Belos  Version of the Day
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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Belos: Block Linear Solvers Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2004-2016 NTESS and the Belos contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
16 #include "BelosConfigDefs.hpp"
17 #include "BelosTypes.hpp"
19 #include "BelosLinearProblem.hpp"
20 #include "BelosSolverManager.hpp"
22 #include "BelosMinresIter.hpp"
25 #include "BelosStatusTestCombo.hpp"
27 #include "BelosOutputManager.hpp"
29 #include "Teuchos_TimeMonitor.hpp"
30 #endif
32 #include "Teuchos_StandardParameterEntryValidators.hpp"
33 // Teuchos::ScalarTraits<int> doesn't define rmax(), alas, so we get
34 // INT_MAX from here.
35 #include <climits>
37 namespace Belos {
51  //
56  public:
57  MinresSolMgrLinearProblemFailure (const std::string& what_arg) :
58  BelosError(what_arg)
59  {}
60  };
80  template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
81  class MinresSolMgr : public SolverManager<ScalarType,MV,OP> {
83  private:
87  typedef typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::magnitudeType MagnitudeType;
90  public:
116  MinresSolMgr();
153  virtual ~MinresSolMgr() {};
158  }
165  const LinearProblem<ScalarType,MV,OP>& getProblem() const override {
166  return *problem_;
167  }
171  if (defaultParams_.is_null()) {
172  defaultParams_ = defaultParameters ();
173  }
174  return defaultParams_;
175  }
179  return params_;
180  }
192  return Teuchos::tuple (timerSolve_);
193  }
200  MagnitudeType achievedTol() const override {
201  return achievedTol_;
202  }
205  int getNumIters() const override {
206  return numIters_;
207  }
214  bool isLOADetected() const override { return false; }
221  void
223  {
224  problem_ = problem;
225  }
227  void
228  setParameters (const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& params) override;
235  void
236  reset (const ResetType type) override
237  {
238  if ((type & Belos::Problem) && ! problem_.is_null()) {
239  problem_->setProblem ();
240  }
241  }
264  ReturnType solve() override;
271  std::string description() const override;
275  private:
281  Teuchos::RCP<std::ostream> outputStream_;
320  mutable Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::ParameterList> defaultParams_;
326  MagnitudeType convtol_;
329  MagnitudeType achievedTol_;
332  int maxIters_;
335  int numIters_;
338  int blockSize_;
341  int verbosity_;
344  int outputStyle_;
347  int outputFreq_;
350  std::string label_;
353  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::Time> timerSolve_;
356  bool parametersSet_;
363  static void
364  validateProblem (const Teuchos::RCP<LinearProblem<ScalarType, MV, OP> >& problem);
365  };
368  template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
371  {
373  using Teuchos::parameterList;
374  using Teuchos::RCP;
375  using Teuchos::rcp;
376  using Teuchos::rcpFromRef;
378  typedef MagnitudeType MT;
380  // List of parameters accepted by MINRES, and their default values.
381  RCP<ParameterList> pl = parameterList ("MINRES");
383  pl->set ("Convergence Tolerance", MST::squareroot (MST::eps()),
384  "Relative residual tolerance that needs to be achieved by "
385  "the iterative solver, in order for the linear system to be "
386  "declared converged.",
387  rcp (new EnhancedNumberValidator<MT> (MST::zero(), MST::rmax())));
388  pl->set ("Maximum Iterations", static_cast<int>(1000),
389  "Maximum number of iterations allowed for each right-hand "
390  "side solved.",
391  rcp (new EnhancedNumberValidator<int> (0, INT_MAX)));
392  pl->set ("Num Blocks", static_cast<int> (-1),
393  "Ignored, but permitted, for compatibility with other Belos "
394  "solvers.");
395  pl->set ("Block Size", static_cast<int> (1),
396  "Number of vectors in each block. WARNING: The current "
397  "implementation of MINRES only accepts a block size of 1, "
398  "since it can only solve for 1 right-hand side at a time.",
399  rcp (new EnhancedNumberValidator<int> (1, 1)));
400  pl->set ("Verbosity", (int) Belos::Errors,
401  "The type(s) of solver information that should "
402  "be written to the output stream.");
403  pl->set ("Output Style", (int) Belos::General,
404  "What style is used for the solver information written "
405  "to the output stream.");
406  pl->set ("Output Frequency", static_cast<int>(-1),
407  "How often (in terms of number of iterations) intermediate "
408  "convergence information should be written to the output stream."
