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NLP node subclass complementing NLPSerialPreprocess
for explicit Jacobians.
#include <NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp>
Classes | |
struct | FirstOrderExplInfo |
Struct for zero and explicit first order quantities that subclass must fill in. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | imp_calc_Gc_or_Gh (bool calc_Gc, const Vector &x, bool newx, const FirstOrderInfo &first_order_info) const |
void | imp_fill_jacobian_entries (size_type n, size_type n_full, bool load_struct, const index_type col_offset, const value_type *val_full, const value_type *val_full_end, const index_type *ivect_full, const index_type *jvect_full, index_type *nz, value_type *val_itr, index_type *ivect_itr, index_type *jvect_itr) const |
Public types | |
typedef Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::AbstractFactory < MatrixOp > > | factory_mat_ptr_t |
Constructors / initializers | |
STANDARD_COMPOSITION_MEMBERS (BasisSystemFactory, basis_sys_fcty) | |
Set the BasisSystemFactory object used to create the basis system. More... | |
NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac (const basis_sys_fcty_ptr_t &basis_sys_fcty=Teuchos::rcp(new BasisSystemFactoryStd()), const factory_mat_ptr_t &factory_Gc_full=Teuchos::null) | |
Calls this->set_basis_sys_fcty() and this->set_mat_factories() methods. More... | |
void | set_factory_Gc_full (const factory_mat_ptr_t &factory_Gc_full) |
Initialize with matrix factory for original matrices Gc . More... | |
Overridden public members from NLP | |
void | set_options (const options_ptr_t &options) |
Passes these options on to this->basis_sys_fcty().set_options(options) . More... | |
const options_ptr_t & | get_options () const |
void | initialize (bool test_setup) |
bool | is_initialized () const |
Overridden public members from NLPFirstOrder | |
const mat_fcty_ptr_t | factory_Gc () const |
const basis_sys_ptr_t | basis_sys () const |
Calls basis_sys_fcty()->create() More... | |
void | set_Gc (MatrixOp *Gc) |
Validates the type of Gc is correct. More... | |
Overridden public members from NLPVarReductPerm | |
bool | get_next_basis (Permutation *P_var, Range1D *var_dep, Permutation *P_equ, Range1D *equ_decomp) |
void | set_basis (const Permutation &P_var, const Range1D &var_dep, const Permutation *P_equ, const Range1D *equ_decomp) |
Overridden protected members from NLPFirstOrder | |
void | imp_calc_Gc (const Vector &x, bool newx, const FirstOrderInfo &first_order_info) const |
Pure virtual template methods to be defined by subclasses | |
virtual size_type | imp_Gc_nz_orig () const =0 |
Return the number of nonzero elements in Gc before elements are removed for fixed variables. More... | |
virtual size_type | imp_Gh_nz_orig () const =0 |
Return the number of nonzero elements in Gh before elements are removed for fixed variables. More... | |
virtual void | imp_calc_Gc_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const FirstOrderExplInfo &first_order_expl_info) const =0 |
Calculate the COOR matrix for the gradient for all of the c(x) constaints in the original NLP. More... | |
virtual void | imp_calc_Gh_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const FirstOrderExplInfo &first_order_expl_info) const =0 |
Calculate the COOR matrix for the gradient for all of the h(x) constaints in the original NLP. More... | |
Protected member functions for subclasses to use | |
void | assert_initialized () const |
Assert if we have been initizlized (throws UnInitialized) More... | |
const FirstOrderExplInfo | first_order_expl_info () const |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef AbstractLinAlgPack::Vector | Vector |
typedef AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorMutable | VectorMutable |
typedef Teuchos::RCP< const VectorSpace > | vec_space_ptr_t |
typedef Teuchos::RCP< const OptionsFromStreamPack::OptionsFromStream > | options_ptr_t |
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typedef Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::AbstractFactory < Permutation > > | perm_fcty_ptr_t |
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typedef Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::AbstractFactory < MatrixOp > > | mat_fcty_ptr_t |
typedef Teuchos::RCP< BasisSystem > | basis_sys_ptr_t |
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NLPSerialPreprocess () | |
Default Constructor. More... | |
void | force_xinit_in_bounds (bool force_xinit_in_bounds) |
bool | force_xinit_in_bounds () const |
