
ROL's risk measure implementations. More...


class  ROL::ExpectationQuad< Real >
 Provides a general interface for risk and error measures generated through the expectation risk quadrangle. More...
class  ROL::MoreauYosidaCVaR< Real >
 Provides an interface for a smooth approximation of the conditional value-at-risk. More...
class  ROL::LogExponentialQuadrangle< Real >
 Provides an interface for the entropic risk using the expectation risk quadrangle. More...
class  ROL::LogQuantileQuadrangle< Real >
 Provides an interface for the conditioanl entropic risk using the expectation risk quadrangle. More...
class  ROL::MeanVarianceQuadrangle< Real >
 Provides an interface for the mean plus variance risk measure using the expectation risk quadrangle. More...
class  ROL::QuantileQuadrangle< Real >
 Provides an interface for a convex combination of the expected value and the conditional value-at-risk using the expectation risk quadrangle. More...
class  ROL::SmoothedWorstCaseQuadrangle< Real >
 Provides an interface for a smoothed version of the worst-case scenario risk measure using the expectation risk quadrangle. More...
class  ROL::ExpectationQuadError< Real >
 Provides a general interface for error measures generated through the expectation risk quadrangle. More...
class  ROL::ExpectationQuadRegret< Real >
 Provides a general interface for regret measures generated through the expectation risk quadrangle. More...
class  ROL::Chi2Divergence< Real >
 Provides an interface for the chi-squared-divergence distributionally robust expectation. More...
class  ROL::FDivergence< Real >
 Provides a general interface for the F-divergence distributionally robust expectation. More...
class  ROL::CoherentEntropicRisk< Real >
 Provides the interface for the coherent entropic risk measure. More...
class  ROL::ConvexCombinationRiskMeasure< Real >
 Provides an interface for a convex combination of risk measures. More...
class  ROL::CVaR< Real >
 Provides an interface for a convex combination of the expected value and the conditional value-at-risk. More...
class  ROL::EntropicRisk< Real >
 Provides an interface for the entropic risk. More...
class  ROL::HMCR< Real >
 Provides an interface for a convex combination of the expected value and the higher moment coherent risk measure. More...
class  ROL::KLDivergence< Real >
 Provides an interface for the Kullback-Leibler distributionally robust expectation. More...
class  ROL::MeanDeviation< Real >
 Provides an interface for the mean plus a sum of arbitrary order deviations. More...
class  ROL::MeanDeviationFromTarget< Real >
 Provides an interface for the mean plus a sum of arbitrary order deviations from targets. More...
class  ROL::MeanSemiDeviation< Real >
 Provides an interface for the mean plus upper semideviation of order 1. More...
class  ROL::MeanVariance< Real >
 Provides an interface for the mean plus a sum of arbitrary order variances. More...
class  ROL::MeanVarianceFromTarget< Real >
 Provides an interface for the mean plus a sum of arbitrary order variances from targets. More...
class  ROL::MixedCVaR< Real >
 Provides an interface for a convex combination of conditional value-at-risks. More...
class  ROL::ChebyshevSpectral< Real >
 Provides an interface for the Chebyshev-Spectral risk measure. More...
class  ROL::SecondOrderCVaR< Real >
 Provides an interface for the risk measure associated with the super quantile quadrangle. More...
class  ROL::SpectralRisk< Real >
 Provides an interface for spectral risk measures. More...

Detailed Description

ROL's risk measure implementations.