Tpetra parallel linear algebra  Version of the Day
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCTpetra::Impl::AbsMax< ViewType1, ViewType2, rank1 >Implementation of Tpetra's ABSMAX CombineMode for the small dense blocks in BlockCrsMatrix, or the small dense vectors in BlockMultiVector and BlockVector
oCTpetra::Details::AbsMax< Scalar >Functor for the the ABSMAX CombineMode of Import and Export operations
oCTpetra::Impl::AbsMax< ViewType1, ViewType2, 1 >Implementation of Tpetra's ABSMAX CombineMode for the small dense vectors in BlockMultiVector and BlockVector
oCTpetra::Impl::AbsMax< ViewType1, ViewType2, 2 >Implementation of Tpetra's ABSMAX CombineMode for the small dense blocks in BlockCrsMatrix
oCTpetra::Impl::AXPY< CoefficientType, ViewType1, ViewType2, IndexType, is_contiguous, rank >Implementation of Tpetra::AXPY function
oCTpetra::Impl::AXPY< CoefficientType, ViewType1, ViewType2, IndexType, false, 1 >Implementation of Tpetra::AXPY function, for ViewType1 and ViewType2 rank 1 (i.e., vectors)
oCTpetra::Impl::AXPY< CoefficientType, ViewType1, ViewType2, IndexType, false, 2 >Implementation of Tpetra::AXPY function, for ViewType1 and ViewType2 rank 2 (i.e., matrices)
oCTpetra::Details::BehaviorDescription of Tpetra's behavior
oCTpetra::Details::Blas::BlasSupportsLayout< LayoutType >Do BLAS libraries (all that are compliant with the BLAS Standard) support the given Kokkos array layout?
oCTpetra::Details::Blas::BlasSupportsScalar< ScalarType >Do BLAS libraries (all that are compliant with the BLAS Standard) support the given "scalar" (matrix entry) type?
oCTpetra::BlockCrsMatrixStruct< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >Struct that holds views of the contents of a BlockCrsMatrix
oCTpetra::BlockCrsMatrixTransposer< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >Construct and (optionally) redistribute the explicitly stored transpose of a BlockCrsMatrix
oCTpetra::Details::FHT::CheckForDuplicateKeys< OffsetsViewType, PairsViewType, SizeType >Functor for checking whether a FixedHashTable has one or more duplicate entries
oCTpetra::Details::DefaultTypes::CommBufferMemorySpace< ExecutionSpace >Memory space used for MPI communication buffers
oCTpetra::Details::CommRequestBase class for the request (more or less a future) representing a pending nonblocking MPI operation
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::CompareCooGraphEntries< IndexType >Function comparing two CooGraphEntry structs, lexicographically, first by row index, then by column index
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::CooGraphEntry< IndexType >Type of each (row index, column index) pair in the Tpetra::Details::CooMatrix (see below)
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::CooMatrixImpl< SC, GO >Implementation detail of Tpetra::Details::CooMatrix (which see below)
oCTpetra::Impl::COPY< ViewType1, ViewType2, IndexType, is_contiguous, rank >Implementation of Tpetra::COPY function
oCTpetra::Impl::COPY< ViewType1, ViewType2, IndexType, false, 1 >Implementation of Tpetra::COPY function, for ViewType1 and ViewType2 rank 1 (i.e., vectors)
oCTpetra::Impl::COPY< ViewType1, ViewType2, IndexType, false, 2 >Implementation of Tpetra::COPY function, for ViewType1 and ViewType2 rank 2 (i.e., matrices)
oCTpetra::Details::FHT::CountBuckets< CountsViewType, KeysViewType, SizeType >Parallel for functor for counting "buckets" in the FixedHashTable
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::CountLocalNumDiags< LocalGraphType, LocalMapType >Kokkos::parallel_reduce functor for counting the local number of diagonal entries in a sparse graph
