AlgebraicExpansionUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
  UMinusFunc | |
  ASinhFunc | |
  ACoshFunc | |
  ATanhFunc | |
  PlusFunc | |
  MinusFunc | |
  TimesFunc | |
  DivideFunc | |
 Amesos2 | |
  MPVectorSolverAdapter | Amesos2 solver adapter for MP::Vector scalar type |
  create_mp_vector_solver_impl | |
  create_solver_with_supported_type< ConcreteSolver, Tpetra::CrsMatrix< Sacado::MP::Vector< ST >, LO, GO, NO >, Tpetra::MultiVector< Sacado::MP::Vector< ST >, LO, GO, NO > > | |
  solver_supports_scalar< ConcreteSolver, Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage > > | |
 Belos | |
  Details | |
   LapackSupportsScalar | |
   LapackSupportsScalar< Sacado::MP::Vector< S > > | |
  MultiVecTraits< typename Storage::value_type, Tpetra::MultiVector< Sacado::UQ::PCE< Storage >, LO, GO, Node > > | Partial specialization of MultiVecTraits for MV = Tpetra::MultiVector |
  OperatorTraits< typename Storage::value_type, Tpetra::MultiVector< Sacado::UQ::PCE< Storage >, LO, GO, Node >, Tpetra::Operator< Sacado::UQ::PCE< Storage >, LO, GO, Node > > | Partial specialization of OperatorTraits for Tpetra::Operator |
  DGKSOrthoManager< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, MV, OP > | |
  ICGSOrthoManager< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, MV, OP > | |
  IMGSOrthoManager< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, MV, OP > | |
  PseudoBlockCGIter< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, MV, OP > | |
  PseudoBlockGmresIter< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, MV, OP > | |
  StatusTestGenResNorm< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, MV, OP > | |
  StatusTestImpResNorm< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, MV, OP > | |
  MultiVecTraits< typename Storage::value_type, Tpetra::MultiVector< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, LO, GO, Node > > | Partial specialization of MultiVecTraits for MV = Tpetra::MultiVector |
  OperatorTraits< typename Storage::value_type, Tpetra::MultiVector< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, LO, GO, Node >, Tpetra::Operator< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, LO, GO, Node > > | Partial specialization of OperatorTraits for Tpetra::Operator |
  PseudoBlockCGIter | This class implements the pseudo-block CG iteration, where the basic CG algorithm is performed on all of the linear systems simultaneously |
  PseudoBlockGmresIter | This class implements the pseudo-block GMRES iteration, where a block Krylov subspace is constructed for all of the linear systems simultaneously. The QR decomposition of each block, upper Hessenberg matrix is performed each iteration to update the least squares system and give the current linear system residuals |
  StatusTestGenResNorm | An implementation of StatusTestResNorm using a family of residual norms |
  StatusTestImpResNorm | Convergence test using the implicit residual norm(s), with an explicit residual norm(s) check for loss of accuracy if necessary |
 ConstantExpansionUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
  ASinhFunc | |
  ACoshFunc | |
  ATanhFunc | |
 CoordPart | |
 cusp | |
  detail | |
   device | |
   dispatch | |
   block_lu_solver | |
  krylov | |
  precond | |
   aggregation | |
    amg_container | |
    amg_container< IndexType, ValueType, cusp::host_memory > | |
    amg_container< IndexType, ValueType, cusp::device_memory > | |
    sa_level | |
    block_smoothed_aggregation | |
  relaxation | |
   block_jacobi | |
   block_polynomial | |
  default_block_monitor | |
  block_multilevel | |
   level | |
 DerivExpansionUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
  UMinusFunc | |
  ExpFunc | |
  LogFunc | |
  Log10Func | |
  SqrtFunc | |
  CbrtFunc | |
  SinFunc | |
  CosFunc | |
  TanFunc | |
  SinhFunc | |
  CoshFunc | |
  TanhFunc | |
  ASinFunc | |
  ACosFunc | |
  ATanFunc | |
  ASinhFunc | |
  ACoshFunc | |
  ATanhFunc | |
  PlusFunc | |
  MinusFunc | |
  TimesFunc | |
  DivideFunc | |
  PowFunc | |
 DivisionOperatorUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 DynamicStridedVecTest | |
 DynamicVecTest | |
 ETPCETest | |
 ExponentialRandomFieldUnitTest | |
 ForUQTKExpansionUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
  UMinusFunc | |
  ExpFunc | |
  LogFunc | |
  Log10Func | |
  SqrtFunc | |
  CbrtFunc | |
  SinFunc | |
  CosFunc | |
  TanFunc | |
  SinhFunc | |
  CoshFunc | |
  TanhFunc | |
  ASinFunc | |
  ACosFunc | |
  ATanFunc | |
  ASinhFunc | |
  ACoshFunc | |
  ATanhFunc | |
  PlusFunc | |
  MinusFunc | |
  TimesFunc | |
  DivideFunc | |
  PowFunc | |
 GramSchmidtTest | |
 HermiteBasisUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 HG_1D_Flat_J | |
 HG_3D | |
 Ifpack2 | |
  Details | |
   V_ReciprocalThresholdSelfFunctor | |
   V_ReciprocalThresholdSelfFunctor< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > *, P... >, SizeType > | |
   LocalReciprocalThreshold | |
   LocalReciprocalThreshold< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > *, P... >, SizeType > | |
   LocalReciprocalThreshold< Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< S > *, P...>, SizeType > | |
 Kokkos | |
  Impl | |
   ViewError | |
    sacado_mp_vector_partition_constructor_requires_unmanaged_view | |
   RebindStokhosStorageDevice | |
   RebindStokhosStorageDevice< T *, Device > | |
   RebindStokhosStorageDevice< T[], Device > | |
   RebindStokhosStorageDevice< T[N], Device > | |
   GetSacadoSize | |
   GetSacadoSize< 0 > | |
   GetSacadoSize< 1 > | |
   GetSacadoSize< 2 > | |
   GetSacadoSize< 3 > | |
   GetSacadoSize< 4 > | |
   GetSacadoSize< 5 > | |
   GetSacadoSize< 6 > | |
   GetSacadoSize< 7 > | |
   StokhosViewFill | |
   RebindStokhosStorageDevice< Sacado::UQ::PCE< OldStorageType >, Device > | |
   RebindStokhosStorageDevice< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< OldStorageType >, Device > | |
   MirrorType | |
   ViewCtorProp< void, Stokhos::CrsProductTensor< Value, Execution, Memory > > | |
   ctor_prop_has_cijk | |
   ctor_prop_has_cijk< ViewCtorProp< T > > | |
   ctor_prop_has_cijk< ViewCtorProp< Stokhos::CrsProductTensor< Value, Execution, Memory > > > | |
   ctor_prop_has_cijk< ViewCtorProp< T, P...> > | |
   ViewDataAnalysis< DataType, ArrayLayout, Sacado::UQ::PCE< StorageType > > | |
   ViewMapping< Traits, typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same< typename Traits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewPCEContiguous >::value &&(std::is_same< typename Traits::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value||std::is_same< typename Traits::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value||std::is_same< typename Traits::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value)), typename Traits::specialize >::type > | |
   ViewMapping< DstTraits, SrcTraits, typename std::enable_if<(Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess< typename DstTraits::memory_space, typename SrcTraits::memory_space >::assignable &&std::is_same< typename DstTraits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewPCEContiguous >::value &&std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewPCEContiguous >::value), typename DstTraits::specialize >::type > | Assign compatible Sacado::UQ::PCE view mappings |
   ViewMapping< DstTraits, SrcTraits, typename std::enable_if<(Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess< typename DstTraits::memory_space, typename SrcTraits::memory_space >::assignable &&std::is_same< typename DstTraits::specialize, void >::value &&std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewPCEContiguous >::value &&unsigned(DstTraits::dimension::rank)==unsigned(SrcTraits::dimension::rank)+1), typename DstTraits::specialize >::type > | Assign compatible Sacado::UQ::PCE view mappings |
   ViewMapping< DstTraits, SrcTraits, typename std::enable_if<(Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess< typename DstTraits::memory_space, typename SrcTraits::memory_space >::assignable &&std::is_same< typename DstTraits::specialize, void >::value &&std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewPCEContiguous >::value &&unsigned(DstTraits::dimension::rank)==unsigned(SrcTraits::dimension::rank)), typename DstTraits::specialize >::type > | Assign compatible Sacado::UQ::PCE view mappings |
   ViewMapping< typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< typename Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...>::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewPCEContiguous >::value &&(std::is_same< typename Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...>::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value||std::is_same< typename Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...>::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value||std::is_same< typename Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...>::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value))>::type, Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...>, Arg0, Args... > | |
