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8 // This defines useful macros like HAVE_MPI, which is defined if and
9 // only if Epetra was built with MPI enabled.
10 #include <Epetra_config.h>
12 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
13 # include <mpi.h>
14 // Epetra's wrapper for MPI_Comm. This header file only exists if
15 // Epetra was built with MPI enabled.
16 # include <Epetra_MpiComm.h>
17 #else
18 # include <Epetra_SerialComm.h>
19 #endif // HAVE_MPI
21 #include <Epetra_CrsMatrix.h>
22 #include <Epetra_Export.h>
23 #include <Epetra_Map.h>
24 #include <Epetra_Vector.h>
25 #include <Epetra_Version.h>
27 #include <sstream>
28 #include <stdexcept>
31 // The type of global indices. You could just set this to int,
32 // but we want the example to work for Epetra64 as well.
34 // Epetra was compiled only with 64-bit global index support,
35 // so use 64-bit global indices.
37 typedef long long global_ordinal_type;
38 #else
40 // Epetra was compiled only with 32-bit global index support,
41 // so use 32-bit global indices.
42 typedef int global_ordinal_type;
43 # else
45 // Epetra was compiled with both 64-bit and 32-bit global index
46 // support. Use 64-bit global indices for maximum generality.
47 typedef long long global_ordinal_type;
52 // Create and return a pointer to an example CrsMatrix, with row
53 // distribution over the given Map. The caller is responsible for
54 // freeing the result.
57 {
58  const Epetra_Comm& comm = map.Comm ();
60  // Create an Epetra_CrsMatrix using the Map, with dynamic allocation.
61  Epetra_CrsMatrix* A = new Epetra_CrsMatrix (Copy, map, 3);
63  // The list of global indices owned by this MPI process.
65  const global_ordinal_type* myGblElts = NULL;
66  global_ordinal_type numGblElts = 0;
68  myGblElts = map.MyGlobalElements64 ();
69  numGblElts = map.NumGlobalElements64 ();
70 #else
71  myGblElts = map.MyGlobalElements ();
72  numGblElts = map.NumGlobalElements ();
75  // The number of global indices owned by this MPI process.
76  const int numMyElts = map.NumMyElements ();
78  // In general, tests like this really should synchronize across all
79  // processes. However, the likely cause for this case is a
80  // misconfiguration of Epetra, so we expect it to happen on all
81  // processes, if it happens at all.
82  if (numMyElts > 0 && myGblElts == NULL) {
83  throw std::logic_error ("Failed to get the list of global indices");
84  }
86  // Local error code for use below.
87  int lclerr = 0;
89  // Fill the sparse matrix, one row at a time.
90  double tempVals[3];
91  global_ordinal_type tempGblInds[3];
92  for (int i = 0; i < numMyElts; ++i) {
93  // A(0, 0:1) = [2, -1]
94  if (myGblElts[i] == 0) {
95  tempVals[0] = 2.0;
96  tempVals[1] = -1.0;
97  tempGblInds[0] = myGblElts[i];
98  tempGblInds[1] = myGblElts[i] + 1;
99  if (lclerr == 0) {
100  lclerr = A->InsertGlobalValues (myGblElts[i], 2, tempVals, tempGblInds);
101  }
102  if (lclerr != 0) {
103  break;
104  }
105  }
106  // A(N-1, N-2:N-1) = [-1, 2]
107  else if (myGblElts[i] == numGblElts - 1) {
108  tempVals[0] = -1.0;
109  tempVals[1] = 2.0;
110  tempGblInds[0] = myGblElts[i] - 1;
111  tempGblInds[1] = myGblElts[i];
112  if (lclerr == 0) {
113  lclerr = A->InsertGlobalValues (myGblElts[i], 2, tempVals, tempGblInds);
114  }
115  if (lclerr != 0) {
116  break;
117  }
118  }
119  // A(i, i-1:i+1) = [-1, 2, -1]
120  else {
121  tempVals[0] = -1.0;
122  tempVals[1] = 2.0;
123  tempVals[2] = -1.0;
124  tempGblInds[0] = myGblElts[i] - 1;
125  tempGblInds[1] = myGblElts[i];
126  tempGblInds[2] = myGblElts[i] + 1;
127  if (lclerr == 0) {
128  lclerr = A->InsertGlobalValues (myGblElts[i], 3, tempVals, tempGblInds);
129  }
130  if (lclerr != 0) {
131  break;
132  }
133  }
134  }
136  // If any process failed to insert at least one entry, throw.
