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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Belos: Block Linear Solvers Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2004-2016 NTESS and the Belos contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
17 #include "BelosConfigDefs.hpp"
18 #include "BelosTypes.hpp"
19 #include "BelosGmresIteration.hpp"
21 #include "BelosLinearProblem.hpp"
22 #include "BelosMatOrthoManager.hpp"
23 #include "BelosOutputManager.hpp"
24 #include "BelosStatusTest.hpp"
25 #include "BelosOperatorTraits.hpp"
26 #include "BelosMultiVecTraits.hpp"
28 #include "Teuchos_BLAS.hpp"
29 #include "Teuchos_LAPACK.hpp"
32 #include "Teuchos_ScalarTraits.hpp"
34 #include "Teuchos_TimeMonitor.hpp"
49 namespace Belos {
51 template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
52 class BlockGmresIter : virtual public GmresIteration<ScalarType,MV,OP> {
54  public:
56  //
57  // Convenience typedefs
58  //
77  const Teuchos::RCP<OutputManager<ScalarType> > &printer,
80  Teuchos::ParameterList &params );
83  virtual ~BlockGmresIter() {};
111  void iterate();
139  void initialize()
140  {
142  initializeGmres(empty);
143  }
154  state.curDim = curDim_;
155  state.V = V_;
156  state.H = H_;
157  state.R = R_;
158  state.z = z_;
159  return state;
160  }
169  int getNumIters() const { return iter_; }
172  void resetNumIters( int iter = 0 ) { iter_ = iter; }
176  Teuchos::RCP<const MV> getNativeResiduals( std::vector<MagnitudeType> *norms ) const;
190  void updateLSQR( int dim = -1 );
193  int getCurSubspaceDim() const {
194  if (!initialized_) return 0;
195  return curDim_;
196  };
199  int getMaxSubspaceDim() const { return blockSize_*numBlocks_; }
208  const LinearProblem<ScalarType,MV,OP>& getProblem() const { return *lp_; }
211  int getBlockSize() const { return blockSize_; }
214  void setBlockSize(int blockSize) { setSize( blockSize, numBlocks_ ); }
217  int getNumBlocks() const { return numBlocks_; }
220  void setNumBlocks(int numBlocks) { setSize( blockSize_, numBlocks ); }
228  void setSize(int blockSize, int numBlocks);
231  bool isInitialized() { return initialized_; }
235  private:
237  //
238  // Internal structs
239  //
240  struct CheckList {
241  bool checkV;
242  bool checkArn;
243  CheckList() : checkV(false), checkArn(false) {};
244  };
245  //
246  // Internal methods
247  //
249  std::string accuracyCheck(const CheckList &chk, const std::string &where) const;
252  void setStateSize();
254  //
255  // Classes inputed through constructor that define the linear problem to be solved.
256  //
262  //
263  // Algorithmic parameters
264  //
265  // blockSize_ is the solver block size.
266  // It controls the number of vectors added to the basis on each iteration.
267  int blockSize_;
268  // numBlocks_ is the size of the allocated space for the Krylov basis, in blocks.
269  int numBlocks_;
271  // Storage for QR factorization of the least squares system.
275  //
276  // Current solver state
277  //
278  // initialized_ specifies that the basis vectors have been initialized and the iterate() routine
279  // is capable of running; _initialize is controlled by the initialize() member method
280  // For the implications of the state of initialized_, please see documentation for initialize()
281  bool initialized_;
283  // stateStorageInitialized_ specifies that the state storage has be initialized to the current
284  // blockSize_ and numBlocks_. This initialization may be postponed if the linear problem was
285  // generated without the right-hand side or solution vectors.
286  bool stateStorageInitialized_;
288  // keepHessenberg_ specifies that the iteration must keep the Hessenberg matrix formed via the
289  // Arnoldi factorization and the upper triangular matrix that is the Hessenberg matrix reduced via
290  // QR factorization separate.
291  bool keepHessenberg_;
293  // initHessenberg_ specifies that the iteration should reinitialize the Hessenberg matrix by zeroing
294  // out all entries before an iteration is started.
