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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCTeuchos::AbstractFactory< T >Simple, universal "Abstract Factory" interface for the dynamic creation of objects
oCTeuchos::AbstractFactory< T_itfc >
oCTeuchos::AnyNumberParameterEntryValidator::AcceptedTypesDetermines the types that are accepted
oCTeuchos::ActiveRCPNodesSetupSets up node tracing and prints remaining RCPNodes on destruction
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::Raw::Adder< Scalar, Ordinal >To be used with Checker for "raw" sparse matrix input
oCTeuchos::StackedTimer::AlignmentWidthsStores the column widths for output alignment
oCTeuchos::Details::AllocationLoggerLogging implementation used by Allocator (see below)
oCTeuchos::Details::Allocator< T >Optional tracking allocator for Teuchos Memory Management classes
oCTeuchos::AllocatorNew< T_impl >Default allocation policy class for AbstractFactoryStd which returns new T_impl()
oCTeuchos::anyModified boost::any class, which is a container for a templated value
oCTeuchos::Array< T >Replacement for std::vector that is compatible with the Teuchos Memory Management classes
oCTeuchos::Array< char >
oCTeuchos::Array< ConstNonconstObjectContainer< T > >
oCTeuchos::Array< double >
oCTeuchos::Array< FieldSpec >
oCTeuchos::Array< int >
oCTeuchos::Array< RCP< T > >
oCTeuchos::Array< std::string >
oCTeuchos::Array< T * >
oCTeuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array< int > >
oCTeuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array< Key > >
oCTeuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::HashPair< Key, Value > > >
oCTeuchos::Array< Teuchos::RCP >
oCTeuchos::Array< Teuchos::RCP< T > >
oCTeuchos::Array< Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::TableEntry > >
oCTeuchos::Array< Teuchos::XMLObject >
oCTeuchos::Array< UnitTestData >
oCTeuchos::Array< unsigned long >
oCTeuchos::Array< unsigned long long >
oCTeuchos::ArrayRCP< T >Reference-counted smart pointer for managing arrays
oCTeuchos::ArrayRCP< const char >
oCTeuchos::ArrayRCP< const T >Partial specialization of ArrayRCP for const T
oCTeuchos::ArrayRCP< const void >Dummy specialization of ArrayRCP<const void>
oCTeuchos::ArrayRCP< T1 >
oCTeuchos::ArrayRCP< void >Full specialization of ArrayRCP for T = void
oCTeuchos::ArrayValidatorXMLConverter< ValidatorType, EntryType >Converts ArrayValidators to and from XML
oCTeuchos::ArrayView< T >Nonowning array view
oCTeuchos::ArrayView< const T >Partial specialization of ArrayView for const T
oCTeuchos::ArrayView< int >
oCTeuchos::asFunc< TypeTo >Function object wrapper for as()
oCTeuchos::bad_any_castThrown if any_cast is attempted between two incompatable types
oCTeuchos::BadParameterEntryXMLConverterTypeExceptionThrown when a converter is being used to convert either and XML tag or ParameterEntry with an innappropriate type
oCTeuchos::BadParameterListElementExceptionThrown when an element inside a parameter list is bad
oCTeuchos::BadTagExceptionThrown when xml tag is encountered that is either unrecognized or inappropriate for a given context
oCTeuchos::BadValidatorXMLConverterExceptionThrown when a bad validator xml converter is used
oCTeuchos::BadXMLParameterListRootElementExceptionThrown when the root xml tag for a parameter list is incorrect
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::BannerParse a Matrix Market banner line
oCTeuchos::BaseTimerThe basic timer used internally, uses std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
oCTeuchos::basic_FancyOStream< CharT, Traits >Std::ostream subclass that performs the magic of indenting data sent to an std::ostream object among other things
oCTeuchos::basic_FancyOStream_buf< CharT, Traits >Stream buffering class that performs the magic of indenting data sent to an std::ostream object
oCTeuchos::basic_oblackholestream< _CharT, _Traits >basic_ostream<> subclass that does nothing but discard output
oCTeuchos::basic_OSTab< CharT, Traits >Tabbing class for helping to create formated, indented output for a basic_FancyOStream object
oCTeuchos::BigUInt< n >Arbitrary-precision unsigned integer class
oCTeuchos::CantFindConditionConverterExceptionThrown when an appropriate Condition Converter can't be found
oCTeuchos::CantFindDependencyConverterExceptionThrown when an appropriate Dependency Converter can't be found
oCTeuchos::CantFindFunctionObjectConverterExceptionThrown when an appropriate FunctionObject Converter can't be found
oCTeuchos::CantFindParameterEntryConverterExceptionThrown when an appropriate ParameterEntryXMLConverter can't be found
oCTeuchos::CantFindValidatorConverterExceptionThrown when the ValidatorXMLConverterDB can't find an appropriate converter
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::Raw::Checker< Scalar, Ordinal >Tool for debugging the syntax of a Matrix Market file containing a sparse matrix
oCTeuchos::CommandLineProcessorClass that helps parse command line input arguments from (argc,argv[]) and set options
oCTeuchos::CommStatus< OrdinalType >Encapsulation of the result of a receive (blocking or nonblocking)
oCTeuchos::CompileTimeAssert< Test >If instantiated (for Test!=0) then this should not compile!
