Compadre  1.2.0
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4 #include "Compadre_GMLS.hpp"
6 namespace Compadre {
9 void GMLS::calcPij(const member_type& teamMember, double* delta, double* thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only, const scratch_matrix_right_type* V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional, const int additional_evaluation_local_index) const {
10 /*
11  * This class is under two levels of hierarchical parallelism, so we
12  * do not put in any finer grain parallelism in this function
13  */
14  const int my_num_neighbors = this->getNNeighbors(target_index);
16  // store precalculated factorials for speedup
17  const double factorial[15] = {1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800, 39916800, 479001600, 6227020800, 87178291200};
19  int component = 0;
20  if (neighbor_index >= my_num_neighbors) {
21  component = neighbor_index / my_num_neighbors;
22  neighbor_index = neighbor_index % my_num_neighbors;
23  } else if (neighbor_index < 0) {
24  // -1 maps to 0 component
25  // -2 maps to 1 component
26  // -3 maps to 2 component
27  component = -(neighbor_index+1);
28  }
30  XYZ relative_coord;
31  if (neighbor_index > -1) {
32  // Evaluate at neighbor site
33  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
34  // calculates (alpha*target+(1-alpha)*neighbor)-1*target = (alpha-1)*target + (1-alpha)*neighbor
35  relative_coord[i] = (alpha-1)*getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
36  relative_coord[i] += (1-alpha)*getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, i, V);
37  }
38  } else if (additional_evaluation_local_index > 0) {
39  // Extra evaluation site
40  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
41  relative_coord[i] = getTargetAuxiliaryCoordinate(target_index, additional_evaluation_local_index, i, V);
42  relative_coord[i] -= getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
43  }
44  } else {
45  // Evaluate at the target site
46  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) relative_coord[i] = 0;
47  }
49  // basis ActualReconstructionSpaceRank is 0 (evaluated like a scalar) and sampling functional is traditional
50  if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == PointSample ||
51  polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample ||
52  polynomial_sampling_functional == ManifoldVectorPointSample ||
53  polynomial_sampling_functional == VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample)&&
54  (reconstruction_space == ScalarTaylorPolynomial || reconstruction_space == VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial)) {
56  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
57  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
59  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z, start_index);
61  // basis ActualReconstructionSpaceRank is 1 (is a true vector basis) and sampling functional is traditional
62  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample ||
63  polynomial_sampling_functional == ManifoldVectorPointSample ||
64  polynomial_sampling_functional == VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample) &&
65  (reconstruction_space == VectorTaylorPolynomial)) {
67  const int dimension_offset = this->getNP(_poly_order, dimension, reconstruction_space);
68  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
69  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
71  for (int d=0; d<dimension; ++d) {
72  if (d==component) {
73  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta+component*dimension_offset, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z, start_index);
74  } else {
75  for (int n=0; n<dimension_offset; ++n) {
76  *(delta+d*dimension_offset+n) = 0;
77  }
78  }
79  }
80  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample) &&
81  (reconstruction_space == DivergenceFreeVectorTaylorPolynomial)) {
82  // Divergence free vector polynomial basis
83  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
85  DivergenceFreePolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, component, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
87  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == StaggeredEdgeAnalyticGradientIntegralSample) &&
88  (reconstruction_space == ScalarTaylorPolynomial)) {
89  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
90  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
91  // basis is actually scalar with staggered sampling functional
92  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z, start_index, 0.0, -1.0);
93  relative_coord.x = 0;
94  relative_coord.y = 0;
95  relative_coord.z = 0;
96  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z, start_index, 1.0, 1.0);
97  } else if (polynomial_sampling_functional == StaggeredEdgeIntegralSample) {
98  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
100  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
101  int alphax, alphay;
102  double alphaf;
103  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
105  for (int quadrature = 0; quadrature<_qm.getNumberOfQuadraturePoints(); ++quadrature) {
107  int i = 0;
109  XYZ tangent_quadrature_coord_2d;
110  XYZ quadrature_coord_2d;
111  for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
112  // calculates (alpha*target+(1-alpha)*neighbor)-1*target = (alpha-1)*target + (1-alpha)*neighbor
113  quadrature_coord_2d[j] = (_qm.getSite(quadrature,0)-1)*getTargetCoordinate(target_index, j, V);
114  quadrature_coord_2d[j] += (1-_qm.getSite(quadrature,0))*getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, j, V);
115  tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[j] = getTargetCoordinate(target_index, j, V);
116  tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[j] += -getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, j, V);
117  }
118  for (int j=0; j<_basis_multiplier; ++j) {
119  for (int n = start_index; n <= poly_order; n++){
