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panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar > Class Template Reference

#include <Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp>

Inherits StateFuncModelEvaluatorBase< Scalar >.


struct  ParameterObject
struct  ResponseObject

Public Member Functions

template<typename EvalT >
void disableEvaluationType ()
void buildVolumeFieldManagers (const bool value)
void buildBCFieldManagers (const bool value)
void setupModel (const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::WorksetContainer > &wc, const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< panzer::PhysicsBlock > > &physicsBlocks, const std::vector< panzer::BC > &bcs, const panzer::EquationSetFactory &eqset_factory, const panzer::BCStrategyFactory &bc_factory, const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &volume_cm_factory, const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &bc_cm_factory, const Teuchos::ParameterList &closure_models, const Teuchos::ParameterList &user_data, bool writeGraph=false, const std::string &graphPrefix="", const Teuchos::ParameterList &me_params=Teuchos::ParameterList())
int addParameter (const std::string &name, const Scalar &initial)
int addParameter (const Teuchos::Array< std::string > &names, const Teuchos::Array< Scalar > &initialValues)
int addDistributedParameter (const std::string &name, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > &vs, const Teuchos::RCP< GlobalEvaluationData > &ged, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &initial, const Teuchos::RCP< const GlobalIndexer > &ugi=Teuchos::null)
void addNonParameterGlobalEvaluationData (const std::string &name, const Teuchos::RCP< GlobalEvaluationData > &ged)
int addFlexibleResponse (const std::string &responseName, const std::vector< WorksetDescriptor > &wkst_desc, const Teuchos::RCP< ResponseMESupportBuilderBase > &builder)
template<typename ResponseEvaluatorFactory_BuilderT >
int addResponse (const std::string &responseName, const std::vector< WorksetDescriptor > &wkst_desc, const ResponseEvaluatorFactory_BuilderT &builder)
void buildResponses (const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< panzer::PhysicsBlock > > &physicsBlocks, const panzer::EquationSetFactory &eqset_factory, const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &cm_factory, const Teuchos::ParameterList &closure_models, const Teuchos::ParameterList &user_data, const bool write_graphviz_file=false, const std::string &graphviz_file_prefix="")
void buildResponses (const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< panzer::PhysicsBlock > > &physicsBlocks, const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &cm_factory, const Teuchos::ParameterList &closure_models, const Teuchos::ParameterList &user_data, const bool write_graphviz_file=false, const std::string &graphviz_file_prefix="")
void buildDistroParamDfDp_RL (const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::WorksetContainer > &wc, const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< panzer::PhysicsBlock > > &physicsBlocks, const std::vector< panzer::BC > &bcs, const panzer::EquationSetFactory &eqset_factory, const panzer::BCStrategyFactory &bc_factory, const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &cm_factory, const Teuchos::ParameterList &closure_models, const Teuchos::ParameterList &user_data, const bool write_graphviz_file=false, const std::string &graphviz_file_prefix="")
void buildDistroParamDgDp_RL (const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::WorksetContainer > &wc, const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< panzer::PhysicsBlock > > &physicsBlocks, const std::vector< panzer::BC > &bcs, const panzer::EquationSetFactory &eqset_factory, const panzer::BCStrategyFactory &bc_factory, const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &cm_factory, const Teuchos::ParameterList &closure_models, const Teuchos::ParameterList &user_data, const bool write_graphviz_file=false, const std::string &graphviz_file_prefix="")
void setOneTimeDirichletBeta (const Scalar &beta) const
void applyDirichletBCs (const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &x, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &f) const
void setupAssemblyInArgs (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, panzer::AssemblyEngineInArgs &ae_inargs) const
< panzer::Traits
getAssemblyEngineTemplateManager () const
 return a copy of the model evaluators template manager, this is shallow class so pass by value More...
< panzer::ResponseLibrary
< panzer::Traits > > 
getResponseLibrary () const
int getXTangentVectorIndex (const int index) const
int getXDotTangentVectorIndex (const int index) const
Teuchos::RCP< const
Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > 
get_parameter_vector (int index) const
void evalModel_D2gDx2 (int rIndex, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &delta_x, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &D2gDx2) const
void evalModel_D2gDp2 (int rIndex, int pIndex, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &delta_x, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &D2gDp2) const
void evalModel_D2gDpDx (int rIndex, int pIndex, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &delta_x, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &D2gDpDx) const
void evalModel_D2gDxDp (int rIndex, int pIndex, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &delta_p, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &D2gDxDp) const
void evalModel_D2fDx2 (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &delta_x, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &D2fDx2) const
void evalModel_D2fDp2 (int pIndex, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &delta_x, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &D2fDp2) const
void evalModel_D2fDpDx (int pIndex, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &delta_x, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &D2fDpDx) const
void evalModel_D2fDxDp (int pIndex, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &delta_p, const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &D2fDxDp) const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void evalModelImpl_basic (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
 Evaluate a simple model, meaning a residual and a jacobian, no fancy stochastic galerkin or multipoint. More...
virtual void evalModelImpl_basic_g (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
 Construct a simple response dicatated by this set of out args. More...
virtual void evalModelImpl_basic_dgdx (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
virtual void evalModelImpl_basic_dgdp_scalar (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
virtual void evalModelImpl_basic_dgdp_distro (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
virtual void evalModelImpl_basic_dfdp_scalar (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
virtual void evalModelImpl_basic_dfdp_scalar_fd (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
virtual void evalModelImpl_basic_dfdp_distro (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
bool required_basic_g (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
 Does this set of out args require a simple response? More...
bool required_basic_dgdx (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
 Are their required responses in the out args? DgDx. More...
bool required_basic_dgdp_scalar (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
 Are their required responses in the out args? DgDp. More...
bool required_basic_dgdp_distro (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
 Are their required responses in the out args? DgDp. More...
bool required_basic_dfdp_scalar (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
 Are derivatives of the residual with respect to the scalar parameters in the out args? DfDp. More...
bool required_basic_dfdp_distro (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const
 Are derivatives of the residual with respect to the distributed parameters in the out args? DfDp. More...
void initializeNominalValues () const
 Initialize the nominal values with good starting conditions. More...
void setParameters (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs) const
void resetParameters () const

