Compadre  1.2.0
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1 #include "Compadre_GMLS.hpp"
6 #include "Compadre_Functors.hpp"
9 namespace Compadre {
11 void GMLS::generatePolynomialCoefficients(const int number_of_batches, const bool keep_coefficients) {
13  compadre_assert_release( (keep_coefficients==false || number_of_batches==1)
14  && "keep_coefficients is set to true, but number of batches exceeds 1.");
16  /*
17  * Generate Quadrature
18  */
21  /*
22  * Operations to Device
23  */
25  // copy over operations
26  _operations = decltype(_operations)("operations", _lro.size());
27  _host_operations = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_operations);
29  // make sure at least one target operation specified
30  compadre_assert_release((_lro.size() > 0)
31  && "No target operations added to GMLS class before calling generatePolynomialCoefficients().");
33  // loop through list of linear reconstruction operations to be performed and set them on the host
34  for (size_t i=0; i<_lro.size(); ++i) _host_operations(i) = _lro[i];
36  // get copy of operations on the device
37  Kokkos::deep_copy(_operations, _host_operations);
39  // check that if any target sites added, that neighbors_lists has equal rows
41  && "Neighbor lists not set in GMLS class before calling generatePolynomialCoefficients.");
43  // check that if any target sites are greater than zero (could be zero), then there are more than zero source sites
45  && "Source coordinates not set in GMLS class before calling generatePolynomialCoefficients.");
47  /*
48  * Initialize Alphas and Prestencil Weights
49  */
51  // throw an assertion for QR solver incompatibility
52  // TODO: this is a temporary location for this check, in the future the
53  // constraint type could be an object that can check when given a dense_solver_type
56  && "Cannot solve GMLS problems with the NEUMANN_GRAD_SCALAR constraint using QR Factorization.");
58  // calculate the additional size for different constraint problems
62  // initialize all alpha values to be used for taking the dot product with data to get a reconstruction
63  try {
65  int total_added_alphas = _target_coordinates.extent(0)*_added_alpha_size;
66  _alphas = decltype(_alphas)("alphas", (total_neighbors + TO_GLOBAL(total_added_alphas))
68  } catch(std::exception &e) {
69  printf("Insufficient memory to store alphas: \n\n%s", e.what());
70  throw e;
71  }
73  // initialize the prestencil weights that are applied to sampling data to put it into a form
74  // that the GMLS operator will be able to operate on
75  auto sro = _data_sampling_functional;
76  try {
77  _prestencil_weights = decltype(_prestencil_weights)("Prestencil weights",
78  std::pow(2,sro.use_target_site_weights),
79  (sro.transform_type==DifferentEachTarget
80  || sro.transform_type==DifferentEachNeighbor) ?
82  (sro.transform_type==DifferentEachNeighbor) ?
84  (sro.output_rank>0) ?
86  (sro.input_rank>0) ?
87  _global_dimensions : 1);
88  } catch(std::exception &e) {
89  printf("Insufficient memory to store prestencil weights: \n\n%s", e.what());
90  throw e;
91  }
92  Kokkos::fence();
94  /*
95  * Determine if Nontrivial Null Space in Solution
96  */
98  // check whether the sampling function acting on the basis will induce a nontrivial nullspace
99  // an example would be reconstructing from gradient information, which would annihilate constants
102  /*
103  * Determine if Nonstandard Sampling Dimension or Basis Component Dimension
104  */
107  // calculate the dimension of the basis (a vector space on a manifold requires two components, for example)
110  // calculate sampling dimension
113  // effective number of components in the basis
116  // special case for using a higher order for sampling from a polynomial space that are gradients of a scalar polynomial
118  // if the reconstruction is being made with a gradient of a basis, then we want that basis to be one order higher so that
119  // the gradient is consistent with the convergence order expected.
120  _poly_order += 1;
122  }
124  /*
125  * Dimensions
126  */
128  // for tallying scratch space needed for device kernel calls
129  int team_scratch_size_a = 0;
131  // TEMPORARY, take to zero after conversion
132  int team_scratch_size_b = 0;
133  int thread_scratch_size_a = 0;
134  int thread_scratch_size_b = 0;
136  // dimensions that are relevant for each subproblem
137  int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*_max_num_neighbors;
138  int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*_NP;
139  int manifold_NP = 0;
142  // these dimensions already calculated differ in the case of manifolds
145  const int max_manifold_NP = (manifold_NP > _NP) ? manifold_NP : _NP;
146  this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*max_manifold_NP;
147  const int max_poly_order = (_poly_order > _curvature_poly_order) ? _poly_order : _curvature_poly_order;
148  const int max_P_row_size = ((_dimensions-1)*manifold_NP > max_manifold_NP*_total_alpha_values*_basis_multiplier) ? (_dimensions-1)*manifold_NP : max_manifold_NP*_total_alpha_values*_basis_multiplier*_max_evaluation_sites_per_target;
150  /*
151  * Calculate Scratch Space Allocations
152  */
154  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_matrix_right_type::shmem_size(_dimensions-1, _dimensions-1); // G
155  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_matrix_right_type::shmem_size(_dimensions, _dimensions); // PTP matrix
156  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size( (_dimensions-1)*_max_num_neighbors ); // manifold_gradient
158  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(_max_num_neighbors*std::max(_sampling_multiplier,_basis_multiplier)); // t1 work vector for qr
159  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(_max_num_neighbors*std::max(_sampling_multiplier,_basis_multiplier)); // t2 work vector for qr
161  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(max_P_row_size); // row of P matrix, one for each operator
162  thread_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(max_manifold_NP*_basis_multiplier); // delta, used for each thread
163  thread_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size((max_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions); // temporary space for powers in basis
165  thread_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(_dimensions*_dimensions); // temporary tangent calculations, used for each thread
166  }
169  // allocate data on the device (initialized to zero)
170  _T = Kokkos::View<double*>("tangent approximation",_target_coordinates.extent(0)*_dimensions*_dimensions);
171  _manifold_metric_tensor_inverse = Kokkos::View<double*>("manifold metric tensor inverse",_target_coordinates.extent(0)*(_dimensions-1)*(_dimensions-1));
172  _manifold_curvature_coefficients = Kokkos::View<double*>("manifold curvature coefficients",_target_coordinates.extent(0)*manifold_NP);
173  _manifold_curvature_gradient = Kokkos::View<double*>("manifold curvature gradient",_target_coordinates.extent(0)*(_dimensions-1));
175  } else { // Standard GMLS
177  /*
178  * Calculate Scratch Space Allocations
179  */
181  team_scratch_size_a += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(max_num_rows); // t1 work vector for qr
182  team_scratch_size_a += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(max_num_rows); // t2 work vector for qr
184  // row of P matrix, one for each operator
185  // +1 is for the original target site which always gets evaluated
186  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(this_num_cols*_total_alpha_values*_max_evaluation_sites_per_target);
188  thread_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(this_num_cols); // delta, used for each thread
189  thread_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size((_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions); // temporary space for powers in basis
190  }
193 #endif
194  _pm.setTeamScratchSize(0, team_scratch_size_a);
195  _pm.setTeamScratchSize(1, team_scratch_size_b);
196  _pm.setThreadScratchSize(0, thread_scratch_size_a);
197  _pm.setThreadScratchSize(1, thread_scratch_size_b);
199  /*
200  * Calculate the size for matrix P and RHS
201  */
203  int RHS_square_dim = getRHSSquareDim(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols);
204  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
205  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
207  /*
208  * Allocate Global Device Storage of Data Needed Over Multiple Calls
209  */
211  global_index_type max_batch_size = (_target_coordinates.extent(0) + TO_GLOBAL(number_of_batches) - 1) / TO_GLOBAL(number_of_batches);
212  try {
213  _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS", max_batch_size*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim));
214  _P = Kokkos::View<double*>("P", max_batch_size*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1));
215  _w = Kokkos::View<double*>("w", max_batch_size*TO_GLOBAL(max_num_rows));
216  } catch (std::exception &e) {
217  printf("Failed to allocate space for RHS, P, and w. Consider increasing number_of_batches: \n\n%s", e.what());
218  throw e;
219  }
220  Kokkos::fence();
222  /*
223  * Calculate Optimal Threads Based On Levels of Parallelism
224  */
228  && "Normal vectors are required for solving GMLS problems with the NEUMANN_GRAD_SCALAR constraint.");
229  }
233  for (int batch_num=0; batch_num<number_of_batches; ++batch_num) {
235  auto this_batch_size = std::min(_target_coordinates.extent(0)-_initial_index_for_batch, max_batch_size);
236  Kokkos::deep_copy(_RHS, 0.0);
237  Kokkos::deep_copy(_P, 0.0);
238  Kokkos::deep_copy(_w, 0.0);
242  /*
243  * MANIFOLD Problems
244  */
246  if (!_orthonormal_tangent_space_provided) { // user did not specify orthonormal tangent directions, so we approximate them first
247  // coarse tangent plane approximation construction of P^T*P
250  // if the user provided the reference outward normal direction, then orient the computed or user provided
251  // outward normal directions in the tangent bundle
253  // use the reference outward normal direction provided by the user to orient
254  // the tangent bundle
256  }
258  // assembles the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and constructs sqrt(weights)*Identity for curvature
259  _pm.CallFunctorWithTeamThreads<AssembleCurvaturePsqrtW>(this_batch_size, *this);
262  // solves P^T*P against P^T*W with LU, stored in P
263  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Curvature LU Factorization");
264  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchLUFactorize(_pm,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, manifold_NP, manifold_NP, _max_num_neighbors, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
265  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
266  } else {
267  // solves P*sqrt(weights) against sqrt(weights)*Identity with QR, stored in RHS
268  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Curvature QR Factorization");
269  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRFactorize(_pm,, P_dim_0, P_dim_1,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim, _max_num_neighbors, manifold_NP, _max_num_neighbors, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
270  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
271  }
273  // evaluates targets, applies target evaluation to polynomial coefficients for curvature
276  // Due to converting layout, entries that are assumed zeros may become non-zeros.