295  bool initHessenberg_;
297  // Current subspace dimension, and number of iterations performed.
298  int curDim_, iter_;
300  //
301  // State Storage
302  //
303  Teuchos::RCP<MV> V_;
304  //
305  // Projected matrices
306  // H_ : Projected matrix from the Krylov factorization AV = VH + FE^T
307  //
309  //
310  // QR decomposition of Projected matrices for solving the least squares system HY = B.
311  // R_: Upper triangular reduction of H
312  // z_: Q applied to right-hand side of the least squares system
315 };
318  // Constructor.
319  template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
321  const Teuchos::RCP<OutputManager<ScalarType> > &printer,
324  Teuchos::ParameterList &params ):
325  lp_(problem),
326  om_(printer),
327  stest_(tester),
328  ortho_(ortho),
329  blockSize_(0),
330  numBlocks_(0),
331  initialized_(false),
332  stateStorageInitialized_(false),
333  keepHessenberg_(false),
334  initHessenberg_(false),
335  curDim_(0),
336  iter_(0)
337  {
338  // Find out whether we are saving the Hessenberg matrix.
339  if ( om_->isVerbosity( Debug ) )
340  keepHessenberg_ = true;
341  else
342  keepHessenberg_ = params.get("Keep Hessenberg", false);
344  // Find out whether we are initializing the Hessenberg matrix.
345  initHessenberg_ = params.get("Initialize Hessenberg", false);
347  // Get the maximum number of blocks allowed for this Krylov subspace
348  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!params.isParameter("Num Blocks"), std::invalid_argument,
349  "Belos::BlockGmresIter::constructor: mandatory parameter 'Num Blocks' is not specified.");
350  int nb = Teuchos::getParameter<int>(params, "Num Blocks");
352  // Set the block size and allocate data
353  int bs = params.get("Block Size", 1);
354  setSize( bs, nb );
355  }
358  // Set the block size and make necessary adjustments.
359  template <class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
360  void BlockGmresIter<ScalarType,MV,OP>::setSize (int blockSize, int numBlocks)
361  {
362  // This routine only allocates space; it doesn't not perform any computation
363  // any change in size will invalidate the state of the solver.
365  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numBlocks <= 0 || blockSize <= 0, std::invalid_argument, "Belos::BlockGmresIter::setSize was passed a non-positive argument.");
366  if (blockSize == blockSize_ && numBlocks == numBlocks_) {
367  // do nothing
368  return;
369  }
371  if (blockSize!=blockSize_ || numBlocks!=numBlocks_)
372  stateStorageInitialized_ = false;
374  blockSize_ = blockSize;
375  numBlocks_ = numBlocks;
377  initialized_ = false;
378  curDim_ = 0;
380  // Use the current blockSize_ and numBlocks_ to initialize the state storage.
381  setStateSize();
383  }
386  // Setup the state storage.
387  template <class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
389  {
390  if (!stateStorageInitialized_) {
392  // Check if there is any multivector to clone from.
393  Teuchos::RCP<const MV> lhsMV = lp_->getLHS();
394  Teuchos::RCP<const MV> rhsMV = lp_->getRHS();
395  if (lhsMV == Teuchos::null && rhsMV == Teuchos::null) {
396  stateStorageInitialized_ = false;
397  return;
398  }
399  else {
402  // blockSize*numBlocks dependent
403  //
404  int newsd = blockSize_*(numBlocks_+1);
406  if (blockSize_==1) {
407  cs.resize( newsd );
408  sn.resize( newsd );
409  }
410  else {
411  beta.resize( newsd );
412  }
414  // Initialize the state storage
415  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(blockSize_*static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(numBlocks_) > MVT::GetGlobalLength(*rhsMV),std::invalid_argument,
416  "Belos::BlockGmresIter::setStateSize(): Cannot generate a Krylov basis with dimension larger the operator!");
418  // If the subspace has not be initialized before, generate it using the LHS or RHS from lp_.
419  if (V_ == Teuchos::null) {
420  // Get the multivector that is not null.