120  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= n; alphay++){
121  alphax = n - alphay;
122  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay];
124  // local evaluation of vector [0,p] or [p,0]
125  double v0, v1;
126  v0 = (j==0) ? std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
127  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf : 0;
128  v1 = (j==0) ? 0 : std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
129  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf;
131  double dot_product = tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[0]*v0 + tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[1]*v1;
133  // multiply by quadrature weight
134  if (quadrature==0) {
135  *(delta+i) = dot_product * _qm.getWeight(quadrature);
136  } else {
137  *(delta+i) += dot_product * _qm.getWeight(quadrature);
138  }
139  i++;
140  }
141  }
142  }
143  }
144  } else {
145  // Calculate basis matrix for NON MANIFOLD problems
146  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
147  int alphax, alphay, alphaz;
148  double alphaf;
149  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
151  for (int quadrature = 0; quadrature<_qm.getNumberOfQuadraturePoints(); ++quadrature) {
153  int i = 0;
155  XYZ quadrature_coord_3d;
156  XYZ tangent_quadrature_coord_3d;
157  for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
158  // calculates (alpha*target+(1-alpha)*neighbor)-1*target = (alpha-1)*target + (1-alpha)*neighbor
159  quadrature_coord_3d[j] = (_qm.getSite(quadrature,0)-1)*getTargetCoordinate(target_index, j, NULL);
160  quadrature_coord_3d[j] += (1-_qm.getSite(quadrature,0))*getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, j, NULL);
161  tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[j] = getTargetCoordinate(target_index, j, NULL);
162  tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[j] += -getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, j, NULL);
163  }
164  for (int j=0; j<_basis_multiplier; ++j) {
165  for (int n = start_index; n <= poly_order; n++) {
166  if (dimension == 3) {
167  for (alphaz = 0; alphaz <= n; alphaz++){
168  int s = n - alphaz;
169  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= s; alphay++){
170  alphax = s - alphay;
171  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay]*factorial[alphaz];
173  // local evaluation of vector [p, 0, 0], [0, p, 0] or [0, 0, p]
174  double v0, v1, v2;
175  switch(j) {
176  case 1:
177  v0 = 0.0;
178  v1 = std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
179  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)
180  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.z/cutoff_p,alphaz)/alphaf;
181  v2 = 0.0;
182  break;
183  case 2:
184  v0 = 0.0;
185  v1 = 0.0;
186  v2 = std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
187  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)
188  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.z/cutoff_p,alphaz)/alphaf;
189  break;
190  default:
191  v0 = std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
192  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)
193  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.z/cutoff_p,alphaz)/alphaf;
194  v1 = 0.0;
195  v2 = 0.0;
196  break;
197  }
199  double dot_product = tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[0]*v0 + tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[1]*v1 + tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[2]*v2;
201  // multiply by quadrature weight
202  if (quadrature == 0) {
203  *(delta+i) = dot_product * _qm.getWeight(quadrature);
204  } else {
205  *(delta+i) += dot_product * _qm.getWeight(quadrature);
206  }
207  i++;
208  }
209  }
210  } else if (dimension == 2) {
211  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= n; alphay++){
212  alphax = n - alphay;
213  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay];
215  // local evaluation of vector [p, 0] or [0, p]
216  double v0, v1;
217  switch(j) {
218  case 1:
219  v0 = 0.0;
220  v1 = std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
221  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf;
222  break;
223  default:
224  v0 = std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
225  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf;
226  v1 = 0.0;
227  break;
228  }
230  double dot_product = tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[0]*v0 + tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[1]*v1;
232  // multiply by quadrature weight
233  if (quadrature == 0) {
234  *(delta+i) = dot_product * _qm.getWeight(quadrature);
235  } else {
236  *(delta+i) += dot_product * _qm.getWeight(quadrature);
237  }
238  i++;
239  }
240  }
241  }
242  }
243  }
245  });
246  } else if (polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalIntegralSample ||
247  polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceTangentIntegralSample ||
248  polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalPointSample ||
249  polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceTangentPointSample) {
251  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
253  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(_dimensions==2 && "Only written for 2D");
254  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(_source_extra_data.extent(0)>0 && "Extra data used but not set.");
256  int neighbor_index_in_source = getNeighborIndex(target_index, neighbor_index);
258  /*
259  * requires quadrature points defined on an edge, not a target/source edge (spoke)
260  *
261  * _extra_data will contain the endpoints (2 for 2D, 3 for 3D) and then the unit normals
262  * (e0_x, e0_y, e1_x, e1_y, n_x, n_y, t_x, t_y)
263  */
265  // if not integrating, set to 1
266  int quadrature_point_loop = (polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalIntegralSample
267  || polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceTangentIntegralSample) ?