277  Kokkos::deep_copy(_P, 0.0);
279  if (batch_num==number_of_batches-1) {
280  // copy tangent bundle from device back to host
281  _host_T = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_T);
282  Kokkos::deep_copy(_host_T, _T);
283  }
284  }
286  // this time assembling curvature PsqrtW matrix is using a highly accurate approximation of the tangent, previously calculated
287  // assembles the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and constructs sqrt(weights)*Identity for curvature
288  _pm.CallFunctorWithTeamThreads<AssembleCurvaturePsqrtW>(this_batch_size, *this);
291  // solves P^T*P against P^T*W with LU, stored in P
292  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Curvature LU Factorization");
293  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchLUFactorize(_pm,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, manifold_NP, manifold_NP, _max_num_neighbors, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
294  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
295  } else {
296  // solves P*sqrt(weights) against sqrt(weights)*Identity, stored in RHS
297  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Curvature QR Factorization");
298  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRFactorize(_pm,, P_dim_0, P_dim_1,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim, _max_num_neighbors, manifold_NP, _max_num_neighbors, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
299  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
300  }
302  // evaluates targets, applies target evaluation to polynomial coefficients for curvature
303  _pm.CallFunctorWithTeamThreads<ApplyCurvatureTargets>(this_batch_size, *this);
304  Kokkos::fence();
306  // prestencil weights calculated here. appropriate because:
307  // precedes polynomial reconstruction from data (replaces contents of _RHS)
308  // follows reconstruction of geometry
309  // calculate prestencil weights
312  // Due to converting layout, entried that are assumed zeros may become non-zeros.
313  Kokkos::deep_copy(_P, 0.0);
315  // assembles the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and constructs sqrt(weights)*Identity
316  _pm.CallFunctorWithTeamThreads<AssembleManifoldPsqrtW>(this_batch_size, *this);
318  // solves P*sqrt(weights) against sqrt(weights)*Identity, stored in RHS
319  // uses SVD if necessary or if explicitly asked to do so (much slower than QR)
321  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Manifold SVD Factorization");
322  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchSVDFactorize(_pm, true,, P_dim_0, P_dim_1, true,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, max_num_rows, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
323  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
324  } else if (_dense_solver_type == DenseSolverType::LU) {
325  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Manifold LU Factorization");
326  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchLUFactorize(_pm,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, this_num_cols, this_num_cols, max_num_rows, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
327  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
328  } else {
329  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Manifold QR Factorization");
330  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRFactorize(_pm,, P_dim_0, P_dim_1,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, max_num_rows, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
331  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
332  }
333  Kokkos::fence();
335  } else {
337  /*
338  * STANDARD GMLS Problems
339  */
341  // assembles the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and constructs sqrt(weights)*Identity
342  _pm.CallFunctorWithTeamThreads<AssembleStandardPsqrtW>(this_batch_size, *this);
343  //_pm.CallFunctorWithTeamThreads<AssembleStandardPsqrtW>(this_batch_size, *this);
344  Kokkos::fence();
346  // solves P*sqrt(weights) against sqrt(weights)*Identity, stored in RHS
347  // uses SVD if necessary or if explicitly asked to do so (much slower than QR)
350  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("SVD Factorization");
351  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchSVDFactorize(_pm, false,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim, true,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, this_num_cols + added_coeff_size, this_num_cols + added_coeff_size, max_num_rows + _added_alpha_size, this_batch_size, 0, _initial_index_for_batch, NULL);
352  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
353  } else {
354  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("LU Factorization");
355  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchLUFactorize(_pm,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, this_num_cols + added_coeff_size, this_num_cols + added_coeff_size, max_num_rows + _added_alpha_size, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
356  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
357  }
358  } else {
359  // Solve normally for no-constraint cases
361  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("SVD Factorization");
362  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchSVDFactorize(_pm, true,, P_dim_0, P_dim_1, true,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, max_num_rows, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
363  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
364  } else if (_dense_solver_type == DenseSolverType::LU) {
365  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("LU Factorization");
366  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchLUFactorize(_pm,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, this_num_cols + added_coeff_size, this_num_cols + added_coeff_size, max_num_rows + _added_alpha_size, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
367  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
368  } else {
369  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("QR Factorization");
370  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRFactorize(_pm,, P_dim_0, P_dim_1,, RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, max_num_rows, this_batch_size, _max_num_neighbors, _initial_index_for_batch,;
371  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
372  }
373  }
376  Kokkos::fence();
377  }
379  /*
380  * Calculate Optimal Threads Based On Levels of Parallelism
381  */
386  /*
387  * MANIFOLD Problems
388  */
390  // evaluates targets, applies target evaluation to polynomial coefficients to store in _alphas
391  _pm.CallFunctorWithTeamThreads<ApplyManifoldTargets>(this_batch_size, *this);
393  } else {
395  /*
396  * STANDARD GMLS Problems
397  */
399  // evaluates targets, applies target evaluation to polynomial coefficients to store in _alphas
402  }
403  Kokkos::fence();
404  _initial_index_for_batch += this_batch_size;
405  if ((size_t)_initial_index_for_batch == _target_coordinates.extent(0)) break;
406  } // end of batch loops
408  // deallocate _P and _w
409  _w = Kokkos::View<double*>("w",0);
410  if (number_of_batches > 1) { // no reason to keep coefficients if they aren't all in memory
411  _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS",0);
412  _P = Kokkos::View<double*>("P",0);
414  } else {
416  _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS", 0);
417  if (!keep_coefficients) _P = Kokkos::View<double*>("P", 0);
418  } else {
420  _P = Kokkos::View<double*>("P", 0);
421  if (!keep_coefficients) _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS", 0);
422  } else {
423  _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS", 0);
424  if (!keep_coefficients) _P = Kokkos::View<double*>("P", 0);
425  }
426  }
427  if (keep_coefficients) _store_PTWP_inv_PTW = true;
428  }
430  /*
431  * Device to Host Copy Of Solution
432  */
434  // copy computed alphas back to the host
435  _host_alphas = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_alphas);
437  _host_prestencil_weights = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_prestencil_weights);
438  Kokkos::deep_copy(_host_prestencil_weights, _prestencil_weights);
439  }