Private Member Functions

Teuchos::RCP< ParameterObjectcreateScalarParameter (const Teuchos::Array< std::string > &names, const Teuchos::Array< Scalar > &in_values) const
Teuchos::RCP< ParameterObjectcreateDistributedParameter (const std::string &key, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > &vs, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &initial, const Teuchos::RCP< const GlobalIndexer > &ugi) const

Private Attributes

double t_init_
Teuchos::RCP< const
Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > 
Teuchos::RCP< const
Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > 
< Scalar > 
< Scalar > 
< Scalar > 
< panzer::Traits
std::vector< Teuchos::RCP
< ParameterObject > > 
std::vector< Teuchos::RCP
< Thyra::VectorSpaceBase
< double > > > 
int num_me_parameters_
bool do_fd_dfdp_
double fd_perturb_size_
bool require_in_args_refresh_
bool require_out_args_refresh_
< panzer::ResponseLibrary
< panzer::Traits > > 
std::vector< Teuchos::RCP
< ResponseObject > > 
Teuchos::RCP< panzer::GlobalDataglobal_data_
bool build_transient_support_
Teuchos::RCP< const
< panzer::Traits > > 
< panzer::LinearObjContainer
< ReadOnlyVector_GlobalEvaluationData
< ReadOnlyVector_GlobalEvaluationData
Teuchos::RCP< const
< Scalar > > 
GlobalEvaluationDataContainer nonParamGlobalEvaluationData_
GlobalEvaluationDataContainer distrParamGlobalEvaluationData_
bool oneTimeDirichletBeta_on_
Scalar oneTimeDirichletBeta_
bool build_volume_field_managers_
bool build_bc_field_managers_
std::vector< bool > active_evaluation_types_
unsigned long long write_matrix_count_


 ModelEvaluator (const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::FieldManagerBuilder > &fmb, const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::ResponseLibrary< panzer::Traits > > &rLibrary, const Teuchos::RCP< const panzer::LinearObjFactory< panzer::Traits > > &lof, const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::Array< std::string > > > &p_names, const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::Array< double > > > &p_values, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &solverFactory, const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::GlobalData > &global_data, bool build_transient_support, double t_init)
 ModelEvaluator (const Teuchos::RCP< const panzer::LinearObjFactory< panzer::Traits > > &lof, const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &solverFactory, const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::GlobalData > &global_data, bool build_transient_support, double t_init)
 ModelEvaluator ()

Public functions overridden from ModelEvaulator.

