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BelosFixedPointIteration.hpp File Reference

Pure virtual base class which augments the basic interface for a fixed point linear solver iteration. More...

#include "BelosConfigDefs.hpp"
#include "BelosTypes.hpp"
#include "BelosIteration.hpp"
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struct  Belos::FixedPointIterationState< ScalarType, MV >
 Structure to contain pointers to FixedPointIteration state variables. More...
class  Belos::FixedPointIteration< ScalarType, MV, OP >



Detailed Description

Pure virtual base class which augments the basic interface for a fixed point linear solver iteration.

Definition in file BelosFixedPointIteration.hpp.

Generated on Wed Oct 23 2024 09:24:27 for Belos by doxygen 1.8.5