AdapterFactory | |
 AdapterWithOptionalCoordinateAdapter | |
 AdapterWithTemplateName | |
 Zoltan2::AlgMJ< mj_scalar_t, mj_lno_t, mj_gno_t, mj_part_t, mj_node_t > | Multi Jagged coordinate partitioning algorithm |
 Zoltan2::Algorithm< Adapter > | Algorithm defines the base class for all algorithms |
  Zoltan2::AlgAMD< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgBlock< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgBlockMapping< Adapter, MachineRep > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgDefaultMapping< Adapter, MachineRep > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgDefaultMapping< Adapter, MachineRep > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgDefaultMapping< Adapter, MachineRep > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgDistance1< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgForTestingOnly< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgMatrix< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgMetis< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgNatural< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgND< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgParMA< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgParMETIS< Adapter, Model > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgPTScotch< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgPuLP< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgQuotient< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgRandom< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgRCM< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgSarma< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgSerialGreedy< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgSortedDegree< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgTwoGhostLayer< Adapter > | |
   Zoltan2::AlgDistance1TwoGhostLayer< Adapter > | |
   Zoltan2::AlgDistance2< Adapter > | |
   Zoltan2::AlgPartialDistance2< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::AlgZoltan< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::PartitionMapping< Adapter > | PartitionMapping maps a solution or an input distribution to ranks |
   Zoltan2::CoordinateTaskMapper< Adapter, part_t > | |
  Zoltan2::Sphynx< Adapter > | |
  Zoltan2::Zoltan2_AlgMJ< Adapter > | Multi Jagged coordinate partitioning algorithm |
 Zoltan2::ArrayCombinationReducer< policy_t, scalar_t, part_t > | |
 Zoltan2::ArrayReducer< policy_t, scalar_t > | |
 Zoltan2::BaseAdapterRoot | BaseAdapter defines methods required by all Adapters |
  Zoltan2::BaseAdapter< UserCoord > | |
   Zoltan2::AdapterWithCoords< UserCoord > | |
    Zoltan2::VectorAdapter< UserCoord > | |
  Zoltan2::BaseAdapter< User > | |
   Zoltan2::AdapterWithCoords< User > | |
    Zoltan2::MeshAdapter< User > | MeshAdapter defines the interface for mesh input |
     Zoltan2::APFMeshAdapter< User > | |
     Zoltan2::PamgenMeshAdapter< User > | This class represents a mesh |
    Zoltan2::VectorAdapter< User > | VectorAdapter defines the interface for vector input |
     KokkosVectorAdapter< User > | |
     OldSchoolVectorAdapterContig< User > | |
     OldSchoolVectorAdapterStrided< User > | |
     VerySimpleVectorAdapter< User > | |
     Zoltan2::BasicVectorAdapter< User > | BasicVectorAdapter represents a vector (plus optional weights) supplied by the user as pointers to strided arrays |
     Zoltan2::XpetraMultiVectorAdapter< User > | An adapter for Xpetra::MultiVector |
   Zoltan2::AdapterWithCoordsWrapper< User, UserCoord > | |
    Zoltan2::GraphAdapter< User, UserCoord > | GraphAdapter defines the interface for graph-based user data |
     Zoltan2::TpetraRowGraphAdapter< User, UserCoord > | Provides access for Zoltan2 to Tpetra::RowGraph data |
      Zoltan2::TpetraCrsGraphAdapter< User, UserCoord > | Provides access for Zoltan2 to Tpetra::CrsGraph data |
     Zoltan2::XpetraCrsGraphAdapter< User, UserCoord > | Provides access for Zoltan2 to Xpetra::CrsGraph data |
    Zoltan2::MatrixAdapter< User, UserCoord > | MatrixAdapter defines the adapter interface for matrices |
     Zoltan2::TpetraRowMatrixAdapter< User, UserCoord > | Provides access for Zoltan2 to Tpetra::RowMatrix data |
      Zoltan2::TpetraCrsMatrixAdapter< User, UserCoord > | Provides access for Zoltan2 to Tpetra::CrsMatrix data |