Teuchos::RCP< const
Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > 
get_x_space () const override
Teuchos::RCP< const
Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > 
get_f_space () const override
Teuchos::RCP< const
Teuchos::Array< std::string > > 
get_p_names (int i) const override
Teuchos::RCP< const
Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > 
get_p_space (int i) const override
Teuchos::ArrayView< const
std::string > 
get_g_names (int i) const override
const std::string & get_g_name (int i) const
Teuchos::RCP< const
Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > 
get_g_space (int i) const override
< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > 
create_W_op () const override
Teuchos::RCP< const
< Scalar > > 
get_W_factory () const override
< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > 
create_DfDp_op (int i) const override
< Scalar > 
createInArgs () const override
< Scalar > 
getNominalValues () const override

Private functions overridden from ModelEvaulatorDefaultBase.

< Scalar > 
createOutArgsImpl () const override
virtual void evalModelImpl (const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &inArgs, const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &outArgs) const override

Detailed Description

template<typename Scalar>
class panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >

Definition at line 41 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Scalar >
panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::ModelEvaluator ( const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::FieldManagerBuilder > &  fmb,
const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::ResponseLibrary< panzer::Traits > > &  rLibrary,
const Teuchos::RCP< const panzer::LinearObjFactory< panzer::Traits > > &  lof,
const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::Array< std::string > > > &  p_names,
const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::Array< double > > > &  p_values,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &  solverFactory,
const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::GlobalData > &  global_data,
bool  build_transient_support,
double  t_init 

Definition at line 54 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::ModelEvaluator ( const Teuchos::RCP< const panzer::LinearObjFactory< panzer::Traits > > &  lof,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &  solverFactory,
const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::GlobalData > &  global_data,
bool  build_transient_support,
double  t_init 

Definition at line 116 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::ModelEvaluator ( )

Definition at line 162 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::get_x_space ( ) const

Definition at line 171 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::get_f_space ( ) const

Definition at line 179 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Array< std::string > > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::get_p_names ( int  i) const

Definition at line 186 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::get_p_space ( int  i) const

Definition at line 215 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::ArrayView< const std::string > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::get_g_names ( int  i) const

Definition at line 232 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
const std::string & panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::get_g_name ( int  i) const

Definition at line 242 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::get_g_space ( int  i) const

Definition at line 252 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::create_W_op ( ) const

Definition at line 699 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::get_W_factory ( ) const

Definition at line 711 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::create_DfDp_op ( int  i) const

Definition at line 719 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::createInArgs ( ) const

Definition at line 262 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::getNominalValues ( ) const

Definition at line 269 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
template<typename EvalT >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::disableEvaluationType ( )

Disable an evaluation type from AssemblyEngine_TemplateManager, FieldManagerBuilder and PhysicsBlock objects. This will prevent the allocation of unused resources.

Definition at line 115 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::buildVolumeFieldManagers ( const bool  value)

If set to false, disables building volume field managers to save memory if not needed. Must be called BEFORE setupModel() is called. Defaults to true.

Definition at line 363 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::buildBCFieldManagers ( const bool  value)

If set to false, disables building bc field managers to save memory if not needed. Must be called BEFORE setupModel() is called. Defaults to true.

Definition at line 370 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::setupModel ( const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::WorksetContainer > &  wc,
const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< panzer::PhysicsBlock > > &  physicsBlocks,
const std::vector< panzer::BC > &  bcs,
const panzer::EquationSetFactory eqset_factory,
const panzer::BCStrategyFactory bc_factory,
const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &  volume_cm_factory,
const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &  bc_cm_factory,
const Teuchos::ParameterList closure_models,
const Teuchos::ParameterList user_data,
bool  writeGraph = false,
const std::string &  graphPrefix = "",
const Teuchos::ParameterList me_params = Teuchos::ParameterList() 

Definition at line 377 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
int panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::addParameter ( const std::string &  name,
const Scalar &  initial 

Add a simple (i.e. nondistributed) parameter to the model evaluator.

Note that these parameters will automatically use the parameter library passed into the model evaluator object through the GlobalData.

