Version of the Day
Time Integration
Classes | |
class | AdjointAuxSensitivityModelEvaluator |
ModelEvaluator for forming adjoint sensitivity equations. More... | |
class | AdjointSensitivityModelEvaluator |
ModelEvaluator for forming adjoint sensitivity equations. More... | |
class | AuxiliaryIntegralModelEvaluator |
ModelEvaluator for integrating auxiliary equations. More... | |
class | CombinedForwardSensitivityModelEvaluator |
Transform a ModelEvaluator's sensitivity equations to its residual. More... | |
class | Stepper |
Thyra Base interface for time steppers. More... | |
class | SolutionHistory |
SolutionHistory is basically a container of SolutionStates. SolutionHistory maintains a collection of SolutionStates for later retrival and reuse, such as checkpointing, restart, and undo operations. More... | |
class | TimeStepControl |
TimeStepControl manages the time step size. There several mechanicisms that effect the time step size and handled with this class: More... | |
class | Integrator |
Thyra Base interface for time integrators. Time integrators are designed to advance the solution from an initial time, ![]() ![]() | |
class | IntegratorAdjointSensitivity |
Time integrator suitable for adjoint sensitivity analysis. More... | |
class | IntegratorBasic |
Basic time integrator. More... | |
class | IntegratorForwardSensitivity |
Time integrator implementing forward sensitivity analysis. More... | |
class | IntegratorObserver |
IntegratorObserver class for time integrators. More... | |
class | IntegratorObserverBasic |
IntegratorObserverBasic class for time integrators. This basic class has simple no-op functions, as all basic functionality should be handled through other methods. More... | |
class | IntegratorObserverComposite |
This observer is a composite observer,. More... | |
class | IntegratorObserverLogging |
This observer logs calls to observer functions. This observer simply logs and counts the calls to each of the observer functions. This is useful in monirtoring and debugging the time integration. More... | |
class | IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity |
Time integrator suitable for pseudotransient adjoint sensitivity analysis. More... | |
class | IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity |
Time integrator suitable for pseudotransient forward sensitivity analysis. More... | |
class | Interpolator |
Base strategy class for interpolation functionality. More... | |
class | InterpolatorFactory |
Interpolator factory. More... | |
class | InterpolatorLagrange |
Concrete implemenation of Interpolator that does simple lagrange interpolation. More... | |
class | PhysicsState |
PhysicsState is a simple class to hold information about the physics. More... | |
class | RKButcherTableau |
Runge-Kutta methods. More... | |
class | General_RKButcherTableau |
class | GeneralExplicit_RKBT |
General Explicit Runge-Kutta Butcher Tableau. More... | |
class | BackwardEuler_RKBT |
Backward Euler Runge-Kutta Butcher Tableau. More... | |
class | ForwardEuler_RKBT |
Forward Euler Runge-Kutta Butcher Tableau. More... | |
class | Explicit4Stage4thOrder_RKBT |
Runge-Kutta 4th order Butcher Tableau. More... | |
class | ExplicitBogackiShampine32_RKBT |
Explicit RK Bogacki-Shampine Butcher Tableau. More... | |
class | ExplicitMerson45_RKBT |
Explicit RK Merson Butcher Tableau. More... | |
class | Explicit3_8Rule_RKBT |
Explicit RK 3/8th Rule Butcher Tableau. More... | |
class | Explicit4Stage3rdOrderRunge_RKBT |
RK Explicit 4 Stage 3rd order by Runge. More... | |
class | Explicit5Stage3rdOrderKandG_RKBT |
RK Explicit 5 Stage 3rd order by Kinnmark and Gray. More... | |
class | Explicit3Stage3rdOrder_RKBT |
RK Explicit 3 Stage 3rd order. More... | |
class | Explicit3Stage3rdOrderTVD_RKBT |
RK Explicit 3 Stage 3rd order TVD. More... | |
class | Explicit3Stage3rdOrderHeun_RKBT |
RK Explicit 3 Stage 3rd order by Heun. More... | |
class | Explicit2Stage2ndOrderRunge_RKBT |
RK Explicit 2 Stage 2nd order by Runge. More... | |
class | ExplicitTrapezoidal_RKBT |
RK Explicit Trapezoidal. More... | |
class | GeneralDIRK_RKBT |
General Implicit Runge-Kutta Butcher Tableau. More... | |
class | SDIRK1Stage1stOrder_RKBT |
SDIRK 1 Stage 1st order. More... | |
class | SDIRK2Stage2ndOrder_RKBT |
SDIRK 2 Stage 2nd order. More... | |
class | SDIRK2Stage3rdOrder_RKBT |
SDIRK 2 Stage 3rd order. More... | |
class | EDIRK2Stage3rdOrder_RKBT |
EDIRK 2 Stage 3rd order. More... | |
class | Implicit3Stage6thOrderKuntzmannButcher_RKBT |
class | Implicit4Stage8thOrderKuntzmannButcher_RKBT |
class | Implicit2Stage4thOrderHammerHollingsworth_RKBT |
class | IRK1StageTheta_RKBT |
class | EDIRK2StageTheta_RKBT |
class | Implicit1Stage2ndOrderGauss_RKBT |
class | Implicit2Stage4thOrderGauss_RKBT |
