Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2014 NTESS and the ROL contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
13 #include "ROL_Constraint.hpp"
14 #include "ROL_Vector_SimOpt.hpp"
15 #include "ROL_Types.hpp"
16 #include <iostream>
18 namespace ROL {
20 template <class Real>
23 }
26 #include "ROL_SimConstraint.hpp"
71 namespace ROL {
73 template <class Real>
74 class Constraint_SimOpt : public Constraint<Real> {
75 private:
76  // Additional vector storage for solve
77  Ptr<Vector<Real>> unew_;
78  Ptr<Vector<Real>> jv_;
80  // Default parameters for solve (backtracking Newton)
81  const Real DEFAULT_atol_;
82  const Real DEFAULT_rtol_;
83  const Real DEFAULT_stol_;
84  const Real DEFAULT_factor_;
85  const Real DEFAULT_decr_;
86  const int DEFAULT_maxit_;
87  const bool DEFAULT_print_;
88  const bool DEFAULT_zero_;
91  // User-set parameters for solve (backtracking Newton)
93 protected:
94  Real atol_;
95  Real rtol_;
96  Real stol_;
97  Real factor_;
98  Real decr_;
99  int maxit_;
100  bool print_;
101  bool zero_;
104  // Flag to initialize vector storage in solve
107 public:
109  : Constraint<Real>(),
110  unew_(nullPtr), jv_(nullPtr),
111  DEFAULT_atol_(1.e-4*std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>())),
112  DEFAULT_rtol_(1.e0),
113  DEFAULT_stol_(std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>())),
114  DEFAULT_factor_(0.5),
115  DEFAULT_decr_(1.e-4),
116  DEFAULT_maxit_(500),
117  DEFAULT_print_(false),
118  DEFAULT_zero_(false),
129  virtual void update( const Vector<Real> &u, const Vector<Real> &z, bool flag = true, int iter = -1 ) {
130  update_1(u,flag,iter);
131  update_2(z,flag,iter);
132  }
133  virtual void update( const Vector<Real> &u, const Vector<Real> &z, UpdateType type, int iter = -1 ) {
134  update_1(u,type,iter);
135  update_2(z,type,iter);
136  }
143  virtual void update_1( const Vector<Real> &u, bool flag = true, int iter = -1 ) {}
144  virtual void update_1( const Vector<Real> &u, UpdateType type, int iter = -1 ) {}
151  virtual void update_2( const Vector<Real> &z, bool flag = true, int iter = -1 ) {}
152  virtual void update_2( const Vector<Real> &z, UpdateType type, int iter = -1 ) {}
160  virtual void solve_update( const Vector<Real> &u, const Vector<Real> &z, UpdateType type, int iter = -1) {}
175  virtual void value(Vector<Real> &c,
176  const Vector<Real> &u,
177  const Vector<Real> &z,
178  Real &tol) = 0;
191  virtual void solve(Vector<Real> &c,
192  Vector<Real> &u,
193  const Vector<Real> &z,
194  Real &tol) {
195  if ( zero_ );
196  Ptr<std::ostream> stream = makeStreamPtr(std::cout, print_);
198  value(c,u,z,tol);
199  Real cnorm = c.norm();
200  const Real ctol = std::min(atol_, rtol_*cnorm);
201  if (solverType_==0 || solverType_==3 || solverType_==4) {
202  if ( firstSolve_ ) {
203  unew_ = u.clone();
204  jv_ = u.clone();
205  firstSolve_ = false;
206  }
207  const Real one(1);
208  Real alpha(1), tmp(0);
209  int cnt = 0;
210  *stream << std::endl;
211  *stream << " Default Constraint_SimOpt::solve" << std::endl;
212  *stream << " ";
213  *stream << std::setw(6) << std::left << "iter";
214  *stream << std::setw(15) << std::left << "rnorm";
215  *stream << std::setw(15) << std::left << "alpha";
216  *stream << std::endl;
217  for (cnt = 0; cnt < maxit_; ++cnt) {
218  // Compute Newton step
219  applyInverseJacobian_1(*jv_,c,u,z,tol);
220  unew_->set(u);
221  unew_->axpy(-alpha, *jv_);
223  value(c,*unew_,z,tol);
224  tmp = c.norm();
225  // Perform backtracking line search
226  while ( tmp > (one-decr_*alpha)*cnorm &&
227  alpha > stol_ ) {
228  alpha *= factor_;
229  unew_->set(u);
230  unew_->axpy(-alpha,*jv_);
232  value(c,*unew_,z,tol);
233  tmp = c.norm();
234  }
235  *stream << " ";
236  *stream << std::setw(6) << std::left << cnt;
237  *stream << std::scientific << std::setprecision(6);
238  *stream << std::setw(15) << std::left << tmp;
239  *stream << std::scientific << std::setprecision(6);
240  *stream << std::setw(15) << std::left << alpha;
241  *stream << std::endl;
242  // Update iterate
243  cnorm = tmp;
244  u.set(*unew_);
246  if (cnorm <= ctol) break; // = covers the case of identically zero residual
247  alpha = one;
248  }
249  }
250  if (solverType_==1 || (solverType_==3 && cnorm > ctol)) {
251  Ptr<Constraint<Real>> con = makePtr<SimConstraint<Real>>(makePtrFromRef(*this),makePtrFromRef(z),true);
252  Ptr<Objective<Real>> obj = makePtr<NonlinearLeastSquaresObjective<Real>>(con,u,c,true);
253  ParameterList parlist;
254  parlist.sublist("General").set("Output Level",1);
255  parlist.sublist("General").sublist("Krylov").set("Iteration Limit",100);
256  parlist.sublist("Step").sublist("Trust Region").set("Subproblem Solver","Truncated CG");
257  parlist.sublist("Status Test").set("Gradient Tolerance",ctol);
258  parlist.sublist("Status Test").set("Step Tolerance",stol_);
259  parlist.sublist("Status Test").set("Iteration Limit",maxit_);
260  Ptr<TypeU::Algorithm<Real>> algo = makePtr<TypeU::TrustRegionAlgorithm<Real>>(parlist);
261  algo->run(u,*obj,*stream);
262  value(c,u,z,tol);
263  }
264  if (solverType_==2 || (solverType_==4 && cnorm > ctol)) {
265  Ptr<Constraint<Real>> con = makePtr<SimConstraint<Real>>(makePtrFromRef(*this),makePtrFromRef(z),true);
266  Ptr<Objective<Real>> obj = makePtr<Objective_FSsolver<Real>>();
267  Ptr<Vector<Real>> l = c.dual().clone();
268  ParameterList parlist;
269  parlist.sublist("General").set("Output Level",1);
270  parlist.sublist("Status Test").set("Constraint Tolerance",ctol);
271  parlist.sublist("Status Test").set("Step Tolerance",stol_);
272  parlist.sublist("Status Test").set("Iteration Limit",maxit_);
273  Ptr<TypeE::Algorithm<Real>> algo = makePtr<TypeE::CompositeStepAlgorithm<Real>>(parlist);
274  algo->run(u,*obj,*con,*l,*stream);
275  value(c,u,z,tol);
276  }
277  if (solverType_ > 4 || solverType_ < 0) {
278  ROL_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument,
279  ">>> ERROR (ROL:Constraint_SimOpt:solve): Invalid solver type!");
280  }
281  }
303  virtual void setSolveParameters(ParameterList &parlist) {
304  ParameterList & list = parlist.sublist("SimOpt").sublist("Solve");
305  atol_ = list.get("Absolute Residual Tolerance", DEFAULT_atol_);
306  rtol_ = list.get("Relative Residual Tolerance", DEFAULT_rtol_);
307  maxit_ = list.get("Iteration Limit", DEFAULT_maxit_);
308  decr_ = list.get("Sufficient Decrease Tolerance", DEFAULT_decr_);
309  stol_ = list.get("Step Tolerance", DEFAULT_stol_);
310  factor_ = list.get("Backtracking Factor", DEFAULT_factor_);
311  print_ = list.get("Output Iteration History", DEFAULT_print_);
312  zero_ = list.get("Zero Initial Guess", DEFAULT_zero_);
313  solverType_ = list.get("Solver Type", DEFAULT_solverType_);
314  }
331  virtual void applyJacobian_1(Vector<Real> &jv,
332  const Vector<Real> &v,
333  const Vector<Real> &u,
334  const Vector<Real> &z,
335  Real &tol) {
336  Real ctol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
337  // Compute step length
338  Real h = tol;
339  if (v.norm() > std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>())) {
340  h = std::max(1.0,u.norm()/v.norm())*tol;
341  }
342  // Update state vector to u + hv
343  Ptr<Vector<Real>> unew = u.clone();
344  unew->set(u);
345  unew->axpy(h,v);
346  // Compute new constraint value
347  update(*unew,z,UpdateType::Temp);
348  value(jv,*unew,z,ctol);
349  // Compute current constraint value
350  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cold = jv.clone();
352  value(*cold,u,z,ctol);
353  // Compute Newton quotient
354  jv.axpy(-1.0,*cold);
355  jv.scale(1.0/h);
356  }
374  virtual void applyJacobian_2(Vector<Real> &jv,
375  const Vector<Real> &v,
376  const Vector<Real> &u,
377  const Vector<Real> &z,
378  Real &tol) {
379  Real ctol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
380  // Compute step length
381  Real h = tol;
382  if (v.norm() > std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>())) {
383  h = std::max(1.0,u.norm()/v.norm())*tol;
384  }
385  // Update state vector to u + hv
386  Ptr<Vector<Real>> znew = z.clone();
387  znew->set(z);
388  znew->axpy(h,v);
389  // Compute new constraint value
390  update(u,*znew,UpdateType::Temp);
391  value(jv,u,*znew,ctol);
392  // Compute current constraint value
393  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cold = jv.clone();
395  value(*cold,u,z,ctol);
396  // Compute Newton quotient
397  jv.axpy(-1.0,*cold);
398  jv.scale(1.0/h);
399  }
417  const Vector<Real> &v,
418  const Vector<Real> &u,
419  const Vector<Real> &z,
420  Real &tol) {
421  ROL_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::logic_error,
422  "The method applyInverseJacobian_1 is used but not implemented!\n");
423  }
441  const Vector<Real> &v,
442  const Vector<Real> &u,
443  const Vector<Real> &z,
444  Real &tol) {
445  applyAdjointJacobian_1(ajv, v, u, z, v.dual(), tol);
446  }
467  const Vector<Real> &v,
468  const Vector<Real> &u,
469  const Vector<Real> &z,
470  const Vector<Real> &dualv,
471  Real &tol) {
472  Real ctol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
473  Real h = tol;
474  if (v.norm() > std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>())) {
475  h = std::max(1.0,u.norm()/v.norm())*tol;
476  }
477  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cold = dualv.clone();
478  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cnew = dualv.clone();
480  value(*cold,u,z,ctol);
481  Ptr<Vector<Real>> unew = u.clone();
483  for (int i = 0; i < u.dimension(); i++) {
484  unew->set(u);
485  unew->axpy(h,*(u.basis(i)));
486  update(*unew,z,UpdateType::Temp);
487  value(*cnew,*unew,z,ctol);
488  cnew->axpy(-1.0,*cold);
489  cnew->scale(1.0/h);
490  ajv.axpy(cnew->dot(v),*((u.dual()).basis(i)));
491  }
493  }
512  const Vector<Real> &v,
513  const Vector<Real> &u,
514  const Vector<Real> &z,
515  Real &tol) {
516  applyAdjointJacobian_2(ajv, v, u, z, v.dual(), tol);
517  }
538  const Vector<Real> &v,
539  const Vector<Real> &u,
540  const Vector<Real> &z,
541  const Vector<Real> &dualv,
542  Real &tol) {
543  Real ctol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
544  Real h = tol;
545  if (v.norm() > std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>())) {
546  h = std::max(1.0,u.norm()/v.norm())*tol;
547  }
548  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cold = dualv.clone();
549  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cnew = dualv.clone();
551  value(*cold,u,z,ctol);
552  Ptr<Vector<Real>> znew = z.clone();
554  for (int i = 0; i < z.dimension(); i++) {
555  znew->set(z);
556  znew->axpy(h,*(z.basis(i)));
557  update(u,*znew,UpdateType::Temp);
558  value(*cnew,u,*znew,ctol);
559  cnew->axpy(-1.0,*cold);
560  cnew->scale(1.0/h);
561  ajv.axpy(cnew->dot(v),*((z.dual()).basis(i)));
562  }
564  }
582  const Vector<Real> &v,
583  const Vector<Real> &u,
584  const Vector<Real> &z,
585  Real &tol) {
586  ROL_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::logic_error,
587  "The method applyInverseAdjointJacobian_1 is used but not implemented!\n");
588  };
608  const Vector<Real> &w,
609  const Vector<Real> &v,
610  const Vector<Real> &u,
611  const Vector<Real> &z,
612  Real &tol) {
613  Real jtol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
614  // Compute step size
615  Real h = tol;
616  if (v.norm() > std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>())) {
617  h = std::max(1.0,u.norm()/v.norm())*tol;
618  }
619  // Evaluate Jacobian at new state
620  Ptr<Vector<Real>> unew = u.clone();
621  unew->set(u);
622  unew->axpy(h,v);
623  update(*unew,z,UpdateType::Temp);
624  applyAdjointJacobian_1(ahwv,w,*unew,z,jtol);
625  // Evaluate Jacobian at old state
626  Ptr<Vector<Real>> jv = ahwv.clone();
628  applyAdjointJacobian_1(*jv,w,u,z,jtol);
629  // Compute Newton quotient
630  ahwv.axpy(-1.0,*jv);
631  ahwv.scale(1.0/h);
632  }
653  const Vector<Real> &w,
654  const Vector<Real> &v,
655  const Vector<Real> &u,
656  const Vector<Real> &z,
657  Real &tol) {
658  Real jtol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
659  // Compute step size
660  Real h = tol;
661  if (v.norm() > std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>())) {
662  h = std::max(1.0,u.norm()/v.norm())*tol;
663  }
664  // Evaluate Jacobian at new state
665  Ptr<Vector<Real>> unew = u.clone();
666  unew->set(u);
667  unew->axpy(h,v);
668  update(*unew,z,UpdateType::Temp);
669  applyAdjointJacobian_2(ahwv,w,*unew,z,jtol);
670  // Evaluate Jacobian at old state
671  Ptr<Vector<Real>> jv = ahwv.clone();
673  applyAdjointJacobian_2(*jv,w,u,z,jtol);
674  // Compute Newton quotient
675  ahwv.axpy(-1.0,*jv);
676  ahwv.scale(1.0/h);
677  }
698  const Vector<Real> &w,
699  const Vector<Real> &v,
700  const Vector<Real> &u,
701  const Vector<Real> &z,
702  Real &tol) {
703  Real jtol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
704  // Compute step size
705  Real h = tol;
706  if (v.norm() > std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>())) {
707  h = std::max(1.0,u.norm()/v.norm())*tol;
708  }
709  // Evaluate Jacobian at new control
710  Ptr<Vector<Real>> znew = z.clone();
711  znew->set(z);
712  znew->axpy(h,v);
713  update(u,*znew,UpdateType::Temp);
714  applyAdjointJacobian_1(ahwv,w,u,*znew,jtol);
715  // Evaluate Jacobian at old control
716  Ptr<Vector<Real>> jv = ahwv.clone();
718  applyAdjointJacobian_1(*jv,w,u,z,jtol);
719  // Compute Newton quotient
720  ahwv.axpy(-1.0,*jv);
721  ahwv.scale(1.0/h);
722  }
742  const Vector<Real> &w,
743  const Vector<Real> &v,
744  const Vector<Real> &u,
745  const Vector<Real> &z,
746  Real &tol) {
747  Real jtol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
748  // Compute step size
749  Real h = tol;
750  if (v.norm() > std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>())) {
751  h = std::max(1.0,u.norm()/v.norm())*tol;
752  }
753  // Evaluate Jacobian at new control
754  Ptr<Vector<Real>> znew = z.clone();
755  znew->set(z);
756  znew->axpy(h,v);
757  update(u,*znew,UpdateType::Temp);
758  applyAdjointJacobian_2(ahwv,w,u,*znew,jtol);
759  // Evaluate Jacobian at old control
760  Ptr<Vector<Real>> jv = ahwv.clone();
762  applyAdjointJacobian_2(*jv,w,u,z,jtol);
763  // Compute Newton quotient
764  ahwv.axpy(-1.0,*jv);
765  ahwv.scale(1.0/h);
766 }
806  virtual std::vector<Real> solveAugmentedSystem(Vector<Real> &v1,
807  Vector<Real> &v2,
808  const Vector<Real> &b1,
809  const Vector<Real> &b2,
810  const Vector<Real> &x,
811  Real &tol) {
812  return Constraint<Real>::solveAugmentedSystem(v1,v2,b1,b2,x,tol);
813  }
835  const Vector<Real> &v,
836  const Vector<Real> &x,
837  const Vector<Real> &g,
838  Real &tol) {
839  const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &xs = dynamic_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(x);
840  Ptr<Vector<Real>> ijv = (xs.get_1())->clone();
842  try {
843  applyInverseJacobian_1(*ijv, v, *(xs.get_1()), *(xs.get_2()), tol);
844  }
845  catch (const std::logic_error &e) {
846  Constraint<Real>::applyPreconditioner(pv, v, x, g, tol);
847  return;
848  }
850  const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &gs = dynamic_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(g);
851  Ptr<Vector<Real>> ijv_dual = (gs.get_1())->clone();
852  ijv_dual->set(ijv->dual());
854  try {
855  applyInverseAdjointJacobian_1(pv, *ijv_dual, *(xs.get_1()), *(xs.get_2()), tol);
856  }
857  catch (const std::logic_error &e) {
858  Constraint<Real>::applyPreconditioner(pv, v, x, g, tol);
859  return;
860  }
862  }
869  virtual void update( const Vector<Real> &x, bool flag = true, int iter = -1 ) {
870  const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &xs = dynamic_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(
871  dynamic_cast<const Vector<Real>&>(x));
872  update(*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),flag,iter);
873  }
874  virtual void update( const Vector<Real> &x, UpdateType type, int iter = -1 ) {
875  const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &xs = dynamic_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(
876  dynamic_cast<const Vector<Real>&>(x));
877  update(*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),type,iter);
878  }
880  virtual void value(Vector<Real> &c,
881  const Vector<Real> &x,
882  Real &tol) {
883  const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &xs = dynamic_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(
884  dynamic_cast<const Vector<Real>&>(x));
885  value(c,*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),tol);
886  }
889  virtual void applyJacobian(Vector<Real> &jv,
890  const Vector<Real> &v,
891  const Vector<Real> &x,
892  Real &tol) {
893  const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &xs = dynamic_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(
894  dynamic_cast<const Vector<Real>&>(x));
895  const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &vs = dynamic_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(
896  dynamic_cast<const Vector<Real>&>(v));
897  applyJacobian_1(jv,*(vs.get_1()),*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),tol);
898  Ptr<Vector<Real>> jv2 = jv.clone();
899  applyJacobian_2(*jv2,*(vs.get_2()),*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),tol);
901  }
906  const Vector<Real> &v,
907  const Vector<Real> &x,
908  Real &tol) {
909  Vector_SimOpt<Real> &ajvs = dynamic_cast<Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(
910  dynamic_cast<Vector<Real>&>(ajv));
911  const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &xs = dynamic_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(
912  dynamic_cast<const Vector<Real>&>(x));
913  Ptr<Vector<Real>> ajv1 = (ajvs.get_1())->clone();
914  applyAdjointJacobian_1(*ajv1,v,*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),tol);
915  ajvs.set_1(*ajv1);
916  Ptr<Vector<Real>> ajv2 = (ajvs.get_2())->clone();
917  applyAdjointJacobian_2(*ajv2,v,*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),tol);
918  ajvs.set_2(*ajv2);
919  }
922  virtual void applyAdjointHessian(Vector<Real> &ahwv,
923  const Vector<Real> &w,
924  const Vector<Real> &v,
925  const Vector<Real> &x,
926  Real &tol) {
927  Vector_SimOpt<Real> &ahwvs = dynamic_cast<Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(
928  dynamic_cast<Vector<Real>&>(ahwv));
929  const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &xs = dynamic_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(
930  dynamic_cast<const Vector<Real>&>(x));
931  const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &vs = dynamic_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real>&>(
932  dynamic_cast<const Vector<Real>&>(v));
933  // Block-row 1
934  Ptr<Vector<Real>> C11 = (ahwvs.get_1())->clone();
935  Ptr<Vector<Real>> C21 = (ahwvs.get_1())->clone();
936  applyAdjointHessian_11(*C11,w,*(vs.get_1()),*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),tol);
937  applyAdjointHessian_21(*C21,w,*(vs.get_2()),*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),tol);
938  C11->plus(*C21);
939  ahwvs.set_1(*C11);
940  // Block-row 2
941  Ptr<Vector<Real>> C12 = (ahwvs.get_2())->clone();
942  Ptr<Vector<Real>> C22 = (ahwvs.get_2())->clone();
943  applyAdjointHessian_12(*C12,w,*(vs.get_1()),*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),tol);
944  applyAdjointHessian_22(*C22,w,*(vs.get_2()),*(xs.get_1()),*(xs.get_2()),tol);
945  C22->plus(*C12);
946  ahwvs.set_2(*C22);
947  }
951  virtual Real checkSolve(const Vector<Real> &u,
952  const Vector<Real> &z,
953  const Vector<Real> &c,
954  const bool printToStream = true,
955  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout) {
956  // Solve constraint for u.
957  Real tol = ROL_EPSILON<Real>();
958  Ptr<Vector<Real>> r = c.clone();
959  Ptr<Vector<Real>> s = u.clone();
960  solve(*r,*s,z,tol);
961  // Evaluate constraint residual at (u,z).
962  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cs = c.clone();
963  update(*s,z,UpdateType::Temp);
964  value(*cs,*s,z,tol);
965  // Output norm of residual.
