Teuchos_AbstractFactory.hpp | |
 Teuchos_AbstractFactoryStd.hpp | |
 Teuchos_any.hpp | Modified boost::any class for holding a templated value |
 Teuchos_Array.hpp | Templated array class derived from the STL std::vector |
 Teuchos_ArrayConversions.hpp | Templated conversions between Array<RCP<T> > and ArrayView<Ptr<T> > |
 Teuchos_ArrayRCP.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ArrayRCPDecl.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ArrayView.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ArrayView.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ArrayViewDecl.hpp | |
 Teuchos_as.hpp | Definition of Teuchos::as, for conversions between types |
 Teuchos_Assert.hpp | |
 Teuchos_basic_oblackholestream.hpp | |
 Teuchos_BigUInt.hpp | Arbitrary-precision unsigned integer definition |
 Teuchos_BigUIntDecl.hpp | Arbitrary-precision unsigned integer declaration |
 Teuchos_BLAS.cpp | |
 Teuchos_BLAS.hpp | Templated interface class to BLAS routines |
 Teuchos_BLAS_types.hpp | Enumerated types for BLAS input characters |
 Teuchos_BLAS_wrappers.hpp | The Templated BLAS wrappers |
 Teuchos_chartab.cpp | |
 Teuchos_chartab.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Comm.hpp | |
 Teuchos_CommandLineProcessor.cpp | |
 Teuchos_CommandLineProcessor.hpp | Basic command line parser for input from (argc,argv[]) |
 Teuchos_CommHelpers.cpp | |
 Teuchos_CommHelpers.hpp | |
 Teuchos_CommUtilities.hpp | |
 Teuchos_CompilerCodeTweakMacros.hpp | |
 Teuchos_CompileTimeAssert.hpp | Template classes for testing assertions at compile time |
 Teuchos_CompObject.cpp | |
 Teuchos_CompObject.hpp | Object for storing data and providing functionality that is common to all computational classes |
 Teuchos_Condition.hpp | An object to determin if a particular set of conditions are occuring |
 Teuchos_ConditionXMLConverter.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ConditionXMLConverter.hpp | Converts back and forth between XML and Dependencies |
 Teuchos_ConditionXMLConverterDB.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ConditionXMLConverterDB.hpp | A database for ConditionXMLConverters |
 Teuchos_ConfigDefs.hpp | Teuchos header file which uses auto-configuration information to include necessary C++ headers |
 Teuchos_ConstNonconstObjectContainer.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ConstTypeTraits.hpp | |
 Teuchos_CTimeMonitor.cpp | |
 Teuchos_CTimeMonitor.h | |
 Teuchos_CWrapperSupport.cpp | |
 Teuchos_CWrapperSupport_Cpp.hpp | |
 Teuchos_DataAccess.hpp | Teuchos::DataAccess Mode enumerable type |
 Teuchos_DebugDefaultAsserts.hpp | |
 Teuchos_DefaultComm.hpp | |
 Teuchos_DefaultMpiComm.cpp | |
 Teuchos_DefaultMpiComm.hpp | Implementation of Teuchos wrappers for MPI |
 Teuchos_DefaultSerialComm.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Dependency.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Dependency.hpp | |
 Teuchos_DependencySheet.cpp | |
 Teuchos_DependencySheet.hpp | DataStructure keeping track of dependencies |
 Teuchos_DependencyXMLConverter.cpp | |
 Teuchos_DependencyXMLConverter.hpp | Converts back and forth between XML and Dependencies |
 Teuchos_DependencyXMLConverterDB.cpp | |
 Teuchos_DependencyXMLConverterDB.hpp | A database for DependencyXMLConverters |
 Teuchos_Describable.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Describable.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Details_Allocator.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Details_Allocator.hpp | Declaration of Teuchos::Details::Allocator, a tracking and logging implementation of the C++ Standard Library's Allocator concept |
 Teuchos_Details_Lapack128.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Details_Lapack128.hpp | Declaration and definition of Teuchos::Details::Lapack128, a partial implementation of Teuchos::LAPACK for __float128 |
 Teuchos_Details_MpiCommRequest.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Details_MpiCommRequest.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Details_MpiTypeTraits.hpp | Declaration of Teuchos::Details::MpiTypeTraits (only if building with MPI) |
 Teuchos_DLLExportMacro.h | |
 Teuchos_DummyObjectGetter.hpp | |
 Teuchos_dyn_cast.cpp | |
 Teuchos_dyn_cast.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ENull.hpp | |
 Teuchos_EReductionType.cpp | |
