Belos  Version of the Day
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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Belos: Block Linear Solvers Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2004-2016 NTESS and the Belos contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
16 #include "BelosConfigDefs.hpp"
17 #include "BelosTypes.hpp"
19 #include "BelosLinearProblem.hpp"
20 #include "BelosSolverManager.hpp"
22 #include "BelosLSQRIteration.hpp"
23 #include "BelosLSQRIter.hpp"
25 #include "BelosLSQRStatusTest.hpp"
26 #include "BelosStatusTestCombo.hpp"
28 #include "BelosOutputManager.hpp"
29 #include "Teuchos_as.hpp"
32 #include "Teuchos_TimeMonitor.hpp"
33 #endif
35 namespace Belos {
48 public:
49  LSQRSolMgrLinearProblemFailure(const std::string& what_arg)
50  : BelosError(what_arg)
51  {}
52 };
61 public:
62  LSQRSolMgrBlockSizeFailure(const std::string& what_arg)
63  : BelosError(what_arg)
64  {}
65 };
182 // Partial specialization for complex ScalarType.
183 // This contains a trivial implementation.
184 // See discussion in the class documentation above.
185 template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP,
186  const bool scalarTypeIsComplex = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::isComplex>
187 class LSQRSolMgr :
188  public Details::RealSolverManager<ScalarType, MV, OP,
189  Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::isComplex>
190 {
191  static const bool isComplex = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::isComplex;
194 public:
196  base_type ()
197  {}
200  base_type ()
201  {}
202  virtual ~LSQRSolMgr () {}
207  }
208 };
211 // Partial specialization for real ScalarType.
212 // This contains the actual working implementation of LSQR.
213 // See discussion in the class documentation above.
214 template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
215 class LSQRSolMgr<ScalarType, MV, OP, false> :
216  public Details::RealSolverManager<ScalarType, MV, OP, false> {
217 private:
221  typedef typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::magnitudeType MagnitudeType;
224 public:
235  LSQRSolMgr ();
268  virtual ~LSQRSolMgr () {}
273  }
280  const LinearProblem<ScalarType,MV,OP>& getProblem () const override {
281  return *problem_;
282  }
286  Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::ParameterList> getValidParameters() const override;
291  return params_;
292  }
300  return Teuchos::tuple (timerSolve_);
301  }
304  int getNumIters () const override {
305  return numIters_;
306  }
312  MagnitudeType getMatCondNum () const {
313  return matCondNum_;
314  }
320  MagnitudeType getMatNorm () const {
321  return matNorm_;
322  }
332  MagnitudeType getResNorm () const {
333  return resNorm_;
334  }
337  MagnitudeType getMatResNorm () const {
338  return matResNorm_;
339  }
349  bool isLOADetected () const override { return false; }
357  void setProblem (const Teuchos::RCP<LinearProblem<ScalarType,MV,OP> >& problem) override {
358  problem_ = problem;
359  }
362  void setParameters (const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& params) override;
372  void reset (const ResetType type) override {
373  if ((type & Belos::Problem) && ! problem_.is_null ()) {
374  problem_->setProblem ();
375  }
376  }
400  ReturnType solve() override;
407  std::string description () const override;
411 private:
418  Teuchos::RCP<std::ostream> outputStream_;
434  mutable Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::ParameterList> validParams_;
436  // Current solver input parameters
437  MagnitudeType lambda_;
438  MagnitudeType relRhsErr_;
439  MagnitudeType relMatErr_;
440  MagnitudeType condMax_;
441  int maxIters_, termIterMax_;
442  int verbosity_, outputStyle_, outputFreq_;
444  // Terminal solver state values
445  int numIters_;
446  MagnitudeType matCondNum_;
447  MagnitudeType matNorm_;
448  MagnitudeType resNorm_;
449  MagnitudeType matResNorm_;
451  // Timers.
452  std::string label_;
453  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::Time> timerSolve_;
455  // Internal state variables.