421  Teuchos::RCP<const MV> tmp = ( (rhsMV!=Teuchos::null)? rhsMV: lhsMV );
422  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(tmp == Teuchos::null,std::invalid_argument,
423  "Belos::BlockGmresIter::setStateSize(): linear problem does not specify multivectors to clone from.");
424  V_ = MVT::Clone( *tmp, newsd );
425  }
426  else {
427  // Generate V_ by cloning itself ONLY if more space is needed.
428  if (MVT::GetNumberVecs(*V_) < newsd) {
429  Teuchos::RCP<const MV> tmp = V_;
430  V_ = MVT::Clone( *tmp, newsd );
431  }
432  }
434  // Generate R_ only if it doesn't exist, otherwise resize it.
435  if (R_ == Teuchos::null) {
437  }
438  if (initHessenberg_) {
439  R_->shape( newsd, newsd-blockSize_ );
440  }
441  else {
442  if (R_->numRows() < newsd || R_->numCols() < newsd-blockSize_) {
443  R_->shapeUninitialized( newsd, newsd-blockSize_ );
444  }
445  }
447  // Generate H_ only if it doesn't exist, and we are keeping the upper Hessenberg matrix.
448  if (keepHessenberg_) {
449  if (H_ == Teuchos::null) {
451  }
452  if (initHessenberg_) {
453  H_->shape( newsd, newsd-blockSize_ );
454  }
455  else {
456  if (H_->numRows() < newsd || H_->numCols() < newsd-blockSize_) {
457  H_->shapeUninitialized( newsd, newsd-blockSize_ );
458  }
459  }
460  }
461  else {
462  // Point H_ and R_ at the same object.
463  H_ = R_;
464  }
466  // Generate z_ only if it doesn't exist, otherwise resize it.
467  if (z_ == Teuchos::null) {
469  }
470  if (z_-> numRows() < newsd || z_->numCols() < blockSize_) {
471  z_->shapeUninitialized( newsd, blockSize_ );
472  }
474  // State storage has now been initialized.
475  stateStorageInitialized_ = true;
476  }
477  }
478  }
481  // Get the current update from this subspace.
482  template <class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
484  {
485  //
486  // If this is the first iteration of the Arnoldi factorization,
487  // there is no update, so return Teuchos::null.
488  //
489  Teuchos::RCP<MV> currentUpdate = Teuchos::null;
490  if (curDim_==0) {
491  return currentUpdate;
492  } else {
493  const ScalarType one = SCT::one();
494  const ScalarType zero = SCT::zero();
496  currentUpdate = MVT::Clone( *V_, blockSize_ );
497  //
498  // Make a view and then copy the RHS of the least squares problem. DON'T OVERWRITE IT!
499  //
500  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,ScalarType> y( Teuchos::Copy, *z_, curDim_, blockSize_ );
501  //
502  // Solve the least squares problem.
503  //
505  Teuchos::NON_UNIT_DIAG, curDim_, blockSize_, one,
506  R_->values(), R_->stride(), y.values(), y.stride() );
507  //
508  // Compute the current update.
509  //
510  std::vector<int> index(curDim_);
511  for ( int i=0; i<curDim_; i++ ) {
512  index[i] = i;
513  }
514  Teuchos::RCP<const MV> Vjp1 = MVT::CloneView( *V_, index );
515  MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv( one, *Vjp1, y, zero, *currentUpdate );
516  }
517  return currentUpdate;
518  }
522  // Get the native residuals stored in this iteration.
523  // Note: No residual std::vector will be returned by Gmres.
524  template <class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
526  {
527  //
528  // NOTE: Make sure the incoming std::vector is the correct size!
529  //
530  if ( norms && (int)norms->size() < blockSize_ )
531  norms->resize( blockSize_ );
533  if (norms) {
535  for (int j=0; j<blockSize_; j++) {
536  (*norms)[j] = blas.NRM2( blockSize_, &(*z_)(curDim_, j), 1);
537  }
538  }
539  return Teuchos::null;
540  }
545  // Initialize this iteration object
546  template <class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
548  {
549  // Initialize the state storage if it isn't already.