oCTpetra::CrsGraphTransposer< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >Construct and (optionally) redistribute the explicitly stored transpose of a CrsGraph
oCTpetra::Details::CrsMatrixGetDiagCopyFunctor< DiagType, LocalMapType, CrsMatrixType >Functor that implements much of the one-argument overload of Tpetra::CrsMatrix::getLocalDiagCopy, for the case where the matrix is fill complete
oCTpetra::CrsMatrixStruct< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >Struct that holds views of the contents of a CrsMatrix
oCTpetra::Details::CrsPadding< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal >Keep track of how much more space a CrsGraph or CrsMatrix needs, when the graph or matrix is the target of a doExport or doImport
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::DetermineLocalTriangularStructure< LocalGraphType, LocalMapType >Implementation of Tpetra::Details::determineLocalTriangularStructure (which see below)
oCTpetra::Directory< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >Implement mapping from global ID to process ID and local ID
oCTpetra::Details::Directory< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, NodeType >Computes the local ID and process ID corresponding to given global IDs
oCTpetra::DistributorSets up and executes a communication plan for a Tpetra DistObject
oCTpetra::Details::EquilibrationInfo< ScalarType, DeviceType >Struct storing results of Tpetra::computeRowAndColumnOneNorms
oCTpetra::Details::EquilibrationInfo< val_type, typename NT::device_type >
oCTpetra::Impl::FILL< ViewType, InputType, IndexType, is_contiguous, rank >Implementation of Tpetra::FILL function
oCTpetra::Impl::FILL< ViewType, InputType, IndexType, false, 1 >Implementation of Tpetra::FILL function, for ViewType rank 1 (i.e., a vector)
oCTpetra::Impl::FILL< ViewType, InputType, IndexType, false, 2 >Implementation of Tpetra::FILL function, for ViewType rank 2 (i.e., a matrix)
oCTpetra::Details::FHT::FillPairs< PairsViewType, KeysViewType, CountsViewType, SizeType >Parallel reduce functor for filling the FixedHashTable, and computing the min and max keys
oCTpetra::Details::FHT::FillPairsResult< KeyType >Reduction result for FillPairs functor below
oCTpetra::Details::FixedHashTable< KeyType, ValueType, DeviceType >
oCTpetra::Details::FixedHashTable< global_ordinal_type, local_ordinal_type, device_type >
oCTpetra::Details::FixedHashTable< global_ordinal_type, local_ordinal_type, Kokkos::HostSpace::device_type >
oCTpetra::Details::FixedHashTable< GlobalOrdinal, LocalOrdinal, device_type >
oCTpetra::Details::FixedHashTable< GO, LO, device_type >
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::GetGraphDiagOffsets< LO, GO, DeviceType, DiagOffsetType >Implementation detail of Tpetra::Details::getGraphDiagOffsets, which in turn is an implementation detail of Tpetra::CrsGraph
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::GetGraphOffRankOffsets< LO, GO, DeviceType, OffsetType >Implementation detail of Tpetra::Details::getGraphOffRankOffsets, which in turn is an implementation detail of Tpetra::CrsGraph
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::GetLocalNumDiags< MatrixType >Implementation of Tpetra::Details::getLocalNumDiags (see below)
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::GetLocalNumDiags< ::Tpetra::CrsGraph< LO, GO, NT > >Specialization of GetLocalNumDiags for CrsGraph
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::GetLocalNumDiags< ::Tpetra::RowGraph< LO, GO, NT > >Specialization of GetLocalNumDiags for RowGraph
oCTpetra::Impl::GETRS< LittleBlockType, LittleIntVectorType, LittleScalarVectorType, rank >Computes the solution to Ax=b
oCTpetra::Impl::GETRS< LittleBlockType, LittleIntVectorType, LittleScalarVectorType, 1 >Special case of GETRS for a single right-hand side
oCTpetra::Impl::GETRS< LittleBlockType, LittleIntVectorType, LittleScalarVectorType, 2 >Special case of GETRS for multiple right-hand sides
oCTpetra::Details::Hash< KeyType, DeviceType, OffsetType, ResultType >The hash function for FixedHashTable
oCTpetra::Details::Hash< KeyType, DeviceType, OffsetType, int >Specialization for ResultType = int
oCTpetra::Details::HashTable< KeyType, ValueType >
oCTpetra::ImportExportData< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >Implementation detail of Import and Export
oCTpetra::Details::Spaces::InstanceLifetimeManager< ExecSpace >Provides reusable Kokkos execution space instances
oCTpetra::Details::IntRowPtrHelper< LocalMatrix, IntLocalMatrix >
oCTpetra::Details::InvalidGlobalIndex< GlobalOrdinal >Exception thrown by CrsMatrix on invalid global index
oCTpetra::Details::LeftScaleLocalCrsMatrix< LocalSparseMatrixType, ScalingFactorsViewType, divide >Kokkos::parallel_for functor that left-scales a KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix
oCTpetra::Details::LocalMap< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, DeviceType >"Local" part of Map suitable for Kokkos kernels
oCTpetra::Details::LocalMap< LO, GO, device_type >
oCTpetra::Details::LocalMap< LO, GO, DT >
oCTpetra::LocalOperator< Scalar, Device >Abstract interface for local operators (e.g., matrices and preconditioners)
oCTpetra::LocalOperator< MultiVectorScalar, Device >
oCTpetra::LocalOperator< Scalar, typename Tpetra::CrsMatrix::device_type >
oCTpetra::Details::LocalResidualFunctor< AMatrix, MV, ConstMV, Offsets, is_MV, restrictedMode, skipOffRank >Functor for computing the residual
oCTpetra::Details::LocalTriangularStructureResult< LO >Return value of determineLocalTriangularStructure
oCTpetra::Map< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >A parallel distribution of indices over processes
oCTpetra::Map< LO, GO, Node >
oCTpetra::Map< LO, GO, node_type >
oCTpetra::Details::UnpackAndCombineCrsMatrixImpl::NumEntriesFunctor< LO, DT, BDT >Kokkos::parallel_reduce functor to determine the number of entries (to unpack) in a KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix to pack
oCTpetra::Details::PackCrsGraphImpl::NumPacketsAndOffsetsFunctor< OutputOffsetsViewType, CountsViewType, InputOffsetsViewType, InputLocalRowIndicesViewType, InputLocalRowPidsViewType, debug >Compute the number of packets and offsets for the pack procedure
oCTpetra::Details::PackCrsMatrixImpl::NumPacketsAndOffsetsFunctor< OutputOffsetsViewType, CountsViewType, InputOffsetsViewType, InputLocalRowIndicesViewType, InputLocalRowPidsViewType, debug >Compute the number of packets and offsets for the pack procedure
oCTpetra::Details::OffRankUpdateFunctor< AMatrix, MV, ConstMV, Offsets, is_MV >Functor for computing R -= A_offRank*X_colmap
oCTpetra::Operator< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >Abstract interface for operators (e.g., matrices and preconditioners)
oCTpetra::Operator< Scalar, LO, GO, Node >
oCTpetra::Operator< Scalar, OperatorType::local_ordinal_type, OperatorType::global_ordinal_type, OperatorType::node_type >
oCTpetra::Operator< scalar_t, Tpetra::Map<>::local_ordinal_type, Tpetra::Map<>::global_ordinal_type, Node >
oCTpetra::Details::OptColMap< MapType >Implementation detail of makeOptimizedColMap, and makeOptimizedColMapAndImport
oCTpetra::KokkosRefactor::Details::Impl::OutOfBounds< IntegerType, isSigned >Is x out of bounds? That is, is x less than zero, or greater than or equal to the given exclusive upper bound?
oCTpetra::Packable< Packet, LocalOrdinal >Abstract base class for objects that can be the source of an Import or Export operation, and that also know how to pack their data to send to the target object
oCTpetra::Packable< char, LO >
oCTpetra::Packable< char, LocalOrdinal >
oCTpetra::Packable< GlobalOrdinal, LocalOrdinal >
oCTpetra::Packable< GO, LO >
oCTpetra::Details::PackTraits< T >Traits class for packing / unpacking data of type T
oCTpetra::Details::PackTraits< int >
oCTpetra::Details::PackTraits< LO >
oCTpetra::Details::ProfilingRegionProfile the given scope
oCTpetra::project1st< Arg1, Arg2 >Binary function that returns its first argument
oCTpetra::project2nd< Arg1, Arg2 >Binary function that returns its second argument
oCTpetra::MatrixMarket::Reader< SparseMatrixType >Matrix Market file reader for CrsMatrix and MultiVector
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::ReadLine< SC, GO, isComplex >Implementation of the readLine stand-alone function in this namespace (see below)
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::ReadLine< SC, GO, false >Real-arithmetic partial specialization of ReadLine
oCTpetra::Details::Impl::ReadLine< SC, GO, true >Complex-arithmetic partial specialization of ReadLine
oCTpetra::Details::RightScaleLocalCrsMatrix< LocalSparseMatrixType, ScalingFactorsViewType, divide >Kokkos::parallel_for functor that right-scales a KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix
oCTpetra::RowInfoAllocation information for a locally owned row in a CrsGraph or CrsMatrix
oCTpetra::RowMatrixTransposer< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >Construct and (optionally) redistribute the explicitly stored transpose of a CrsMatrix
oCTpetra::Impl::SCAL< ViewType, CoefficientType, IndexType, is_contiguous, rank >Implementation of Tpetra::SCAL function
oCTpetra::Impl::SCAL< ViewType, CoefficientType, IndexType, false, 1 >Implementation of Tpetra::SCAL function, for ViewType rank 1 (i.e., a vector)
oCTpetra::Impl::SCAL< ViewType, CoefficientType, IndexType, false, 2 >Implementation of Tpetra::SCAL function, for ViewType rank 2 (i.e., a matrix)
oCTpetra::Details::ScalarViewTraits< T, D >Traits class for allocating a Kokkos::View<T*, D>
oCTpetra::ScopeGuardScope guard whose destructor automatically calls Tpetra::finalize for you
oCTpetra::Details::Spaces::Slot< ExecSpace >Lazily acquires and stores Kokkos Execution Spaces
oCTpetra::SrcDistObjectAbstract base class for objects that can be the source of an Import or Export operation
oCTpetra::Details::TieBreak< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal >Interface for breaking ties in ownership
oCTpetra::Details::Transfer< LO, GO, NT >Common base class of Import and Export
oCTpetra::Details::Transfer< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >
oCTpetra::Details::TieBreak< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal >::TripletRepresentation of a global index on a process
oCTpetra::Details::TempView::UnifiedContiguousLayout< View1, View2 >Get the contiguous layout that matches as many of the given views as possible. If neither or both arguments are contiguous, favor LayoutLeft
oCTpetra::Details::UnpackAndCombineCrsGraphImpl::UnpackAndCombineFunctor< LocalOrdinal, Packet, RowView, IndicesView, BufferDevice >Unpacks and combines a single row of the CrsGraph
oCTpetra::Details::UnpackAndCombineCrsMatrixImpl::UnpackCrsMatrixAndCombineFunctor< LocalMatrix, LocalMap, BufferDeviceType >Unpacks and combines a single row of the CrsMatrix
oCTpetra::Details::Spaces::UserA class can inherit from this if it wants to use Tpetra managed spaces
oCTpetra::Details::WrappedDualView< DualViewType >A wrapper around Kokkos::DualView to safely manage data that might be replicated between host and device
oCTpetra::Details::WrappedDualView< dual_view_type >
oCTpetra::Details::WrappedDualView< global_inds_dualv_type >
oCTpetra::Details::WrappedDualView< impl_scalar_type_dualview >
oCTpetra::Details::WrappedDualView< local_inds_dualv_type >
oCTpetra::Details::WrappedDualView< values_dualv_type >
\CTpetra::MatrixMarket::Writer< SparseMatrixType >Matrix Market file writer for CrsMatrix and MultiVector