class | Implicit3Stage6thOrderGauss_RKBT |
class | Implicit1Stage1stOrderRadauA_RKBT |
class | Implicit2Stage3rdOrderRadauA_RKBT |
class | Implicit3Stage5thOrderRadauA_RKBT |
class | Implicit1Stage1stOrderRadauB_RKBT |
class | Implicit2Stage3rdOrderRadauB_RKBT |
class | Implicit3Stage5thOrderRadauB_RKBT |
class | Implicit2Stage2ndOrderLobattoA_RKBT |
class | Implicit3Stage4thOrderLobattoA_RKBT |
class | Implicit4Stage6thOrderLobattoA_RKBT |
class | Implicit2Stage2ndOrderLobattoB_RKBT |
class | Implicit3Stage4thOrderLobattoB_RKBT |
class | Implicit4Stage6thOrderLobattoB_RKBT |
class | Implicit2Stage2ndOrderLobattoC_RKBT |
class | Implicit3Stage4thOrderLobattoC_RKBT |
class | Implicit4Stage6thOrderLobattoC_RKBT |
class | SDIRK5Stage5thOrder_RKBT |
class | SDIRK5Stage4thOrder_RKBT |
class | SDIRK3Stage4thOrder_RKBT |
class | SDIRK21_RKBT |
SDIRK 2(1) pair. More... | |
class | RKButcherTableauBuilder |
Runge-Kutta Builder class. This factory creates RKButcherTableau objects given the description string from the RKButcherTableau object. More... | |
class | SensitivityModelEvaluatorBase |
A ModelEvaluator decorator for sensitivity analysis. More... | |
class | SolutionState |
Solution state for integrators and steppers. SolutionState contains the metadata for solutions and the solutions themselves. More... | |
class | SolutionStateMetaData |
Solution state meta data. More... | |
class | StaggeredForwardSensitivityModelEvaluator |
Transform a ModelEvaluator's sensitivity equations to its residual. More... | |
class | StepperBackwardEuler |
Backward Euler time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperBackwardEulerTimeDerivative |
Time-derivative interface for Backward Euler. More... | |
class | StepperFactory |
Stepper factory. More... | |
class | StepperBackwardEulerObserver |
StepperBackwardEulerObserver class for StepperBackwardEuler. More... | |
class | StepperBDF2 |
BDF2 (Backward-Difference-Formula-2) time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperBDF2TimeDerivative |
Time-derivative interface for BDF2. More... | |
class | StepperBDF2Observer |
StepperBDF2Observer class for StepperBDF2. More... | |
class | StepperDIRK |
Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK) time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperDIRKTimeDerivative |
Time-derivative interface for DIRK. More... | |
class | StepperDIRKObserver |
StepperDIRKObserver class for StepperDIRK. More... | |
class | StepperExplicit |
Thyra Base interface for implicit time steppers. More... | |
class | StepperExplicitRK |
Explicit Runge-Kutta time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperExplicitRKObserver |
StepperExplicitRKObserver class for StepperExplicitRK. More... | |
class | StepperForwardEuler |
Forward Euler time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperForwardEulerObserver |
StepperForwardEulerObserver class for StepperForwardEuler. More... | |
class | StepperHHTAlpha |
HHT-Alpha time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperIMEX_RK |
Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta (IMEX-RK) time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperIMEX_RKTimeDerivative |
Time-derivative interface for IMEX RK. More... | |
class | StepperIMEX_RK_Partition |
Partitioned Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta (IMEX-RK) time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperIMEX_RKPartTimeDerivative |
Time-derivative interface for Partitioned IMEX RK. More... | |
class | StepperIMEX_RKObserver |
StepperIMEX_RKObserver class for StepperIMEX_RK. More... | |
class | StepperIMEX_RKPartObserver |
StepperIMEX_RKPartObserver class for StepperIMEX_RK_Partition. More... | |
class | ImplicitODEParameters |
class | StepperImplicit |
Thyra Base interface for implicit time steppers. More... | |
class | StepperLeapfrog |
Leapfrog time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperLeapfrogObserver |
StepperLeapfrogObserver class for StepperLeapfrog. More... | |
class | StepperNewmarkExplicitAForm |
Newmark Explicit time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperNewmarkImplicitAForm |
Newmark time stepper in acceleration form (a-form). More... | |
class | StepperNewmarkImplicitDForm |
Newmark time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperObserver |
StepperObserver class for Stepper class. More... | |
class | StepperObserverBasic |
StepperObserverBasic class for Stepper class. More... | |
class | StepperOperatorSplit |
OperatorSplit stepper loops through the Stepper list. More... | |
class | StepperOperatorSplitObserver |
StepperOperatorSplitObserver class for StepperOperatorSplit. More... | |
class | StepperOptimizationInterface |
