175 int PutValue(
int Value);
191 int ExtractCopy(
int *V)
200 int ExtractView(
int **V)
235 int& operator [] (
int index) {
return Values_[index]; }
240 const int& operator [] (
int index)
const {
return Values_[index]; }
264 virtual void Print(std::ostream & os)
268 int AllocateForCopy();
270 int AllocateForView();
280 int * PermuteFromLIDs,
311 #if defined(Epetra_SHOW_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS)
313 #warning "The Epetra package is deprecated"
Epetra_Map: A class for partitioning vectors and matrices.
Epetra_Distributor: The Epetra Gather/Scatter Setup Base Class.
virtual int CopyAndPermute(const Epetra_SrcDistObject &Source, int NumSameIDs, int NumPermuteIDs, int *PermuteToLIDs, int *PermuteFromLIDs, const Epetra_OffsetIndex *Indexor, Epetra_CombineMode CombineMode=Zero)=0
Perform ID copies and permutations that are on processor.
Epetra_OffsetIndex: This class builds index for efficient mapping of data from one Epetra_CrsGraph ba...
Epetra_IntVector: A class for constructing and using dense integer vectors on a parallel computer...
virtual void Print(std::ostream &os) const
Print method.
int * Values() const
Returns a pointer to an array containing the values of this vector.
int GlobalLength() const
Returns the global vector length of vectors in the multi-vector.
virtual int CheckSizes(const Epetra_SrcDistObject &Source)=0
Allows the source and target (this) objects to be compared for compatibility, return nonzero if not...
virtual int UnpackAndCombine(const Epetra_SrcDistObject &Source, int NumImportIDs, int *ImportLIDs, int LenImports, char *Imports, int &SizeOfPacket, Epetra_Distributor &Distor, Epetra_CombineMode CombineMode, const Epetra_OffsetIndex *Indexor)=0
Perform any unpacking and combining after call to DoTransfer().
Epetra_BlockMap: A class for partitioning block element vectors and matrices.
long long GlobalLength64() const
Epetra_DistObject & operator=(const Epetra_DistObject &src)
Epetra_SrcDistObject: A class for supporting flexible source distributed objects for import/export op...
int MyLength() const
Returns the local vector length on the calling processor of vectors in the multi-vector.
Epetra_DistObject: A class for constructing and using dense multi-vectors, vectors and matrices in pa...
virtual int PackAndPrepare(const Epetra_SrcDistObject &Source, int NumExportIDs, int *ExportLIDs, int &LenExports, char *&Exports, int &SizeOfPacket, int *Sizes, bool &VarSizes, Epetra_Distributor &Distor)=0
Perform any packing or preparation required for call to DoTransfer().
const Epetra_BlockMap & Map() const
Returns the address of the Epetra_BlockMap for this multi-vector.