966  Real rnorm = r->norm();
967  Real cnorm = cs->norm();
968  if ( printToStream ) {
969  std::stringstream hist;
970  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(8);
971  hist << "\nTest SimOpt solve at feasible (u,z):\n";
972  hist << " Solver Residual = " << rnorm << "\n";
973  hist << " ||c(u,z)|| = " << cnorm << "\n";
974  outStream << hist.str();
975  }
976  return cnorm;
977  }
993  const Vector<Real> &v,
994  const Vector<Real> &u,
995  const Vector<Real> &z,
996  const bool printToStream = true,
997  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout) {
998  return checkAdjointConsistencyJacobian_1(w, v, u, z, w.dual(), v.dual(), printToStream, outStream);
999  }
1018  const Vector<Real> &v,
1019  const Vector<Real> &u,
1020  const Vector<Real> &z,
1021  const Vector<Real> &dualw,
1022  const Vector<Real> &dualv,
1023  const bool printToStream = true,
1024  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout) {
1025  Real tol = ROL_EPSILON<Real>();
1026  Ptr<Vector<Real>> Jv = dualw.clone();
1027  update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1028  applyJacobian_1(*Jv,v,u,z,tol);
1029  //Real wJv =>dual());
1030  Real wJv = w.apply(*Jv);
1031  Ptr<Vector<Real>> Jw = dualv.clone();
1032  update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1033  applyAdjointJacobian_1(*Jw,w,u,z,tol);
1034  //Real vJw =>dual());
1035  Real vJw = v.apply(*Jw);
1036  Real diff = std::abs(wJv-vJw);
1037  if ( printToStream ) {
1038  std::stringstream hist;
1039  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(8);
1040  hist << "\nTest SimOpt consistency of Jacobian_1 and its adjoint: \n |<w,Jv> - <adj(J)w,v>| = "
1041  << diff << "\n";
1042  hist << " |<w,Jv>| = " << std::abs(wJv) << "\n";
1043  hist << " Relative Error = " << diff / (std::abs(wJv)+ROL_UNDERFLOW<Real>()) << "\n";
1044  outStream << hist.str();
1045  }
1046  return diff;
1047  }
1063  const Vector<Real> &v,
1064  const Vector<Real> &u,
1065  const Vector<Real> &z,
1066  const bool printToStream = true,
1067  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout) {
1068  return checkAdjointConsistencyJacobian_2(w, v, u, z, w.dual(), v.dual(), printToStream, outStream);
1069  }
1087  const Vector<Real> &v,
1088  const Vector<Real> &u,
1089  const Vector<Real> &z,
1090  const Vector<Real> &dualw,
1091  const Vector<Real> &dualv,
1092  const bool printToStream = true,
1093  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout) {
1094  Real tol = ROL_EPSILON<Real>();
1095  Ptr<Vector<Real>> Jv = dualw.clone();
1096  update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1097  applyJacobian_2(*Jv,v,u,z,tol);
1098  //Real wJv =>dual());
1099  Real wJv = w.apply(*Jv);
1100  Ptr<Vector<Real>> Jw = dualv.clone();
1101  update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1102  applyAdjointJacobian_2(*Jw,w,u,z,tol);
1103  //Real vJw =>dual());
1104  Real vJw = v.apply(*Jw);
1105  Real diff = std::abs(wJv-vJw);
1106  if ( printToStream ) {
1107  std::stringstream hist;
1108  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(8);
1109  hist << "\nTest SimOpt consistency of Jacobian_2 and its adjoint: \n |<w,Jv> - <adj(J)w,v>| = "
1110  << diff << "\n";
1111  hist << " |<w,Jv>| = " << std::abs(wJv) << "\n";
1112  hist << " Relative Error = " << diff / (std::abs(wJv)+ROL_UNDERFLOW<Real>()) << "\n";
1113  outStream << hist.str();
1114  }
1115  return diff;
1116  }
1118  virtual Real checkInverseJacobian_1(const Vector<Real> &jv,
1119  const Vector<Real> &v,
1120  const Vector<Real> &u,
1121  const Vector<Real> &z,
1122  const bool printToStream = true,
1123  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout) {
1124  Real tol = ROL_EPSILON<Real>();
1125  Ptr<Vector<Real>> Jv = jv.clone();
1126  update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1127  applyJacobian_1(*Jv,v,u,z,tol);
1128  Ptr<Vector<Real>> iJJv = u.clone();
1129  //update(u,z); // Does this update do anything?
1130  applyInverseJacobian_1(*iJJv,*Jv,u,z,tol);
1131  Ptr<Vector<Real>> diff = v.clone();
1132  diff->set(v);
1133  diff->axpy(-1.0,*iJJv);
1134  Real dnorm = diff->norm();
1135  Real vnorm = v.norm();
1136  if ( printToStream ) {
1137  std::stringstream hist;
1138  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(8);
1139  hist << "\nTest SimOpt consistency of inverse Jacobian_1: \n ||v-inv(J)Jv|| = "
1140  << dnorm << "\n";
1141  hist << " ||v|| = " << vnorm << "\n";
1142  hist << " Relative Error = " << dnorm / (vnorm+ROL_UNDERFLOW<Real>()) << "\n";
1143  outStream << hist.str();
1144  }
1145  return dnorm;
1146  }
1149  const Vector<Real> &v,
1150  const Vector<Real> &u,
1151  const Vector<Real> &z,
1152  const bool printToStream = true,
1153  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout) {
1154  Real tol = ROL_EPSILON<Real>();
1155  Ptr<Vector<Real>> Jv = jv.clone();
1156  update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1157  applyAdjointJacobian_1(*Jv,v,u,z,tol);
1158  Ptr<Vector<Real>> iJJv = v.clone();
1159  //update(u,z);
1160  applyInverseAdjointJacobian_1(*iJJv,*Jv,u,z,tol);
1161  Ptr<Vector<Real>> diff = v.clone();
1162  diff->set(v);
1163  diff->axpy(-1.0,*iJJv);
1164  Real dnorm = diff->norm();
1165  Real vnorm = v.norm();
1166  if ( printToStream ) {
1167  std::stringstream hist;
1168  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(8);
1169  hist << "\nTest SimOpt consistency of inverse adjoint Jacobian_1: \n ||v-inv(adj(J))adj(J)v|| = "
1170  << dnorm << "\n";
1171  hist << " ||v|| = " << vnorm << "\n";
1172  hist << " Relative Error = " << dnorm / (vnorm+ROL_UNDERFLOW<Real>()) << "\n";
1173  outStream << hist.str();
1174  }
1175  return dnorm;
1176  }
1180  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyJacobian_1(const Vector<Real> &u,
1181  const Vector<Real> &z,
1182  const Vector<Real> &v,
1183  const Vector<Real> &jv,
1184  const bool printToStream = true,
1185  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1186  const int numSteps = ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS,
1187  const int order = 1) {
1188  std::vector<Real> steps(numSteps);
1189  for(int i=0;i<numSteps;++i) {
1190  steps[i] = pow(10,-i);
1191  }
1193  return checkApplyJacobian_1(u,z,v,jv,steps,printToStream,outStream,order);
1194  }
1199  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyJacobian_1(const Vector<Real> &u,
1200  const Vector<Real> &z,
1201  const Vector<Real> &v,
1202  const Vector<Real> &jv,
1203  const std::vector<Real> &steps,
1204  const bool printToStream = true,
1205  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1206  const int order = 1) {
1208  ROL_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( order<1 || order>4, std::invalid_argument,
1209  "Error: finite difference order must be 1,2,3, or 4" );
1211  Real one(1.0);
1216  Real tol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
1218  int numSteps = steps.size();
1219  int numVals = 4;
1220  std::vector<Real> tmp(numVals);
1221  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> jvCheck(numSteps, tmp);
1223  // Save the format state of the original outStream.
1224  nullstream oldFormatState;
1225  oldFormatState.copyfmt(outStream);
1227  // Compute constraint value at x.
1228  Ptr<Vector<Real>> c = jv.clone();
1229  this->update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1230  this->value(*c, u, z, tol);
1232  // Compute (Jacobian at x) times (vector v).
1233  Ptr<Vector<Real>> Jv = jv.clone();
1234  this->applyJacobian_1(*Jv, v, u, z, tol);
1235  Real normJv = Jv->norm();
1237  // Temporary vectors.
1238  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cdif = jv.clone();
1239  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cnew = jv.clone();
1240  Ptr<Vector<Real>> unew = u.clone();
1242  for (int i=0; i<numSteps; i++) {
1244  Real eta = steps[i];
1246  unew->set(u);
1248  cdif->set(*c);
1249  cdif->scale(weights[order-1][0]);
1251  for(int j=0; j<order; ++j) {
1253  unew->axpy(eta*shifts[order-1][j], v);
1255  if( weights[order-1][j+1] != 0 ) {
1256  this->update(*unew,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1257  this->value(*cnew,*unew,z,tol);
1258  cdif->axpy(weights[order-1][j+1],*cnew);
1259  }
1261  }
1263  cdif->scale(one/eta);
1265  // Compute norms of Jacobian-vector products, finite-difference approximations, and error.
1266  jvCheck[i][0] = eta;
1267  jvCheck[i][1] = normJv;
1268  jvCheck[i][2] = cdif->norm();
1269  cdif->axpy(-one, *Jv);
1270  jvCheck[i][3] = cdif->norm();
1272  if (printToStream) {
1273  std::stringstream hist;
1274  if (i==0) {
1275  hist << std::right
1276  << std::setw(20) << "Step size"
1277  << std::setw(20) << "norm(Jac*vec)"
1278  << std::setw(20) << "norm(FD approx)"
1279  << std::setw(20) << "norm(abs error)"
1280  << "\n"
1281  << std::setw(20) << "---------"
1282  << std::setw(20) << "-------------"
1283  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1284  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1285  << "\n";
1286  }
1287  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(11) << std::right
1288  << std::setw(20) << jvCheck[i][0]
1289  << std::setw(20) << jvCheck[i][1]
1290  << std::setw(20) << jvCheck[i][2]
1291  << std::setw(20) << jvCheck[i][3]
1292  << "\n";
1293  outStream << hist.str();
1294  }
1296  }
1298  // Reset format state of outStream.
1299  outStream.copyfmt(oldFormatState);
1301  return jvCheck;
1302  } // checkApplyJacobian
1305  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyJacobian_2(const Vector<Real> &u,
1306  const Vector<Real> &z,
1307  const Vector<Real> &v,
1308  const Vector<Real> &jv,
1309  const bool printToStream = true,
1310  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1311  const int numSteps = ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS,
1312  const int order = 1) {
1313  std::vector<Real> steps(numSteps);
1314  for(int i=0;i<numSteps;++i) {
1315  steps[i] = pow(10,-i);
1316  }
1318  return checkApplyJacobian_2(u,z,v,jv,steps,printToStream,outStream,order);
1319  }
1324  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyJacobian_2(const Vector<Real> &u,
1325  const Vector<Real> &z,
1326  const Vector<Real> &v,
1327  const Vector<Real> &jv,
1328  const std::vector<Real> &steps,
1329  const bool printToStream = true,
1330  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1331  const int order = 1) {
1333  ROL_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( order<1 || order>4, std::invalid_argument,
1334  "Error: finite difference order must be 1,2,3, or 4" );
1336  Real one(1.0);
1341  Real tol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
1343  int numSteps = steps.size();
1344  int numVals = 4;
1345  std::vector<Real> tmp(numVals);
1346  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> jvCheck(numSteps, tmp);
1348  // Save the format state of the original outStream.
1349  nullstream oldFormatState;
1350  oldFormatState.copyfmt(outStream);
1352  // Compute constraint value at x.
1353  Ptr<Vector<Real>> c = jv.clone();
1354  this->update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1355  this->value(*c, u, z, tol);
1357  // Compute (Jacobian at x) times (vector v).
1358  Ptr<Vector<Real>> Jv = jv.clone();
1359  this->applyJacobian_2(*Jv, v, u, z, tol);
1360  Real normJv = Jv->norm();
1362  // Temporary vectors.
1363  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cdif = jv.clone();
1364  Ptr<Vector<Real>> cnew = jv.clone();
1365  Ptr<Vector<Real>> znew = z.clone();
1367  for (int i=0; i<numSteps; i++) {
1369  Real eta = steps[i];
1371  znew->set(z);
1373  cdif->set(*c);
1374  cdif->scale(weights[order-1][0]);
1376  for(int j=0; j<order; ++j) {
1378  znew->axpy(eta*shifts[order-1][j], v);
1380  if( weights[order-1][j+1] != 0 ) {
1381  this->update(u,*znew,UpdateType::Temp);
1382  this->value(*cnew,u,*znew,tol);
1383  cdif->axpy(weights[order-1][j+1],*cnew);
1384  }
1386  }
1388  cdif->scale(one/eta);
1390  // Compute norms of Jacobian-vector products, finite-difference approximations, and error.
1391  jvCheck[i][0] = eta;
1392  jvCheck[i][1] = normJv;
1393  jvCheck[i][2] = cdif->norm();
1394  cdif->axpy(-one, *Jv);
1395  jvCheck[i][3] = cdif->norm();
1397  if (printToStream) {
1398  std::stringstream hist;
1399  if (i==0) {
1400  hist << std::right
1401  << std::setw(20) << "Step size"
1402  << std::setw(20) << "norm(Jac*vec)"
1403  << std::setw(20) << "norm(FD approx)"
1404  << std::setw(20) << "norm(abs error)"
1405  << "\n"
1406  << std::setw(20) << "---------"
1407  << std::setw(20) << "-------------"
1408  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1409  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1410  << "\n";
1411  }
1412  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(11) << std::right
1413  << std::setw(20) << jvCheck[i][0]
1414  << std::setw(20) << jvCheck[i][1]
1415  << std::setw(20) << jvCheck[i][2]
1416  << std::setw(20) << jvCheck[i][3]
1417  << "\n";
1418  outStream << hist.str();
1419  }
1421  }
1423  // Reset format state of outStream.
1424  outStream.copyfmt(oldFormatState);
1426  return jvCheck;
1427  } // checkApplyJacobian
1431  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyAdjointHessian_11(const Vector<Real> &u,
1432  const Vector<Real> &z,
1433  const Vector<Real> &p,
1434  const Vector<Real> &v,
1435  const Vector<Real> &hv,
1436  const bool printToStream = true,
1437  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1438  const int numSteps = ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS,
1439  const int order = 1 ) {
1440  std::vector<Real> steps(numSteps);
1441  for(int i=0;i<numSteps;++i) {
1442  steps[i] = pow(10,-i);
1443  }
1445  return checkApplyAdjointHessian_11(u,z,p,v,hv,steps,printToStream,outStream,order);
1447  }
1449  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyAdjointHessian_11(const Vector<Real> &u,
1450  const Vector<Real> &z,
1451  const Vector<Real> &p,
1452  const Vector<Real> &v,
1453  const Vector<Real> &hv,
1454  const std::vector<Real> &steps,
1455  const bool printToStream = true,
1456  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1457  const int order = 1 ) {
1461  Real one(1.0);
1463  Real tol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
1465  int numSteps = steps.size();
1466  int numVals = 4;
1467  std::vector<Real> tmp(numVals);
1468  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> ahpvCheck(numSteps, tmp);
1470  // Temporary vectors.
1471  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJdif = hv.clone();
1472  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJp = hv.clone();
1473  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AHpv = hv.clone();
1474  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJnew = hv.clone();
1475  Ptr<Vector<Real>> unew = u.clone();
1477  // Save the format state of the original outStream.
1478  nullstream oldFormatState;
1479  oldFormatState.copyfmt(outStream);
1481  // Apply adjoint Jacobian to p.
1482  this->update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1483  this->applyAdjointJacobian_1(*AJp, p, u, z, tol);
1485  // Apply adjoint Hessian at (u,z), in direction v, to p.
1486  this->applyAdjointHessian_11(*AHpv, p, v, u, z, tol);
1487  Real normAHpv = AHpv->norm();
1489  for (int i=0; i<numSteps; i++) {
1491  Real eta = steps[i];
1493  // Apply adjoint Jacobian to p at (u+eta*v,z).
