absdefinitiontest.cpp | |
AdapterForTests.hpp | Generate Adapter for testing purposes |
AllParameters.cpp | |
AlltoAll.cpp | |
APFMeshAdapterTest.cpp | An example of partitioning a SCOREC APF mesh |
APFMeshInput.cpp | |
basic.xml | |
BasicCoordinateInput.cpp | |
BasicIdentifierInput.cpp | |
BasicKokkosIdentifierInput.cpp | |
BasicVectorAdapter.cpp | |
BasicVectorInput.cpp | |
block.cpp | An example of partitioning global ids with Block |
blockTest.cpp | |
Bug9500.cpp | |
chacoEdgeWeightTest.xml | |
chacoGraphMetricsTest.xml | |
chacoGraphMetricsTestNoDistribute.xml | |
chacoGraphMetricsTestNoGraph.xml | |
chacoGraphMetricsTestNoGraphNoDistribute.xml | |
chacoSimple3dTest.xml | |
chacoSimpleTest.xml | |
chacoVwgt2Test.xml | |
chacoVwgtTest.xml | |
coffey.xml | |
coloring1.cpp | |
componentMetrics.cpp | |
CoordinateModel.cpp | |
ddirectoryTest.cpp | |
DebugManager.cpp | |
directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp | |
directoryTest_Impl.hpp | |
directoryTest_Kokkos.cpp | |
directoryTest_KokkosSimple.cpp | |
driverTest.xml | |
Environment.cpp | |
ErrorHandlingForTests.hpp | |
findUniqueGids.cpp | |
fix2010.cpp | |
fix4785.cpp | |
galeriTest.xml | |
GeometricGenerator.hpp | |
geometricTest.xml | |
geometricVwgt2Test.xml | |
geometricVwgtTest.xml | |
glaze.xml | |
glaze2.xml | |
graph.cpp | |
GraphModel.cpp | |
GraphModel2ndAdjsFromAdjs.cpp | |
HyperGraphModel.cpp | |
IdentifierModel.cpp | |
input_template.xml | |
InputTraitsBad.cpp | |
InputTraitsGood.cpp | |
kokkosBlock.cpp | An example of partitioning global ids with Block |
kuberry.xml | |
largestComponent2Binary.cpp | |
Machine.cpp | |
mapMemoryLeak.cpp | |
mapOneToOne.cpp | |
Mapping.cpp | |
mapRemotes.cpp | |
MatrixAdapter.cpp | |
Metric.cpp | |
MetricOutputManager.cpp | |
miniem.xml | |
mj_backwardcompat.cpp | Generate a test to backward compatibility of MJ wrt adapters |
mj_epetra.cpp | |
mj_int_coordinates.cpp | Generate a test to partition integer coordinates See definition of int_scalar_t |
mj_parameters.xml | |
multiJaggedPremigrateTest.xml | |
MultiJaggedTest.cpp | |
multiJaggedTest.xml | |
multijaggedVwgt2Test.xml | |
multivectorTest.cpp | |
nd.cpp | |
ordering1.cpp | |
orderingAMD.cpp | |
orderingMetis.cpp | |
orderingScotch.cpp | |
orderingTest.xml | |
pamgenGraphMetricsTest.xml | |
pamgenMeshAdapterTest.cpp | An example of partitioning pamgen coordinates with RCB |
PamgenMeshInput.cpp | |
pamgenPoissonTest.xml | |
pamgenRectilinearTest2D.xml | |
pamgenRectilinearTest3D.xml | |
pamgenSphericalTest.xml | |
Parameters.cpp | |
paramTest.cpp | |
paramToXML.cpp | |
parmetisSubComm.xml | |
partition2DMatrix.cpp | |
partition_sarma.cpp | |
PartitionAndParMATest.cpp | |
partitioning1.cpp | |
PartitioningSolution.cpp | |
partitioningTree.cpp | |
data/Poisson.xml | |
partition/Poisson.xml | |
PrintData.hpp | |
pulpTest.xml | |
pulpTestNoDistrib.xml | |
pulpVwgtTest.xml | |
pulpVwgtTestNoDistrib.xml | |
rcb_C.cpp | An example of partitioning coordinates with RCB |
rcbPerformance.cpp | A test that can do large scale problems and time them |
partition/rcbPerformanceZ1.cpp | |
scaling/rcbPerformanceZ1.cpp | |
rcbTest.cpp | |
rcbTest.xml | |
readMatrixFromBinaryFile.hpp | |
rectilinearRCB_left.xml | |
rectilinearRCB_right.xml | |
sacer.xml | |
simple3dPamgen.xml | |
simplePamgen.xml | |
Sphynx_Research_Driver.cpp | |
StridedData.cpp | Tests the StridedData class |
TaskMappingProblemTest.cpp | |
TaskMappingSimulate.cpp | |
TaskMappingTest.cpp | |
TaskMappingTest3.cpp | |
test578.xml | |
test7944.xml | |
test_driver.cpp | |