456  bool isSet_;
457  bool loaDetected_;
458 };
460 template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
462  lambda_ (STM::zero ()),
463  relRhsErr_ (Teuchos::as<MagnitudeType> (10) * STM::squareroot (STM::eps ())),
464  relMatErr_ (Teuchos::as<MagnitudeType> (10) * STM::squareroot (STM::eps ())),
465  condMax_ (STM::one () / STM::eps ()),
466  maxIters_ (1000),
467  termIterMax_ (1),
468  verbosity_ (Belos::Errors),
469  outputStyle_ (Belos::General),
470  outputFreq_ (-1),
471  numIters_ (0),
472  matCondNum_ (STM::zero ()),
473  matNorm_ (STM::zero ()),
474  resNorm_ (STM::zero ()),
475  matResNorm_ (STM::zero ()),
476  isSet_ (false),
477  loaDetected_ (false)
478 {}
480 template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
484  problem_ (problem),
485  lambda_ (STM::zero ()),
486  relRhsErr_ (Teuchos::as<MagnitudeType> (10) * STM::squareroot (STM::eps ())),
487  relMatErr_ (Teuchos::as<MagnitudeType> (10) * STM::squareroot (STM::eps ())),
488  condMax_ (STM::one () / STM::eps ()),
489  maxIters_ (1000),
490  termIterMax_ (1),
491  verbosity_ (Belos::Errors),
492  outputStyle_ (Belos::General),
493  outputFreq_ (-1),
494  numIters_ (0),
495  matCondNum_ (STM::zero ()),
496  matNorm_ (STM::zero ()),
497  resNorm_ (STM::zero ()),
498  matResNorm_ (STM::zero ()),
499  isSet_ (false),
500  loaDetected_ (false)
501 {
502  // The linear problem to solve is allowed to be null here. The user
503  // must then set a nonnull linear problem (by calling setProblem())
504  // before calling solve().
505  //
506  // Similarly, users are allowed to set a null parameter list here,
507  // but they must first set a nonnull parameter list (by calling
508  // setParameters()) before calling solve().
509  if (! pl.is_null ()) {
510  setParameters (pl);
511  }
512 }
515 template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
518 {
520  using Teuchos::parameterList;
521  using Teuchos::RCP;
522  using Teuchos::rcp;
523  using Teuchos::rcpFromRef;
525  // Set all the valid parameters and their default values.
526  if (validParams_.is_null ()) {
527  // We use Teuchos::as just in case MagnitudeType doesn't have a
528  // constructor that takes an int. Otherwise, we could just write
529  // "MagnitudeType(10)".
530  const MagnitudeType ten = Teuchos::as<MagnitudeType> (10);
531  const MagnitudeType sqrtEps = STM::squareroot (STM::eps());
533  const MagnitudeType lambda = STM::zero();
534  RCP<std::ostream> outputStream = rcpFromRef (std::cout);
535  const MagnitudeType relRhsErr = ten * sqrtEps;
536  const MagnitudeType relMatErr = ten * sqrtEps;
537  const MagnitudeType condMax = STM::one() / STM::eps();
538  const int maxIters = 1000;
539  const int termIterMax = 1;
540  const int verbosity = Belos::Errors;
541  const int outputStyle = Belos::General;
542  const int outputFreq = -1;
543  const std::string label ("Belos");
545  RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> pl = Teuchos::parameterList();
546  pl->set ("Output Stream", outputStream, "Teuchos::RCP<std::ostream> "
547  "(reference-counted pointer to the output stream) receiving "
548  "all solver output");
549  pl->set ("Lambda", lambda, "Damping parameter");
550  pl->set ("Rel RHS Err", relRhsErr, "Estimates the error in the data "
551  "defining the right-hand side");
552  pl->set ("Rel Mat Err", relMatErr, "Estimates the error in the data "
553  "defining the matrix.");
554  pl->set ("Condition Limit", condMax, "Bounds the estimated condition "
555  "number of Abar.");
556  pl->set ("Maximum Iterations", maxIters, "Maximum number of iterations");
557  pl->set ("Term Iter Max", termIterMax, "The number of consecutive "
558  "iterations must that satisfy all convergence criteria in order "
559  "for LSQR to stop iterating");
560  pl->set ("Verbosity", verbosity, "Type(s) of solver information written to "
561  "the output stream");
