void | GetPtent (const Operator &A, Teuchos::ParameterList &List, const MultiVector &ThisNS, Operator &Ptent, MultiVector &NextNS) |
| Builds the tentative prolongator using aggregation.
void | GetPtent (const Operator &A, Teuchos::ParameterList &List, Operator &Ptent) |
| Builds the tentative prolongator with default null space.
void | GetPtent (const Epetra_RowMatrix &A, Teuchos::ParameterList &List, double *thisns, Teuchos::RCP< Epetra_CrsMatrix > &Ptent, Teuchos::RCP< Epetra_MultiVector > &NextNS, const int domainoffset=0) |
| Builds the tentative prolongator using aggregation. More...
void | GetPtent (const Epetra_RowMatrix &A, Teuchos::ParameterList &List, double *thisns, Teuchos::RCP< Epetra_CrsMatrix > &Ptent, const int domainoffset=0) |
| Builds the tentative prolongator using aggregation. More...
int | GetAggregates (Epetra_RowMatrix &A, Teuchos::ParameterList &List, double *thisns, Epetra_IntVector &aggrinfo) |
| Call ML aggregation on A according to parameters supplied in List. Return aggregates in aggrinfo. More...
int | GetGlobalAggregates (Epetra_RowMatrix &A, Teuchos::ParameterList &List, double *thisns, Epetra_IntVector &aggrinfo) |
| Call ML aggregation on A according to parameters supplied in List. Return aggregates in aggrinfo. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BaseObject &obj) |
void | SetDefaults (Teuchos::ParameterList &List) |
| Sets default values in input List .
double | MaxEigAnorm (const Operator &Op, const bool DiagonalScaling=false) |
| Computes the maximum eigenvalue of Op using the A-norm of the operator.
double | MaxEigCG (const Operator &Op, const bool DiagonalScaling=false) |
| Computes the maximum eigenvalue of Op using the CG method.
double | MaxEigPowerMethod (const Operator &Op, const bool DiagonalScaling=false) |
| Computes the maximum eigenvalue of Op using the power method.
double | MaxEigAnasazi (const Operator &Op, const bool DiagonalScaling=false) |
| Computes the maximum eigenvalue of Op using Anasazi.
void | Eig (const Operator &Op, MultiVector &ER, MultiVector &EI) |
| Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors using LAPACK (w/ one process only).
void | Eigs (const Operator &A, int NumEigenvalues, MultiVector &ER, MultiVector &EI) |
void | StackPop () |
void | StackPrint () |
MultiVectorCombination | operator+ (const MultiVector &x, const MultiVector &y) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as x + y.
LinearCombinationAdd | operator+ (const BaseLinearCombination &left, const BaseLinearCombination &right) |
LinearCombinationMixed | operator+ (const BaseLinearCombination &left, const MultiVector &right) |
LinearCombinationMixed | operator+ (const MultiVector &left, const BaseLinearCombination &right) |
MultiVectorCombination | operator+ (const MultiVectorScaled &left, const MultiVectorScaled &right) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as alpha * x + beta * y.
Residual | operator+ (const MultiVectorScaled &left, const BaseOperatorTimesMultiVector &right) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as alpha * x + A * y.
Residual | operator+ (const MultiVector &left, const BaseOperatorTimesMultiVector &right) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as x + A * y.
MultiVectorCombination | operator- (const MultiVector &x, const MultiVector &y) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as x - y.
LinearCombinationAdd | operator- (const BaseLinearCombination &left, const BaseLinearCombination &right) |
LinearCombinationMixed | operator- (const BaseLinearCombination &left, const MultiVector &right) |
LinearCombinationMixed | operator- (const MultiVector &left, const BaseLinearCombination &right) |
Residual | operator- (const MultiVector &left, const BaseOperatorTimesMultiVector &right) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as x - A * y.
MultiVector | operator+ (const MultiVector &x, const double alpha) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as x + alpha.
MultiVector | operator+ (const double alpha, const MultiVector &x) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as alpha + x.
MultiVector | operator- (const MultiVector &x, const double alpha) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as x - alpha.
MultiVector | operator- (const double alpha, const MultiVector &x) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as alpha - y.
Operator | operator+ (const Operator &A, const Operator &B) |
| Creates a new Operator, defined as A + B.
Operator | operator- (const Operator &A, const Operator &B) |
| Creates a new Operator, defined as A - B.
Operator | operator* (const Operator &A, const Operator &B) |
| Creates a new Operator, defined as A * B.
Operator | operator* (const Operator &A, const double alpha) |
| Creates a new Operator, defined as A * alpha.
Operator | operator* (const double alpha, const Operator &A) |
| Creates a new Operator, defined as alpha * A.
Operator | operator/ (const Operator &A, const double alpha) |
| Creates a new Operator, defined as A / alpha.
MultiVector | operator* (const MultiVector &x, const double alpha) |
| Creates a new MultiVector, defined as x * alpha.