oCTeuchos::CompileTimeAssert< 0 >If instantiated (i.e. Test==0) then this will compile!
oCTeuchos::CompObjectFunctionality and data that is common to all computational classes
oCTeuchos::ConditionXMLConverterDBProvides ability to lookup ConditionXMLConverters
oCTeuchos::ConstHandleable< Base >Class ConstHandleable provides an abstract interface for polymorphic conversion from raw pointers to const smart pointers
oCTeuchos::ConstNonconstObjectContainer< ObjType >Simple class supporting the "runtime protection of const" idiom
oCTeuchos::ConstReferenceTypeDeserializationBuffer< Ordinal, T >Encapsulate how an array of onst objects with reference sematics is deserialized from a char[] array with memory being automatically freed at destruction time
oCTeuchos::ConstReferenceTypeSerializationBuffer< Ordinal, T >Encapsulate how an array of const objects with reference sematics is serialized into a char[] array
oCTeuchos::ConstValueTypeDeserializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, direct >Encapsulate how an array of non-const serialized objects with value sematics stored in a char[] array is deserialized to a T[] array and then serialized back again
oCTeuchos::ConstValueTypeDeserializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, DefaultSerializer< Ordinal, T >::DefaultSerializerType >
oCTeuchos::ConstValueTypeDeserializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer >
oCTeuchos::ConstValueTypeDeserializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, false >Encapsulate how an array of non-const serialized objects with value sematics stored in a char[] array is deserialized to a T[] array and then serialized back again
oCTeuchos::ConstValueTypeDeserializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, true >Encapsulate how an array of non-const serialized objects with value sematics stored in a char[] array is deserialized to a T[] array and then serialized back again
oCTeuchos::ConstValueTypeSerializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, direct >Encapsulate how an array of const objects with value sematics is serialized into a const char[] array
oCTeuchos::ConstValueTypeSerializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, DefaultSerializer< Ordinal, T >::DefaultSerializerType >
oCTeuchos::ConstValueTypeSerializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer >
oCTeuchos::ConstValueTypeSerializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, false >Encapsulate how an array of const objects with value sematics is serialized into a const char[] array
oCTeuchos::ConstValueTypeSerializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, true >Encapsulate how an array of const objects with value sematics is serialized into a const char[] array
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::CoordDataReaderBase< Callback, Ordinal >Common functionality of a coordinate-format sparse matrix or graph data reader
oCTeuchos::CWrapperErrorHandlingStatic C Wrapper Error Handling Policy Class
oCTeuchos::DeallocArrayDelete< T >Deallocator class that uses delete [] to delete memory allocated uisng new []
oCTeuchos::DeallocBoostSharedPtr< T >Teuchos::RCP Deallocator class that wraps a boost::shared_ptr
oCTeuchos::DeallocDelete< T >Policy class for deallocator that uses delete to delete a pointer which is used by RCP
oCTeuchos::DeallocFunctorDelete< T, DeleteFunctor >Deallocator subclass that Allows any functor object (including a function pointer) to be used to free an object
oCTeuchos::DeallocFunctorHandleDelete< T, DeleteHandleFunctor >Deallocator subclass that Allows any functor object (including a function pointer) to be used to free a handle (i.e. pointer to pointer) to an object
oCTeuchos::DeallocNull< T >Policy class for deallocator for non-owned RCPs
oCTeuchos::DeallocStdSharedPtr< T >Teuchos::RCP Deallocator class that wraps a std::shared_ptr
oCTeuchos::DefaultBLASImpl< OrdinalType, ScalarType >Default implementation for BLAS routines
oCTeuchos::DefaultComm< OrdinalType >Return a default global communicator appropriate for the build
oCTeuchos::DefaultSerializer< Ordinal, T >A class for instantiating a default serialization object
oCTeuchos::DependencySheetA Dependency sheet keeps track of dependencies between various ParameterEntries
oCTeuchos::DependencyXMLConverterDBProvides ability to lookup DependencyXMLConverterDB
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, T >Serialization traits for objects that support direct serialization
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, char >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, double >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, float >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, int >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, long int >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, long long int >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, long unsigned int >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, short int >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, signed char >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, std::pair< P1, P2 > >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, unsigned char >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, unsigned int >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, unsigned long long int >
oCTeuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, unsigned short int >
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< T >Class for retrieving a dummy object of type T
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< AndCondition >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type AndCondition
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< AnyNumberParameterEntryValidator >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type AnyNumberParameterEntryValidator
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< ArrayValidator< ValidatorType, EntryType > >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type ArrayValidator
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< BoolCondition >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type BoolCondition
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< BoolValidatorDependency >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type BoolValidatorDependency
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< BoolVisualDependency >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type BoolVisualDependency
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< ConditionVisualDependency >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type ConditionVisualDependency
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< EnhancedNumberValidator< T > >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type EnhancedNumberValidator<T>
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< EqualsCondition >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type EqualsCondition
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< FileNameValidator >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type FileNameValidator
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< NotCondition >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type NotCondition
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< NumberArrayLengthDependency< DependeeType, DependentType > >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type NumberArrayLengthDependency
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< NumberCondition< T > >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type NumberCondition
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< NumberVisualDependency< T > >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type NumberVisualDependency
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< OrCondition >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type OrCondition
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< RangeValidatorDependency< T > >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type RangeValidatorDependency
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< StringCondition >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type StringCondition
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< StringToIntegralParameterEntryValidator< IntegralType > >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type StringToIntegralParameterEntryValidator<IntegralType>
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< StringValidator >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type StringValidator
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< StringValidatorDependency >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type StringValidatorDependency
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< StringVisualDependency >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type StringVisualDependency
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< TwoDArrayValidator< ValidatorType, EntryType > >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type TwoDArrayValidator
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< TwoDColDependency< DependeeType, DependentType > >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type TwoDColDependency
oCTeuchos::DummyObjectGetter< TwoDRowDependency< DependeeType, DependentType > >Specialized class for retrieving a dummy object of type TwoDRowDependency
oCTeuchos::DuplicateParameterIDsExceptionThrown when two parameters in an XML file have the same ID
oCTeuchos::DuplicateValidatorIDsExceptionConstructs a CantFindParameterEntryConverterException
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::Raw::Element< Scalar, Ordinal >Stores one entry of a sparse matrix
oCTeuchos::EmbeddedObjDealloc< T, Embedded, Dealloc >A deallocator class that wraps a simple value object and delegates to another deallocator object
oCTeuchos::EmptyXMLErrorThrown when attempting to parse an empty XML std::string
oCTeuchos::EnhancedNumberTraits< T >Class defining the traits of the number type being used in an EnhancedNumberValidator
oCTeuchos::ExceptionBaseBase exception class for Teuchos
oCTeuchos::FILEstreamTeuchos::FILEstream: Combined C FILE and C++ stream
oCTeuchos::FilteredIterator< IteratorType, Predicate >C++ Standard Library compatable filtered iterator
oCTeuchos::FlopsThe Teuchos Floating Point Operations Class
oCTeuchos::FunctionObjectXMLConverterDBProvides ability to lookup FunctionObjectXMLConverters
oCTeuchos::GlobalMPISessionInitialize, finalize, and query the global MPI session
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::Raw::GraphAdder< Ordinal >To be used with Checker for "raw" sparse matrix input
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::Raw::GraphElement< Ordinal >Stores one entry of a sparse graph
oCTeuchos::HashPair< Key, Value >Helper class for Teuchos::Hashtable, representing a single <key, value> pair
oCTeuchos::HashSet< Key >Templated hashtable-based set
oCTeuchos::Hashtable< Key, Value >Templated hashtable class
oCTeuchos::HashUtilsUtilities for generating hashcodes. This is not a true hash ! For all ints and types less than ints it returns the i/p typecasted as an int. For every type more than the size of int it is only slightly more smarter where it adds the bits into int size chunks and calls that an hash. Used with a capacity limited array this will lead to one of the simplest hashes. Ideally this should be deprecated and not used at all
oCTeuchos::IDtoValidatorMapMaps Validators to integers
oCTeuchos::StringIndexedOrderedValueObjectContainerBase::KeyObjectPair< ObjType >A simple aggregate type to bind a key string and and objects value
oCTeuchos::LabeledObjectBase class for objects that contain a std::string label
oCTeuchos::LanguageThe main class for users to define a language using TeuchosParser
oCTeuchos::LAPACK< OrdinalType, ScalarType >The Templated LAPACK Wrapper Class
oCTrilinos::Details::LinearSolver< MV, OP, NormType >Interface for a method for solving linear system(s) AX=B
oCTrilinos::Details::LinearSolverFactory< MV, OP, NormType >Interface for a "factory" that creates solvers
oCTrilinos::Details::Impl::LinearSolverFactoryRepository< MV, OP, NormType >Repository of solver factories
oCTrilinos::LinearSolverSetupFailureException reporting failure in setting up a linear solver
oCTeuchos::m_bad_castException class for bad cast
oCTeuchos::mapThis class creates a basic std::map object for platforms where the std::map is deficient, otherwise the std::map is injected into the Teuchos namespace
oCTeuchos::map< RCP< const ParameterEntry >, DepSet, RCPConstComp >
oCTeuchos::map< std::string, opt_val_val_t >
oCTeuchos::map< std::string, std::string >
oCTeuchos::map< std::string, string >
oCTeuchos::MissingConditionTagExceptionThrown when no condtion tag is found when converting a ConditionVisualDependency from XML
oCTeuchos::MissingDependeeExceptionThrown when no dependes of a dependency can't be found when converting the dependency to or from XML
oCTeuchos::MissingDependeesExceptionThrown when no dependess of a dependency are specified when converting the dependency from XML
oCTeuchos::MissingDependentExceptionThrown when a dependent of a dependency cant be found when converting the dependency to or from XML
oCTeuchos::MissingDependentsExceptionThrown when no dependents of a dependency are specified when converting the dependency from XML
oCTeuchos::MissingParameterEntryDefinitionExceptionThrown when a referenced ParameterEntry can't be found
oCTeuchos::MissingRangesAndValidatorsTagExceptionThrown when the rangesAndValidators tag for the RangeValidatorDepencyConverter can't be found
oCTeuchos::MissingValidatorDefinitionExceptionThrown when a referenced validator can't be found
oCTeuchos::MissingValidatorExceptionThrown when converting a dependency that has validaotrs to and from XML. This excetpion indicates that a specified validator could not be found
oCTeuchos::MissingValuesAndValidatorsTagExceptionThrown when converting a StrinvValidatorDependcny from XML and no valuesAndValidators tag is found
oCTeuchos::MissingValuesTagExceptionThrown when a StringConditon is missing it's Value tag
oCTeuchos::Details::MpiCommRequestMPI implementation of CommRequest<int>
oCTeuchos::NoNameAttributeExecptionThrown when a parameter entry tag is missing it's name attribute
oCTeuchos::NoTypeAttributeExecptionThrown when a parameter entry tag is missing it's type attribute
oCTeuchos::NoValueAttributeExecptionThrown when a parameter entry tag is missing it's value attribute
oCTeuchos::NullIteratorTraits< Iter >Base traits class for getting a properly initialized null pointer
oCTeuchos::NullIteratorTraits< ArrayRCP< T > >Traits specialization for ArrayRCP
oCTeuchos::NullIteratorTraits< RCP< T > >Traits specialization for RCP
oCTeuchos::NullIteratorTraits< std::reverse_iterator< Iter > >Partial specialization for std::reverse_iterator
oCTeuchos::ObjectThe base Teuchos class
oCTeuchos::OpaqueWrapper< Opaque >Base class for wrapped opaque objects
oCTeuchos::StringIndexedOrderedValueObjectContainerBase::OrdinalIndexA safe ordinal index type that default initializes to a special value
oCTeuchos::OrdinalTraits< T >This structure defines some basic traits for the ordinal field type
oCTeuchos::ParameterEntryThis object is held as the "value" in the Teuchos::ParameterList std::map
oCTeuchos::ParameterEntryXMLConverterDBProvides ability to lookup ParameterEntryXMLConverters
oCTeuchos::ParameterListA list of parameters of arbitrary type
oCTeuchos::ParameterListAcceptorInterface for objects that can accept a ParameterList
oCTeuchos::CommandLineProcessor::ParseErrorThrown if a parse std::exception occurs and throwExceptions==true
oCTeuchos::ParserFailTries to create LALR(1) parser tables for a given grammar
oCTeuchos::PerformanceMonitorBase< T >Common capabilities for collecting and reporting performance data across processors
oCTeuchos::PerformanceMonitorBase< Time >
oCTeuchos::PolynomialTraits< Scalar >Traits class for polynomial coefficients in Teuchos::Polynomial
oCTeuchos::PostModNothing< T_impl >Default post-modification policy class for AbstractFactorStd which does nothing!
oCTeuchos::ParameterList::PrintOptionsUtility class for setting and passing in print options
oCTeuchos::Ptr< T >Simple wrapper class for raw pointers to single objects where no persisting relationship exists
oCTeuchos::Ptr< const Teuchos::Comm< int > >
oCTeuchos::Range1DSubregion Index Range Class
oCTeuchos::RawWorkspaceEncapulsation object for raw temporary workspace that has been allocated. These objects can only be created on the stack and should not be included as the member of any other classes
oCTeuchos::RCP< T >Smart reference counting pointer class for automatic garbage collection
oCTeuchos::RCP< AdderType >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Callback >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const DefaultSerializer< Ordinal, T >::DefaultSerializerType >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const EnhancedNumberValidator< T > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const FileNameValidator >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Grammar >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const ObjType >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const PointerType >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const ReaderTables >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Serializer >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const StringValidator >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Condition >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterEntry >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterEntryValidator >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterListModifier >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ReferenceTypeReductionOp< Ordinal, T > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Serializer >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Serializer< Ordinal, T > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::SimpleFunctionObject< DependeeType > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::SimpleFunctionObject< T > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::StringToIntegralParameterEntryValidator< int > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ValueTypeReductionOp< Ordinal, T > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::VerboseObject< ObjectType > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< const ValidatorType >
oCTeuchos::RCP< std::basic_ostream< char_type, traits_type > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< std::ostream >
oCTeuchos::RCP< std::ostringstream >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::basic_FancyOStream >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::basic_FancyOStream< CharT, Traits > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterEntryValidator >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::SerialBandDenseMatrix< OrdinalType, ScalarType > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< OrdinalType, ScalarType > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::SerialSymDenseMatrix< OrdinalType, ScalarType > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::SimpleFunctionObject< T > >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::TableEntry >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::Teuchos::StackedTimer >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::XMLInputStream >
oCTeuchos::RCP< Teuchos::XMLObjectImplem >
oCTeuchos::RCPCompStruct for comparing two RCPs. Simply compares the raw pointers contained within the RCPs
oCTeuchos::RCPConstCompStruct for comparing two RCPs. Simply compares the raw pointers contained within the RCPs
oCTeuchos::RCPDeleter< T >boost::shared_ptr deleter class that wraps a Teuchos::RCP
oCTeuchos::RCPNodeNode class to keep track of address and the reference count for a reference-counted utility class and delete the object
oCTeuchos::RCPNodeHandleHandle class that manages the RCPNode's reference counting
oCTeuchos::RCPNodeTracer::RCPNodeStatisticsRCP statistics struct
oCTeuchos::RCPNodeThrowDeleterDeletes a (non-owning) RCPNode but not it's underlying object in case of a throw
oCTeuchos::RCPNodeTracerDebug-mode RCPNode tracing class
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::Raw::Reader< Scalar, Ordinal >Read a sparse matrix from a Matrix Market file into raw CSR (compressed sparse row) storage
oCTeuchos::ReaderThe main class for users to read text using TeuchosParser
oCTeuchos::ReaderTablesParser and lexer tables specifying how to read a Language
oCTeuchos::Details::Allocator< T >::rebind< U >Mapping to an Allocator for a different type U
oCTeuchos::ReferenceTypeDeserializationBuffer< Ordinal, T >Encapsulate how an array of non-const objects with reference sematics is deserialized from a char[] array and then serialized back into the char[] buffer again
oCTeuchos::ReferenceTypeSerializationBuffer< Ordinal, T >Encapsulate how an array of non-const objects with reference sematics is serialized into a char[] array and deserialized again
oCTeuchos::RelErrSmallNumber< hasMachineParameters, Scalar >
oCTeuchos::RelErrSmallNumber< false, Scalar >
oCTeuchos::RelErrSmallNumber< true, Scalar >
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::details::ScalarAssigner< Scalar, isComplex >Implementation detail of assignScalar()
oCTeuchos::ScalarTraits< T >This structure defines some basic traits for a scalar field type
oCTeuchos::ScalarTraits< ScalarType >
oCTeuchos::ScopedThreadLock< T >Stack-based object for locking a thread
oCTeuchos::StringIndexedOrderedValueObjectContainerBase::SelectActive< ObjType >Predicate for selecting active object entries in filtered iterator
oCTeuchos::SerialBandDenseMatrixPrinter< OrdinalType, ScalarType >Ostream manipulator for SerialBandDenseMatrix
oCTeuchos::SerialDenseMatrixPrinter< OrdinalType, ScalarType >Ostream manipulator for SerialDenseMatrix
oCTeuchos::SerialDenseVectorPrinter< OrdinalType, ScalarType >Ostream manipulator for SerialDenseVector
oCTeuchos::SerializationTraits< Ordinal, T >Serialization traits class for types T that use value semantics
oCTeuchos::Serializer< Ordinal, T >Strategy interface for the indirect serializing and deserializing objects of a given type handled using reference semantics
oCTeuchos::SerialSymDenseMatrixPrinter< OrdinalType, ScalarType >Ostream manipulator for SerialSymDenseMatrix
oCTeuchos::SetScientific< Scalar, isFloatingPoint >Temporarily make an output stream use scientific notation with sufficient precision
oCTeuchos::SetScientific< Scalar, false >Partial specialization of SetScientific for non-floating-point types
oCTeuchos::SharedAccessPolicySingle policy class defining an approach for sharing an integral object across threads as well as a general heavy-weight locking policy
oCTeuchos::SimpleObjectDB< T >Simple object object database
oCTeuchos::SimpleObjectTable< T >This class provides a central place to store objects
oCTeuchos::StackedTimerThis class allows one to push and pop timers on and off a stack
oCTeuchos::StdSharedPtrRCPDeleter< T >std::shared_ptr deleter class that wraps a Teuchos::RCP
oCTeuchos::StringIndexedOrderedValueObjectContainerBaseBase types for StringIndexedOrderedValueObjectContainer
oCTeuchos::StringToIntMapMap a std::string to an enumeration
oCTeuchos::StrUtilsProvides std::string manipulation utilities that are not provided in the standard C++ std::string class
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::SymmetrizingAdder< AdderType >Adds entries with optional symmetry to a sparse matrix
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::SymmetrizingGraphAdder< AdderType >Adds entries with optional symmetry to a sparse graph
oCTeuchos::TableEntryAn entry, perhaps compound, to be written into a table
oCTeuchos::TableFormatEncapsulation of formatting specifications for writing data in a clean tabular form
oCTeuchos::TabularOutputterUtility class that makes it easy to create formatted tables of output
oCTeuchos::TestRelErr< T1, T2, Enabled >Compute, check and optionally print the relative error in two scalars
oCTeuchos::ThreadLockBasic portable thread lock primative class
oCTeuchos::TimeWall-clock timer
oCTeuchos::CommandLineProcessor::TimeMonitorSurrogateInterface by which CommandLineProcessor may use TimeMonitor
oCTeuchos::TimeMonitorSurrogateImplInserterInjects run-time dependency of a class on TimeMonitor
oCTeuchos::TooManyDependeesExceptionThrown when a Dependency has too many dependees specified in its XML
oCTeuchos::ToStringTraits< T >Default traits class for converting objects into strings
oCTeuchos::ToStringTraits< bool >Specialization for bool
oCTeuchos::ToStringTraits< double >Specialization for double
oCTeuchos::ToStringTraits< ERCPStrength >Traits class specialization for toString(...) function for converting from ERCPStrength to std::string
oCTeuchos::ToStringTraits< float >Specialization for float
oCTeuchos::ToStringTraits< std::pair< T1, T2 > >Partial specialization for std::pair<T1, T2>
oCTeuchos::ToStringTraits< std::string >Specialization for std::string
oCTeuchos::TreeBuildingXMLHandlerTreeBuildingXMLHandler assembles a XMLObject from your XML input
oCTeuchos::TwoDArray< T >A thin wrapper around the Array class which causes it to be interpreted as a 2D Array
oCTeuchos::TwoDArrayValidatorXMLConverter< ValidatorType, EntryType >Converts TwoDArrayValidators to and from XML
oCTeuchos::TypeNameTraits< T >Default traits class that just returns typeid(T).name()
oCTeuchos::TypeNameTraits< Array< T > >TypeNameTraits specialization for Array
oCTeuchos::TypeNameTraits< ParameterList >Traits specialization
oCTeuchos::TypeNameTraits< TwoDArray< T > >TypeNameTraits specialization for Array
oCTeuchos::UndefinedEnhancedNumberTraits< T >Default structure used by EnhancedNumberTraits<T> to produce a compile time error when the specialization does not exist for type T
oCTeuchos::UndefinedSerializationTraits< T >Report an error if a specialization of SerializationTraits is missing
oCTeuchos::UnitTestRepositorySingleton unit testing repository
oCTeuchos::UtilsThis class provides some basic std::string and floating-point utilities for Teuchos
oCTeuchos::ValidatorFactoryFactory for ParameterEntryValidator objects
oCTeuchos::ValidatortoIDMapA class for mapping validators to integers
oCTeuchos::ValidatorXMLConverterDBProvides ability to lookup ValidatorXMLConverterDB
oCTeuchos::ValuesTagMissingExceptionThrown when a StringVisualDependency is being converted from XML and no Values tag is found
oCTeuchos::ValueToleranceValueTolerance is a struct to keep a tuple of value and a tolerance. The tolerance can be either expressed as a relative or through an upper and lower bound
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< TypeTo, TypeFrom >Default traits class for all conversions between value types
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< double, long double >Convert from long double to double
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< double, std::string >Convert an std::string to a double
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< float, double >Convert from double to float
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< float, long double >Convert from long double to float
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< float, long long >Convert from long long to float
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< float, std::string >Convert an std::string to a float
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< float, unsigned long long >Convert from unsigned long long to float
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< int, double >Convert from double to int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< int, float >Convert from float to int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< int, long >Convert from long to int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< int, long long >Convert from long long to int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< int, std::string >Convert an std::string to an int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< int, unsigned int >Convert from unsigned int to int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< int, unsigned long >Convert from unsigned long to int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< int, unsigned long long >Convert from unsigned long long to int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< long double, std::string >Convert an std::string to a long double
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< long long, double >Convert from double to long long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< long long, float >Convert from float to long long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< long long, std::string >Convert an std::string to a long long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< long long, unsigned long long >Convert from unsigned long long to long long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< long, double >Convert from double to long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< long, float >Convert from float to long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< long, std::string >Convert an std::string to a long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< long, unsigned int >Convert from unsigned int to long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< long, unsigned long >Convert from unsigned long to long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< OutType, std::string >Convert an std::string to a type OutType
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< short, double >Convert from double to short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< short, float >Convert from float to short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< short, int >Convert from int to short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< short, long >Convert from long to short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< short, std::string >Convert an std::string to a short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< short, unsigned short >Convert from unsigned short to short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< std::string, char[N]>Convert raw C string to std::string
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned int, double >Convert from double to unsigned int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned int, float >Convert from float to unsigned int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned int, int >Convert from int to unsigned int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned int, long >Convert from long to unsigned int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned int, long long >Convert from long long to unsigned int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned int, std::string >Convert an std::string to an unsigned int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned int, unsigned long >Convert from unsigned long to unsigned int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned int, unsigned long long >Convert from unsigned long long to unsigned int
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned long long, double >Convert from double to unsigned long long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned long long, float >Convert from float to unsigned long long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned long long, long long >Convert from long long to unsigned long long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned long long, std::string >Convert an std::string to an unsigned long long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned long, double >Convert from double to unsigned long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned long, float >Convert from float to unsigned long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned long, long >Convert from long to unsigned long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned long, std::string >Convert an std::string to an unsigned long
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned short, double >Convert from double to unsigned short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned short, float >Convert from float to unsigned short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned short, short >Convert from short to unsigned short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned short, std::string >Convert an std::string to an unsigned short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits< unsigned short, unsigned long >Convert from unsigned long to unsigned short
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeDeserializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, direct >Encapsulate how an array of non-const serialized objects with value sematics stored in a char[] array is deserialized to a T[] array and then serialized back again
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeDeserializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, DefaultSerializer< Ordinal, T >::DefaultSerializerType >
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeDeserializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer >
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeDeserializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, false >Encapsulate how an array of non-const serialized objects with value sematics stored in a char[] array is deserialized to a T[] array and then serialized back again
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeDeserializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, true >Encapsulate how an array of non-const serialized objects with value sematics stored in a char[] array is deserialized to a T[] array and then serialized back again
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeSerializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, direct >Encapsulate how an array of non-const objects with value sematics is serialized into a char[] array
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeSerializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, DefaultSerializer< Ordinal, T >::DefaultSerializerType >
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeSerializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer >
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeSerializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, false >Encapsulate how an array of non-const objects with value sematics is serialized into a char[] array
oCTeuchos::ValueTypeSerializationBufferImp< Ordinal, T, Serializer, true >Encapsulate how an array of non-const objects with value sematics is serialized into a char[] array
oCTeuchos::VerboseObjectBaseNon-templated base class for objects that can print their activities to a stream
oCTeuchos::VerboseObjectTempState< ObjectType >Set and release a stream and verbosity level
oCTeuchos::Workspace< T >Templated class for workspace creation
oCTeuchos::WorkspaceStoreWorkspace encapsulation class
oCTeuchos::MatrixMarket::Raw::Writer< ScalarType, OrdinalType >Write a sparse matrix from raw CSR (compressed sparse row) storage to a Matrix Market file
oCTeuchos::XMLInputSourceXMLInputSource represents a source of XML input that can be parsed to produce an XMLObject
oCTeuchos::XMLInputStreamXMLInputStream represents an XML input stream that can be used by a XMLInputSource
oCTeuchos::XMLObjectRepresentation of an XML data tree. XMLObject is a ref-counted handle to a XMLObjectImplem object, allowing storage by reference
oCTeuchos::XMLObjectImplemTakes care of the low-level implementation details of XMLObject
oCTeuchos::XMLParameterListReaderWrites an XML object to a parameter list
oCTeuchos::XMLParameterListWriterWrites a ParameterList to an XML object
\CTeuchos::XMLParserXMLParser consumes characters from an XMLInputStream object, parsing the XML and using a TreeBuildingXMLHandler to construct an XMLObject