409  " -1 means never.");
410  pl->set ("Output Stream", rcpFromRef(std::cout),
411  "A reference-counted pointer to the output stream where all "
412  "solver output is sent. The output stream defaults to stdout.");
413  pl->set ("Timer Label", std::string("Belos"),
414  "The string to use as a prefix for the timer labels.");
415  return pl;
416  }
418  //
419  // Empty Constructor
420  //
421  template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
423  convtol_(0.0),
424  achievedTol_(0.0),
425  maxIters_(0),
426  numIters_ (0),
427  blockSize_(0),
428  verbosity_(0),
429  outputStyle_(0),
430  outputFreq_(0),
431  parametersSet_ (false)
432  {}
434  //
435  // Primary constructor (use this one)
436  //
437  template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
440  const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& params) :
441  problem_ (problem),
442  numIters_ (0),
443  parametersSet_ (false)
444  {
445  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(problem_.is_null(), std::invalid_argument,
446  "MinresSolMgr: The version of the constructor "
447  "that takes a LinearProblem to solve was given a "
448  "null LinearProblem.");
449  setParameters (params);
450  }
452  template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
453  void
456  {
457  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(problem.is_null(),
459  "MINRES requires that you have provided a nonnull LinearProblem to the "
460  "solver manager, before you call the solve() method.");
461  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(problem->getOperator().is_null(),
463  "MINRES requires a LinearProblem object with a non-null operator (the "
464  "matrix A).");
465  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(problem->getRHS().is_null(),
467  "MINRES requires a LinearProblem object with a non-null right-hand side.");
468  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( ! problem->isProblemSet(),
470  "MINRES requires that before you give it a LinearProblem to solve, you "
471  "must first call the linear problem's setProblem() method.");
472  }
474  template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
475  void
478  {
480  using Teuchos::parameterList;
481  using Teuchos::RCP;
482  using Teuchos::rcp;
483  using Teuchos::rcpFromRef;
484  using Teuchos::null;
485  using Teuchos::is_null;
486  using std::string;
487  using std::ostream;
488  using std::endl;
490  if (params_.is_null()) {
491  params_ = parameterList (*getValidParameters());
492  }
493  RCP<ParameterList> pl = params;
494  pl->validateParametersAndSetDefaults (*params_);
496  //
497  // Read parameters from the parameter list. We have already
498  // populated it with defaults.
499  //
500  blockSize_ = pl->get<int> ("Block Size");
501  verbosity_ = pl->get<int> ("Verbosity");
502  outputStyle_ = pl->get<int> ("Output Style");
503  outputFreq_ = pl->get<int>("Output Frequency");
504  outputStream_ = pl->get<RCP<std::ostream> > ("Output Stream");
505  convtol_ = pl->get<MagnitudeType> ("Convergence Tolerance");
506  maxIters_ = pl->get<int> ("Maximum Iterations");
507  //
508  // All done reading parameters from the parameter list.
509  // Now we know it's valid and we can store it.
510  //
511  params_ = pl;
513  // Change the timer label, and create the timer if necessary.
514  const string newLabel = pl->get<string> ("Timer Label");
515  {
516  if (newLabel != label_ || timerSolve_.is_null()) {
517  label_ = newLabel;
519  const string solveLabel = label_ + ": MinresSolMgr total solve time";
520  // Unregister the old timer before creating a new one.
