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LOCA::Thyra::GroupWrapper Class Reference

Extension of the LOCA::Thyra::Group to provide access to solution data. More...

#include <LOCA_Thyra_GroupWrapper.H>

Inheritance diagram for LOCA::Thyra::GroupWrapper:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for LOCA::Thyra::GroupWrapper:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 GroupWrapper (const Teuchos::RCP< LOCA::GlobalData > &global_data, const NOX::Thyra::Vector &initial_guess, const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::ModelEvaluator< double > > &model, const LOCA::ParameterVector &p, int p_index, bool implement_dfdp=false)
 GroupWrapper (const GroupWrapper &source, NOX::CopyType type=NOX::DeepCopy)
 Copy constructor. If type is DeepCopy, takes ownership of valid shared Jacobian.
virtual ~GroupWrapper ()
virtual GroupWrapperoperator= (const GroupWrapper &source)
 Assignment operator.
Overloaded NOX::Thyra::Group methods.
virtual NOX::Abstract::Groupoperator= (const NOX::Abstract::Group &source)
 Assignment operator.
virtual NOX::Abstract::Groupoperator= (const NOX::Thyra::Group &source)
 Assignment operator.
virtual LOCA::Thyra::Groupoperator= (const LOCA::Thyra::Group &source)
 Assignment operator.
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< NOX::Abstract::Group
clone (NOX::CopyType type=NOX::DeepCopy) const
 Cloning function.
const Teuchos::RCP< const
getNOXThyraVecRCPX ()
 Access the solution.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::Thyra::Group
 Group (const Teuchos::RCP< LOCA::GlobalData > &global_data, const NOX::Thyra::Vector &initial_guess, const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::ModelEvaluator< double > > &model, const LOCA::ParameterVector &p, int p_index, bool implement_dfdp=false, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &weight_vector=Teuchos::null, const bool set_transient_in_args=true)
 Constructor (internally constructs nox group)
 Group (const Teuchos::RCP< LOCA::GlobalData > &global_data, const NOX::Thyra::Group &nox_group, const LOCA::ParameterVector &p, const std::vector< int > &p_index, bool implement_dfdp=false, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &weight_vector=Teuchos::null, const bool set_transient_in_args=true)
 Constructor for Householder continuation where parameters are in separate param vectors.
 Group (const Group &source, NOX::CopyType type=NOX::DeepCopy)
 Copy constructor. If type is DeepCopy, takes ownership of valid shared Jacobian.
virtual ~Group ()
void setSaveDataStrategy (const Teuchos::RCP< LOCA::Thyra::SaveDataStrategy > &s)
 Set strategy object for saving continuation data.
computeF ()
 Overloaded computeF()
computeJacobian ()
 Overloaded computeJacobian()
virtual void copy (const NOX::Abstract::Group &source)
virtual void setParams (const ParameterVector &p)
 Set the parameters.
virtual void setParam (int paramID, double val)
 Set parameter indexed by paramID.
virtual void setParam (std::string paramID, double val)
 Set parameter indexed by paramID.
const LOCA::ParameterVectorgetParams () const
 Return a const reference to the ParameterVector owned by the group.
virtual double getParam (int paramID) const
 Return copy of parameter indexed by paramID.
virtual double getParam (std::string paramID) const
 Return copy of parameter indexed by paramID.
computeDfDpMulti (const std::vector< int > &paramIDs, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &dfdp, bool isValidF)
virtual void preProcessContinuationStep (LOCA::Abstract::Iterator::StepStatus stepStatus)
 Perform any preprocessing before a continuation step starts.
virtual void postProcessContinuationStep (LOCA::Abstract::Iterator::StepStatus stepStatus)
 Perform any postprocessing after a continuation step finishes.
virtual void projectToDraw (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &x, double *px) const
 Projects solution to a few scalars for multiparameter continuation.
virtual int projectToDrawDimension () const
 Returns the dimension of the project to draw array.
virtual double computeScaledDotProduct (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &a, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &b) const
 Compute a scaled dot product. More...
virtual void printSolution (const double conParam) const
 Call the user interface print() routine, solution vector.
virtual void printSolution (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &x, const double conParam) const
 Call the user interface print() routine, any vector.
virtual void scaleVector (NOX::Abstract::Vector &x) const
 Scales a vector using scaling vector. More...
computeShiftedMatrix (double alpha, double beta)
 Compute the shifted matrix.
applyShiftedMatrix (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result) const
 Multiply the shifted matrix by a vector.
applyShiftedMatrixMultiVector (const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 Multiply the shifted matrix by a multi-vector.
applyShiftedMatrixInverseMultiVector (Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 Apply the inverse of the shifted matrix by a multi-vector, as needed by the shift-and-invert and generalized Cayley transformations.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NOX::Thyra::Group
 Group (const NOX::Thyra::Vector &initialGuess, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::ModelEvaluator< double > > &model, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &weightVector=Teuchos::null, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &rightWeightVector=Teuchos::null, const Teuchos::RCP<::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &inv_rightWeightVector=Teuchos::null, const bool rightScalingFirst=false)
 The default constructor that uses the linear solver from the ModelEvaluator. More...
 Group (const NOX::Thyra::Vector &initialGuess, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::ModelEvaluator< double > > &model, const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::LinearOpBase< double > > &linearOp, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< double > > &lowsFactory, const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::PreconditionerBase< double > > &precOp, const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::PreconditionerFactoryBase< double > > &precFactory, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &weightVector=Teuchos::null, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &rightWeightVector=Teuchos::null, const Teuchos::RCP<::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &inv_rightWeightVector=Teuchos::null, const bool rightScalingFirst=false, const bool updatePreconditioner=true, const bool jacobianIsEvaluated=false)
 Power user constructor that takes explicit linear solver objects to handle different combinations. More...
 Group (const NOX::Thyra::Group &source, NOX::CopyType type=DeepCopy)
 Copy constructor.
 ~Group ()
NOX::Abstract::Groupoperator= (const NOX::Abstract::Group &source)
 Copies the source group into this group. More...
NOX::Abstract::Groupoperator= (const NOX::Thyra::Group &source)
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
get_current_x () const
< ::Thyra::LinearOpBase
< double > > 
getNonconstJacobianOperator ()
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::LinearOpBase< double > > 
getJacobianOperator () const
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::LinearOpBase< double > > 
getScaledJacobianOperator () const
void unscaleJacobianOperator () const
< ::Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase
< double > > 
getNonconstJacobian ()
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
getJacobian () const
< ::Thyra::PreconditionerBase
< double > > 
getNonconstPreconditioner ()
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
getPreconditioner () const
void setJacobianOperator (const Teuchos::RCP<::Thyra::LinearOpBase< double >> &op)
 Dangerous power user function for LOCA Householder bordered algorithm.
void setPreconditionerMatrix (const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::DefaultLinearOpSource< double >> &op)
 Dangerous power user function for LOCA Householder bordered algorithm. This is the Matrix M that is used to initialize a stratimikos preconditioner. NOTE: this sets the losb_ object used to update prec_!
virtual void logLastLinearSolveStats (NOX::SolverStats &stats) const
 Adds statistics from last linear solve to the SovlerStats object.
void print () const
 Print out the group.
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
getModel () const
void enablePseudoTransientTerms (const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double >> &x_dot, const double alpha, const double beta, const double t)
 Set the transient terms on the Group and use them in the underlying evalModelImpl() calls. More...
void disablePseudoTransientTerms ()
 Disable the pseudo traansient terms in the underlying evalModel() calls. Sets x_dot, alpha, beta and t back to steady state values.
bool usingPseudoTransientTerms () const
 Check for whether the pseudo transient support is enabled for residual and Jacobian evaluations.
void setBasePoint (const ::Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< double > &base_point_params)
void unsetBasePoint ()
 Unset the base point parameters so that they are not used internally.
bool usingBasePoint () const
 Returns true if a base point has been set.
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
getLinearOpWithSolveFactory () const
 Returns the thyra linear solver factory.
< double > > 
getPreconditionerFactory () const
 Returns the thyra preconditioner factory.
void takeControlOfPreconditionerUpdates (const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::PreconditionerBase< double >> &prec)
 User will take control of updating an already registered preconditioner. Typically used with NOX::ObserverReusePreconditioner observer.
void setX (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &y)
 Set the solution vector x to y. More...
void setX (const NOX::Thyra::Vector &y)
 See above.
void computeX (const NOX::Abstract::Group &grp, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &d, double step)
 Compute x = grp.x + step * d. More...
void computeX (const NOX::Thyra::Group &grp, const NOX::Thyra::Vector &d, double step)
 See above.
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType computeF ()
 Compute and store F(x). More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType computeJacobian ()
 Compute and store Jacobian. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType computeGradient ()
 Compute and store gradient. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType computeNewton (Teuchos::ParameterList &params)
 Compute the Newton direction, using parameters for the linear solve. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobian (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result) const
 Applies Jacobian to the given input vector and puts the answer in the result. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobian (const NOX::Thyra::Vector &input, NOX::Thyra::Vector &result) const
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianMultiVector (const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 applyJacobian for multiple right-hand sides More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianTranspose (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result) const
 Applies Jacobian-Transpose to the given input vector and puts the answer in the result. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianTranspose (const NOX::Thyra::Vector &input, NOX::Thyra::Vector &result) const
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianTransposeMultiVector (const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 applyJacobianTranspose for multiple right-hand sides More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianInverse (Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result) const
 Applies the inverse of the Jacobian matrix to the given input vector and puts the answer in result. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianInverse (Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Thyra::Vector &input, NOX::Thyra::Vector &result) const
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianInverseMultiVector (Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 applyJacobianInverse for multiple right-hand sides More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyRightPreconditioning (bool useTranspose, Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result) const
 Apply right preconditiong to the given input vector. More...
bool isF () const
 Return true if F is valid.
bool isJacobian () const
 Return true if the Jacobian is valid. More...
bool isGradient () const
 Return true if the gradient is valid. More...
bool isNewton () const
 Return true if the Newton direction is valid. More...
const NOX::Abstract::VectorgetX () const
 Return solution vector.
const NOX::Abstract::VectorgetScaledX () const
const NOX::Abstract::VectorgetF () const
 Return F(x)
double getNormF () const
 Return 2-norm of F(x). More...
const NOX::Abstract::VectorgetGradient () const
 Return gradient.
const NOX::Abstract::VectorgetNewton () const
 Return Newton direction.
Teuchos::RCP< const
getXPtr () const
 Return RCP to solution vector.
Teuchos::RCP< const
getFPtr () const
 Return RCP to F(x)
Teuchos::RCP< const
getGradientPtr () const
 Return RCP to gradient.
Teuchos::RCP< const
getNewtonPtr () const
 Return RCP to Newton direction.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NOX::Abstract::Group
 Group ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< NOX::Abstract::Group
getNestedGroup ()
 Return an internally stored group from this group. More...
virtual Teuchos::RCP< const
getNestedGroup () const
 Return an internally stored group from this group. More...
applyRightPreconditioningMultiVector (bool useTranspose, Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 applyRightPreconditioning for multiple right-hand sides More...
getNormLastLinearSolveResidual (double &residual) const
 Return the norm of the last linear solve residual as the result of either a call to computeNewton() or applyJacobianInverse(). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::Abstract::Group
 Group (const Teuchos::RCP< LOCA::GlobalData > &global_data)
 Group (const Teuchos::RCP< LOCA::GlobalData > &global_data, const Teuchos::RCP< LOCA::DerivUtils > &deriv)
 Group (const Group &source, NOX::CopyType type=NOX::DeepCopy)
 Copy constructor.
augmentJacobianForHomotopy (double a, double b)
 Replace Jacobian $ J$ by $ aJ+bI$ where $ I$ is the identity matrix and $ p$ is a scalar. More...
computeSecondShiftedMatrix (double alpha, double beta)
 Compute the second shifted matrix. Can avoid recomputing if two are stored. More...
applySecondShiftedMatrix (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result) const
 Multiply the shifted matrix by a vector. More...
applySecondShiftedMatrixMultiVector (const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 Multiply the shifted matrix by a multi-vector. More...
virtual bool isComplex () const
 Is $ J+i\omega B$ valid. More...
computeComplex (double frequency)
 Compute $ J+i\omega B$. More...
applyComplex (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input_real, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input_imag, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result_real, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result_imag) const
 Compute $(J+i\omega B)(y+iz)$. More...
applyComplexMultiVector (const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input_real, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input_imag, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_real, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_imag) const
 Compute $(J+i\omega B)(y+iz)$. More...
applyComplexInverseMultiVector (Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input_real, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input_imag, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_real, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_imag) const
 Solve $(J+i\omega B)(y+iz) = a+ib$. More...
applyComplexTranspose (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input_real, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input_imag, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result_real, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result_imag) const
applyComplexTransposeMultiVector (const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input_real, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input_imag, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_real, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_imag) const
applyComplexTransposeInverseMultiVector (Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input_real, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input_imag, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_real, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_imag) const
 Solve $(J+i\omega B)^H (x + iy) = a+ib$.
virtual void setParamsMulti (const std::vector< int > &paramIDs, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector::DenseMatrix &vals)
 Set parameters indexed by (integer) paramIDs.
virtual void notifyCompletedStep ()
virtual double computeFreeEnergy ()
 Computes the free energy at the current solution and parameter values.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::Homotopy::AbstractGroup
 AbstractGroup ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~AbstractGroup ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::MultiContinuation::AbstractGroup
 AbstractGroup ()
 Default constructor.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::TurningPoint::MinimallyAugmented::FiniteDifferenceGroup
 FiniteDifferenceGroup ()
 FiniteDifferenceGroup (const FiniteDifferenceGroup &source, NOX::CopyType type=NOX::DeepCopy)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~FiniteDifferenceGroup ()
computeDwtJnDp (const std::vector< int > &paramIDs, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &w, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &nullVector, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector::DenseMatrix &result, bool isValid)
 Computes the derivative $\partial w^TJn/\partial p$. More...
computeDwtJDp (const std::vector< int > &paramIDs, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &w, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result, bool isValid)
 Computes the derivative $\partial w^TJ/\partial p$. More...
computeDwtJnDx (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &w, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &nullVector, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result)
 Computes the derivative $\frac{\partial w^TJn}{\partial x}$. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::TurningPoint::MinimallyAugmented::AbstractGroup
 AbstractGroup ()
 Default constructor.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::TurningPoint::MooreSpence::AbstractGroup
 AbstractGroup ()
 Default constructor.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::TurningPoint::MooreSpence::FiniteDifferenceGroup
 FiniteDifferenceGroup ()
 FiniteDifferenceGroup (const FiniteDifferenceGroup &source, NOX::CopyType type=NOX::DeepCopy)
 Copy constructor.
computeDJnDpMulti (const std::vector< int > &paramIDs, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &nullVector, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result, bool isValid)
 Computes the derivative $\partial Jn/\partial p$. More...
computeDJnDxaMulti (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &nullVector, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &aVector, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result)
 Computes the directional derivative $\frac{\partial Jn}{\partial x} a$ for the given direction $ a$. More...
computeDJnDxaMulti (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &nullVector, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &JnVector, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &aVector, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result)
 Computes the directional derivative $\frac{\partial Jn}{\partial x} a$ for the given direction $ a$. More...
computeDwtJnDxMulti (const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &w, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &nullVector, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result)
 Computes the derivative $\frac{\partial w^TJn}{\partial x}$. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::MultiContinuation::FiniteDifferenceGroup
 FiniteDifferenceGroup ()
 FiniteDifferenceGroup (const FiniteDifferenceGroup &source, NOX::CopyType type=NOX::DeepCopy)
 Copy constructor.
virtual void setDerivUtils (const Teuchos::RCP< LOCA::DerivUtils > &deriv)
 Set the LOCA::DerivUtils object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::Pitchfork::MinimallyAugmented::AbstractGroup
 AbstractGroup ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~AbstractGroup ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::Pitchfork::MooreSpence::AbstractGroup
 AbstractGroup ()
 Default constructor.
virtual double innerProduct (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &a, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &b) const
 Compute the inner product of a and b. More...
virtual void innerProduct (const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &a, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &b, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector::DenseMatrix &c) const
 Compute the inner product of a and b. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::Hopf::MinimallyAugmented::FiniteDifferenceGroup
 FiniteDifferenceGroup ()
 FiniteDifferenceGroup (const FiniteDifferenceGroup &source, NOX::CopyType type=NOX::DeepCopy)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~FiniteDifferenceGroup ()
computeDwtCeDp (const std::vector< int > &paramIDs, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &w1, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &w2, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &y, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &x, double omega, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector::DenseMatrix &result_real, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector::DenseMatrix &result_imag, bool isValid)
 Computes the derivative $\partial w^TCe/\partial p$. More...
computeDwtCeDx (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &w1, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &w2, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &y, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &z, double omega, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result_real, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result_imag)
 Computes the derivative $\frac{\partial w^TCe}{\partial x}$. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::Hopf::MinimallyAugmented::AbstractGroup
 AbstractGroup ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~AbstractGroup ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::Hopf::MooreSpence::AbstractGroup
 AbstractGroup ()
 Default constructor.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::TimeDependent::AbstractGroup
 AbstractGroup ()
 Default constructor.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::Hopf::MooreSpence::FiniteDifferenceGroup
 FiniteDifferenceGroup ()
 FiniteDifferenceGroup (const FiniteDifferenceGroup &source, NOX::CopyType type=NOX::DeepCopy)
 Copy constructor.
computeDCeDp (const std::vector< int > &paramIDs, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &yVector, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &zVector, double w, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_real, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_imag, bool isValid)
 Computes the derivative $\frac{\partial (J+i\omega B)(y+iz)}{\partial p}$ where $ p$ is the parameter indexed by paramIDs. More...
computeDCeDxa (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &yVector, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &zVector, double w, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &aVector, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_real, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_imag)
 Computes the directional derivative $\frac{\partial (J+i\omega B)(y+iz)}{\partial x} a$ for the given direction $ a$. More...
computeDCeDxa (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &yVector, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &zVector, double w, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &aVector, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &Ce_real, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &Ce_imag, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_real, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result_imag)
 Computes the directional derivative $\frac{\partial (J+i\omega B)(y+iz)}{\partial x} a$ for the given direction $ a$. The arguments Ce_real and Ce_imag hold the real and imaginary components of $(J+i\omega B)(y+iz)$. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LOCA::PhaseTransition::AbstractGroup
 AbstractGroup ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~AbstractGroup ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from NOX::Abstract::Group
enum  ReturnType {
  Ok, NotDefined, BadDependency, NotConverged,
 The computation of, say, the Newton direction in computeNewton() may fail in many different ways, so we have included a variety of return codes to describe the failures. Of course, we also have a code for success. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NOX::Thyra::Group
void resetIsValidFlags ()
 resets the isValid flags to false
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianInverseMultiVector (Teuchos::ParameterList &p, const ::Thyra::MultiVectorBase< double > &input,::Thyra::MultiVectorBase< double > &result) const
 Apply Jacobian inverse using Thyra objects.
::Thyra::ESolveMeasureNormType getThyraNormType (const std::string &name) const
void updateLOWS () const
 Finalizes LOWS to be a valid solver for the Jacobian.
void scaleResidualAndJacobian () const
void unscaleResidualAndJacobian () const
void computeScaledSolution ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from LOCA::Thyra::Group
Teuchos::RCP< LOCA::GlobalDataglobalData
 Global data.
LOCA::ParameterVector params
 Parameter vector.
std::vector< int > param_index
 Parameter index in Thyra::ModelEvaluator.
std::vector< Teuchos::RCP
< const ::Thyra::VectorBase
< double > > > 
 Pointer to Thyra vector storing parameters.
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
 Pointer to x_dot vector of zeros.
< LOCA::Thyra::SaveDataStrategy
 Strategy object for saving continuation data.
bool implement_dfdp
 Whether we should implement df/dp, or use DerivUtils.
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
 Optional weighting vector for function scaling. More...
bool paramsInSeparatePVecs
bool set_transient_in_args_
- Protected Attributes inherited from NOX::Thyra::Group
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
 Problem interface.
Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Thyra::Vectorx_vec_
 Solution vector.
Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Thyra::Vectorf_vec_
 Residual vector.
Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Thyra::Vectornewton_vec_
 Newton direction vector.
Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Thyra::Vectorgradient_vec_
 Gradient direction vector.
< NOX::SharedObject
< ::Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase
< double >, NOX::Thyra::Group > > 
 Shared Jacobian operator with solve.
< ::Thyra::LinearOpBase
< double > > 
 Jacobian operator.
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
 Thyra LOWS factory for building Jacobians.
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
 Source base needed to create preconditioner.
< ::Thyra::PreconditionerBase
< double > > 
 Preconditioner for Jacobian.
< ::Thyra::PreconditionerFactoryBase
< double > > 
 Preconditioner factory.
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
 Optional wieghting vector for function scaling. NOX assumes that this vector can be updated in between nonlinear iterations. More...
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
 Optional wieghting vector for solution (right) scaling.
< ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
 Inverse of weight vector used to unscale function (left) scaling. NOX assumes that this vector can be updated in between nonlinear iterations.
< ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
 Inverse of weight vector used to unscale solution (right) scaling.
Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Thyra::Vectorscaled_x_vec_
 Scaled solution vector scaled by the.
bool rightScalingFirst_
 Do right scaling before left scaling?
bool updatePreconditioner_
 If set to true, the preconditioner matrix values will be automatically updated via precFactory or ModelEvalautor. If set to false, the user must manually handle updating the preconditioner.
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType last_linear_solve_status_
 The status of the last linear solve performed.
int last_linear_solve_num_iters_
 Number of iterations for last linear solve performed.
double last_linear_solve_achieved_tol_
 The tolerance achieved by the last linear solver.
bool use_pseudo_transient_terms_
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
double alpha_
double beta_
double t_
bool use_base_point_
< double > 
bool is_valid_f_
bool is_valid_jacobian_
bool is_valid_newton_dir_
bool is_valid_gradient_dir_
bool is_valid_lows_
- Protected Attributes inherited from LOCA::Abstract::Group
Teuchos::RCP< LOCA::GlobalDataglobalData
 Global data.
- Protected Attributes inherited from LOCA::MultiContinuation::FiniteDifferenceGroup
Teuchos::RCP< DerivUtilsderivPtr
 Pointer to current DerivUtils derivative computation object.

Detailed Description

Extension of the LOCA::Thyra::Group to provide access to solution data.

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