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Teuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, T > Class Template Reference

Serialization traits for objects that support direct serialization. More...

#include <Teuchos_SerializationTraits.hpp>

Detailed Description

template<typename Ordinal, typename T>
class Teuchos::DirectSerializationTraits< Ordinal, T >

Serialization traits for objects that support direct serialization.

"Direct" serialization means that you can convert directly between an object of type T and an array of char, of a specific length dependent only on the type T and not on the particular instance. Specifically, it means you can

  1. reinterpret_cast a pointer to an instance of T into an array of char (which array has length dependent only on the type T and not on the specific T instance),
  2. serialize the resulting array of char, and finally
  3. deserialize by reading in the array of char and doing a reinterpret_cast back into a T.

"Indirect" serialization is defined as any serialization method more general than that.

We use partial specializations of DirectSerializationTraits (specialized on certain T types, not Ordinal) as public base classes for the corresponding SerializationTraits specialization. This provides high-performance default implementations of serialization for commonly used types T (including char, int, and double).

Template Parameters
OrdinalThe same template parameter as that of Comm. The integer type used to count the number of packets sent and received.
TThe type of the objects that this class shows how to serialize.

Definition at line 279 of file Teuchos_SerializationTraits.hpp.

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