[in]nameName of the parameter
[in]initialInitial (default) condition for this parameter
The index associated with this parameter for accessing it through the ModelEvaluator interface.
The implementation for this is a call to the Array version of addParameter

Definition at line 770 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
int panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::addParameter ( const Teuchos::Array< std::string > &  names,
const Teuchos::Array< Scalar > &  initialValues 

Add a simple (i.e. nondistributed) parameter to the model evaluator.

Note that these parameters will automatically use the parameter library passed into the model evaluator object through the GlobalData.

[in]namesNames of the parameter
[in]initialValuesInitial values for the parameters
The index associated with this parameter for accessing it through the ModelEvaluator interface.

Definition at line 783 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
int panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::addDistributedParameter ( const std::string &  name,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > &  vs,
const Teuchos::RCP< GlobalEvaluationData > &  ged,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  initial,
const Teuchos::RCP< const GlobalIndexer > &  ugi = Teuchos::null 

Add a distributed parameter to the model evaluator

Distributed parameters are special in that they most likely will require a global to ghost call before being used in the evaluator. This function registers the parameter and any needed machinery to perform the global to ghost call.

[in]nameName of the distributed parameter
[in]vsVector space that this corresponds to
[in]gedGlobal evaluation data object that handles ghosting
[in]initialInitial value to use for this parameter (defaults in the equation set)
[in]ugiUnique global indexer used for this parameter. Useful in constructing derivatives.
The index associated with this parameter for accessing it through the ModelEvaluator interface.

Definition at line 819 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::addNonParameterGlobalEvaluationData ( const std::string &  name,
const Teuchos::RCP< GlobalEvaluationData > &  ged 

Add a global evaluation data object that will be filled as a side effect when evalModel is called. This is useful for building things like auxiliary operators used in block preconditioning. This will not be used as a parameter (or response) to the model evaluator.

[in]nameName to associate with global evaluation data object
[in]gedPointer to a global evaluation data object

Definition at line 840 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
int panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::addFlexibleResponse ( const std::string &  responseName,
const std::vector< WorksetDescriptor > &  wkst_desc,
const Teuchos::RCP< ResponseMESupportBuilderBase > &  builder 

Add a response specified by a list of WorksetDescriptor objects. The specifics of the response are specified by the response factory builder. This version supports computing derivatives with respect to both the state ('x') and control ('p') variables and is thus ``flexible''.

NOTE: Response factories must use a response of type ResponseMESupportBase. This is how the model evaluator parses and puts responses in the right location. If this condition is violated the evalModel call will fail. Furthermore, this method cannot be called after buildRespones has been called.

[in]responseNameName of the response to be added.
[in]wkst_descA vector of descriptors describing the types of elements that make up the response.
[in]builderBuilder that builds the correct response object.
The index associated with this response for accessing it through the ModelEvaluator interface.

Definition at line 848 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
template<typename ResponseEvaluatorFactory_BuilderT >
int panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::addResponse ( const std::string &  responseName,
const std::vector< WorksetDescriptor > &  wkst_desc,
const ResponseEvaluatorFactory_BuilderT &  builder 

Add a response specified by a list of WorksetDescriptor objects. The specifics of the response are specified by the response factory builder.

NOTE: Response factories must use a response of type ResponseMESupportBase. This is how the model evaluator parses and puts responses in the right location. If this condition is violated the evalModel call will fail. Furthermore, this method cannot be called after buildRespones has been called.

[in]responseNameName of the response to be added.
[in]wkst_descA vector of descriptors describing the types of elements that make up the response.
[in]builderBuilder that builds the correct response object.
The index associated with this response for accessing it through the ModelEvaluator interface.

Definition at line 688 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::buildResponses ( const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< panzer::PhysicsBlock > > &  physicsBlocks,
const panzer::EquationSetFactory eqset_factory,
const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &  cm_factory,
const Teuchos::ParameterList closure_models,
const Teuchos::ParameterList user_data,
const bool  write_graphviz_file = false,
const std::string &  graphviz_file_prefix = "" 

Build all the responses set on the model evaluator. Once this method is called no other responses can be added. An exception is thrown if they are.

Definition at line 248 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::buildResponses ( const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< panzer::PhysicsBlock > > &  physicsBlocks,
const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &  cm_factory,
const Teuchos::ParameterList closure_models,
const Teuchos::ParameterList user_data,
const bool  write_graphviz_file = false,
const std::string &  graphviz_file_prefix = "" 

Build all the responses set on the model evaluator. Once this method is called no other responses can be added. An exception is thrown if they are.