   ViewMPVectorInterlaced | |
   ViewSpecialize< ValueType, ViewMPVectorInterlaced, LayoutLeft, MemorySpace, MemoryTraits > | |
   ViewSpecialize< ValueType, ViewMPVectorInterlaced, LayoutRight, MemorySpace, MemoryTraits > | |
   AnalyzeShape< Sacado::MP::Vector< StorageType > > | Analyze the array shape of a Sacado::MP::Vector |
   ViewAssignment< ViewMPVectorInterlaced, ViewMPVectorInterlaced, void > | |
   ViewAssignment< ViewDefault, ViewMPVectorInterlaced, void > | |
   RebindStokhosStorageDevice< Sacado::MP::Vector< OldStorageType >, Device > | |
   RebindStokhosStorageDevice< const Sacado::MP::Vector< OldStorageType >, Device > | |
   ViewDataAnalysis< DataType, ArrayLayout, Sacado::MP::Vector< StorageType > > | |
   ViewMapping< Traits, typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same< typename Traits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMPVectorContiguous >::value &&(std::is_same< typename Traits::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value||std::is_same< typename Traits::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value||std::is_same< typename Traits::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value)), typename Traits::specialize >::type > | |
   ViewMapping< DstTraits, SrcTraits, typename std::enable_if<(Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess< typename DstTraits::memory_space, typename SrcTraits::memory_space >::assignable &&std::is_same< typename DstTraits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMPVectorContiguous >::value &&std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMPVectorContiguous >::value), typename DstTraits::specialize >::type > | Assign compatible Sacado::MP::Vector view mappings |
   ViewMapping< DstTraits, SrcTraits, typename std::enable_if<(Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess< typename DstTraits::memory_space, typename SrcTraits::memory_space >::assignable &&std::is_same< typename DstTraits::specialize, void >::value &&std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMPVectorContiguous >::value &&unsigned(DstTraits::dimension::rank)==unsigned(SrcTraits::dimension::rank)+1), typename DstTraits::specialize >::type > | Assign compatible Sacado::MP::Vector view mappings |
   ViewMapping< DstTraits, SrcTraits, typename std::enable_if<(Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess< typename DstTraits::memory_space, typename SrcTraits::memory_space >::assignable &&std::is_same< typename DstTraits::specialize, void >::value &&std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMPVectorContiguous >::value &&unsigned(DstTraits::dimension::rank)==unsigned(SrcTraits::dimension::rank)), typename DstTraits::specialize >::type > | Assign compatible Sacado::MP::Vector view mappings |
   ViewMapping< typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< typename Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...>::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMPVectorContiguous >::value &&(std::is_same< typename Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...>::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value||std::is_same< typename Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...>::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value||std::is_same< typename Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...>::array_layout, Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value)&&!Sacado::MP::is_vector_partition< Arg0 >::value)>::type, Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...>, Arg0, Args... > | |
   ViewMapping< void, ViewTraits< DataType, P...>, Sacado::MP::VectorPartition< Size > > | |
   ViewMapping< DstTraits, SrcTraits, typename std::enable_if<(Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess< typename DstTraits::memory_space, typename SrcTraits::memory_space >::assignable &&std::is_same< typename DstTraits::specialize, Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMPVectorContiguous >::value &&std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::specialize, ViewSpecializeSacadoFad >::value), typename DstTraits::specialize >::type > | Assign compatible Sacado FAD<MP::Vector> view mappings |
  Experimental | |
   Impl | |
    ViewPCEContiguous | |
    is_ViewPCEContiguous | |
    is_ViewPCEContiguous< Kokkos::View< D, P...>, Args... > | |
    DeepCopyNonContiguous | |
    PCEAllocation | |
     ConstructDestructFunctor | |
     PCEConstruct | |
    ViewMPVectorContiguous | |
    is_ViewMPVectorContiguous | |
    is_ViewMPVectorContiguous< Kokkos::View< D, P...>, Args... > | |
    MPVectorAllocation | |
    MPVectorAllocation< ValueType, true > | |
     ConstructDestructFunctor | |
    MPVectorAllocation< ValueType, false > | |
     ConstructDestructFunctor | |
     VectorConstruct | |
  Details | |
   ArithTraits< Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | |
   InnerProductSpaceTraits< Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | |
   InnerProductSpaceTraits< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | |
   ArithTraits< Sacado::MP::Vector< S > > | |
  Compat | |
  Example | |
   FENL | |
    DeviceConfig | |
     Dim3 | |
    CrsMatrix | |
    LocalViewTraits | |
    CreateDeviceConfigs | |
    CreateDeviceConfigs< Sacado::MP::Vector< StorageType > > | |
    NodeNodeGraph | |
     Times | |
    ElementComputationConstantCoefficient | |
    ExponentialKLCoefficient | |
     apply | |
    ElementComputationBase | |
    ElementComputation | |
    ElementComputation< Kokkos::Example::BoxElemFixture< ExecutionSpace, Order, CoordinateMap >, CrsMatrix< ScalarType, ExecutionSpace >, Analytic, CoeffFunctionType > | |
    ElementComputation< Kokkos::Example::BoxElemFixture< ExecutionSpace, Order, CoordinateMap >, CrsMatrix< ScalarType, ExecutionSpace >, FadElement, CoeffFunctionType > | |
    ElementComputation< Kokkos::Example::BoxElemFixture< ExecutionSpace, Order, CoordinateMap >, CrsMatrix< ScalarType, ExecutionSpace >, FadElementOptimized, CoeffFunctionType > | |
    ElementComputation< Kokkos::Example::BoxElemFixture< ExecutionSpace, Order, CoordinateMap >, CrsMatrix< ScalarType, ExecutionSpace >, FadQuadPoint, CoeffFunctionType > | |
    DirichletComputation | |
    DirichletComputation< Kokkos::Example::BoxElemFixture< ExecutionSpace, Order, CoordinateMap >, Kokkos::Example::FENL::CrsMatrix< ScalarType, ExecutionSpace > > | |
    ElementComputation< Kokkos::Example::BoxElemFixture< ExecutionSpace, Order, CoordinateMap >, Kokkos::Example::FENL::CrsMatrix< ScalarType, ExecutionSpace >, CoeffFunctionType > | |
    ResponseComputation | |
   MapGridUnitCube | Map a grid onto a unit cube with smooth nonlinear grading of the map |
   BoxElemFixture | Generate a distributed unstructured finite element mesh from a partitioned NX*NY*NZ box of elements |
   BoxElemPart | Partition a box of hexahedral elements among subdomains |
   HexElement_TensorData | |
   HexElement_TensorEval | |
   HexElement_TensorData< 8 > | Evaluate Hex element on interval [-1,1]^3 |
   HexElement_TensorData< 27 > | |
   HexElement_Data | |
   VectorImport | |
  FlatArrayType | |
  IntrinsicScalarType | |
  LocalUQPCEView | |
  LocalUQPCEView< ViewType, LocalSize, 1, true > | |
  LocalUQPCEView< ViewType, LocalSize, 1, false > | |
  is_view_uq_pce | |
  CijkType | |
  is_view_uq_pce< View< T, P...> > | |
  CijkType< ViewType, typename std::enable_if< is_view_uq_pce< ViewType >::value >::type > | |
  FlatArrayType< View< D, P...>, typename std::enable_if< is_view_uq_pce< View< D, P...> >::value >::type > | |
  MPVectorWorkConfig | Team-based parallel work configuration for Sacado::MP::Vector |
  View< DataType, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Impl::ViewMPVectorInterlaced > | View::value_type == Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::StorageType<...> > |
  LocalMPVectorView | |
  LocalMPVectorView< ViewType, LocalSize, false > | |
  LocalMPVectorView< View< D, P...>, LocalSize, true > | |
  is_view_mp_vector | |
  is_view_mp_vector< View< T, P...> > | |
  FlatArrayType< View< D, P...>, typename std::enable_if< is_view_mp_vector< View< D, P...> >::value >::type > | |
 KokkosBatched | |
  MagnitudeScalarType< Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | |
  MagnitudeScalarType< Sacado::MP::Vector< S > > | |
 KokkosBlas | |
  Impl | |
   MV_Reciprocal_Functor< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< RS > **, RP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< XS > **, XP...>, SizeType > | |
   MV_ReciprocalSelf_Functor< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< RS > **, RP...>, SizeType > | |
   V_Reciprocal_Functor< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< RS > *, RP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< XS > *, XP...>, SizeType > | |
