Version of the Day
Files | |
file | Belos_Details_EBelosSolverType.cpp [code] |
file | Belos_Details_EBelosSolverType.hpp [code] |
Declaration of alias functions for solver names. | |
file | Belos_Details_LinearSolver.hpp [code] |
Implementation of Trilinos::Details::LinearSolver. | |
file | Belos_Details_LinearSolverFactory.hpp [code] |
Implementation of Trilinos::Details::LinearSolverFactory. | |
file | Belos_Details_registerLinearSolverFactory.cpp [code] |
file | Belos_Details_registerLinearSolverFactory.hpp [code] |
Declaration of Belos::Details::registerLinearSolverFactory. | |
file | Belos_Details_registerSolverFactory.cpp [code] |
file | Belos_Details_registerSolverFactory.hpp [code] |
file | BelosBiCGStabIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the pseudo-block BiCGStab iteration. | |
file | BelosBiCGStabSolMgr.hpp [code] |
The Belos::BiCGStabSolMgr provides a solver manager for the BiCGStab linear solver. | |
file | BelosBlockCGIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the block conjugate-gradient (CG) iteration. | |
file | BelosBlockCGSolMgr.hpp [code] |
The Belos::BlockCGSolMgr provides a solver manager for the BlockCG linear solver. | |
file | BelosBlockFGmresIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the block, flexible GMRES iteration. | |
file | BelosBlockGCRODRIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the block GCRO-DR (block GMRES with recycling) iteration. | |
file | BelosBlockGCRODRSolMgr.hpp [code] |
A solver manager for the Block GCRO-DR (Block Recycling GMRES) linear solver. | |
file | BelosBlockGmresIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the block GMRES iteration. | |
file | BelosBlockGmresSolMgr.hpp [code] |
The Belos::BlockGmresSolMgr provides a solver manager for the BlockGmres linear solver. | |
file | BelosCGIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the conjugate-gradient (CG) iteration. | |
file | BelosCGIteration.hpp [code] |
Pure virtual base class which augments the basic interface for a conjugate gradient linear solver iteration. | |
file | BelosCGSingleRedIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing a single-reduction conjugate-gradient (CG) iteration. | |
file | BelosConfigDefs.hpp [code] |
Belos header file which uses auto-configuration information to include necessary C++ headers. | |
file | BelosCustomSolverFactory.hpp [code] |
file | BelosDGKSOrthoManager.hpp [code] |
Classical Gram-Schmidt (with DGKS correction) implementation of the Belos::OrthoManager class. | |
file | BelosFixedPointIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing fixed point iteration iteration. | |
file | BelosFixedPointIteration.hpp [code] |
Pure virtual base class which augments the basic interface for a fixed point linear solver iteration. | |
file | BelosFixedPointSolMgr.hpp [code] |
The Belos::FixedPointSolMgr provides a solver manager for the FixedPoint linear solver. | |
file | BelosGCRODRIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the GCRO-DR iteration. | |
file | BelosGCRODRSolMgr.hpp [code] |
Declaration and definition of Belos::GCRODRSolMgr, which implements the GCRODR (recycling GMRES) solver. | |
file | BelosGlobalComm.hpp [code] |
file | BelosGmresIteration.hpp [code] |
Pure virtual base class which augments the basic interface for a Gmres linear solver iteration. | |
file | BelosGmresPolyOp.hpp [code] |
Defines the GMRES polynomial operator hybrid-GMRES iterative linear solver. | |
file | BelosGmresPolySolMgr.hpp [code] |
Declaration and definition of Belos::GmresPolySolMgr (hybrid block GMRES linear solver). | |
file | BelosICGSOrthoManager.hpp [code] |
Iterated Classical Gram-Schmidt (ICGS) implementation of the Belos::OrthoManager class. | |
file | BelosIMGSOrthoManager.hpp [code] |
Iterated Modified Gram-Schmidt (IMGS) implementation of the Belos::OrthoManager class. | |
file | BelosInnerSolver.hpp [code] |
file | BelosInnerSolveResult.cpp [code] |
file | BelosInnerSolveResult.hpp [code] |
file | BelosIteration.hpp [code] |
Pure virtual base class which describes the basic interface to the linear solver iteration. | |
file | BelosLinearProblem.hpp [code] |
Class which describes the linear problem to be solved by the iterative solver. | |
file | BelosLSQRIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class that iterates LSQR. | |
file | BelosLSQRIteration.hpp [code] |
IterationState contains the data that defines the state of the LSQR solver at any given time. | |
file | BelosLSQRSolMgr.hpp [code] |
LSQRSolMgr: interface to the LSQR method. | |
file | BelosLSQRStatusTest.hpp [code] |
Belos::StatusTest class defining LSQR convergence. | |
file | BelosMatOrthoManager.hpp [code] |
Templated virtual class for providing orthogonalization/orthonormalization methods with matrix-based inner products. | |
file | BelosMinresIter.hpp [code] |
MINRES iteration implementation. | |
file | BelosMinresIteration.hpp [code] |
Pure virtual base class which augments the basic interface for a minimal residual linear solver iteration. | |
file | BelosMinresSolMgr.hpp [code] |
Solver manager for the MINRES linear solver. | |
file | BelosMultiVec.hpp [code] |
Interface for multivectors used by Belos' linear solvers. | |
file | BelosMultiVecTraits.hpp [code] |
Declaration of basic traits for the multivector type. | |
file | BelosMVOPTester.hpp [code] |
Test routines for MultiVecTraits and OperatorTraits conformity. | |
file | BelosOperator.hpp [code] |
