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fei::Matrix_Impl< T > Class Template Reference

#include <fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for fei::Matrix_Impl< T >:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 Matrix_Impl (fei::SharedPtr< T > matrix, fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraph > matrixGraph, int numLocalEqns, bool zeroSharedRows=true)
virtual ~Matrix_Impl ()
const char * typeName ()
int parameters (const fei::ParameterSet &paramset)
fei::SharedPtr< T > getMatrix ()
const fei::SharedPtr< T > getMatrix () const
fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraphgetMatrixGraph () const
void setMatrixGraph (fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraph > matrixGraph)
int getGlobalNumRows () const
int getLocalNumRows () const
int putScalar (double scalar)
int getRowLength (int row, int &length) const
int copyOutRow (int row, int len, double *coefs, int *indices) const
int sumIn (int numRows, const int *rows, int numCols, const int *cols, const double *const *values, int format=0)
int copyIn (int numRows, const int *rows, int numCols, const int *cols, const double *const *values, int format=0)
int sumInFieldData (int fieldID, int idType, int rowID, int colID, const double *const *data, int format=0)
int sumInFieldData (int fieldID, int idType, int rowID, int colID, const double *data, int format=0)
int sumIn (int blockID, int connectivityID, const double *const *values, int format=0)
int globalAssemble ()
int multiply (fei::Vector *x, fei::Vector *y)
void setCommSizes ()
int gatherFromOverlap (bool accumulate=true)
int writeToFile (const char *filename, bool matrixMarketFormat=true)
int writeToStream (FEI_OSTREAM &ostrm, bool matrixMarketFormat=true)
bool usingBlockEntryStorage ()
int giveToUnderlyingMatrix (int numRows, const int *rows, int numCols, const int *cols, const double *const *values, bool sumInto, int format)
int giveToUnderlyingBlockMatrix (int row, int rowDim, int numCols, const int *cols, const int *LDAs, const int *colDims, const double *const *values, bool sumInto)
void markState ()
bool changedSinceMark ()
double * getBeginPointer ()
int getOffset (int row, int col)
- Public Member Functions inherited from fei::Matrix
virtual ~Matrix ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from fei::Matrix_core
 Matrix_core (fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraph > matrixGraph, int numLocalEqns)
virtual ~Matrix_core ()
void setRHS (fei::SharedPtr< fei::Vector > rhsvector)
void setSlaveInfo (fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraph > matrixGraph)
fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraphgetMatrixGraph () const
const FillableMatgetRemotelyOwnedMatrix (int proc) const
FillableMatgetRemotelyOwnedMatrix (int proc)
std::map< int, FillableMat * > & getRemotelyOwnedMatrices ()
void putScalar_remotelyOwned (double scalar)
void setEqnComm (fei::SharedPtr< fei::EqnComm > eqnComm)

Private Member Functions

int giveToMatrix (int numRows, const int *rows, int numCols, const int *cols, const double *const *values, bool sumInto, int format)
int giveToBlockMatrix (int numRows, const int *rows, int numCols, const int *cols, const double *const *values, bool sumInto)

Private Attributes

fei::SharedPtr< T > matrix_
bool globalAssembleCalled_
bool changedSinceMark_
std::string dbgprefix_

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from fei::Matrix_core
static void copyTransposeToWorkArrays (int numRows, int numCols, const double *const *values, std::vector< double > &work_1D, std::vector< const double * > &work_2D)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fei::Matrix_core
void parameters (const fei::ParameterSet &paramset)
void setName (const char *name)
void setCommSizes ()
int gatherFromOverlap (bool accumulate)
void setMatrixGraph (fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraph > matrixGraph)
int copyPointRowsToBlockRow (int numPtRows, int numPtCols, const double *const *ptValues, int numBlkCols, const int *blkColDims, double **blkValues)
int convertPtToBlk (int numRows, const int *rows, int numCols, const int *cols, int *blkRows, int *blkRowOffsets, int *blkCols, int *blkColOffsets)
MPI_Comm getCommunicator () const
const fei::SharedPtr
< fei::VectorSpace
vecSpace () const
fei::SharedPtr< fei::VectorSpacevecSpace ()
std::vector< int > & globalOffsets ()
const std::vector< int > & globalOffsets () const
int firstLocalOffset () const
int lastLocalOffset () const
int numProcs () const
int localProc () const
bool haveBlockMatrix () const
void setBlockMatrix (bool flag)
bool haveFEMatrix () const
void setFEMatrix (bool flag)
int getOwnerProc (int globalEqn) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fei::Logger
 Logger ()
virtual ~Logger ()
void setOutputLevel (OutputLevel olevel)
void addLogID (int ID)
void addLogEqn (int eqn)
bool isLogID (int ID)
bool isLogEqn (int eqn)
std::set< int > & getLogIDs ()
std::set< int > & getLogEqns ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from fei::Matrix_core
std::string name_
std::vector< int > work_indices_
std::vector< int > work_indices2_
std::vector< int > work_ints_
std::vector< double > work_data1D_
std::vector< const double * > work_data2D_
fei::SharedPtr< fei::EqnCommeqnComm_
- Protected Attributes inherited from fei::Logger
OutputLevel output_level_
std::set< int > logIDs_
std::set< int > logEqns_