270  // only used for integrated quantities
271  XYZ endpoints_difference;
272  for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
273  endpoints_difference[j] = _source_extra_data(neighbor_index_in_source, j) - _source_extra_data(neighbor_index_in_source, j+2);
274  }
275  double magnitude = EuclideanVectorLength(endpoints_difference, 2);
277  int alphax, alphay;
278  double alphaf;
279  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
281  // loop
282  for (int quadrature = 0; quadrature<quadrature_point_loop; ++quadrature) {
284  int i = 0;
286  XYZ direction_2d;
287  XYZ quadrature_coord_2d;
288  for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
290  if (polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalIntegralSample
291  || polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceTangentIntegralSample) {
292  // quadrature coord site
293  quadrature_coord_2d[j] = _qm.getSite(quadrature,0)*_source_extra_data(neighbor_index_in_source, j);
294  quadrature_coord_2d[j] += (1-_qm.getSite(quadrature,0))*_source_extra_data(neighbor_index_in_source, j+2);
295  quadrature_coord_2d[j] -= getTargetCoordinate(target_index, j);
296  } else {
297  // traditional coord
298  quadrature_coord_2d[j] = relative_coord[j];
299  }
301  // normal direction or tangent direction
302  if (polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalIntegralSample
303  || polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalPointSample) {
304  // normal direction
305  direction_2d[j] = _source_extra_data(neighbor_index_in_source, 4 + j);
306  } else {
307  // tangent direction
308  direction_2d[j] = _source_extra_data(neighbor_index_in_source, 6 + j);
309  }
311  }
313  for (int j=0; j<_basis_multiplier; ++j) {
314  for (int n = start_index; n <= poly_order; n++){
315  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= n; alphay++){
316  alphax = n - alphay;
317  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay];
319  // local evaluation of vector [0,p] or [p,0]
320  double v0, v1;
321  v0 = (j==0) ? std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
322  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf : 0;
323  v1 = (j==0) ? 0 : std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
324  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf;
326  // either n*v or t*v
327  double dot_product = direction_2d[0]*v0 + direction_2d[1]*v1;
329  // multiply by quadrature weight
330  if (quadrature==0) {
331  if (polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalIntegralSample
332  || polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceTangentIntegralSample) {
333  // integral
334  *(delta+i) = dot_product * _qm.getWeight(quadrature) * magnitude;
335  } else {
336  // point
337  *(delta+i) = dot_product;
338  }
339  } else {
340  // non-integrated quantities never satisfy this condition
341  *(delta+i) += dot_product * _qm.getWeight(quadrature) * magnitude;
342  }
343  i++;
344  }
345  }
346  }
347  }
348  } else if (polynomial_sampling_functional == ScalarFaceAverageSample) {
349  auto global_neighbor_index = getNeighborIndex(target_index, neighbor_index);
350  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
351  int alphax, alphay, alphaz;
352  double alphaf;
354  // global dimension cannot be determined in a constexpr way, so we use a largest case scenario
355  // of dimensions 3 for _global_dimension
356  double triangle_coords[3/*_global_dimensions*/*3];
357  for (int i=0; i<_global_dimensions*3; ++i) triangle_coords[i] = 0;
358  // 3 is for # vertices in sub-triangle
359  scratch_matrix_right_type triangle_coords_matrix(triangle_coords, _global_dimensions, 3);
361  scratch_vector_type midpoint(delta, _global_dimensions);
362  getMidpointFromCellVertices(teamMember, midpoint, _source_extra_data, global_neighbor_index, _global_dimensions /*dim*/);
363  for (int j=0; j<_global_dimensions; ++j) {
364  triangle_coords_matrix(j, 0) = midpoint(j);
365  }
367  size_t num_vertices = _source_extra_data.extent(1) / _global_dimensions;
368  double reference_cell_area = 0.5;
369  double entire_cell_area = 0.0;
370  auto T=triangle_coords_matrix;
372  for (size_t v=0; v<num_vertices; ++v) {
373  int v1 = v;
374  int v2 = (v+1) % num_vertices;
375  for (int j=0; j<_global_dimensions; ++j) {
376  triangle_coords_matrix(j,1) = _source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, v1*_global_dimensions+j) - triangle_coords_matrix(j,0);
377  triangle_coords_matrix(j,2) = _source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, v2*_global_dimensions+j) - triangle_coords_matrix(j,0);
378  }
379  entire_cell_area += 0.5 * getAreaFromVectors(teamMember,
380  Kokkos::subview(T, Kokkos::ALL(), 1), Kokkos::subview(T, Kokkos::ALL(), 2));
381  }
383  // loop over each two vertices
384  // made for flat surfaces (either dim=2 or on a manifold)
385  for (size_t v=0; v<num_vertices; ++v) {
386  int v1 = v;
387  int v2 = (v+1) % num_vertices;
389  for (int j=0; j<_global_dimensions; ++j) {
390  triangle_coords_matrix(j,1) = _source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, v1*_global_dimensions+j) - triangle_coords_matrix(j,0);
391  triangle_coords_matrix(j,2) = _source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, v2*_global_dimensions+j) - triangle_coords_matrix(j,0);
392  }
393  // triangle_coords now has:
394  // (midpoint_x, midpoint_y, midpoint_z,
395  // v1_x-midpoint_x, v1_y-midpoint_y, v1_z-midpoint_z,
396  // v2_x-midpoint_x, v2_y-midpoint_y, v2_z-midpoint_z);
397  for (int quadrature = 0; quadrature<_qm.getNumberOfQuadraturePoints(); ++quadrature) {
398  double transformed_qp[3] = {0,0,0};
399  for (int j=0; j<_global_dimensions; ++j) {
400  for (int k=1; k<3; ++k) { // 3 is for # vertices in subtriangle
401  transformed_qp[j] += T(j,k)*_qm.getSite(quadrature, k-1);
402  }
403  transformed_qp[j] += T(j,0);
404  }
405  // half the norm of the cross-product is the area of the triangle
406  // so scaling is area / reference area (0.5) = the norm of the cross-product
407  double sub_cell_area = 0.5 * getAreaFromVectors(teamMember,
408  Kokkos::subview(T, Kokkos::ALL(), 1), Kokkos::subview(T, Kokkos::ALL(), 2));
409  double scaling_factor = sub_cell_area / reference_cell_area;
412  XYZ qp = XYZ(transformed_qp[0], transformed_qp[1], transformed_qp[2]);
413  for (int j=0; j<2; ++j) {
414  relative_coord[j] = convertGlobalToLocalCoordinate(qp,j,V) - getTargetCoordinate(target_index,j,V); // shift quadrature point by target site
415  relative_coord[2] = 0;
416  }
417  } else {
418  for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
419  relative_coord[j] = transformed_qp[j] - getTargetCoordinate(target_index,j,V); // shift quadrature point by target site
420  }
421  for (int j=dimension; j<3; ++j) {
422  relative_coord[j] = 0.0;
423  }
424  }
426  int k = 0;
427  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
428  if (dimension == 3) {
429  for (int n = start_index; n <= poly_order; n++){
430  for (alphaz = 0; alphaz <= n; alphaz++){
431  int s = n - alphaz;
432  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= s; alphay++){
433  alphax = s - alphay;
434  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay]*factorial[alphaz];
435  double val_to_sum = (scaling_factor * _qm.getWeight(quadrature)
436  * std::pow(relative_coord.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
437  * std::pow(relative_coord.y/cutoff_p,alphay)
438  * std::pow(relative_coord.z/cutoff_p,alphaz)/alphaf) / entire_cell_area;
439  if (quadrature==0 && v==0) *(delta+k) = val_to_sum;
440  else *(delta+k) += val_to_sum;
441  k++;
442  }
443  }
444  }
445  } else if (dimension == 2) {
446  for (int n = start_index; n <= poly_order; n++){
447  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= n; alphay++){
448  alphax = n - alphay;
449  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay];
450  double val_to_sum = (scaling_factor * _qm.getWeight(quadrature)
451  * std::pow(relative_coord.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
452  * std::pow(relative_coord.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf) / entire_cell_area;
453  if (quadrature==0 && v==0) *(delta+k) = val_to_sum;
454  else *(delta+k) += val_to_sum;
455  k++;
456  }
457  }
458  }
459  }
460  }
461  } else {
462  compadre_kernel_assert_release((false) && "Sampling and basis space combination not defined.");
463  }
464 }
468 void GMLS::calcGradientPij(const member_type& teamMember, double* delta, double* thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int partial_direction, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only, const scratch_matrix_right_type* V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional, const int additional_evaluation_index) const {
469 /*
470  * This class is under two levels of hierarchical parallelism, so we
471  * do not put in any finer grain parallelism in this function
472  */
474  const int my_num_neighbors = this->getNNeighbors(target_index);
476  int component = 0;
477  if (neighbor_index >= my_num_neighbors) {
478  component = neighbor_index / my_num_neighbors;
479  neighbor_index = neighbor_index % my_num_neighbors;
480  } else if (neighbor_index < 0) {
481  // -1 maps to 0 component
482  // -2 maps to 1 component
483  // -3 maps to 2 component
484  component = -(neighbor_index+1);
485  }
487  // alpha corresponds to the linear combination of target_index and neighbor_index coordinates
488  // coordinate to evaluate = alpha*(target_index's coordinate) + (1-alpha)*(neighbor_index's coordinate)
490  // partial_direction - 0=x, 1=y, 2=z
491  XYZ relative_coord;
492  if (neighbor_index > -1) {
493  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
494  // calculates (alpha*target+(1-alpha)*neighbor)-1*target = (alpha-1)*target + (1-alpha)*neighbor
495  relative_coord[i] = (alpha-1)*getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