Alternative run-time polymorphic interface for operators. | |
file | BelosOperatorT.hpp [code] |
file | BelosOperatorTraits.hpp [code] |
Class which defines basic traits for the operator type. | |
file | BelosOrthoManager.hpp [code] |
Templated virtual class for providing orthogonalization/orthonormalization methods. | |
file | BelosOrthoManagerFactory.hpp [code] |
file | BelosOrthoManagerTest.hpp [code] |
Tests for Belos::OrthoManager and Belos::MatOrthoManager subclasses. | |
file | BelosOutputManager.hpp [code] |
Class which manages the output and verbosity of the Belos solvers. | |
file | BelosPCPGIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class to iterate Preconditioned Conjugate Projected Gradients. | |
file | BelosPCPGSolMgr.hpp [code] |
Declaration and definition of Belos::PCPGSolMgr (PCPG iterative linear solver). | |
file | BelosProjectedLeastSquaresSolver.hpp [code] |
Methods for solving GMRES' projected least-squares problem. | |
file | BelosPseudoBlockCGIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the pseudo-block CG iteration. | |
file | BelosPseudoBlockCGSolMgr.hpp [code] |
The Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr provides a solver manager for the BlockCG linear solver. | |
file | BelosPseudoBlockGmresIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the pseudo-block GMRES iteration. | |
file | BelosPseudoBlockGmresSolMgr.hpp [code] |
The Belos::PseudoBlockGmresSolMgr provides a solver manager for the BlockGmres linear solver. | |
file | BelosPseudoBlockStochasticCGIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the stochastic pseudo-block CG iteration. | |
file | BelosPseudoBlockStochasticCGSolMgr.hpp [code] |
The Belos::PseudoBlockStochasticCGSolMgr provides a solver manager for the stochastic BlockCG linear solver. | |
file | BelosPseudoBlockTFQMRIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for generating iterations with the preconditioned tranpose-free QMR (TFQMR) method. | |
file | BelosPseudoBlockTFQMRSolMgr.hpp [code] |
The Belos::PseudoBlockTFQMRSolMgr provides a solver manager for the pseudo-block TFQMR linear solver. | |
file | BelosRCGIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for performing the RCG iteration. | |
file | BelosRCGSolMgr.hpp [code] |
The Belos::RCGSolMgr provides a solver manager for the RCG (Recycling Conjugate Gradient) linear solver. | |
file | BelosSimpleOrthoManager.hpp [code] |
Simple OrthoManager implementation for benchmarks. | |
file | BelosSolverFactory.cpp [code] |
file | BelosSolverFactory.hpp [code] |
file | BelosSolverFactory_Belos.hpp [code] |
file | BelosSolverFactory_Generic.hpp [code] |
file | BelosSolverManager.hpp [code] |
Pure virtual base class which describes the basic interface for a solver manager. | |
file | BelosStatusTest.hpp [code] |
Pure virtual base class for defining the status testing capabilities of Belos. | |
file | BelosStatusTestCombo.hpp [code] |
Belos::StatusTest for logically combining several status tests. | |
file | BelosStatusTestFactory.hpp [code] |
file | BelosStatusTestGeneralOutput.hpp [code] |
Special StatusTest for printing any kind of status test. | |
file | BelosStatusTestGenResNorm.hpp [code] |
Belos::StatusTestResNorm for specifying general residual norm stopping criteria. | |
file | BelosStatusTestGenResSubNorm.hpp [code] |
Belos::StatusTestResSubNorm for specifying general residual norm of sub-residual vectors stopping criteria. | |
file | BelosStatusTestImpResNorm.hpp [code] |
Belos::StatusTest for specifying an implicit residual norm stopping criteria that checks for loss of accuracy. | |
file | BelosStatusTestLogResNorm.hpp [code] |
Belos::StatusTest debugging class for storing the absolute residual norms generated during a solve. | |
file | BelosStatusTestMaxIters.hpp [code] |
Belos::StatusTest class for specifying a maximum number of iterations. | |
file | BelosStatusTestOutput.hpp [code] |
Virtual base class for StatusTest that printing status tests. | |
file | BelosStatusTestOutputFactory.hpp [code] |
A factory class for generating StatusTestOutput objects. | |
file | BelosStatusTestResNorm.hpp [code] |
Belos::StatusTest abstract class for specifying a residual norm stopping criteria. | |
file | BelosStatusTestResNormOutput.hpp [code] |
Special StatusTest for printing status tests in simple format for residuals. | |
file | BelosStatusTestUserOutput.hpp [code] |
Special StatusTest for printing status tests in simple format for residuals. | |
file | BelosStochasticCGIteration.hpp [code] |
Pure virtual base class which augments the basic interface for a stochastic conjugate gradient linear solver iteration. | |
file | BelosStubTsqrAdapter.hpp [code] |
"Stub" TSQR adapter for unsupported multivector types. | |
file | BelosTFQMRIter.hpp [code] |
Belos concrete class for generating iterations with the preconditioned tranpose-free QMR (TFQMR) method. | |
file | BelosTFQMRSolMgr.hpp [code] |
The Belos::TFQMRSolMgr provides a solver manager for the TFQMR linear solver. | |
file | BelosTsqrOrthoManager.hpp [code] |
Orthogonalization manager based on Tall Skinny QR (TSQR) | |
file | BelosTsqrOrthoManagerImpl.hpp [code] |
Orthogonalization manager back end based on Tall Skinny QR (TSQR) | |
file | BelosTypes.cpp [code] |
file | BelosTypes.hpp [code] |
Collection of types and exceptions used within the Belos solvers. | |
file | BelosUtils.hpp [code] |
file | BelosVersion.cpp [code] |
Simple function for returning the current version number [necessary for portability]. | |