Stepper interface to support full-space optimization. More... | |
class | StepperStaggeredForwardSensitivity |
A stepper implementing staggered forward sensitivity analysis. More... | |
class | StepperState |
StepperState is a simple class to hold state information about the stepper. More... | |
class | StepperTrapezoidal |
Trapezoidal method time stepper. More... | |
class | StepperTrapezoidalTimeDerivative |
Time-derivative interface for Trapezoidal method. More... | |
class | StepperTrapezoidalObserver |
StepperTrapezoidalObserver class for StepperTrapezoidal. More... | |
class | TimeDerivative |
This interface defines the time derivative connection between an implicit Stepper and WrapperModelEvaluator. More... | |
class | TimeStepControlStrategy |
StepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl. More... | |
class | TimeStepControlStrategyBasicVS |
StepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl. More... | |
class | TimeStepControlStrategyComposite |
StepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl. More... | |
class | TimeStepControlStrategyConstant |
StepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl. More... | |
class | TimeStepControlStrategyIntegralController |
StepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl. More... | |
class | TimeStepControlStrategyPID |
StepControlStrategy class for TimeStepControl. More... | |
class | WrapperModelEvaluator |
A ModelEvaluator which wraps the application ModelEvaluator. More... | |
class | WrapperModelEvaluatorBasic |
A ModelEvaluator for residual evaluations given a state. This ModelEvaluator takes a state, x, and determines its residual, ![]() ![]() | |
class | WrapperModelEvaluatorPairIMEX |
ModelEvaluator pair for implicit and explicit (IMEX) evaluations. More... | |
class | WrapperModelEvaluatorPairIMEX_Basic |
ModelEvaluator pair for implicit and explicit (IMEX) evaulations. More... | |
class | WrapperModelEvaluatorPairIMEX_CombinedFSA |
Specialization of IMEX ME for "combined" FSA method. More... | |
class | WrapperModelEvaluatorPairIMEX_StaggeredFSA |
Specialization of IMEX ME for "staggered" FSA method. More... | |
class | WrapperModelEvaluatorPairPartIMEX_Basic |
ModelEvaluator pair for implicit and explicit (IMEX) evaulations. More... | |
class | WrapperModelEvaluatorPairPartIMEX_CombinedFSA |
Specialization of IMEX-Part ME for "combined" FSA method. More... | |
class | WrapperModelEvaluatorPairPartIMEX_StaggeredFSA |
Specialization of IMEX-Part ME for "combined" FSA method. More... | |
class | WrapperModelEvaluatorSecondOrder |
A ModelEvaluator for residual evaluations given a state. This ModelEvaluator takes a state, x, and determines its residual, ![]() ![]() | |
Enumerations | |
enum | OrderODE { FIRST_ORDER_ODE = 1, SECOND_ORDER_ODE = 2 } |
enum | Status { PASSED, FAILED, WORKING } |
Status for the Integrator, the Stepper and the SolutionState. More... | |
EVALUATION_TYPE indicates the evaluation to apply to the implicit ODE. More... | |
Functions | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorAdjointSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorAdjointSensitivity (Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > pList, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorAdjointSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorAdjointSensitivity () |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorBasic < Scalar > > | integratorBasic (Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > pList, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorBasic < Scalar > > | integratorBasic (const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model, std::string stepperType) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorBasic < Scalar > > | integratorBasic () |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorBasic < Scalar > > | integratorBasic (Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > pList, std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > > models) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorForwardSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorForwardSensitivity (Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > pList, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorForwardSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorForwardSensitivity (const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model, std::string stepperType) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorForwardSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorForwardSensitivity () |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity (Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > pList, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity (const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model, std::string stepperType) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity () |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity (Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > pList, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity (const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model, std::string stepperType) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity < Scalar > > | integratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity () |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