496  relative_coord[i] += (1-alpha)*getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, i, V);
497  }
498  } else if (additional_evaluation_index > 0) {
499  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
500  relative_coord[i] = getTargetAuxiliaryCoordinate(target_index, additional_evaluation_index, i, V);
501  relative_coord[i] -= getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
502  }
503  } else {
504  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) relative_coord[i] = 0;
505  }
507  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
508  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
510  if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == PointSample ||
511  polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample ||
512  polynomial_sampling_functional == ManifoldVectorPointSample ||
513  polynomial_sampling_functional == VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample) &&
514  (reconstruction_space == ScalarTaylorPolynomial || reconstruction_space == VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial)) {
516  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluatePartialDerivative(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, partial_direction, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z, start_index);
518  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample) &&
519  (reconstruction_space == DivergenceFreeVectorTaylorPolynomial)) {
520  // Divergence free vector polynomial basis
521  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
523  DivergenceFreePolynomialBasis::evaluatePartialDerivative(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, component, partial_direction, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
525  } else {
526  compadre_kernel_assert_release((false) && "Sampling and basis space combination not defined.");
527  }
528 }
531 void GMLS::calcHessianPij(const member_type& teamMember, double* delta, double* thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int partial_direction_1, const int partial_direction_2, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only, const scratch_matrix_right_type* V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional, const int additional_evaluation_index) const {
532 /*
533  * This class is under two levels of hierarchical parallelism, so we
534  * do not put in any finer grain parallelism in this function
535  */
537  const int my_num_neighbors = this->getNNeighbors(target_index);
539  int component = 0;
540  if (neighbor_index >= my_num_neighbors) {
541  component = neighbor_index / my_num_neighbors;
542  neighbor_index = neighbor_index % my_num_neighbors;
543  } else if (neighbor_index < 0) {
544  // -1 maps to 0 component
545  // -2 maps to 1 component
546  // -3 maps to 2 component
547  component = -(neighbor_index+1);
548  }
550  // alpha corresponds to the linear combination of target_index and neighbor_index coordinates
551  // coordinate to evaluate = alpha*(target_index's coordinate) + (1-alpha)*(neighbor_index's coordinate)
553  // partial_direction - 0=x, 1=y, 2=z
554  XYZ relative_coord;
555  if (neighbor_index > -1) {
556  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
557  // calculates (alpha*target+(1-alpha)*neighbor)-1*target = (alpha-1)*target + (1-alpha)*neighbor
558  relative_coord[i] = (alpha-1)*getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
559  relative_coord[i] += (1-alpha)*getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, i, V);
560  }
561  } else if (additional_evaluation_index > 0) {
562  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
563  relative_coord[i] = getTargetAuxiliaryCoordinate(target_index, additional_evaluation_index, i, V);
564  relative_coord[i] -= getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
565  }
566  } else {
567  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) relative_coord[i] = 0;
568  }
570  double cutoff_p = _epsilons(target_index);
572  if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == PointSample ||
573  polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample ||
574  polynomial_sampling_functional == ManifoldVectorPointSample ||
575  polynomial_sampling_functional == VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample) &&
576  (reconstruction_space == ScalarTaylorPolynomial || reconstruction_space == VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial)) {
578  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluateSecondPartialDerivative(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, partial_direction_1, partial_direction_2, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
580  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample) &&
581  (reconstruction_space == DivergenceFreeVectorTaylorPolynomial)) {
583  DivergenceFreePolynomialBasis::evaluateSecondPartialDerivative(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, component, partial_direction_1, partial_direction_2, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
585  } else {
586  compadre_kernel_assert_release((false) && "Sampling and basis space combination not defined.");
587  }
588 }
592 void GMLS::createWeightsAndP(const member_type& teamMember, scratch_vector_type delta, scratch_vector_type thread_workspace, scratch_matrix_right_type P, scratch_vector_type w, const int dimension, int polynomial_order, bool weight_p, scratch_matrix_right_type* V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional) const {
593  /*
594  * Creates sqrt(W)*P
595  */
596  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
597 // printf("specific order: %d\n", specific_order);
598 // {
599 // const int storage_size = (specific_order > 0) ? this->getNP(specific_order, dimension)-this->getNP(specific_order-1, dimension) : this->getNP(_poly_order, dimension);
600 // printf("storage size: %d\n", storage_size);
601 // }
602 // printf("weight_p: %d\n", weight_p);
603  const int my_num_neighbors = this->getNNeighbors(target_index);
605  teamMember.team_barrier();
606  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,this->getNNeighbors(target_index)),
607  [=] (const int i) {
609  for (int d=0; d<_sampling_multiplier; ++d) {
610  // in 2d case would use distance between SVD coordinates
612  // ignores V when calculating weights from a point, i.e. uses actual point values
613  double r;
615  // coefficient muliplied by relative distance (allows for mid-edge weighting if applicable)
616  double alpha_weight = 1;
619  alpha_weight = 0.5;
620  }
622  // get Euchlidean distance of scaled relative coordinate from the origin
623  if (V==NULL) {
624  r = this->EuclideanVectorLength(this->getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, dimension) * alpha_weight, dimension);
625  } else {
626  r = this->EuclideanVectorLength(this->getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, dimension, V) * alpha_weight, dimension);
627  }
629  // generate weight vector from distances and window sizes
630  w(i+my_num_neighbors*d) = this->Wab(r, _epsilons(target_index), _weighting_type, _weighting_power);
632  this->calcPij(teamMember,,, target_index, i + d*my_num_neighbors, 0 /*alpha*/, dimension, polynomial_order, false /*bool on only specific order*/, V, reconstruction_space, polynomial_sampling_functional);
634  // storage_size needs to change based on the size of the basis
635  int storage_size = this->getNP(polynomial_order, dimension, reconstruction_space);
636  storage_size *= _basis_multiplier;
638  if (weight_p) {
639  for (int j = 0; j < storage_size; ++j) {
640  // no need to convert offsets to global indices because the sum will never be large
641  P(i+my_num_neighbors*d, j) = delta[j] * std::sqrt(w(i+my_num_neighbors*d));
642  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(delta[j]==delta[j] && "NaN in sqrt(W)*P matrix.");
643  }
645  } else {
646  for (int j = 0; j < storage_size; ++j) {
647  // no need to convert offsets to global indices because the sum will never be large
648  P(i+my_num_neighbors*d, j) = delta[j];
650  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(delta[j]==delta[j] && "NaN in P matrix.");
651  }
652  }
653  }
654  });
656  teamMember.team_barrier();
657 // Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [=] () {
658 // for (int k=0; k<this->getNNeighbors(target_index); k++) {
659 // for (int l=0; l<_NP; l++) {
660 // printf("%i %i %0.16f\n", k, l, P(k,l) );// << " " << l << " " << R(k,l) << std::endl;
661 // }
662 // }
663 // });
664 }
667 void GMLS::createWeightsAndPForCurvature(const member_type& teamMember, scratch_vector_type delta, scratch_vector_type thread_workspace, scratch_matrix_right_type P, scratch_vector_type w, const int dimension, bool only_specific_order, scratch_matrix_right_type* V) const {
668 /*
669  * This function has two purposes
670  * 1.) Used to calculate specifically for 1st order polynomials, from which we can reconstruct a tangent plane
671  * 2.) Used to calculate a polynomial of _curvature_poly_order, which we use to calculate curvature of the manifold
672  */
674  const int target_index = _initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
676  teamMember.team_barrier();
677  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,this->getNNeighbors(target_index)),
678  [=] (const int i) {
680  // ignores V when calculating weights from a point, i.e. uses actual point values
681  double r;
683  // get Euclidean distance of scaled relative coordinate from the origin
684  if (V==NULL) {
685  r = this->EuclideanVectorLength(this->getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, dimension), dimension);
686  } else {
687  r = this->EuclideanVectorLength(this->getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, dimension, V), dimension);
688  }
690  // generate weight vector from distances and window sizes
691  if (only_specific_order) {
692  w(i) = this->Wab(r, _epsilons(target_index), _curvature_weighting_type, _curvature_weighting_power);
693  this->calcPij(teamMember,,, target_index, i, 0 /*alpha*/, dimension, 1, true /*bool on only specific order*/);
694  } else {
695  w(i) = this->Wab(r, _epsilons(target_index), _curvature_weighting_type, _curvature_weighting_power);
696  this->calcPij(teamMember,,, target_index, i, 0 /*alpha*/, dimension, _curvature_poly_order, false /*bool on only specific order*/, V);
697  }
699  int storage_size = only_specific_order ? this->getNP(1, dimension)-this->getNP(0, dimension) : this->getNP(_curvature_poly_order, dimension);
701  for (int j = 0; j < storage_size; ++j) {
702  P(i, j) = delta[j] * std::sqrt(w(i));
703  }
705  });
706  teamMember.team_barrier();
707 }
709 } // Compadre
710 #endif
Divergence-free vector polynomial basis.
constexpr SamplingFunctional FaceNormalIntegralSample
For integrating polynomial dotted with normal over an edge.
constexpr SamplingFunctional ScalarFaceAverageSample
For polynomial integrated on faces.
int _curvature_weighting_power
power to be used for weighting kernel for curvature
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double EuclideanVectorLength(const XYZ &delta_vector, const int dimension)
Returns Euclidean norm of a vector.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void getMidpointFromCellVertices(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type midpoint_storage, scratch_matrix_right_type cell_coordinates, const int cell_num, const int dim=3)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluatePartialDerivative(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const int partial_direction, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the first partial derivatives of scalar Taylor polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of_origin...
#define compadre_kernel_assert_release(condition)
compadre_kernel_assert_release is similar to compadre_assert_release, but is a call on the device...
constexpr SamplingFunctional ManifoldVectorPointSample
Point evaluations of the entire vector source function (but on a manifold, so it includes a transform...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluate(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const int component, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the divergence-free polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of_original_value * delta[j] + weigh...
team_policy::member_type member_type
#define compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(condition)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void createWeightsAndP(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type delta, scratch_vector_type thread_workspace, scratch_matrix_right_type P, scratch_vector_type w, const int dimension, int polynomial_order, bool weight_p=false, scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial, const SamplingFunctional sampling_strategy=PointSample) const
Fills the _P matrix with either P or P*sqrt(w)
Kokkos::View< double * > _epsilons
h supports determined through neighbor search (device)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluateSecondPartialDerivative(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const int component, const int partial_direction_1, const int partial_direction_2, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the second partial derivatives of the divergence-free polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void calcGradientPij(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int partial_direction, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional sampling_strategy, const int additional_evaluation_local_index=0) const
Evaluates the gradient of a polynomial basis under the Dirac Delta (pointwise) sampling function...
int _sampling_multiplier
actual dimension of the sampling functional e.g.
int _curvature_poly_order
order of basis for curvature reconstruction
constexpr SamplingFunctional VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample
For integrating polynomial dotted with normal over an edge.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAreaFromVectors(const member_type &teamMember, view_type_1 v1, view_type_2 v2)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void calcPij(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only=false, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial, const SamplingFunctional sampling_strategy=PointSample, const int additional_evaluation_local_index=0) const
Evaluates the polynomial basis under a particular sampling function. Generally used to fill a row of ...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluate(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the scalar Taylor polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of_original_value * delta[j] + weight_...
