Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2014 NTESS and the ROL contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
10 #ifndef ROL_LINMORE_H
11 #define ROL_LINMORE_H
17 #include "ROL_TrustRegion.hpp"
18 #include "ROL_LinMoreModel.hpp"
19 #include "ROL_Elementwise_Function.hpp"
20 #include "ROL_Elementwise_Reduce.hpp"
22 namespace ROL {
24 template<class Real>
25 class LinMore : public TrustRegion<Real> {
26 private:
28  Ptr<Vector<Real>> x_, s_, g_;
29  Ptr<Vector<Real>> pwa1_, pwa2_, dwa1_, dwa2_;
31  Real tol1_, tol2_, alpha_;
32  int maxit_;
34  unsigned verbosity_;
36  class LowerBreakPoint : public Elementwise::BinaryFunction<Real> {
37  public:
38  Real apply( const Real &x, const Real &y) const {
39  const Real zero(0), one(1);
40  return (x > zero && y < zero) ? -x/y : -one;
41  }
42  } lbp_;
44  class UpperBreakPoint : public Elementwise::BinaryFunction<Real> {
45  public:
46  Real apply( const Real &x, const Real &y) const {
47  const Real zero(0), one(1);
48  return (x > zero && y > zero) ? x/y : -one;
49  }
50  } ubp_;
52  class PositiveMin : public Elementwise::ReductionOp<Real> {
53  public:
54  void reduce(const Real &input, Real &output) const {
55  const Real zero(0);
56  output = (input<output && input>zero) ? input : output;
57  }
58  void reduce( const volatile Real &input, Real volatile &output ) const {
59  const Real zero(0);
60  output = (input<output && input>zero) ? input : output;
61  }
62  Real initialValue() const {
63  return ROL_INF<Real>();
64  }
65  Elementwise::EReductionType reductionType() const {
66  return Elementwise::REDUCE_MIN;
67  }
68  } pmin_;
70  class PositiveMax : public Elementwise::ReductionOp<Real> {
71  public:
72  void reduce(const Real &input, Real &output) const {
73  const Real zero(0);
74  output = (input>output && input>zero) ? input : output;
75  }
76  void reduce( const volatile Real &input, Real volatile &output ) const {
77  const Real zero(0);
78  output = (input>output && input>zero) ? input : output;
79  }
80  Real initialValue() const {
81  return static_cast<Real>(0);
82  }
83  Elementwise::EReductionType reductionType() const {
84  return Elementwise::REDUCE_MAX;
85  }
86  } pmax_;
88 public:
90  // Constructor
91  LinMore( ROL::ParameterList &parlist ) : TrustRegion<Real>(parlist), alpha_(1) {
92  // Unravel Parameter List
93  Real em4(1e-4), em2(1e-2);
94  maxit_ = parlist.sublist("General").sublist("Krylov").get("Iteration Limit",20);
95  tol1_ = parlist.sublist("General").sublist("Krylov").get("Absolute Tolerance",em4);
96  tol2_ = parlist.sublist("General").sublist("Krylov").get("Relative Tolerance",em2);
97  // Get verbosity level
98  verbosity_ = parlist.sublist("General").get("Print Verbosity", 0);
99  }
101  void initialize( const Vector<Real> &x, const Vector<Real> &s, const Vector<Real> &g) {
103  x_ = x.clone(); s_ = x.clone(); g_ = g.clone();
104  pwa1_ = x.clone(); pwa2_ = x.clone();
105  dwa1_ = g.clone(); dwa2_ = g.clone();
106  }
108  void run( Vector<Real> &s,
109  Real &snorm,
110  int &iflag,
111  int &iter,
112  const Real del,
113  TrustRegionModel<Real> &model ) {
114  const Real zero(0), half(0.5), one(1);
115  Real tol0 = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
116  Real gfnorm(0), gfnormf(0), tol(0), stol(0);
117  int dim = s.dimension();
118  // Compute Cauchy point (TRON notation: x_ = x[1])
119  snorm = dcauchy(*s_,alpha_,*model.getIterate(),model.getGradient()->dual(),
120  del,model,*pwa1_,*pwa2_,*dwa1_); // Solve 1D optimization problem for alpha_