Definition at line 272 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::buildDistroParamDfDp_RL ( const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::WorksetContainer > &  wc,
const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< panzer::PhysicsBlock > > &  physicsBlocks,
const std::vector< panzer::BC > &  bcs,
const panzer::EquationSetFactory eqset_factory,
const panzer::BCStrategyFactory bc_factory,
const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &  cm_factory,
const Teuchos::ParameterList closure_models,
const Teuchos::ParameterList user_data,
const bool  write_graphviz_file = false,
const std::string &  graphviz_file_prefix = "" 

This method builds the response libraries that build the dfdp sensitivities for the distributed parameters if requested. Note that in general the user is expected to call this through setupModel and not call it directly.

Definition at line 2286 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::buildDistroParamDgDp_RL ( const Teuchos::RCP< panzer::WorksetContainer > &  wc,
const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< panzer::PhysicsBlock > > &  physicsBlocks,
const std::vector< panzer::BC > &  bcs,
const panzer::EquationSetFactory eqset_factory,
const panzer::BCStrategyFactory bc_factory,
const panzer::ClosureModelFactory_TemplateManager< panzer::Traits > &  cm_factory,
const Teuchos::ParameterList closure_models,
const Teuchos::ParameterList user_data,
const bool  write_graphviz_file = false,
const std::string &  graphviz_file_prefix = "" 

This method builds the response libraries that build the dgdp sensitivities for the distributed parameters if requested. This only applies to "flexible" responses. Note that in general the user is expected to call this through setupModel and not call it directly.

Definition at line 2337 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::setOneTimeDirichletBeta ( const Scalar &  beta) const

This function is intended for experts only, it allows for a beta to be set for the dirichlet conditions only. This allows the dirichlet condition to be propagated to the mass matrix. The reason it is one time only is that it breaks encapsulation, and should be only used if absolutely neccessary.

[in]betaValue of beta to use.

Definition at line 2405 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::applyDirichletBCs ( const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  x,
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  f 
) const

Apply the dirichlet boundary conditions to the vector "f" using the "x" values as the current solution.

Definition at line 866 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::setupAssemblyInArgs ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
panzer::AssemblyEngineInArgs ae_inargs 
) const

Setup all the assembly input arguments required by "inArgs".

[in]inArgsModel evalutor input arguments
in/out]ae_inArgs Assembly engine input arguments.

Definition at line 454 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
panzer::AssemblyEngine_TemplateManager<panzer::Traits> panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::getAssemblyEngineTemplateManager ( ) const

return a copy of the model evaluators template manager, this is shallow class so pass by value

The AssemblyEngine template manager

Definition at line 355 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<panzer::ResponseLibrary<panzer::Traits> > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::getResponseLibrary ( ) const

Definition at line 359 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
int panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::getXTangentVectorIndex ( const int  index) const

Returns the x tangent vector index for a given parameter index

Definition at line 364 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
int panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::getXDotTangentVectorIndex ( const int  index) const

Returns the xdot tangent vector index for a given parameter index

Definition at line 375 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::get_parameter_vector ( int  index) const

Initializes the given vector with current values of the parameters

Definition at line 386 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModel_D2gDx2 ( int  rIndex,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  delta_x,
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  D2gDx2 
) const

Compute second (x) derivative of the response in the direction delta_x.

[in]rIndexResponse to differentiate
[in]inArgsInput arguments that sets the state
[in]delta_xDirection to take the derivative with respect to.
[out]D2gDx2Result vector allocated by get_x_space().

Definition at line 939 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModel_D2gDp2 ( int  rIndex,
int  pIndex,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  delta_x,
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  D2gDp2 
) const

Compute second (p) derivative of the response in the direction delta_p.

[in]rIndexResponse to differentiate
[in]pIndexParameter to differentiate with respect to
[in]inArgsInput arguments that sets the state
[in]delta_pDirection to take the derivative with respect to.
[out]D2gDp2Result vector allocated by get_p_space(pIndex).

Definition at line 1036 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModel_D2gDpDx ( int  rIndex,
int  pIndex,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  delta_x,
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  D2gDpDx 
) const

Compute second (p) derivative of the response in the direction delta_x.