137  int gblerr = 0;
138  (void) comm.MaxAll (&lclerr, &gblerr, 1);
139  if (gblerr != 0) {
140  if (A != NULL) {
141  delete A;
142  }
143  throw std::runtime_error ("Some process failed to insert an entry.");
144  }
146  // Tell the sparse matrix that we are done adding entries to it.
147  gblerr = A->FillComplete ();
148  if (gblerr != 0) {
149  if (A != NULL) {
150  delete A;
151  }
152  std::ostringstream os;
153  os << "A->FillComplete() failed with error code " << gblerr << ".";
154  throw std::runtime_error (os.str ());
155  }
157  return A;
158 }
161 void
162 example (const Epetra_Comm& comm)
163 {
164  // The global number of rows in the matrix A to create. We scale
165  // this relative to the number of (MPI) processes, so that no matter
166  // how many MPI processes you run, every process will have 10 rows.
167  const global_ordinal_type numGblElts = 10 * comm.NumProc ();
168  // The global min global index in all the Maps here.
169  const global_ordinal_type indexBase = 0;
171  // Local error code for use below.
172  //
173  // In the ideal case, we would use this to emulate behavior like
174  // that of Haskell's Maybe in the context of MPI. That is, if one
175  // process experiences an error, we don't want to abort early and
176  // cause the other processes to deadlock on MPI communication
177  // operators. Rather, we want to chain along the local error state,
178  // until we reach a point where it's natural to pass along that
179  // state with other processes. For example, if one is doing an
180  // MPI_Allreduce anyway, it makes sense to pass along one more bit
181  // of information: whether the calling process is in a local error
182  // state. Epetra's interface doesn't let one chain the local error
183  // state in this way, so we use extra collectives below to propagate
184  // that state. The code below uses very conservative error checks;
185  // typical user code would not need to be so conservative and could
186  // therefore avoid all the all-reduces.
187  int lclerr = 0;
189  // Construct a Map that is global (not locally replicated), but puts
190  // all the equations on MPI Proc 0.
191  const int procZeroMapNumLclElts = (comm.MyPID () == 0) ?
192  numGblElts :
193  static_cast<global_ordinal_type> (0);
194  Epetra_Map procZeroMap (numGblElts, procZeroMapNumLclElts, indexBase, comm);
196  // Construct a Map that puts approximately the same number of
197  // equations on each processor.
198  Epetra_Map globalMap (numGblElts, indexBase, comm);
200  // Create a sparse matrix using procZeroMap.
201  Epetra_CrsMatrix* A = createCrsMatrix (procZeroMap);
202  if (A == NULL) {
203  lclerr = 1;
204  }
206  // Make sure that sparse matrix creation succeeded. Normally you
207  // don't have to check this; we are being extra conservative because
208  // this example is also a test. Even though the matrix's rows live
209  // entirely on Process 0, the matrix is nonnull on all processes in
210  // its Map's communicator.
211  int gblerr = 0;
212  (void) comm.MaxAll (&lclerr, &gblerr, 1);
213  if (gblerr != 0) {
214  throw std::runtime_error ("createCrsMatrix returned NULL on at least one "
215  "process.");
216  }
218  //
219  // We've created a sparse matrix whose rows live entirely on MPI
220  // Process 0. Now we want to distribute it over all the processes.
221  //
223  // Redistribute the matrix. Since both the source and target Maps
224  // are one-to-one, we could use either an Import or an Export. If
225  // only the source Map were one-to-one, we would have to use an
226  // Import; if only the target Map were one-to-one, we would have to
227  // use an Export. We do not allow redistribution using Import or
228  // Export if neither source nor target Map is one-to-one.
230  // Make an export object with procZeroMap as the source Map, and
231  // globalMap as the target Map. The Export type has the same
232  // template parameters as a Map. Note that Export does not depend
233  // on the Scalar template parameter of the objects it
234  // redistributes. You can reuse the same Export for different
235  // Tpetra object types, or for Tpetra objects of the same type but
236  // different Scalar template parameters (e.g., Scalar=float or
237  // Scalar=double).
238  Epetra_Export exporter (procZeroMap, globalMap);
240  // Make a new sparse matrix whose row map is the global Map.
241  Epetra_CrsMatrix B (Copy, globalMap, 0);
243  // Redistribute the data, NOT in place, from matrix A (which lives
244  // entirely on Proc 0) to matrix B (which is distributed evenly over
245  // the processes).
246  //
247  // Export() has collective semantics, so we must always call it on
248  // all processes collectively. This is why we don't select on
249  // lclerr, as we do for the local operations above.