562  pl->set ("Output Style", outputStyle, "Style of solver output");
563  pl->set ("Output Frequency", outputFreq, "Frequency at which information "
564  "is written to the output stream (-1 means \"not at all\")");
565  pl->set ("Timer Label", label, "String to use as a prefix for the timer "
566  "labels");
567  pl->set ("Block Size", 1, "Block size parameter (currently, LSQR requires "
568  "this must always be 1)");
569  validParams_ = pl;
570  }
571  return validParams_;
572 }
575 template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
576 void
579 {
580  using Teuchos::isParameterType;
581  using Teuchos::getParameter;
582  using Teuchos::null;
584  using Teuchos::parameterList;
585  using Teuchos::RCP;
586  using Teuchos::rcp;
587  using Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast;
588  using Teuchos::rcpFromRef;
589  using Teuchos::Time;
590  using Teuchos::TimeMonitor;
596  (params.is_null (), std::invalid_argument,
597  "Belos::LSQRSolMgr::setParameters: The input ParameterList is null.");
598  RCP<const ParameterList> defaultParams = getValidParameters ();
600  // FIXME (mfh 29 Apr 2015) Our users would like to supply one
601  // ParameterList that works for both GMRES and LSQR. Thus, we want
602  // LSQR (the less-used solver) to ignore parameters it doesn't
603  // recognize). For now, therefore, it should not validate, since
604  // validation cannot distinguish between misspellings and
605  // unrecognized parameters. (Perhaps Belos should have a central
606  // facility for all parameters recognized by some solver in Belos,
607  // so we could use that for spell checking.)
608  //
609  //params->validateParameters (*defaultParams);
611  // mfh 29 Apr 2015: The convention in Belos is that the input
612  // ParameterList is a "delta" from the current state. Thus, we
613  // don't fill in the input ParameterList with defaults, and we only
614  // change the current state if the corresponding parameter was
615  // explicitly set in the input ParameterList. We set up the solver
616  // with the default state on construction.
618  // Get the damping (regularization) parameter lambda.
619  if (params->isParameter ("Lambda")) {
620  lambda_ = params->get<MagnitudeType> ("Lambda");
621  } else if (params->isParameter ("lambda")) {
622  lambda_ = params->get<MagnitudeType> ("lambda");
623  }
625  // Get the maximum number of iterations.
626  if (params->isParameter ("Maximum Iterations")) {
627  maxIters_ = params->get<int> ("Maximum Iterations");
628  }
630  (maxIters_ < 0, std::invalid_argument, "Belos::LSQRSolMgr::setParameters: "
631  "\"Maximum Iterations\" = " << maxIters_ << " < 0.");
633  // (Re)set the timer label.
634  {
635  const std::string newLabel =
636  params->isParameter ("Timer Label") ?
637  params->get<std::string> ("Timer Label") :
638  label_;
640  // Update parameter in our list and solver timer
641  if (newLabel != label_) {
642  label_ = newLabel;
643  }
646  const std::string newSolveLabel = (newLabel != "") ?
647  (newLabel + ": Belos::LSQRSolMgr total solve time") :
648  std::string ("Belos::LSQRSolMgr total solve time");
649  if (timerSolve_.is_null ()) {
650  // Ask TimeMonitor for a new timer.
651  timerSolve_ = TimeMonitor::getNewCounter (newSolveLabel);
652  } else {
653  // We've already created a timer, but we may have changed its
654  // label. If we did change its name, then we have to forget
655  // about the old timer and create a new one with a different
656  // name. This is because Teuchos::Time doesn't give you a way
657  // to change a timer's name, once you've created it. We assume
658  // that if the user changed the timer's label, then the user
659  // wants to reset the timer's results.
660  const std::string oldSolveLabel = timerSolve_->name ();
662  if (oldSolveLabel != newSolveLabel) {
663  // Tell TimeMonitor to forget about the old timer.
664  // TimeMonitor lets you clear timers by name.