 Teuchos_EReductionType.hpp | Declaration of Teuchos::EReductionType enum, and related functions |
 Teuchos_Exceptions.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ExpandScalarTypeMacros.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ExpatHandlerAdapter.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ExpatHandlerAdapter.hpp | Expat adapter for the TreeBuildingXMLHandler |
 Teuchos_ExplicitInstantiationHelpers.hpp | Macros for helping to templated classes create explicit instantiations |
 Teuchos_F77_wrappers.h | Macros for portably calling Fortran77 from C/C++ |
 Teuchos_FancyOStream.hpp | |
 Teuchos_FileInputSource.cpp | |
 Teuchos_FileInputSource.hpp | Definition of XMLInputSource derived class for reading XML from a file |
 Teuchos_FileInputStream.cpp | |
 Teuchos_FileInputStream.hpp | Definition of XMLInputStream derived class for reading XML from a file |
 Teuchos_FILEstream.hpp | |
 Teuchos_FilteredIterator.hpp | |
 Teuchos_FiniteAutomaton.cpp | |
 Teuchos_FiniteAutomaton.hpp | |
 Teuchos_FloatingPointTrap.cpp | |
 Teuchos_FloatingPointTrap.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Flops.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Flops.hpp | Object for providing basic support and consistent interfaces for counting/reporting floating-point operations performed in Teuchos computational classes |
 Teuchos_FunctionObject.hpp | An object representation of a function |
 Teuchos_FunctionObjectXMLConverter.cpp | |
 Teuchos_FunctionObjectXMLConverter.hpp | Converts back and forth between XML and FunctionObjects |
 Teuchos_FunctionObjectXMLConverterDB.cpp | |
 Teuchos_FunctionObjectXMLConverterDB.hpp | A database for FunctionObjectXMLConverters |
 Teuchos_getBaseObjVoidPtr.hpp | |
 Teuchos_getConst.hpp | |
 Teuchos_getRawPtr.hpp | |
 Teuchos_GlobalMPISession.cpp | |
 Teuchos_GlobalMPISession.hpp | A MPI utilities class, providing methods for initializing, finalizing, and querying the global MPI session |
 Teuchos_Grammar.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Grammar.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Graph.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Graph.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Handle.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Handleable.hpp | |
 Teuchos_HashSet.hpp | Templated hashtable-based set |
 Teuchos_Hashtable.hpp | Templated hashtable class |
 Teuchos_HashUtils.cpp | |
 Teuchos_HashUtils.hpp | Utilities for generating hashcodes |
 Teuchos_implicit_cast.hpp | |
 Teuchos_InvalidConditionException.hpp | |
 Teuchos_InvalidDependencyException.hpp | |
 Teuchos_iostream_helpers.hpp | |
 Teuchos_LabeledObject.cpp | |
 Teuchos_LabeledObject.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Language.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Language.hpp | Declares Teuchos::Language |
 Teuchos_LAPACK.cpp | |
 Teuchos_LAPACK.hpp | Templated interface class to LAPACK routines |
 Teuchos_LAPACK_wrappers.hpp | The Templated LAPACK wrappers |
 Teuchos_Libxml2HandlerAdapter.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Libxml2HandlerAdapter.hpp | Libxml2 adapter for the TreeBuildingXMLHandler |
 Teuchos_LocalTestingHelpers.hpp | Utilities to make writing tests easier |
 Teuchos_make_lalr1_parser.cpp | |
 Teuchos_make_lalr1_parser.hpp | |
 Teuchos_map.hpp | Provides std::map class for deficient platforms |
 Teuchos_MathExpr.cpp | |
 Teuchos_MathExpr.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_assignScalar.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_Banner.cpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_Banner.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_CoordDataReader.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_generic.cpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_generic.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_Raw_Adder.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_Raw_Checker.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_Raw_Graph_Adder.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_Raw_Reader.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_Raw_Writer.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_SetScientific.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_split.cpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_split.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_SymmetrizingAdder.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MatrixMarket_SymmetrizingGraphAdder.hpp | |
 Teuchos_MpiReductionOpSetter.cpp | |
 Teuchos_MpiReductionOpSetter.hpp | Implementation detail of Teuchos' MPI wrapper |
 Teuchos_NullIteratorTraits.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Object.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Object.hpp | The base Teuchos object |
 Teuchos_ObjectBuilder.hpp | |
 Teuchos_oblackholestream.hpp | |
 Teuchos_OpaqueWrapper.hpp | |
 Teuchos_OrdinalTraits.hpp | Defines basic traits for the ordinal field type |
 Teuchos_ParameterEntry.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterEntry.hpp | Object held as the "value" in the Teuchos::ParameterList std::map |
 Teuchos_ParameterEntryValidator.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterEntryXMLConverter.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterEntryXMLConverter.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterEntryXMLConverterDB.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterEntryXMLConverterDB.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterList.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterList.hpp | Templated Parameter List class |
 Teuchos_ParameterListAcceptor.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterListAcceptor.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterListAcceptorDefaultBase.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterListAcceptorDefaultBase.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterListAcceptorHelpers.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterListAcceptorHelpers.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterListExceptions.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterListModifier.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterListModifier.hpp | Parameter List Modifier class |
 Teuchos_ParameterListNonAcceptor.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterListNonAcceptor.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterXMLFileReader.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ParameterXMLFileReader.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Parser.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Parser.hpp | Declares Teuchos::Parser, ParserFail and make_lalr1_parser |
 Teuchos_PerformanceMonitorBase.cpp | |
 Teuchos_PerformanceMonitorBase.hpp | Common capabilities for collecting and reporting performance data collectively across MPI processes |
 Teuchos_Polynomial.hpp | |
 Teuchos_PolynomialDecl.hpp | |
 Teuchos_PolynomialTraits.hpp | |
 Teuchos_PrintDouble.cpp | |
 Teuchos_PrintDouble.hpp | Declares Teuchos::print_double |
 Teuchos_PromotionTraits.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Ptr.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Ptr.hpp | |
 Teuchos_PtrDecl.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Range1D.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Range1D.hpp | |
 Teuchos_RawParameterListHelpers.cpp | |
 Teuchos_RawParameterListHelpers.hpp | |
 Teuchos_RCP.hpp | Reference-counted pointer class and non-member templated function implementations |
 Teuchos_RCPBoostSharedPtrConversions.hpp | |
 Teuchos_RCPBoostSharedPtrConversionsDecl.hpp | |
 Teuchos_RCPDecl.hpp | Reference-counted pointer class and non-member templated function implementations |
 Teuchos_RCPNode.cpp | |
 Teuchos_RCPNode.hpp | Reference-counted pointer node classes |
 Teuchos_RCPStdSharedPtrConversions.hpp | |
 Teuchos_RCPStdSharedPtrConversionsDecl.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Reader.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Reader.hpp | Declares Teuchos::Reader |
 Teuchos_ReaderTables.hpp | Declares Teuchos::ReaderTables |
 Teuchos_ReductionOp.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ReductionOpHelpers.hpp | |
 Teuchos_RefCountPtr.hpp | |
 Teuchos_RefCountPtrDecl.hpp | |
 Teuchos_regex.cpp | |
 Teuchos_regex.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ScalarTraits.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ScalarTraits.hpp | Defines basic traits for the scalar field type |
 Teuchos_ScalarTraitsCUDA.hpp | This file is ONLY maintained for backwards compatibility |
 Teuchos_ScalarTraitsDecl.hpp | Declaration and default implementation for basic traits for the scalar field type |
 Teuchos_SerialBandDenseMatrix.hpp | Templated serial dense matrix class |
