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9 // This defines useful macros like HAVE_MPI, which is defined if and
10 // only if Epetra was built with MPI enabled.
11 #include <Epetra_config.h>
13 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
14 # include <mpi.h>
15 // Epetra's wrapper for MPI_Comm. This header file only exists if
16 // Epetra was built with MPI enabled.
17 # include <Epetra_MpiComm.h>
18 #else
19 # include <Epetra_SerialComm.h>
20 #endif // HAVE_MPI
22 #include <Epetra_Map.h>
23 #include <Epetra_Vector.h>
24 #include <Epetra_Version.h>
26 #include <stdexcept>
28 void
30  std::ostream& out)
31 {
32  using std::endl;
34  // Print out the Epetra software version.
35  if (comm.MyPID () == 0) {
36  out << Epetra_Version () << endl << endl;
37  }
39  // The type of global indices. You could just set this to int,
40  // but we want the example to work for Epetra64 as well.
42  // Epetra was compiled only with 64-bit global index support, so use
43  // 64-bit global indices.
44  typedef long long global_ordinal_type;
45 #else
46  // Epetra was compiled with 32-bit global index support. If
47  // EPETRA_NO_64BIT_GLOBAL_INDICES is defined, it does not also
48  // support 64-bit indices.
49  typedef int global_ordinal_type;
53  // Create some Epetra_Map objects
56  //
57  // Epetra has local and global Maps. Local maps describe objects
58  // that are replicated over all participating MPI processes. Global
59  // maps describe distributed objects. You can do imports and
60  // exports between local and global maps; this is how you would turn
61  // locally replicated objects into distributed objects and vice
62  // versa.
63  //
65  // The total (global, i.e., over all MPI processes) number of
66  // entries in the Map. This has the same type as that of global
67  // indices, so it can represent very large values if Epetra was
68  // built with 64-bit global index support.
69  //
70  // For this example, we scale the global number of entries in the
71  // Map with the number of MPI processes. That way, you can run this
72  // example with any number of MPI processes and every process will
73  // still have a positive number of entries.
74  const global_ordinal_type numGlobalEntries = comm.NumProc () * 5;
76  // Tpetra can index the entries of a Map starting with 0 (C style),
77  // 1 (Fortran style), or any base you want. 1-based indexing is
78  // handy when interfacing with Fortran. We choose 0-based indexing
79  // here. This also has the same type as that of global indices.
80  const global_ordinal_type indexBase = 0;
82  // Construct a Map that puts the same number of equations on each
83  // (MPI) process. The Epetra_Comm is passed in by value, but that's
84  // OK, because Epetra_Comm has shallow copy semantics. (Its copy
85  // constructor and assignment operator do not call MPI_Comm_dup;
86  // they just pass along the MPI_Comm.)
87  Epetra_Map contigMap (numGlobalEntries, indexBase, comm);
89  // contigMap is contiguous by construction.
90  if (! contigMap.LinearMap ()) {
91  throw std::logic_error ("The supposedly contiguous Map isn't contiguous.");
92  }
94  // Let's create a second Map. It will have the same number of
95  // global entries per process, but will distribute them differently,
96  // in round-robin (1-D cyclic) fashion instead of contiguously.
98  // We'll use the version of the Map constructor that takes, on each
99  // MPI process, a list of the global indices in the Map belonging to
100  // that process. You can use this constructor to construct an
101  // overlapping (also called "not 1-to-1") Map, in which one or more
102  // entries are owned by multiple processes. We don't do that here;
103  // we make a nonoverlapping (also called "1-to-1") Map.
104  const int numGblIndsPerProc = 5;
105  global_ordinal_type* gblIndList = new global_ordinal_type [numGblIndsPerProc];
107  const int numProcs = comm.NumProc ();
108  const int myRank = comm.MyPID ();
109  for (int k = 0; k < numGblIndsPerProc; ++k) {
110  gblIndList[k] = myRank + k*numProcs;
111  }
113  Epetra_Map cyclicMap (numGlobalEntries, numGblIndsPerProc,
114  gblIndList, indexBase, comm);
115  // The above constructor makes a deep copy of the input index list,
116  // so it's safe to deallocate that list after this constructor
117  // completes.
118  if (gblIndList != NULL) {
119  delete [] gblIndList;
120  gblIndList = NULL;
121  }
123  // If there's more than one MPI process in the communicator,
124  // then cyclicMap is definitely NOT contiguous.
125  if (comm.NumProc () > 1 && cyclicMap.LinearMap ()) {
126  throw std::logic_error ("The cyclic Map claims to be contiguous.");
127  }
129  // contigMap and cyclicMap should always be compatible. However, if
130  // the communicator contains more than 1 process, then contigMap and
131  // cyclicMap are NOT the same.