665  TimeMonitor::clearCounter (oldSolveLabel);
666  timerSolve_ = TimeMonitor::getNewCounter (newSolveLabel);
667  }
668  }
670  }
672  // Check for a change in verbosity level
673  if (params->isParameter ("Verbosity")) {
674  int newVerbosity = 0;
675  // ParameterList gets confused sometimes about enums. This
676  // ensures that no matter how "Verbosity" was stored -- either an
677  // an int, or as a Belos::MsgType enum, we will be able to extract
678  // it. If it was stored as some other type, we let the exception
679  // through.
680  try {
681  newVerbosity = params->get<Belos::MsgType> ("Verbosity");
683  newVerbosity = params->get<int> ("Verbosity");
684  }
685  if (newVerbosity != verbosity_) {
686  verbosity_ = newVerbosity;
687  }
688  }
690  // (Re)set the output style.
691  if (params->isParameter ("Output Style")) {
692  outputStyle_ = params->get<int> ("Output Style");
693  }
695  // Get the output stream for the output manager.
696  //
697  // In case the output stream can't be read back in, we default to
698  // stdout (std::cout), just to ensure reasonable behavior.
699  if (params->isParameter ("Output Stream")) {
700  outputStream_ = params->get<RCP<std::ostream> > ("Output Stream");
701  }
702  // We assume that a null output stream indicates that the user
703  // doesn't want to print anything, so we replace it with a "black
704  // hole" stream that prints nothing sent to it. (We can't use a
705  // null output stream, since the output manager always sends
706  // things it wants to print to the output stream.)
707  if (outputStream_.is_null ()) {
708  outputStream_ = rcp (new Teuchos::oblackholestream ());
709  }
711  // Get the frequency of solver output. (For example, -1 means
712  // "never," and 1 means "every iteration.")
713  if (params->isParameter ("Output Frequency")) {
714  outputFreq_ = params->get<int> ("Output Frequency");
715  }
717  // Create output manager if we need to, using the verbosity level
718  // and output stream that we fetched above. Status tests (i.e.,
719  // stopping criteria) need this.
720  if (printer_.is_null ()) {
721  printer_ = rcp (new OutputManager<ScalarType> (verbosity_, outputStream_));
722  } else {
723  printer_->setVerbosity (verbosity_);
724  printer_->setOStream (outputStream_);
725  }
727  // Check for condition number limit, number of consecutive passed
728  // iterations, relative RHS error, and relative matrix error.
729  // Create the LSQR convergence test if necessary.
730  {
731  if (params->isParameter ("Condition Limit")) {
732  condMax_ = params->get<MagnitudeType> ("Condition Limit");
733  }
734  if (params->isParameter ("Term Iter Max")) {
735  termIterMax_ = params->get<int> ("Term Iter Max");
736  }
737  if (params->isParameter ("Rel RHS Err")) {
738  relRhsErr_ = params->get<MagnitudeType> ("Rel RHS Err");
739  }
740  else if (params->isParameter ("Convergence Tolerance")) {
741  // NOTE (mfh 29 Apr 2015) We accept this parameter as an alias
742  // for "Rel RHS Err".
743  relRhsErr_ = params->get<MagnitudeType> ("Convergence Tolerance");
744  }
746  if (params->isParameter ("Rel Mat Err")) {
747  relMatErr_ = params->get<MagnitudeType> ("Rel Mat Err");
748  }
750  // Create the LSQR convergence test if it doesn't exist yet.
751  // Otherwise, update its parameters.
752  if (convTest_.is_null ()) {
753  convTest_ =
754  rcp (new LSQRStatusTest<ScalarType,MV,OP> (condMax_, termIterMax_,
755  relRhsErr_, relMatErr_));
756  } else {
757  convTest_->setCondLim (condMax_);
758  convTest_->setTermIterMax (termIterMax_);
759  convTest_->setRelRhsErr (relRhsErr_);
760  convTest_->setRelMatErr (relMatErr_);
761  }
762  }
764  // Create the status test for maximum number of iterations if
765  // necessary. Otherwise, update it with the new maximum iteration
766  // count.
767  if (maxIterTest_.is_null()) {
768  maxIterTest_ = rcp (new StatusTestMaxIters<ScalarType,MV,OP> (maxIters_));
769  } else {
770  maxIterTest_->setMaxIters (maxIters_);
771  }
773  // The stopping criterion is an OR combination of the test for
774  // maximum number of iterations, and the LSQR convergence test.
