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Belos::GCRODRSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, lapackSupportsScalarType > Class Template Reference

Implementation of the GCRODR (Recycling GMRES) iterative linear solver. More...

#include <BelosGCRODRSolMgr.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Belos::GCRODRSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, lapackSupportsScalarType >:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 GCRODRSolMgr ()
 GCRODRSolMgr (const Teuchos::RCP< LinearProblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > > &problem, const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &pl)
virtual ~GCRODRSolMgr ()

Detailed Description

template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP, const bool lapackSupportsScalarType = Belos::Details::LapackSupportsScalar<ScalarType>::value>
class Belos::GCRODRSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, lapackSupportsScalarType >

Implementation of the GCRODR (Recycling GMRES) iterative linear solver.

Michael Parks and Heidi Thornquist
Template Parameters
ScalarTypeThe type of entries in the right-hand side vector(s) $b$ and solution vector(s) $x$.
MVThe multivector type; the type of the solution vector(s) and right-hand side vector(s).
OPThe type of the matrix $A$ (and any preconditioner, if one is provided).


This class implements the GCRODR (Recycling GMRES) iterative linear solver. This solver is suited for solving sequences of related linear systems $A_i x_i = b_i$. For details, please refer to the following paper:

Michael L. Parks, Eric de Sturler, Greg Mackey, Duane Johnson, and Spandan Maiti. "Recycling Krylov Subspaces for Sequences of Linear Systems," SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 28(5), pp. 1651-1674,

epetra/example/GCRODR/GCRODREpetraExFile.cpp, epetra/example/GCRODR/PrecGCRODREpetraExFile.cpp, and tpetra/example/GCRODR/GCRODRTpetraExFile.cpp.

Definition at line 128 of file BelosGCRODRSolMgr.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class ScalarType , class MV , class OP , const bool lapackSupportsScalarType = Belos::Details::LapackSupportsScalar<ScalarType>::value>
Belos::GCRODRSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, lapackSupportsScalarType >::GCRODRSolMgr ( )

Definition at line 137 of file BelosGCRODRSolMgr.hpp.

template<class ScalarType , class MV , class OP , const bool lapackSupportsScalarType = Belos::Details::LapackSupportsScalar<ScalarType>::value>
Belos::GCRODRSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, lapackSupportsScalarType >::GCRODRSolMgr ( const Teuchos::RCP< LinearProblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > > &  problem,
const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  pl 

Definition at line 140 of file BelosGCRODRSolMgr.hpp.

template<class ScalarType , class MV , class OP , const bool lapackSupportsScalarType = Belos::Details::LapackSupportsScalar<ScalarType>::value>
virtual Belos::GCRODRSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, lapackSupportsScalarType >::~GCRODRSolMgr ( )

Definition at line 144 of file BelosGCRODRSolMgr.hpp.

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