550  if (!stateStorageInitialized_)
551  setStateSize();
553  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!stateStorageInitialized_,std::invalid_argument,
554  "Belos::BlockGmresIter::initialize(): Cannot initialize state storage!");
556  const ScalarType zero = SCT::zero(), one = SCT::one();
558  // NOTE: In BlockGmresIter, V and Z are required!!!
559  // inconsitent multivectors widths and lengths will not be tolerated, and
560  // will be treated with exceptions.
561  //
562  std::string errstr("Belos::BlockGmresIter::initialize(): Specified multivectors must have a consistent length and width.");
564  if (newstate.V != Teuchos::null && newstate.z != Teuchos::null) {
566  // initialize V_,z_, and curDim_
568  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( MVT::GetGlobalLength(*newstate.V) != MVT::GetGlobalLength(*V_),
569  std::invalid_argument, errstr );
570  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( MVT::GetNumberVecs(*newstate.V) < blockSize_,
571  std::invalid_argument, errstr );
572  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( newstate.curDim > blockSize_*(numBlocks_+1),
573  std::invalid_argument, errstr );
575  curDim_ = newstate.curDim;
576  int lclDim = MVT::GetNumberVecs(*newstate.V);
578  // check size of Z
579  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(newstate.z->numRows() < curDim_ || newstate.z->numCols() < blockSize_, std::invalid_argument, errstr);
582  // copy basis vectors from newstate into V
583  if (newstate.V != V_) {
584  // only copy over the first block and print a warning.
585  if (curDim_ == 0 && lclDim > blockSize_) {
586  om_->stream(Warnings) << "Belos::BlockGmresIter::initialize(): the solver was initialized with a kernel of " << lclDim << std::endl
587  << "The block size however is only " << blockSize_ << std::endl
588  << "The last " << lclDim - blockSize_ << " vectors will be discarded." << std::endl;
589  }
590  std::vector<int> nevind(curDim_+blockSize_);
591  for (int i=0; i<curDim_+blockSize_; i++) nevind[i] = i;
592  Teuchos::RCP<const MV> newV = MVT::CloneView( *newstate.V, nevind );
593  Teuchos::RCP<MV> lclV = MVT::CloneViewNonConst( *V_, nevind );
594  MVT::MvAddMv( one, *newV, zero, *newV, *lclV );
596  // done with local pointers
597  lclV = Teuchos::null;
598  }
600  // put data into z_, make sure old information is not still hanging around.
601  if (newstate.z != z_) {
602  z_->putScalar();
603  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,ScalarType> newZ(Teuchos::View,*newstate.z,curDim_+blockSize_,blockSize_);
605  lclZ = Teuchos::rcp( new Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,ScalarType>(Teuchos::View,*z_,curDim_+blockSize_,blockSize_) );
606  lclZ->assign(newZ);
608  // done with local pointers
609  lclZ = Teuchos::null;
610  }
612  }
613  else {
615  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(newstate.V == Teuchos::null,std::invalid_argument,
616  "Belos::BlockGmresIter::initialize(): BlockGmresStateIterState does not have initial kernel V_0.");
618  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(newstate.z == Teuchos::null,std::invalid_argument,
619  "Belos::BlockGmresIter::initialize(): BlockGmresStateIterState does not have initial norms z_0.");
620  }
622  // the solver is initialized
623  initialized_ = true;
625  if (om_->isVerbosity( Debug ) ) {
626  // Check almost everything here
627  CheckList chk;
628  chk.checkV = true;
629  chk.checkArn = true;
630  om_->print( Debug, accuracyCheck(chk, ": after initialize()") );
631  }
633  }
637  // Iterate until the status test informs us we should stop.
638  template <class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
640  {
641  //
642  // Allocate/initialize data structures
643  //
644  if (initialized_ == false) {
645  initialize();
646  }
648  // Compute the current search dimension.
649  int searchDim = blockSize_*numBlocks_;
652  // iterate until the status test tells us to stop.
653  //
654  // also break if our basis is full
655  //
656  while (stest_->checkStatus(this) != Passed && curDim_+blockSize_ <= searchDim) {
658  iter_++;
660  // F can be found at the curDim_ block, but the next block is at curDim_ + blockSize_.