775  // ("OR combination" means that both tests will always be evaluated,
776  // as opposed to a SEQ combination.)
777  typedef StatusTestCombo<ScalarType,MV,OP> combo_type;
778  // If sTest_ is not null, then maxIterTest_ and convTest_ were
779  // already constructed on entry to this routine, and sTest_ has
780  // their pointers. Thus, maxIterTest_ and convTest_ have gotten any
781  // parameter changes, so we don't need to do anything to sTest_.
782  if (sTest_.is_null()) {
783  sTest_ = rcp (new combo_type (combo_type::OR, maxIterTest_, convTest_));
784  }
786  if (outputTest_.is_null ()) {
787  // Create the status test output class.
788  // This class manages and formats the output from the status test.
789  StatusTestOutputFactory<ScalarType,MV,OP> stoFactory (outputStyle_);
790  outputTest_ = stoFactory.create (printer_, sTest_, outputFreq_,
791  Passed + Failed + Undefined);
792  // Set the solver string for the output test.
793  const std::string solverDesc = " LSQR ";
794  outputTest_->setSolverDesc (solverDesc);
795  } else {
796  // FIXME (mfh 18 Sep 2011) How do we change the output style of
797  // outputTest_, without destroying and recreating it?
798  outputTest_->setOutputManager (printer_);
799  outputTest_->setChild (sTest_);
800  outputTest_->setOutputFrequency (outputFreq_);
801  // Since outputTest_ can only be created here, I'm assuming that
802  // the fourth constructor argument ("printStates") was set
803  // correctly on constrution; I don't need to reset it (and I can't
804  // set it anyway, given StatusTestOutput's interface).
805  }
807  // At this point, params is a valid ParameterList. Now we can
808  // "commit" it to our instance's ParameterList.
809  params_ = params;
811  // Inform the solver manager that the current parameters were set.
812  isSet_ = true;
813 }
816 template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
819 {
820  using Teuchos::RCP;
821  using Teuchos::rcp;
823  // Set the current parameters if they were not set before. NOTE:
824  // This may occur if the user generated the solver manager with the
825  // default constructor, but did not set any parameters using
826  // setParameters().
827  if (! isSet_) {
828  this->setParameters (Teuchos::parameterList (* (getValidParameters ())));
829  }
832  (problem_.is_null (), LSQRSolMgrLinearProblemFailure,
833  "Belos::LSQRSolMgr::solve: The linear problem to solve is null.");
835  (! problem_->isProblemSet (), LSQRSolMgrLinearProblemFailure,
836  "Belos::LSQRSolMgr::solve: The linear problem is not ready, "
837  "as its setProblem() method has not been called.");
839  (MVT::GetNumberVecs (*(problem_->getRHS ())) != 1,
840  LSQRSolMgrBlockSizeFailure, "Belos::LSQRSolMgr::solve: "
841  "The current implementation of LSQR only knows how to solve problems "
842  "with one right-hand side, but the linear problem to solve has "
843  << MVT::GetNumberVecs (* (problem_->getRHS ()))
844  << " right-hand sides.");
846  // We've validated the LinearProblem instance above. If any of the
847  // StatusTests needed to be initialized using information from the
848  // LinearProblem, now would be the time to do so. (This is true of
849  // GMRES, where the residual convergence test(s) to instantiate
850  // depend on knowing whether there is a left preconditioner. This
851  // is why GMRES has an "isSTSet_" Boolean member datum, which tells
852  // you whether the status tests have been instantiated and are ready
853  // for use.
855  // test isFlexible might go here.
857  // Next the right-hand sides to solve are identified. Among other things,
858  // this enables getCurrLHSVec() to get the current initial guess vector,
859  // and getCurrRHSVec() to get the current right-hand side (in Iter).
860  std::vector<int> currRHSIdx (1, 0);
861  problem_->setLSIndex (currRHSIdx);
863  // Reset the status test.
864  outputTest_->reset ();
866  // Don't assume convergence unless we've verified that the
867  // convergence test passed.