     Zoltan2::XpetraCrsMatrixAdapter< User, UserCoord > | Provides access for Zoltan2 to Xpetra::CrsMatrix data |
   Zoltan2::IdentifierAdapter< User > | IdentifierAdapter defines the interface for identifiers |
    Zoltan2::BasicIdentifierAdapter< User > | This class represents a collection of global Identifiers and their associated weights, if any |
    Zoltan2::BasicKokkosIdentifierAdapter< User > | This class represents a collection of global Identifiers and their associated weights, if any |
 Zoltan2::BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t > | |
  Zoltan2::GraphMetrics< scalar_t > | |
  Zoltan2::ImbalanceMetrics< scalar_t > | |
 Zoltan2::BasicUserTypes< scalar, lno, gno, node > | A simple class that can be the User template argument for an InputAdapter |
 Zoltan2::BasicUserTypes< zscalar_t, zlno_t, zgno_t > | |
 ColorerTest | |
 Zoltan2::CommunicationModel< part_t, pcoord_t, node_t > | CommunicationModel Base Class that performs mapping between the coordinate partitioning result |
  Zoltan2::CoordinateCommunicationModel< pcoord_t, tcoord_t, part_t, node_t > | CoordinateModelInput Class that performs mapping between the coordinate partitioning result and mpi ranks base on the coordinate results and mpi physical coordinates |
 ComparisonHelper | A class for comparing solutions, metrics, and timing data of Zoltan2 problems |
 ComparisonSource | A class used to save problem solutions and timers |
 GeometricGen::CoordinateDistribution< T, lno_t, gno_t > | |
  GeometricGen::CoordinateGridDistribution< T, lno_t, gno_t > | |
  GeometricGen::CoordinateNormalDistribution< T, lno_t, gno_t > | |
  GeometricGen::CoordinateUniformDistribution< T, lno_t, gno_t > | |
 GeometricGen::CoordinateDistribution< scalar_t, lno_t, gno_t > | |
 Zoltan2::coordinateModelPartBox | CoordinateModelPartBox Class, represents the boundaries of the box which is a result of a geometric partitioning algorithm |
 GeometricGen::CoordinatePoint< T > | |
 GeometricGen::CoordinatePoint< scalar_t > | |
 Zoltan2::DebugManager | DebugManager contains the methods that perform output of debug and status messages |
 GeometricGen::DOTS< tMVector_t > | |
 dots | |
 Zoltan2::Environment | The user parameters, debug, timing and memory profiling output objects, and error checking methods |
 Zoltan2::EvaluateBaseClassRoot | A base class for EvaluatePartition, EvaluateOrdering, .. |
  Zoltan2::EvaluateBaseClass< Adapter > | |
   Zoltan2::EvaluateOrdering< Adapter > | A class that computes and returns quality metrics. base class for the local and global ordering versions |
    Zoltan2::EvaluateGlobalOrdering< Adapter > | |
    Zoltan2::EvaluateLocalOrdering< Adapter > | |
   Zoltan2::EvaluatePartition< Adapter > | A class that computes and returns quality metrics |
    Zoltan2::EvaluateMapping< Adapter, MachineRep > | A class that computes and returns quality metrics |
 Zoltan2_TestingFramework::EvaluateFactory | ProblemFactory class contains 1 static factory method |
 exception | |
  Zoltan2::NotImplemented | Exception thrown when a called base-class method is not implemented |
 GeometricGen::GeometricGenerator< scalar_t, lno_t, gno_t, node_t > | |
 Zoltan2::gid_set_t | |
 gid_struct | |
 Zoltan2::GMWM_triplet< vtx_t, wgt_t > | |
 Zoltan2::GNO_LNO_PAIR< gno_t, part_t > | |
 Zoltan2::GridHash | GridHash Class, Hashing Class for part boxes |
 GeometricGen::Hole< T > | |
  GeometricGen::CircleHole< T > | |
  GeometricGen::CubeHole< T > | |
  GeometricGen::RectangleHole< T > | |
  GeometricGen::RectangularPrismHole< T > | |
  GeometricGen::SphereHole< T > | |
  GeometricGen::SquareHole< T > | |
 GeometricGen::Hole< scalar_t > | |
 Zoltan2::IDs< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
  Zoltan2::Multiple_GID< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
   Zoltan2::Single_User_Multiple_GID< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
   Zoltan2::Vector_User_Multiple_GID< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
  Zoltan2::Single_GID< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
   Zoltan2::Single_User_Single_GID< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
   Zoltan2::Vector_User_Single_GID< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
