Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 oCCellToolsA stateless class for operations on cell data. Provides methods for:
 oCBasisAn abstract base class that defines interface for concrete basis implementations for Finite Element (FEM) and Finite Volume/Finite Difference (FVD) discrete spaces
 oCBasis_HCURL_HEX_I1_FEMImplementation of the default H(curl)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Hexahedron cell
 oCBasis_HCURL_HEX_In_FEMImplementation of the default H(curl)-compatible FEM basis on Hexahedral cell
 oCBasis_HCURL_QUAD_I1_FEMImplementation of the default H(curl)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Quadrilateral cell
 oCBasis_HCURL_QUAD_In_FEMImplementation of the default H(curl)-compatible FEM basis on Quadrilateral cell
 oCBasis_HCURL_TET_I1_FEMImplementation of the default H(curl)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Tetrahedron cell
 oCBasis_HCURL_TET_In_FEMImplementation of the default H(curl)-compatible Nedelec (first kind) basis of arbitrary degree on Tetrahedron cell
 oCBasis_HCURL_TRI_I1_FEMImplementation of the default H(curl)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Triangle cell
 oCBasis_HCURL_TRI_In_FEMImplementation of the default H(curl)-compatible Nedelec (first kind) basis of arbitrary degree on Triangle cell
 oCBasis_HCURL_WEDGE_I1_FEMImplementation of the default H(curl)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Wedge cell
 oCBasis_HDIV_HEX_I1_FEMImplementation of the default H(div)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Hexahedron cell
 oCBasis_HDIV_HEX_In_FEMImplementation of the default H(div)-compatible FEM basis on Hexahedral cell
 oCBasis_HDIV_QUAD_I1_FEMImplementation of the default H(div)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Quadrilateral cell
 oCBasis_HDIV_QUAD_In_FEMImplementation of the default H(div)-compatible FEM basis on Quadrilateral cell
 oCBasis_HDIV_TET_I1_FEMImplementation of the default H(div)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on a Tetrahedron cell
 oCBasis_HDIV_TET_In_FEMImplementation of the default H(div)-compatible Raviart-Thomas basis of arbitrary degree on Tetrahedral cells
 oCBasis_HDIV_TRI_I1_FEMImplementation of the default H(div)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on a Triangle cell
 oCBasis_HDIV_TRI_In_FEMImplementation of the default H(div)-compatible Raviart-Thomas basis of arbitrary degree on Triangle cell
 oCBasis_HDIV_WEDGE_I1_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Wedge cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_HEX_C1_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Hexahedron cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_HEX_C2_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 2 on Hexahedron cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_HEX_Cn_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 2 on Hexahedron cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_LINE_C1_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Line cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEMImplementation of the locally H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of variable order on the [-1,1] reference line cell, using Lagrange polynomials
 oCBasis_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEM_JACOBIImplementation of the locally H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of variable order on the [-1,1] reference line cell, using Jacobi polynomials
 oCBasis_HGRAD_PYR_C1_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Pyramid cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_QUAD_C1_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Quadrilateral cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_QUAD_C2_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 2 on Quadrilateral cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_QUAD_Cn_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree n on Quadrilateral cell Implements Lagrangian basis of degree n on the reference Quadrilateral cell using a tensor product of points
 oCBasis_HGRAD_TET_C1_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Tetrahedron cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_TET_C2_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 2 on Tetrahedron cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_TET_Cn_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible Lagrange basis of arbitrary degree on Tetrahedron cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_TET_Cn_FEM_ORTHImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible orthogonal basis of arbitrary degree on tetrahedron
 oCBasis_HGRAD_TET_COMP12_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 2 on Tetrahedron cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_TRI_C1_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Triangle cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_TRI_C2_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 2 on Triangle cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_TRI_Cn_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible Lagrange basis of arbitrary degree on Triangle cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_TRI_Cn_FEM_ORTHImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible orthogonal basis (Dubiner) of arbitrary degree on triangle
 oCBasis_HGRAD_WEDGE_C1_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 1 on Wedge cell
 oCBasis_HGRAD_WEDGE_C2_FEMImplementation of the default H(grad)-compatible FEM basis of degree 2 on Wedge cell
 oCBasis_HVOL_C0_FEMImplementation of the default HVOL-compatible FEM contstant basis on triangle, quadrilateral, hexahedral and tetrahedral cells
 oCBasis_HVOL_HEX_Cn_FEMImplementation of the default HVOL-compatible FEM basis of degree n on Hexahedron cell
 oCBasis_HVOL_LINE_Cn_FEMImplementation of the locally HVOL-compatible FEM basis of variable order on the [-1,1] reference line cell, using Lagrange polynomials
 oCBasis_HVOL_QUAD_Cn_FEMImplementation of the default HVOL-compatible FEM basis of degree n on Quadrilateral cell Implements Lagrangian basis of degree n on the reference Quadrilateral cell using a tensor product of points. The degrees of freedom are point evaluation at points in the interior of the Quadrilateral
 oCBasis_HVOL_TET_Cn_FEMImplementation of the default HVOL-compatible Lagrange basis of arbitrary degree on Tetrahedron cell
 oCBasis_HVOL_TRI_Cn_FEMImplementation of the default HVOL-compatible Lagrange basis of arbitrary degree on Triangle cell
 oCFunctionSpaceToolsDefines expert-level interfaces for the evaluation of functions and operators in physical space (supported for FE, FV, and FD methods) and FE reference space; in addition, provides several function transformation utilities
 oCCubatureDefines the base class for cubature (integration) rules in Intrepid
 oCCubatureControlVolumeDefines cubature (integration) rules over control volumes
 oCCubatureControlVolumeBoundaryDefines cubature (integration) rules over Neumann boundaries for control volume method
 oCCubatureControlVolumeSideDefines cubature (integration) rules over control volumes
 oCCubatureDirectDefines direct cubature (integration) rules in Intrepid
 oCCubatureDirectLineGaussDefines Gauss integration rules on a line
 oCCubatureDirectLineGaussJacobi20Defines GaussJacobi20 integration rules on a line used for Pyramid only
 oCCubatureDirectTetDefaultDefines direct integration rules on a tetrahedron
 oCCubatureDirectTriDefaultDefines direct integration rules on a triangle
 oCCubaturePolylibUtilizes cubature (integration) rules contained in the library Polylib (Spencer Sherwin, Aeronautics, Imperial College London) within Intrepid
 oCCubatureTensorDefines tensor-product cubature (integration) rules in Intrepid
 oCCubatureTensorPyrDefines tensor-product cubature (integration) rules in Intrepid
 oCDefaultCubatureFactoryA factory class that generates specific instances of cubatures
 oCOrientationOrientation encoding and decoding
 oCOrientationToolsTools to compute orientations for degrees-of-freedom
 oCArrayToolsUtility class that provides methods for higher-order algebraic manipulation of user-defined arrays, such as tensor contractions. For low-order operations, see Intrepid2::RealSpaceTools
 oCPointToolsUtility class that provides methods for calculating distributions of points on different cells
 oCPolylibProviding orthogonal polynomial calculus and interpolation, created by Spencer Sherwin, Aeronautics, Imperial College London, modified and redistributed by D. Ridzal
 oCRealSpaceToolsImplementation of basic linear algebra functionality in Euclidean space
 oCParametersDefine constants
 oCScalarTraitsScalar type traits
 oCScalarTraits< float >Built in support for float
 oCScalarTraits< double >Built in support for double
 oCScalarTraits< int >Built in support for int
 oCScalarTraits< long int >Built in support for long int
 oCScalarTraits< long long >Built in support for long long
 oCExecSpaceSpace overload
 oCExecSpace< ViewSpaceType, void >Space overload
 oCDeduceLayoutLayout deduction (temporary meta-function)
 \CUtilSmall utility functions