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Anasazi Namespace Reference

Namespace Anasazi contains the classes, structs, enums and utilities used by the Anasazi package. More...


class  BasicEigenproblem
 This provides a basic implementation for defining standard or generalized eigenvalue problems. More...
class  BasicOrthoManager
 An implementation of the Anasazi::MatOrthoManager that performs orthogonalization using (potentially) multiple steps of classical Gram-Schmidt. More...
class  BasicOutputManager
 Anasazi's basic output manager for sending information of select verbosity levels to the appropriate output stream. More...
class  BasicSort
 An implementation of the Anasazi::SortManager that performs a collection of common sorting techniques. More...
struct  BlockDavidsonState
 Structure to contain pointers to BlockDavidson state variables. More...
class  BlockDavidsonInitFailure
 BlockDavidsonInitFailure is thrown when the BlockDavidson solver is unable to generate an initial iterate in the BlockDavidson::initialize() routine. More...
class  BlockDavidsonOrthoFailure
 BlockDavidsonOrthoFailure is thrown when the orthogonalization manager is unable to orthogonalize the preconditioned residual against (a.k.a. H) the current basis (a.k.a. V). More...
class  BlockDavidson
 This class implements a Block Davidson iteration, a preconditioned iteration for solving linear Hermitian eigenproblems. More...
class  BlockDavidsonSolMgr
 The BlockDavidsonSolMgr provides a powerful solver manager over the BlockDavidson eigensolver. More...
struct  BlockKrylovSchurState
 Structure to contain pointers to BlockKrylovSchur state variables. More...
class  BlockKrylovSchurInitFailure
 BlockKrylovSchurInitFailure is thrown when the BlockKrylovSchur solver is unable to generate an initial iterate in the BlockKrylovSchur::initialize() routine. More...
class  BlockKrylovSchurOrthoFailure
 BlockKrylovSchurOrthoFailure is thrown when the orthogonalization manager is unable to generate orthonormal columns from the new basis vectors. More...
class  BlockKrylovSchur
 This class implements the block Krylov-Schur iteration, for solving linear eigenvalue problems. More...
class  BlockKrylovSchurSolMgr
 The Anasazi::BlockKrylovSchurSolMgr provides a flexible solver manager over the BlockKrylovSchur eigensolver. More...
class  Eigenproblem
 This class defines the interface required by an eigensolver and status test class to compute solutions to an eigenproblem. More...
class  Eigensolver
 The Eigensolver is a templated virtual base class that defines the basic interface that any eigensolver will support. More...
class  Factory
 This provides a factory to build Anasazi solvers using parameter lists. More...
struct  GeneralizedDavidsonState
 Structure to contain pointers to GeneralizedDavidson state variables. More...
class  GeneralizedDavidson
 Solves eigenvalue problem using generalized Davidson method. More...
class  GeneralizedDavidsonSolMgr
 Solver Manager for GeneralizedDavidson. More...
class  GenOrthoManager
class  HelperTraits
 Class which defines basic traits for working with different scalar types. More...
class  ICGSOrthoManager
 An implementation of the Anasazi::GenOrthoManager that performs orthogonalization using iterated classical Gram-Schmidt. More...
class  IRTR
struct  LOBPCGState
 Structure to contain pointers to Anasazi state variables. More...
class  LOBPCGRitzFailure
 LOBPCGRitzFailure is thrown when the LOBPCG solver is unable to continue a call to LOBPCG::iterate() due to a failure of the algorithm. More...
class  LOBPCGInitFailure
 LOBPCGInitFailure is thrown when the LOBPCG solver is unable to generate an initial iterate in the LOBPCG::initialize() routine. More...
class  LOBPCGOrthoFailure
 LOBPCGOrthoFailure is thrown when an orthogonalization attempt fails. More...
class  LOBPCG
 This class provides the Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (LOBPCG) iteration, a preconditioned iteration for solving linear Hermitian eigenproblems. More...
class  LOBPCGSolMgr
 User interface for the LOBPCG eigensolver. More...
class  MatOrthoManager
 Anasazi's templated virtual class for providing routines for orthogonalization and orthonormalization of multivectors using matrix-based inner products. More...
class  MultiVec
 Interface for multivectors used by Anasazi's linear solvers. More...
class  MultiVecTraits< ScalarType, MultiVec< ScalarType > >
 Specialization of MultiVecTraits for Belos::MultiVec. More...
class  UndefinedMultiVecTraits
 Used by MultiVecTraits to report lack of a specialization. More...
class  MultiVecTraits
 Traits class which defines basic operations on multivectors. More...
class  Operator
 Anasazi's templated virtual class for constructing an operator that can interface with the OperatorTraits class used by the eigensolvers. More...
class  OperatorTraits< ScalarType, MultiVec< ScalarType >, Operator< ScalarType > >
 Template specialization of Anasazi::OperatorTraits class using Anasazi::Operator and Anasazi::MultiVec virtual base classes. More...
class  OperatorError
 Exceptions thrown to signal error in operator application. More...
struct  UndefinedOperatorTraits
 This is the default struct used by OperatorTraits<ScalarType, MV, OP> class to produce a compile time error when the specialization does not exist for operator type OP. More...
class  OperatorTraits
 Virtual base class which defines basic traits for the operator type. More...
class  OrthoError
 Exception thrown to signal error in an orthogonalization manager method. More...
class  OrthoManager
 Anasazi's templated virtual class for providing routines for orthogonalization and orthonormalization of multivectors. More...
class  OutputManager
 Output managers remove the need for the eigensolver to know any information about the required output. Calling isVerbosity( MsgType type ) informs the solver if it is supposed to output the information corresponding to the message type. More...
class  OutputStreamTraits
 Output managers remove the need for the eigensolver to know any information about the required output. However, a formatted output stream is needed to control the output during parallel computations. More...
struct  RTRState
 Structure to contain pointers to RTR state variables. More...
class  RTRRitzFailure
 RTRRitzFailure is thrown when the RTR solver is unable to continue a call to RTRBase::iterate() due to a failure of the algorithm. More...
class  RTRInitFailure
 RTRInitFailure is thrown when the RTR solver is unable to generate an initial iterate in the RTRBase::initialize() routine. More...
class  RTROrthoFailure
 RTROrthoFailure is thrown when an orthogonalization attempt fails. More...
class  RTRBase
 This class is an abstract base class for Implicit Riemannian Trust-Region based eigensolvers. The class provides the interfaces shared by the IRTR solvers (e.g., getState() and initialize()) as well as the shared implementations (e.g., inner products). More...
class  RTRSolMgr
 The Anasazi::RTRSolMgr provides a simple solver manager over the RTR eigensolver. For more information, see the discussion for RTRBase. More...
class  SimpleLOBPCGSolMgr
 The Anasazi::SimpleLOBPCGSolMgr provides a simple solver manager over the LOBPCG eigensolver. More...
class  SIRTR
class  SolverManager
 The Anasazi::SolverManager is a templated virtual base class that defines the basic interface that any solver manager will support. More...
class  SolverUtils
 Anasazi's templated, static class providing utilities for the solvers. More...
class  SortManagerError
 SortManagerError is thrown when the Anasazi::SortManager is unable to sort the numbers, due to some failure of the sort method or error in calling it. More...
class  SortManager
 Anasazi's templated pure virtual class for managing the sorting of approximate eigenvalues computed by the eigensolver. A concrete implementation of this class is necessary. More...
class  StatusTestError
 Exception thrown to signal error in a status test during Anasazi::StatusTest::checkStatus(). More...
class  StatusTest
 Common interface of stopping criteria for Anasazi's solvers. More...
class  StatusTestCombo
 Status test for forming logical combinations of other status tests. More...
class  StatusTestMaxIters
 A status test for testing the number of iterations. More...
class  StatusTestOutput
 A special StatusTest for printing other status tests. More...
class  ResNormNaNError
 ResNormNaNError is thrown from StatusTestResNorm::checkStatus() when a NaN ("not a number") is detected among the residual norms returned by the eigensolver. More...
class  StatusTestResNorm
 A status test for testing the norm of the eigenvectors residuals. More...
class  StatusTestWithOrdering
 A status test for testing the norm of the eigenvectors residuals along with a set of auxiliary eigenvalues. More...
class  SVQBOrthoManager
 An implementation of the Anasazi::MatOrthoManager that performs orthogonalization using the SVQB iterative orthogonalization technique described by Stathapoulos and Wu. This orthogonalization routine, while not returning the upper triangular factors of the popular Gram-Schmidt method, has a communication cost (measured in number of communication calls) that is independent of the number of columns in the basis. More...
class  TsqrAdaptor
 Map from multivector class to TSQR adaptor class. More...
class  OutOfPlaceNormalizerMixin
 Mixin for out-of-place orthogonalization. More...
class  TsqrOrthoManager
 TSQR-based OrthoManager subclass. More...
class  TsqrMatOrthoManager
 MatOrthoManager subclass using TSQR or SVQB. More...
class  TsqrOrthoError
 TsqrOrthoManager(Impl) error. More...
class  TsqrOrthoFault
 Orthogonalization fault. More...
class  TsqrOrthoManagerImpl
 TSQR-based OrthoManager subclass implementation. More...
class  AnasaziError
 An exception class parent to all Anasazi exceptions. More...
struct  Value
 This struct is used for storing eigenvalues and Ritz values, as a pair of real values. More...
struct  Eigensolution
 Struct for storing an eigenproblem solution. More...
class  MultiVecTraits< ScalarType, Thyra::MultiVectorBase< ScalarType > >
 Template specialization of Anasazi::MultiVecTraits class using the Thyra::MultiVectorBase class. More...
class  OperatorTraits< ScalarType, Thyra::MultiVectorBase< ScalarType >, Thyra::LinearOpBase< ScalarType > >
 Template specialization of Anasazi::OperatorTraits class using the Thyra::LinearOpBase virtual base class and Thyra::MultiVectorBase class. More...
class  ThyraMultiVec
 Basic adapter class for Anasazi::MultiVec that uses Thyra::MultiVectorBase<ScalarType>. More...
class  ThyraOp
 Basic adapter class for Anasazi::Operator that uses Thyra_Operator. More...
class  EpetraMultiVecFailure
 EpetraMultiVecFailure is thrown when a return value from an Epetra call on an Epetra_MultiVector is non-zero. More...
class  EpetraOpFailure
 EpetraOpFailure is thrown when a return value from an Epetra call on an Epetra_Operator is non-zero. More...
class  EpetraMultiVecAccessor
 EpetraMultiVecAccessor is an interfaceto allow any Anasazi::MultiVec implementation that is based on Epetra_MultiVector to use the various Anasazi::Operator interfaces defined for Epetra_Operator. More...
class  EpetraMultiVec
 Basic adapter class for Anasazi::MultiVec that uses Epetra_MultiVector. More...
class  EpetraOp
 Basic adapter class for Anasazi::Operator that uses Epetra_Operator. More...
class  EpetraGenOp
 Adapter class for creating an operators often used in solving generalized eigenproblems. More...
class  EpetraSymOp
 Adapter class for creating a symmetric operator from an Epetra_Operator. More...
class  EpetraSymMVOp
 Adapter class for creating a symmetric operator from an Epetra_MultiVector. More...
class  EpetraWSymMVOp
 Adapter class for creating a weighted operator from an Epetra_MultiVector and Epetra_Operator. More...
class  EpetraW2SymMVOp
 Adapter class for creating a weighted symmetric operator from an Epetra_MultiVector and Epetra_Operator. More...
class  MultiVecTraits< double, Epetra_MultiVector >
 Template specialization of Anasazi::MultiVecTraits class using the Epetra_MultiVector class. More...
class  OperatorTraits< double, Epetra_MultiVector, Epetra_Operator >
 Template specialization of Anasazi::OperatorTraits class using the Epetra_Operator virtual base class and Epetra_MultiVector class. More...
class  EpetraSpecializedMultiVecFailure
 EpetraSpecializedMultiVecFailure is thrown when a return value from an Epetra call on an Epetra_MultiVector is non-zero. More...
class  EpetraOpMultiVec
 Specialized adapter class for Anasazi::MultiVec that uses Epetra_MultiVector and Epetra_Operator to define the inner-product. More...
class  MultiVecTraits< Scalar, Tpetra::MultiVector< Scalar, LO, GO, Node > >
 Specialization of MultiVecTraits for MV = Tpetra::MultiVector. More...
class  OperatorTraits< Scalar, Tpetra::MultiVector< Scalar, LO, GO, Node >, Tpetra::Operator< Scalar, LO, GO, Node > >
 Partial specialization of OperatorTraits for Tpetra objects. More...
class  RandomizedSolMgr
 The Anasazi::RandomizedSolMgr approximates largest eigenvalues/eigenvectors by performing a simple Rayleigh-Ritz projection over a random block of vectors. More...


