File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
||o*example_02.cppExample of the CellTools class
||o*example_03.cppExample of the CellTools class
||\*example_04.cppExample of the CellTools class
||o*example_03AD.cppExample building stiffness matrix and right hand side for a Poisson equation using nodal (Hgrad) elements. Here we exercise Sacado's Fad types for an automated construction of PDE Jacobians through automatic differentiation
||o*example_03NL.cppExample building PDE Jacobian for a nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation using nodal (Hgrad) elements. Here we exercise Sacado's Fad types for an automated construction of PDE Jacobians through automatic differentiation
||o*example_05.cppDemonstrate diagonalized mass matrices for H(grad) elements in 1d using Gauss-Legendre quadrature
||o*example_06.cppMatrix-free application of the Laplace stiffness matrix for polynomials of degree d on an NX x NY mesh. We are using a reference element stiffness matrix and level 3 BLAS for the application, but not using any tensor-product decomposition
||o*example_07.cppExample building stiffness matrix for a Poisson equation using nodal (Hgrad) elements on squares. This shows how to use the local-global mapping to preallocate the matrix graph. This leads to an improvement in the time it takes to construct the global matrix
||o*example_08.cppExample building stiffness matrix and right hand side for a Poisson equation using nodal (Hgrad) elements on squares. This code transforms the basis function gradients to each cell and performs quadrature
||o*example_10.cppConstruction of Laplace operator on a uniform hexahedral mesh using arbitrary-degree elements. This is the most naive implementation wherein we form the stiffness matrix on each cell by quadrature and do not preallocate the global matrix graph before assembling
||o*example_11.cppConstruction of Laplace operator on a uniform hexahedral mesh using arbitrary-degree elements. This is the second most naive implementation wherein we form the stiffness matrix on each cell by quadrature, but we do preallocate the global matrix graph before assembling
||o*example_12.cppConstruction of Laplace operator on a uniform hexahedral mesh using arbitrary-degree elements. We preallocate the global matrix graph, and then construct a single element stiffness matrix that is replicated across all cells
||o*example_13.cppApplication of Laplace operator on a uniform hexahedral mesh using arbitrary-degree elements by using a single reference stiffness matrix and DGEMM
||o*example_14.cppApplication of Laplace operator on a uniform hexahedral mesh using arbitrary-degree elements by using tensor product structure and Gauss-Lobatto quadrature
||o*example_15.cppConstruction of Laplace operator on a uniform hexahedral mesh using arbitrary-degree elements. This assembles the matrix into STL data structures vector<map<int,double> > to get logarithmic access to columns
||o*example_16.cppApplication of Laplace operator on a hexahedral mesh using arbitrary-degree elements by using TensorProductSpaceTools
||\*example_17.cppApplication of Laplace operator on a hexahedral mesh using arbitrary-degree elements by using DGEMM and dual transformations
| o*example_01.cppIllustrates use of the FieldContainer class
| \*example_02.cppIllustrates use of the FieldContainer class
||o*Intrepid_CellTools.hppHeader file for the Intrepid::CellTools class
||\*Intrepid_CellToolsDef.hppDefinition file for the Intrepid::CellTools class
| o*Intrepid_ArrayTools.hppHeader file for utility class to provide array tools, such as tensor contractions, etc
| o*Intrepid_ArrayToolsDefCloneScale.hppDefinition file for clone / scale operations of the array tools interface
| o*Intrepid_ArrayToolsDefContractions.hppDefinition file for contraction (integration) operations of the array tools class
| o*Intrepid_ArrayToolsDefDot.hppDefinition file for dot-multiply operations of the array tools interface
| o*Intrepid_ArrayToolsDefScalar.hppDefinition file for scalar multiply operations of the array tools interface
| o*Intrepid_ArrayToolsDefTensor.hppDefinition file for tensor multiply operations of the array tools interface
| o*Intrepid_ArrayToolsDefTensorTEMP.hpp
| o*Intrepid_BurkardtRules.hppHeader file for integration rules provided by John Burkardt. <>
| o*Intrepid_BurkardtRulesDef.hppDefinition file for integration rules provided by John Burkardt. <>
| o*Intrepid_FieldContainer.hppHeader file for utility class to provide multidimensional containers
| o*Intrepid_FieldContainerDef.hppDefinition file for utility class to provide multidimensional containers
| o*Intrepid_PointTools.hppHeader file for utility class to provide point tools, such as barycentric coordinates, equispaced lattices, and warp-blend point distrubtions
| o*Intrepid_PointToolsDef.hppDefinition file for utilities for barycentric coordinates and lattices
| o*Intrepid_Polylib.hppHeader file for a set of functions providing orthogonal polynomial polynomial calculus and interpolation
| o*Intrepid_PolylibDef.hppDefinition file for a set of functions providing orthogonal polynomial polynomial calculus and interpolation
| o*Intrepid_Rank.hpp
| o*Intrepid_RealSpaceTools.hppHeader file for classes providing basic linear algebra functionality in 1D, 2D and 3D
| o*Intrepid_RealSpaceToolsDef.hppDefinition file for utility classes providing basic linear algebra functionality
| o*Intrepid_Types.hppContains definitions of custom data types in Intrepid
| o*Intrepid_Utils.cppImplementation file for Intrepid_Utils.hpp
| \*Intrepid_Utils.hppIntrepid utilities
 |o*test_01.cppTest of the CellTools class
 |o*test_02.cppTest of the CellTools class
 |\*test_03.cppTest of the CellTools class