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class fei::Matrix_Impl< T >

To be used for local assembly of shared data. Provides operations for gathering the overlapped data (locally-stored shared data) to a non- overlapped data distribution (e.g., send shared data to owning processor) and vice-versa for scattering non-overlapped data to the overlapped distribution.

When shared data that is not locally-owned is assembled into this object, it will be held locally until the above-mentioned gather operation is performed. When data that is locally-owned is assembled into this object, it will be passed directly to the underlying algebraic (non-overlapping) matrix.

Definition at line 53 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T >
fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::Matrix_Impl ( fei::SharedPtr< T >  matrix,
fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraph matrixGraph,
int  numLocalEqns,
bool  zeroSharedRows = true 
template<typename T >
fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::~Matrix_Impl ( )


Definition at line 484 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T>
const char* fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::typeName ( )

Return a name describing the run-time type of this object.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 67 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::Matrix_core::haveBlockMatrix(), and fei::Matrix_core::haveFEMatrix().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::parameters ( const fei::ParameterSet paramset)

Parameters method

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 490 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::Matrix_core::parameters().

template<typename T>
fei::SharedPtr<T> fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::getMatrix ( )
Obtain the underlying matrix object. Note that this will generally be

only the locally-owned portion of the matrix, not including any data corresponding to shared-but-not-owned nodes, etc.

Definition at line 87 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::matrix_.

Referenced by snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::enforceEssentialBC_LinSysCore(), fei_Solver_solve(), fei::utils::get_LinearSystemCore(), snl_fei::LinearSystem_FEData::implementBCs(), and snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::parameters().

template<typename T>
const fei::SharedPtr<T> fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::getMatrix ( ) const

Definition at line 88 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::matrix_.

template<typename T>
fei::SharedPtr<fei::MatrixGraph> fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::getMatrixGraph ( ) const

Obtain the fei::MatrixGraph associated with this matrix

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 90 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::Matrix_core::getMatrixGraph().

Referenced by fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::getOffset().

template<typename T >
void fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::setMatrixGraph ( fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraph matrixGraph)

Set the fei::MatrixGraph associated with this matrix

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 334 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

template<typename T>
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::getGlobalNumRows ( ) const

Get the global number of rows in the matrix.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 98 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::Matrix_core::globalOffsets(), and fei::Matrix_core::numProcs().

template<typename T>
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::getLocalNumRows ( ) const

Get the local number of rows in the matrix.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 106 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::Matrix_core::firstLocalOffset(), and fei::Matrix_core::lastLocalOffset().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::putScalar ( double  scalar)

Set a specified scalar throughout the matrix.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 523 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.


template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::getRowLength ( int  row,
int &  length 
) const

Get the length of a row of the matrix.

rowGlobal 0-based equation number
lengthOutput. Length of the row.
error-code non-zero if any error occurs.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 498 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::FillableMat::getRow(), fei::MatrixTraits< T >::getRowLength(), fei::FillableMat::hasRow(), and fei::CSVec::size().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::copyOutRow ( int  row,
int  len,
double *  coefs,
int *  indices 
) const

Obtain a copy of the coefficients and indices for a row of the matrix.

rowGlobal 0-based equation number
lenLength of the caller-allocated coefs and indices arrays
coefsCaller-allocated array, length 'len', to be filled with coefficients
indicesCaller-allocated array, length 'len', to be filled with indices. (These indices will be global 0-based equation numbers.)
error-code non-zero if any error occurs.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 552 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::CSVec::coefs(), fei::MatrixTraits< T >::copyOutRow(), fei::FillableMat::getRow(), fei::FillableMat::hasRow(), and fei::CSVec::indices().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::sumIn ( int  numRows,
const int *  rows,
int  numCols,
const int *  cols,
const double *const *  values,
int  format = 0 

Sum coefficients into the matrix, adding them to any coefficients that may already exist at the specified row/column locations.

formatFor compatibility with old FEI elemFormat... 0 means row-wise or row-major, 3 means column-major. Others not recognized

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 587 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::BRIEF_LOGS, FEI_ENDL, FEI_OSTREAM, and fei::FULL_LOGS.