868  bool isConverged = false;
870  // FIXME: Currently we are setting the initial guess to zero, since
871  // the solver doesn't yet know how to handle a nonzero initial
872  // guess. This could be fixed by rewriting the solver to work with
873  // the residual and a delta.
874  //
875  // In a least squares problem with a nonzero initial guess, the
876  // minimzation problem involves the distance (in a norm depending on
877  // the preconditioner) between the solution and the the initial
878  // guess.
881  // Solve the linear problem using LSQR
884  // Parameter list for the LSQR iteration.
887  // Use the solver manager's "Lambda" parameter to set the
888  // iteration's "Lambda" parameter. We know that the solver
889  // manager's parameter list (params_) does indeed contain the
890  // "Lambda" parameter, because solve() always ensures that
891  // setParameters() has been called.
892  plist.set ("Lambda", lambda_);
894  typedef LSQRIter<ScalarType,MV,OP> iter_type;
895  RCP<iter_type> lsqr_iter =
896  rcp (new iter_type (problem_, printer_, outputTest_, plist));
898  Teuchos::TimeMonitor slvtimer (*timerSolve_);
899 #endif
901  // Reset the number of iterations.
902  lsqr_iter->resetNumIters ();
903  // Reset the number of calls that the status test output knows about.
904  outputTest_->resetNumCalls ();
905  // Set the new state and initialize the solver.
907  lsqr_iter->initializeLSQR (newstate);
908  // tell lsqr_iter to iterate
909  try {
910  lsqr_iter->iterate ();
912  // First check for convergence. If we didn't converge, then check
913  // whether we reached the maximum number of iterations. If
914  // neither of those happened, there must have been a bug.
915  if (convTest_->getStatus () == Belos::Passed) {
916  isConverged = true;
917  } else if (maxIterTest_->getStatus () == Belos::Passed) {
918  isConverged = false;
919  } else {
921  (true, std::logic_error, "Belos::LSQRSolMgr::solve: "
922  "LSQRIteration::iterate returned without either the convergence test "
923  "or the maximum iteration count test passing. "
924  "Please report this bug to the Belos developers.");
925  }
926  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
927  printer_->stream(Belos::Errors)
928  << "Error! Caught std::exception in LSQRIter::iterate at iteration "
929  << lsqr_iter->getNumIters () << std::endl << e.what () << std::endl;
930  throw;
931  }
933  // identify current linear system as solved LinearProblem
934  problem_->setCurrLS();
935  // print final summary
936  sTest_->print (printer_->stream (Belos::FinalSummary));
938  // Print timing information, if the corresponding compile-time and
939  // run-time options are enabled.
941  // Calling summarize() can be expensive, so don't call unless the
942  // user wants to print out timing details. summarize() will do all
943  // the work even if it's passed a "black hole" output stream.
944  if (verbosity_ & TimingDetails)
948  // A posteriori solve information
949  numIters_ = maxIterTest_->getNumIters();
950  matCondNum_ = convTest_->getMatCondNum();
951  matNorm_ = convTest_->getMatNorm();
952  resNorm_ = convTest_->getResidNorm();
953  matResNorm_ = convTest_->getLSResidNorm();
955  if (! isConverged) {
956  return Belos::Unconverged;
957  } else {
958  return Belos::Converged;
959  }
960 }
962 // LSQRSolMgr requires the solver manager to return an eponymous std::string.
963 template<class ScalarType, class MV, class OP>
965 {
966  std::ostringstream oss;
967  oss << "LSQRSolMgr<...," << STS::name () << ">";
968  oss << "{";
969  oss << "Lambda: " << lambda_;
970  oss << ", condition number limit: " << condMax_;
971  oss << ", relative RHS Error: " << relRhsErr_;
972  oss << ", relative Matrix Error: " << relMatErr_;
973  oss << ", maximum number of iterations: " << maxIters_;
974  oss << ", termIterMax: " << termIterMax_;
975  oss << "}";
976  return oss.str ();
977 }
979 } // end Belos namespace
981 #endif /* BELOS_LSQR_SOLMGR_HPP */
void reset(const ResetType type) override
reset the solver manager as specified by the ResetType, informs the solver manager that the solver sh...
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Belos concrete class that iterates LSQR.
