Anasazi::AnasaziError | An exception class parent to all Anasazi exceptions |
  Anasazi::BlockDavidsonInitFailure | BlockDavidsonInitFailure is thrown when the BlockDavidson solver is unable to generate an initial iterate in the BlockDavidson::initialize() routine |
  Anasazi::BlockDavidsonOrthoFailure | BlockDavidsonOrthoFailure is thrown when the orthogonalization manager is unable to orthogonalize the preconditioned residual against (a.k.a. H ) the current basis (a.k.a. V ) |
  Anasazi::BlockKrylovSchurInitFailure | BlockKrylovSchurInitFailure is thrown when the BlockKrylovSchur solver is unable to generate an initial iterate in the BlockKrylovSchur::initialize() routine |
  Anasazi::BlockKrylovSchurOrthoFailure | BlockKrylovSchurOrthoFailure is thrown when the orthogonalization manager is unable to generate orthonormal columns from the new basis vectors |
  Anasazi::EpetraMultiVecFailure | EpetraMultiVecFailure is thrown when a return value from an Epetra call on an Epetra_MultiVector is non-zero |
  Anasazi::EpetraOpFailure | EpetraOpFailure is thrown when a return value from an Epetra call on an Epetra_Operator is non-zero |
  Anasazi::EpetraSpecializedMultiVecFailure | EpetraSpecializedMultiVecFailure is thrown when a return value from an Epetra call on an Epetra_MultiVector is non-zero |
  Anasazi::Experimental::TraceMinBaseInitFailure | TraceMinBaseInitFailure is thrown when the TraceMinBase solver is unable to generate an initial iterate in the TraceMinBase::initialize() routine |
  Anasazi::Experimental::TraceMinBaseOrthoFailure | TraceMinBaseOrthoFailure is thrown when the orthogonalization manager is unable to orthogonalize the vectors in the current basis |
  Anasazi::LOBPCGInitFailure | LOBPCGInitFailure is thrown when the LOBPCG solver is unable to generate an initial iterate in the LOBPCG::initialize() routine |
  Anasazi::LOBPCGOrthoFailure | LOBPCGOrthoFailure is thrown when an orthogonalization attempt fails |
  Anasazi::LOBPCGRitzFailure | LOBPCGRitzFailure is thrown when the LOBPCG solver is unable to continue a call to LOBPCG::iterate() due to a failure of the algorithm |
  Anasazi::OperatorError | Exceptions thrown to signal error in operator application |
  Anasazi::OrthoError | Exception thrown to signal error in an orthogonalization manager method |
   Anasazi::TsqrOrthoError | TsqrOrthoManager(Impl) error |
   Anasazi::TsqrOrthoFault | Orthogonalization fault |
  Anasazi::ResNormNaNError | ResNormNaNError is thrown from StatusTestResNorm::checkStatus() when a NaN ("not a number") is detected among the residual norms returned by the eigensolver |
  Anasazi::RTRInitFailure | RTRInitFailure is thrown when the RTR solver is unable to generate an initial iterate in the RTRBase::initialize() routine |
  Anasazi::RTROrthoFailure | RTROrthoFailure is thrown when an orthogonalization attempt fails |
  Anasazi::RTRRitzFailure | RTRRitzFailure is thrown when the RTR solver is unable to continue a call to RTRBase::iterate() due to a failure of the algorithm |
  Anasazi::SortManagerError | SortManagerError is thrown when the Anasazi::SortManager is unable to sort the numbers, due to some failure of the sort method or error in calling it |
  Anasazi::StatusTestError | Exception thrown to signal error in a status test during Anasazi::StatusTest::checkStatus() |
 Anasazi::BlockDavidsonState< ScalarType, MV > | Structure to contain pointers to BlockDavidson state variables |
 Anasazi::BlockKrylovSchurState< ScalarType, MulVec > | Structure to contain pointers to BlockKrylovSchur state variables |
 Anasazi::Eigenproblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > | This class defines the interface required by an eigensolver and status test class to compute solutions to an eigenproblem |
  Anasazi::BasicEigenproblem< ScalarType, MV, OP > | This provides a basic implementation for defining standard or generalized eigenvalue problems |
 Anasazi::Eigensolution< ScalarType, MV > | Struct for storing an eigenproblem solution |
 Anasazi::Eigensolver< ScalarType, MV, OP > | The Eigensolver is a templated virtual base class that defines the basic interface that any eigensolver will support |
  Anasazi::BlockDavidson< ScalarType, MV, OP > | This class implements a Block Davidson iteration, a preconditioned iteration for solving linear Hermitian eigenproblems |
  Anasazi::BlockKrylovSchur< ScalarType, MV, OP > | This class implements the block Krylov-Schur iteration, for solving linear eigenvalue problems |
  Anasazi::Experimental::TraceMinBase< ScalarType, MV, OP > | This is an abstract base class for the trace minimization eigensolvers |
   Anasazi::Experimental::TraceMin< ScalarType, MV, OP > | This class implements a TraceMIN iteration, a preconditioned iteration for solving linear symmetric positive definite eigenproblems |
   Anasazi::Experimental::TraceMinDavidson< ScalarType, MV, OP > | This class implements a TraceMin-Davidson iteration for solving symmetric generalized eigenvalue problems |
  Anasazi::GeneralizedDavidson< ScalarType, MV, OP > | Solves eigenvalue problem using generalized Davidson method |
  Anasazi::LOBPCG< ScalarType, MV, OP > | This class provides the Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (LOBPCG) iteration, a preconditioned iteration for solving linear Hermitian eigenproblems |
  Anasazi::RTRBase< ScalarType, MV, OP > | This class is an abstract base class for Implicit Riemannian Trust-Region based eigensolvers. The class provides the interfaces shared by the IRTR solvers (e.g., getState() and initialize()) as well as the shared implementations (e.g., inner products) |
   Anasazi::IRTR< ScalarType, MV, OP > | |
   Anasazi::SIRTR< ScalarType, MV, OP > | |
 Epetra_BLAS [external] | |
  Epetra_MultiVector [external] | |
   Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec | Basic adapter class for Anasazi::MultiVec that uses Epetra_MultiVector |
 Epetra_CompObject [external] | |
  Epetra_MultiVector [external] | |
 Epetra_Object [external] | |
  Epetra_DistObject [external] | |
   Epetra_MultiVector [external] | |
 Epetra_Operator [external] | |
  Anasazi::EpetraGenOp | Adapter class for creating an operators often used in solving generalized eigenproblems |
  Anasazi::EpetraSymOp | Adapter class for creating a symmetric operator from an Epetra_Operator |
 Epetra_SrcDistObject [external] | |
  Epetra_DistObject [external] | |
 Anasazi::EpetraMultiVecAccessor | EpetraMultiVecAccessor is an interfaceto allow any Anasazi::MultiVec implementation that is based on Epetra_MultiVector to use the various Anasazi::Operator interfaces defined for Epetra_Operator |
  Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec | Basic adapter class for Anasazi::MultiVec that uses Epetra_MultiVector |
  Anasazi::EpetraOpMultiVec | Specialized adapter class for Anasazi::MultiVec that uses Epetra_MultiVector and Epetra_Operator to define the inner-product |
 Anasazi::Factory | This provides a factory to build Anasazi solvers using parameter lists |
 Anasazi::GeneralizedDavidsonState< ScalarType, MV > | Structure to contain pointers to GeneralizedDavidson state variables |
 Anasazi::HelperTraits< ScalarType > | Class which defines basic traits for working with different scalar types |
 Anasazi::LOBPCGState< ScalarType, MultiVector > | Structure to contain pointers to Anasazi state variables |
 Anasazi::MultiVec< ScalarType > | Interface for multivectors used by Anasazi's linear solvers |
  Anasazi::ThyraMultiVec< ScalarType > | Basic adapter class for Anasazi::MultiVec that uses Thyra::MultiVectorBase<ScalarType> |
 Anasazi::MultiVec< double > | |
  Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec | Basic adapter class for Anasazi::MultiVec that uses Epetra_MultiVector |
  Anasazi::EpetraOpMultiVec | Specialized adapter class for Anasazi::MultiVec that uses Epetra_MultiVector and Epetra_Operator to define the inner-product |
 Anasazi::MultiVecTraits< ScalarType, MV > | Traits class which defines basic operations on multivectors |
 Anasazi::MultiVecTraits< double, Epetra_MultiVector > | Template specialization of Anasazi::MultiVecTraits class using the Epetra_MultiVector class |
 Anasazi::MultiVecTraits< Scalar, Tpetra::MultiVector< Scalar, LO, GO, Node > > | Specialization of MultiVecTraits for MV = Tpetra::MultiVector |
 Anasazi::MultiVecTraits< ScalarType, MultiVec< ScalarType > > | Specialization of MultiVecTraits for Belos::MultiVec |
 Anasazi::MultiVecTraits< ScalarType, Thyra::MultiVectorBase< ScalarType > > | Template specialization of Anasazi::MultiVecTraits class using the Thyra::MultiVectorBase class |
 Anasazi::details::MultiVecTsqrAdapter< ScalarType > | TSQR adapter for MultiVec |
 Anasazi::Operator< ScalarType > | Anasazi's templated virtual class for constructing an operator that can interface with the OperatorTraits class used by the eigensolvers |
  Anasazi::ThyraOp< ScalarType > | Basic adapter class for Anasazi::Operator that uses Thyra_Operator |
 Anasazi::Operator< double > | |
  Anasazi::EpetraGenOp | Adapter class for creating an operators often used in solving generalized eigenproblems |
  Anasazi::EpetraOp | Basic adapter class for Anasazi::Operator that uses Epetra_Operator |
  Anasazi::EpetraSymMVOp | Adapter class for creating a symmetric operator from an Epetra_MultiVector |
  Anasazi::EpetraSymOp | Adapter class for creating a symmetric operator from an Epetra_Operator |
  Anasazi::EpetraW2SymMVOp | Adapter class for creating a weighted symmetric operator from an Epetra_MultiVector and Epetra_Operator |
  Anasazi::EpetraWSymMVOp | Adapter class for creating a weighted operator from an Epetra_MultiVector and Epetra_Operator |
 Anasazi::OperatorTraits< ScalarType, MV, OP > | Virtual base class which defines basic traits for the operator type |
 Anasazi::OperatorTraits< double, Epetra_MultiVector, Epetra_Operator > | Template specialization of Anasazi::OperatorTraits class using the Epetra_Operator virtual base class and Epetra_MultiVector class |
 Anasazi::OperatorTraits< Scalar, Tpetra::MultiVector< Scalar, LO, GO, Node >, Tpetra::Operator< Scalar, LO, GO, Node > > | Partial specialization of OperatorTraits for Tpetra objects |
 Anasazi::OperatorTraits< ScalarType, MultiVec< ScalarType >, Operator< ScalarType > > | Template specialization of Anasazi::OperatorTraits class using Anasazi::Operator and Anasazi::MultiVec virtual base classes |
 Anasazi::OperatorTraits< ScalarType, Thyra::MultiVectorBase< ScalarType >, Thyra::LinearOpBase< ScalarType > > | Template specialization of Anasazi::OperatorTraits class using the Thyra::LinearOpBase virtual base class and Thyra::MultiVectorBase class |
 Anasazi::OrthoManager< ScalarType, MV > | Anasazi's templated virtual class for providing routines for orthogonalization and orthonormalization of multivectors |
  Anasazi::MatOrthoManager< ScalarType, MV, OP > | Anasazi's templated virtual class for providing routines for orthogonalization and orthonormalization of multivectors using matrix-based inner products |
   Anasazi::BasicOrthoManager< ScalarType, MV, OP > | An implementation of the Anasazi::MatOrthoManager that performs orthogonalization using (potentially) multiple steps of classical Gram-Schmidt |
   Anasazi::GenOrthoManager< ScalarType, MV, OP > | |
    Anasazi::ICGSOrthoManager< ScalarType, MV, OP > | An implementation of the Anasazi::GenOrthoManager that performs orthogonalization using iterated classical Gram-Schmidt |
   Anasazi::SVQBOrthoManager< ScalarType, MV, OP > | An implementation of the Anasazi::MatOrthoManager that performs orthogonalization using the SVQB iterative orthogonalization technique described by Stathapoulos and Wu. This orthogonalization routine, while not returning the upper triangular factors of the popular Gram-Schmidt method, has a communication cost (measured in number of communication calls) that is independent of the number of columns in the basis |
  Anasazi::MatOrthoManager< Scalar, MV, OP > | |
   Anasazi::TsqrMatOrthoManager< Scalar, MV, OP > | MatOrthoManager subclass using TSQR or SVQB |
 Anasazi::OrthoManager< Scalar, MV > | |
  Anasazi::TsqrOrthoManager< Scalar, MV > | TSQR-based OrthoManager subclass |
 Anasazi::OutOfPlaceNormalizerMixin< Scalar, MV > | Mixin for out-of-place orthogonalization |
  Anasazi::TsqrMatOrthoManager< Scalar, MV, OP > | MatOrthoManager subclass using TSQR or SVQB |
  Anasazi::TsqrOrthoManager< Scalar, MV > | TSQR-based OrthoManager subclass |
 Anasazi::OutputManager< ScalarType > | Output managers remove the need for the eigensolver to know any information about the required output. Calling isVerbosity( MsgType type ) informs the solver if it is supposed to output the information corresponding to the message type |
  Anasazi::BasicOutputManager< ScalarType > | Anasazi's basic output manager for sending information of select verbosity levels to the appropriate output stream |
 Anasazi::OutputStreamTraits< OperatorType > | Output managers remove the need for the eigensolver to know any information about the required output. However, a formatted output stream is needed to control the output during parallel computations |
 Teuchos::ParameterListAcceptor [external] | |
  Anasazi::TsqrOrthoManager< Scalar, MV > | TSQR-based OrthoManager subclass |
  Teuchos::ParameterListAcceptorDefaultBase [external] | |
   Anasazi::details::StubTsqrAdapter< MultiVectorType > | "Stub" TSQR adaptor for unsupported multivector types |
   Anasazi::TsqrMatOrthoManager< Scalar, MV, OP > | MatOrthoManager subclass using TSQR or SVQB |
   Anasazi::TsqrOrthoManagerImpl< Scalar, MV > | TSQR-based OrthoManager subclass implementation |
 Anasazi::RandomizedSolMgr | The Anasazi::RandomizedSolMgr approximates largest eigenvalues/eigenvectors by performing a simple Rayleigh-Ritz projection over a random block of vectors |
 TSQR::Trilinos::Randomizer< S, LO, GO, MV, Gen > | Generates random test problems for TSQR |
 Anasazi::RTRState< ScalarType, MV > | Structure to contain pointers to RTR state variables |
 Anasazi::SolverManager< ScalarType, MV, OP > | The Anasazi::SolverManager is a templated virtual base class that defines the basic interface that any solver manager will support |
  Anasazi::BlockDavidsonSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP > | The BlockDavidsonSolMgr provides a powerful solver manager over the BlockDavidson eigensolver |
  Anasazi::BlockKrylovSchurSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP > | The Anasazi::BlockKrylovSchurSolMgr provides a flexible solver manager over the BlockKrylovSchur eigensolver |
  Anasazi::Experimental::TraceMinBaseSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP > | The Anasazi::TraceMinBaseSolMgr provides an abstract base class for the TraceMin series of solver managers |
   Anasazi::Experimental::TraceMinDavidsonSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP > | The Anasazi::TraceMinDavidsonSolMgr provides a flexible solver manager over the TraceMinDavidson eigensolver |
   Anasazi::Experimental::TraceMinSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP > | The Anasazi::TraceMinSolMgr provides a flexible solver manager over the TraceMin eigensolver |
  Anasazi::GeneralizedDavidsonSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP > | Solver Manager for GeneralizedDavidson |
  Anasazi::LOBPCGSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP > | User interface for the LOBPCG eigensolver |
  Anasazi::RTRSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP > | The Anasazi::RTRSolMgr provides a simple solver manager over the RTR eigensolver. For more information, see the discussion for RTRBase |
  Anasazi::SimpleLOBPCGSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP > | The Anasazi::SimpleLOBPCGSolMgr provides a simple solver manager over the LOBPCG eigensolver |
 Anasazi::SolverUtils< ScalarType, MV, OP > | Anasazi's templated, static class providing utilities for the solvers |
 Anasazi::SortManager< MagnitudeType > | Anasazi's templated pure virtual class for managing the sorting of approximate eigenvalues computed by the eigensolver. A concrete implementation of this class is necessary |
  Anasazi::BasicSort< MagnitudeType > | An implementation of the Anasazi::SortManager that performs a collection of common sorting techniques |
 Anasazi::StatusTest< ScalarType, MV, OP > | Common interface of stopping criteria for Anasazi's solvers |
  Anasazi::StatusTestCombo< ScalarType, MV, OP > | Status test for forming logical combinations of other status tests |
  Anasazi::StatusTestMaxIters< ScalarType, MV, OP > | A status test for testing the number of iterations |
  Anasazi::StatusTestOutput< ScalarType, MV, OP > | A special StatusTest for printing other status tests |
  Anasazi::StatusTestResNorm< ScalarType, MV, OP > | A status test for testing the norm of the eigenvectors residuals |
  Anasazi::StatusTestWithOrdering< ScalarType, MV, OP > | A status test for testing the norm of the eigenvectors residuals along with a set of auxiliary eigenvalues |
 Anasazi::Experimental::TraceMinBaseState< ScalarType, MV > | Structure to contain pointers to TraceMinBase state variables |
 Anasazi::TsqrAdaptor< ScalarType, MultiVectorType > | Map from multivector class to TSQR adaptor class |
 TSQR::TwoLevelDistTsqr< LocalOrdinal, Scalar, DistTsqrType > | Interprocess part of TSQR |
 Anasazi::UndefinedMultiVecTraits< ScalarType, MV > | Used by MultiVecTraits to report lack of a specialization |
 Anasazi::UndefinedOperatorTraits< ScalarType, MV, OP > | This is the default struct used by OperatorTraits<ScalarType, MV, OP> class to produce a compile time error when the specialization does not exist for operator type OP |
 Anasazi::Value< ScalarType > | This struct is used for storing eigenvalues and Ritz values, as a pair of real values |