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Epetra_Map Class Reference

Epetra_Map: A class for partitioning vectors and matrices. More...

#include <Epetra_Map.h>

Inheritance diagram for Epetra_Map:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 Epetra_Map (int NumGlobalElements, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_Map constructor for a Epetra-defined uniform linear distribution of elements. More...
 Epetra_Map (long long NumGlobalElements, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_Map (long long NumGlobalElements, long long IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_Map (int NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_Map constructor for a user-defined linear distribution of elements. More...
 Epetra_Map (long long NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_Map (long long NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, long long IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_Map (int NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, const int *MyGlobalElements, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_Map constructor for a user-defined arbitrary distribution of elements. More...
 Epetra_Map (long long NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, const long long *MyGlobalElements, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_Map (long long NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, const long long *MyGlobalElements, long long IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_Map (long long NumGlobal_Elements, int NumMy_Elements, const long long *myGlobalElements, int indexBase, const Epetra_Comm &comm, bool UserIsDistributedGlobal, long long UserMinAllGID, long long UserMaxAllGID)
 Epetra_Map constructor for a user-defined arbitrary distribution of elements, where the user provides all the globals. More...
 Epetra_Map (long long NumGlobal_Elements, int NumMy_Elements, const long long *myGlobalElements, long long indexBase, const Epetra_Comm &comm, bool UserIsDistributedGlobal, long long UserMinAllGID, long long UserMaxAllGID)
 Epetra_Map (int NumGlobal_Elements, int NumMy_Elements, const int *myGlobalElements, int indexBase, const Epetra_Comm &comm, bool UserIsDistributedGlobal, int UserMinAllGID, int UserMaxAllGID)
 Epetra_Map (const Epetra_Map &map)
 Epetra_Map copy constructor. More...
virtual ~Epetra_Map (void)
 Epetra_Map destructor. More...
Epetra_Mapoperator= (const Epetra_Map &map)
 Assignment Operator. More...
Epetra_MapRemoveEmptyProcesses () const
 Return a new BlockMap with processes with zero elements removed. More...
Epetra_MapReplaceCommWithSubset (const Epetra_Comm *Comm) const
 Replace this Map's communicator with a subset communicator. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Epetra_BlockMap
bool GlobalIndicesIsType () const
bool GlobalIndicesIsType () const
 Epetra_BlockMap (int NumGlobalElements, int ElementSize, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap constructor for a Epetra-defined uniform linear distribution of constant size elements. More...
 Epetra_BlockMap (long long NumGlobalElements, int ElementSize, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap (long long NumGlobalElements, int ElementSize, long long IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap (int NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, int ElementSize, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap constructor for a user-defined linear distribution of constant size elements. More...
 Epetra_BlockMap (long long NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, int ElementSize, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap (long long NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, int ElementSize, long long IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap (int NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, const int *MyGlobalElements, int ElementSize, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap constructor for a user-defined arbitrary distribution of constant size elements. More...
 Epetra_BlockMap (long long NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, const long long *MyGlobalElements, int ElementSize, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap (long long NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, const long long *MyGlobalElements, int ElementSize, long long IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap (int NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, const int *MyGlobalElements, const int *ElementSizeList, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap constructor for a user-defined arbitrary distribution of variable size elements. More...