MultiVector | operator* (const double alpha, const MultiVector &x) |
MultiVector | operator/ (const MultiVector &x, const double alpha) |
| Creates a new MultiVector y, such that y = x / alpha.
BaseOperatorTimesMultiVector | operator* (const BaseOperator &A, const MultiVector &x) |
| Creates a new MultiVector y, such that y = A * x.
BaseOperatorTimesMultiVector | operator* (const BaseOperator &A, const BaseLinearCombination &x) |
| Creates a new MultiVector y, such that y = A * x (x is a BaseLinearCombination)
double | operator* (const MultiVector &x, const MultiVector &y) |
| Computes the dot product between the first vector in x and y.
double | operator* (const MultiVector &x, const BaseLinearCombination &y) |
double | operator* (const BaseLinearCombination &x, const MultiVector &y) |
double | operator* (const BaseLinearCombination &x, const BaseLinearCombination &y) |
Operator | Gallery (const std::string ProblemType, const Space &MySpace) |
| Creates a matrix using the TRIUTILS gallery.
Operator | GetShiftedLaplacian1D (const int NX, const double Factor=0.99) |
| Creates a 1D shifted Laplacian.
Operator | GetShiftedLaplacian2D (const int NX, const int NY, const double Factor=0.99, const bool RandomScale=false) |
| Creates a 2D shifted Laplacian.
Operator | ReadMatrix (const char *FileName) |
| Reads a matrix in MATLAB format.
Operator | GetRecirc2D (const int NX, const int NY, const double conv, const double diff) |
| Creates a recirculation problem in 2D.
Teuchos::ParameterList | ReadParameterList (const char *FileName) |
| Populates a list from specified file.
void | Krylov (const Operator &A, const MultiVector &LHS, const MultiVector &RHS, const BaseOperator &Prec, Teuchos::ParameterList &List) |
MultiVector | Duplicate (const MultiVector &y) |
| Creates a new vector, x, such that x = y.
MultiVector | Duplicate (const MultiVector &y, const int v) |
| Creates a new vector, x, such that x = y(:,v)
MultiVector | Extract (const MultiVector &y, const int v) |
| Extracts a component from a vector.
MultiVector | Redistribute (const MultiVector &y, const int NumEquations) |
| Redistributes the entry of a vector as a multivector.
Operator | GetRAP (const Operator &R, const Operator &A, const Operator &P) |
| Performs a triple matrix-matrix product, res = R * A *P.
Operator | GetTranspose (const Operator &A, const bool byrow=true) |
| Returns a newly created transpose of A .
Operator | GetIdentity (const Space &DomainSpace, const Space &RangeSpace) |
| Returns the identity matrix.
MultiVector | GetDiagonal (const Operator &A) |
| Returns a vector containing the diagonal elements of A .
MultiVector | GetDiagonal (const Operator &A, const int offset) |
| Returns a vector containing the diagonal elements of A .
Operator | GetDiagonal (const MultiVector &D) |
| Returns a newly created operator, containing D on the diagonal.
Operator | GetJacobiIterationOperator (const Operator &Amat, double Damping) |
| Returns an operator defined as (I - Damping A).
Operator | GetPtent1D (const MultiVector &D, const int offset=0) |
| Returns a newly created operator, containing D on the diagonal.
int | ML_Operator_Add2 (ML_Operator *A, ML_Operator *B, ML_Operator *C, int matrix_type, double scalarA, double scalarB) |
void | AnalyzeCheap (const Operator &A) |
| Performs a cheap analysis of the properties of the input operator.
void | PrintSparsity (const Operator &A, int NumPDEEquations=1) |
| Prints on file the sparsity structure of input operator.
Operator | GetScaledOperator (const Operator &A, const double alpha) |
| Multiply A by a double value, alpha .
Operator | Duplicate (const Operator &A) |
| Duplicates a given operator.
void | ReadSAMISMatrix (const char *filen, Operator &A, int &NumPDEEqns) |
| Reads symmetric matrix from SAMIS binary format.
void | ReadSAMISKernel (const char *myKerFileName, MultiVector &A, const int limKer=-1) |
| Reads null space vectors from SAMIS binary format.
ML_Comm * | GetML_Comm () |
| Returns a pointer to the ML_Comm object defined on MPI_COMM_WORLD.
Epetra_Comm & | GetEpetra_Comm () |
| Returns a reference to the Epetra_Comm object defined on MPI_COMM_WORLD.
void | Barrier () |
| Calls Mpi_Barrier() if MPI is enabled.
int | GetMyPID () |
| Returns the ID of the calling process.
int | GetNumProcs () |
| Returns the total number of processes in the computation.
int | GetPrintLevel () |
| Retutns the level of output (always 0 if MyPID() != 0).
void | SetPrintLevel (int Level) |
| Sets the level of output (from 0 to 10, 0 being verbose).
void | Init (USR_COMM comm=USR_COMM_WORLD) |
| Initialize the MLAPI workspace.
void | Finalize () |
| Destroys the MLAPI workspace.
std::string | GetString (const int &x) |
std::string | GetString (const double &x) |
int | GetMatrixType () |