440  Kokkos::deep_copy(_host_alphas, _alphas);
441  Kokkos::fence();
444 }
446 void GMLS::generateAlphas(const int number_of_batches, const bool keep_coefficients) {
448  this->generatePolynomialCoefficients(number_of_batches, keep_coefficients);
450 }
454 void GMLS::operator()(const AssembleStandardPsqrtW&, const member_type& teamMember) const {
456  /*
457  * Dimensions
458  */
460  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
461  const int local_index = teamMember.league_rank();
463  const int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*_max_num_neighbors;
464  const int this_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*this->getNNeighbors(target_index);
465  const int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*_NP;
467  int RHS_square_dim = getRHSSquareDim(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols);
468  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
469  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
471  /*
472  * Data
473  */
475  scratch_matrix_right_type PsqrtW(
476  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1), P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
477  scratch_matrix_right_type RHS(
478  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
479  scratch_vector_type w(
480  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(max_num_rows), max_num_rows);
482  // delta, used for each thread
483  scratch_vector_type delta(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), this_num_cols);
484  scratch_vector_type thread_workspace(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), (_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions);
486  /*
487  * Assemble P*sqrt(W) and sqrt(w)*Identity
488  */
490  // creates the matrix sqrt(W)*P
491  this->createWeightsAndP(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, PsqrtW, w, _dimensions, _poly_order, true /*weight_p*/, NULL /*&V*/, _reconstruction_space, _polynomial_sampling_functional);
494  // if (_dense_solver_type != DenseSolverType::LU) {
495  // fill in RHS with Identity * sqrt(weights)
496  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,this_num_rows), [=] (const int i) {
497  for(int j = 0; j < this_num_rows; ++j) {
498  RHS(j,i) = (i==j) ? std::sqrt(w(i)) : 0;
499  }
500  });
501  } else {
502  // create global memory for matrix M = PsqrtW^T*PsqrtW
503  // don't need to cast into scratch_matrix_left_type since the matrix is symmetric
505  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
506  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::createM(teamMember, M, PsqrtW, this_num_cols /* # of columns */, max_num_rows);
508  // Multiply PsqrtW with sqrt(W) to get PW
509  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember, max_num_rows), [=] (const int i) {
510  for (int j=0; j < this_num_cols; j++) {
511  PsqrtW(i, j) = PsqrtW(i, j)*std::sqrt(w(i));
512  }
513  });
514  teamMember.team_barrier();
516  // conditionally fill in rows determined by constraint type
518  // normal vector is contained in last row of T
522  // Get the number of neighbors for target index
523  int num_neigh_target = this->getNNeighbors(target_index);
524  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
526  evaluateConstraints(M, PsqrtW, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _NP, cutoff_p, _dimensions, num_neigh_target, &T);
527  }
528  }
529 }
533 void GMLS::operator()(const ApplyStandardTargets&, const member_type& teamMember) const {
535  /*
536  * Dimensions
537  */
539  const int local_index = teamMember.league_rank();
541  const int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*_max_num_neighbors;
542  const int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*_NP;
544  int RHS_square_dim = getRHSSquareDim(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols);
545  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
546  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
548  /*
549  * Data
550  */
552  // Coefficients for polynomial basis have overwritten _RHS
554  // if (_dense_solver_type != DenseSolverType::LU) {
556  Coeffs = scratch_matrix_right_type(
557  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
558  } else {
559  Coeffs = scratch_matrix_right_type(
560  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0), P_dim_1, P_dim_0);
561  }
562  scratch_vector_type w(
563  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(max_num_rows), max_num_rows);
565  scratch_vector_type t1(teamMember.team_scratch(_pm.getTeamScratchLevel(0)), max_num_rows);
566  scratch_vector_type t2(teamMember.team_scratch(_pm.getTeamScratchLevel(0)), max_num_rows);
567  scratch_matrix_right_type P_target_row(teamMember.team_scratch(_pm.getTeamScratchLevel(1)), _total_alpha_values*_max_evaluation_sites_per_target, this_num_cols);
569  scratch_vector_type delta(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), this_num_cols);
570  scratch_vector_type thread_workspace(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), (_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions);
572  /*
573  * Apply Standard Target Evaluations to Polynomial Coefficients
574  */
576  // get evaluation of target functionals
577  this->computeTargetFunctionals(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, P_target_row);
578  teamMember.team_barrier();
580  this->applyTargetsToCoefficients(teamMember, t1, t2, Coeffs, w, P_target_row, _NP);
581  teamMember.team_barrier();
582 }
586 void GMLS::operator()(const ComputeCoarseTangentPlane&, const member_type& teamMember) const {
588  /*
589  * Dimensions
590  */
592  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
593  const int local_index = teamMember.league_rank();
595  const int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*_max_num_neighbors;
597  const int max_manifold_NP = (manifold_NP > _NP) ? manifold_NP : _NP;
598  const int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*max_manifold_NP;
599  const int max_poly_order = (_poly_order > _curvature_poly_order) ? _poly_order : _curvature_poly_order;
601  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
602  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
604  /*
605  * Data
606  */
608  scratch_matrix_right_type PsqrtW(
609  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1), P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
610  scratch_vector_type w(
611  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(max_num_rows), max_num_rows);
612  scratch_matrix_right_type T(
615  scratch_matrix_right_type PTP(teamMember.team_scratch(_pm.getTeamScratchLevel(1)), _dimensions, _dimensions);
617  // delta, used for each thread
618  scratch_vector_type delta(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), max_manifold_NP*_basis_multiplier);
619  scratch_vector_type thread_workspace(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), (max_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions);
621  /*
622  * Determine Coarse Approximation of Manifold Tangent Plane
623  */
625  // getting x y and z from which to derive a manifold
626  this->createWeightsAndPForCurvature(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, PsqrtW, w, _dimensions, true /* only specific order */);
628  // create PsqrtW^T*PsqrtW
629  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::createM(teamMember, PTP, PsqrtW, _dimensions /* # of columns */, this->getNNeighbors(target_index));
631  // create coarse approximation of tangent plane in first two rows of T, with normal direction in third column
633  const_cast<pool_type&>(_random_number_pool));
635  teamMember.team_barrier();
637 }
640 void GMLS::operator()(const AssembleCurvaturePsqrtW&, const member_type& teamMember) const {
642  /*
643  * Dimensions
644  */
646  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
647  const int local_index = teamMember.league_rank();
649  const int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*_max_num_neighbors;
651  const int max_manifold_NP = (manifold_NP > _NP) ? manifold_NP : _NP;
652  const int this_num_neighbors = this->getNNeighbors(target_index);
653  const int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*max_manifold_NP;
654  const int max_poly_order = (_poly_order > _curvature_poly_order) ? _poly_order : _curvature_poly_order;