size_type | n () const |
size_type | m () const |
vec_space_ptr_t | space_x () const |
vec_space_ptr_t | space_c () const |
size_type | num_bounded_x () const |
const Vector & | xl () const |
const Vector & | xu () const |
const Vector & | xinit () const |
void | get_init_lagrange_mult (VectorMutable *lambda, VectorMutable *nu) const |
void | scale_f (value_type scale_f) |
value_type | scale_f () const |
void | report_final_solution (const Vector &x, const Vector *lambda, const Vector *nu, bool is_optimal) |
Overridden to permute the variables back into an order that is natural to the subclass. More... | |
virtual size_type | ns () const |
vec_space_ptr_t | space_c_breve () const |
vec_space_ptr_t | space_h_breve () const |
const Vector & | hl_breve () const |
const Vector & | hu_breve () const |
const Permutation & | P_var () const |
const Permutation & | P_equ () const |
const perm_fcty_ptr_t | factory_P_var () const |
const perm_fcty_ptr_t | factory_P_equ () const |
Range1D | var_dep () const |
Range1D | var_indep () const |
Range1D | equ_decomp () const |
Range1D | equ_undecomp () const |
bool | nlp_selects_basis () const |
void | get_basis (Permutation *P_var, Range1D *var_dep, Permutation *P_equ, Range1D *equ_decomp) const |
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NLPObjGrad () | |
Initialize to no reference set to calculation quanities. More... | |
virtual bool | supports_Gf () const |
Determine if the objective gradient is supported or not. More... | |
virtual bool | supports_Gf_prod () const |
Determine if the objective gradient product is supported or not. More... | |
virtual void | set_Gf (VectorMutable *Gf) |
Set a pointer to a vector to be updated when this->calc_Gf() is called. More... | |
virtual VectorMutable * | get_Gf () |
Return pointer passed to this->set_Gf() . More... | |
virtual VectorMutable & | Gf () |
Returns non-const *this->get_Gf() . More... | |
virtual const Vector & | Gf () const |
Returns const *this->get_Gf() . More... | |
void | unset_quantities () |
Call to unset all storage quantities (both in this class and all subclasses). More... | |
virtual void | calc_Gf (const Vector &x, bool newx=true) const |
Update the vector for Gf at the point x and put it in the stored reference. More... | |
virtual value_type | calc_Gf_prod (const Vector &x, const Vector &d, bool newx=true) const |
Calculate the inner product Gf(x)'*d at the point x and put it in the stored reference. More... | |
virtual size_type | num_Gf_evals () const |
Objective gradient evaluations count. More... | |
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const ZeroOrderInfo | zero_order_info () const |
Return pointer to set quantities. More... | |
const ZeroOrderInfo | zero_order_info_breve () const |
Return pointer to set hat quantities. More... | |
NLP () | |
Initialize to no reference set to calculation quanities. More... | |
virtual | ~NLP () |
Destructor that cleans all the memory it owns. More... | |
virtual value_type | max_var_bounds_viol () const =0 |
Set the maximum absolute value for which the variable bounds may be violated by when computing function and gradient values. More... | |
virtual void | set_f (value_type *f) |
Set a pointer to an value to be updated when this->calc_f() is called. More... | |
virtual value_type * | get_f () |
Return pointer passed to this->set_f() . More... | |
virtual value_type & | f () |
Returns non-const *this->get_f() . More... | |
virtual const value_type & | f () const |
Returns const *this->get_f() . More... | |
virtual void | set_c (VectorMutable *c) |
Set a pointer to a vector to be updated when this->calc_c() is called. More... | |
virtual VectorMutable * | get_c () |
Return pointer passed to this->set_c() . More... | |
virtual VectorMutable & | c () |
Returns non-const *this->get_c() . More... | |
virtual const Vector & | c () const |
Returns const *this->get_c() . More... | |
virtual void | calc_f (const Vector &x, bool newx=true) const |
Update the value for the objective f at the point x and put it in the stored reference. More... | |
virtual void | calc_c (const Vector &x, bool newx=true) const |
Update the constraint residual vector for c at the point x and put it in the stored reference. More... | |
virtual size_type | num_f_evals () const |
Gives the number of object function f(x) evaluations called by the solver since initialize() was called. More... | |
virtual size_type | num_c_evals () const |
Gives the number of constraint function c(x) evaluations called by the solver since initialize() was called. Throws exception if this->m() == 0 . More... | |
virtual void | set_c_breve (VectorMutable *c_breve) |
Set a pointer to a vector to be updated when this->calc_c_breve() is called. More... | |
virtual VectorMutable * | get_c_breve () |
Return pointer passed to this->set_c_breve() . More... | |
virtual VectorMutable & | c_breve () |
Returns non-const *this->get_c_breve() . More... | |
virtual const Vector & | c_breve () const |
Returns const *this->get_c_breve() . More... | |
virtual void | set_h_breve (VectorMutable *h_breve) |
Set a pointer to a vector to be updated when this->calc_h_breve() is called. More... | |
virtual VectorMutable * | get_h_breve () |
Return pointer passed to this->set_h_breve() . More... | |
virtual VectorMutable & | h_breve () |
Returns non-const *this->get_h_breve() . More... | |
virtual const Vector & | h_breve () const |
Returns const *this->get_h_breve() . More... | |
virtual void | calc_c_breve (const Vector &x, bool newx=true) const |
Update the constraint residual vector for c_breve at the point x and put it in the stored reference. More... | |
virtual void | calc_h_breve (const Vector &x, bool newx=true) const |
Update the constraint residual vector for h_breve at the point x and put it in the stored reference. More... | |
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TEUCHOSPARAMETERLIST_LIB_DLL_EXPORT RCP< const ParameterList > | getValidVerboseObjectSublist () |
TEUCHOSPARAMETERLIST_LIB_DLL_EXPORT void | setupVerboseObjectSublist (ParameterList *paramList) |
TEUCHOSPARAMETERLIST_LIB_DLL_EXPORT void | readVerboseObjectSublist (ParameterList *paramList, RCP< FancyOStream > *oStream, EVerbosityLevel *verbLevel) |
void | readVerboseObjectSublist (ParameterList *paramList, VerboseObject< NLP > *verboseObject) |
VerboseObject (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=VERB_DEFAULT, const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream=Teuchos::null) | |
virtual void | initializeVerboseObject (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=VERB_DEFAULT, const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream=Teuchos::null) |
virtual const VerboseObject & | setVerbLevel (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const |
virtual const VerboseObject & | setOverridingVerbLevel (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const |
virtual EVerbosityLevel | getVerbLevel () const |
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NLPFirstOrder () | |
Initialize to no reference set to calculation quanities. More... | |
virtual MatrixOp * | get_Gc () |
Return pointer passed to this->set_Gc() . More... | |
virtual MatrixOp & | Gc () |
Returns non-const *this->get_Gc() . More... | |
virtual const MatrixOp & | Gc () const |
Returns const *this->get_Gc() . More... | |
void | unset_quantities () |
Call to unset all storage quantities (both in this class and all subclasses). More... | |
virtual void | calc_Gc (const Vector &x, bool newx=true) const |
Update the matrix for Gc at the point x and put it in the stored reference. More... | |
virtual size_type | num_Gc_evals () const |
Gradient of constraints matrix Gc evaluations count. More... | |
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static value_type | fixed_var_mult () |
Gives the value of a Lagrange multipler for a fixed variable bound .that has been preprocessed out of the problem. More... | |
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static value_type | infinite_bound () |
Value for an infinite bound. More... | |
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static void | setDefaultVerbLevel (const EVerbosityLevel defaultVerbLevel) |
static EVerbosityLevel | getDefaultVerbLevel () |
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void | imp_calc_f (const Vector &x, bool newx, const ZeroOrderInfo &zero_order_info) const |
void | imp_calc_c (const Vector &x, bool newx, const ZeroOrderInfo &zero_order_info) const |
void | imp_calc_c_breve (const Vector &x, bool newx, const ZeroOrderInfo &zero_order_info_breve) const |
void | imp_calc_h_breve (const Vector &x, bool newx, const ZeroOrderInfo &zero_order_info_breve) const |
void | imp_calc_Gf (const Vector &x, bool newx, const ObjGradInfo &obj_grad_info) const |
virtual bool | imp_nlp_has_changed () const |
Return if the definition of the NLP has changed since the last call to initialize() More... | |
virtual size_type | imp_n_orig () const =0 |
Return the number of variables in the original problem (including those fixed by bounds) More... | |
virtual size_type | imp_m_orig () const =0 |
Return the number of general equality constraints in the original problem. More... | |
virtual size_type | imp_mI_orig () const =0 |
Return the number of general inequality constraints in the original problem. More... | |
virtual const DVectorSlice | imp_xinit_orig () const =0 |
Return the original initial point (size imp_n_orig() ). More... | |
virtual bool | imp_has_var_bounds () const =0 |
Return if the NLP has bounds. More... | |
virtual const DVectorSlice | imp_xl_orig () const =0 |
Return the original lower variable bounds (size imp_n_orig() ). More... | |
virtual const DVectorSlice | imp_xu_orig () const =0 |
Return the original upper variable bounds (size imp_n_orig() ). More... | |
virtual const DVectorSlice | imp_hl_orig () const =0 |
Return the original lower general inequality bounds (size imp_mI_orig() ). More... | |
virtual const DVectorSlice | imp_hu_orig () const =0 |
Return the original upper general inequality bounds (size imp_mI_orig() ). More... | |
virtual void | imp_calc_f_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const ZeroOrderInfoSerial &zero_order_info) const =0 |
Calculate the objective function for the original NLP. More... | |
virtual void | imp_calc_c_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const ZeroOrderInfoSerial &zero_order_info) const =0 |
Calculate the vector for all of the general equality constaints in the original NLP. More... | |
virtual void | imp_calc_h_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const ZeroOrderInfoSerial &zero_order_info) const =0 |
Calculate the vector for all of the general inequality constaints in the original NLP. More... | |
virtual void | imp_calc_Gf_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const ObjGradInfoSerial &obj_grad_info) const =0 |
Calculate the vector for the gradient of the objective in the original NLP. More... | |
virtual bool | imp_get_next_basis (IVector *var_perm_full, IVector *equ_perm_full, size_type *rank_full, size_type *rank) |
Return the next basis selection (default returns false ). More... | |
virtual void | imp_report_orig_final_solution (const DVectorSlice &x_full, const DVectorSlice *lambda_orig, const DVectorSlice *lambdaI_orig, const DVectorSlice *nu_orig, bool optimal) |
To be overridden by subclasses to report the final solution in the original ordering natural to the subclass. More... | |
void | set_not_initialized () |
Used by subclasses to set the state of the NLP to not initialized. More... | |
void | assert_initialized () const |
Assert if we have been initizlized (throws UnInitialized) More... | |
void | set_x_full (const DVectorSlice &x, bool newx, DVectorSlice *x_full) const |
Set the full x vector if newx == true More... | |
DVectorSlice | x_full () const |
Give reference to current x_full. More... | |
const ZeroOrderInfoSerial | zero_order_orig_info () const |
const ObjGradInfoSerial | obj_grad_orig_info () const |
const IVector & | var_remove_fixed_to_full () const |
Permutation vector for partitioning free and fixed variables. More... | |
const IVector & | var_full_to_remove_fixed () const |
Inverse permutation vector of var_remove_fixed_to_full() . More... | |
const IVector & | var_perm () const |
Permutes from the compated variable vector (removing fixed variables) to the current basis selection. More... | |
const IVector & | equ_perm () const |
Permutes from the original constriant ordering to the current basis selection. More... | |
const IVector & | inv_equ_perm () const |
Inverse of equ_perm() More... | |
void | var_from_full (DVectorSlice::const_iterator vec_full, DVectorSlice::iterator vec) const |
void | var_to_full (DVectorSlice::const_iterator vec, DVectorSlice::iterator vec_full) const |
void | equ_from_full (const DVectorSlice &c_orig, const DVectorSlice &h_orig, const DVectorSlice &s_orig, DVectorSlice *c_full) const |
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const ObjGradInfo | obj_grad_info () const |
Return objective gradient and zero order information. More... | |
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template<class T > | |
void | assert_ref_set (T *p, std::string info) const |
Assert referece has been set for a quanity. More... | |
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const FirstOrderInfo | first_order_info () const |
Return objective gradient and zero order information. More... | |
NLP node subclass complementing NLPSerialPreprocess
for explicit Jacobians.
This subclass does a lot of work. It has to consider several different types of variability. The matrices Gc
and Gh
that are computed must take into consideration whether or not inequalities are converted to equalities (convert_inequ_to_equ
) and the permutation of the entries according to the current basis selection.
Gc = P_var * [ Gc_orig Gh_orig ] * P_equ' [ 0 -I ]
This class also comes with a default implementation for the BasisSystemPerm
object which is created by a BasisSystemPermFactory
object that the client (or the subclass) can specify. The default implementation for this factory object is from BasisSystemPermFactoryStd
which uses the AbstractLinAlgPack::BasisSystemPermDirectSparse
subclass and supports several different linear solvers by default. The client (or subclass) can augment the list of supported linear solvers easily.
ToDo: Finish documentation!
Subclass developers
Subclass developer's don't have to worry about slack variables or basis permutations. A concreate subclass just has to override the functions that defined the original NLP (see the tutorial example NLP ???).
In addition to the methods that must be overridden in NLPSerialPreprocess
(see) the following methods must be overridden as well: imp_Gc_nz_orig()
, imp_Gh_nz_orig()
, imp_calc_Gc_orig()
, imp_calc_Gh_orig()
Definition at line 93 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
typedef Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::AbstractFactory<MatrixOp> > NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac::factory_mat_ptr_t |
Definition at line 104 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac::NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac | ( | const basis_sys_fcty_ptr_t & | basis_sys_fcty = Teuchos::rcp(new BasisSystemFactoryStd()) , |
const factory_mat_ptr_t & | factory_Gc_full = Teuchos::null |
) |
Calls this->set_basis_sys_fcty()
and this->set_mat_factories()
Definition at line 68 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac::STANDARD_COMPOSITION_MEMBERS | ( | BasisSystemFactory | , |
basis_sys_fcty | |||
) |
Set the BasisSystemFactory
object used to create the basis system.
void NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac::set_factory_Gc_full | ( | const factory_mat_ptr_t & | factory_Gc_full | ) |
Initialize with matrix factory for original matrices Gc
This matrix type will be used for AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixPermAggr::mat_orig()
returned by the initialized Gc
factory_Gc_full | [in] Smart pointer to matrix factory for Gc_full . If factory_Gc_full.get() == NULL then the concrete matrix type ??? will be used as the default. |
Definition at line 78 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
virtual |
Passes these options on to this->basis_sys_fcty().set_options(options)
Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLP.
Definition at line 92 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLP.
Definition at line 98 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstOrder.
Reimplemented in NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded, and NLPInterfacePack::NLPWBCounterExample.
Definition at line 103 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess.
Reimplemented in NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded, and NLPInterfacePack::NLPWBCounterExample.
Definition at line 137 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
virtual |
Implements NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstOrder.
Definition at line 144 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
virtual |
Calls basis_sys_fcty()->create()
Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstOrder.
Definition at line 150 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
virtual |
Validates the type of Gc is correct.
Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstOrder.
Definition at line 157 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess.
Definition at line 169 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess.
Definition at line 183 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Implements NLPInterfacePack::NLPFirstOrder.
Definition at line 196 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
protectedpure virtual |
Return the number of nonzero elements in Gc
before elements are removed for fixed variables.
The value returned from this method before the first time imp_calc_Gc()
is called is an upper estimate of the number of nonzeros. To get the actual number of nonzeros, call this function again after imp_calc_Gc()
has been called.
Implemented in NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded, and NLPInterfacePack::NLPWBCounterExample.
protectedpure virtual |
Return the number of nonzero elements in Gh
before elements are removed for fixed variables.
The value returned from this method before the first time imp_calc_Gh()
is called is an upper estimate of the number of nonzeros. To get the actual number of nonzeros, call this function again after imp_calc_Gh()
has been called.
Implemented in NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded, and NLPInterfacePack::NLPWBCounterExample.
protectedpure virtual |
Calculate the COOR matrix for the gradient for all of the c(x)
constaints in the original NLP.
x_full | [in] Unknown vector (size n_full). |
newx | [in] True if is a new point. |
first_order_expl_info | [out] Pointers to zero and first order quantities . On output, *first_order_expl_info.Gc_nz must be set to the actual number of nonzero elements in Gc and the array of nonzero entry values *first_order_expl_info.Gc_val must also be set. The nonzero structure must also be set in the arrays *first_order_expl_info.Gc_ivect and *first_order_expl_info.Gc_jvect if first_order_expl_info.Gc_ivect != NULL . In addition, any of the other quantities pointed to in first_order_expl_info may be set on output, but are not guaranteed to be. |
first_order_expl_info.Gc_nz != NULL
first_order_expl_info.Gc_val != NULL
(first_order_expl_info.Gc_ivect != NULL) == (first_order_expl_info.Gc_jvect != NULL)
is updated to number of nonzero elements set in *first_order_expl_info.Gc_val
. (*first_order_expl_info.Gc_val)[k]
, for k = 1...*first_order_expl_info.Gc_nz
is set to the nonzero entry values in Gc
. first_order_expl_info.Gc_ivect != NULL
] (*first_order_expl_info.Gc_ivect)[k]
, for k = 1...*first_order_expl_info.Gc_nz
is set to the row indexes for the nonzero entires in Gc
. first_order_expl_info.Gc_jvect != NULL
] (*first_order_expl_info.Gc_jvect)[k]
, for k = 1...*first_order_expl_info.Gc_nz
is set to the column indexes for the nonzero entires in Gc
. Note that duplicate entires with the same row and column indexes are allowed. In this case, the matrix entries are considered to be summed.
Implemented in NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded, and NLPInterfacePack::NLPWBCounterExample.
protectedpure virtual |
Calculate the COOR matrix for the gradient for all of the h(x)
constaints in the original NLP.
x_full | [in] Unknown vector (size n_full). |
newx | [in] True if is a new point. |
first_order_expl_info | [out] Pointers to zero and first order quantities . On output, *first_order_expl_info.Gh_nz must be set to the actual number of nonzero elements in Gh and the array of nonzero entry values *first_order_expl_info.Gh_val must also be set. The nonzero structure must also be set in the arrays *first_order_expl_info.Gh_ivect and *first_order_expl_info.Gh_jvect if first_order_expl_info.Gh_ivect != NULL . In addition, any of the other quantities pointed to in first_order_expl_info may be set on output, but are not guaranteed to be. |
first_order_expl_info.Gh_nz != NULL
first_order_expl_info.Gh_val != NULL
(first_order_expl_info.Gh_ivect != NULL) == (first_order_expl_info.Gh_jvect != NULL)
is updated to number of nonzero elements set in *first_order_expl_info.Gh_val
. (*first_order_expl_info.Gh_val)[k]
, for k = 1...*first_order_expl_info.Gh_nz
is set to the nonzero entry values in Gh
. first_order_expl_info.Gh_ivect != NULL
] (*first_order_expl_info.Gh_ivect)[k]
, for k = 1...*first_order_expl_info.Gh_nz
is set to the row indexes for the nonzero entires in Gh
. first_order_expl_info.Gh_jvect != NULL
] (*first_order_expl_info.Gh_jvect)[k]
, for k = 1...*first_order_expl_info.Gh_nz
is set to the column indexes for the nonzero entires in Gh
. Note that duplicate entires with the same row and column indexes are allowed. In this case, the matrix entries are considered to be summed.
Implemented in NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded, and NLPInterfacePack::NLPWBCounterExample.
protected |
Assert if we have been initizlized (throws UnInitialized)
Definition at line 448 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 458 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
private |
private |
Definition at line 457 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.cpp.
private |
Definition at line 405 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 406 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 407 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 409 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 410 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 412 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 413 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 414 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 415 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 416 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 417 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 418 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 419 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 420 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 421 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 423 of file NLPInterfacePack_NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac.hpp.