521  if (! timerSolve_.is_null()) {
523  timerSolve_ = Teuchos::null;
524  }
525  timerSolve_ = Teuchos::TimeMonitor::getNewCounter (solveLabel);
527  }
528  }
530  // Create output manager, if necessary; otherwise, set its parameters.
531  bool recreatedPrinter = false;
532  if (printer_.is_null()) {
533  printer_ = rcp (new OutputManager<ScalarType> (verbosity_, outputStream_));
534  recreatedPrinter = true;
535  } else {
536  // Set the output stream's verbosity level.
537  printer_->setVerbosity (verbosity_);
538  // Tell the output manager about the new output stream.
539  printer_->setOStream (outputStream_);
540  }
542  //
543  // Set up the convergence tests
544  //
545  typedef StatusTestGenResNorm<ScalarType, MV, OP> res_norm_type;
546  typedef StatusTestCombo<ScalarType, MV, OP> combo_type;
548  // Do we need to allocate at least one of the implicit or explicit
549  // residual norm convergence tests?
550  const bool allocatedConvergenceTests =
551  impConvTest_.is_null() || expConvTest_.is_null();
553  // Allocate or set the tolerance of the implicit residual norm
554  // convergence test.
555  if (impConvTest_.is_null()) {
556  impConvTest_ = rcp (new res_norm_type (convtol_));
557  impConvTest_->defineResForm (res_norm_type::Implicit, TwoNorm);
558  // TODO (mfh 03 Nov 2011) Allow users to define the type of
559  // scaling (or a custom scaling factor).
560  impConvTest_->defineScaleForm (NormOfInitRes, TwoNorm);
561  } else {
562  impConvTest_->setTolerance (convtol_);
563  }
565  // Allocate or set the tolerance of the explicit residual norm
566  // convergence test.
567  if (expConvTest_.is_null()) {
568  expConvTest_ = rcp (new res_norm_type (convtol_));
569  expConvTest_->defineResForm (res_norm_type::Explicit, TwoNorm);
570  // TODO (mfh 03 Nov 2011) Allow users to define the type of
571  // scaling (or a custom scaling factor).
572  expConvTest_->defineScaleForm (NormOfInitRes, TwoNorm);
573  } else {
574  expConvTest_->setTolerance (convtol_);
575  }
577  // Whether we need to recreate the full status test. We only need
578  // to do that if at least one of convTest_ or maxIterTest_ had to
579  // be reallocated.
580  bool needToRecreateFullStatusTest = sTest_.is_null();
582  // Residual status test is a combo of the implicit and explicit
583  // convergence tests.
584  if (convTest_.is_null() || allocatedConvergenceTests) {
585  convTest_ = rcp (new combo_type (combo_type::SEQ, impConvTest_, expConvTest_));
586  needToRecreateFullStatusTest = true;
587  }
589  // Maximum number of iterations status test. It tells the solver to
590  // stop iteration, if the maximum number of iterations has been
591  // exceeded. Initialize it if we haven't yet done so, otherwise
592  // tell it the new maximum number of iterations.
593  if (maxIterTest_.is_null()) {
594  maxIterTest_ = rcp (new StatusTestMaxIters<ScalarType,MV,OP> (maxIters_));
595  needToRecreateFullStatusTest = true;
596  } else {
597  maxIterTest_->setMaxIters (maxIters_);
598  }
600  // Create the full status test if we need to.
601  //
602  // The full status test: the maximum number of iterations have
603  // been reached, OR the residual has converged.
604  //
605  // "If we need to" means either that the status test was never
606  // created before, or that its two component tests had to be
607  // reallocated.
608  if (needToRecreateFullStatusTest) {
609  sTest_ = rcp (new combo_type (combo_type::OR, maxIterTest_, convTest_));
610  }
612  // If necessary, create the status test output class. This class
613  // manages and formats the output from the status test. We have
614  // to recreate the output test if we had to (re)allocate either
615  // printer_ or sTest_.