661  int lclDim = curDim_ + blockSize_;
663  // Get the current part of the basis.
664  std::vector<int> curind(blockSize_);
665  for (int i=0; i<blockSize_; i++) { curind[i] = lclDim + i; }
666  Teuchos::RCP<MV> Vnext = MVT::CloneViewNonConst(*V_,curind);
668  // Get a view of the previous vectors.
669  // This is used for orthogonalization and for computing V^H K H
670  for (int i=0; i<blockSize_; i++) { curind[i] = curDim_ + i; }
671  Teuchos::RCP<const MV> Vprev = MVT::CloneView(*V_,curind);
673  // Compute the next std::vector in the Krylov basis: Vnext = Op*Vprev
674  lp_->apply(*Vprev,*Vnext);
675  Vprev = Teuchos::null;
677  // Remove all previous Krylov basis vectors from Vnext
678  // Get a view of all the previous vectors
679  std::vector<int> prevind(lclDim);
680  for (int i=0; i<lclDim; i++) { prevind[i] = i; }
681  Vprev = MVT::CloneView(*V_,prevind);
682  Teuchos::Array<Teuchos::RCP<const MV> > AVprev(1, Vprev);
684  // Get a view of the part of the Hessenberg matrix needed to hold the ortho coeffs.
687  ( Teuchos::View,*H_,lclDim,blockSize_,0,curDim_ ) );
689  AsubH.append( subH );
691  // Get a view of the part of the Hessenberg matrix needed to hold the norm coeffs.
694  ( Teuchos::View,*H_,blockSize_,blockSize_,lclDim,curDim_ ) );
695  subH2->putScalar(); // Initialize subdiagonal to zero
696  int rank = ortho_->projectAndNormalize(*Vnext,AsubH,subH2,AVprev);
698  // Copy over the coefficients if we are saving the upper Hessenberg matrix,
699  // just in case we run into an error.
700  if (keepHessenberg_) {
701  // Copy over the orthogonalization coefficients.
704  ( Teuchos::View,*R_,lclDim,blockSize_,0,curDim_ ) );
705  subR->assign(*subH);
707  // Copy over the lower diagonal block of the Hessenberg matrix.
710  ( Teuchos::View,*R_,blockSize_,blockSize_,lclDim,curDim_ ) );
711  subR2->assign(*subH2);
712  }
715  "Belos::BlockGmresIter::iterate(): couldn't generate basis of full rank.");
716  //
717  // V has been extended, and H has been extended.
718  //
719  // Update the QR factorization of the upper Hessenberg matrix
720  //
721  updateLSQR();
722  //
723  // Update basis dim and release all pointers.
724  //
725  Vnext = Teuchos::null;
726  curDim_ += blockSize_;
727  //
728  // When required, monitor some orthogonalities
729  if (om_->isVerbosity( Debug ) ) {
730  // Check almost everything here
731  CheckList chk;
732  chk.checkV = true;
733  chk.checkArn = true;
734  om_->print( Debug, accuracyCheck(chk, ": after local update") );
735  }
736  else if (om_->isVerbosity( OrthoDetails ) ) {
737  CheckList chk;
738  chk.checkV = true;
739  om_->print( OrthoDetails, accuracyCheck(chk, ": after local update") );
740  }
742  } // end while (statusTest == false)
744  }
747  template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
749  {
750  int i, j, maxidx;
751  ScalarType sigma, mu, vscale, maxelem;
752  const ScalarType zero = SCT::zero();
754  // Get correct dimension based on input "dim"
755  // Remember that ortho failures result in an exit before updateLSQR() is called.
756  // Therefore, it is possible that dim == curDim_.
757  int curDim = curDim_;
758  if (dim >= curDim_ && dim < getMaxSubspaceDim()) {
759  curDim = dim;
760  }
763  //
764  // Apply previous transformations and compute new transformation to reduce upper-Hessenberg
765  // system to upper-triangular form.