[in]rIndexResponse to differentiate
[in]pIndexParameter to differentiate with respect to
[in]inArgsInput arguments that sets the state
[in]delta_xDirection to take the derivative with respect to.
[out]D2gDpDxResult vector allocated by get_x_space().

Definition at line 1090 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModel_D2gDxDp ( int  rIndex,
int  pIndex,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  delta_p,
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  D2gDxDp 
) const

Compute second (p) derivative of the response in the direction delta_x.

[in]rIndexResponse to differentiate
[in]pIndexParameter to differentiate with respect to
[in]inArgsInput arguments that sets the state
[in]delta_pDirection to take the derivative with respect to.
[out]D2gDxDpResult vector allocated by get_x_space().

Definition at line 986 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModel_D2fDx2 ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  delta_x,
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &  D2fDx2 
) const

Compute second (x) derivative of the residual in the direction delta_x.

[in]rIndexResponse to differentiate
[in]inArgsInput arguments that sets the state
[in]delta_xDirection to take the derivative with respect to.
[out]D2fDx2Result vector allocated by get_x_space().

Definition at line 1144 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModel_D2fDp2 ( int  pIndex,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  delta_x,
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &  D2fDp2 
) const

Compute second (p) derivative of the residual in the direction delta_p.

[in]rIndexResponse to differentiate
[in]pIndexParameter to differentiate with respect to
[in]inArgsInput arguments that sets the state
[in]delta_pDirection to take the derivative with respect to.
[out]D2fDp2Result vector allocated by get_p_space(pIndex).

Definition at line 1395 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModel_D2fDpDx ( int  pIndex,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  delta_x,
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &  D2fDpDx 
) const

Compute second (p) derivative of the residual in the direction delta_x.

[in]rIndexResponse to differentiate
[in]pIndexParameter to differentiate with respect to
[in]inArgsInput arguments that sets the state
[in]delta_xDirection to take the derivative with respect to.
[out]D2fDpDxResult vector allocated by get_x_space().

Definition at line 1344 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModel_D2fDxDp ( int  pIndex,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  delta_p,
const Teuchos::RCP< Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &  D2fDxDp 
) const

Compute second (p) derivative of the residual in the direction delta_p.

[in]rIndexResponse to differentiate
[in]pIndexParameter to differentiate with respect to
[in]inArgsInput arguments that sets the state
[in]delta_pDirection to take the derivative with respect to.
[out]D2fDxDpResult vector allocated by get_x_space().

Definition at line 1242 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::createOutArgsImpl ( ) const

Definition at line 640 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModelImpl ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs 
) const

Definition at line 1446 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModelImpl_basic ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs 
) const

Evaluate a simple model, meaning a residual and a jacobian, no fancy stochastic galerkin or multipoint.

Definition at line 1480 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModelImpl_basic_g ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs 
) const

Construct a simple response dicatated by this set of out args.

Definition at line 1647 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModelImpl_basic_dgdx ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs 
) const

handles evaluation of responses dgdx

This method should (basically) be a no-op if required_basic_dgdx(outArgs)==false. However, for efficiency this is not checked.

Definition at line 1684 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModelImpl_basic_dgdp_scalar ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs 
) const

handles evaluation of responses dgdp (scalar) defined as dg/dx * dx/dp + dg/dp

This method should (basically) be a no-op if required_basic_dgdp_scalar(outArgs)==false. However, for efficiency this is not checked.

Definition at line 1730 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModelImpl_basic_dgdp_distro ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs 
) const

handles evaluation of responses dgdp (distributed)

This method should (basically) be a no-op if required_basic_dgdx_distro(outArgs)==false. However, for efficiency this is not checked.

Definition at line 1818 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModelImpl_basic_dfdp_scalar ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs 
) const

handles evaluation of dfdp (tangent) defined as df/dx * dx/dp + df/dp

This method should (basically) be a no-op if required_basic_dfdp_scalar(outArgs)==false. However, for efficiency this is not checked.

Definition at line 1877 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModelImpl_basic_dfdp_scalar_fd ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs 
) const

handles evaluation of dfdp (tangent) defined as df/dx * dx/dp + df/dp using finite-differences

This method should (basically) be a no-op if required_basic_dfdp_scalar(outArgs)==false. However, for efficiency this is not checked.