Referenced by fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::Matrix_Impl(), and test_Matrix::serialtest2().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::copyIn ( int  numRows,
const int *  rows,
int  numCols,
const int *  cols,
const double *const *  values,
int  format = 0 

Copy coefficients into the matrix, overwriting any coefficients that may already exist at the specified row/column locations.

formatFor compatibility with old FEI elemFormat... 0 means row-wise or row-major, 3 means column-major. Others not recognized

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 610 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::BRIEF_LOGS, FEI_ENDL, FEI_OSTREAM, and fei::FULL_LOGS.

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::sumInFieldData ( int  fieldID,
int  idType,
int  rowID,
int  colID,
const double *const *  data,
int  format = 0 

Sum coefficients into the matrix, specifying row/column locations by identifier/fieldID pairs.

fieldIDInput. field-identifier for which data is being input.
idTypeInput. The identifier-type of the identifiers.
rowIDInput. Identifier in row-space, for which data is being input.
colIDInput. Identifier in column-space, for which data is being input.
dataInput. C-style table of data. num-rows is the field-size (i.e., number of scalar components that make up the field) of 'fieldID', as is num-columns.
formatFor compatibility with old FEI elemFormat... 0 means row-wise or row-major, 3 means column-major. Others not recognized
error-code 0 if successful

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 632 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References CHK_ERR, ERReturn, fei::VectorSpace::getFieldSize(), and fei::VectorSpace::getGlobalIndices().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::sumInFieldData ( int  fieldID,
int  idType,
int  rowID,
int  colID,
const double *  data,
int  format = 0 

Sum coefficients into the matrix, specifying row/column locations by identifier/fieldID pairs.

fieldIDInput. field-identifier for which data is being input.
idTypeInput. The identifier-type of the identifiers.
rowIDInput. Identifier in row-space, for which data is being input.
colIDInput. Identifier in column-space, for which data is being input.
dataInput. 1-D list representing a packed table of data. Data may be backed in row-major or column-major order and this may be specified with the 'format' argument. The "table" of data is of size num-rows X num-columns and num-rows is the field-size (i.e., number of scalar components that make up the field) of 'fieldID', as is num-columns.
formatFor compatibility with old FEI elemFormat... 0 means row-wise or row-major, 3 means column-major. Others not recognized
error-code 0 if successful

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 668 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References CHK_ERR, ERReturn, and fei::VectorSpace::getFieldSize().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::sumIn ( int  blockID,
int  connectivityID,
const double *const *  values,
int  format = 0 

Sum coefficients, associated with a connectivity-block that was initialized on the MatrixGraph object, into this matrix.

formatFor compatibility with old FEI elemFormat... 0 means row-wise or row-major, 3 means column-major. Others not recognized

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 695 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::BRIEF_LOGS, CHK_ERR, fei::console_out(), snl_fei::copy2DBlockDiagToColumnContig(), snl_fei::copy2DToColumnContig(), ERReturn, FEI_BLOCK_DIAGONAL_ROW, FEI_DENSE_COL, FEI_DENSE_ROW, FEI_ENDL, FEI_OSTREAM, FEI_OSTRINGSTREAM, fei::FULL_LOGS, fei::SharedPtr< T >::get(), fei::FieldDofMap< LocalOrdinal >::get_dof_id(), fei::ConnectivityBlock::getColConnectivity(), fei::ConnectivityBlock::getColPattern(), fei::MatrixGraph::getColSpace(), fei::MatrixGraph::getConnectivityBlock(), fei::ConnectivityBlock::getConnectivityIDs(), fei::VectorSpace::getFieldDofMap(), fei::Pattern::getFieldIDs(), fei::VectorSpace::getFieldSize(), fei::VectorSpace::getGlobalIndicesL(), fei::Record< GlobalIDType >::getNumber(), fei::Pattern::getNumFieldsPerID(), fei::Pattern::getNumIDs(), fei::Pattern::getNumIndices(), fei::Pattern::getNumIndicesPerID(), fei::Record< GlobalIDType >::getOwnerProc(), fei::VectorSpace::getRecordCollection(), snl_fei::RecordCollection::getRecordWithLocalID(), fei::ConnectivityBlock::getRowConnectivity(), fei::ConnectivityBlock::getRowPattern(), fei::MatrixGraph::getRowSpace(), fei::Pattern::getTotalNumFields(), fei::ConnectivityBlock::isSymmetric(), fei::localProc(), and fei::FillableMat::sumInRow().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::globalAssemble ( )