121  x_->set(*model.getIterate()); // TRON notation: model.getIterate() = x[0]
122  x_->plus(*s_); // Set x_ = x[0] + alpha_*g
123  model.getBoundConstraint()->project(*x_); // Project x_ onto bounds
125  // Model gradient at s = x[1] - x[0]
126  s.set(*x_); s.axpy(-one,*model.getIterate()); // s_ = x[i+1]-x[0]
127  dynamic_cast<LinMoreModel<Real>&>(model).applyFullHessian(*g_,s,tol0);
128  g_->plus(*model.getGradient());
129  model.getBoundConstraint()->pruneActive(*g_,*x_,zero);
130  gfnorm = g_->norm();
131  if (verbosity_ > 0) {
132  std::cout << std::endl;
133  std::cout << " Computation of Cauchy point" << std::endl;
134  std::cout << " Step length (alpha): " << alpha_ << std::endl;
135  std::cout << " Step length (alpha*g): " << snorm << std::endl;
136  std::cout << " Norm of Cauchy point: " << x_->norm() << std::endl;
137  std::cout << " Norm of free gradient components: " << gfnorm << std::endl;
138  }
140  // Main step computation loop
141  // There are at most dim iterations since at least one
142  // face becomes active at each iteration
143  iter = 0;
144  for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
145  // Run Truncated CG
146  int flagCG = 0, iterCG = 0;
147  tol = tol2_*gfnorm;
148  stol = zero;
149  snorm = dtrpcg(*s_,flagCG,iterCG,*g_,*x_,del,model,
150  tol,stol,maxit_,
151  *pwa1_,*dwa1_,*pwa2_,*dwa2_);
152  iter += iterCG;
153  if (verbosity_ > 0) {
154  std::cout << std::endl;
155  std::cout << " Computation of CG step" << std::endl;
156  std::cout << " Number of faces: " << dim << std::endl;
157  std::cout << " Current face (i): " << i << std::endl;
158  std::cout << " CG step length: " << snorm << std::endl;
159  std::cout << " Number of CG iterations: " << iterCG << std::endl;
160  std::cout << " CG flag: " << flagCG << std::endl;
161  std::cout << " Total number of iterations: " << iter << std::endl;
162  }
164  // Projected search
165  snorm = dprsrch(*x_,*s_,g_->dual(),model,*pwa1_,*dwa1_);
166  if (verbosity_ > 0) {
167  std::cout << " Step length (beta*s): " << snorm << std::endl;
168  std::cout << " Iterate length: " << x_->norm() << std::endl;
169  }
171  // Model gradient at s = x[i+1] - x[0]
172  s.set(*x_); s.axpy(-one,*model.getIterate()); // s_ = x[i+1]-x[0]
173  dynamic_cast<LinMoreModel<Real>&>(model).applyFullHessian(*g_,s,tol0);
174  g_->plus(*model.getGradient());
175  model.getBoundConstraint()->pruneActive(*g_,*x_,zero);
176  gfnormf = g_->norm();
177  if (verbosity_ > 0) {
178  std::cout << std::endl;
179  std::cout << " Update model gradient" << std::endl;
180  std::cout << " Step length: " << s.norm() << std::endl;
181  std::cout << " Norm of free gradient components: " << gfnormf << std::endl;
182  std::cout << std::endl;
183  }
185  // Termination check
186  if (gfnormf <= tol2_*gfnorm) {
187  iflag = 0;
188  break;
189  }
190  else if (iter >= maxit_) {
191  iflag = 1;
192  break;
193  }
194  else if (flagCG == 2) {
195  iflag = 2;
196  break;
197  }
198  else if (flagCG == 3) {
199  iflag = 3;
200  break;
201  }
203  // Update free gradient norm
204  gfnorm = gfnormf;
205  }
206  // Update norm of step and update model predicted reduction
207  snorm = s.norm();
208  Real gs(0), q(0);
209  dynamic_cast<LinMoreModel<Real>&>(model).applyFullHessian(*dwa1_,s,tol0);
210  gs =>dual());
211  q = half *>dual()) + gs;
213  }
215 private:
217  // Compute the projected step s = P(x + alpha*w) - x
218  // Returns the norm of the projected step s
219  // s -- The projected step upon return
