![o](ftv2node.png) rosenbrock/example_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) json/example_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) zakharov/example_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) dual-spaces/rosenbrock-1/example_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) dual-spaces/simple-eq-constr-1/example_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) burgers-control/example_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) poisson-control/example_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) poisson-inversion/example_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) gross-pitaevskii/example_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) json/example_01.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) burgers-control/example_01.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) gross-pitaevskii/example_01.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_01a.cpp | An example combining ROL and Sacado to mimize the Zakharov function. The gradient and the action of the Hessian on a given vector are computed by Sacado using automatic differentiation |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_01a.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_01b.cpp | An example combining ROL and Sacado to mimize the Zakharov function. The gradient and the action of the Hessian on a given vector are computed by Sacado using automatic differentiation |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_01b.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) sacado/example_02.cpp | An example equality constrained problem combining ROL and Sacado This is the same problem as found in rol/examples/simple-eq-constr with the objective gradient, objective Hessian direction, constraint Jacobian direction, constraint adjoint Jacobian direction, and constraint adjoint Hessian direction computed via automatic differentiation with Sacado |
![o](ftv2node.png) zakharov/example_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) burgers-control/example_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) poisson-control/example_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) poisson-inversion/example_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) gross-pitaevskii/example_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) sacado/example_02.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) burgers-control/example_02.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) poisson-control/example_02.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) gross-pitaevskii/example_02.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_03.cpp | Shows how to solve an optimal control problem constrained by unsteady Burgers' equation with the SimOpt interface |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_03.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_04.cpp | Shows how to solve a steady Burgers' optimal control problem using full-space methods |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_04.hpp | Provides definitions of equality constraint and objective for example_04 |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_05.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_05.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_06.cpp | Shows how to solve a steady Burgers' optimal control problem using full-space methods |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_06.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_07.cpp | Shows how to solve a steady Burgers' optimal control problem using full-space methods |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_07.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_08.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) example_08.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) FiniteDifference.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) InnerProductMatrix.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) Lagrange.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) LinearAlgebra.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) NodalBasis.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) OrthogonalPolynomials.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_AbsoluteValue.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Algorithm.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_AlmostSureConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Arcsine.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_AtomVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_AugmentedLagrangian.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_AugmentedLagrangian_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_AugmentedLagrangianStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BackTracking.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BarzilaiBorwein.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BatchManager.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BatchStdVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Beale.hpp | Contains definitions for Beale's function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Beta.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BinaryConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Bisection.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BlockOperator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BlockOperator2.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BlockOperator2Determinant.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BlockOperator2Diagonal.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BlockOperator2UnitLower.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BlockOperator2UnitUpper.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BoundConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BoundConstraint_Partitioned.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BoundConstraint_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BoundFletcher.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Bounds.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BoundToConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BPOE.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Brents.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Bundle.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Bundle_AS.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Bundle_TT.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BundleStatusTest.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BundleStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_BVP.hpp | Contains definitions for the discrete boundary value problem (More, Garbow, Hillstrom, 1981) |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Cantilever.hpp | Contains definitions for the cylinder head test problem |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CantileverBeam.hpp | Contains definitions for Cantilevered Beam example in G. N. Vanderplaats, Numerical Optimization Techniques for Engineering Design: With Applications (1984). This problem contains bound and inequality constraints |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Cauchy.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CauchyPoint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CDFObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ChebyshevSpectral.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Chi2Divergence.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CoherentEntropicRisk.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ColemanLiModel.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CombinedStatusTest.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CompositeConstraint_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CompositeObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CompositeObjective_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CompositeStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ConicApproximationModel.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ConjugateGradients.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ConjugateResiduals.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Constraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Constraint_DynamicState.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Constraint_Partitioned.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Constraint_SerialSimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Constraint_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Constraint_State.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Constraint_TimeSimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ConstraintDef.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ConstraintFromObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ConstraintManager.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ConstraintStatusTest.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ConvexCombinationRiskMeasure.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Cubic.hpp | Contains definitions for a cubic test problem |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CubicInterp.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CVaR.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_CylinderHead.hpp | Contains definitions for the cylinder head test problem |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DeviationMeasureFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DeviationMeasureInfo.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DiagonalOperator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DiodeCircuit.hpp | Contains definitions for the diode circuit problem |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Dirac.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Distribution.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DistributionFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DogLeg.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DoubleDogLeg.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DyadicOperator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DynamicConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DynamicConstraint_CheckInterface.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DynamicConstraintCheck.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DynamicFunction.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DynamicFunctionDef.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DynamicObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DynamicObjective_CheckInterface.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DynamicObjectiveCheck.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_DynamicTrackingObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ElementwiseVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_EntropicRisk.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ErrorMeasureFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ErrorMeasureInfo.