Perform any necessary internal communications/synchronizations or other operations appropriate at end of data input. For some implementations this will be a no-op.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 317 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::BRIEF_LOGS, FEI_ENDL, and FEI_OSTREAM.

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::multiply ( fei::Vector x,
fei::Vector y 

Form a matrix-vector product y = 'this' * x

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 926 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

template<typename T >
void fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::setCommSizes ( )

perform initial communication to establish message sizes that will be needed for exchanging shared-node data. Called from within gatherFromOverlap usually, doesn't usually need to be explicitly called by client code. (Power users only...)

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 934 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::BRIEF_LOGS, FEI_ENDL, and fei::Matrix_core::setCommSizes().

Referenced by fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::Matrix_Impl().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::gatherFromOverlap ( bool  accumulate = true)

After local overlapping data has been input, (e.g., element-data for a finite-element application) call this method to have data that corresponds to shared identifiers be communicated from sharing-but-not- owning processors, to owning processors.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 945 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::BRIEF_LOGS, CHK_ERR, FEI_ENDL, and fei::Matrix_core::gatherFromOverlap().

Referenced by snl_fei::LinearSystem_FEData::implementBCs().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::writeToFile ( const char *  filename,
bool  matrixMarketFormat = true 
template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::writeToStream ( FEI_OSTREAM ostrm,
bool  matrixMarketFormat = true 
template<typename T>
bool fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::usingBlockEntryStorage ( )

Query whether the underlying matrix object is a block-entry matrix.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 252 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::Matrix_core::haveBlockMatrix().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::giveToUnderlyingMatrix ( int  numRows,
const int *  rows,
int  numCols,
const int *  cols,
const double *const *  values,
bool  sumInto,
int  format 

for experts only

Implements fei::Matrix_core.

Definition at line 356 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::BRIEF_LOGS, ERReturn, FEI_DENSE_ROW, FEI_ENDL, FEI_OSTREAM, and fei::MatrixTraits< T >::putValuesIn().

template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::giveToUnderlyingBlockMatrix ( int  row,
int  rowDim,
int  numCols,
const int *  cols,
const int *  LDAs,
const int *  colDims,
const double *const *  values,
bool  sumInto 

for experts only

Implements fei::Matrix_core.

Definition at line 389 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References ERReturn.

template<typename T >
void fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::markState ( )

Set a "mark" point on the current state of the matrix, so that later a query can be made to see if the matrix has changed since this mark was set.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 341 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

template<typename T >
bool fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::changedSinceMark ( )

Query whether the matrix has changed since markState() was called. If markState() hasn't been called since the matrix was constructed, then this query will return true.

Implements fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 349 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

template<typename T>
double* fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::getBeginPointer ( )

Reimplemented from fei::Matrix.

Definition at line 278 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

References fei::MatrixTraits< T >::getBeginPointer(), and fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::matrix_.

template<typename T>
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::getOffset ( int  row,
int  col 
template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::giveToMatrix ( int  numRows,
const int *  rows,
int  numCols,
const int *  cols,
const double *const *  values,
bool  sumInto,
int  format 
template<typename T >
int fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::giveToBlockMatrix ( int  numRows,
const int *  rows,
int  numCols,
const int *  cols,
const double *const *  values,
bool  sumInto 

Member Data Documentation

template<typename T>
fei::SharedPtr<T> fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::matrix_
template<typename T>
bool fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::globalAssembleCalled_

Definition at line 309 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

template<typename T>
bool fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::changedSinceMark_

Definition at line 310 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

template<typename T>
std::string fei::Matrix_Impl< T >::dbgprefix_

Definition at line 311 of file fei_Matrix_Impl.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: