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Anasazi::TsqrOrthoFault Class Reference

Orthogonalization fault. More...

#include <AnasaziTsqrOrthoManagerImpl.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Anasazi::TsqrOrthoFault:
Anasazi::OrthoError Anasazi::AnasaziError

Detailed Description

Orthogonalization fault.

Mark Hoemmen

Stewart (SISC 2008) presents a Block Gram-Schmidt (BGS) algorithm with careful reorthogonalization. He defines an "orthogonalization fault" as happening when the second BGS pass does not succeed. This is possible in BGS, but not possible in (non-block) Gram-Schmidt, if you use Stewart's randomization procedure for the latter. Stewart gives an algorithm for recovering from an orthogonalization fault, but the algorithm is expensive: it involves careful reorthogonalization with non-block Gram-Schmidt. If the "throwOnReorthogFault" option is set, we choose instead to report the orthogonalization fault as an exception.

This is not a (subclass of) TsqrOrthoError, because the latter is a logic or runtime bug, whereas a TsqrOrthoFault is a property of the input and admits recovery.

Definition at line 57 of file AnasaziTsqrOrthoManagerImpl.hpp.

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