Test_Sphynx.cpp | |
testfail.cpp | |
teuchosCommTest.cpp | |
TimerManager.cpp | |
TpetraCrsColorer.cpp | |
TpetraCrsMatrixInput.cpp | Test of Zoltan2::TpetraCrsMatrixAdapter class |
TpetraRowGraphInput.cpp | |
TpetraRowGraphInputKokkos.cpp | |
TpetraRowMatrixInput.cpp | Test of Zoltan2::TpetraRowMatrixAdapter class |
TPLTraits.cpp | |
UserInputForTests.hpp | Generate input for testing purposes |
validXML.py | |
vecWithCopies.cpp | |
XpetraCrsGraphInput.cpp | Test of Zoltan2::XpetraCrsGraphAdapter class |
XpetraCrsMatrixInput.cpp | Test of Zoltan2::XpetraCrsMatrixAdapter class |
XpetraEpetraMap.cpp | |
XpetraEpetraMatrix.cpp | |
XpetraMultiVectorInput.cpp | Test of Zoltan2::XpetraMultiVectorAdapter |
XpetraTraits.cpp | |
XpetraVectorInput.cpp | Test of Zoltan2::XpetraMultiVectorAdapter class with vector input |
xtrapulpVwgtTest2.xml | |
xtrapulpVwgtTest2NoDistrib.xml | |
Zoltan2_Adapter.hpp | |
Zoltan2_AlgAMD.hpp | The AMD ordering algorithm uses SuiteSparse |
Zoltan2_AlgBlock.hpp | The algorithm for block partitioning |
Zoltan2_AlgBlockMapping.hpp | Define a simple mapping of parts to processors assuming parts |
Zoltan2_AlgDefaultMapping.hpp | Define a default mapping of parts to processors |
Zoltan2_AlgForTestingOnly.hpp | NOT a real algorithm; this algorithm is used to force hard-coded results for testing |
Zoltan2_AlgHybrid2GL.hpp | |
Zoltan2_AlgHybridD1-2GL.hpp | |
Zoltan2_AlgHybridD1.hpp | A hybrid MPI+Kokkos version of the framework proposed by Gebremedhin and Manne |
Zoltan2_AlgHybridD2.hpp | |
Zoltan2_AlgHybridPD2.hpp | |
Zoltan2_AlgMetis.hpp | The ND ordering algorithm uses Metis |
Zoltan2_AlgMultiJagged.hpp | Contains the Multi-jagged algorthm |
Zoltan2_AlgNatural.hpp | Natural ordering == identity permutation |
Zoltan2_AlgND.hpp | The algorithm for ND based ordering |
Zoltan2_Algorithm.hpp | |
Zoltan2_AlgParMA.hpp | Interface to the ParMA library |
Zoltan2_AlgParMETIS.hpp | Interface to the third-party library ParMETIS |
Zoltan2_AlgPuLP.hpp | Interface to the PuLP third-party library |
Zoltan2_AlgQuotient.hpp | |
Zoltan2_AlgRandom.hpp | Random ordering using the Fisher-Yates (Knuth) shuffle |
Zoltan2_AlgRCM.hpp | RCM ordering of a graph (serial, local graph only) |
Zoltan2_AlgSarma.hpp | |
Zoltan2_AlgScotch.hpp | Interface to the Scotch third-party library |
Zoltan2_AlgSerialGreedy.hpp | Serial greedy first-fit graph coloring (local graph only) |
Zoltan2_AlgSortedDegree.hpp | Order vertices by sorted (increasing) degree |
Zoltan2_AlgSparseMapping.hpp | |
Zoltan2_AlgSpectral.hpp | Spectral ordering of a graph (local or global) |
Zoltan2_AlgTpetraMapping.hpp | |
Zoltan2_AlgZoltan.hpp | Interface to the Zoltan package |
Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp | Callback functions for the Zoltan package (templated on Adapter) |
Zoltan2_AlltoAll.cpp | AlltoAll communication methods that don't require templates, along with specializations |
Zoltan2_AlltoAll.hpp | AlltoAll communication methods |
Zoltan2_APFMeshAdapter.hpp | Defines the APFMeshAdapter class |
Zoltan2_BaseClassMetrics.hpp | |
Zoltan2_BasicIdentifierAdapter.hpp | Defines the BasicIdentifierAdapter class |
Zoltan2_BasicKokkosIdentifierAdapter.hpp | Defines the BasicKokkosIdentifierAdapter class |
Zoltan2_BasicVectorAdapter.hpp | Defines the BasicVectorAdapter class |
Zoltan2_ColoringAlgorithms.hpp | |
Zoltan2_ColoringProblem.hpp | Defines the ColoringProblem class |
Zoltan2_ColoringSolution.hpp | Defines the ColoringSolution class |
Zoltan2_CommGraphModel.hpp | |