616  if (outputTest_.is_null() || needToRecreateFullStatusTest || recreatedPrinter) {
617  StatusTestOutputFactory<ScalarType,MV,OP> stoFactory (outputStyle_);
618  outputTest_ = stoFactory.create (printer_, sTest_, outputFreq_,
620  } else {
621  outputTest_->setOutputFrequency (outputFreq_);
622  }
623  // Set the solver string for the output test.
624  // StatusTestOutputFactory has no constructor argument for this.
625  outputTest_->setSolverDesc (std::string (" MINRES "));
627  // Inform the solver manager that the current parameters were set.
628  parametersSet_ = true;
630  if (verbosity_ & Debug) {
631  using std::endl;
633  std::ostream& dbg = printer_->stream (Debug);
634  dbg << "MINRES parameters:" << endl << params_ << endl;
635  }
636  }
639  template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
641  {
642  using Teuchos::RCP;
643  using Teuchos::rcp;
644  using Teuchos::rcp_const_cast;
645  using std::endl;
647  if (! parametersSet_) {
648  setParameters (params_);
649  }
650  std::ostream& dbg = printer_->stream (Debug);
653  Teuchos::TimeMonitor solveTimerMonitor (*timerSolve_);
656  // We need a problem to solve, else we can't solve it.
657  validateProblem (problem_);
659  // Reset the status test for this solve.
660  outputTest_->reset();
662  // The linear problem has this many right-hand sides to solve.
663  // MINRES can solve only one at a time, so we solve for each
664  // right-hand side in succession.
665  const int numRHS2Solve = MVT::GetNumberVecs (*(problem_->getRHS()));
667  // Create MINRES iteration object. Pass along the solver
668  // manager's parameters, which have already been validated.
669  typedef MinresIter<ScalarType, MV, OP> iter_type;
670  RCP<iter_type> minres_iter =
671  rcp (new iter_type (problem_, printer_, outputTest_, *params_));
673  // The index/indices of the right-hand sides for which MINRES did
674  // _not_ converge. Hopefully this is empty after the for loop
675  // below! If it is not empty, at least one right-hand side did
676  // not converge.
677  std::vector<int> notConverged;
678  std::vector<int> currentIndices(1);
680  numIters_ = 0;
682  // Solve for each right-hand side in turn.
683  for (int currentRHS = 0; currentRHS < numRHS2Solve; ++currentRHS) {
684  // Inform the linear problem of the right-hand side(s) currently
685  // being solved. MINRES only knows how to solve linear problems
686  // with one right-hand side, so we only include one index, which
687  // is the index of the current right-hand side.
688  currentIndices[0] = currentRHS;
689  problem_->setLSIndex (currentIndices);
691  dbg << "-- Current right-hand side index being solved: "
692  << currentRHS << endl;
694  // Reset the number of iterations.
695  minres_iter->resetNumIters();
696  // Reset the number of calls that the status test output knows about.
697  outputTest_->resetNumCalls();
698  // Set the new state and initialize the solver.
701  // Get the residual vector for the current linear system
702  // (that is, for the current right-hand side).
703  newstate.Y = MVT::CloneViewNonConst (*(rcp_const_cast<MV> (problem_->getInitResVec())), currentIndices);
704  minres_iter->initializeMinres (newstate);
706  // Attempt to solve for the solution corresponding to the
707  // current right-hand side.
708  while (true) {
709  try {
710  minres_iter->iterate();
712  // First check for convergence
713  if (convTest_->getStatus() == Passed) {
714  dbg << "---- Converged after " << maxIterTest_->getNumIters()
715  << " iterations" << endl;
716  break;
717  }
718  // Now check for max # of iterations
719  else if (maxIterTest_->getStatus() == Passed) {
720  dbg << "---- Did not converge after " << maxIterTest_->getNumIters()
721  << " iterations" << endl;
722  // This right-hand side didn't converge!
