Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Intrepid2 Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2007 NTESS and the Intrepid2 contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
15 #ifndef Intrepid2_ProjectedGeometry_h
16 #define Intrepid2_ProjectedGeometry_h
18 #include "Intrepid2_ScalarView.hpp"
20 #include "Intrepid2_Basis.hpp"
22 #include "Intrepid2_CellTools.hpp"
25 #include "Intrepid2_TestUtils.hpp"
27 namespace Intrepid2
28 {
32  template<int spaceDim, typename PointScalar, typename DeviceType>
34  {
35  public:
36  using ViewType = ScalarView< PointScalar, DeviceType>;
37  using ConstViewType = ScalarView<const PointScalar, DeviceType>;
38  using BasisPtr = Teuchos::RCP< Basis<DeviceType,PointScalar,PointScalar> >;
49  template<class ExactGeometry, class ExactGeometryGradient>
50  static void projectOntoHGRADBasis(ViewType projectedBasisNodes, BasisPtr targetHGradBasis, CellGeometry<PointScalar,spaceDim,DeviceType> flatCellGeometry,
51  const ExactGeometry &exactGeometry, const ExactGeometryGradient &exactGeometryGradient)
52  {
53  const ordinal_type numCells = flatCellGeometry.extent_int(0); // (C,N,D)
55  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(spaceDim != targetHGradBasis->getBaseCellTopology().getDimension(), std::invalid_argument, "spaceDim must match the cell topology on which target basis is defined");
56  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(projectedBasisNodes.rank() != 3, std::invalid_argument, "projectedBasisNodes must have shape (C,F,D)");
57  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(projectedBasisNodes.extent_int(0) != numCells, std::invalid_argument, "cell counts must match in projectedBasisNodes and cellNodesToMap");
58  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(projectedBasisNodes.extent_int(1) != targetHGradBasis->getCardinality(), std::invalid_argument, "projectedBasisNodes must have shape (C,F,D)");
59  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(projectedBasisNodes.extent_int(2) != spaceDim, std::invalid_argument, "projectedBasisNodes must have shape (C,F,D)");
61  using ExecutionSpace = typename DeviceType::execution_space;
65  ProjectionStruct projectionStruct;
66  ordinal_type targetQuadratureDegree(targetHGradBasis->getDegree()), targetDerivativeQuadratureDegree(targetHGradBasis->getDegree());
67  projectionStruct.createHGradProjectionStruct(targetHGradBasis, targetQuadratureDegree, targetDerivativeQuadratureDegree);
69  auto evaluationPointsRefSpace = projectionStruct.getAllEvalPoints();
70  auto evaluationGradPointsRefSpace = projectionStruct.getAllDerivEvalPoints();
71  const ordinal_type numPoints = evaluationPointsRefSpace.extent(0);
72  const ordinal_type numGradPoints = evaluationGradPointsRefSpace.extent(0);
74  auto elementOrientations = flatCellGeometry.getOrientations();
76 // printFunctor1(elementOrientations, std::cout);
78  // the evaluation points are all still in reference space; map to physical space:
79  ViewType evaluationPoints ("ProjectedGeometry evaluation points (value)", numCells, numPoints, spaceDim);
80  ViewType evaluationGradPoints("ProjectedGeometry evaluation points (gradient)", numCells, numGradPoints, spaceDim);
83  BasisPtr hgradLinearBasisForFlatGeometry = flatCellGeometry.basisForNodes();
84  if (numPoints > 0)
85  {
86  CellTools::mapToPhysicalFrame(evaluationPoints, evaluationPointsRefSpace, flatCellGeometry, hgradLinearBasisForFlatGeometry);
87  }
88  if (numGradPoints > 0)
89  {
90  CellTools::mapToPhysicalFrame(evaluationGradPoints, evaluationGradPointsRefSpace, flatCellGeometry, hgradLinearBasisForFlatGeometry);
91  }
93  auto refData = flatCellGeometry.getJacobianRefData(evaluationGradPoints);
95  // evaluate, transform, and project in each component
96  auto policy = Kokkos::MDRangePolicy<ExecutionSpace,Kokkos::Rank<2>>({0,0}, {numCells,numPoints});
97  auto gradPolicy = Kokkos::MDRangePolicy<ExecutionSpace,Kokkos::Rank<3>>({0,0,0},{numCells,numGradPoints,spaceDim});
99  ViewType evaluationValues ("exact geometry values", numCells, numPoints);
100  ViewType evaluationGradients ("exact geometry gradients", numCells, numGradPoints, spaceDim);
102 // printView(evaluationPoints, std::cout, "evaluationPoints");
104  for (int comp=0; comp<spaceDim; comp++)
105  {
106  Kokkos::parallel_for("evaluate geometry function for projection", policy,
107  KOKKOS_LAMBDA (const int &cellOrdinal, const int &pointOrdinal) {
108  Kokkos::Array<PointScalar,spaceDim> point;
109  for (int d=0; d<spaceDim; d++)
110  {
111  point[d] = evaluationPoints(cellOrdinal,pointOrdinal,d);
112  }
113  evaluationValues(cellOrdinal,pointOrdinal) = exactGeometry(point,comp);
114  });
116 // printView(evaluationValues, std::cout, "evaluationValues");
118  // projection occurs in ref space, so we need to apply inverse of the pullback
119  // HGRADtransformVALUE is identity, so evaluationValues above is correct
120  // HGRADtransformGRAD is multiplication by inverse of Jacobian, so here we want to multiply by Jacobian
122  auto gradPointsJacobians = flatCellGeometry.allocateJacobianData(evaluationGradPoints);
123  flatCellGeometry.setJacobian(gradPointsJacobians,evaluationGradPoints,refData);
125  Kokkos::parallel_for("evaluate geometry gradients for projection", gradPolicy,
126  KOKKOS_LAMBDA (const int &cellOrdinal, const int &pointOrdinal, const int &d2) {
127  Kokkos::Array<PointScalar,spaceDim> point;
128  for (int d=0; d<spaceDim; d++)
129  {
130  point[d] = evaluationGradPoints(cellOrdinal,pointOrdinal,d);
131  }
132  evaluationGradients(cellOrdinal,pointOrdinal,d2) = exactGeometryGradient(point,comp,d2);
133  });
135  // apply Jacobian
136  Data<PointScalar,DeviceType> gradientData(evaluationGradients);
137  auto transformedGradientData = Data<PointScalar,DeviceType>::allocateMatVecResult(gradPointsJacobians,gradientData);
139  transformedGradientData.storeMatVec(gradPointsJacobians,gradientData);
141  auto projectedBasisNodesForComp = Kokkos::subview(projectedBasisNodes,Kokkos::ALL(),Kokkos::ALL(),comp);
143  ProjectionTools::getHGradBasisCoeffs(projectedBasisNodesForComp,
144  evaluationValues,
145  transformedGradientData.getUnderlyingView(),
146  elementOrientations,
147  targetHGradBasis.get(),
148  &projectionStruct);
149  }
150  }
151  };
152 }
154 #endif /* Intrepid2_ProjectedGeometry_h */
static void getHGradBasisCoeffs(BasisCoeffsViewType basisCoeffs, const TargetValueViewType targetAtEvalPoints, const TargetGradViewType targetGradAtGradEvalPoints, const OrientationViewType cellOrientations, const BasisType *cellBasis, ProjectionStruct< DeviceType, typename BasisType::scalarType > *projStruct)
Computes the basis coefficients of the HGrad projection of the target function.
BasisPtr basisForNodes() const
H^1 Basis used in the reference-to-physical transformation. Linear for straight-edged geometry; highe...
CellGeometry provides the nodes for a set of cells; has options that support efficient definition of ...
static Data< DataScalar, DeviceType > allocateMatVecResult(const Data< DataScalar, DeviceType > &matData, const Data< DataScalar, DeviceType > &vecData, const bool transposeMatrix=false)
A stateless class for operations on cell data. Provides methods for:
Data< PointScalar, DeviceType > allocateJacobianData(const TensorPoints< PointScalar, DeviceType > &points, const int startCell=0, const int endCell=-1) const
Allocate a container into which Jacobians of the reference-to-physical mapping can be placed...
Wrapper around a Kokkos::View that allows data that is constant or repeating in various logical dimen...
Header file for the Intrepid2::ProjectionTools.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::enable_if< std::is_integral< iType >::value, int >::type extent_int(const iType &r) const
Returns the logical extent of the container in the specified dimension as an int; the shape of CellGe...
A class providing static members to perform projection-based interpolations:
Data< PointScalar, DeviceType > getJacobianRefData(const ScalarView< PointScalar, DeviceType > &points) const
Computes reference-space data for the specified points, to be used in setJacobian().
view_type getAllDerivEvalPoints(EvalPointsType type=TARGET) const
Returns all the evaluation points for basis/target derivatives in the cell.
view_type getAllEvalPoints(EvalPointsType type=TARGET) const
Returns the basis/target evaluation points in the cell.
Data< Orientation, DeviceType > getOrientations()
Returns the orientations for all cells. Calls initializeOrientations() if it has not previously been ...
Allows generation of geometry degrees of freedom based on a provided map from straight-edged mesh dom...
void setJacobian(Data< PointScalar, DeviceType > &jacobianData, const TensorPoints< PointScalar, DeviceType > &points, const Data< PointScalar, DeviceType > &refData, const int startCell=0, const int endCell=-1) const
Compute Jacobian values for the reference-to-physical transformation, and place them in the provided ...
Allows definition of cell geometry information, including uniform and curvilinear mesh definition...
Utility methods for Intrepid2 unit tests.
static void projectOntoHGRADBasis(ViewType projectedBasisNodes, BasisPtr targetHGradBasis, CellGeometry< PointScalar, spaceDim, DeviceType > flatCellGeometry, const ExactGeometry &exactGeometry, const ExactGeometryGradient &exactGeometryGradient)
Generate geometry degrees of freedom based on a provided map from straight-edged mesh domain to curvi...
static void mapToPhysicalFrame(PhysPointValueType physPoints, const RefPointValueType refPoints, const WorksetType worksetCell, const HGradBasisPtrType basis)
Computes F, the reference-to-physical frame map.
void createHGradProjectionStruct(const BasisPtrType cellBasis, const ordinal_type targetCubDegree, const ordinal_type targetGradCubDegre)
Initialize the ProjectionStruct for HGRAD projections.
An helper class to compute the evaluation points and weights needed for performing projections...
Header file for the Intrepid2::CellTools class.
Header file for the abstract base class Intrepid2::Basis.