766  //
767  if (blockSize_ == 1) {
768  //
769  // QR factorization of Least-Squares system with Givens rotations
770  //
771  for (i=0; i<curDim; i++) {
772  //
773  // Apply previous Givens rotations to new column of Hessenberg matrix
774  //
775  blas.ROT( 1, &(*R_)(i,curDim), 1, &(*R_)(i+1, curDim), 1, &cs[i], &sn[i] );
776  }
777  //
778  // Calculate new Givens rotation
779  //
780  blas.ROTG( &(*R_)(curDim,curDim), &(*R_)(curDim+1,curDim), &cs[curDim], &sn[curDim] );
781  (*R_)(curDim+1,curDim) = zero;
782  //
783  // Update RHS w/ new transformation
784  //
785  blas.ROT( 1, &(*z_)(curDim,0), 1, &(*z_)(curDim+1,0), 1, &cs[curDim], &sn[curDim] );
786  }
787  else {
788  //
789  // QR factorization of Least-Squares system with Householder reflectors
790  //
791  for (j=0; j<blockSize_; j++) {
792  //
793  // Apply previous Householder reflectors to new block of Hessenberg matrix
794  //
795  for (i=0; i<curDim+j; i++) {
796  sigma = blas.DOT( blockSize_, &(*R_)(i+1,i), 1, &(*R_)(i+1,curDim+j), 1);
797  sigma += (*R_)(i,curDim+j);
798  sigma *= SCT::conjugate(beta[i]);
799  blas.AXPY(blockSize_, ScalarType(-sigma), &(*R_)(i+1,i), 1, &(*R_)(i+1,curDim+j), 1);
800  (*R_)(i,curDim+j) -= sigma;
801  }
802  //
803  // Compute new Householder reflector
804  //
805  maxidx = blas.IAMAX( blockSize_+1, &(*R_)(curDim+j,curDim+j), 1 );
806  maxelem = SCT::magnitude((*R_)(curDim+j+maxidx-1,curDim+j));
807  for (i=0; i<blockSize_+1; i++)
808  (*R_)(curDim+j+i,curDim+j) /= maxelem;
809  sigma = blas.DOT( blockSize_, &(*R_)(curDim+j+1,curDim+j), 1,
810  &(*R_)(curDim+j+1,curDim+j), 1 );
811  MagnitudeType sign_Rjj = -SCT::real((*R_)(curDim+j,curDim+j)) /
812  SCT::magnitude(SCT::real(((*R_)(curDim+j,curDim+j))));
813  if (sigma == zero) {
814  beta[curDim + j] = zero;
815  } else {
816  mu = SCT::squareroot(SCT::conjugate((*R_)(curDim+j,curDim+j))*(*R_)(curDim+j,curDim+j)+sigma);
817  vscale = (*R_)(curDim+j,curDim+j) - Teuchos::as<ScalarType>(sign_Rjj)*mu;
818  beta[curDim+j] = -Teuchos::as<ScalarType>(sign_Rjj) * vscale / mu;
819  (*R_)(curDim+j,curDim+j) = Teuchos::as<ScalarType>(sign_Rjj)*maxelem*mu;
820  for (i=0; i<blockSize_; i++)
821  (*R_)(curDim+j+1+i,curDim+j) /= vscale;
822  }
823  //
824  // Apply new Householder reflector to rhs
825  //
826  for (i=0; i<blockSize_; i++) {
827  sigma = blas.DOT( blockSize_, &(*R_)(curDim+j+1,curDim+j),
828  1, &(*z_)(curDim+j+1,i), 1);
829  sigma += (*z_)(curDim+j,i);
830  sigma *= SCT::conjugate(beta[curDim+j]);
831  blas.AXPY(blockSize_, ScalarType(-sigma), &(*R_)(curDim+j+1,curDim+j),
832  1, &(*z_)(curDim+j+1,i), 1);
833  (*z_)(curDim+j,i) -= sigma;
834  }
835  }
836  } // end if (blockSize_ == 1)
838  // If the least-squares problem is updated wrt "dim" then update the curDim_.
839  if (dim >= curDim_ && dim < getMaxSubspaceDim()) {
840  curDim_ = dim + blockSize_;
841  }
843  } // end updateLSQR()
846  // Check accuracy, orthogonality, and other debugging stuff
847  //
848  // bools specify which tests we want to run (instead of running more than we actually care about)
849  //
850  // checkV : V orthonormal
851  //
852  // checkArn: check the Arnoldi factorization
853  //
854  // NOTE: This method needs to check the current dimension of the subspace, since it is possible to
855  // call this method when curDim_ = 0 (after initialization).
856  template <class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
857  std::string BlockGmresIter<ScalarType,MV,OP>::accuracyCheck( const CheckList &chk, const std::string &where ) const
858  {
859  std::stringstream os;
860  os.precision(2);
861  os.setf(std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield);
862  MagnitudeType tmp;
864  os << " Debugging checks: iteration " << iter_ << where << std::endl;
866  // index vectors for V and F
867  std::vector<int> lclind(curDim_);
868  for (int i=0; i<curDim_; i++) lclind[i] = i;
869  std::vector<int> bsind(blockSize_);
870  for (int i=0; i<blockSize_; i++) { bsind[i] = curDim_ + i; }
872  Teuchos::RCP<const MV> lclV,lclF;
873  Teuchos::RCP<MV> lclAV;
874  if (curDim_)
875  lclV = MVT::CloneView(*V_,lclind);
876  lclF = MVT::CloneView(*V_,bsind);
878  if (chk.checkV) {
879  if (curDim_) {
880  tmp = ortho_->orthonormError(*lclV);
881  os << " >> Error in V^H M V == I : " << tmp << std::endl;
882  }
883  tmp = ortho_->orthonormError(*lclF);
884  os << " >> Error in F^H M F == I : " << tmp << std::endl;
885  if (curDim_) {
886  tmp = ortho_->orthogError(*lclV,*lclF);
887  os << " >> Error in V^H M F == 0 : " << tmp << std::endl;
888  }
889  }
891  if (chk.checkArn) {
893  if (curDim_) {
894  // Compute AV
895  lclAV = MVT::Clone(*V_,curDim_);
896  lp_->apply(*lclV,*lclAV);
898  // Compute AV - VH
899  const ScalarType one = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::one();
901  MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv( -one, *lclV, subH, one, *lclAV );
903  // Compute FB_k^T - (AV-VH)
905  blockSize_,curDim_, curDim_ );
906  MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv( -one, *lclF, curB, one, *lclAV );
908  // Compute || FE_k^T - (AV-VH) ||
909  std::vector<MagnitudeType> arnNorms( curDim_ );
910  ortho_->norm( *lclAV, arnNorms );
912  for (int i=0; i<curDim_; i++) {
913  os << " >> Error in Krylov factorization (R = AV-VH-FB^H), ||R[" << i << "]|| : " << arnNorms[i] << std::endl;
914  }
915  }
916  }
918  os << std::endl;
920  return os.str();
921  }
923 } // end Belos namespace
ScalarType * values() const
Collection of types and exceptions used within the Belos solvers.
void TRSM(ESide side, EUplo uplo, ETransp transa, EDiag diag, const OrdinalType &m, const OrdinalType &n, const alpha_type alpha, const A_type *A, const OrdinalType &lda, ScalarType *B, const OrdinalType &ldb) const
Belos&#39;s basic output manager for sending information of select verbosity levels to the appropriate ou...
void AXPY(const OrdinalType &n, const alpha_type alpha, const x_type *x, const OrdinalType &incx, ScalarType *y, const OrdinalType &incy) const
Array< T > & append(const T &x)
Class which manages the output and verbosity of the Belos solvers.
int getMaxSubspaceDim() const
Get the maximum dimension allocated for the search subspace.
void ROT(const OrdinalType &n, ScalarType *dx, const OrdinalType &incx, ScalarType *dy, const OrdinalType &incy, MagnitudeType *c, ScalarType *s) const
This class implements the block GMRES iteration, where a block Krylov subspace is constructed...
Teuchos::RCP< const MV > V
The current Krylov basis.
T & get(const std::string &name, T def_value)
MultiVecTraits< ScalarType, MV > MVT
Pure virtual base class for defining the status testing capabilities of Belos.