723  notConverged.push_back (currentRHS);
724  break;
725  } else {
726  // If we get here, we returned from iterate(), but none of
727  // our status tests Passed. Something is wrong, and it is
728  // probably our fault.
729  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::logic_error,
730  "Belos::MinresSolMgr::solve(): iterations neither converged, "
731  "nor reached the maximum number of iterations " << maxIters_
732  << ". That means something went wrong.");
733  }
734  }
735  catch (const StatusTestNaNError& e) {
736  // A NaN was detected in the solver. Set the solution to zero and return unconverged.
737  achievedTol_ = MST::one();
738  Teuchos::RCP<MV> X = problem_->getLHS();
739  MVT::MvInit( *X, SCT::zero() );
740  printer_->stream(Warnings) << "Belos::MinresSolMgr::solve(): Warning! NaN has been detected!"
741  << std::endl;
742  return Unconverged;
743  }
744  catch (const std::exception &e) {
745  printer_->stream (Errors)
746  << "Error! Caught std::exception in MinresIter::iterate() at "
747  << "iteration " << minres_iter->getNumIters() << endl
748  << e.what() << endl;
749  throw e;
750  }
751  }
753  // Inform the linear problem that we are finished with the
754  // current right-hand side. It may or may not have converged,
755  // but we don't try again if the first time didn't work.
756  problem_->setCurrLS();
758  // Get iteration information for this solve: total number of
759  // iterations for all right-hand sides.
760  numIters_ += maxIterTest_->getNumIters();
761  }
763  // Print final summary of the solution process
764  sTest_->print (printer_->stream (FinalSummary));
766  // Print timing information, if the corresponding compile-time and
767  // run-time options are enabled.
769  // Calling summarize() can be expensive, so don't call unless the
770  // user wants to print out timing details. summarize() will do all
771  // the work even if it's passed a "black hole" output stream.
772  if (verbosity_ & TimingDetails) {
773  Teuchos::TimeMonitor::summarize (printer_->stream (TimingDetails));
774  }
777  // Save the convergence test value ("achieved tolerance") for this
778  // solve. This solver always has two residual norm status tests:
779  // an explicit and an implicit test. The master convergence test
780  // convTest_ is a SEQ combo of the implicit resp. explicit tests.
781  // If the implicit test never passes, then the explicit test won't
782  // ever be executed. This manifests as
783  // expConvTest_->getTestValue()->size() < 1. We deal with this
784  // case by using the values returned by
785  // impConvTest_->getTestValue().
786  {
787  const std::vector<MagnitudeType>* pTestValues = expConvTest_->getTestValue();
788  if (pTestValues == NULL || pTestValues->size() < 1) {
789  pTestValues = impConvTest_->getTestValue();
790  }
791  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(pTestValues == NULL, std::logic_error,
792  "Belos::MinresSolMgr::solve(): The implicit convergence test's getTestValue() "
793  "method returned NULL. Please report this bug to the Belos developers.");
794  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(pTestValues->size() < 1, std::logic_error,
795  "Belos::MinresSolMgr::solve(): The implicit convergence test's getTestValue() "
796  "method returned a vector of length zero. Please report this bug to the "
797  "Belos developers.");
799  // FIXME (mfh 12 Dec 2011) Does pTestValues really contain the
800  // achieved tolerances for all vectors in the current solve(), or
801  // just for the vectors from the last deflation?
802  achievedTol_ = *std::max_element (pTestValues->begin(), pTestValues->end());
803  }
805  if (notConverged.size() > 0) {
806  return Unconverged;
807  } else {
808  return Converged;
809  }
810  }
812  // This method requires the solver manager to return a std::string that describes itself.
813  template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
815  {
816  std::ostringstream oss;
817  oss << "Belos::MinresSolMgr< "
819  <<", MV, OP >";
820  // oss << "{";
821  // oss << "Block Size=" << blockSize_;
822  // oss << "}";
823  return oss.str();
824  }
826 } // end Belos namespace
828 #endif /* BELOS_MINRES_SOLMGR_HPP */
Collection of types and exceptions used within the Belos solvers.