250  lclerr = B.Export (*A, exporter, Insert);
252  // Make sure that the Export succeeded. Normally you don't have to
253  // check this; we are being extra conservative because this example
254  // example is also a test. We test both min and max, since lclerr
255  // may be negative, zero, or positive.
256  gblerr = 0;
257  (void) comm.MinAll (&lclerr, &gblerr, 1);
258  if (gblerr != 0) {
259  throw std::runtime_error ("Export() failed on at least one process.");
260  }
261  (void) comm.MaxAll (&lclerr, &gblerr, 1);
262  if (gblerr != 0) {
263  throw std::runtime_error ("Export() failed on at least one process.");
264  }
266  // FillComplete has collective semantics, so we must always call it
267  // on all processes collectively. This is why we don't select on
268  // lclerr, as we do for the local operations above.
269  lclerr = B.FillComplete ();
271  // Make sure that FillComplete succeeded. Normally you don't have
272  // to check this; we are being extra conservative because this
273  // example is also a test. We test both min and max, since lclerr
274  // may be negative, zero, or positive.
275  gblerr = 0;
276  (void) comm.MinAll (&lclerr, &gblerr, 1);
277  if (gblerr != 0) {
278  throw std::runtime_error ("B.FillComplete() failed on at least one process.");
279  }
280  (void) comm.MaxAll (&lclerr, &gblerr, 1);
281  if (gblerr != 0) {
282  throw std::runtime_error ("B.FillComplete() failed on at least one process.");
283  }
285  if (A != NULL) {
286  delete A;
287  }
288 }
291 int
292 main (int argc, char *argv[])
293 {
294  using std::cout;
295  using std::endl;
297 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
298  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
299  Epetra_MpiComm comm (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
300 #else
301  Epetra_SerialComm comm;
302 #endif // HAVE_MPI
304  const int myRank = comm.MyPID ();
305  const int numProcs = comm.NumProc ();
307  if (myRank == 0) {
308  // Print out the Epetra software version.
309  cout << Epetra_Version () << endl << endl
310  << "Total number of processes: " << numProcs << endl;
311  }
313  example (comm); // Run the whole example.
315  // This tells the Trilinos test framework that the test passed.
316  if (myRank == 0) {
317  cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
318  }
320 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
321  (void) MPI_Finalize ();
322 #endif // HAVE_MPI
324  return 0;
325 }
int NumGlobalElements() const
Number of elements across all processors.
Epetra_Map: A class for partitioning vectors and matrices.
Definition: Epetra_Map.h:119
int MyGlobalElements(int *MyGlobalElementList) const
Puts list of global elements on this processor into the user-provided array.
long long NumGlobalElements64() const
virtual int InsertGlobalValues(int GlobalRow, int NumEntries, const double *Values, const int *Indices)
Insert a list of elements in a given global row of the matrix.
Epetra_Export: This class builds an export object for efficient exporting of off-processor elements...
Definition: Epetra_Export.h:62
int MyPID() const
Return my process ID.
virtual int MinAll(double *PartialMins, double *GlobalMins, int Count) const =0
Epetra_Comm Global Min function.
Epetra_MpiComm: The Epetra MPI Communication Class.
std::string Epetra_Version()
virtual int MyPID() const =0
Return my process ID.
int FillComplete(bool OptimizeDataStorage=true)
Signal that data entry is complete. Perform transformations to local index space. ...
virtual int MaxAll(double *PartialMaxs, double *GlobalMaxs, int Count) const =0
Epetra_Comm Global Max function.
int NumMyElements() const
Number of elements on the calling processor.
int Export(const Epetra_SrcDistObject &A, const Epetra_Import &Importer, Epetra_CombineMode CombineMode, const Epetra_OffsetIndex *Indexor=0)
Exports an Epetra_DistObject using the Epetra_Import object.
Epetra_CrsMatrix * createCrsMatrix(const Epetra_Map &map)
Epetra_Comm: The Epetra Communication Abstract Base Class.
Definition: Epetra_Comm.h:73
long long global_ordinal_type
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes (always returns 1 for SerialComm).
const Epetra_Comm & Comm() const
Access function for Epetra_Comm communicator.
Epetra_SerialComm: The Epetra Serial Communication Class.
void example(const Epetra_Comm &comm)
virtual int NumProc() const =0
Returns total number of processes.
Epetra_CrsMatrix: A class for constructing and using real-valued double-precision sparse compressed r...
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
long long * MyGlobalElements64() const