220  // w -- The direction vector w (unchanged)
221  // x -- The anchor vector x (unchanged)
222  // alpha -- The step size (unchanged)
223  // model -- Contains the bound constraint information
224  Real dgpstep(Vector<Real> &s, const Vector<Real> &w,
225  const Vector<Real> &x, const Real alpha,
226  TrustRegionModel<Real> &model) const {
227  s.set(x); s.axpy(alpha,w);
228  model.getBoundConstraint()->project(s);
229  s.axpy(static_cast<Real>(-1),x);
230  return s.norm();
231  }
233  // Compute minimal and maximal break points of x+alpha*s
234  // with in the interval [xl,xu] specified by the bound constraint
235  // x -- The anchor vector x (unchanged)
236  // s -- The descent vector s (unchanged)
237  // model -- Contains the bound constraint information
238  // bpmin -- The minimum break point
239  // bpmax -- The maximum break point
240  // pwa -- A primal working vector
241  void dbreakpt(const Vector<Real> &x, const Vector<Real> &s,
242  TrustRegionModel<Real> &model,
243  Real &bpmin, Real &bpmax,
244  Vector<Real> &pwa) {
245  const Real zero(0), one(1);
246  bpmin = one; bpmax = zero;
247  Real lbpmin = one, lbpmax = zero, ubpmin = one, ubpmax = zero;
248  // Compute lower break points
249  if (model.getBoundConstraint()->isLowerActivated()) {
250  pwa.set(x);
251  pwa.axpy(-one,*model.getBoundConstraint()->getLowerBound());
252  pwa.applyBinary(lbp_,s);
253  if (pwa.norm() != zero) {
254  lbpmin = pwa.reduce(pmin_);
255  lbpmax = pwa.reduce(pmax_);
256  }
257  }
258  // Compute upper break points
259  if (model.getBoundConstraint()->isUpperActivated()) {
260  pwa.set(*model.getBoundConstraint()->getUpperBound());
261  pwa.axpy(-one,x);
262  pwa.applyBinary(ubp_,s);
263  if (pwa.norm() != zero) {
264  ubpmin = pwa.reduce(pmin_);
265  ubpmax = pwa.reduce(pmax_);
266  }
267  }
268  bpmin = std::min(lbpmin,ubpmin);
269  bpmax = std::max(lbpmax,ubpmax);
270  if (bpmin > bpmax) {
271  bpmin = zero;
272  bpmax = zero;
273  }
274  if (verbosity_ > 0) {
275  std::cout << std::endl;
276  std::cout << " Computation of break points" << std::endl;
277  std::cout << " Minimum break point: " << bpmin << std::endl;
278  std::cout << " Maximum break point: " << bpmax << std::endl;
279  }
280  }
282  // Compute Cauchy point, i.e., the minimizer of q(P(x - alpha*g)-x)
283  // subject to the trust region constraint ||P(x - alpha*g)-x|| <= del
284  // s -- The Cauchy point upon return
285  // alpha -- The step length for the Cauchy point upon return
286  // x -- The anchor vector x (unchanged)
287  // g -- The (dual) gradient vector g (unchanged)
288  // del -- The trust region radius (unchanged)
289  // model -- Contains the objective and bound constraint information
290  // pwa1 -- Primal working array
291  // pwa2 -- Primal working array
292  // dwa -- Dual working array
293  Real dcauchy(Vector<Real> &s, Real &alpha,
294  const Vector<Real> &x, const Vector<Real> &g,
295  const Real del, TrustRegionModel<Real> &model,
296  Vector<Real> &pwa1, Vector<Real> &pwa2, Vector<Real> &dwa) {
297  const Real half(0.5), one(1), mu0(0.01), interpf(0.1), extrapf(10);
298  // const Real zero(0); // Unused
299  Real tol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
300  bool interp = false;
301  Real q(0), gs(0), bpmin(0), bpmax(0), snorm(0);
302  // Compute minimal and maximal break points of x[0] - alpha g[0]
303  pwa1.set(g); pwa1.scale(-one);
304  dbreakpt(x,pwa1,model,bpmin,bpmax,pwa2);
305  // Compute s = P(x[0] - alpha g[0].dual())