void | interpolate (const Interpolator< Scalar > &interpolator, const Scalar &t, SolutionState< Scalar > *state_out) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
void | interpolate (Interpolator< Scalar > &interpolator, const Teuchos::RCP< const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< SolutionState< Scalar > > > > &nodes, const Scalar &t, SolutionState< Scalar > *state_out) |
Non-member constructor. More... | |
template<typename Scalar > | |
bool | floating_compare_equals (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b, const Scalar &scale) |
Helper function for comparing times. More... | |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < InterpolatorLagrange< Scalar > > | lagrangeInterpolator () |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP< RKButcherTableau < Scalar > > | rKButcherTableau () |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP< RKButcherTableau < Scalar > > | rKButcherTableau (const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, Scalar > &A, const Teuchos::SerialDenseVector< int, Scalar > &b, const Teuchos::SerialDenseVector< int, Scalar > &c, int order, const std::string &description="") |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP< RKButcherTableau < Scalar > > | rKButcherTableau (const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, Scalar > &A, const Teuchos::SerialDenseVector< int, Scalar > &b, const Teuchos::SerialDenseVector< int, Scalar > &c, int order, int orderMin, int orderMax, const std::string &description="") |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < RKButcherTableauBuilder < Scalar > > | rKButcherTableauBuilder () |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP< RKButcherTableau < Scalar > > | createRKBT (const std::string &rkbt_name, Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > pl) |
template<class Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP< SolutionHistory < Scalar > > | solutionHistory (Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > pList=Teuchos::null) |
Nonmember constructor. More... | |
void | trim (std::string &str) |
Removes whitespace at beginning and end of string. More... | |
void | StringTokenizer (std::vector< std::string > &tokens, const std::string &str, const std::string delimiter=",", bool trim=false) |
Tokenize a string, put tokens in a vector. More... | |
void | TokensToDoubles (std::vector< double > &values, const std::vector< std::string > &tokens) |
Turn a vector of tokens into a vector of doubles. More... | |
void | TokensToInts (std::vector< int > &values, const std::vector< std::string > &tokens) |
Turn a vector of tokens into a vector of ints. More... | |
template<typename ScalarT > | |
ScalarT | getScalarParameter (const std::string &field, const Teuchos::ParameterList &plist) |
const std::string | toString (const Status status) |
Convert Status to string. More... | |
std::string | version () |
template<typename Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < SensitivityModelEvaluatorBase < Scalar > > | wrapCombinedFSAModelEvaluator (const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model, const Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > &pList=Teuchos::null) |
template<typename Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < SensitivityModelEvaluatorBase < Scalar > > | wrapCombinedFSAModelEvaluator (const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model, const Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > &pList=Teuchos::null) |
template<typename Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < SensitivityModelEvaluatorBase < Scalar > > | wrapStaggeredFSAModelEvaluator (const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model, const Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > &pList=Teuchos::null) |
template<typename Scalar > | |
Teuchos::RCP < SensitivityModelEvaluatorBase < Scalar > > | wrapStaggeredFSAModelEvaluator (const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > &model, const Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > &pList=Teuchos::null) |
EVALUATION_TYPE indicates the evaluation to apply to the implicit ODE.
Enumerator | |
Evaluate residual for the implicit ODE. |
Solve for x and determine xDot from x. |
Solve for xDot keeping x constant (for ICs). |
Definition at line 18 of file Tempus_WrapperModelEvaluator.hpp.
enum Tempus::OrderODE |
Enumerator | |
Stepper integrates first-order ODEs. |
Stepper integrates second-order ODEs. |
Definition at line 27 of file Tempus_Stepper_decl.hpp.
enum Tempus::Status |
Status for the Integrator, the Stepper and the SolutionState.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 16 of file Tempus_Types.hpp.
enum Tempus::StorageType |
Definition at line 26 of file Tempus_SolutionHistory_decl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< RKButcherTableau< Scalar > > Tempus::createRKBT | ( | const std::string & | rkbt_name, |
Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > | pl | ||
) |
Definition at line 27 of file Tempus_RKButcherTableauBuilder_impl.hpp.
bool Tempus::floating_compare_equals | ( | const Scalar & | a, |
const Scalar & | b, | ||
const Scalar & | scale | ||
) |
Helper function for comparing times.
Definition at line 90 of file Tempus_Interpolator.hpp.
ScalarT Tempus::getScalarParameter | ( | const std::string & | field, |
const Teuchos::ParameterList & | plist | ||
) |
Read in a parameter field and return the correct scalar field. This parses scalar type data
Definition at line 39 of file Tempus_String_Utilities.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorAdjointSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorAdjointSensitivity | ( | Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > | pList, |
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 526 of file Tempus_IntegratorAdjointSensitivity_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorAdjointSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorAdjointSensitivity | ( | ) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 538 of file Tempus_IntegratorAdjointSensitivity_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorBasic< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorBasic | ( | Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > | pList, |
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 717 of file Tempus_IntegratorBasic_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorBasic< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorBasic | ( | const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model, |
std::string | stepperType | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 728 of file Tempus_IntegratorBasic_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorBasic< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorBasic | ( | ) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 739 of file Tempus_IntegratorBasic_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorBasic< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorBasic | ( | Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > | pList, |
std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > > | models | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 748 of file Tempus_IntegratorBasic_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorForwardSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorForwardSensitivity | ( | Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > | pList, |
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 330 of file Tempus_IntegratorForwardSensitivity_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorForwardSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorForwardSensitivity | ( | const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model, |
std::string | stepperType | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 342 of file Tempus_IntegratorForwardSensitivity_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorForwardSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorForwardSensitivity | ( | ) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 354 of file Tempus_IntegratorForwardSensitivity_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity | ( | Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > | pList, |
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 453 of file Tempus_IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity | ( | const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model, |
std::string | stepperType | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 465 of file Tempus_IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity | ( | ) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 477 of file Tempus_IntegratorPseudoTransientAdjointSensitivity_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity | ( | Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > | pList, |
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 542 of file Tempus_IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity | ( | const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model, |
std::string | stepperType | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 554 of file Tempus_IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< Tempus::IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity< Scalar > > Tempus::integratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity | ( | ) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 566 of file Tempus_IntegratorPseudoTransientForwardSensitivity_impl.hpp.
void Tempus::interpolate | ( | const Interpolator< Scalar > & | interpolator, |
const Scalar & | t, | ||
SolutionState< Scalar > * | state_out | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 70 of file Tempus_Interpolator.hpp.
void Tempus::interpolate | ( | Interpolator< Scalar > & | interpolator, |
const Teuchos::RCP< const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< SolutionState< Scalar > > > > & | nodes, | ||
const Scalar & | t, | ||
SolutionState< Scalar > * | state_out | ||
) |
Non-member constructor.
Definition at line 79 of file Tempus_Interpolator.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP<InterpolatorLagrange<Scalar> > Tempus::lagrangeInterpolator | ( | ) |
Definition at line 74 of file Tempus_InterpolatorLagrange_decl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP<RKButcherTableau<Scalar> > Tempus::rKButcherTableau | ( | ) |
Definition at line 242 of file Tempus_RKButcherTableau.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP<RKButcherTableau<Scalar> > Tempus::rKButcherTableau | ( | const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, Scalar > & | A, |
const Teuchos::SerialDenseVector< int, Scalar > & | b, | ||
const Teuchos::SerialDenseVector< int, Scalar > & | c, | ||
int | order, | ||
const std::string & | description = "" |
) |
Definition at line 249 of file Tempus_RKButcherTableau.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP<RKButcherTableau<Scalar> > Tempus::rKButcherTableau | ( | const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, Scalar > & | A, |
const Teuchos::SerialDenseVector< int, Scalar > & | b, | ||
const Teuchos::SerialDenseVector< int, Scalar > & | c, | ||
int | order, | ||
int | orderMin, | ||
int | orderMax, | ||
const std::string & | description = "" |
) |
Definition at line 266 of file Tempus_RKButcherTableau.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< RKButcherTableauBuilder< Scalar > > Tempus::rKButcherTableauBuilder | ( | ) |
Definition at line 19 of file Tempus_RKButcherTableauBuilder_impl.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< SolutionHistory< Scalar > > Tempus::solutionHistory | ( | Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > | pList = Teuchos::null | ) |
Nonmember constructor.
Definition at line 512 of file Tempus_SolutionHistory_impl.hpp.
void Tempus::StringTokenizer | ( | std::vector< std::string > & | tokens, |
const std::string & | str, | ||
const std::string | delimiters, | ||
bool | trim | ||
) |
Tokenize a string, put tokens in a vector.
Definition at line 31 of file Tempus_String_Utilities.cpp.
void Tempus::TokensToDoubles | ( | std::vector< double > & | values, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | tokens | ||
) |
Turn a vector of tokens into a vector of doubles.
Definition at line 63 of file Tempus_String_Utilities.cpp.
void Tempus::TokensToInts | ( | std::vector< int > & | values, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | tokens | ||
) |
Turn a vector of tokens into a vector of ints.
Definition at line 77 of file Tempus_String_Utilities.cpp.
inline |
Convert Status to string.
Definition at line 25 of file Tempus_Types.hpp.
void Tempus::trim | ( | std::string & | str | ) |
Removes whitespace at beginning and end of string.
Definition at line 14 of file Tempus_String_Utilities.cpp.
std::string Tempus::version | ( | ) |
Definition at line 13 of file Tempus_Version.cpp.
Teuchos::RCP< SensitivityModelEvaluatorBase<Scalar> > Tempus::wrapCombinedFSAModelEvaluator | ( | const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model, |
const Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > & | pList = Teuchos::null |
) |
Helper function for creating a CombinedForwardSensitivityModelEvaluator from a given application model evaluator. It handles the complexity introducted by IMEX steppers where the sensitivity model evaluator needs to be put inside the IMEX pair model evaluators.
Definition at line 24 of file Tempus_WrapCombinedFSAModelEvaluator.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< SensitivityModelEvaluatorBase<Scalar> > Tempus::wrapCombinedFSAModelEvaluator | ( | const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model, |
const Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > & | pList = Teuchos::null |
) |
Definition at line 58 of file Tempus_WrapCombinedFSAModelEvaluator.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< SensitivityModelEvaluatorBase<Scalar> > Tempus::wrapStaggeredFSAModelEvaluator | ( | const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model, |
const Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > & | pList = Teuchos::null |
) |
Helper function for creating a StaggeredForwardSensitivityModelEvaluator from a given application model evaluator. It handles the complexity introducted by IMEX steppers where the sensitivity model evaluator needs to be put inside the IMEX pair model evaluators.
Definition at line 27 of file Tempus_WrapStaggeredFSAModelEvaluator.hpp.
Teuchos::RCP< SensitivityModelEvaluatorBase<Scalar> > Tempus::wrapStaggeredFSAModelEvaluator | ( | const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > > & | model, |
const Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > & | pList = Teuchos::null |
) |
Definition at line 62 of file Tempus_WrapStaggeredFSAModelEvaluator.hpp.