   V_ReciprocalSelf_Functor< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< RS > *, RP...>, SizeType > | |
   MV_MultFunctor< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< CS > **, CP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< AS > *, AP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< BS > **, BP...>, scalar_ab, scalar_c, SizeType > | |
   V_MultFunctor< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< CS > *, CP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< AS > *, AP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< BS > *, BP...>, scalar_ab, scalar_c, SizeType > | |
 KokkosKernelsUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 KokkosSparse | |
 LegendreBasisUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 MaskLogic | |
 MatrixFreeOperatorUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 PCETest | |
 ProductBasisUtilsUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
  total_order_predicate | |
  general_predicate | |
 PseudoSpectralExpansionUnitTest | |
  UMinusFunc | |
  ExpFunc | |
  LogFunc | |
  Log10Func | |
  SqrtFunc | |
  CbrtFunc | |
  SinFunc | |
  CosFunc | |
  TanFunc | |
  SinhFunc | |
  CoshFunc | |
  TanhFunc | |
  ASinFunc | |
  ACosFunc | |
  ATanFunc | |
  ASinhFunc | |
  ACoshFunc | |
  ATanhFunc | |
  PlusFunc | |
  MinusFunc | |
  TimesFunc | |
  DivideFunc | |
  PowFunc | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 QuadExpansionUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
  UMinusFunc | |
  ExpFunc | |
  LogFunc | |
  Log10Func | |
  SqrtFunc | |
  CbrtFunc | |
  SinFunc | |
  CosFunc | |
  TanFunc | |
  SinhFunc | |
  CoshFunc | |
  TanhFunc | |
  ASinFunc | |
  ACosFunc | |
  ATanFunc | |
  ASinhFunc | |
  ACoshFunc | |
  ATanhFunc | |
  PlusFunc | |
  MinusFunc | |
  TimesFunc | |
  DivideFunc | |
  PowFunc | |
 Sacado | |
  UQ | |
   PCE | |
   PCEScalarTraitsImp | Implementation for Teuchos::ScalarTraits for all PCE types |
   PCEValueTypeConversionTraitsImp | Implementation for Teuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits for all PCE types |
   PCESerializationTraitsImp | Implementation of Teuchos::SerializationTraits for all PCE types |
   PCESerializerImp | Serializer object for all PCE types |
  MP | |
   Vector | |
   Expr | |
   ScalarTraitsImp | |
   ScalarTraitsImp< S, true > | |
   ScalarTraitsImp< S, false > | |
   SerializationImp | Serialization implementation for all Vector types |
   SerializationTraitsImp | Implementation of Teuchos::SerializationTraits for all Vector types |
   SerializationTraitsImp< Ordinal, VecType, true > | Implementation of Teuchos::SerializationTraits for all static Vec types |
   SerializerImp | An indirect serialization object for all Vector types |
  Fad | |
   Exp | |
    ExprSpecMPVector | Expression template specialization tag for Fad< MP::Vector > |
    Extender< T, typename std::enable_if< Sacado::is_mp_vector< typename T::value_type >::value >::type > | Specialization of extender for MP::Vector scalar types |
    ExprAssign< DstType, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename DstType::expr_spec_type, ExprSpecMPVector >::value >::type > | Specialization of ExprAssign for MP::Vector scalar types |
    ExprAssign< DstType, typename std::enable_if< Sacado::IsStaticallySized< DstType >::value &&std::is_same< typename DstType::expr_spec_type, ExprSpecMPVector >::value >::type > | Specialization of ExprAssign for statically sized Fad types and MP::Vector types |
    IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecMPVector > | |
    IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecMPVector > | |
    IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecMPVector > | |
   ExprSpec< DFad< Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< Ord, Val, VecNum, Dev > > > > | |
   ConstExpr< Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< Ord, Val, VecNum, Dev > > > | Constant expression template |
   ExprSpecMPVector | |
   ExprSpec< GeneralFad< Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< Ord, Val, VecNum, Dev > >, Storage > > | |
   GeneralFad< Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< Ord, Val, VecNum, Dev > >, Storage > | Forward-mode AD class templated on the storage for the derivative array |
   ExprSpec< SFadExprTag< Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< Ord, Val, VecNum, Dev > >, Num > > | |
   ExprSpec< SFad< Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< Ord, Val, VecNum, Dev > >, Num > > | |
   Expr< SFadExprTag< Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< Ord, Val, VecNum, Dev > >, Num >, ExprSpecMPVector > | Expression template forward-mode AD class with static memory allocation |
   ExprSpec< SLFad< Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< Ord, Val, VecNum, Dev > >, Num > > | |
   ExprSpec< ViewFad< Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< Ord, Val, VecNum, Dev > >, length, stride, BaseFadT > > | |
  ETPCE | |
   Expr | |
   ExprQuadFuncWrapper | |
   MultiplicationOp | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< Expr< T1 >, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< Expr< T1 >, typename Expr< T1 >::value_type > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< typename Expr< T2 >::value_type, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   DivisionOp | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< Expr< T1 >, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< Expr< T1 >, typename Expr< T1 >::value_type > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< typename Expr< T2 >::value_type, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   OrthogPoly | |
  PCE | |
   OrthogPoly | |
   ScalarTraitsImp | Implementation for Teuchos::ScalarTraits for all PCE types |
   ValueTypeConversionTraitsImp | Implementation for Teuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits for all PCE types |
   SerializationTraitsImp | Implementation of Teuchos::SerializationTraits for all PCE types |
   SerializerImp | Serializer object for all PCE types |
  ScalarType< UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of Promote to PCE types |
  ValueType< UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of ValueType to PCE types |
  IsADType< UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of IsADType to PCE types |
  IsScalarType< UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of IsADType to PCE types |
  Value< UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of Value to PCE types |
  ScalarValue< UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to PCE types |
  StringName< UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of StringName to PCE types |
  IsEqual< UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of IsEqual to PCE types |
  IsStaticallySized< UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to PCE types |
  StringName< Stokhos::DynamicStorage< ordinal_t, value_t, device_t > > | |
  StringName< Stokhos::DynamicStridedStorage< ordinal_t, value_t, device_t > > | |
  StringName< Stokhos::DynamicThreadedStorage< ordinal_t, value_t, device_t > > | |
  StringName< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< ordinal_t, value_t, Num, device_t > > | |
  StringName< Stokhos::StaticStorage< ordinal_t, value_t, Num, device_t > > | |
  StringName< Stokhos::ViewStorage< ordinal_t, value_t, static_length, static_stride, device_t > > | |
  ScalarType< MP::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ScalarType to Expr types |
  ValueType< MP::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to Expr types |
  IsADType< MP::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  IsScalarType< MP::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  Value< MP::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Value to Expr types |
  ScalarValue< MP::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to Expr types |
  ScalarType< MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of Promote to Vector types |
  ValueType< MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of ValueType to Vector types |
  IsADType< MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of IsADType to Vector types |
  IsScalarType< MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of IsADType to Vector types |
  Value< MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of Value to Vector types |
  ScalarValue< MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to Vector types |
  StringName< MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of StringName to Vector types |
  IsEqual< MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of IsEqual to Vector types |
  IsStaticallySized< MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to Vector types |
  StaticSize< MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of StaticSize to Vector types |
  ScalarType< ETPCE::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ScalarType to Expr types |
  ValueType< ETPCE::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to Expr types |
  IsADType< ETPCE::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  IsScalarType< ETPCE::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  Value< ETPCE::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Value to Expr types |
  ScalarValue< ETPCE::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to Expr types |
  ScalarType< ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Promote to OrthogPoly types |
  ValueType< ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of ValueType to OrthogPoly types |
  IsADType< ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of IsADType to OrthogPoly types |
  IsScalarType< ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of IsADType to OrthogPoly types |
  Value< ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Value to OrthogPoly types |
  ScalarValue< ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to OrthogPoly types |
  StringName< ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of StringName to OrthogPoly types |
  IsEqual< ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of IsEqual to OrthogPoly types |
  IsStaticallySized< ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to OrthogPoly types |
  ScalarType< PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Promote to OrthogPoly types |
  ValueType< PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of ValueType to OrthogPoly types |
  IsADType< PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of IsADType to OrthogPoly types |
  IsScalarType< PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of IsADType to OrthogPoly types |
  Value< PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Value to OrthogPoly types |
  ScalarValue< PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to OrthogPoly types |
  StringName< PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of StringName to OrthogPoly types |
  IsEqual< PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of IsEqual to OrthogPoly types |
  IsStaticallySized< PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to OrthogPoly types |
 SacadoPCEUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 SDMUtilsUnitTest | |
 SmolyakBasisUtilsUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 Sparse3TensorUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 SparseGridQuadratureUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 StaticFixedVecTest | |
 StaticVecTest | |
 StieltjesCosTest | |
  Stieltjes_Cos_Func | |
 StieltjesExpTest | |
  Stieltjes_Exp_Func | |
 StieltjesSinTest | |
  Stieltjes_Sin_Func | |
 Stokhos | Top-level namespace for Stokhos classes and functions |
  adapt_utils | |
  details | |
   MultiplyAssign | |
   MultiplyUpdate | |
   MultiplyScaledAssign | |
   MultiplyScaledUpdate | |
   MultiplyScaledUpdate2 | |
   MPMultiply | |
   MPMultiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< const Sacado::MP::Vector< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< InputStorage > *, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< OutputStorage > *, OutputP... >, Update > | |
   MPMultiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< const Sacado::MP::Vector< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< InputStorage > **, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< OutputStorage > **, OutputP... >, Update > | |
   MPMultiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< Sacado::MP::Vector< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< InputStorage > *, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< OutputStorage > *, OutputP... >, Update > | |
   MPMultiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< Sacado::MP::Vector< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< InputStorage > **, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< OutputStorage > **, OutputP... >, Update > | |
  mpl | |
   for_each | |
   for_each< Seq, Iter1, Iter1 > | |
  Impl | |
   CopyPCE2Scalar | |
   CopyScalar2PCE | |
  KL | Namespace for analytic KL expansions |
   ExponentialRandomField | Class representing a KL expansion of an exponential random field |
   OneDExponentialCovarianceFunction | Class representing an exponential covariance function and its KL eigevalues/eigenfunctions |
    EigFuncCos | Nonlinear function whose roots define eigenvalues for cos() eigenfunction |
    EigFuncSin | Nonlinear function whose roots define eigenvalues for sin() eigenfunction |
   OneDEigenPair | Container for one-dimensional eigenfunction and eigenvalue |
   ExponentialOneDEigenFunction | One-dimensional eigenfunction for exponential covariance function |
   ProductEigenPair | Container for multi-dimensional product of 1-D eigenfunctions/values |
   ProductEigenPairGreater | Predicate class for sorting product eigenfunctions based on eigenvalue |
  detail | |
  AbstractPreconditionerFactory | An abstract class to represent a generic preconditioner factory |
  AdaptivityManager | |
   Sparse3TensorHash | |
  ApproxGaussSeidelPreconditioner | A stochastic preconditioner based on applying one iteration of approximate Gauss-Seidel |
  ApproxJacobiPreconditioner | A stochastic preconditioner based on applying two iterations of approximate Jacobi |
  ApproxSchurComplementPreconditioner | A stochastic preconditioner based on applying the approximate Schur complement preconditioner as defined by Sousedik, Ghanem, and Phipps, Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications, 2012 |
  BasisInteractionGraph | |
  BlockDiagonalOperator | An Epetra operator representing the block stochastic Galerkin operator |
  DiagEpetraOp | An Epetra operator representing the block stochastic Galerkin operator |
  EpetraMultiVectorOperator | An adaptor that supplies the operator interface to a multi-vector |
  EpetraMultiVectorOperatorOrthogPoly | A container class storing an orthogonal polynomial whose coefficients are vectors, operators, or in general any type that would have an expensive copy constructor |
  EpetraMultiVectorOrthogPoly | A container class storing an orthogonal polynomial whose coefficients are vectors, operators, or in general any type that would have an expensive copy constructor |
  EpetraOperatorOrthogPoly | A container class storing an orthogonal polynomial whose coefficients are vectors, operators, or in general any type that would have an expensive copy constructor |
  EpetraSparse3Tensor | |
  EpetraVectorOrthogPoly | A container class storing an orthogonal polynomial whose coefficients are vectors, operators, or in general any type that would have an expensive copy constructor |
  FullyAssembledOperator | An Epetra operator representing the block stochastic Galerkin operator generated by fully assembling the matrix |
  FullyAssembledPreconditioner | A stochastic preconditioner based on applying a preconditioner to the fully assembled operator |
  IfpackPreconditionerFactory | A factory for building Ifpack preconditioners |
  InterlacedOperator | An Epetra operator representing the block stochastic Galerkin operator generated by fully assembling the matrix. The ordering of this operator is interlaced. That means that all stochastic degrees of freedom associated with a deterministic degree of freedom are interlaced. The result is a large sparse matrix that is composed of small (relatively) dense blocks |
  KLMatrixFreeOperator | An Epetra operator representing the block stochastic Galerkin operator |
  KLReducedMatrixFreeOperator | An Epetra operator representing the block stochastic Galerkin operator |
  KroneckerProductPreconditioner | An Epetra operator representing applying the mean in a block stochastic Galerkin expansion |
  MatrixFreeOperator | An Epetra operator representing the block stochastic Galerkin operator |
  MeanBasedPreconditioner | A stochastic preconditioner based on applying the inverse of the mean |
  MLPreconditionerFactory | A factory for building ML preconditioners |
  MPBlockDiagonalPreconditioner | A multi-point preconditioner based on applying the inverse of the diagonal |
  MPInverseModelEvaluator | Nonlinear, inverse multi-point ModelEvaluator |
  MPMeanBasedPreconditioner | A multi-point preconditioner based on applying the inverse of the mean |
  MPModelEvaluator | Multi-point model evaluator |
  MPModelEvaluatorAdapter | ModelEvaluator adapter that implements the multi-point evaluations through sampling |
  MPPreconditioner | An abstract class to represent a generic stochastic Galerkin preconditioner as an Epetra_Operator |
  MPPreconditionerFactory | Factory for generating stochastic Galerkin preconditioners |
  ParallelData | |
  PCECovarianceOp | An Epetra operator representing the covariance operator of a polynomial chaos expansion |
  PreconditionerFactory | An class for building preconditioners |
  ProductContainerTraits | Base traits definition for ProductContainer |
  ProductContainer | A product (in the mathematical sense) container class whose coefficients are vectors, operators, or in general any type that would have an expensive copy constructor |
  ProductEpetraMultiVector | A container class storing products of Epetra_MultiVector's |
  ProductEpetraMultiVectorOperator | A container class for products of Epetra_Vector's |
  ProductEpetraOperator | A container class for products of Epetra_Vector's |
  ProductEpetraVector | A container class for products of Epetra_Vector's |
  ResponseStatisticModelEvaluator | ModelEvaluator providing statistic response functions |
  SGInverseModelEvaluator | Nonlinear, inverse stochastic Galerkin ModelEvaluator |
  SGModelEvaluator | Nonlinear, stochastic Galerkin ModelEvaluator |
  SGModelEvaluator_Adaptive | Nonlinear, stochastic Galerkin ModelEvaluator that constructs an adapted Jacobian |
  SGModelEvaluator_Interlaced | Nonlinear, stochastic Galerkin ModelEvaluator that constructs a interlaced Jacobian |
  SGModelEvaluatorBase | Base class for stochastic Galerkin model evaluators |
  SGOperator | An abstract class to represent a generic stochastic Galerkin operator as an Epetra_Operator |
  SGOperatorFactory | Factory for generating stochastic Galerkin preconditioners |
  SGPreconditioner | An abstract class to represent a generic stochastic Galerkin preconditioner as an Epetra_Operator |
  SGPreconditionerFactory | Factory for generating stochastic Galerkin preconditioners |
  SGQuadModelEvaluator | ModelEvaluator adaptor that implements the stochastic Galerkin residual and Jacobian computations using quadrature |
  SGQuadMPModelEvaluator | ModelEvaluator adaptor that implements the stochastic Galerkin residual and Jacobian computations using quadrature |
  VectorOrthogPoly | A container class storing an orthogonal polynomial whose coefficients are vectors, operators, or in general any type that would have an expensive copy constructor |
  EpetraVectorCloner | Cloner for Epetra_Vector coefficients |
  EpetraMultiVectorCloner | Cloner for Epetra_MultiVector coefficients |
  EpetraOperatorCloner | Cloner for Epetra_Operator coefficients |
  EpetraCrsMatrixCloner | Cloner for Epetra_CrsMatrix coefficients |
  ProductContainerTraits< Epetra_Vector > | Specialization of ProductContainerTraits to Epetra_Vector coefficients |
  ProductContainerTraits< Epetra_MultiVector > | Specialization of ProductContainerTraits to Epetra_MultiVector coefficients |
  ProductContainerTraits< Epetra_CrsMatrix > | Specialization of ProductContainerTraits to Epetra_CrsMatrix coefficients |
  ProductContainerTraits< Epetra_Operator > | Specialization of ProductContainerTraits to Epetra_Operator coefficients |
  HouseTriDiagPCEBasis | Generates three-term recurrence using the Lanczos procedure applied to a polynomial chaos expansion in another basis |
  MonoProjPCEBasis | Generates three-term recurrence using the Lanczos procedure applied to a polynomial chaos expansion in another basis |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< BlockSpec, MatrixValue, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorValue **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorValue **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< CooProductTensor< TensorScalar, Kokkos::Cuda, Pack >, MatrixScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
   CooKernel | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< CrsProductTensor< TensorScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, MatrixScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
   MultiplyKernel | |
   TensorReadEntry | |
  DeviceProp | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< FlatSparse3Tensor< TensorScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, MatrixScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< FlatSparse3Tensor_kji< TensorScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, MatrixScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< LexicographicBlockSparse3Tensor< TensorScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, MatrixScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< LinearSparse3Tensor< TensorScalar, Kokkos::Cuda, BlockSize >, MatrixScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
   ApplyKernelAsymmetric | |
   ApplyKernelSymmetric | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< SimpleTiledCrsProductTensor< TensorScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, MatrixScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
   ProductTensorLoop | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< StochasticProductTensor< TensorScalar, TensorType, Kokkos::Cuda >, MatrixScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
  BlockMultiply< SymmetricDiagonalSpec< Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< TiledCrsProductTensor< TensorScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, MatrixScalar, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda >, Kokkos::View< VectorScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Cuda > > | |
   ProductTensorLoop | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< StochasticProductTensor< ValueType, CrsProductTensor< ValueType, Kokkos::OpenMP >, Kokkos::OpenMP >, MatrixValue, Kokkos::OpenMP >, Kokkos::View< VectorValue **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::OpenMP >, Kokkos::View< VectorValue **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::OpenMP > > | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< StochasticProductTensor< ValueType, CrsProductTensor< ValueType, Kokkos::Serial >, Kokkos::Serial >, MatrixValue, Kokkos::Serial >, Kokkos::View< VectorValue **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Serial >, Kokkos::View< VectorValue **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Serial > > | |
  BlockCrsMatrix | CRS matrix of dense blocks |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< BlockSpec, MatrixValue, Device >, Kokkos::View< VectorValue **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Device >, Kokkos::View< VectorValue **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Device > > | |
  CooProductTensor | Sparse product tensor using 'COO'-like storage format |
  CooProductTensor< ValueType, ExecutionSpace, true > | Specialization of CooProductTensor for packed (i,j,k) |
  CooProductTensor< ValueType, ExecutionSpace, false > | Specialization of CooProductTensor for unpacked (i,j,k) |
  BlockMultiply< CooProductTensor< ValueType, Device, Pack > > | |
  DeviceConfig | |
   Dim3 | |
  CrsMatrix | CRS matrix |
  Multiply< CrsMatrix< MatrixValue, Device, Layout >, InputVectorType, OutputVectorType, void, IntegralRank< 1 > > | |
  Multiply< CrsMatrix< MatrixValue, Device, Layout >, InputMultiVectorType, OutputMultiVectorType, std::vector< OrdinalType >, IntegralRank< 2 > > | |
  Multiply< CrsMatrix< MatrixValue, Device, Layout >, InputMultiVectorType, OutputMultiVectorType, void, IntegralRank< 2 > > | |
  Multiply< CrsMatrix< MatrixValue, Device, Layout >, std::vector< InputViewType >, std::vector< OutputViewType >, void, IntegralRank< 1 > > | |
  SingleColumnMultivectorMultiply | |
  MatrixMarketWriter< CrsMatrix< MatrixValue, Device, Layout > > | |
  CrsProductTensor | Sparse product tensor with replicated entries to provide subsets with a given coordinate |
   CijkRowCount | |
   CompareCijkRowCount | |
  BlockMultiply< CrsProductTensor< ValueType, Device > > | |
  MultiplyImpl | |
  FlatSparse3Tensor | Sparse product tensor with replicated entries to provide subsets with a given coordinate |
  BlockMultiply< FlatSparse3Tensor< ValueType, Device > > | |
  FlatSparse3Tensor_kji | Sparse product tensor with replicated entries to provide subsets with a given coordinate |
  BlockMultiply< FlatSparse3Tensor_kji< ValueType, Device > > | |
  LexicographicBlockSparse3Tensor | Sparse product tensor with replicated entries to provide subsets with a given coordinate |
  BlockMultiply< LexicographicBlockSparse3Tensor< ValueType, Device > > | |
  LinearSparse3Tensor | Sparse product tensor with replicated entries to provide subsets with a given coordinate |
  BlockMultiply< LinearSparse3Tensor< ValueType, Device, BlockSize > > | |
  MatrixMarketWriter | |
  DefaultMultiply | |
  IntegralRank | |
  ViewRank | |
  ViewRank< std::vector< T > > | |
  Multiply | |
  BlockMultiply | |
  SimpleTiledCrsProductTensor | |
   Coord | |
   Tile | |
  BlockMultiply< SimpleTiledCrsProductTensor< ValueType, Device > > | |
  StochasticProductTensor | Bases defined by combinatorial product of polynomial bases |
  BlockMultiply< StochasticProductTensor< ValueType, TensorType, Device > > | |
  SymmetricDiagonalSpec | Symmetric diagonal storage for a dense matrix |
  BlockMultiply< SymmetricDiagonalSpec< Device > > | |
  TiledCrsProductTensor | |
  BlockMultiply< TiledCrsProductTensor< ValueType, Device > > | |
  TinyVec | |
  TinyVec< ValueType, N, UseIntrinsics, true > | |
  Update | |
  Multiply< BlockCrsMatrix< StochasticProductTensor< ValueType, CrsProductTensor< ValueType, Kokkos::Threads >, Kokkos::Threads >, MatrixValue, Kokkos::Threads >, Kokkos::View< VectorValue **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Threads >, Kokkos::View< VectorValue **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::Threads > > | |
  Multiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< InputStorage > *, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< OutputStorage > *, OutputP... > > | |
  Multiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< InputStorage > **, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< OutputStorage > **, OutputP... > > | |
  Multiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< Sacado::UQ::PCE< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< InputStorage > *, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< OutputStorage > *, OutputP... > > | |
  Multiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< Sacado::UQ::PCE< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< InputStorage > **, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< OutputStorage > **, OutputP... > > | |
  MeanMultiply | |
  MeanMultiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< InputStorage > *, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< OutputStorage > *, OutputP... > > | |
   BlockKernel | |
   Kernel | |
  MeanMultiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< InputStorage > **, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< OutputStorage > **, OutputP... > > | |
  MeanMultiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< Sacado::UQ::PCE< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< InputStorage > *, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< OutputStorage > *, OutputP... > > | |
  MeanMultiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< Sacado::UQ::PCE< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< InputStorage > **, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< OutputStorage > **, OutputP... > > | |
  DeviceForNode2 | |
  DeviceForNode2< Kokkos::Compat::KokkosDeviceWrapperNode< Device > > | |
  DynamicStorage | |
   apply | Turn DynamicStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   apply_N | |
  DynamicStridedStorage | |
   apply | Turn DynamicStridedStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
  DynamicThreadedStorage | Dynamically allocated storage class with striding |
  IsScalarType2 | Base template specification for IsScalarType |
  DynArrayTraits | Dynamic array allocation class that is specialized for scalar i.e., fundamental or built-in types (float, double, etc...) |
  DynArrayTraits< T, device_t, false > | Dynamic array allocation class that works for any type |
  MemoryTraits | Traits class encapsulting memory alignment |
  MemoryTraits< Kokkos::HostSpace > | Specialization of MemoryTraits for host memory spaces |
  aligned_allocator | An aligned STL allocator |
   rebind | |
  aligned_allocator< const T > | An aligned STL allocator |
   rebind | |
  StaticArrayTraits | Static array allocation class |
  StaticArrayTraits< T, D, false > | Static array allocation class that works for any type |
  StaticArrayTraits< T, D, true > | Static array allocation class that is specialized for scalar i.e., fundamental or built-in types (float, double, etc...) |
  StaticFixedStorage | Statically allocated storage class |
   apply | Turn StaticFixedStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   apply_N | |
  StaticStorage | Statically allocated storage class |
   apply | Turn StaticStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
  GetMeanValsFunc | Get mean values matrix for mean-based preconditioning |
  GetMeanValsFunc< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< Storage > *, P... > > | Get mean values matrix for mean-based preconditioning |
  GetMeanValsFunc< Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage > *, P... > > | Get mean values matrix for mean-based preconditioning |
  GetScalarMeanValsFunc | Get mean values matrix for mean-based preconditioning |
  GetScalarMeanValsFunc< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< Storage > *, P... > > | Get mean values matrix for mean-based preconditioning |
  GetScalarMeanValsFunc< Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage > *, P... > > | Get mean values matrix for mean-based preconditioning |
  MeanBasedTpetraOperator | |
  error_storage_type_is_not_allocateable | |
  error_storage_type_is_not_resizeable | |
  ViewStorage | Dynamic storage with view semantics and contiguous access |
   apply | Turn ViewStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
  is_ViewStorage | |
  is_ViewStorage< ViewStorage< ordinal_t, value_t, static_length, static_stride, device_t > > | |
  Multiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< Sacado::MP::Vector< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< InputStorage > *, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< OutputStorage > *, OutputP... > > | |
  Multiply< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< Sacado::MP::Vector< MatrixStorage >, MatrixOrdinal, MatrixDevice, MatrixMemory, MatrixSize >, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< InputStorage > **, InputP... >, Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< OutputStorage > **, OutputP... > > | |
  DeviceForNode | Trait class that determines (new) Kokkos execution space type from Kokkos(Classic) Node type |
  AlgebraicOrthogPolyExpansion | Orthogonal polynomial expansions limited to algebraic operations |
  BasisFactory | Factory for building multivariate orthogonal polynomial bases |
  BlockPreconditioner | |
  CGDivisionExpansionStrategy | Strategy interface for computing PCE of a/b using only b[0] |
  ClenshawCurtisLegendreBasis | Legendre polynomial basis using Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature points |
  CompletePolynomialBasis | Multivariate orthogonal polynomial basis generated from a total-order complete-polynomial tensor product of univariate polynomials |
  ConstantOrthogPolyExpansion | Orthogonal polynomial expansion class for constant (size 1) expansions |
  Dense3Tensor | Data structure storing a dense 3-tensor C(i,j,k) |
  DenseDirectDivisionExpansionStrategy | Strategy interface for computing PCE of a/b using only b[0] |
  DerivBasis | Abstract base class for multivariate orthogonal polynomials that support computing double and triple products involving derivatives of the basis polynomials |
  DerivOrthogPolyExpansion | Othogonal polynomial expansions based on derivative calculations |
   acos_quad_func | |
   acosh_quad_func | |
   asin_quad_func | |
   asinh_quad_func | |
   atan_quad_func | |
   atanh_quad_func | |
  DiagPreconditioner | |
  DiscretizedStieltjesBasis | Generates three-term recurrence using the Discretized Stieltjes procedure |
  DivisionExpansionStrategy | Strategy interface for computing PCE of a/b |
  IsScalarType | Base template specification for IsScalarType |
  ds_array | Dynamic array allocation class that works for any type |
  ds_array< T, true > | Dynamic array allocation class that is specialized for scalar i.e., fundamental or built-in types (float, double, etc...) |
  ExpansionFactory | Factory for building multivariate expansion strategies |
  GaussPattersonLegendreBasis | Legendre polynomial basis using Gauss-Patterson quadrature points |
  GMRESDivisionExpansionStrategy | Strategy interface for computing PCE of a/b using only b[0] |
  GramSchmidtBasis | Transforms a non-orthogonal multivariate basis to an orthogonal one using the Gram-Schmit procedure |
  GrowthRule | Interface for abstract growth rules |
  IdentityGrowthRule | A growth rule that is the identity |
  LinearGrowthRule | A linear growth rule |
  EvenGrowthRule | A growth rule that always makes the supplied order even |
  ClenshawCurtisExponentialGrowthRule | An exponential growth rule for Clenshaw-Curtis |
  GaussPattersonExponentialGrowthRule | An exponential growth rule for Gauss-Patterson |
  GSPreconditioner | |
  GSReducedPCEBasisBase | Generate a basis from a given set of PCE expansions that is orthogonal with respect to the product measure induced by these expansions |
  HermiteBasis | Hermite polynomial basis |
  InversePreconditioner | |
  JacobiBasis | Jacobi polynomial basis |
  JacobiPreconditioner | |
  WeightedVectorSpace | |
  Lanczos | Applies Lanczos procedure to a given matrix |
  DiagonalOperator | |
  LanczosPCEBasis | Generates three-term recurrence using the Lanczos procedure applied to a polynomial chaos expansion in another basis |
  DenseOperator | |
  LanczosProjPCEBasis | Generates three-term recurrence using the Lanczos procedure applied to a polynomial chaos expansion in another basis |
  LegendreBasis | Legendre polynomial basis |
  LTBSparse3Tensor | Data structure storing a sparse 3-tensor C(i,j,k) in a a tree-based format for lexicographically ordered product bases |
   CijkNode | Node type used in constructing the tree |
  LexicographicTreeBasisNode | |
  FlatLTBSparse3TensorNode | |
  FlatLTBSparse3Tensor | |
  MeanBasedDivisionExpansionStrategy | Strategy interface for computing PCE of a/b using only b[0] |
  MonomialGramSchmidtPCEBasis | Generate a basis from a given set of PCE expansions that is orthogonal with respect to the product measure induced by these expansions |
  MonomialProjGramSchmidtPCEBasis | Generate a basis from a given set of PCE expansions that is orthogonal with respect to the product measure induced by these expansions |
  MonomialProjGramSchmidtPCEBasis2 | Generate a basis from a given set of PCE expansions that is orthogonal with respect to the product measure induced by these expansions |
  OneDOrthogPolyBasis | Abstract base class for 1-D orthogonal polynomials |
  Operator | |
  OrthogonalizationFactory | Encapsulate various orthogonalization (ie QR) methods |
  OrthogPolyApprox | Class to store coefficients of a projection onto an orthogonal polynomial basis |
  OrthogPolyBasis | Abstract base class for multivariate orthogonal polynomials |
  OrthogPolyExpansion | Abstract base class for orthogonal polynomial-based expansions |
  OrthogPolyExpansionBase | Base class for consolidating common expansion implementations |
  ProductBasis | Abstract base class for multivariate orthogonal polynomials generated from tensor products of univariate polynomials |
  MultiIndex | A multidimensional index |
  TotalOrderIndexSet | An isotropic total order index set |
   Iterator | Iterator class for iterating over elements of the index set |
  AnisotropicTotalOrderIndexSet | An anisotropic total order index set |
   Iterator | Iterator class for iterating over elements of the index set |
  TensorProductIndexSet | A tensor product index set |
   Iterator | Iterator class for iterating over elements of the index set |
  TensorProductElement | Container storing a term in a generalized tensor product |
  LexographicLess | A comparison functor implementing a strict weak ordering based lexographic ordering |
  TotalOrderLess | A comparison functor implementing a strict weak ordering based total-order ordering, recursive on the dimension |
  MortonZLess | A comparison functor implementing a strict weak ordering based Morton Z-ordering |
  FloatingPointLess | A functor for comparing floating-point numbers to some tolerance |
  TensorProductPredicate | Predicate functor for building sparse triple products |
  TotalOrderPredicate | Predicate functor for building sparse triple products based on total order |
  ProductBasisUtils | Utilities for indexing a multi-variate complete polynomial basis |
   Cijk_1D_Iterator | |
  CompletePolynomialBasisUtils | Utilities for indexing a multi-variate complete polynomial basis |
  ProductLanczosGramSchmidtPCEBasis | Generate a basis from a given set of PCE expansions that is orthogonal with respect to the product measure induced by these expansions |
  ProductLanczosPCEBasis | Generate a basis from a given set of PCE expansions that is orthogonal with respect to the product measure induced by these expansions |
  DefaultPointCompare | Struct defining default point compare type |
  PseudoSpectralOperator | An operator interface for building pseudo-spectral approximations |
  PseudoSpectralOperatorFactory | Factory for building multivariate quadrature strategies |
  PseudoSpectralOrthogPolyExpansion | Orthogonal polynomial expansions based on numerical quadrature |
   acos_quad_func | |
   acosh_quad_func | |
   asin_quad_func | |
   asinh_quad_func | |
   atan2_quad_func | |
   atan_quad_func | |
   atanh_quad_func | |
   cbrt_quad_func | |
   cos_quad_func | |
   cosh_quad_func | |
   div_quad_func | |
   exp_quad_func | |
   log10_quad_func | |
   log_quad_func | |
   pow_quad_func | |
   sin_quad_func | |
   sinh_quad_func | |
   sqrt_quad_func | |
   tan_quad_func | |
   tanh_quad_func | |
   times_quad_func | |
  QuadOrthogPolyExpansion | Orthogonal polynomial expansions based on numerical quadrature |
   acos_quad_func | |
   acosh_quad_func | |
   asin_quad_func | |
   asinh_quad_func | |
   atan2_quad_func | |
   atan_quad_func | |
   atanh_quad_func | |
   cbrt_quad_func | |
   cos_quad_func | |
   cosh_quad_func | |
   div_quad_func | |
   exp_quad_func | |
   log10_quad_func | |
   log_quad_func | |
   pow_quad_func | |
   sin_quad_func | |
   sinh_quad_func | |
   sqrt_quad_func | |
   tan_quad_func | |
   tanh_quad_func | |
   times_quad_func | |
  Quadrature | Abstract base class for quadrature methods |
  QuadratureFactory | Factory for building multivariate quadrature strategies |
  QuadraturePseudoSpectralOperator | An operator for building pseudo-spectral coefficients using an arbitrary quadrature rule |
  RecurrenceBasis | Implementation of OneDOrthogPolyBasis based on the general three-term recurrence relationship:
for where , , and |
  ReducedBasisFactory | Generate a basis from a given set of PCE expansions that is orthogonal with respect to the product measure induced by these expansions |
  ReducedPCEBasis | Abstract base class for reduced basis strategies built from polynomial chaos expansions in some other basis |
  ReducedQuadratureFactory | Generate a basis from a given set of PCE expansions that is orthogonal with respect to the product measure induced by these expansions |
  RysBasis | Rys polynomial basis |
  SchurPreconditioner | |
  SmolyakBasis | Multivariate orthogonal polynomial basis generated from a Smolyak sparse grid |
   SmolyakPredicate | Predicate functor for building sparse triple products |
  SmolyakPseudoSpectralOperator | An operator for building pseudo-spectral coefficients using a sparse Smolyak construction |
  SmolyakSparseGridQuadrature | Defines quadrature for a tensor product basis by Smolyak sparse grids |
  Sparse3Tensor | Data structure storing a sparse 3-tensor C(i,j,k) in a a compressed format |
  RCB | |
   Box | |
   CoordCompare | |
  CijkData | |
  SparseArrayIterator | Bi-directional iterator for traversing a sparse array |
  SparseArrayReverseIterator | Bi-directional reverse iterator for traversing a sparse array |
  SparseArray | Container for a "sparse" array |
  SPDDenseDirectDivisionExpansionStrategy | Strategy interface for computing PCE of a/b using only b[0] |
  StandardStorage | |
   apply | Turn StandardStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
  StaticFixedStandardStorage | Statically allocated storage class |
   apply | Turn StaticFixedStandardStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
  StaticStandardStorage | Statically allocated storage class |
   apply | Turn StaticStandardStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
  StieltjesBasis | Generates three-term recurrence using the Discretized Stieltjes procedure applied to a functional mapping another basis |
  StieltjesGramSchmidtBuilder | Class for building a reduced-dimension basis and quadrature from a given set of polynomial chaos expansions. First generates 1-D orthogonal bases using the discretized Stieltjes procedure, forms their tensor product, and then orthogonalizes using Gram-Schmidt |
  StieltjesPCEBasis | Generates three-term recurrence using the Discretized Stieltjes procedure applied to a polynomial chaos expansion in another basis |
  TensorProductBasis | Multivariate orthogonal polynomial basis generated from a tensor product of univariate polynomials |
  TensorProductPseudoSpectralOperator | An operator for building pseudo-spectral coefficients using tensor-product quadrature |
  TensorProductQuadrature | Defines quadrature for a tensor product basis by tensor products of 1-D quadrature rules |
  TotalOrderBasis | Multivariate orthogonal polynomial basis generated from a total order tensor product of univariate polynomials |
  UserDefinedQuadrature | |
  JacobiTester | |
 TensorProductBasisUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 TensorProductUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 Test | |
  MPVectorAtomicFunctor | |
  PCEAtomicFunctor | |
 Teuchos | |
  details | |
   complex< T > > | |
   GivensRotator< Sacado::UQ::PCE< Storage >, false > | |
   PCEArrayHelper | |
   PCEArrayHelper< Stokhos::DynamicStorage< Ordinal, Value, Device > > | |
   GivensRotator< Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage >, false > | |
   MPVectorArrayHelper | |
   MPVectorArrayHelper< Stokhos::DynamicStorage< Ordinal, Value, Device > > | |
   MPVectorArrayHelper< Stokhos::StaticFixedStorage< Ordinal, Value, Num, Device > > | |
  MatrixMarket | |
  YAMLParameterList | |
   string > | |
  false_type > | |
  true_type > | |
  false_type > | |
  true_type > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string, char[N]> | |
  reverse_iterator< Iter > > | |
  string > | |
  pair< T1, T2 > > | |
  string > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  pair< P1, P2 > > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  pair< Packet, Packet > > | |
  pair< Packet, Packet >, ConvertToPacket > | |
  complex< float > > | |
  complex< double > > | |
  PromotionTraits< Sacado::UQ::PCE< S >, Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to DFad types |
  PromotionTraits< Sacado::UQ::PCE< S >, R > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to DFad types |
  PromotionTraits< L, Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to DFad types |
  ScalarTraits< Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | Specializtion of Teuchos::ScalarTraits |
  ValueTypeConversionTraits< TypeTo, Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | Specializtion of Teuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits |
  SerializationTraits< Ordinal, Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::SerializationTraits |
  ValueTypeSerializer< Ordinal, Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::ValueTypeSerializer |
  LAPACK< OrdinalType, Sacado::UQ::PCE< Storage > > | |
  SerialQRDenseSolver< OrdinalType, Sacado::UQ::PCE< Storage > > | |
  PromotionTraits< Sacado::MP::Vector< S >, Sacado::MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to Vector types |
  PromotionTraits< Sacado::MP::Vector< S >, R > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to Vector types |
  PromotionTraits< L, Sacado::MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to Vector types |
  ScalarTraits< Sacado::MP::Vector< S > > | Specializtion of Teuchos::ScalarTraits |
  SerializationTraits< Ordinal, Sacado::MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::SerializationTraits |
  ValueTypeSerializer< Ordinal, Sacado::MP::Vector< S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::ValueTypeSerializer |
  ValueTypeConversionTraits< TypeTo, Sacado::MP::Vector< StorageFrom > > | Specializations for Teuchos::as<T> |
  ValueTypeConversionTraits< TypeTo, Sacado::MP::Expr< ExprFrom > > | |
  BLAS< OrdinalType, Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage > > | Vector specializations for Teuchos::BLAS wrappers |
  LAPACK< OrdinalType, Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage > > | |
  SerialQRDenseSolver< OrdinalType, Sacado::MP::Vector< Storage > > | |
  PromotionTraits< Sacado::ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S >, Sacado::ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to DFad types |
  PromotionTraits< Sacado::ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S >, R > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to DFad types |
  PromotionTraits< L, Sacado::ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to DFad types |
  ScalarTraits< Sacado::ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specializtion of Teuchos::ScalarTraits |
  SerializationTraits< Ordinal, Sacado::ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::SerializationTraits |
  ValueTypeSerializer< Ordinal, Sacado::ETPCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::ValueTypeSerializer |
  PromotionTraits< Sacado::PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S >, Sacado::PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to DFad types |
  PromotionTraits< Sacado::PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S >, R > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to DFad types |
  PromotionTraits< L, Sacado::PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::PromotionTraits to DFad types |
  ScalarTraits< Sacado::PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specializtion of Teuchos::ScalarTraits |
  ValueTypeConversionTraits< TypeTo, Sacado::PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specializtion of Teuchos::ValueTypeConversionTraits |
  SerializationTraits< Ordinal, Sacado::PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::SerializationTraits |
  ValueTypeSerializer< Ordinal, Sacado::PCE::OrthogPoly< T, S > > | Specialization of Teuchos::ValueTypeSerializer |
 TotalOrderBasisUnitTest | |
  UnitTestSetup | |
 Tpetra | |
  Details | |
   Blas | |
   PackTraits< Sacado::UQ::PCE< S > > | Partial specialization of PackTraits for Sacado's PCE UQ type |
   ScalarViewTraits< Sacado::UQ::PCE< S >, D > | Partial specialization of ScalarViewTraits for Sacado's PCE UQ type |
  KokkosRefactor | |
   Details | |
    PackArraySingleColumn< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< DS > *, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< SS > **, SP...>, IdxView > | |
    PackArrayMultiColumn< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< DS > *, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< SS > **, SP...>, IdxView > | |
    PackArrayMultiColumnVariableStride< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< DS > *, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< SS > **, SP...>, IdxView, ColView > | |
    UnpackArrayMultiColumn< ExecutionSpace, Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< DS > **, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< SS > *, SP...>, IdxView, Op > | |
    UnpackArrayMultiColumnVariableStride< ExecutionSpace, Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< DS > **, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< SS > *, SP...>, IdxView, ColView, Op > | |
    PermuteArrayMultiColumn< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< DS > **, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< SS > **, SP...>, DstIdxView, SrcIdxView > | |
    PermuteArrayMultiColumnVariableStride< Kokkos::View< Sacado::UQ::PCE< DS > **, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::UQ::PCE< SS > **, SP...>, DstIdxView, SrcIdxView, DstColView, SrcColView > | |
    device_is_cuda | |
    PackArraySingleColumn< Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< DS > *, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< SS > **, SP...>, IdxView > | |
    PackArrayMultiColumn< Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< DS > *, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< SS > **, SP...>, IdxView > | |
    PackArrayMultiColumnVariableStride< Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< DS > *, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< SS > **, SP...>, IdxView, ColView > | |
    UnpackArrayMultiColumn< ExecutionSpace, Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< DS > **, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< SS > *, SP...>, IdxView, Op > | |
    UnpackArrayMultiColumnVariableStride< ExecutionSpace, Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< DS > **, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< SS > *, SP...>, IdxView, ColView, Op > | |
    PermuteArrayMultiColumn< Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< DS > **, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< SS > **, SP...>, DstIdxView, SrcIdxView > | |
    PermuteArrayMultiColumnVariableStride< Kokkos::View< Sacado::MP::Vector< DS > **, DP...>, Kokkos::View< const Sacado::MP::Vector< SS > **, SP...>, DstIdxView, SrcIdxView, DstColView, SrcColView > | |
 Trilinos | |
  Details | |
 unit_test | |
  performance_test_driver< Scalar, Kokkos::Cuda > | |
  performance_test_driver | |
  ScalarTolerances | |
  ScalarTolerances< float > | |
  ScalarTolerances< double > | |
 AddDiagonalValuesAtomicKernel | |
 AddDiagonalValuesKernel | |
 ApplyView | |
 ApplyView< DataType, NoLayout, ExecutionSpace > | |
 CijkData | |
 CijkNonzeros | |
 Coord | |
 CoupledSolver | |
 EnsembleTraits_m | |
 EnsembleTraits_m< Sacado::MP::Vector< S > > | |
 exp_func | |
 Expr< MultiplicationOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecMPVector > | |
 Expr< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > >, ExprSpecMPVector > | |
 GammaModel | |
 gram_schmidt_pce_binary_quad_func | |
 gram_schmidt_pce_unary_quad_func | |
 GramSchmidt_PCE_Setup | |
 innerF | |
 Kokkos_MV_Multiply_Op | |
 Lanczos_Cos_Func | |
 Lanczos_Exp_Func | |
 lanczos_pce_quad_func | |
 Lanczos_PCE_Setup | |
 Lanczos_Sin_Func | |
 Mask | |
 MaskedAssign | |
 MaskedAssign< Sacado::MP::Vector< S > > | |
 MaskedAssign< Sacado::MP::Vector< Stokhos::DynamicStorage< ordinal_t, value_t, device_t > > > | |
 MyOptions | |
 MyResults | |
 NISPCoupledSolver | |
 NoLayout | |
 NZCompare | |
 NZPairCompare | |
 pce_quad_func | |
 Perf | |
 PerformanceDriverOp | |
 RankTypeSelector | |
 RankTypeSelector< ViewType, OrdinalType, 0 > | |
 RankTypeSelector< ViewType, OrdinalType, 1 > | |
 ReplaceDiagonalValuesKernel | |
 RF | |
 RhoModel | |
 s_quad_func | |
 ScalarTol | |
 ScalarTol< double > | |
 ScalarTol< float > | |
 SemiIntrusiveCoupledSolver | |
 SimpleME | |
 sin_func | |
 stieltjes_pce_quad_func | |
 Stieltjes_PCE_Setup | |
 StieltjesCoupledSolver | |
 Stokhos_MV_Multiply_Op | |
 TensorData | |
 Tile | |
 twoD_diffusion_ME | ModelEvaluator for a linear 2-D diffusion problem |
  MeshPoint | |
 twoD_diffusion_problem | A linear 2-D diffusion problem |
  KL_Diffusion_Func | |
  LogNormal_Diffusion_Func | |
  MeshPoint | |
 UnitTestSetup | |
 updateF | |