132  // if (! contigMap.isCompatible (*cyclicMap)) {
133  // throw std::logic_error ("contigMap should be compatible with cyclicMap, "
134  // "but it's not.");
135  // }
136  if (comm.NumProc () > 1 && contigMap.SameAs (cyclicMap)) {
137  throw std::logic_error ("contigMap should not be the same as cyclicMap.");
138  }
141  // We have maps now, so we can create vectors.
144  // Create an Epetra_Vector with the contiguous Map we created above.
145  // This version of the constructor will fill the vector with zeros.
146  // The Vector constructor takes a Map by value, but that's OK,
147  // because Epetra_Map has shallow copy semantics. It uses reference
148  // counting internally to avoid copying data unnecessarily.
149  Epetra_Vector x (contigMap);
151  // The copy constructor performs a deep copy.
152  // x and y have the same Map.
153  Epetra_Vector y (x);
155  // Create a Vector with the 1-D cyclic Map. Calling the constructor
156  // with false for the second argument leaves the data uninitialized,
157  // so that you can fill it later without paying the cost of
158  // initially filling it with zeros.
159  Epetra_Vector z (cyclicMap, false);
161  // Set the entries of z to (pseudo)random numbers. Please don't
162  // consider this a good parallel pseudorandom number generator.
163  (void) z.Random ();
165  // Set the entries of x to all ones.
166  (void) x.PutScalar (1.0);
168  // Define some constants for use below.
169  const double alpha = 3.14159;
170  const double beta = 2.71828;
171  const double gamma = -10.0;
173  // x = beta*x + alpha*z
174  //
175  // This is a legal operation! Even though the Maps of x and z are
176  // not the same, their Maps are compatible. Whether it makes sense
177  // or not depends on your application.
178  (void) x.Update (alpha, z, beta);
180  (void) y.PutScalar (42.0); // Set all entries of y to 42.0
181  // y = gamma*y + alpha*x + beta*z
182  y.Update (alpha, x, beta, z, gamma);
184  // Compute the 2-norm of y.
185  //
186  // The norm may have a different type than scalar_type.
187  // For example, if scalar_type is complex, then the norm is real.
188  // The ScalarTraits "traits class" gives us the type of the norm.
189  double theNorm = 0.0;
190  (void) y.Norm2 (&theNorm);
192  // Print the norm of y on Proc 0.
193  out << "Norm of y: " << theNorm << endl;
194 }
196 //
197 // The same main() driver routine as in the first Epetra lesson.
198 //
199 int
200 main (int argc, char *argv[])
201 {
202  using std::cout;
203  using std::endl;
205 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
206  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
207  Epetra_MpiComm comm (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
208 #else
209  Epetra_SerialComm comm;
210 #endif // HAVE_MPI
212  if (comm.MyPID () == 0) {
213  cout << "Total number of processes: " << comm.NumProc () << endl;
214  }
216  // Do something with the new Epetra communicator.
217  exampleRoutine (comm, cout);
219  // This tells the Trilinos test framework that the test passed.
220  if (comm.MyPID () == 0) {
221  cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
222  }
224 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
225  // Since you called MPI_Init, you are responsible for calling
226  // MPI_Finalize after you are done using MPI.
227  (void) MPI_Finalize ();
228 #endif // HAVE_MPI
230  return 0;
231 }
Epetra_Map: A class for partitioning vectors and matrices.
Definition: Epetra_Map.h:119
int Random()
Set multi-vector values to random numbers.
bool SameAs(const Epetra_BlockMap &Map) const
Returns true if this and Map are identical maps.
int PutScalar(double ScalarConstant)
Initialize all values in a multi-vector with constant value.
Epetra_Vector: A class for constructing and using dense vectors on a parallel computer.
int MyPID() const
Return my process ID.
Epetra_MpiComm: The Epetra MPI Communication Class.
std::string Epetra_Version()
virtual int MyPID() const =0
Return my process ID.
Epetra_Comm: The Epetra Communication Abstract Base Class.
Definition: Epetra_Comm.h:73
long long global_ordinal_type
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes (always returns 1 for SerialComm).
Epetra_SerialComm: The Epetra Serial Communication Class.
bool LinearMap() const
Returns true if the global ID space is contiguously divided (but not necessarily uniformly) across al...
int Update(double ScalarA, const Epetra_MultiVector &A, double ScalarThis)
Update multi-vector values with scaled values of A, this = ScalarThis*this + ScalarA*A.
virtual int NumProc() const =0
Returns total number of processes.
int Norm2(double *Result) const
Compute 2-norm of each vector in multi-vector.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
void exampleRoutine(const Epetra_Comm &comm, std::ostream &out)