Belos&#39;s basic output manager for sending information of select verbosity levels to the appropriate ou...
Class which manages the output and verbosity of the Belos solvers.
Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::Time > > getTimers() const
Return all timers for this object.
virtual ~MinresSolMgr()
MINRES implementation.
static void clearCounter(const std::string &name)
static RCP< Time > getNewCounter(const std::string &name)
bool is_null(const std::shared_ptr< T > &p)
int getNumIters() const override
Get the iteration count for the most recent call to solve().
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(throw_exception_test, Exception, msg)
A factory class for generating StatusTestOutput objects.
static Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > defaultParameters()
List of valid MINRES parameters and their default values.
An implementation of StatusTestResNorm using a family of residual norms.
Belos::StatusTest class for specifying a maximum number of iterations.
static std::string name()
A factory class for generating StatusTestOutput objects.
Teuchos::RCP< SolverManager< ScalarType, MV, OP > > clone() const override
clone for Inverted Injection (DII)
Traits class which defines basic operations on multivectors.
Belos::StatusTest for logically combining several status tests.
const LinearProblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > & getProblem() const override
Return the linear problem to be solved.
MinresSolMgrLinearProblemFailure(const std::string &what_arg)
A Belos::StatusTest class for specifying a maximum number of iterations.
How to reset the solver.
Definition: BelosTypes.hpp:174
MagnitudeType achievedTol() const override
Tolerance achieved by the last solve() invocation.
void setParameters(const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &params) override
Set the parameters to use when solving the linear problem.
This subclass of std::exception may be thrown from the MinresSolMgr::solve() method.
TEUCHOS_DEPRECATED RCP< T > rcp(T *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem)
Pure virtual base class which describes the basic interface for a solver manager. ...
static void summarize(Ptr< const Comm< int > > comm, std::ostream &out=std::cout, const bool alwaysWriteLocal=false, const bool writeGlobalStats=true, const bool writeZeroTimers=true, const ECounterSetOp setOp=Intersection, const std::string &filter="", const bool ignoreZeroTimers=false)
MINRES linear solver solution manager.
MINRES iteration implementation.
std::string description() const override
A linear system to solve, and its associated information.
Class which describes the linear problem to be solved by the iterative solver.
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > getValidParameters() const override
Return the list of default parameters for this object.
Structure to contain pointers to MinresIteration state variables.
void validateParametersAndSetDefaults(ParameterList const &validParamList, int const depth=1000)
Whether the Belos solve converged for all linear systems.
Definition: BelosTypes.hpp:123
The Belos::SolverManager is a templated virtual base class that defines the basic interface that any ...
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > getCurrentParameters() const override
Return the list of current parameters for this object.
void reset(const ResetType type) override
Reset the solver manager.
void setProblem(const Teuchos::RCP< LinearProblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > > &problem) override
Set the linear problem that needs to be solved.
Teuchos::RCP< const MV > Y
The current residual.
Teuchos::RCP< StatusTestOutput< ScalarType, MV, OP > > create(const Teuchos::RCP< OutputManager< ScalarType > > &printer, Teuchos::RCP< StatusTest< ScalarType, MV, OP > > test, int mod, int printStates)
Create the StatusTestOutput object specified by the outputStyle.
Belos::StatusTestResNorm for specifying general residual norm stopping criteria.
A class for extending the status testing capabilities of Belos via logical combinations.
Default constructor.
Class which defines basic traits for the operator type.
Parent class to all Belos exceptions.
Definition: BelosTypes.hpp:28
Belos header file which uses auto-configuration information to include necessary C++ headers...
ReturnType solve() override
Iterate until the status test tells us to stop.
bool isLOADetected() const override
Whether a loss of accuracy was detected in the solver.
bool is_null() const

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