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ExpectationQuad.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ExpectationQuadDeviation.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ExpectationQuadError.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ExpectationQuadRegret.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ExpectationQuadRisk.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Exponential.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_FDivergence.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Fletcher.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_FletcherBase.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_FletcherStatusTest.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_FletcherStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_FreudensteinRoth.hpp | Contains definitions for Freudenstein and Roth's function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Gamma.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Gaussian.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_GenMoreauYosidaCVaR.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_GetTestProblems.hpp | Contains definitions of test objective functions |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_GMRES.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_GoldenSection.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_GradientStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Gumbel.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HelperFunctions.hpp | Contains definitions for helper functions in ROL |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HMCR.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HouseholderReflector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS1.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 1st test function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS2.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 2nd test function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS24.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 24th test problem which contains bound and inequality constraints |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS25.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 25th test function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS29.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 32nd test problem which contains only inequality constraints |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS3.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 3rd test function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS32.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 32nd test problem which contains both inequality and equality constraints |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS38.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 38th test function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS39.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 39th test function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS4.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 4th test function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS45.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 45th test function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_HS5.hpp | Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 5th test function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_IdentityOperator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_InactiveSetVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_InteriorPoint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_InteriorPointPenalty.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) interiorpoint/ROL_InteriorPointPrimalDualResidual.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_InteriorPointPrimalDualResidual.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_InteriorPointStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_IterationScaling.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_KelleySachsModel.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_KLDivergence.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Krylov.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_KrylovFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Kumaraswamy.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Lanczos.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Laplace.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_lBFGS.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_lDFP.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LeastSquares.hpp | Contains definitions for least squares function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinearCombinationObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinearCombinationObjective_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinearConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinearObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinearOperator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinearOperatorFromConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinearOperatorProduct.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinearOperatorSum.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinearRegression.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LineSearch.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LineSearchFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LineSearchStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinMore.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LinMoreModel.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LogBarrierObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LogExponentialQuadrangle.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Logistic.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LogQuantileQuadrangle.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_LowerBoundToConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_lSR1.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MeanDeviation.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MeanDeviationFromTarget.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MeanSemiDeviation.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MeanSemiDeviationFromTarget.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MeanVariance.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MeanVarianceFromTarget.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MeanVarianceQuadrangle.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MeritFunction.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Minimax1.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Minimax2.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Minimax3.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MINRES.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MixedCVaR.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MomentObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MonteCarloGenerator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MoreauYosidaCVaR.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MoreauYosidaPenalty.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_MoreauYosidaPenaltyStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_NewtonKrylovStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_NewtonStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_NonlinearCG.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_NonlinearCGStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_NonlinearLeastSquaresObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_NonlinearLeastSquaresObjective_Dynamic.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_NonlinearLeastSquaresObjective_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_NullOperator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Objective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Objective_FSsolver.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Objective_SerialSimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Objective_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Objective_TimeSimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ObjectiveDef.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ObjectiveFromBoundConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ObjectiveFromConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ObjectiveMMA.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_OptimizationProblem.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_OptimizationSolver.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Parabolic.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ParaboloidCircle.hpp | Contains definitions for the equality constrained NLP: |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ParameterListConverters.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PartitionedVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PathBasedTargetLevel.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PH_bPOEObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PH_DeviationObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PH_ErrorObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PH_Objective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PH_ProbObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PH_RegretObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PH_RiskObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PH_StatusTest.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PlusFunction.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PointwiseCDFObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PoissonControl.hpp | Contains definitions for Poisson optimal control |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PoissonInversion.hpp | Contains definitions for Poisson material inversion |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PositiveFunction.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Powell.hpp | Contains definitions for Powell's badly scaled function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PrimalDualActiveSetStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PrimalDualInteriorPointOperator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PrimalDualInteriorPointReducedResidual.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PrimalDualInteriorPointResidual.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PrimalDualInteriorPointStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_PrimalDualSystemStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ProbabilityFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ProbabilityInfo.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ProbabilityVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ProfiledVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ProgressiveHedging.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ProjectedNewtonKrylovStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ProjectedNewtonStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ProjectedSecantStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_QuadraticObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_QuadraticPenalty.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_QuadraticPenalty_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_QuantileQuadrangle.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_QuantileRadius.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Quartic.hpp | Contains definitions for a quartic test problem |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RaisedCosine.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RandomVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RandVarFunctional.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RandVarFunctionalFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RandVarFunctionalInfo.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Reduced_AugmentedLagrangian_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Reduced_Constraint_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Reduced_Objective_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ReducedDynamicObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RegressionError.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RegretMeasureFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RegretMeasureInfo.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RieszVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RiskBoundConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RiskLessConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RiskLessObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RiskMeasure.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RiskMeasureFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RiskMeasureInfo.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RiskNeutralConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RiskNeutralObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_RiskVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Rosenbrock.hpp | Contains definitions for Rosenbrock's function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SampledScalar.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SampledVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SampleGenerator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ScalarLinearConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ScalarMinimizationLineSearch.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ScalarTraits.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ScaledStdVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ScaledVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SchurComplement.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Secant.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SecantFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SecantStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SecondOrderCVaR.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SemismoothNewtonDualModel.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SerialConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SimController.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SimpleEqConstrained.hpp | Contains definitions for the equality constrained NLP from Nocedal/Wright, 2nd edition, page 574, example 18.2; note the typo in reversing the initial guess and the solution |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SimulatedBoundConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SimulatedConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SimulatedObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SimulatedObjectiveCVaR.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SimulatedVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SingletonVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Sketch.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SlacklessObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Smale.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SmoothedPOE.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SmoothedWorstCaseQuadrangle.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SpectralRisk.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SROMGenerator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SROMVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StatusTest.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StatusTestFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StdBoundConstraint.hpp | Contains definitions for std::vector bound constraints |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StdConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StdLinearOperator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StdLinearOperatorFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StdObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StdTridiagonalOperator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StdVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Step.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StepFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StochasticConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_StochasticObjective.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Stream.hpp | Defines a no-output stream class ROL::NullStream and a function makeStreamPtr which either wraps a reference to a stream object or returns a pointer to a NullStream depending on the value of the argument noSuppressOutput |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_SumOfSquares.hpp | Contains definitions for sum of squares function |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TestProblem.hpp | Contains definitions of test objective functions |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TimeStamp.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Triangle.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TruncatedCG.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TruncatedExponential.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TruncatedGaussian.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TruncatedMeanQuadrangle.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TrustRegion.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TrustRegionFactory.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TrustRegionModel.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TrustRegionStep.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_TrustRegionTypes.hpp | Contains definitions of enums for trust region algorithms |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Types.hpp | Contains definitions of custom data types in ROL |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Uniform.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_UpperBoundToConstraint.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_UserInputGenerator.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_ValidParameters.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Vector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Vector_SimOpt.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_VectorClone.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_VectorNorms.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_VectorWorkspace.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_WrappedVector.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ROL_Zakharov.hpp | Contains definitions for the Zakharov function as evaluated using only the ROL::Vector interface |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/constraint/test_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/operator/test_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/sketching/test_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/fletcher/test_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/interiorpoint/test_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/krylov/test_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/trustregion/test_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) vector/test_01.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/constraint/test_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/operator/test_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/fletcher/test_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/interiorpoint/test_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/krylov/test_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_02.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_03.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/fletcher/test_03.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/interiorpoint/test_03.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/krylov/test_03.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_03.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_04.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_04.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) vector/test_04.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) test_04.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_05.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_05.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) vector/test_05.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_06.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_06.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) vector/test_06.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_07.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_07.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) vector/test_07.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_08.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_08.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_09.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_09.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) vector/test_09.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_10.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_10.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) vector/test_10.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_11.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_11.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) test_11.hpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_12.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_12.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) function/test_13.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) step/test_13.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) test_14.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) test_15.cpp | |
![o](ftv2node.png) test_16.cpp | Test augmented Lagrangian step |
![o](ftv2node.png) test_17.cpp | |
![\](ftv2lastnode.png) test_18.cpp | |