  Zoltan2::Single_User< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
   Zoltan2::Single_User_Multiple_GID< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
   Zoltan2::Single_User_Single_GID< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
  Zoltan2::Vector_User< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
   Zoltan2::Vector_User_Multiple_GID< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
   Zoltan2::Vector_User_Single_GID< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
 IDs< id_t > | |
 Zoltan2::InputTraits< User > | The traits required of User input classes or structures |
 Zoltan2::KMeansAlgorithm< IT, WT > | KMeansAlgorithm Class that performs clustering of the coordinates, and returns the closest set of coordinates |
 Zoltan2::KMeansCluster< IT, WT > | |
 Zoltan2::KmeansHeap< IT, WT > | KmeansHeap Class, max heap, but holds the minimum values |
 Zoltan2::lid_set_t | |
 lid_struct | |
 Zoltan2::Machine< pcoord_t, part_t > | MachineClass Base class for representing machine coordinates, networks, etc |
  Zoltan2::MachineDragonflyRCA< pcoord_t, part_t > | A Dragonfly (e.g. Cori, Trinity, & Theta) Machine Class for task mapping |
  Zoltan2::MachineDragonflyRCAForTesting< pcoord_t, part_t > | A Dragonfly (e.g. Cori, Trinity, Theta) Machine Class for testing only. A more realistic machine should be used for task mapping (i.e. see Zoltan2_MachineDragonflyRCA.hpp) |
  Zoltan2::MachineForTesting< pcoord_t, part_t > | A Machine Class for testing only A more realistic machine should be used for task mapping |
  Zoltan2::MachineTorusBGQTest< pcoord_t, part_t > | A TopoManager Machine Class (Torus Networks) for testing only A more realistic machine should be used for task mapping |
  Zoltan2::MachineTorusRCA< pcoord_t, part_t > | An RCA Machine class on Torus Networks |
  Zoltan2::MachineTorusRCAForTesting< pcoord_t, part_t > | An RCA Machine Class (Torus Networks) for testing only A more realistic machine should be used for task mapping |
  Zoltan2::MachineTorusTopoMgr< pcoord_t, part_t > | A TopoManager Machine Class on Torus Networks |
 Zoltan2::MachineRepresentation< pcoord_t, part_t > | MachineRepresentation Class Base class for representing machine coordinates, networks, etc |
 Zoltan2::MachineRepresentation< nNo_t, nCoord_t > | |
  Zoltan2::DefaultMachine< nNo_t, nCoord_t > | A Default MachineRepresentation Class |
 Zoltan2::Matcher< LO > | An implementation of the Matcher interface that operates on Epetra matrices and Graphs |
 MetricAnalyzer< Adapter > | |
  MetricAnalyzerEvaluateOrdering< Adapter > | |
  MetricAnalyzerEvaluatePartition< Adapter > | |
 MetricAnalyzerInfo | |
 Zoltan2::MetricOutputManager< T > | MetricOutputManager handles output of profiling messages |
 Zoltan2::Model< Adapter > | The base class for all model classes |
  Zoltan2::CommGraphModel< Adapter > | CommGraphModel defines the interface required for communication graph |
  Zoltan2::CoordinateModel< Adapter > | This class provides geometric coordinates with optional weights to the Zoltan2 algorithm |
  Zoltan2::GraphModel< Adapter > | GraphModel defines the interface required for graph models |
  Zoltan2::HyperGraphModel< Adapter > | HyperGraphModel defines the interface required for hyper graph models |
  Zoltan2::IdentifierModel< Adapter > | IdentifierModel defines the interface for all identifier models |
 ParameterEntryValidator | |
  Zoltan2::IntegerRangeListValidator< T > | A ParameterList validator for integer range lists |
 Zoltan2::perProcessorComponentMetrics< Adapter > | |
 Zoltan2_TestingFramework::ProblemFactory | ProblemFactory class contains 1 static factory method |
 Zoltan2::ProblemRoot | ProblemRoot allows ptr storage and safe dynamic_cast of all |
  Zoltan2::Problem< Adapter > | Problem base class from which other classes (PartitioningProblem, ColoringProblem, OrderingProblem, MatchingProblem, etc.) derive |
   Zoltan2::ColoringProblem< Adapter > | ColoringProblem sets up coloring problems for the user |
   Zoltan2::MappingProblem< Adapter, MachineRep > | MappingProblem enables mapping of a partition (either computed or input) to MPI ranks |
   Zoltan2::MatrixPartitioningProblem< Adapter > | MatrixPartitioningProblem sets up partitioning problems for the user |
   Zoltan2::OrderingProblem< Adapter > | OrderingProblem sets up ordering problems for the user |
   Zoltan2::PartitioningProblem< Adapter > | PartitioningProblem sets up partitioning problems for the user |
    Zoltan2::SphynxProblem< Adapter > | |
 Zoltan2::ReduceArrayFunctor< policy_t, scalar_t, part_t, index_t, device_t, array_t > | |
 Zoltan2::ReduceWeightsFunctor< policy_t, scalar_t, part_t, index_t, device_t, array_t > | |
 Zoltan2::Solution | Just a placeholder for now |
  Zoltan2::OrderingSolution< gno_t > | |
   Zoltan2::GlobalOrderingSolution< gno_t > | |
  Zoltan2::OrderingSolution< lno_t > | |
   Zoltan2::LocalOrderingSolution< lno_t > | |
  Zoltan2::ColoringSolution< Adapter > | The class containing coloring solution |
  Zoltan2::MatrixPartitioningSolution< Adapter > | A PartitioningSolution is a solution to a partitioning problem |
  Zoltan2::OrderingSolution< index_t > | The class containing ordering solutions |
  Zoltan2::PartitioningSolution< Adapter > | A PartitioningSolution is a solution to a partitioning problem |
   Zoltan2::MappingSolution< Adapter > | PartitionMapping maps a solution or an input distribution to ranks |
 SomeBadType< A, B, C > | |
 Zoltan2::SortPairs< key_t, value_t > | |
 Zoltan2::StridedData< lno_t, scalar_t > | The StridedData class manages lists of weights or coordinates |
 Zoltan2::TestManager | |
 Zoltan2::TimerManager | |
 Zoltan2::TpetraCrsColorer< CrsMatrixType > | |
 Zoltan2::TpetraCrsColorer< Tpetra::BlockCrsMatrix< SC, LO, GO, NO > > | |
 Zoltan2::TPL_Traits< first_t, second_t > | |
 Zoltan2::TPL_Traits< first_t, first_t > | |
 Zoltan2::TPL_Traits< first_t, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR > | |
 Zoltan2::TPL_Traits< ZOLTAN_ID_PTR, second_t > | |
 Zoltan2::type_name< T > | |
 type_name< T > | |
 Zoltan2::uMultiSortItem< IT, CT, WT > | Class for sorting items with multiple values. First sorting with respect to val[0], then val[1] then ... val[count-1]. The last tie breaking is done with index values. Used for task mapping partitioning where the points on a cut line needs to be distributed consistently |
 UserInputForTests | |
 Zoltan2::uSignedSortItem< IT, WT, SIGN > | |
 Zoltan2::uSortItem< IT, WT > | Sort items for quick sort function |
 ValidatorXMLConverter | |
  Zoltan2::IntegerRangeListValidatorXMLConverter< Integral > | XML conversion code for IntegerRangeListValidator |
 ValueTypeReductionOp | |
  Teuchos::MultiJaggedCombinedMinMaxTotalReductionOp< Ordinal, T > | |
  Teuchos::MultiJaggedCombinedReductionOp< Ordinal, T > | |
  Teuchos::Zoltan2_BoxBoundaries< Ordinal, T > | Zoltan2_BoxBoundaries is a reduction operation to all reduce the all box boundaries |
  Teuchos::Zoltan2_ReduceBestMapping< Ordinal, T > | Zoltan2_ReduceBestMapping Class, reduces the minimum cost mapping, ties breaks with minimum proc id |
 GeometricGen::WeightDistribution< T, weighttype > | |
  GeometricGen::SteppedEquation< T, weighttype > | Expression is a generic following method |
 GeometricGen::WeightDistribution< scalar_t, scalar_t > | |
 Zoltan2::XpetraTraits< User > | Defines the traits required for Tpetra, Eptra and Xpetra objects |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2_AlgMJ_TrackCallsCounter | |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2_DD_Find_Msg< gid_t, lid_t > | |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2_DD_Remove_Msg< gid_t, lid_t > | |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2_DD_Update_Msg< gid_t, lid_t > | |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2_Directory< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | Zoltan2_Directory is an abstract base class |
  Zoltan2::Zoltan2_Directory_Simple< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
  Zoltan2::Zoltan2_Directory_Vector< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2_Directory_Comm | |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2_Directory_Node< gid_t, lid_t, user_t > | |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2_Directory_Plan | |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2_MJArrayType< scalar_t > | |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2CrsColorer< CrsMatrixType > | |
 Zoltan2::Zoltan2CrsColorer< Tpetra::BlockCrsMatrix< SC, LO, GO, NO > > | |
 Zoltan2Test | |
  MeshCoordinateTest | |
 Zoltan2::ZoltanCrsColorer< CrsMatrixType > | |