Teko::AutoCloneDummy | |
 Teko::BlockImplicitLinearOp | A virtual class that simplifies the construction of custom operators |
  Teko::BlockDiagonalInverseOp | This linear operator computes the inverse of a diagonal matrix |
  Teko::BlockLowerTriInverseOp | This linear operator computes the inverse of a lower triangular matrix |
  Teko::BlockUpperTriInverseOp | This linear operator computes the inverse of a upper triangular matrix |
  Teko::LU2x2InverseOp | This linear operator approximates the inverse of a block operator using a block decomposition |
  Teko::MultPrecsLinearOp | |
 Teko::BlockInvDiagonalStrategy | |
  Teko::InvFactoryDiagStrategy | |
  Teko::StaticInvDiagStrategy | |
 Teko::BlockReorderManager | Class that describes how a flat blocked operator should be reordered |
  Teko::BlockReorderLeaf | |
 Teko::Cloneable | |
  Teko::AutoClone< CloneType, BaseType > | |
 Teko::CloneFactory< CloneBaseType > | |
 Teko::CloneFactory< Teko::LU2x2Strategy > | |
 Teko::CloneFactory< Teko::NS::LSCStrategy > | |
 Teko::CloneFactory< Teko::PreconditionerFactory > | |
 Teko::Epetra::EpetraBlockPreconditioner | A single Epetra wrapper for all the BlockPreconditioners |
 Teko::Epetra::EpetraOperatorWrapper | Implements the Epetra_Operator interface with a Thyra LinearOperator. This enables the use of absrtact Thyra operators in AztecOO as preconditioners and operators, without being rendered into concrete Epetra matrices. This is my own modified version that was originally in Thyra |
  Teko::Epetra::BlockedEpetraOperator | Tear about a user specified Epetra_Operator (CrsMatrix) using a vector of vectors of GIDs for each block |
   Teko::NS::ALOperator | Sparse matrix vector multiplication for augmented Lagrangian-based preconditioners |
 Teko::ImplicitLinearOp | A virtual class that simplifies the construction of custom operators |
  Teko::DiagnosticLinearOp | This linear operator prints diagnostics about operator application and creation times. It is useful for debugging problems and determining bottle necks |
  Teko::ReorderedLinearOp | This class takes a blocked linear op and represents it in a flattened form |
  Teko::SmootherLinearOp | |
 Teko::Epetra::InverseFactoryOperator | A single Epetra wrapper for all operators constructed from an inverse operator |
 Teko::TpetraHelpers::InverseFactoryOperator | A single Epetra wrapper for all operators constructed from an inverse operator |
 Teko::NS::LSCStrategy | Strategy for driving LSCPreconditionerFactory |
  Teko::NS::InvLSCStrategy | A strategy that takes a single inverse factory and uses that for all inverses. If no mass matrix is passed in the diagonal of the 1,1 block is used |
  Teko::NS::LSCSIMPLECStrategy | A strategy that takes a single inverse factory and uses that for all inverses. If no mass matrix is passed in the diagonal of the 1,1 block is used |
  Teko::NS::PresLaplaceLSCStrategy | A strategy that takes a single inverse factory and uses that for all inverses. If no mass matrix is passed in the diagonal of the 1,1 block is used |
 Teko::LU2x2Strategy | Abstract strategy for computing inv(F) and inv(S) in the LU2x2PreconditionerFactory |
  Teko::LU2x2DiagonalStrategy | Strategy for computing and in the LU2x2PreconditionerFactory. Uses the diagonal of to build |
  Teko::NS::PCDStrategy | Strategy for computing implementation of the Pressure convection diffusion preconditioner |
  Teko::StaticLU2x2Strategy | A simple strategy for use with LU2x2PreconditionerFactory, that offers static objects for inv(F) and inv(S) |
 Teko::TpetraHelpers::MappingStrategy | Abstract Mapping strategy for an TpetraOperatorWrapper |
  Teko::TpetraHelpers::DefaultMappingStrategy | Default mapping strategy for the basic TpetraOperatorWrapper |
  Teko::TpetraHelpers::InverseMappingStrategy | Flip a mapping strategy object around to give the "inverse" mapping strategy |
 Teko::Epetra::MappingStrategy | Abstract Mapping strategy for an EpetraOperatorWrapper |
  Teko::Epetra::DefaultMappingStrategy | Default mapping strategy for the basic EpetraOperatorWrapper |
  Teko::Epetra::InverseMappingStrategy | Flip a mapping strategy object around to give the "inverse" mapping strategy |
 Teko::Preconditioner | An extension of the Thyra::DefaultPreconditioner class with some specializations useful for use within Teko |
 Teko::PreconditionerLinearOp< ScalarT > | Class that wraps a PreconditionerBase object it makes it behave like a linear operator |
 Teko::PreconditionerState | An implementation of a state object preconditioners |
  Teko::BlockPreconditionerState | An implementation of a state object for block preconditioners |
   Teko::AddPrecondState | |
   Teko::MLPreconditionerState | Contains operator internals need for ML |
   Teko::MultPrecondState | |
   Teko::NS::LSCPrecondState | Preconditioner state for the LSC factory |
   Teko::NS::ModALPrecondState | Class for saving state variables for ModALPreconditionerFactory |
  Teko::DiagonalPrecondState | |
 Teko::RequestCallbackBase | |
  Teko::RequestCallback< DataT > | |
   Teko::StaticRequestCallback< DataT > | |
 Teko::RequestHandler | |
 Teko::RequestHandlerContainer | |
  Teko::InverseFactory | Abstract class for building an inverse operator |
  Teko::PreconditionerFactory | Abstract class which block preconditioner factories in Teko should be based on |
   Teko::BlockPreconditionerFactory | Abstract class which block preconditioner factories in Teko should be based on |
    Teko::AddPreconditionerFactory | |
    Teko::GaussSeidelPreconditionerFactory | A factory that creates a block Gauss Seidel preconditioner. The user must specify the solvers (or preconditioners) to use to approximately invert the diagonal operators |
    Teko::JacobiPreconditionerFactory | |
    Teko::LU2x2PreconditionerFactory | Construct a preconditioner using a LDU dcomposition of a block 2x2 matrix |
    Teko::MLPreconditionerFactory | Class that constructs and returns an ML preconditioner object that is capable of doing block smoothing |
    Teko::MultPreconditionerFactory | |
    Teko::NS::ModALPreconditionerFactory | Modified augmented Lagrangian-based preconditioner for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations |
    Teko::NS::SIMPLEPreconditionerFactory | |
    Teko::NS::TimingsSIMPLEPreconditionerFactory | |
   Teko::DiagnosticPreconditionerFactory | A class which builds a diagnostic operator to wrap the application of the inverse operator. Also times the construction of the inverse operator |
   Teko::DiagonallyScaledPreconditionerFactory | Using an absolute row sum approximation of the matrix this factory creates an inverse using the explicity scaled matrix. The inverse of the scaling operation is automatically applied |
   Teko::DiagonalPreconditionerFactory | Preconditioner factory for building explcit inverse of diagonal operators. This includes block operators |
   Teko::IdentityPreconditionerFactory | |
   Teko::IterativePreconditionerFactory | A class which applies a preconditioner repeatedly. The inherit assumption is that the preconditioner corresponds to a residual correction |
  Teko::SmootherLinearOp | |
 Teko::mlutils::SmootherData | |
 Teko::StratimikosFactory | Concrete preconditioner factory subclass based on ML |
 Teko::TpetraHelpers::TpetraBlockPreconditioner | A single Epetra wrapper for all the BlockPreconditioners |
 Teko::TpetraHelpers::TpetraOperatorWrapper | Implements the Epetra_Operator interface with a Thyra LinearOperator. This enables the use of absrtact Thyra operators in AztecOO as preconditioners and operators, without being rendered into concrete Epetra matrices. This is my own modified version that was originally in Thyra |
  Teko::TpetraHelpers::BlockedTpetraOperator | Tear about a user specified Tpetra::Operator<ST,LO,GO,NT> (CrsMatrix) using a vector of vectors of GIDs for each block |
 Teko::Epetra::ZeroedOperator | |
 Teko::TpetraHelpers::ZeroedOperator | |