306  snorm = dgpstep(s,g,x,-alpha,model);
307  if (snorm > del) {
308  interp = true;
309  }
310  else {
311  dynamic_cast<LinMoreModel<Real>&>(model).applyFullHessian(dwa,s,tol);
312  gs =;
313  q = half * + gs;
314  interp = (q > mu0*gs);
315  }
316  // Either increase or decrease alpha to find approximate Cauchy point
317  if (interp) {
318  bool search = true;
319  while (search) {
320  alpha *= interpf;
321  snorm = dgpstep(s,g,x,-alpha,model);
322  if (snorm <= del) {
323  dynamic_cast<LinMoreModel<Real>&>(model).applyFullHessian(dwa,s,tol);
324  gs =;
325  q = half * + gs;
326  search = (q > mu0*gs);
327  }
328  }
329  }
330  else {
331  bool search = true;
332  Real alphas = alpha;
333  while (search && alpha <= bpmax) {
334  alpha *= extrapf;
335  snorm = dgpstep(s,g,x,-alpha,model);
336  if (snorm <= del) {
337  dynamic_cast<LinMoreModel<Real>&>(model).applyFullHessian(dwa,s,tol);
338  gs =;
339  q = half * + gs;
340  if (q < mu0*gs) {
341  search = true;
342  alphas = alpha;
343  }
344  }
345  else {
346  search = false;
347  }
348  }
349  alpha = alphas;
350  snorm = dgpstep(s,g,x,-alpha,model);
351  }
352  return snorm;
353  }
355  // Perform projected search to determine beta such that
356  // q(P(x + beta*s)-x) <= mu0*g'(P(x + beta*s)-x) for mu0 in (0,1)
357  // x -- The anchor vector x, upon return x = P(x + beta*s)
358  // s -- The direction vector s, upon return s = P(x + beta*s) - x
359  // g -- The free components of the gradient vector g (unchanged)
360  // model -- Contains objective and bound constraint information
361  // pwa -- Primal working array
362  // dwa -- Dual working array
364  const Vector<Real> &g, TrustRegionModel<Real> &model,
365  Vector<Real> &pwa, Vector<Real> &dwa) {
366  const Real half(0.5), one(1), mu0(0.01), interpf(0.5);
367  Real tol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
368  Real beta(1), snorm(0), q(0), gs(0), bpmin(0), bpmax(0);
369  int nsteps = 0;
370  // Compute break points of x+beta*s;
371  dbreakpt(x,s,model,bpmin,bpmax,pwa);
372  // Reduce beta until sufficient decrease is satisfied
373  bool search = true;
374  while (search && beta > bpmin) {
375  nsteps++;
376  snorm = dgpstep(pwa,s,x,beta,model);
377  dynamic_cast<LinMoreModel<Real>&>(model).applyFreeHessian(dwa,pwa,x,tol);
378  gs =;
379  q = half * + gs;
380  if (q <= mu0*gs) {
381  search = false;
382  }
383  else {
384  beta *= interpf;
385  }
386  }
387  if (beta < one && beta < bpmin) {
388  beta = bpmin;
389  }
390  snorm = dgpstep(pwa,s,x,beta,model);
391  s.set(pwa);
393  if (verbosity_ > 0) {
394  std::cout << std::endl;
395  std::cout << " Projected search" << std::endl;
396  std::cout << " Step length (beta): " << beta << std::endl;
397  }
398  return snorm;
399  }
401  // Compute sigma such that ||x+sigma*p||_inv(M) = del. This is called
402  // if dtrpcg detects negative curvature or if the step violates
403  // the trust region bound
404  // xtx -- The dot product <x, inv(M)x> (unchanged)
405  // ptp -- The dot product <p, inv(M)p> (unchanged)
406  // ptx -- The dot product <p, inv(M)x> (unchanged)
407  // del -- Trust region radius (unchanged)
408  Real dtrqsol(const Real xtx, const Real ptp, const Real ptx, const Real del) {
409  const Real zero(0);
410  Real dsq = del*del;
411  Real rad = ptx*ptx + ptp*(dsq-xtx);
412  rad = std::sqrt(std::max(rad,zero));
413  Real sigma(0);
414  if (ptx > zero) {
415  sigma = (dsq-xtx)/(ptx+rad);
416  }
417  else if (rad > zero) {
418  sigma = (rad-ptx)/ptp;
419  }
420  else {
421  sigma = zero;
422  }
423  return sigma;
424  }
426  // Solve the trust region subproblem: minimize q(w) subject to the
427  // trust region constraint ||w||_inv(M) <= del using the Steihaug-Toint
428  // Conjugate Gradients algorithm
429  // w -- The step vector to be computed
430  // iflag -- Termination flag
431  // iter -- Number of CG iterations
432  // del -- Trust region radius (unchanged)
433  // model -- Contains the objective and bound constraint information
434  // tol -- Residual stopping tolerance (unchanged)
435  // stol -- Preconditioned residual stopping tolerance (unchanged)
436  // itermax -- Maximum number of iterations
437  // p -- Primal working array that stores the CG step
438  // q -- Dual working array that stores the Hessian applied to p
439  // r -- Primal working array that stores the preconditioned residual
440  // t -- Dual working array that stores the residual
441  Real dtrpcg(Vector<Real> &w, int &iflag, int &iter,
442  const Vector<Real> &g, const Vector<Real> &x,
443  const Real del, TrustRegionModel<Real> &model,
444  const Real tol, const Real stol, const int itermax,
446  Vector<Real> &t) {
447  Real tol0 = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
448  const Real zero(0), one(1), two(2);
449  Real rho(0), tnorm(0), rnorm(0), rnorm0(0), kappa(0), beta(0), sigma(0), alpha(0), rtr(0);
450  Real sMs(0), pMp(0), sMp(0);
451  iter = 0; iflag = 0;
452  // Initialize step
454  // Compute residual
455  t.set(g); t.scale(-one);
456  // Preconditioned residual
457  dynamic_cast<LinMoreModel<Real>&>(model).applyFreePrecond(r,t,x,tol0);
458  rho =;
459  rnorm0 = std::sqrt(rho);
460  if ( rnorm0 == zero ) {
461  return zero;
462  }
463  // Initialize direction
464  p.set(r);
465  pMp = rho;
466  // Iterate CG
467  for (iter = 0; iter < itermax; ++iter) {
468  // Apply Hessian to direction dir
469  dynamic_cast<LinMoreModel<Real>&>(model).applyFreeHessian(q,p,x,tol0);
470  // Compute sigma such that ||s+sigma*dir|| = del
471  kappa =;
472  alpha = (kappa>zero) ? rho/kappa : zero;
473  sigma = dtrqsol(sMs,pMp,sMp,del);
474  // Check for negative curvature or if iterate exceeds trust region
475  if (kappa <= zero || alpha >= sigma) {
476  w.axpy(sigma,p);
477  iflag = (kappa<=zero) ? 2 : 3;
478  break;
479  }
480  // Update iterate and residuals
481  w.axpy(alpha,p);
482  t.axpy(-alpha,q);
483  dynamic_cast<LinMoreModel<Real>&>(model).applyFreePrecond(r,t,x,tol0);
484  // Exit if residual tolerance is met
485  rtr =;
486  rnorm = std::sqrt(rtr);
487  tnorm = t.norm();
488  if (rnorm <= stol || tnorm <= tol) {
489  iflag = 0;
490  break;
491  }
492  // Compute p = r + beta * p
493  beta = rtr/rho;
494  p.scale(beta);;
495  rho = rtr;
496  // Update dot products
497  // sMs = <s, inv(M)s>
498  // sMp = <s, inv(M)p>
499  // pMp = <p, inv(M)p>
500  sMs = sMs + two*alpha*sMp + alpha*alpha*pMp;
501  sMp = beta*(sMp + alpha*pMp);
502  pMp = rho + beta*beta*pMp;
503  }
504  // Check iteration count
505  if (iter == itermax) {
506  iflag = 1;
507  }
508  if (iflag != 1) {
509  iter++;
510  }
511  return w.norm();
512  }
514 };
516 }
518 #endif
virtual const Vector & dual() const
Return dual representation of , for example, the result of applying a Riesz map, or change of basis...
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:192
void dbreakpt(const Vector< Real > &x, const Vector< Real > &s, TrustRegionModel< Real > &model, Real &bpmin, Real &bpmax, Vector< Real > &pwa)
Provides interface for truncated CG trust-region subproblem solver.