Quadrature _qm
manages and calculates quadrature
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getWeight(const int index) const
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double convertGlobalToLocalCoordinate(const XYZ global_coord, const int dim, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V) const
Returns a component of the local coordinate after transformation from global to local under the ortho...
constexpr SamplingFunctional StaggeredEdgeAnalyticGradientIntegralSample
Analytical integral of a gradient source vector is just a difference of the scalar source at neighbor...
Scalar polynomial basis centered at the target site and scaled by sum of basis powers e...
Solve GMLS problem on a manifold (will use QR or SVD to solve the resultant GMLS problem dependent on...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getSite(const int index, const int component) const
WeightingFunctionType _curvature_weighting_type
weighting kernel type for curvature problem
WeightingFunctionType _weighting_type
weighting kernel type for GMLS
constexpr SamplingFunctional FaceTangentIntegralSample
For integrating polynomial dotted with tangent over an edge.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNeighborIndex(const int target_index, const int neighbor_list_num) const
Mapping from [0,number of neighbors for a target] to the row that contains the source coordinates for...
constexpr SamplingFunctional FaceNormalPointSample
For polynomial dotted with normal on edge.
int _initial_index_for_batch
initial index for current batch
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNP(const int m, const int dimension=3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial)
Returns size of the basis for a given polynomial order and dimension General to dimension 1...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getNeighborCoordinate(const int target_index, const int neighbor_list_num, const int dim, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL) const
Returns one component of the neighbor coordinate for a particular target.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getTargetCoordinate(const int target_index, const int dim, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL) const
Returns one component of the target coordinate for a particular target.
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right > _source_extra_data
Extra data available to basis functions (optional)
constexpr SamplingFunctional StaggeredEdgeIntegralSample
Samples consist of the result of integrals of a vector dotted with the tangent along edges between ne...
Scalar basis reused as many times as there are components in the vector resulting in a much cheaper p...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluateSecondPartialDerivative(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const int partial_direction_1, const int partial_direction_2, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the second partial derivatives of scalar Taylor polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of_origi...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluatePartialDerivative(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const int component, const int partial_direction, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the first partial derivatives of the divergence-free polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of_...
Space in which to reconstruct polynomial.
const SamplingFunctional _polynomial_sampling_functional
polynomial sampling functional used to construct P matrix, set at GMLS class instantiation ...
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_matrix_right_type
Kokkos::View< double *, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_vector_type
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void createWeightsAndPForCurvature(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type delta, scratch_vector_type thread_workspace, scratch_matrix_right_type P, scratch_vector_type w, const int dimension, bool only_specific_order, scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL) const
Fills the _P matrix with P*sqrt(w) for use in solving for curvature.
constexpr SamplingFunctional FaceTangentPointSample
For polynomial dotted with tangent.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void calcHessianPij(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int partial_direction_1, const int partial_direction_2, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional sampling_strategy, const int additional_evaluation_local_index=0) const
Evaluates the Hessian of a polynomial basis under the Dirac Delta (pointwise) sampling function...
import subprocess import os import re import math import sys import argparse d d d(20 *num_target_sites *pow(4, grid_num))
ProblemType _problem_type
problem type for GMLS problem, can also be set to STANDARD for normal or MANIFOLD for manifold proble...
int _basis_multiplier
dimension of the reconstructed function e.g.
int _global_dimensions
spatial dimension of the points, set at class instantiation only
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNumberOfQuadraturePoints() const
int _weighting_power
power to be used for weighting kernel
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getTargetAuxiliaryCoordinate(const int target_index, const int additional_list_num, const int dim, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL) const
(OPTIONAL) Returns one component of the additional evaluation coordinates.
constexpr SamplingFunctional PointSample
Available sampling functionals.
int _dimensions
dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double Wab(const double r, const double h, const WeightingFunctionType &weighting_type, const int power)
Evaluates the weighting kernel.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION XYZ getRelativeCoord(const int target_index, const int neighbor_list_num, const int dimension, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL) const
Returns the relative coordinate as a vector between the target site and the neighbor site...
Vector polynomial basis having # of components _dimensions, or (_dimensions-1) in the case of manifol...
constexpr SamplingFunctional VectorPointSample
Point evaluations of the entire vector source function.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNNeighbors(const int target_index) const
Returns number of neighbors for a particular target.
int _poly_order
order of basis for polynomial reconstruction
#define compadre_kernel_assert_debug(condition)