 Epetra_BlockMap (long long NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, const long long *MyGlobalElements, const int *ElementSizeList, int IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap (long long NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, const long long *MyGlobalElements, const int *ElementSizeList, long long IndexBase, const Epetra_Comm &Comm)
 Epetra_BlockMap (long long NumGlobal_Elements, int NumMy_Elements, const long long *myGlobalElements, int ElementSize, int indexBase, const Epetra_Comm &comm, bool UserIsDistributedGlobal, long long UserMinAllGID, long long UserMaxAllGID)
 Epetra_BlockMap constructor for a user-defined arbitrary distribution of constant size elements, where the user provides all the globals. More...
 Epetra_BlockMap (long long NumGlobal_Elements, int NumMy_Elements, const long long *myGlobalElements, int ElementSize, long long indexBase, const Epetra_Comm &comm, bool UserIsDistributedGlobal, long long UserMinAllGID, long long UserMaxAllGID)
 Epetra_BlockMap (int NumGlobal_Elements, int NumMy_Elements, const int *myGlobalElements, int ElementSize, int indexBase, const Epetra_Comm &comm, bool UserIsDistributedGlobal, int UserMinAllGID, int UserMaxAllGID)
 Epetra_BlockMap (const Epetra_BlockMap &map)
 Epetra_BlockMap copy constructor. More...
virtual ~Epetra_BlockMap (void)
 Epetra_BlockMap destructor. More...
int RemoteIDList (int NumIDs, const int *GIDList, int *PIDList, int *LIDList) const
 Returns the processor IDs and corresponding local index value for a given list of global indices. More...
int RemoteIDList (int NumIDs, const long long *GIDList, int *PIDList, int *LIDList) const
int RemoteIDList (int NumIDs, const int *GIDList, int *PIDList, int *LIDList, int *SizeList) const
 Returns the processor IDs, corresponding local index value, and element size for a given list of global indices. More...
int RemoteIDList (int NumIDs, const long long *GIDList, int *PIDList, int *LIDList, int *SizeList) const
int LID (int GID) const
 Returns local ID of global ID, return -1 if not found on this processor. More...
int LID (long long GID) const
int GID (int LID) const
 Returns global ID of local ID, return IndexBase-1 if not found on this processor. More...
long long GID64 (int LID) const
int FindLocalElementID (int PointID, int &ElementID, int &ElementOffset) const
 Returns the LID of the element that contains the given local PointID, and the Offset of the point in that element. More...
bool MyGID (int GID_in) const
 Returns true if the GID passed in belongs to the calling processor in this map, otherwise returns false. More...
bool MyGID (long long GID_in) const
bool MyLID (int lid) const
 Returns true if the LID passed in belongs to the calling processor in this map, otherwise returns false. More...
int MinAllGID () const
 Returns the minimum global ID across the entire map. More...
long long MinAllGID64 () const
int MaxAllGID () const
 Returns the maximum global ID across the entire map. More...
long long MaxAllGID64 () const
int MinMyGID () const
 Returns the minimum global ID owned by this processor. More...
long long MinMyGID64 () const
int MaxMyGID () const
 Returns the maximum global ID owned by this processor. More...
long long MaxMyGID64 () const
int MinLID () const
 The minimum local index value on the calling processor. More...
int MaxLID () const
 The maximum local index value on the calling processor. More...
int NumGlobalElements () const
 Number of elements across all processors. More...
long long NumGlobalElements64 () const
int NumMyElements () const
 Number of elements on the calling processor. More...
int MyGlobalElements (int *MyGlobalElementList) const
 Puts list of global elements on this processor into the user-provided array. More...
int MyGlobalElements (long long *MyGlobalElementList) const
int MyGlobalElementsPtr (int *&MyGlobalElementList) const
int MyGlobalElementsPtr (long long *&MyGlobalElementList) const
int ElementSize () const
 Returns the size of elements in the map; only valid if map has constant element size. More...
int ElementSize (int LID) const
 Size of element for specified LID. More...
int FirstPointInElement (int LID) const
 Returns the requested entry in the FirstPointInElementList; see FirstPointInElementList() for details. More...
int IndexBase () const
 Index base for this map. More...
long long IndexBase64 () const
int NumGlobalPoints () const
 Number of global points for this map; equals the sum of all element sizes across all processors. More...
long long NumGlobalPoints64 () const
int NumMyPoints () const
 Number of local points for this map; equals the sum of all element sizes on the calling processor. More...
int MinMyElementSize () const
 Minimum element size on the calling processor. More...