Definition at line 1993 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::evalModelImpl_basic_dfdp_distro ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs,
const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs 
) const

handles evaluation of dfdp

This method should (basically) be a no-op if required_basic_dfdp_distro(outArgs)==false. However, for efficiency this is not checked.

Definition at line 2097 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::required_basic_g ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs) const

Does this set of out args require a simple response?

Definition at line 2152 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::required_basic_dgdx ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs) const

Are their required responses in the out args? DgDx.

Definition at line 2164 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::required_basic_dgdp_scalar ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs) const

Are their required responses in the out args? DgDp.

Definition at line 2184 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::required_basic_dgdp_distro ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs) const

Are their required responses in the out args? DgDp.

Definition at line 2210 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::required_basic_dfdp_scalar ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs) const

Are derivatives of the residual with respect to the scalar parameters in the out args? DfDp.

Definition at line 2236 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::required_basic_dfdp_distro ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs< Scalar > &  outArgs) const

Are derivatives of the residual with respect to the distributed parameters in the out args? DfDp.

Definition at line 2261 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::initializeNominalValues ( ) const

Initialize the nominal values with good starting conditions.

Definition at line 307 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::setParameters ( const Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< Scalar > &  inArgs) const

Definition at line 2488 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
void panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::resetParameters ( ) const

Definition at line 2510 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< typename panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::ParameterObject > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::createScalarParameter ( const Teuchos::Array< std::string > &  names,
const Teuchos::Array< Scalar > &  in_values 
) const

Definition at line 2414 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP< typename panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::ParameterObject > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::createDistributedParameter ( const std::string &  key,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > &  vs,
const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::VectorBase< Scalar > > &  initial,
const Teuchos::RCP< const GlobalIndexer > &  ugi 
) const

Definition at line 2464 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator_impl.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename Scalar >
double panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::t_init_

Definition at line 634 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase<Scalar> > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::x_space_

Definition at line 636 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase<Scalar> > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::f_space_

Definition at line 637 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs<Scalar> panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::prototypeInArgs_

Definition at line 639 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::OutArgs<Scalar> panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::prototypeOutArgs_

Definition at line 640 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs<Scalar> panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::nominalValues_

Definition at line 642 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
panzer::AssemblyEngine_TemplateManager<panzer::Traits> panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::ae_tm_

Definition at line 644 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
std::vector<Teuchos::RCP<ParameterObject> > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::parameters_

Definition at line 646 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
std::vector<Teuchos::RCP<Thyra::VectorSpaceBase<double> > > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::tangent_space_

Definition at line 647 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
int panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::num_me_parameters_

Definition at line 648 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::do_fd_dfdp_

Definition at line 649 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
double panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::fd_perturb_size_

Definition at line 650 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::require_in_args_refresh_

Definition at line 652 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::require_out_args_refresh_

Definition at line 653 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<panzer::ResponseLibrary<panzer::Traits> > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::responseLibrary_

Definition at line 656 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
std::vector<Teuchos::RCP<ResponseObject> > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::responses_

Definition at line 657 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<panzer::GlobalData> panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::global_data_

Definition at line 659 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::build_transient_support_

Definition at line 660 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<const panzer::LinearObjFactory<panzer::Traits> > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::lof_

Definition at line 663 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<panzer::LinearObjContainer> panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::ghostedContainer_

Definition at line 664 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<ReadOnlyVector_GlobalEvaluationData> panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::xContainer_

Definition at line 665 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<ReadOnlyVector_GlobalEvaluationData> panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::xdotContainer_

Definition at line 666 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Teuchos::RCP<const Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> > panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::solverFactory_

Definition at line 669 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
GlobalEvaluationDataContainer panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::nonParamGlobalEvaluationData_

Definition at line 671 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
GlobalEvaluationDataContainer panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::distrParamGlobalEvaluationData_

Definition at line 672 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::oneTimeDirichletBeta_on_

Definition at line 674 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
Scalar panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::oneTimeDirichletBeta_

Definition at line 675 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::build_volume_field_managers_

Definition at line 677 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
bool panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::build_bc_field_managers_

Definition at line 678 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
std::vector<bool> panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::active_evaluation_types_

Definition at line 679 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

template<typename Scalar >
unsigned long long panzer::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >::write_matrix_count_

Definition at line 681 of file Panzer_ModelEvaluator.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: