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Teuchos::ConditionXMLConverter Class Referenceabstract

An abstract base class for converting Dependencies to and from XML. More...

#include <Teuchos_ConditionXMLConverter.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Teuchos::ConditionXMLConverter:
Teuchos::Describable Teuchos::LabeledObject Teuchos::BoolLogicConditionConverter Teuchos::NotConditionConverter Teuchos::ParameterConditionConverter Teuchos::AndConditionConverter Teuchos::EqualsConditionConverter Teuchos::OrConditionConverter Teuchos::BoolConditionConverter Teuchos::NumberConditionConverter< T > Teuchos::StringConditionConverter

Public Member Functions

Converter Functions
RCP< ConditionfromXMLtoCondition (const XMLObject &xmlObj, const XMLParameterListReader::EntryIDsMap &entryIDsMap) const
 Converts a given XMLObject to a Condition. More...
virtual RCP< ConditionconvertXML (const XMLObject &xmlObj, const XMLParameterListReader::EntryIDsMap &entryIDsMap) const =0
 Preforms any and all special xml conversion that is specific to a particular Condition. More...
XMLObject fromConditiontoXML (const RCP< const Condition > condition, const XMLParameterListWriter::EntryIDsMap &entryIDsMap) const
 Converters a given ParameterEntryValidator to XML. More...
virtual void convertCondition (const RCP< const Condition > condition, XMLObject &xmlObj, const XMLParameterListWriter::EntryIDsMap &entryIDsMap) const =0
 Preforms any and all special condition conversion that is specific to a particlar Condition. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::Describable
virtual std::string description () const
 Return a simple one-line description of this object. More...
virtual void describe (FancyOStream &out, const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=verbLevel_default) const
 Print the object with some verbosity level to a FancyOStream. More...
void describe (std::ostream &out, const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=verbLevel_default) const
 Version of describe() that takes an std::ostream instead of a FancyOStream. More...
virtual ~Describable ()
 Destructor (marked virtual for memory safety of derived classes). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::LabeledObject
 LabeledObject ()
 Construct with an empty label. More...
virtual ~LabeledObject ()
virtual void setObjectLabel (const std::string &objectLabel)
 Set the object label (see LabeledObject). More...
virtual std::string getObjectLabel () const
 Get the object label (see LabeledObject). More...

Static Public Member Functions

Attribute/Query Functions
static const std::string & getTypeAttributeName ()
 Returns the string to be used for the type attribute. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from Teuchos::Describable
static const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel_default = VERB_DEFAULT
 Default value for the verbLevel argument of describe(). More...

Detailed Description

An abstract base class for converting Dependencies to and from XML.

Definition at line 31 of file Teuchos_ConditionXMLConverter.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

RCP< Condition > Teuchos::ConditionXMLConverter::fromXMLtoCondition ( const XMLObject xmlObj,
const XMLParameterListReader::EntryIDsMap entryIDsMap 
) const

Converts a given XMLObject to a Condition.

xmlObjThe XMLObject to convert to a Condition.
entryIDsMapA map containing ParameterEntrys and their assocaited
The converted Condition.

Definition at line 17 of file Teuchos_ConditionXMLConverter.cpp.

virtual RCP<Condition> Teuchos::ConditionXMLConverter::convertXML ( const XMLObject xmlObj,
const XMLParameterListReader::EntryIDsMap entryIDsMap 
) const
pure virtual

Preforms any and all special xml conversion that is specific to a particular Condition.

xmlObjThe xml to be converted. in which this resulting condition will be inserted.
entryIDsMapA map containing ParameterEntrys and their assocaited
The converted Condition.

Implemented in Teuchos::ParameterConditionConverter, Teuchos::NotConditionConverter, and Teuchos::BoolLogicConditionConverter.

XMLObject Teuchos::ConditionXMLConverter::fromConditiontoXML ( const RCP< const Condition condition,
const XMLParameterListWriter::EntryIDsMap entryIDsMap 
) const

Converters a given ParameterEntryValidator to XML.

conditionThe Condition to be converted to XML.
entryIDsMapA map containing ParameterEntrys and their assocaited
An XML representation of the given Condition.

Definition at line 24 of file Teuchos_ConditionXMLConverter.cpp.

virtual void Teuchos::ConditionXMLConverter::convertCondition ( const RCP< const Condition condition,
XMLObject xmlObj,
const XMLParameterListWriter::EntryIDsMap entryIDsMap 
) const
pure virtual

Preforms any and all special condition conversion that is specific to a particlar Condition.

conditionThe Condition to be converted.
xmlObjThe xml representation of the condition on to which all children should be attached and attributes added.
entryIDsMapA map containing ParameterEntrys and their assocaited
An XML representation of the given Condition.

Implemented in Teuchos::ParameterConditionConverter, Teuchos::NotConditionConverter, and Teuchos::BoolLogicConditionConverter.

static const std::string& Teuchos::ConditionXMLConverter::getTypeAttributeName ( )

Returns the string to be used for the type attribute.

Definition at line 95 of file Teuchos_ConditionXMLConverter.hpp.

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