Belos&#39;s basic output manager for sending information of select verbosity levels to the appropriate ou...
Class which manages the output and verbosity of the Belos solvers.
LSQRSolMgrBlockSizeFailure(const std::string &what_arg)
MagnitudeType getMatCondNum() const
Estimated matrix condition number from the last solve.
void setProblem(const Teuchos::RCP< LinearProblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > > &problem) override
Set the linear problem that needs to be solved.
LSQRSolMgrBlockSizeFailure is thrown when the linear problem has more than one RHS.
T & get(const std::string &name, T def_value)
Available message types recognized by the linear solvers.
Definition: BelosTypes.hpp:222
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(throw_exception_test, Exception, msg)
A factory class for generating StatusTestOutput objects.
Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::Time > > getTimers() const
Return the timers for this object.
Teuchos::RCP< SolverManager< ScalarType, MV, OP > > clone() const override
clone for Inverted Injection (DII)
bool isLOADetected() const override
Whether a loss of accuracy was detected during the last solve.
MagnitudeType getMatNorm() const
Estimated matrix Frobenius norm from the last solve.
ParameterList & set(std::string const &name, T &&value, std::string const &docString="", RCP< const ParameterEntryValidator > const &validator=null)
Base class for Belos::SolverManager subclasses which normally can only compile for real ScalarType...
Belos::StatusTest class for specifying a maximum number of iterations.
Belos::StatusTest class defining LSQR convergence.
A factory class for generating StatusTestOutput objects.
LSQRSolMgr(const Teuchos::RCP< LinearProblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > > &problem, const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &pl)
Traits class which defines basic operations on multivectors.
Belos::StatusTest for logically combining several status tests.
Belos::LSQRSolMgrLinearProblemFailure is thrown when the linear problem is not setup (i...
bool isParameter(const std::string &name) const
A Belos::StatusTest class for specifying convergence of LSQR. The outer status tests passes if an inn...
A Belos::StatusTest class for specifying a maximum number of iterations.
int getNumIters() const override
Iteration count from the last solve.
How to reset the solver.
Definition: BelosTypes.hpp:174
TEUCHOS_DEPRECATED RCP< T > rcp(T *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem)
Pure virtual base class which describes the basic interface for a solver manager. ...
static void summarize(Ptr< const Comm< int > > comm, std::ostream &out=std::cout, const bool alwaysWriteLocal=false, const bool writeGlobalStats=true, const bool writeZeroTimers=true, const ECounterSetOp setOp=Intersection, const std::string &filter="", const bool ignoreZeroTimers=false)
A linear system to solve, and its associated information.
virtual ~LSQRSolMgr()
Destructor (declared virtual for memory safety of base classes).
Class which describes the linear problem to be solved by the iterative solver.
MagnitudeType getResNorm() const
Estimated residual norm from the last solve.
Whether the Belos solve converged for all linear systems.
Definition: BelosTypes.hpp:123
Teuchos::RCP< SolverManager< ScalarType, MV, OP > > clone() const override
clone for Inverted Injection (DII)
Teuchos::RCP< StatusTestOutput< ScalarType, MV, OP > > create(const Teuchos::RCP< OutputManager< ScalarType > > &printer, Teuchos::RCP< StatusTest< ScalarType, MV, OP > > test, int mod, int printStates)
Create the StatusTestOutput object specified by the outputStyle.
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > getCurrentParameters() const override
Get a parameter list containing the current parameters for this object.
TypeTo as(const TypeFrom &t)
A class for extending the status testing capabilities of Belos via logical combinations.
MagnitudeType getMatResNorm() const
Estimate of (residual vector ) from the last solve.
LSQR method (for linear systems and linear least-squares problems).
Class which defines basic traits for the operator type.
Implementation of the LSQR iteration.
Parent class to all Belos exceptions.
Definition: BelosTypes.hpp:28
Structure to contain pointers to LSQRIteration state variables, ...
Belos header file which uses auto-configuration information to include necessary C++ headers...
const LinearProblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > & getProblem() const override
Get current linear problem being solved for in this object.
LSQRSolMgrLinearProblemFailure(const std::string &what_arg)
bool is_null() const

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