656  int RHS_square_dim = getRHSSquareDim(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols);
657  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
658  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
660  /*
661  * Data
662  */
664  scratch_matrix_right_type CurvaturePsqrtW(
665  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1), P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
666  scratch_matrix_right_type RHS(
667  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
668  scratch_vector_type w(
669  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(max_num_rows), max_num_rows);
670  scratch_matrix_right_type T(
673  // delta, used for each thread
674  scratch_vector_type delta(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), max_manifold_NP*_basis_multiplier);
675  scratch_vector_type thread_workspace(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), (max_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions);
678  //
680  //
682  // creates the matrix sqrt(W)*P
683  this->createWeightsAndPForCurvature(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, CurvaturePsqrtW, w, _dimensions-1, false /* only specific order */, &T);
684  teamMember.team_barrier();
686  // CurvaturePsqrtW is sized according to max_num_rows x this_num_cols of which in this case
687  // we are only using this_num_neighbors x manifold_NP
690  // fill in RHS with Identity * sqrt(weights)
691  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,this_num_neighbors), [=] (const int i) {
692  for(int j = 0; j < this_num_neighbors; ++j) {
693  RHS(i, j) = (i==j) ? std::sqrt(w(i)) : 0;
694  }
695  });
696  } else {
697  // create global memory for matrix M = PsqrtW^T*PsqrtW
698  // don't need to cast into scratch_matrix_left_type since the matrix is symmetric
700  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
701  // Assemble matrix M
702  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::createM(teamMember, M, CurvaturePsqrtW, manifold_NP /* # of columns */, this_num_neighbors);
704  // Multiply PsqrtW with sqrt(W) to get PW
705  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember, this_num_neighbors), [=] (const int i) {
706  for (int j=0; j < manifold_NP; j++) {
707  CurvaturePsqrtW(i, j) = CurvaturePsqrtW(i, j)*std::sqrt(w(i));
708  }
709  });
710  }
711  teamMember.team_barrier();
712 }
715 void GMLS::operator()(const GetAccurateTangentDirections&, const member_type& teamMember) const {
717  /*
718  * Dimensions
719  */
721  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
722  const int local_index = teamMember.league_rank();
724  const int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*_max_num_neighbors;
726  const int max_manifold_NP = (manifold_NP > _NP) ? manifold_NP : _NP;
727  const int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*max_manifold_NP;
728  const int max_poly_order = (_poly_order > _curvature_poly_order) ? _poly_order : _curvature_poly_order;
730  int RHS_square_dim = getRHSSquareDim(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols);
731  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
732  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
734  /*
735  * Data
736  */
739  // Solution from QR comes from RHS
741  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
742  } else {
743  // Solution from LU comes from P
744  Q = scratch_matrix_right_type(
745  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0), P_dim_1, P_dim_0);
746  }
748  scratch_matrix_right_type T(
751  scratch_vector_type manifold_gradient(teamMember.team_scratch(_pm.getTeamScratchLevel(1)), (_dimensions-1)*_max_num_neighbors);
754  // delta, used for each thread
755  scratch_vector_type delta(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), max_manifold_NP*_basis_multiplier);
756  scratch_vector_type thread_workspace(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), (max_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions);
758  /*
759  * Manifold
760  */
763  //
765  //
766  // reconstruct grad_xi1 and grad_xi2, not used for manifold_coeffs
767  this->computeCurvatureFunctionals(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, P_target_row, &T);
768  teamMember.team_barrier();
770  double grad_xi1 = 0, grad_xi2 = 0;
771  for (int i=0; i<this->getNNeighbors(target_index); ++i) {
772  for (int k=0; k<_dimensions-1; ++k) {
773  double alpha_ij = 0;
774  int offset = getTargetOffsetIndexDevice(0, 0, k, 0);
775  Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,
776  manifold_NP), [=] (const int l, double &talpha_ij) {
777  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
778  talpha_ij += P_target_row(offset,l)*Q(l,i);
779  });
780  }, alpha_ij);
781  teamMember.team_barrier();
782  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [&] () {
783  manifold_gradient(i*(_dimensions-1) + k) = alpha_ij; // stored staggered, grad_xi1, grad_xi2, grad_xi1, grad_xi2, ....
784  });
785  }
786  teamMember.team_barrier();
788  XYZ rel_coord = getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, _dimensions, &T);
789  double normal_coordinate = rel_coord[_dimensions-1];
791  // apply coefficients to sample data
792  grad_xi1 += manifold_gradient(i*(_dimensions-1)) * normal_coordinate;
793  if (_dimensions>2) grad_xi2 += manifold_gradient(i*(_dimensions-1)+1) * normal_coordinate;
794  teamMember.team_barrier();
795  }
797  // Constructs high order orthonormal tangent space T and inverse of metric tensor
798  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [&] () {
800  double grad_xi[2] = {grad_xi1, grad_xi2};
801  double T_row[3];
803  // Construct T (high order approximation of orthonormal tangent vectors)
804  for (int i=0; i<_dimensions-1; ++i) {
805  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
806  T_row[j] = T(i,j);
807  }
808  // build
809  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
810  T(i,j) = grad_xi[i]*T(_dimensions-1,j);
811  T(i,j) += T_row[j];
812  }
813  }
815  // calculate norm
816  double norm = 0;
817  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
818  norm += T(0,j)*T(0,j);
819  }
821  // normalize first vector
822  norm = std::sqrt(norm);
823  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
824  T(0,j) /= norm;
825  }
827  // orthonormalize next vector
828  if (_dimensions-1 == 2) { // 2d manifold
829  double dot_product = T(0,0)*T(1,0) + T(0,1)*T(1,1) + T(0,2)*T(1,2);
830  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
831  T(1,j) -= dot_product*T(0,j);
832  }
833  // normalize second vector
834  norm = 0;
835  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
836  norm += T(1,j)*T(1,j);
837  }
838  norm = std::sqrt(norm);
839  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
840  T(1,j) /= norm;
841  }
842  }
844  // get normal vector to first two rows of T
845  double norm_t_normal = 0;
846  if (_dimensions>2) {
847  T(_dimensions-1,0) = T(0,1)*T(1,2) - T(1,1)*T(0,2);
848  norm_t_normal += T(_dimensions-1,0)*T(_dimensions-1,0);
849  T(_dimensions-1,1) = -(T(0,0)*T(1,2) - T(1,0)*T(0,2));
850  norm_t_normal += T(_dimensions-1,1)*T(_dimensions-1,1);
851  T(_dimensions-1,2) = T(0,0)*T(1,1) - T(1,0)*T(0,1);
852  norm_t_normal += T(_dimensions-1,2)*T(_dimensions-1,2);
853  } else {
854  T(_dimensions-1,0) = T(1,1) - T(0,1);
855  norm_t_normal += T(_dimensions-1,0)*T(_dimensions-1,0);
856  T(_dimensions-1,1) = T(0,0) - T(1,0);
857  norm_t_normal += T(_dimensions-1,1)*T(_dimensions-1,1);
858  }
859  norm_t_normal = std::sqrt(norm_t_normal);
860  for (int i=0; i<_dimensions-1; ++i) {
861  T(_dimensions-1,i) /= norm_t_normal;
862  }
863  });
864  teamMember.team_barrier();
865 }
868 void GMLS::operator()(const FixTangentDirectionOrdering&, const member_type& teamMember) const {
870  /*
871  * Dimensions
872  */
874  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
876  /*
877  * Data
878  */
881  scratch_vector_type N( + target_index*_dimensions, _dimensions);
883  // take the dot product of the calculated normal in the tangent bundle with a given reference outward normal
884  // direction provided by the user. if the dot product is negative, flip the tangent vector ordering
885  // and flip the sign on the normal direction.