int MaxMyElementSize () const
 Maximum element size on the calling processor. More...
int MinElementSize () const
 Minimum element size across all processors. More...
int MaxElementSize () const
 Maximum element size across all processors. More...
bool UniqueGIDs () const
 Returns true if map GIDs are 1-to-1. More...
bool GlobalIndicesInt () const
 Returns true if map create with int NumGlobalElements. More...
bool GlobalIndicesLongLong () const
 Returns true if map create with long long NumGlobalElements. More...
template<typename int_type >
bool GlobalIndicesIsType () const
bool GlobalIndicesTypeValid () const
bool GlobalIndicesTypeMatch (const Epetra_BlockMap &other) const
bool ConstantElementSize () const
 Returns true if map has constant element size. More...
bool SameBlockMapDataAs (const Epetra_BlockMap &Map) const
 Returns true if maps share same block map data underneath. More...
bool SameAs (const Epetra_BlockMap &Map) const
 Returns true if this and Map are identical maps. More...
bool PointSameAs (const Epetra_BlockMap &Map) const
 Returns true if this and Map have identical point-wise structure. More...
bool LinearMap () const
 Returns true if the global ID space is contiguously divided (but not necessarily uniformly) across all processors. More...
bool DistributedGlobal () const
 Returns true if map is defined across more than one processor. More...
int * MyGlobalElements () const
 Pointer to internal array containing list of global IDs assigned to the calling processor. More...
long long * MyGlobalElements64 () const
void MyGlobalElements (const int *&IntGIDs, const long long *&LLGIDs) const
void MyGlobalElements (int *&IntGIDs, long long *&LLGIDs)
int * FirstPointInElementList () const
 Pointer to internal array containing a mapping between the local elements and the first local point number in each element. More...
int * ElementSizeList () const
 List of the element sizes corresponding to the array MyGlobalElements(). More...
int * PointToElementList () const
 For each local point, indicates the local element ID that the point belongs to. More...
int ElementSizeList (int *ElementSizeList) const
 Same as ElementSizeList() except it fills the user array that is passed in. More...
int FirstPointInElementList (int *FirstPointInElementList) const
 Same as FirstPointInElementList() except it fills the user array that is passed in. More...
int PointToElementList (int *PointToElementList) const
 Same as PointToElementList() except it fills the user array that is passed in. More...
virtual void Print (std::ostream &os) const
 Print object to an output stream. More...
const Epetra_CommComm () const
 Access function for Epetra_Comm communicator. More...
bool IsOneToOne () const
Epetra_BlockMapoperator= (const Epetra_BlockMap &map)
 Assignment Operator. More...
int ReferenceCount () const
 Returns the reference count of BlockMapData. More...
const Epetra_BlockMapDataDataPtr () const
 Returns a pointer to the BlockMapData instance this BlockMap uses. More...
Epetra_BlockMapRemoveEmptyProcesses () const
 Return a new BlockMap with processes with zero elements removed. More...
Epetra_BlockMapReplaceCommWithSubset (const Epetra_Comm *Comm) const
 Replace this BlockMap's communicator with a subset communicator. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Epetra_Object
 Epetra_Object (int TracebackModeIn=-1, bool set_label=true)
 Epetra_Object Constructor. More...
 Epetra_Object (const char *const Label, int TracebackModeIn=-1)
 Epetra_Object Constructor. More...
 Epetra_Object (const Epetra_Object &Object)
 Epetra_Object Copy Constructor. More...
virtual ~Epetra_Object ()
 Epetra_Object Destructor. More...
virtual void SetLabel (const char *const Label)
 Epetra_Object Label definition using char *. More...
virtual const char * Label () const
 Epetra_Object Label access funtion. More...
virtual int ReportError (const std::string Message, int ErrorCode) const
 Error reporting method. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Epetra_Object
static void SetTracebackMode (int TracebackModeValue)
 Set the value of the Epetra_Object error traceback report mode. More...
static int GetTracebackMode ()
 Get the value of the Epetra_Object error report mode. More...
static std::ostream & GetTracebackStream ()
 Get the output stream for error reporting. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Epetra_Object
static int TracebackMode
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Epetra_BlockMap
void CleanupData ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Epetra_Object
std::string toString (const int &x) const
std::string toString (const long long &x) const
std::string toString (const double &x) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from Epetra_BlockMap

Detailed Description

Epetra_Map: A class for partitioning vectors and matrices.

It is often the case that multiple matrix and vector objects have an identical distribution of elements on a parallel machine. The Epetra_Map class keep information that describes this distribution for matrices and vectors.

Epetra_Map allows the storage and retrieval of the following information. Depending on the constructor that is used, some of the information is defined by the user and some is determined by the constructor. Once a Epetra_Map is constructed any of the following attributes can be obtained by calling a query function that has the name as the attribute, e.g. to get the value of NumGlobalElements, you can call a function NumGlobalElements(). For attributes that are lists, the query functions return the list values in a user allocated array.

In addition to the information above that is passed in to or created by the Epetra_Map constructor, the following attributes are computed and available via query to the user using the same scheme as above, e.g., use NumGlobalPoints() to get the value of NumGlobalPoints.

The following functions allow boolean tests for certain properties.

An Epetra_Comm object is required for all Epetra_Map constructors.
In the current implementation, Epetra_BlockMap is the base class for Epetra_Map.

Definition at line 127 of file Epetra_Map.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( int  NumGlobalElements,
int  IndexBase,
const Epetra_Comm Comm 

Epetra_Map constructor for a Epetra-defined uniform linear distribution of elements.

Creates a map that distributes NumGlobalElements elements evenly across all processors in the Epetra_Comm communicator. If NumGlobalElements does not divide exactly into the number of processors, the first processors in the communicator get one extra element until the remainder is gone.

InNumGlobalElements - Number of elements to distribute.
InIndexBase - Minimum index value used for arrays that use this map. Typically 0 for C/C++ and 1 for Fortran.
InComm - Epetra_Comm communicator containing information on the number of processors.
Pointer to a Epetra_Map object.

Definition at line 54 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( long long  NumGlobalElements,
int  IndexBase,
const Epetra_Comm Comm 

Definition at line 61 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( long long  NumGlobalElements,
long long  IndexBase,
const Epetra_Comm Comm 

Definition at line 67 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( int  NumGlobalElements,
int  NumMyElements,
int  IndexBase,
const Epetra_Comm Comm 

Epetra_Map constructor for a user-defined linear distribution of elements.

Creates a map that puts NumMyElements on the calling processor. If NumGlobalElements=-1, the number of global elements will be the computed sum of NumMyElements across all processors in the Epetra_Comm communicator.

InNumGlobalElements - Number of elements to distribute. Must be either -1 or equal to the computed sum of NumMyElements across all processors in the Epetra_Comm communicator.
InNumMyElements - Number of elements owned by the calling processor.
InIndexBase - Minimum index value used for arrays that use this map. Typically 0 for C/C++ and 1 for Fortran.
InComm - Epetra_Comm communicator containing information on the number of processors.
Pointer to a Epetra_Map object.

Definition at line 76 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( long long  NumGlobalElements,
int  NumMyElements,
int  IndexBase,
const Epetra_Comm Comm 

Definition at line 83 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( long long  NumGlobalElements,
int  NumMyElements,
long long  IndexBase,
const Epetra_Comm Comm 

Definition at line 89 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( int  NumGlobalElements,
int  NumMyElements,
const int *  MyGlobalElements,
int  IndexBase,
const Epetra_Comm Comm 

Epetra_Map constructor for a user-defined arbitrary distribution of elements.

Creates a map that puts NumMyElements on the calling processor. The indices of the elements are determined from the list MyGlobalElements. If NumGlobalElements=-1, the number of global elements will be the computed sum of NumMyElements across all processors in the Epetra_Comm communicator.

InNumGlobalElements - Number of elements to distribute. Must be either -1 or equal to the computed sum of NumMyElements across all processors in the Epetra_Comm communicator.
InNumMyElements - Number of elements owned by the calling processor.
InMyGlobalElements - Integer array of length NumMyElements. The ith entry contains the global index value of the ith element on this processor. Index values are not required to be contiguous on a processor, or to be within the range of 0 to NumGlobalElements. As long as the index values are consistently defined and used, any set of NumGlobalElements distinct integer values is acceptable.
InIndexBase - Minimum index value used for arrays that use this map. Typically 0 for C/C++ and 1 for Fortran.
InComm - Epetra_Comm communicator containing information on the number of processors.
Pointer to a Epetra_Map object.

Definition at line 98 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( long long  NumGlobalElements,
int  NumMyElements,
const long long *  MyGlobalElements,
int  IndexBase,
const Epetra_Comm Comm 

Definition at line 107 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( long long  NumGlobalElements,
int  NumMyElements,
const long long *  MyGlobalElements,
long long  IndexBase,
const Epetra_Comm Comm 

Definition at line 115 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( long long  NumGlobal_Elements,
int  NumMy_Elements,
const long long *  myGlobalElements,
int  indexBase,
const Epetra_Comm comm,
bool  UserIsDistributedGlobal,
long long  UserMinAllGID,
long long  UserMaxAllGID 

Epetra_Map constructor for a user-defined arbitrary distribution of elements, where the user provides all the globals.

This method is intended for expert developer use only, and should never be called by user code.

Definition at line 138 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( long long  NumGlobal_Elements,
int  NumMy_Elements,
const long long *  myGlobalElements,
long long  indexBase,
const Epetra_Comm comm,
bool  UserIsDistributedGlobal,
long long  UserMinAllGID,
long long  UserMaxAllGID 

Definition at line 147 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( int  NumGlobal_Elements,
int  NumMy_Elements,
const int *  myGlobalElements,
int  indexBase,
const Epetra_Comm comm,
bool  UserIsDistributedGlobal,
int  UserMinAllGID,
int  UserMaxAllGID 

Definition at line 127 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::Epetra_Map ( const Epetra_Map map)

Epetra_Map copy constructor.

Definition at line 159 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map::~Epetra_Map ( void  )

Epetra_Map destructor.

Definition at line 165 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Epetra_Map & Epetra_Map::operator= ( const Epetra_Map map)

Assignment Operator.

Definition at line 170 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map * Epetra_Map::RemoveEmptyProcesses ( ) const

Return a new BlockMap with processes with zero elements removed.

This method is only for expert users. Understanding how to use this method correctly requires some familiarity with semantics of MPI communicators.
We make no promises of backwards compatibility for this method. It may go away or change at any time.

This method first computes a new communicator, which contains only those processes in this Map's communicator (the "original communicator") that have a nonzero number of elements in this BlockMap (the "original BlockMap"). It then returns a new BlockMap distributed over the new communicator. The new BlockMap represents the same distribution as the original BlockMap, except that processes containing zero elements are not included in the new BlockMap or its communicator. On processes not included in the new BlockMap or communicator, this method returns NULL.

The returned BlockMap always has a distinct communicator from this BlockMap's original communicator. The new communicator contains a subset of processes from the original communicator. Even if the number of processes in the new communicator equals the number of processes in the original communicator, the new communicator is distinct. (In an MPI implementation, the new communicator is created using MPI_Comm_split.)

This method must be called collectively on the original communicator. It leaves the original Map and communicator unchanged.

This method was intended for applications such as algebraic multigrid or other multilevel preconditioners. Construction of each level of the multilevel preconditioner typically requires constructing sparse matrices, which in turn requires all-reduces over all participating processes at that level. Matrix sizes at successively coarser levels shrink geometrically. At the coarsest levels, some processes might be left with zero rows of the matrix, or the multigrid implementation might "rebalance" (redistribute the matrix) and intentionally leave some processes with zero rows. Removing processes with zero rows makes the all-reduces and other communication operations cheaper.

Definition at line 179 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

Epetra_Map * Epetra_Map::ReplaceCommWithSubset ( const Epetra_Comm Comm) const

Replace this Map's communicator with a subset communicator.

This method is only for expert users. Understanding how to use this method correctly requires some familiarity with semantics of MPI communicators.
We make no promises of backwards compatibility for this method. It may go away or change at any time.
The input communicator's processes are a subset of this Map's current communicator's processes.
On processes which are not included in the input communicator, the input communicator is null.

This method must be called collectively on the original communicator. It leaves the original BlockMap and communicator unchanged.

This method differs from removeEmptyProcesses(), in that it does not assume that excluded processes have zero entries. For example, one might wish to remove empty processes from the row Map of a CrsGraph using removeEmptyProcesses(), and then apply the resulting subset communicator to the column, domain, and range Maps of the same graph. For the latter three Maps, one would in general use this method instead of removeEmptyProcesses(), giving the new row Map's communicator to this method.

Definition at line 279 of file Epetra_Map.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: