src | |
  Cell | |
   Intrepid2_CellTools.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellTools_Serial.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::Impl::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellToolsDefControlVolume.hpp | Definition file for the control volume functions of the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellToolsDefDebug.hpp | Definition file for the debug functions of the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellToolsDefInclusion.hpp | Definition file for point inclusion functions of the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellToolsDefJacobian.hpp | Definition file for the Jacobian functions in the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellToolsDefNodeInfo.hpp | Definition file for node data and subcell functions of the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellToolsDefParametrization.hpp | Definition file for the parameterization functions of the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellToolsDefPhysToRef.hpp | Definition file for the physical to reference mappings in the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellToolsDefRefToPhys.hpp | Definition file for the reference to physical mappings in the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellToolsDefValidateArguments.hpp | Definition file for the validate arguments functions of the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellToolsDocumentation.hpp | Header file with additional documentation for the Intrepid2::CellTools class |
   Intrepid2_CellTopologyTags.hpp | Definition of cell topology information |
   Intrepid2_TensorTopologyMap.hpp | Class that defines mappings from component cell topologies to their tensor product topologies |
  Discretization | |
   Basis | |
    Intrepid2_Basis.hpp | Header file for the abstract base class Intrepid2::Basis |
    Intrepid2_BasisDef.hpp | Implementation file for the abstract base class Intrepid2::Basis |
    Intrepid2_DerivedBasis_HCURL_HEX.hpp | Implementation of H(curl) basis on the hexahedron that is templated on H(vol) and H(grad) on the line |
    Intrepid2_DerivedBasis_HCURL_QUAD.hpp | Implementation of H(curl) basis on the quadrilateral that is templated on H(vol) and H(grad) on the line |
    Intrepid2_DerivedBasis_HDIV_HEX.hpp | Implementation of H(div) basis on the hexahedron that is templated on H(vol) and H(grad) on the line |
    Intrepid2_DerivedBasis_HDIV_QUAD.hpp | |
    Intrepid2_DerivedBasis_HGRAD_HEX.hpp | Implementation of H(grad) basis on the hexahedron that is templated on H(grad) on the line |
    Intrepid2_DerivedBasis_HGRAD_QUAD.hpp | Implementation of H(grad) basis on the quadrilateral that is templated on H(grad) on the line |
    Intrepid2_DerivedBasis_HVOL_HEX.hpp | Implementation of H(vol) basis on the hexahedron that is templated on H(vol) on the line |
    Intrepid2_DerivedBasis_HVOL_QUAD.hpp | Implementation of H(vol) basis on the quadrilateral that is templated on H(vol) on the line |
    Intrepid2_DerivedBasisFamily.hpp | Stateless class representing a family of basis functions, templated on H(vol) and H(grad) on the line. Only hypercube topologies are supported at the moment, but the intent is ultimately to support all standard topologies |
    Intrepid2_DirectSumBasis.hpp | Implementation of a basis that is the direct sum of two other bases |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_HEX_I1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HCURL_HEX_I1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_HEX_I1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(curl) functions on HEX cells |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_HEX_In_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HCURL_HEX_In_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_HEX_In_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(curl) functions on HEX cells |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_QUAD_I1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HCURL_QUAD_I1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_QUAD_I1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(curl) functions on Qadrilateral cells |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_QUAD_In_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HCURL_QUAD_In_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_QUAD_In_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(curl) functions on QUAD cells |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_TET_I1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HCURL_TET_I1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_TET_I1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(curl) functions on TET cells |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_TET_In_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HCURL_TET_In_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_TET_In_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(curl) functions on TET |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_TRI_I1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HCURL_TRI_I1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_TRI_I1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for default FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(curl) functions on Triangle cells |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_TRI_In_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HCURL_TRI_In_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_TRI_In_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(curl) functions on TRI |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_WEDGE_I1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HCURL_WEDGE_I1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HCURL_WEDGE_I1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(curl) functions on WEDGE cells |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_HEX_I1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HDIV_HEX_I1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_HEX_I1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(div) functions on HEX cells |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_HEX_In_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HDIV_HEX_In_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_HEX_In_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(div) functions on HEX cells |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_QUAD_I1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HDIV_QUAD_I1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_QUAD_I1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(div) functions on QUAD cells |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_QUAD_In_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HDIV_QUAD_In_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_QUAD_In_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(div) functions on QUAD cells |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_TET_I1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HDIV_TET_I1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_TET_I1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(div) functions on TET cells |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_TET_In_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HDIV_TET_In_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_TET_In_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(grad) functions on TET cells |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_TRI_I1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HDIV_TRI_I1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_TRI_I1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(div) functions on TRI cells |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_TRI_In_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HDIV_TRI_In_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_TRI_In_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(div) functions on TRI cells |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_WEDGE_I1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HDIV_WEDGE_I1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HDIV_WEDGE_I1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(div) functions on WEDGE cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_HEX_C1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_HEX_C1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_HEX_C1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(grad) functions on HEX cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_HEX_C2_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_HEX_C2_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_HEX_C2_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 2 for H(grad) functions on HEX cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_HEX_Cn_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_HEX_Cn_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_HEX_Cn_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for basis function of degree n for H(grad) functions on HEX cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_LINE_C1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_LINE_C1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_LINE_C1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(grad) functions on a Line |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEM_JACOBI.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEM_JACOBI class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEM_JACOBIDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM orthogonal basis functions of degree n for H(grad) functions on LINE |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(grad) functions on LINE |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_PYR_C1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_PYR_C1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_PYR_C1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(grad) functions on PYR cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_QUAD_C1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_QUAD_C1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_QUAD_C1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(grad) functions on QUAD cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_QUAD_C2_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_QUAD_C2_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_QUAD_C2_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 2 for H(grad) functions on QUAD cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_QUAD_Cn_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_QUAD_Cn_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_QUAD_Cn_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(grad) functions on QUAD cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TET_C1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_TET_C1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TET_C1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(grad) functions on TET cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TET_C2_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_TET_C2_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TET_C2_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 2 for H(grad) functions on TET cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TET_Cn_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_TET_Cn_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TET_Cn_FEM_ORTH.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_TET_Cn_FEM_ORTH class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TET_Cn_FEM_ORTHDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM orthogonal basis functions of degree n for H(grad) functions on TET cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TET_Cn_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(grad) functions on TET cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TET_COMP12_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_TET_COMP12_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TET_COMP12_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for the composite H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Tetrahedron cell with 12 sub-tetrahedrons |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TRI_C1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_TRI_C1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TRI_C1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(grad) functions on TRI cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TRI_C2_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_TRI_C2_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TRI_C2_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 2 for H(grad) functions on TRI cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TRI_Cn_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_TRI_Cn_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TRI_Cn_FEM_ORTH.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_TRI_Cn_FEM_ORTH class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TRI_Cn_FEM_ORTHDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM orthogonal basis functions of arbitrary degree for H(grad) functions on TRI |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_TRI_Cn_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(grad) functions on TRI cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_WEDGE_C1_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_WEDGE_C1_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_WEDGE_C1_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 1 for H(grad) functions on WEDGE cells |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_WEDGE_C2_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HGRAD_WEDGE_C2_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HGRAD_WEDGE_C2_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree 2 for H(grad) functions on WEDGE cells |
    Intrepid2_HierarchicalBasisFamily.hpp | Stateless classes that act as factories for two families of hierarchical bases. HierarchicalBasisFamily provides bases associated with interface topologies (vertices, edges, and faces), while DGHierarchicalBasisFamily associates all members with element interiors |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_C0_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HVOL_C0_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_C0_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file FEM basis functions of degree 0 for H(vol) functions on all supported topologies |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_HEX_Cn_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HVOL_HEX_Cn_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_HEX_Cn_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(vol) functions on HEX cells |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_LINE_Cn_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HVOL_LINE_Cn_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_LINE_Cn_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(vol) functions on LINE |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_QUAD_Cn_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HVOL_QUAD_Cn_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_QUAD_Cn_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(vol) functions on QUAD |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_TET_Cn_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HVOL_TET_Cn_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_TET_Cn_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(vol) functions on TET |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_TRI_Cn_FEM.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Basis_HVOL_TRI_Cn_FEM class |
    Intrepid2_HVOL_TRI_Cn_FEMDef.hpp | Definition file for FEM basis functions of degree n for H(vol) functions on TRI |
    Intrepid2_IntegratedLegendreBasis_HGRAD_LINE.hpp | H(grad) basis on the line based on integrated Legendre polynomials |
    Intrepid2_IntegratedLegendreBasis_HGRAD_TET.hpp | H(grad) basis on the tetrahedon based on integrated Legendre polynomials |
    Intrepid2_IntegratedLegendreBasis_HGRAD_TRI.hpp | H(grad) basis on the triangle based on integrated Legendre polynomials |
    Intrepid2_LegendreBasis_HVOL_LINE.hpp | H(vol) basis on the line based on Legendre polynomials |
    Intrepid2_NodalBasisFamily.hpp | Stateless class that acts as a factory for a family of nodal bases (hypercube topologies only at this point). NodalBasisFamily is templated on H(vol) and H(grad) bases in a way that is more consistent with the literature and the hierarchical basis family in Intrepid2. Once we support all standard topologies, we expect to replace the existing high-order nodal basis implementations in Intrepid2 with those from DerivedNodalBasisFamily |
    Intrepid2_TensorBasis.hpp | Implementation of bases that are tensor products of two or three component bases |
   FunctionSpaceTools | |
    Intrepid2_FunctionSpaceTools.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::FunctionSpaceTools class |
    Intrepid2_FunctionSpaceToolsDef.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::FunctionSpaceTools class |
   Integration | |
    Intrepid2_Cubature.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Cubature class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureControlVolume.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureControlVolume class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureControlVolumeBoundary.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureControlVolumeBoundary class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureControlVolumeBoundaryDef.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::CubatureControlVolumeBoundary class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureControlVolumeDef.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureControlVolume class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureControlVolumeSide.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureControlVolumeSide class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureControlVolumeSideDef.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureControlVolume class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureDirect.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureDirect class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureDirectLineGauss.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureDirectLineGauss class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureDirectLineGaussDef.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::CubatureDirectLineGauss class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureDirectLineGaussJacobi20.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureDirectLineGaussJacobi20 class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureDirectLineGaussJacobi20Def.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::CubatureDirectLineGaussJacobi20 class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureDirectTetDefault.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureDirectTetDefault class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureDirectTetDefaultDef.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::CubatureDirectTetDefault class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureDirectTriDefault.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureDirectTriDefault class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureDirectTriDefaultDef.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::CubatureDirectTriDefault class |
    Intrepid2_CubaturePolylib.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubaturePolylib class |
    Intrepid2_CubaturePolylibDef.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::CubaturePolylib class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureTensor.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureTensor class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureTensorDef.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::CubatureTensor class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureTensorPyr.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::CubatureTensorPyr class |
    Intrepid2_CubatureTensorPyrDef.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::CubatureTensorPyr class |
    Intrepid2_DefaultCubatureFactory.hpp | Header file for the abstract base class Intrepid2::DefaultCubatureFactory |
    Intrepid2_DefaultCubatureFactoryDef.hpp | Definition file for the class Intrepid2::DefaultCubatureFactory |
  Orientation | |
   Intrepid2_Orientation.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Orientation class |
   Intrepid2_OrientationDef.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::Orientation class |
   Intrepid2_OrientationTools.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::OrientationTools and Intrepid2::Impl::OrientationTools classes |
   Intrepid2_OrientationToolsDefCoeffMatrix_HCURL.hpp | Creation of orientation matrix A of a face or edge for HCURL elements |
   Intrepid2_OrientationToolsDefCoeffMatrix_HDIV.hpp | Creation of orientation matrix A of a face or edge for HDIV elements |
   Intrepid2_OrientationToolsDefCoeffMatrix_HGRAD.hpp | Creation of orientation matrix A of a face or edge for HGRAD elements |
   Intrepid2_OrientationToolsDefMatrixData.hpp | Definition file for matrix data in the Intrepid2::OrientationTools class |
   Intrepid2_OrientationToolsDefModifyBasis.hpp | Definition file for the Intrepid2::OrientationTools class |
   Intrepid2_OrientationToolsDefModifyPoints.hpp | Definition file for functions that modify points due to orientation in the Intrepid2::Impl::OrientationTools class |
  Projection | |
   Intrepid2_LagrangianInterpolation.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Experimental::LagrangianInterpolation class |
   Intrepid2_LagrangianInterpolationDef.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Experimental::LagrangianInterpolation containing definitions |
   Intrepid2_ProjectionStruct.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Experimental::ProjectionStruct |
   Intrepid2_ProjectionStructDef.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Experimental::ProjectionStruct containing definitions |
   Intrepid2_ProjectionTools.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Experimental::ProjectionTools |
   Intrepid2_ProjectionToolsDefHCURL.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Experimental::ProjectionTools containing definitions for HCURL projections |
   Intrepid2_ProjectionToolsDefHDIV.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Experimental::ProjectionTools containing definitions for HDIV projections |
   Intrepid2_ProjectionToolsDefHGRAD.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Experimental::ProjectionTools containing definitions for HGRAD projections |
   Intrepid2_ProjectionToolsDefHVOL.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Experimental::ProjectionTools containing definitions for HVOL projections |
   Intrepid2_ProjectionToolsDefL2.hpp | Header file for the Intrepid2::Experimental::ProjectionTools containing definitions for L2 projections |
  Shared | |
   Intrepid2_ArrayTools.hpp | Header file for Intrepid2::ArrayTools class providing utilities for array operations |
   Intrepid2_ArrayToolsDefCloneScale.hpp | Definition file for clone / scale operations of the array tools interface |
   Intrepid2_ArrayToolsDefContractions.hpp | Definition file for contraction (integration) operations of the array tools class |
   Intrepid2_ArrayToolsDefDot.hpp | Definition file for dot-multiply operations of the array tools class |
   Intrepid2_ArrayToolsDefScalar.hpp | Definition file for scalar multiply operations of the array tools class |
   Intrepid2_ArrayToolsDefTensor.hpp | Definition file for tensor multiply operations of the array tools class |
   Intrepid2_DeviceAssert.hpp | Implementation of an assert that can safely be called from device code |
   Intrepid2_Kernels.hpp | Header file for small functions used in Intrepid2 |
   Intrepid2_PointTools.hpp | Header file for Intrepid2::PointTools class to provide utilities for barycentric coordinates, equispaced lattices, and warp-blend point distrubtions |
   Intrepid2_PointToolsDef.hpp | Definition file for point tool utilities for barycentric coordinates and lattices |
   Intrepid2_Polylib.hpp | Header file for Intrepid2::Polylib class providing orthogonal polynomial calculus and interpolation |
   Intrepid2_PolylibDef.hpp | Definition file for a set of functions providing orthogonal polynomial calculus and interpolation |
   Intrepid2_Polynomials.hpp | Free functions, callable from device code, that implement various polynomials useful in basis definitions |
   Intrepid2_RealSpaceTools.hpp | Header file for Intrepid2::RealSpaceTools class providing basic linear algebra functionality in 1D, 2D and 3D |
   Intrepid2_RealSpaceToolsDef.hpp | Definition file for utility classes providing basic linear algebra functionality |
   Intrepid2_Sacado.hpp | Header file to include all Sacado headers that are required if using Intrepid2 with Sacado types |
   Intrepid2_TensorViewIterator.hpp | Implementation of support for traversing component views alongside a view that represents a combination of those views; support is provided for rank-preserving, rank-increasing, and rank-reducing operations |
   Intrepid2_TestUtils.hpp | Utility methods for Intrepid2 unit tests |
   Intrepid2_Types.hpp | Contains definitions of custom data types in Intrepid2 |
   Intrepid2_Utils.hpp | Header function for Intrepid2::Util class and other utility functions |
   Intrepid2_Utils_ExtData.hpp | Header file for external data utility functions |
   Intrepid2_Utils_ExtDataDef.hpp | Definition file for utility functions for handling external data in tests |
   Intrepid2_UtilsDef.hpp | Definition file for Intrepid2 utilities |
   Intrepid2_ViewIterator.hpp | Iterator allows linear traversal of (part of) a Kokkos View in a manner that is agnostic to its rank |