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:25
virtual void scale(const Real alpha)=0
Compute where .
Real apply(const Real &x, const Real &y) const
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:46
virtual ROL::Ptr< Vector > clone() const =0
Clone to make a new (uninitialized) vector.
virtual int dimension() const
Return dimension of the vector space.
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:162
virtual void plus(const Vector &x)=0
Compute , where .
void run(Vector< Real > &s, Real &snorm, int &iflag, int &iter, const Real del, TrustRegionModel< Real > &model)
virtual void axpy(const Real alpha, const Vector &x)
Compute where .
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:119
Ptr< Vector< Real > > dwa2_
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:29
virtual Real reduce(const Elementwise::ReductionOp< Real > &r) const
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:221
virtual void applyBinary(const Elementwise::BinaryFunction< Real > &f, const Vector &x)
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:214
virtual void initialize(const Vector< Real > &x, const Vector< Real > &s, const Vector< Real > &g)
LinMore(ROL::ParameterList &parlist)
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:91
Provides the interface to evaluate projected trust-region model functions from the Kelley-Sachs bound...
Ptr< Vector< Real > > g_
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:28
void reduce(const Real &input, Real &output) const
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:72
Provides interface for and implements trust-region subproblem solvers.
Provides the interface to evaluate trust-region model functions.
virtual void zero()
Set to zero vector.
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:133
Defines the linear algebra or vector space interface.
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:46
virtual const Ptr< const Vector< Real > > getGradient(void) const
Real dcauchy(Vector< Real > &s, Real &alpha, const Vector< Real > &x, const Vector< Real > &g, const Real del, TrustRegionModel< Real > &model, Vector< Real > &pwa1, Vector< Real > &pwa2, Vector< Real > &dwa)
ROL::LinMore::PositiveMax pmax_
ROL::LinMore::UpperBreakPoint ubp_
Ptr< Vector< Real > > pwa2_
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:29
virtual Real dot(const Vector &x) const =0
Compute where .
Objective_SerialSimOpt(const Ptr< Obj > &obj, const V &ui) z0_ zero()
Real dgpstep(Vector< Real > &s, const Vector< Real > &w, const Vector< Real > &x, const Real alpha, TrustRegionModel< Real > &model) const
void reduce(const Real &input, Real &output) const
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:54
void initialize(const Vector< Real > &x, const Vector< Real > &s, const Vector< Real > &g)
void setPredictedReduction(const Real pRed)
void reduce(const volatile Real &input, Real volatile &output) const
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:76
Real dtrpcg(Vector< Real > &w, int &iflag, int &iter, const Vector< Real > &g, const Vector< Real > &x, const Real del, TrustRegionModel< Real > &model, const Real tol, const Real stol, const int itermax, Vector< Real > &p, Vector< Real > &q, Vector< Real > &r, Vector< Real > &t)
ROL::LinMore::LowerBreakPoint lbp_
Real dprsrch(Vector< Real > &x, Vector< Real > &s, const Vector< Real > &g, TrustRegionModel< Real > &model, Vector< Real > &pwa, Vector< Real > &dwa)
Ptr< Vector< Real > > s_
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:28
Ptr< Vector< Real > > pwa1_
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:29
Real initialValue() const
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:62
Elementwise::EReductionType reductionType() const
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:83
Ptr< Vector< Real > > x_
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:28
Ptr< Vector< Real > > dwa1_
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:29
Elementwise::EReductionType reductionType() const
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:65
virtual void set(const Vector &x)
Set where .
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:175
virtual Real norm() const =0
Returns where .
unsigned verbosity_
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:34
Real dtrqsol(const Real xtx, const Real ptp, const Real ptx, const Real del)
ROL::LinMore::PositiveMin pmin_
virtual const Ptr< BoundConstraint< Real > > getBoundConstraint(void) const
constexpr auto dim
void reduce(const volatile Real &input, Real volatile &output) const
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:58
virtual const Ptr< const Vector< Real > > getIterate(void) const
Real initialValue() const
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:80
Real apply(const Real &x, const Real &y) const
Definition: ROL_LinMore.hpp:38