1494  unew->set(u);
1496  AJdif->set(*AJp);
1497  AJdif->scale(weights[order-1][0]);
1499  for(int j=0; j<order; ++j) {
1501  unew->axpy(eta*shifts[order-1][j],v);
1503  if( weights[order-1][j+1] != 0 ) {
1504  this->update(*unew,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1505  this->applyAdjointJacobian_1(*AJnew, p, *unew, z, tol);
1506  AJdif->axpy(weights[order-1][j+1],*AJnew);
1507  }
1508  }
1510  AJdif->scale(one/eta);
1512  // Compute norms of Jacobian-vector products, finite-difference approximations, and error.
1513  ahpvCheck[i][0] = eta;
1514  ahpvCheck[i][1] = normAHpv;
1515  ahpvCheck[i][2] = AJdif->norm();
1516  AJdif->axpy(-one, *AHpv);
1517  ahpvCheck[i][3] = AJdif->norm();
1519  if (printToStream) {
1520  std::stringstream hist;
1521  if (i==0) {
1522  hist << std::right
1523  << std::setw(20) << "Step size"
1524  << std::setw(20) << "norm(adj(H)(u,v))"
1525  << std::setw(20) << "norm(FD approx)"
1526  << std::setw(20) << "norm(abs error)"
1527  << "\n"
1528  << std::setw(20) << "---------"
1529  << std::setw(20) << "-----------------"
1530  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1531  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1532  << "\n";
1533  }
1534  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(11) << std::right
1535  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][0]
1536  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][1]
1537  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][2]
1538  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][3]
1539  << "\n";
1540  outStream << hist.str();
1541  }
1543  }
1545  // Reset format state of outStream.
1546  outStream.copyfmt(oldFormatState);
1548  return ahpvCheck;
1549  } // checkApplyAdjointHessian_11
1554  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyAdjointHessian_21(const Vector<Real> &u,
1555  const Vector<Real> &z,
1556  const Vector<Real> &p,
1557  const Vector<Real> &v,
1558  const Vector<Real> &hv,
1559  const bool printToStream = true,
1560  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1561  const int numSteps = ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS,
1562  const int order = 1 ) {
1563  std::vector<Real> steps(numSteps);
1564  for(int i=0;i<numSteps;++i) {
1565  steps[i] = pow(10,-i);
1566  }
1568  return checkApplyAdjointHessian_21(u,z,p,v,hv,steps,printToStream,outStream,order);
1570  }
1575  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyAdjointHessian_21(const Vector<Real> &u,
1576  const Vector<Real> &z,
1577  const Vector<Real> &p,
1578  const Vector<Real> &v,
1579  const Vector<Real> &hv,
1580  const std::vector<Real> &steps,
1581  const bool printToStream = true,
1582  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1583  const int order = 1 ) {
1587  Real one(1.0);
1589  Real tol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
1591  int numSteps = steps.size();
1592  int numVals = 4;
1593  std::vector<Real> tmp(numVals);
1594  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> ahpvCheck(numSteps, tmp);
1596  // Temporary vectors.
1597  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJdif = hv.clone();
1598  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJp = hv.clone();
1599  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AHpv = hv.clone();
1600  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJnew = hv.clone();
1601  Ptr<Vector<Real>> znew = z.clone();
1603  // Save the format state of the original outStream.
1604  nullstream oldFormatState;
1605  oldFormatState.copyfmt(outStream);
1607  // Apply adjoint Jacobian to p.
1608  this->update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1609  this->applyAdjointJacobian_1(*AJp, p, u, z, tol);
1611  // Apply adjoint Hessian at (u,z), in direction v, to p.
1612  this->applyAdjointHessian_21(*AHpv, p, v, u, z, tol);
1613  Real normAHpv = AHpv->norm();
1615  for (int i=0; i<numSteps; i++) {
1617  Real eta = steps[i];
1619  // Apply adjoint Jacobian to p at (u,z+eta*v).
1620  znew->set(z);
1622  AJdif->set(*AJp);
1623  AJdif->scale(weights[order-1][0]);
1625  for(int j=0; j<order; ++j) {
1627  znew->axpy(eta*shifts[order-1][j],v);
1629  if( weights[order-1][j+1] != 0 ) {
1630  this->update(u,*znew,UpdateType::Temp);
1631  this->applyAdjointJacobian_1(*AJnew, p, u, *znew, tol);
1632  AJdif->axpy(weights[order-1][j+1],*AJnew);
1633  }
1634  }
1636  AJdif->scale(one/eta);
1638  // Compute norms of Jacobian-vector products, finite-difference approximations, and error.
1639  ahpvCheck[i][0] = eta;
1640  ahpvCheck[i][1] = normAHpv;
1641  ahpvCheck[i][2] = AJdif->norm();
1642  AJdif->axpy(-one, *AHpv);
1643  ahpvCheck[i][3] = AJdif->norm();
1645  if (printToStream) {
1646  std::stringstream hist;
1647  if (i==0) {
1648  hist << std::right
1649  << std::setw(20) << "Step size"
1650  << std::setw(20) << "norm(adj(H)(u,v))"
1651  << std::setw(20) << "norm(FD approx)"
1652  << std::setw(20) << "norm(abs error)"
1653  << "\n"
1654  << std::setw(20) << "---------"
1655  << std::setw(20) << "-----------------"
1656  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1657  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1658  << "\n";
1659  }
1660  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(11) << std::right
1661  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][0]
1662  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][1]
1663  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][2]
1664  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][3]
1665  << "\n";
1666  outStream << hist.str();
1667  }
1669  }
1671  // Reset format state of outStream.
1672  outStream.copyfmt(oldFormatState);
1674  return ahpvCheck;
1675  } // checkApplyAdjointHessian_21
1680  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyAdjointHessian_12(const Vector<Real> &u,
1681  const Vector<Real> &z,
1682  const Vector<Real> &p,
1683  const Vector<Real> &v,
1684  const Vector<Real> &hv,
1685  const bool printToStream = true,
1686  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1687  const int numSteps = ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS,
1688  const int order = 1 ) {
1689  std::vector<Real> steps(numSteps);
1690  for(int i=0;i<numSteps;++i) {
1691  steps[i] = pow(10,-i);
1692  }
1694  return checkApplyAdjointHessian_12(u,z,p,v,hv,steps,printToStream,outStream,order);
1696  }
1699  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyAdjointHessian_12(const Vector<Real> &u,
1700  const Vector<Real> &z,
1701  const Vector<Real> &p,
1702  const Vector<Real> &v,
1703  const Vector<Real> &hv,
1704  const std::vector<Real> &steps,
1705  const bool printToStream = true,
1706  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1707  const int order = 1 ) {
1711  Real one(1.0);
1713  Real tol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
1715  int numSteps = steps.size();
1716  int numVals = 4;
1717  std::vector<Real> tmp(numVals);
1718  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> ahpvCheck(numSteps, tmp);
1720  // Temporary vectors.
1721  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJdif = hv.clone();
1722  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJp = hv.clone();
1723  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AHpv = hv.clone();
1724  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJnew = hv.clone();
1725  Ptr<Vector<Real>> unew = u.clone();
1727  // Save the format state of the original outStream.
1728  nullstream oldFormatState;
1729  oldFormatState.copyfmt(outStream);
1731  // Apply adjoint Jacobian to p.
1732  this->update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1733  this->applyAdjointJacobian_2(*AJp, p, u, z, tol);
1735  // Apply adjoint Hessian at (u,z), in direction v, to p.
1736  this->applyAdjointHessian_12(*AHpv, p, v, u, z, tol);
1737  Real normAHpv = AHpv->norm();
1739  for (int i=0; i<numSteps; i++) {
1741  Real eta = steps[i];
1743  // Apply adjoint Jacobian to p at (u+eta*v,z).
1744  unew->set(u);
1746  AJdif->set(*AJp);
1747  AJdif->scale(weights[order-1][0]);
1749  for(int j=0; j<order; ++j) {
1751  unew->axpy(eta*shifts[order-1][j],v);
1753  if( weights[order-1][j+1] != 0 ) {
1754  this->update(*unew,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1755  this->applyAdjointJacobian_2(*AJnew, p, *unew, z, tol);
1756  AJdif->axpy(weights[order-1][j+1],*AJnew);
1757  }
1758  }
1760  AJdif->scale(one/eta);
1762  // Compute norms of Jacobian-vector products, finite-difference approximations, and error.
1763  ahpvCheck[i][0] = eta;
1764  ahpvCheck[i][1] = normAHpv;
1765  ahpvCheck[i][2] = AJdif->norm();
1766  AJdif->axpy(-one, *AHpv);
1767  ahpvCheck[i][3] = AJdif->norm();
1769  if (printToStream) {
1770  std::stringstream hist;
1771  if (i==0) {
1772  hist << std::right
1773  << std::setw(20) << "Step size"
1774  << std::setw(20) << "norm(adj(H)(u,v))"
1775  << std::setw(20) << "norm(FD approx)"
1776  << std::setw(20) << "norm(abs error)"
1777  << "\n"
1778  << std::setw(20) << "---------"
1779  << std::setw(20) << "-----------------"
1780  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1781  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1782  << "\n";
1783  }
1784  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(11) << std::right
1785  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][0]
1786  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][1]
1787  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][2]
1788  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][3]
1789  << "\n";
1790  outStream << hist.str();
1791  }
1793  }
1795  // Reset format state of outStream.
1796  outStream.copyfmt(oldFormatState);
1798  return ahpvCheck;
1799  } // checkApplyAdjointHessian_12
1801  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyAdjointHessian_22(const Vector<Real> &u,
1802  const Vector<Real> &z,
1803  const Vector<Real> &p,
1804  const Vector<Real> &v,
1805  const Vector<Real> &hv,
1806  const bool printToStream = true,
1807  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1808  const int numSteps = ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS,
1809  const int order = 1 ) {
1810  std::vector<Real> steps(numSteps);
1811  for(int i=0;i<numSteps;++i) {
1812  steps[i] = pow(10,-i);
1813  }
1815  return checkApplyAdjointHessian_22(u,z,p,v,hv,steps,printToStream,outStream,order);
1817  }
1819  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> checkApplyAdjointHessian_22(const Vector<Real> &u,
1820  const Vector<Real> &z,
1821  const Vector<Real> &p,
1822  const Vector<Real> &v,
1823  const Vector<Real> &hv,
1824  const std::vector<Real> &steps,
1825  const bool printToStream = true,
1826  std::ostream & outStream = std::cout,
1827  const int order = 1 ) {
1831  Real one(1.0);
1833  Real tol = std::sqrt(ROL_EPSILON<Real>());
1835  int numSteps = steps.size();
1836  int numVals = 4;
1837  std::vector<Real> tmp(numVals);
1838  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> ahpvCheck(numSteps, tmp);
1840  // Temporary vectors.
1841  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJdif = hv.clone();
1842  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJp = hv.clone();
1843  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AHpv = hv.clone();
1844  Ptr<Vector<Real>> AJnew = hv.clone();
1845  Ptr<Vector<Real>> znew = z.clone();
1847  // Save the format state of the original outStream.
1848  nullstream oldFormatState;
1849  oldFormatState.copyfmt(outStream);
1851  // Apply adjoint Jacobian to p.
1852  this->update(u,z,UpdateType::Temp);
1853  this->applyAdjointJacobian_2(*AJp, p, u, z, tol);
1855  // Apply adjoint Hessian at (u,z), in direction v, to p.
1856  this->applyAdjointHessian_22(*AHpv, p, v, u, z, tol);
1857  Real normAHpv = AHpv->norm();
1859  for (int i=0; i<numSteps; i++) {
1861  Real eta = steps[i];
1863  // Apply adjoint Jacobian to p at (u,z+eta*v).
1864  znew->set(z);
1866  AJdif->set(*AJp);
1867  AJdif->scale(weights[order-1][0]);
1869  for(int j=0; j<order; ++j) {
1871  znew->axpy(eta*shifts[order-1][j],v);
1873  if( weights[order-1][j+1] != 0 ) {
1874  this->update(u,*znew,UpdateType::Temp);
1875  this->applyAdjointJacobian_2(*AJnew, p, u, *znew, tol);
1876  AJdif->axpy(weights[order-1][j+1],*AJnew);
1877  }
1878  }
1880  AJdif->scale(one/eta);
1882  // Compute norms of Jacobian-vector products, finite-difference approximations, and error.
1883  ahpvCheck[i][0] = eta;
1884  ahpvCheck[i][1] = normAHpv;
1885  ahpvCheck[i][2] = AJdif->norm();
1886  AJdif->axpy(-one, *AHpv);
1887  ahpvCheck[i][3] = AJdif->norm();
1889  if (printToStream) {
1890  std::stringstream hist;
1891  if (i==0) {
1892  hist << std::right
1893  << std::setw(20) << "Step size"
1894  << std::setw(20) << "norm(adj(H)(u,v))"
1895  << std::setw(20) << "norm(FD approx)"
1896  << std::setw(20) << "norm(abs error)"
1897  << "\n"
1898  << std::setw(20) << "---------"
1899  << std::setw(20) << "-----------------"
1900  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1901  << std::setw(20) << "---------------"
1902  << "\n";
1903  }
1904  hist << std::scientific << std::setprecision(11) << std::right
1905  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][0]
1906  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][1]
1907  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][2]
1908  << std::setw(20) << ahpvCheck[i][3]
1909  << "\n";
1910  outStream << hist.str();
1911  }
1913  }
1915  // Reset format state of outStream.
1916  outStream.copyfmt(oldFormatState);
1918  return ahpvCheck;
1919  } // checkApplyAdjointHessian_22
1921 }; // class Constraint_SimOpt
1923 } // namespace ROL
1925 #endif
virtual void value(Vector< Real > &c, const Vector< Real > &x, Real &tol)
Evaluate the constraint operator at .
virtual const Vector & dual() const
Return dual representation of , for example, the result of applying a Riesz map, or change of basis...
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:192
virtual void applyPreconditioner(Vector< Real > &pv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &x, const Vector< Real > &g, Real &tol)
Apply a constraint preconditioner at , , to vector . Ideally, this preconditioner satisfies the follo...
virtual void scale(const Real alpha)=0
Compute where .
virtual void applyJacobian_2(Vector< Real > &jv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Apply the partial constraint Jacobian at , , to the vector .
virtual void applyAdjointHessian(Vector< Real > &ahwv, const Vector< Real > &w, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &x, Real &tol)
Apply the derivative of the adjoint of the constraint Jacobian at to vector in direction ...
virtual ROL::Ptr< Vector > clone() const =0
Clone to make a new (uninitialized) vector.
ROL::Ptr< const Vector< Real > > get_2() const
virtual int dimension() const
Return dimension of the vector space.
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:162
virtual Real apply(const Vector< Real > &x) const
Apply to a dual vector. This is equivalent to the call .
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:204
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyAdjointHessian_12(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &p, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &hv, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int numSteps=ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS, const int order=1)
, , , ,
virtual ROL::Ptr< Vector > basis(const int i) const
Return i-th basis vector.
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:148
virtual void plus(const Vector &x)=0
Compute , where .
const double weights[4][5]
Definition: ROL_Types.hpp:838
virtual void solve_update(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, UpdateType type, int iter=-1)
Update SimOpt constraint during solve (disconnected from optimization updates).
virtual void axpy(const Real alpha, const Vector &x)
Compute where .
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:119
virtual void applyJacobian_1(Vector< Real > &jv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Apply the partial constraint Jacobian at , , to the vector .
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyAdjointHessian_12(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &p, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &hv, const std::vector< Real > &steps, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int order=1)
virtual Real checkSolve(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &c, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout)
virtual void update(const Vector< Real > &x, UpdateType type, int iter=-1)
Update constraint function.
Defines the linear algebra or vector space interface for simulation-based optimization.
virtual void update_1(const Vector< Real > &u, UpdateType type, int iter=-1)
virtual void applyAdjointHessian_11(Vector< Real > &ahwv, const Vector< Real > &w, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Apply the simulation-space derivative of the adjoint of the constraint simulation-space Jacobian at ...
virtual Real checkAdjointConsistencyJacobian_2(const Vector< Real > &w, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &dualw, const Vector< Real > &dualv, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout)
Check the consistency of the Jacobian and its adjoint. This is the secondary interface, for use with dual spaces where the user does not define the dual() operation.
virtual void update(const Vector< Real > &x, bool flag=true, int iter=-1)
Update constraint functions. x is the optimization variable, flag = true if optimization variable is ...
virtual void update_1(const Vector< Real > &u, bool flag=true, int iter=-1)
Update constraint functions with respect to Sim variable. x is the optimization variable, flag = true if optimization variable is changed, iter is the outer algorithm iterations count.
virtual void applyAdjointHessian_22(Vector< Real > &ahwv, const Vector< Real > &w, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Apply the optimization-space derivative of the adjoint of the constraint optimization-space Jacobian ...
Contains definitions of custom data types in ROL.
void set_1(const Vector< Real > &vec)
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyJacobian_1(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &jv, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int numSteps=ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS, const int order=1)
virtual void applyJacobian(Vector< Real > &jv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &x, Real &tol)
Apply the constraint Jacobian at , , to vector .
virtual Real checkAdjointConsistencyJacobian_2(const Vector< Real > &w, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout)
Check the consistency of the Jacobian and its adjoint. This is the primary interface.
virtual void update(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, UpdateType type, int iter=-1)
virtual void applyPreconditioner(Vector< Real > &pv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &x, const Vector< Real > &g, Real &tol)
Apply a constraint preconditioner at , , to vector . In general, this preconditioner satisfies the fo...
Ptr< std::ostream > makeStreamPtr(std::ostream &os, bool noSuppressOutput=true)
Definition: ROL_Stream.hpp:39
virtual void zero()
Set to zero vector.
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:133
Defines the linear algebra or vector space interface.
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:46
virtual void update(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, bool flag=true, int iter=-1)
Update constraint functions. x is the optimization variable, flag = true if optimization variable is ...
basic_nullstream< char, std::char_traits< char >> nullstream
Definition: ROL_Stream.hpp:36
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyJacobian_2(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &jv, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int numSteps=ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS, const int order=1)
Ptr< Vector< Real > > jv_
virtual Real checkInverseJacobian_1(const Vector< Real > &jv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout)
virtual void applyInverseJacobian_1(Vector< Real > &ijv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Apply the inverse partial constraint Jacobian at , , to the vector .
virtual void applyAdjointHessian_12(Vector< Real > &ahwv, const Vector< Real > &w, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Apply the optimization-space derivative of the adjoint of the constraint simulation-space Jacobian at...
virtual std::vector< Real > solveAugmentedSystem(Vector< Real > &v1, Vector< Real > &v2, const Vector< Real > &b1, const Vector< Real > &b2, const Vector< Real > &x, Real &tol)
Approximately solves the augmented system where , , , , is an identity operator, and is a zero operator.
virtual void applyAdjointJacobian_1(Vector< Real > &ajv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Apply the adjoint of the partial constraint Jacobian at , , to the vector . This is the primary inter...
virtual void value(Vector< Real > &c, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)=0
Evaluate the constraint operator at .
virtual void applyAdjointJacobian_2(Vector< Real > &ajv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &dualv, Real &tol)
Apply the adjoint of the partial constraint Jacobian at , , to vector . This is the secondary interfa...
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyAdjointHessian_11(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &p, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &hv, const std::vector< Real > &steps, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int order=1)
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyJacobian_2(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &jv, const std::vector< Real > &steps, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int order=1)
virtual void applyAdjointJacobian_1(Vector< Real > &ajv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &dualv, Real &tol)
Apply the adjoint of the partial constraint Jacobian at , , to the vector . This is the secondary int...
virtual void applyAdjointJacobian_2(Vector< Real > &ajv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Apply the adjoint of the partial constraint Jacobian at , , to vector . This is the primary interface...
Number of steps for derivative checks.
Definition: ROL_Types.hpp:40
virtual void applyAdjointHessian_21(Vector< Real > &ahwv, const Vector< Real > &w, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Apply the simulation-space derivative of the adjoint of the constraint optimization-space Jacobian at...
virtual void solve(Vector< Real > &c, Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Given , solve for .
virtual std::vector< Real > solveAugmentedSystem(Vector< Real > &v1, Vector< Real > &v2, const Vector< Real > &b1, const Vector< Real > &b2, const Vector< Real > &x, Real &tol)
Approximately solves the augmented system where , , , , is an identity or Riesz operator...
virtual void update_2(const Vector< Real > &z, UpdateType type, int iter=-1)
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyJacobian_1(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &jv, const std::vector< Real > &steps, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int order=1)
virtual Real checkAdjointConsistencyJacobian_1(const Vector< Real > &w, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &dualw, const Vector< Real > &dualv, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout)
Check the consistency of the Jacobian and its adjoint. This is the secondary interface, for use with dual spaces where the user does not define the dual() operation.
virtual void setSolveParameters(ParameterList &parlist)
Set solve parameters.
virtual Real checkAdjointConsistencyJacobian_1(const Vector< Real > &w, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout)
Check the consistency of the Jacobian and its adjoint. This is the primary interface.
virtual void set(const Vector &x)
Set where .
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:175
virtual Real norm() const =0
Returns where .
virtual void update_2(const Vector< Real > &z, bool flag=true, int iter=-1)
Update constraint functions with respect to Opt variable. x is the optimization variable, flag = true if optimization variable is changed, iter is the outer algorithm iterations count.
Ptr< Vector< Real > > unew_
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyAdjointHessian_11(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &p, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &hv, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int numSteps=ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS, const int order=1)
Real ROL_EPSILON(void)
Platform-dependent machine epsilon.
Definition: ROL_Types.hpp:57
Defines the constraint operator interface for simulation-based optimization.
virtual void applyAdjointJacobian(Vector< Real > &ajv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &x, Real &tol)
Apply the adjoint of the the constraint Jacobian at , , to vector .
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyAdjointHessian_22(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &p, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &hv, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int numSteps=ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS, const int order=1)
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyAdjointHessian_21(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &p, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &hv, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int numSteps=ROL_NUM_CHECKDERIV_STEPS, const int order=1)
, , , ,
virtual void applyInverseAdjointJacobian_1(Vector< Real > &iajv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, Real &tol)
Apply the inverse of the adjoint of the partial constraint Jacobian at , , to the vector ...
void set_2(const Vector< Real > &vec)
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyAdjointHessian_21(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &p, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &hv, const std::vector< Real > &steps, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int order=1)
, , , ,
Defines the general constraint operator interface.
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > checkApplyAdjointHessian_22(const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const Vector< Real > &p, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &hv, const std::vector< Real > &steps, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout, const int order=1)
virtual Real checkInverseAdjointJacobian_1(const Vector< Real > &jv, const Vector< Real > &v, const Vector< Real > &u, const Vector< Real > &z, const bool printToStream=true, std::ostream &outStream=std::cout)
const Vector< Real > & dual(void) const
Return dual representation of , for example, the result of applying a Riesz map, or change of basis...
ROL::Ptr< const Vector< Real > > get_1() const