886  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [&] () {
887  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(_dimensions > 1 && "FixTangentDirectionOrder called on manifold with a dimension of 0.");
888  double dot_product = 0;
889  for (int i=0; i<_dimensions; ++i) {
890  dot_product += T(_dimensions-1,i) * N(i);
892  }
893  if (dot_product < 0) {
894  if (_dimensions==3) {
895  for (int i=0; i<_dimensions; ++i) {
896  // swap tangent directions
897  double tmp = T(0,i);
898  T(0,i) = T(1,i);
899  T(1,i) = tmp;
900  }
901  }
902  for (int i=0; i<_dimensions; ++i) {
903  // flip the sign of the normal vector
904  T(_dimensions-1,i) *= -1;
906  }
907  }
908  });
909  teamMember.team_barrier();
910 }
913 void GMLS::operator()(const ApplyCurvatureTargets&, const member_type& teamMember) const {
915  /*
916  * Dimensions
917  */
919  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
920  const int local_index = teamMember.league_rank();
922  const int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*_max_num_neighbors;
924  const int max_manifold_NP = (manifold_NP > _NP) ? manifold_NP : _NP;
925  const int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*max_manifold_NP;
926  const int max_poly_order = (_poly_order > _curvature_poly_order) ? _poly_order : _curvature_poly_order;
928  int RHS_square_dim = getRHSSquareDim(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols);
929  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
930  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
932  /*
933  * Data
934  */
937  // Solution from QR comes from RHS
939  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
940  } else {
941  // Solution from LU comes from P
942  Q = scratch_matrix_right_type(
943  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0), P_dim_1, P_dim_0);
944  }
946  scratch_matrix_right_type T(
951  scratch_vector_type manifold_coeffs( + target_index*manifold_NP, manifold_NP);
952  scratch_vector_type manifold_gradient_coeffs( + target_index*(_dimensions-1), (_dimensions-1));
954  scratch_matrix_right_type G(teamMember.team_scratch(_pm.getTeamScratchLevel(1)), _dimensions-1, _dimensions-1);
955  scratch_vector_type manifold_gradient(teamMember.team_scratch(_pm.getTeamScratchLevel(1)), (_dimensions-1)*_max_num_neighbors);
958  // delta, used for each thread
959  scratch_vector_type delta(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), max_manifold_NP*_basis_multiplier);
960  scratch_vector_type thread_workspace(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), (max_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions);
962  /*
963  * Manifold
964  */
967  //
969  //
970  // reconstruct grad_xi1 and grad_xi2, not used for manifold_coeffs
971  this->computeCurvatureFunctionals(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, P_target_row, &T);
972  teamMember.team_barrier();
974  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [&] () {
975  for (int j=0; j<manifold_NP; ++j) { // set to zero
976  manifold_coeffs(j) = 0;
977  }
978  });
979  teamMember.team_barrier();
981  double grad_xi1 = 0, grad_xi2 = 0;
982  for (int i=0; i<this->getNNeighbors(target_index); ++i) {
983  for (int k=0; k<_dimensions-1; ++k) {
984  double alpha_ij = 0;
985  int offset = getTargetOffsetIndexDevice(0, 0, k, 0);
986  Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,
987  manifold_NP), [=] (const int l, double &talpha_ij) {
988  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
989  talpha_ij += P_target_row(offset,l)*Q(l,i);
990  });
991  }, alpha_ij);
992  teamMember.team_barrier();
993  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [&] () {
994  manifold_gradient(i*(_dimensions-1) + k) = alpha_ij; // stored staggered, grad_xi1, grad_xi2, grad_xi1, grad_xi2, ....
995  });
996  }
997  teamMember.team_barrier();
999  XYZ rel_coord = getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, _dimensions, &T);
1000  double normal_coordinate = rel_coord[_dimensions-1];
1002  // apply coefficients to sample data
1003  grad_xi1 += manifold_gradient(i*(_dimensions-1)) * normal_coordinate;
1004  if (_dimensions>2) grad_xi2 += manifold_gradient(i*(_dimensions-1)+1) * normal_coordinate;
1006  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [&] () {
1007  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [&] () {
1008  // coefficients without a target premultiplied
1009  for (int j=0; j<manifold_NP; ++j) {
1010  manifold_coeffs(j) += Q(j,i) * normal_coordinate;
1011  }
1012  });
1013  });
1014  teamMember.team_barrier();
1015  }
1017  // Constructs high order orthonormal tangent space T and inverse of metric tensor
1018  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [&] () {
1020  manifold_gradient_coeffs(0) = grad_xi1;
1021  if (_dimensions>2) manifold_gradient_coeffs(1) = grad_xi2;
1023  // need to get 2x2 matrix of metric tensor
1024  G(0,0) = 1 + grad_xi1*grad_xi1;
1026  if (_dimensions>2) {
1027  G(0,1) = grad_xi1*grad_xi2;
1028  G(1,0) = grad_xi2*grad_xi1;
1029  G(1,1) = 1 + grad_xi2*grad_xi2;
1030  }
1032  double G_determinant;
1033  if (_dimensions==2) {
1034  G_determinant = G(0,0);
1035  compadre_kernel_assert_debug((G_determinant!=0) && "Determinant is zero.");
1036  G_inv(0,0) = 1/G_determinant;
1037  } else {
1038  G_determinant = G(0,0)*G(1,1) - G(0,1)*G(1,0); //std::sqrt(G_inv(0,0)*G_inv(1,1) - G_inv(0,1)*G_inv(1,0));
1039  compadre_kernel_assert_debug((G_determinant!=0) && "Determinant is zero.");
1040  {
1041  // inverse of 2x2
1042  G_inv(0,0) = G(1,1)/G_determinant;
1043  G_inv(1,1) = G(0,0)/G_determinant;
1044  G_inv(0,1) = -G(0,1)/G_determinant;
1045  G_inv(1,0) = -G(1,0)/G_determinant;
1046  }
1047  }
1049  });
1050  teamMember.team_barrier();
1051  //
1053  //
1054 }
1057 void GMLS::operator()(const AssembleManifoldPsqrtW&, const member_type& teamMember) const {
1059  /*
1060  * Dimensions
1061  */
1063  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
1064  const int local_index = teamMember.league_rank();
1066  const int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*_max_num_neighbors;
1068  const int max_manifold_NP = (manifold_NP > _NP) ? manifold_NP : _NP;
1069  const int this_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*this->getNNeighbors(target_index);
1070  const int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*max_manifold_NP;
1071  const int max_poly_order = (_poly_order > _curvature_poly_order) ? _poly_order : _curvature_poly_order;
1073  int RHS_square_dim = getRHSSquareDim(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols);
1074  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
1075  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
1077  /*
1078  * Data
1079  */
1081  scratch_matrix_right_type PsqrtW(
1082  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1), P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
1084  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
1085  scratch_vector_type w(
1086  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(max_num_rows), max_num_rows);
1087  scratch_matrix_right_type T(
1090  // delta, used for each thread
1091  scratch_vector_type delta(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), max_manifold_NP*_basis_multiplier);
1092  scratch_vector_type thread_workspace(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), (max_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions);
1095  /*
1096  * Manifold
1097  */
1099  this->createWeightsAndP(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, PsqrtW, w, _dimensions-1, _poly_order, true /* weight with W*/, &T, _reconstruction_space, _polynomial_sampling_functional);
1100  teamMember.team_barrier();
1103  // fill in RHS with Identity * sqrt(weights)
1104  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,this_num_rows), [=] (const int i) {
1105  for(int j = 0; j < this_num_rows; ++j) {
1106  Q(i, j) = (i==j) ? std::sqrt(w(i)) : 0;
1107  }
1108  });
1109  } else {
1110  // create global memory for matrix M = PsqrtW^T*PsqrtW
1111  // don't need to cast into scratch_matrix_left_type since the matrix is symmetric
1113  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
1114  // Assemble matrix M
1115  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::createM(teamMember, M, PsqrtW, this_num_cols /* # of columns */, max_num_rows);
1117  // Multiply PsqrtW with sqrt(W) to get PW
1118  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember, max_num_rows), [=] (const int i) {
1119  for (int j=0; j < this_num_cols; j++) {
1120  PsqrtW(i, j) = PsqrtW(i, j)*std::sqrt(w(i));
1121  }
1122  });
1123  }
1124  teamMember.team_barrier();
1125 }
1128 void GMLS::operator()(const ApplyManifoldTargets&, const member_type& teamMember) const {
1130  /*
1131  * Dimensions
1132  */
1134  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
1135  const int local_index = teamMember.league_rank();
1137  const int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*_max_num_neighbors;
1139  const int max_manifold_NP = (manifold_NP > _NP) ? manifold_NP : _NP;
1140  const int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*max_manifold_NP;
1141  const int max_poly_order = (_poly_order > _curvature_poly_order) ? _poly_order : _curvature_poly_order;
1143  int RHS_square_dim = getRHSSquareDim(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols);
1144  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
1145  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
1147  /*
1148  * Data
1149  */
1153  Coeffs = scratch_matrix_right_type(
1154  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
1155  } else {
1156  Coeffs = scratch_matrix_right_type(
1157  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0), P_dim_1, P_dim_0);
1158  }
1159  scratch_vector_type w(
1160  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(max_num_rows), max_num_rows);
1161  scratch_matrix_right_type T(
1165  + TO_GLOBAL(target_index)*TO_GLOBAL((_dimensions-1))*TO_GLOBAL((_dimensions-1)), _dimensions-1, _dimensions-1);
1166  scratch_vector_type manifold_coeffs( + target_index*manifold_NP, manifold_NP);
1167  scratch_vector_type manifold_gradient_coeffs( + target_index*(_dimensions-1), (_dimensions-1));
1173  // delta, used for each thread
1174  scratch_vector_type delta(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), max_manifold_NP*_basis_multiplier);
1175  scratch_vector_type thread_workspace(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), (max_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions);
1177  /*
1178  * Apply Standard Target Evaluations to Polynomial Coefficients
1179  */
1181  this->computeTargetFunctionalsOnManifold(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, P_target_row, T, G_inv, manifold_coeffs, manifold_gradient_coeffs);
1182  teamMember.team_barrier();
1184  this->applyTargetsToCoefficients(teamMember, t1, t2, Coeffs, w, P_target_row, _NP);
1186  teamMember.team_barrier();
1187 }
1191 void GMLS::operator()(const ComputePrestencilWeights&, const member_type& teamMember) const {
1193  /*
1194  * Dimensions
1195  */
1197  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
1198  const int local_index = teamMember.league_rank();
1200  const int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*_max_num_neighbors;
1202  const int max_manifold_NP = (manifold_NP > _NP) ? manifold_NP : _NP;
1203  const int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*max_manifold_NP;
1204  const int max_poly_order = (_poly_order > _curvature_poly_order) ? _poly_order : _curvature_poly_order;
1206  int RHS_square_dim = getRHSSquareDim(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols);
1207  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
1208  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
1210  /*
1211  * Data
1212  */
1218  // holds polynomial coefficients for curvature reconstruction
1221  // Solution from QR comes from RHS
1222  Q = scratch_matrix_right_type(
1223  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_square_dim), RHS_square_dim, RHS_square_dim);
1224  } else {
1225  // Solution from LU comes from P
1226  Q = scratch_matrix_right_type(
1227  + TO_GLOBAL(local_index)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0), P_dim_1, P_dim_0);
1228  }
1230  scratch_matrix_right_type T(
1233  scratch_vector_type manifold_gradient(teamMember.team_scratch(_pm.getTeamScratchLevel(1)), (_dimensions-1)*_max_num_neighbors);
1236  /*
1237  * Prestencil Weight Calculations
1238  */
1241  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [&] () {
1242  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
1243  _prestencil_weights(0,0,0,0,0) = -1;
1244  _prestencil_weights(1,0,0,0,0) = 1;
1245  });
1246  });
1248  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [&] () {
1249  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
1250  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
1251  for (int k=0; k<_dimensions-1; ++k) {
1252  _prestencil_weights(0,target_index,0,k,j) = T(k,j);
1253  }
1254  }
1255  });
1256  });
1258  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(_problem_type==ProblemType::MANIFOLD && "StaggeredEdgeIntegralSample prestencil weight only written for manifolds.");
1259  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,this->getNNeighbors(target_index)), [=] (const int m) {
1260  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
1261  for (int quadrature = 0; quadrature<_qm.getNumberOfQuadraturePoints(); ++quadrature) {
1262  XYZ tangent_quadrature_coord_2d;
1263  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions-1; ++j) {
1264  tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[j] = getTargetCoordinate(target_index, j, &T);
1265  tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[j] -= getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, m, j, &T);
1266  }
1267  double tangent_vector[3];
1268  tangent_vector[0] = tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[0]*T(0,0) + tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[1]*T(1,0);
1269  tangent_vector[1] = tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[0]*T(0,1) + tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[1]*T(1,1);
1270  tangent_vector[2] = tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[0]*T(0,2) + tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[1]*T(1,2);
1272  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
1273  _prestencil_weights(0,target_index,m,0,j) += (1-_qm.getSite(quadrature,0))*tangent_vector[j]*_qm.getWeight(quadrature);
1274  _prestencil_weights(1,target_index,m,0,j) += _qm.getSite(quadrature,0)*tangent_vector[j]*_qm.getWeight(quadrature);
1275  }
1276  }
1277  });
1278  });
1281  scratch_vector_type delta(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), manifold_NP);
1282  scratch_vector_type thread_workspace(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), (max_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions);
1284  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,this->getNNeighbors(target_index)), [&] (const int m) {
1286  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
1287  this->calcGradientPij(teamMember,,, target_index, m, 0 /*alpha*/, 0 /*partial_direction*/, _dimensions-1, _curvature_poly_order, false /*specific order only*/, &T, ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial, PointSample);
1288  });
1289  // reconstructs gradient at local neighbor index m
1290  double grad_xi1 = 0, grad_xi2 = 0;
1291  Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(teamMember,this->getNNeighbors(target_index)), [=] (const int i, double &t_grad_xi1) {
1292  double alpha_ij = 0;
1293  for (int l=0; l<manifold_NP; ++l) {
1294  alpha_ij += delta(l)*Q(l,i);
1295  }
1296  XYZ rel_coord = getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, _dimensions, &T);
1297  double normal_coordinate = rel_coord[_dimensions-1];
1299  // apply coefficients to sample data
1300  t_grad_xi1 += alpha_ij * normal_coordinate;
1301  }, grad_xi1);
1302  t1(m) = grad_xi1;
1304  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
1305  this->calcGradientPij(teamMember,,, target_index, m, 0 /*alpha*/, 1 /*partial_direction*/, _dimensions-1, _curvature_poly_order, false /*specific order only*/, &T, ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial, PointSample);
1306  });
1307  Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(teamMember,this->getNNeighbors(target_index)), [=] (const int i, double &t_grad_xi2) {
1308  double alpha_ij = 0;
1309  for (int l=0; l<manifold_NP; ++l) {
1310  alpha_ij += delta(l)*Q(l,i);
1311  }
1312  XYZ rel_coord = getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, _dimensions, &T);
1313  double normal_coordinate = rel_coord[_dimensions-1];
1315  // apply coefficients to sample data
1316  if (_dimensions>2) t_grad_xi2 += alpha_ij * normal_coordinate;
1317  }, grad_xi2);
1318  t2(m) = grad_xi2;
1319  });
1321  teamMember.team_barrier();
1323  scratch_matrix_right_type tangent(teamMember.thread_scratch(_pm.getThreadScratchLevel(1)), _dimensions-1, _dimensions);
1325  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,this->getNNeighbors(target_index)), [=] (const int m) {
1326  // constructs tangent vector at neighbor site
1327  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
1328  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
1329  tangent(0,j) = t1(m)*T(_dimensions-1,j) + T(0,j);
1330  tangent(1,j) = t2(m)*T(_dimensions-1,j) + T(1,j);
1331  }
1333  // calculate norm
1334  double norm = 0;
1335  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
1336  norm += tangent(0,j)*tangent(0,j);
1337  }
1339  // normalize first vector
1340  norm = std::sqrt(norm);
1341  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
1342  tangent(0,j) /= norm;
1343  }
1345  // orthonormalize next vector
1346  if (_dimensions-1 == 2) { // 2d manifold
1347  double dot_product = tangent(0,0)*tangent(1,0) + tangent(0,1)*tangent(1,1) + tangent(0,2)*tangent(1,2);
1348  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
1349  tangent(1,j) -= dot_product*tangent(0,j);
1350  }
1351  // normalize second vector
1352  norm = 0;
1353  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
1354  norm += tangent(1,j)*tangent(1,j);
1355  }
1356  norm = std::sqrt(norm);
1357  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
1358  tangent(1,j) /= norm;
1359  }
1360  }
1362  // stores matrix of tangent and normal directions as a prestencil weight
1363  for (int j=0; j<_dimensions; ++j) {
1364  for (int k=0; k<_dimensions-1; ++k) {
1365  _prestencil_weights(0,target_index,m,k,j) = tangent(k,j);
1366  }
1367  }
1368  });
1369  });
1370  }
1371  teamMember.team_barrier();
1372 }
1374 } // Compadre
Kokkos::View< double * > _manifold_metric_tensor_inverse
metric tensor inverse for all problems
Kokkos::View< double *, layout_right > _alphas
generated alpha coefficients (device)
int calculateBasisMultiplier(const ReconstructionSpace rs) const
Calculate basis_multiplier.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getVectorLanesPerThread() const
std::size_t global_index_type
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getAdditionalAlphaSizeFromConstraint(DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, ConstraintType constraint_type)
Kokkos::View< const double *****, layout_right >::HostMirror _host_prestencil_weights
generated weights for nontraditional samples required to transform data into expected sampling functi...
Kokkos::View< TargetOperation * > _operations
vector containing target functionals to be applied for reconstruction problem (device) ...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getTeamScratchLevel(const int level) const
bool _entire_batch_computed_at_once
whether entire calculation was computed at once the alternative is that it was broken up over many sm...
int _max_evaluation_sites_per_target
maximum number of evaluation sites for each target (includes target site)
Kokkos::View< double * > _manifold_curvature_coefficients
curvature polynomial coefficients for all problems
void generatePolynomialCoefficients(const int number_of_batches=1, const bool keep_coefficients=false)
Generates polynomial coefficients by setting up and solving least squares problems ! Sets up the batc...
Tag for functor to evaluate curvature targets and apply to coefficients of curvature reconstruction...
Kokkos::View< double * > _ref_N
Rank 2 tensor for high order approximation of tangent vectors for all problems.
constexpr SamplingFunctional ManifoldVectorPointSample
Point evaluations of the entire vector source function (but on a manifold, so it includes a transform...
bool _reference_outward_normal_direction_provided
whether or not the reference outward normal directions were provided by the user. ...
int getOutputDimensionOfSampling(SamplingFunctional sro) const
Dimensions ^ output rank for sampling operation (always in local chart if on a manifold, never ambient space)
team_policy::member_type member_type
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getAdditionalCoeffSizeFromConstraintAndSpace(DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, ConstraintType constraint_type, ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const int dimension)
Neumann Gradient Scalar Type.
int _NP
dimension of basis for polynomial reconstruction
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void createWeightsAndP(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type delta, scratch_vector_type thread_workspace, scratch_matrix_right_type P, scratch_vector_type w, const int dimension, int polynomial_order, bool weight_p=false, scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial, const SamplingFunctional sampling_strategy=PointSample) const
Fills the _P matrix with either P or P*sqrt(w)
int _total_alpha_values
used for sizing P_target_row and the _alphas view
Kokkos::View< double * > _epsilons
h supports determined through neighbor search (device)
bool _orthonormal_tangent_space_provided
whether or not the orthonormal tangent directions were provided by the user.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getTargetOffsetIndexDevice(const int lro_num, const int input_component, const int output_component, const int additional_evaluation_local_index=0) const
Handles offset from operation input/output + extra evaluation sites.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void largestTwoEigenvectorsThreeByThreeSymmetric(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_matrix_right_type V, scratch_matrix_right_type PtP, const int dimensions, pool_type &random_number_pool)
Calculates two eigenvectors corresponding to two dominant eigenvalues.
Kokkos::View< int *, host_memory_space > _host_number_of_neighbors_list
convenient copy on host of number of neighbors
bool _use_reference_outward_normal_direction_provided_to_orient_surface
whether or not to use reference outward normal directions to orient the surface in a manifold problem...
Kokkos::View< double * > _RHS
sqrt(w)*Identity matrix for all problems, later holds polynomial coefficients for all problems ...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void calcGradientPij(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int partial_direction, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional sampling_strategy, const int additional_evaluation_local_index=0) const
Evaluates the gradient of a polynomial basis under the Dirac Delta (pointwise) sampling function...
Kokkos::View< double * > _w
contains weights for all problems
int _sampling_multiplier
actual dimension of the sampling functional e.g.
int _curvature_poly_order
order of basis for curvature reconstruction
constexpr SamplingFunctional VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample
For integrating polynomial dotted with normal over an edge.
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right > _target_coordinates
coordinates for target sites for reconstruction (device)
Each target applies a different data transform, but the same to each neighbor.
int _data_sampling_multiplier
effective dimension of the data sampling functional e.g.
Each target applies a different transform for each neighbor.
NeighborLists< Kokkos::View< int * > > _neighbor_lists
Accessor to get neighbor list data, offset data, and number of neighbors per target.
Quadrature _qm
manages and calculates quadrature
Kokkos::View< double * >::HostMirror _host_T
tangent vectors information (host)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getWeight(const int index) const
std::vector< TargetOperation > _lro
vector of user requested target operations
constexpr SamplingFunctional StaggeredEdgeAnalyticGradientIntegralSample
Analytical integral of a gradient source vector is just a difference of the scalar source at neighbor...
Scalar polynomial basis centered at the target site and scaled by sum of basis powers e...
Solve GMLS problem on a manifold (will use QR or SVD to solve the resultant GMLS problem dependent on...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getSite(const int index, const int component) const
int _max_num_neighbors
maximum number of neighbors over all target sites
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getThreadsPerTeam(const int vector_lanes_per_thread=1) const
void batchLUFactorize(ParallelManager pm, double *P, int lda, int nda, double *RHS, int ldb, int ndb, int M, int N, int NRHS, const int num_matrices, const size_t max_neighbors, const int initial_index_of_batch, int *neighbor_list_sizes)
Calls LAPACK or CUBLAS to solve a batch of LU problems.
const SamplingFunctional _data_sampling_functional
generally the same as _polynomial_sampling_functional, but can differ if specified at GMLS class inst...
Tag for functor to evaluate targets, apply target evaluation to polynomial coefficients to store in _...
DenseSolverType _dense_solver_type
solver type for GMLS problem - can be QR, SVD or LU
QR factorization performed on P*sqrt(w) matrix.
Tag for functor to create a coarse tangent approximation from a given neighborhood of points...
pool_type _random_number_pool
Kokkos::View< double * > _manifold_curvature_gradient
_dimension-1 gradient values for curvature for all problems
Kokkos::View< double *****, layout_right > _prestencil_weights
generated weights for nontraditional samples required to transform data into expected sampling functi...
#define TO_GLOBAL(variable)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNumberOfTargets() const
Get number of total targets having neighborhoods (host/device).
int _initial_index_for_batch
initial index for current batch
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNP(const int m, const int dimension=3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial)
Returns size of the basis for a given polynomial order and dimension General to dimension 1...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getNeighborCoordinate(const int target_index, const int neighbor_list_num, const int dim, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL) const
Returns one component of the neighbor coordinate for a particular target.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getTargetCoordinate(const int target_index, const int dim, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL) const
Returns one component of the target coordinate for a particular target.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void computeTargetFunctionalsOnManifold(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type t1, scratch_vector_type t2, scratch_matrix_right_type P_target_row, scratch_matrix_right_type V, scratch_matrix_right_type G_inv, scratch_vector_type curvature_coefficients, scratch_vector_type curvature_gradients) const
Evaluates a polynomial basis with a target functional applied, using information from the manifold cu...
constexpr SamplingFunctional StaggeredEdgeIntegralSample
Samples consist of the result of integrals of a vector dotted with the tangent along edges between ne...
SVD factorization performed on P*sqrt(w) matrix.
const SamplingFunctional _polynomial_sampling_functional
polynomial sampling functional used to construct P matrix, set at GMLS class instantiation ...
Tag for functor to assemble the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and construct sqrt(weights)*Identity.
Tag for functor to calculate prestencil weights to apply to data to transform into a format expected ...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void getPDims(DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, ConstraintType constraint_type, ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const int dimension, const int M, const int N, int &out_row, int &out_col)
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_matrix_right_type
Kokkos::View< double *, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_vector_type
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right > _source_coordinates
all coordinates for the source for which _neighbor_lists refers (device)
void generateAlphas(const int number_of_batches=1, const bool keep_coefficients=false)
Meant to calculate target operations and apply the evaluations to the previously ! constructed polyno...
int _dimension_of_quadrature_points
dimension of quadrature rule
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void computeTargetFunctionals(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type t1, scratch_vector_type t2, scratch_matrix_right_type P_target_row) const
Evaluates a polynomial basis with a target functional applied to each member of the basis...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void createWeightsAndPForCurvature(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type delta, scratch_vector_type thread_workspace, scratch_matrix_right_type P, scratch_vector_type w, const int dimension, bool only_specific_order, scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL) const
Fills the _P matrix with P*sqrt(w) for use in solving for curvature.
ParallelManager _pm
determines scratch level spaces and is used to call kernels
void CallFunctorWithTeamThreads(const global_index_type batch_size, C functor) const
Calls a parallel_for parallel_for will break out over loops over teams with each thread executing cod...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void computeCurvatureFunctionals(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type t1, scratch_vector_type t2, scratch_matrix_right_type P_target_row, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V, const local_index_type local_neighbor_index=-1) const
Evaluates a polynomial basis for the curvature with a gradient target functional applied.
int _added_alpha_size
additional alpha coefficients due to constraints
ProblemType _problem_type
problem type for GMLS problem, can also be set to STANDARD for normal or MANIFOLD for manifold proble...
int _basis_multiplier
dimension of the reconstructed function e.g.
void CallFunctorWithTeamThreadsAndVectors(const global_index_type batch_size, const int threads_per_team, const int vector_lanes_per_thread, C functor) const
Calls a parallel_for parallel_for will break out over loops over teams with each vector lane executin...
int _global_dimensions
spatial dimension of the points, set at class instantiation only
Kokkos::View< double * > _T
Rank 3 tensor for high order approximation of tangent vectors for all problems.
void setTeamScratchSize(const int level, const int value)
LU factorization performed on P^T*W*P matrix.
bool _store_PTWP_inv_PTW
whether polynomial coefficients were requested to be stored (in a state not yet applied to data) ...
void setThreadScratchSize(const int level, const int value)
void batchSVDFactorize(ParallelManager pm, bool swap_layout_P, double *P, int lda, int nda, bool swap_layout_RHS, double *RHS, int ldb, int ndb, int M, int N, int NRHS, const int num_matrices, const size_t max_neighbors, const int initial_index_of_batch, int *neighbor_list_sizes)
Calls LAPACK or CUBLAS to solve a batch of SVD problems.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNumberOfQuadraturePoints() const
void batchQRFactorize(ParallelManager pm, double *P, int lda, int nda, double *RHS, int ldb, int ndb, int M, int N, int NRHS, const int num_matrices, const size_t max_neighbors, const int initial_index_of_batch, int *neighbor_list_sizes)
Calls LAPACK or CUBLAS to solve a batch of QR problems.
ReconstructionSpace _reconstruction_space
reconstruction space for GMLS problems, set at GMLS class instantiation
Kokkos::View< const double *, layout_right >::HostMirror _host_alphas
generated alpha coefficients (host)
Kokkos::View< double * > _P
P*sqrt(w) matrix for all problems.
Tag for functor to evaluate targets, apply target evaluation to polynomial coefficients to store in _...
Tag for functor to assemble the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and construct sqrt(weights)*Identity.
constexpr SamplingFunctional PointSample
Available sampling functionals.
int _dimensions
dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only
int calculateSamplingMultiplier(const ReconstructionSpace rs, const SamplingFunctional sro) const
Calculate sampling_multiplier.
std::string _quadrature_type
quadrature rule type
Kokkos::View< TargetOperation * >::HostMirror _host_operations
vector containing target functionals to be applied for reconstruction problem (host) ...
bool _nontrivial_nullspace
whether or not operator to be inverted for GMLS problem has a nontrivial nullspace (requiring SVD) ...
struct SubviewND< T, T2, enable_if_t<(T::rank< 2)> >{T _data_in;T2 _data_original_view;bool _scalar_as_vector_if_needed;SubviewND(T data_in, T2 data_original_view, bool scalar_as_vector_if_needed){_data_in=data_in;_data_original_view=data_original_view;_scalar_as_vector_if_needed=scalar_as_vector_if_needed;}auto get1DView(const int column_num) -> decltype(Kokkos::subview(_data_in, Kokkos::ALL))
Creates 1D subviews of data from a 1D view, generally constructed with CreateNDSliceOnDeviceView.
global_index_type getTotalNeighborsOverAllListsHost() const
Get the sum of the number of neighbors of all targets&#39; neighborhoods (host)
Tag for functor to assemble the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and construct sqrt(weights)*Identity for curva...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const AssembleStandardPsqrtW &, const member_type &teamMember) const
Functor to assemble the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and construct sqrt(weights)*Identity.
bool nontrivial_nullspace
Whether the SamplingFunctional + ReconstructionSpace results in a nontrivial nullspace requiring SVD...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION XYZ getRelativeCoord(const int target_index, const int neighbor_list_num, const int dimension, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL) const
Returns the relative coordinate as a vector between the target site and the neighbor site...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void createM(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_matrix_right_type M_data, scratch_matrix_right_type weighted_P, const int columns, const int rows)
Creates a matrix M=A^T*A from a matrix A.
ConstraintType _constraint_type
constraint type for GMLS problem
void setThreadsPerTeam(const int value)
int _local_dimensions
dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only. For manifolds, generally _global_dimension...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getRHSSquareDim(DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, ConstraintType constraint_type, ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const int dimension, const int M, const int N)
int _order_of_quadrature_points
order of exact polynomial integration for quadrature rule
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluateConstraints(scratch_matrix_right_type M, scratch_matrix_right_type PsqrtW, const ConstraintType constraint_type, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const int NP, const double cutoff_p, const int dimension, const int num_neighbors=0, scratch_matrix_right_type *T=NULL)
#define compadre_assert_release(condition)
compadre_assert_release is used for assertions that should always be checked, but generally are not e...
Tag for functor to determine if tangent directions need reordered, and to reorder them if needed...
Tag for functor to evaluate curvature targets and construct accurate tangent direction approximation ...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNNeighbors(const int target_index) const
Returns number of neighbors for a particular target.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void applyTargetsToCoefficients(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type t1, scratch_vector_type t2, scratch_matrix_right_type Q, scratch_vector_type w, scratch_matrix_right_type P_target_row, const int target_NP) const
Helper function for applying the evaluations from a target functional to the polynomial coefficients...
int _poly_order
order of basis for polynomial reconstruction
#define compadre_kernel_assert_debug(condition)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getThreadScratchLevel(const int level) const