSetOptions | Set options for NLPDirectTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< NLPFirstDerivTester > | |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstDerivTesterSetOptions | Set options for NLPFirstDerivTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< NLPSolverClientInterface > | |
MoochoPack::NLPSolverClientInterfaceSetOptions | Set options for NLPSolverClientInterface from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< NLPTester > | |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPTesterSetOptions | Set options for NLPTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< PreEvalNewPointBarrier_Step > | |
MoochoPack::PreEvalNewPointBarrier_StepSetOptions | |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< PreProcessBarrierLineSearch_Step > | |
MoochoPack::PreProcessBarrierLineSearch_StepSetOptions | |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< QPSolverRelaxedQPSchur > | |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxedQPSchurSetOptions | Set options for QPSolverRelaxedQPSchur from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< QPSolverRelaxedTester > | |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSolverRelaxedTesterSetOptions | Set options for QPSolverRelaxedTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_Strategy > | |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_StrategySetOptions | Set options for ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_Strategy from a OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< ReducedHessianSecantUpdateLPBFGS_Strategy > | |
MoochoPack::ReducedHessianSecantUpdateLPBFGS_StrategySetOptions | Set options for ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_Strategy from a OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< TangentialStepWithInequStd_Step > | |
MoochoPack::TangentialStepWithInequStd_StepSetOptions | Set options for TangentialStepWithInequStd_Step from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< UpdateBarrierParameter_Step > | |
MoochoPack::UpdateBarrierParameter_StepSetOptions | |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< UpdateReducedSigma_Step > | |
MoochoPack::UpdateReducedSigma_StepSetOptions | |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< VariableBoundsTester > | |
ConstrainedOptPack::VariableBoundsTesterSetOptions | Set options for VariableBoundsTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
OptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< VectorSpaceTester > | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpaceTesterSetOptions | Set options for VectorSpaceTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoConfigIP::SOptionValues | |
MoochoPack::NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::SOptionValues | |
MoochoPack::DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd::SOptionValues | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SortByDescendingAbsValue | Function object class for sorting a sparse vectors in descending order by abs(v(i)) |
AbstractLinAlgPack::sparse_bounds_itr | Iterate through a set of sparse bounds |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseCOOPtrElement< T_Index, T_Value > | Sparse pointer element type for a COO matrix (val, ivect, jvect) |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseElement< T_Index, T_Value > | Sparse storage element type |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparsePtrElement< T_Indice, T_Value > | Sparse pointer element type |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVector< T_Element, T_Alloc > | Sparse Vector class template |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVector< SparseElement< index_type, value_type >, std::allocator< SparseElement< index_type, value_type > > > | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorSlice< T_Element > | Sparse Vector Slice class template |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorSlice< SparseElement< index_type, value_type > > | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::SpVecIndexLookup< T_Element > | Sparse Vector Index Lookup and Caching class |
AbstractLinAlgPack::SparseVectorUtilityPack::SpVecIndexLookup< element_type > | |
IterationPack::Algorithm::step_ptr_and_name< T_Step_ptr > | |
StopWatchPack::stopwatch | Simple stopwatch object |
StrideIterPack::stride_iter< T_iterator_type, T_value_type, T_reference_type, T_pointer_type, T_difference_type > | C++ Standard Library compatable iterator class for accesing nonunit stride arrays of data |
OptionsFromStreamPack::StringToIntMap | Map a string to an enumeration |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixComposite::SubMatrixEntry | Matrix list entry for a sub-matrix |
RTOpPack::SubMultiVectorT1B< Scalar > | Class for a non-mutable sub-multi-vector (submatrix) |
RTOpPack::MutableSubMultiVectorT1B< Scalar > | Class for a mutable sub-vector |
AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixComposite::SubVectorEntry | Vector list entry for a sub-vector |
RTOpPack::SubVectorT1B< Scalar > | Class for a non-mutable sub-vector |
RTOpPack::MutableSubVectorT1B< Scalar > | Class for a mutable sub-vector |
AbstractLinAlgPack::COOMatrixPartitionedViewUtilityPack::TransposedPartition< T_Indice, T_Value > | Class for the transpose of a Partition |
AbstractLinAlgPack::TransSparseCOOElementViewIter< T_Iter, T_IterCat, T_Indice, T_ValRef, T_Diff > | Templateded iterator for iterating through a set of COO Matix elements but viewing them in transpose |
unary_function | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::compare_element_indexes_equal_to< T_Element > | Ele.index() == i |
AbstractLinAlgPack::compare_element_indexes_less< T_Element > | Ele1.index() < ele2.index() |
valarray | |
DenseLinAlgPack::IVector | |
ConstrainedOptPack::VariableBoundsTester | Tests that a set of variables are within their bounds |
AbstractLinAlgPack::Vector | Abstract interface for immutable, finite dimensional, coordinate vectors {abstract} |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorMutable | Abstract interface for mutable coordinate vectors {abstract} |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorMutableBlocked | Concrete subclass for a blocked vector |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorMutableDense | DVector "Adaptor" subclass for DenseLinAlgPack::DVectorSlice or DenseLinAlgPack::DVector objects |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorMutableSubView | Concrete subclass for a sub-view of a VectorMutable object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorMutableThyra | VectorMutable adapter subclass for Thyra::VectorBase |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSubView | Concrete subclass for a default sub-view implementation for a Vector object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorMutableSubView | Concrete subclass for a sub-view of a VectorMutable object |
vector | |
ConstrainedOptPack::QPSchurPack::vector_one_based_checked< T > | Utility class for a ranged check vector |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorApplyOpSerialBase | This is a base class that is meant to be inherited by Vector subclasses that wish to call TSFCore::apply_op_serial() when vectors are in core |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorMutableDense | DVector "Adaptor" subclass for DenseLinAlgPack::DVectorSlice or DenseLinAlgPack::DVector objects |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorMutableThyra | VectorMutable adapter subclass for Thyra::VectorBase |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSubView | Concrete subclass for a default sub-view implementation for a Vector object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorDenseEncap | Extract a constant DenseLinAlgPack::DVectorSlice view of a Vector object |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorDenseMutableEncap | Extract a non-const DenseLinAlgPack::DVectorSlice view of a VectorMutable object |
DenseLinAlgPack::VectorSliceTmpl< T > | |
DenseLinAlgPack::VectorSliceTmpl< value_type > | |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpaceFactory | Abstract interface for objects that can create vector spaces of a specified dimension |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpaceFactorySerial | Abstract interface for objects that can create vector spaces of a specified dimension |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpaceFactoryThyra | VectorSpaceFactory adapter subclass for Thyra::VectorSpaceBase |
AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorSpaceTester | Testing class for VectorSpace , Vector and VectorMutable |
DenseLinAlgPack::VectorTmpl< T > | |
Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase [external] | |
Teuchos::VerboseObject< NLP > [external] | |
NLPInterfacePack::NLP | NLP interface class {abstract} |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPObjGrad | NLP interface class that adds gradient information for the objective function {abstract} |
NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPObjGrad | Simple example NLP subclass to illustrate how to implement the NLPObjGrad interface for a specialized NLP |
NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPDirect | Simple example NLP subclass to illustrate how to implement the NLPDirect interface for a specialized NLP |
NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPFirstOrder | Simple example NLP subclass to illustrate how to implement the NLPFirstOrder interface for a specialized NLP |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPBarrier | Simple wrapper that provides an objective fn with the barrier term included |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPDirect | Interface providing only direct first order sensitivity information |
NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPDirect | Simple example NLP subclass to illustrate how to implement the NLPDirect interface for a specialized NLP |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPDirectThyraModelEvaluator | Implement the NLPFirstOrder interface using a Thyra::ModelEvaluator object |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstOrder | NLP first order information interface class {abstract} |
NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPFirstOrder | Simple example NLP subclass to illustrate how to implement the NLPFirstOrder interface for a specialized NLP |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstOrderThyraModelEvaluator | Implement the NLPFirstOrder interface using a Thyra::ModelEvaluator object |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSecondOrder | NLP second order information interface class {abstract} |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac | NLP node subclass complementing NLPSerialPreprocess for explicit Jacobians |
NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded | Simple scalable serial NLP subclass |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPWBCounterExample | NLP subclass for the Waechter and Biegler Counter Example |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess | NLP node implementation subclass for preprocessing and basis manipulation |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac | NLP node subclass complementing NLPSerialPreprocess for explicit Jacobians |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPThyraModelEvaluatorBase | Implements the base NLP interface using a Thyra::ModelEvaluator object |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPDirectThyraModelEvaluator | Implement the NLPFirstOrder interface using a Thyra::ModelEvaluator object |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstOrderThyraModelEvaluator | Implement the NLPFirstOrder interface using a Thyra::ModelEvaluator object |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPVarReductPerm | NLP interface class that adds variable and constriant permutations for variable reduction basis selections |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess | NLP node implementation subclass for preprocessing and basis manipulation |
NLPInterfacePack::NLP::ZeroOrderInfo | Struct for objective and constriants (pointer) |
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess::ZeroOrderInfoSerial | Struct for objective and constriants (pointer) as serial vectors |