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(throw_exception_test, Exception, msg)
void updateLSQR(int dim=-1)
Method for updating QR factorization of upper Hessenberg matrix.
Teuchos::RCP< MV > getCurrentUpdate() const
Get the current update to the linear system.
Declaration of basic traits for the multivector type.
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, ScalarType > > z
The current right-hand side of the least squares system RY = Z.
ScalarTraits< ScalarType >::magnitudeType NRM2(const OrdinalType &n, const ScalarType *x, const OrdinalType &incx) const
void iterate()
This method performs block Gmres iterations until the status test indicates the need to stop or an er...
OrdinalType IAMAX(const OrdinalType &n, const ScalarType *x, const OrdinalType &incx) const
Structure to contain pointers to GmresIteration state variables.
void resetNumIters(int iter=0)
Reset the iteration count.
SCT::magnitudeType MagnitudeType
A pure virtual class for defining the status tests for the Belos iterative solvers.
Class which defines basic traits for the operator type.
const LinearProblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > & getProblem() const
Get a constant reference to the linear problem.
void setSize(int blockSize, int numBlocks)
Set the blocksize and number of blocks to be used by the iterative solver in solving this linear prob...
Teuchos::RCP< const MV > getNativeResiduals(std::vector< MagnitudeType > *norms) const
Get the norms of the residuals native to the solver.
virtual ~BlockGmresIter()
Traits class which defines basic operations on multivectors.
bool isParameter(const std::string &name) const
bool isInitialized()
States whether the solver has been initialized or not.
TEUCHOS_DEPRECATED RCP< T > rcp(T *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem)
int curDim
The current dimension of the reduction.
OperatorTraits< ScalarType, MV, OP > OPT
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, ScalarType > > R
The current upper-triangular matrix from the QR reduction of H.
A linear system to solve, and its associated information.
Class which describes the linear problem to be solved by the iterative solver.
int getBlockSize() const
Get the blocksize to be used by the iterative solver in solving this linear problem.
ScalarType DOT(const OrdinalType &n, const x_type *x, const OrdinalType &incx, const y_type *y, const OrdinalType &incy) const
int getNumBlocks() const
Get the maximum number of blocks used by the iterative solver in solving this linear problem...
Teuchos::ScalarTraits< ScalarType > SCT
GmresIterationState< ScalarType, MV > getState() const
Get the current state of the linear solver.
OrdinalType numCols() const
void setNumBlocks(int numBlocks)
Set the maximum number of blocks used by the iterative solver.
void ROTG(ScalarType *da, ScalarType *db, rotg_c_type *c, ScalarType *s) const
Class which defines basic traits for the operator type.
void initializeGmres(GmresIterationState< ScalarType, MV > &newstate)
Initialize the solver to an iterate, providing a complete state.
void initialize()
Initialize the solver with the initial vectors from the linear problem or random data.
BlockGmresIter(const Teuchos::RCP< LinearProblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > > &problem, const Teuchos::RCP< OutputManager< ScalarType > > &printer, const Teuchos::RCP< StatusTest< ScalarType, MV, OP > > &tester, const Teuchos::RCP< MatOrthoManager< ScalarType, MV, OP > > &ortho, Teuchos::ParameterList &params)
BlockGmresIter constructor with linear problem, solver utilities, and parameter list of solver option...
Belos&#39;s templated virtual class for providing routines for orthogonalization and orthonormzalition of...
Pure virtual base class which augments the basic interface for a Gmres linear solver iteration...
GmresIterationOrthoFailure is thrown when the GmresIteration object is unable to compute independent ...
Belos header file which uses auto-configuration information to include necessary C++ headers...
int getCurSubspaceDim() const
Get the dimension of the search subspace used to generate the current solution to the linear problem...
void setBlockSize(int blockSize)
Set the blocksize.
OrdinalType stride() const
OrdinalType numRows() const
Templated virtual class for providing orthogonalization/orthonormalization methods with matrix-based ...
int getNumIters() const
Get the current iteration count.
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, ScalarType > > H
The current Hessenberg matrix.

Generated on Fri Feb 21 2025 09:24:40 for Belos by doxygen 1.8.5