Anasazi Enumerations
enum  ReturnType { Converged, Unconverged }
 Enumerated type used to pass back information from a solver manager. More...
enum  ConjType { NO_CONJ, CONJ }
 Enumerated types used to specify conjugation arguments. More...
enum  TestStatus { Passed = 0x1, Failed = 0x2, Undefined = 0x4 }
 Enumerated type used to pass back information from a StatusTest. More...
enum  ResType
 Enumerated type used to specify which residual norm used by residual norm status tests. More...
enum  MsgType {
  Errors = 0, Warnings = 0x1, IterationDetails = 0x2, OrthoDetails = 0x4,
  FinalSummary = 0x8, TimingDetails = 0x10, StatusTestDetails = 0x20, Debug = 0x40
 Enumerated list of available message types recognized by the eigensolvers. More...


template<class ScalarType , class MV >
bool TestMultiVecTraits (const Teuchos::RCP< OutputManager< ScalarType > > &om, const Teuchos::RCP< const MV > &A)
 This is a function to test the correctness of a MultiVecTraits specialization and multivector implementation. More...
template<class ScalarType , class MV , class OP >
bool TestOperatorTraits (const Teuchos::RCP< OutputManager< ScalarType > > &om, const Teuchos::RCP< const MV > &A, const Teuchos::RCP< const OP > &M)
 This function tests the correctness of an operator implementation with respect to an OperatorTraits specialization. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace Anasazi contains the classes, structs, enums and utilities used by the Anasazi package.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumerated type used to pass back information from a solver manager.


The solver manager computed the requested eigenvalues.


This solver manager did not compute all of the requested eigenvalues.

Definition at line 88 of file AnasaziTypes.hpp.

Enumerated types used to specify conjugation arguments.


Not conjugated



Definition at line 99 of file AnasaziTypes.hpp.

Enumerated type used to pass back information from a StatusTest.


The solver passed the test


The solver failed the test


The test has not been evaluated on the solver

Definition at line 109 of file AnasaziTypes.hpp.

Enumerated type used to specify which residual norm used by residual norm status tests.

Definition at line 119 of file AnasaziTypes.hpp.

Enumerated list of available message types recognized by the eigensolvers.


Errors [ always printed ]


Internal warnings


Approximate eigenvalues, errors


Orthogonalization/orthonormalization details


Final computational summary


Timing details, uses MPI_COMM_WORLD by default.


Status test details


Debugging information

Definition at line 129 of file AnasaziTypes.hpp.

Function Documentation

template<class ScalarType , class MV >
bool Anasazi::TestMultiVecTraits ( const Teuchos::RCP< OutputManager< ScalarType > > &  om,
const Teuchos::RCP< const MV > &  A 

This is a function to test the correctness of a MultiVecTraits specialization and multivector implementation.

Status of the test: true is success, false is error

Definition at line 46 of file AnasaziMVOPTester.hpp.

template<class ScalarType , class MV , class OP >
bool Anasazi::TestOperatorTraits ( const Teuchos::RCP< OutputManager< ScalarType > > &  om,
const Teuchos::RCP< const MV > &  A,
const Teuchos::RCP< const OP > &  M 

This function tests the correctness of an operator implementation with respect to an OperatorTraits specialization.

Status of the test: true is successful, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1317 of file AnasaziMVOPTester.hpp.