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Tpetra::Details::LeftScaleLocalCrsMatrix< LocalSparseMatrixType, ScalingFactorsViewType, divide > Class Template Reference

Kokkos::parallel_for functor that left-scales a KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix. More...

#include <Tpetra_Details_leftScaleLocalCrsMatrix.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 LeftScaleLocalCrsMatrix (const LocalSparseMatrixType &A_lcl, const ScalingFactorsViewType &scalingFactors, const bool assumeSymmetric)

Detailed Description

template<class LocalSparseMatrixType, class ScalingFactorsViewType, const bool divide>
class Tpetra::Details::LeftScaleLocalCrsMatrix< LocalSparseMatrixType, ScalingFactorsViewType, divide >

Kokkos::parallel_for functor that left-scales a KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix.

Template Parameters
LocalSparseMatrixTypeKokkosSparse::CrsMatrix specialization.
ScalingFactorsViewTypeKokkos::View specialization storing scaling factors by which to divide the rows of the local sparse matrix.
divideIf true, divide, else multiply.

Definition at line 39 of file Tpetra_Details_leftScaleLocalCrsMatrix.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class LocalSparseMatrixType , class ScalingFactorsViewType , const bool divide>
Tpetra::Details::LeftScaleLocalCrsMatrix< LocalSparseMatrixType, ScalingFactorsViewType, divide >::LeftScaleLocalCrsMatrix ( const LocalSparseMatrixType &  A_lcl,
const ScalingFactorsViewType &  scalingFactors,
const bool  assumeSymmetric 
A_lcl[in/out] The local sparse matrix.
scalingFactors[in] rowNorms from EquilibrationInfo.
assumeSymmetric[in] Whether to assume that the (global) sparse matrix is symmetric. If true, divde matrix entries by square roots of scaling factors; else, divide by the scaling factors themselves.

Definition at line 58 of file Tpetra_Details_leftScaleLocalCrsMatrix.hpp.

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