Zoltan2_ComparisonHelper.hpp | Store and compare solution sets from different problems |
Zoltan2_componentMetrics.hpp | Identify and compute the number of connected components in a processor's input Note that this routine works with respect to the MPI PROCESS, not with respect to part numbers. It works with the MPI Process' LOCAL graph; statistics reported are for the local graph, not the global graph |
Zoltan2_CoordinateModel.hpp | Defines the CoordinateModel classes |
Zoltan2_CoordinatePartitioningGraph.hpp | |
Zoltan2_DebugManager.hpp | Debug output manager for Zoltan2 |
Zoltan2_Directory.hpp | |
Zoltan2_Directory_Comm.cpp | |
Zoltan2_Directory_Comm.hpp | |
Zoltan2_Directory_Impl.hpp | |
Zoltan2_Environment.cpp | The definition of the Environment object |
Zoltan2_Environment.hpp | Defines the Environment class |
Zoltan2_EvaluateBaseClass.hpp | Base class for the EvaluatePartition and EvaluateOrdering classes |
Zoltan2_EvaluateFactory.hpp | Returns a pointer to new test classes. Is not responsible for memory management! |
Zoltan2_EvaluateMapping.hpp | |
Zoltan2_EvaluateOrdering.hpp | Defines the Zoltan2_EvaluateOrdering.hpp class |
Zoltan2_EvaluatePartition.hpp | Defines the EvaluatePartition class |
Zoltan2_Exceptions.hpp | Defines exception handling macros |
Zoltan2_findUniqueGids.hpp | Convert keys stored in std::vector to unique Gids stored in std::vector |
Zoltan2_GraphAdapter.hpp | Defines the GraphAdapter interface |
Zoltan2_GraphMetrics.hpp | |
Zoltan2_GraphMetricsUtility.hpp | |
Zoltan2_GraphModel.hpp | Defines the GraphModel interface |
Zoltan2_GreedyMWM.hpp | Greedy Maximal Weight Matching |
Zoltan2_HyperGraphModel.hpp | Defines the HyperGraphModel interface |
Zoltan2_IdentifierAdapter.hpp | Defines the IdentifierAdapter interface |
Zoltan2_IdentifierModel.hpp | Defines the IdentifierModel interface |
Zoltan2_ImbalanceMetrics.hpp | |
Zoltan2_ImbalanceMetricsUtility.hpp | |
Zoltan2_InputTraits.hpp | Traits for application input objects |
Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp | Define IntegerRangeList validator |
Zoltan2_IO.cpp | Definition of methods to assist in file input/output |
Zoltan2_IO.hpp | Declaration of methods to assist in file input/output |
Zoltan2_Machine.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MachineDragonflyRCA.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MachineDragonflyRCAForTesting.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MachineForTesting.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MachineRepresentation.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MachineTorusLDMS.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MachineTorusRCA.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MachineTorusRCAForTesting.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MachineTorusTopoMgr.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MachineTorusTopoMgrForTesting.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MappingProblem.hpp | Defines the MappingProblem class |
Zoltan2_MappingSolution.hpp | Defines the MappingSolution class |
Zoltan2_MatcherHelper.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MatchingProblem.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MatchingSolution.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MatrixAdapter.hpp | Defines the MatrixAdapter interface |
Zoltan2_MatrixPartitioningAlgs.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MatrixPartitioningProblem.hpp | Defines the MatrixPartitioningProblem class |
Zoltan2_MatrixPartitioningSolution.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MeshAdapter.hpp | Defines the MeshAdapter interface |
Zoltan2_MeshCoordinateTest.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MetricAnalyzer.hpp | |
Zoltan2_MetricOutputManager.hpp | Defines the MetricOutputManager class |
Zoltan2_MetricUtility.hpp | |
Zoltan2_Model.hpp | Defines the Model interface |
Zoltan2_ModelHelpers.hpp | Defines helper functions for use in the models |
Zoltan2_MultiJagged_ReductionOps.hpp | Contains Teuchos redcution operators for the Multi-jagged algorthm |
Zoltan2_OrderingAlgorithms.hpp | |
Zoltan2_OrderingProblem.hpp | Defines the OrderingProblem class |
Zoltan2_OrderingSolution.hpp | Defines the OrderingSolution class |
Zoltan2_PamgenMeshAdapter.hpp | Defines the PamgenMeshAdapter class |
Zoltan2_PamgenMeshStructure.hpp | |
Zoltan2_Parameters.cpp | Methods that support the Zoltan2 ParameterList |
Zoltan2_Parameters.hpp | Defines Parameter related enumerators, declares functions |
Zoltan2_PartitioningAlgorithms.hpp | |
Zoltan2_PartitioningHelpers.hpp | Helper functions for Partitioning Problems |
Zoltan2_PartitioningProblem.hpp | Defines the PartitioningProblem class |
Zoltan2_PartitioningSolution.cpp | Helper functions for partitioning solution, including simple remapping of part numbers to minimize migration cost |
Zoltan2_PartitioningSolution.hpp | Defines the PartitioningSolution class |
Zoltan2_PartitionMapping.hpp | |
Zoltan2_Problem.hpp | Defines the Problem base class |
Zoltan2_ProblemFactory.hpp | |
Zoltan2_RebalanceColoring.hpp | |
Zoltan2_Solution.hpp | Defines the Solution base class |
Zoltan2_Sort.hpp | Sort vector of pairs (key, value) by value |
Zoltan2_Sphynx.hpp | |
Zoltan2_SphynxProblem.hpp | |
Zoltan2_SphynxVersion.cpp | |
Zoltan2_Standards.hpp | Gathering definitions used in software development |
Zoltan2_StridedData.hpp | This file defines the StridedData class |
Zoltan2_TaskMapping.hpp | |
Zoltan2_TestHelpers.hpp | Common code used by tests |
Zoltan2_TestInterface.hpp | |
Zoltan2_Tests.hpp | |
Zoltan2_TimerManager.cpp | Definitions for TimerManager |
Zoltan2_TimerManager.hpp | Declarations for TimerManager |
Zoltan2_TpetraCrsColorer.hpp | |
Zoltan2_TpetraCrsColorer_Zoltan.hpp | |
Zoltan2_TpetraCrsColorer_Zoltan2.hpp | |
Zoltan2_TpetraCrsColorerUtils.hpp | |
Zoltan2_TpetraCrsGraphAdapter.hpp | Defines TpetraCrsGraphAdapter class |
Zoltan2_TpetraCrsMatrixAdapter.hpp | |
Zoltan2_TpetraRowGraphAdapter.hpp | Defines TpetraRowGraphAdapter class |
Zoltan2_TpetraRowMatrixAdapter.hpp | Defines the TpetraRowMatrixAdapter class |
Zoltan2_TPLTraits.hpp | Traits class to handle conversions between gno_t/lno_t and TPL data types (e.g., ParMETIS's idx_t, Scotch's SCOTCH_NUM, Zoltan's ZOLTAN_ID_PTR) |
Zoltan2_Typedefs.hpp | Keep typedefs that commonly appear in many places localized |
Zoltan2_Util.cpp | Useful namespace methods |
Zoltan2_Util.hpp | A gathering of useful namespace methods |
Zoltan2_VectorAdapter.hpp | Defines the VectorAdapter interface |
Zoltan2_Version.cpp | Implementation of a Trilinos convention |
Zoltan2_Version.hpp | Implementation of Trilinos convention for versioning |
Zoltan2_XpetraCrsGraphAdapter.hpp | Defines XpetraCrsGraphAdapter class |
Zoltan2_XpetraCrsMatrixAdapter.hpp | Defines the XpetraCrsMatrixAdapter class |
Zoltan2_XpetraMultiVectorAdapter.hpp | Defines the XpetraMultiVectorAdapter |
Zoltan2_XpetraTraits.hpp | Traits of Xpetra classes, including migration method |
zoltanCompare.cpp | |
zoltanGraphAdapter.xml | |
zoltanGraphAdapterEwgt.xml | |
zoltanGraphAdapterVwgt.xml | |