 Teuchos_SerialBandDenseSolver.hpp | |
 Teuchos_SerialDenseHelpers.hpp | Non-member helper functions on the templated serial, dense matrix/vector classes |
 Teuchos_SerialDenseMatrix.hpp | Templated serial dense matrix class |
 Teuchos_SerialDenseSolver.hpp | Templated class for solving dense linear problems |
 Teuchos_SerialDenseVector.hpp | Templated serial dense vector class |
 Teuchos_SerializationTraits.hpp | Teuchos::SerializationTraits and Teuchos::DirectSerializationTraits definitions |
 Teuchos_SerializationTraitsHelpers.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Serializer.hpp | |
 Teuchos_SerializerHelpers.hpp | |
 Teuchos_SerialQRDenseSolver.hpp | Templated class for solving dense linear problems |
 Teuchos_SerialSpdDenseSolver.hpp | Templated class for constructing and using Hermitian positive definite dense matrices |
 Teuchos_SerialSymDenseMatrix.hpp | Templated serial, dense, symmetric matrix class |
 Teuchos_SerialTriDiMatrix.hpp | Templated serial TriDi matrix class |
 Teuchos_set.hpp | |
 Teuchos_SetScientific.hpp | |
 Teuchos_SharedAccessPolicy.hpp | |
 Teuchos_SimpleObjectDB.hpp | A simple object table class for Teuchos |
 Teuchos_SimpleObjectTable.hpp | A simple object table class for Teuchos |
 Teuchos_stack.hpp | |
 Teuchos_StackedTimer.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StackedTimer.hpp | |
 Teuchos_stacktrace.cpp | |
 Teuchos_stacktrace.hpp | Functions for returning stacktrace info (GCC only initially) |
 Teuchos_StandardCatchMacros.hpp | |
 Teuchos_StandardCompositionMacros.hpp | Macro that adds <<std comp>="">> members as attribute members for any class |
 Teuchos_StandardConditions.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StandardConditions.hpp | Standard Conditions to be used |
 Teuchos_StandardConditionXMLConverters.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StandardConditionXMLConverters.hpp | A collection of standard ConditionXMLConverters |
 Teuchos_StandardDependencies.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StandardDependencies.hpp | A collection of standard dependencies |
 Teuchos_StandardDependencyXMLConverters.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StandardDependencyXMLConverters.hpp | A collection of standard DependencyXMLConverters |
 Teuchos_StandardFunctionObjects.hpp | |
 Teuchos_StandardFunctionObjectXMLConverters.hpp | A collection of standard FunctionObjectXMLConverters |
 Teuchos_StandardMemberCompositionMacros.hpp | Macro that adds <<std member="" comp>="">> members as attribute members for any class |
 Teuchos_StandardParameterEntryValidators.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StandardParameterEntryValidators.hpp | |
 Teuchos_StandardParameterEntryXMLConverters.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StandardParameterEntryXMLConverters.hpp | A collection of standard ParameterEntryXMLConverters |
 Teuchos_StandardValidatorXMLConverters.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StandardValidatorXMLConverters.hpp | A collection of standard ValidatorXMLConverters |
 Teuchos_StaticSetupMacro.hpp | |
 Teuchos_string.hpp | |
 Teuchos_StringIndexedOrderedValueObjectContainer.hpp | |
 Teuchos_StringInputSource.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StringInputSource.hpp | Definition of XMLInputSource derived class for reading XML from a std::string |
 Teuchos_StringInputStream.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StringInputStream.hpp | Definition of XMLInputStream derived class for reading XML from a std::string |
 Teuchos_StringToIntMap.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StringToIntMap.hpp | |
 Teuchos_StrUtils.cpp | |
 Teuchos_StrUtils.hpp | A std::string utilities class for Teuchos |
 Teuchos_Table.hpp | |
 Teuchos_TableColumn.cpp | |
 Teuchos_TableColumn.hpp | A column of TableEntry objects |
 Teuchos_TableDecl.hpp | |
 Teuchos_TableEntry.cpp | |
 Teuchos_TableEntry.hpp | Base class for representing compound entries in a printed table of data. "Compound" means that each entry may be some aggregation of more than one item, for example a timer together with a number of calls, or a value together with its estimated measurement error |
 Teuchos_TableFormat.cpp | |
 Teuchos_TableFormat.hpp | Provides utilities for formatting tabular output |
 Teuchos_TabularOutputter.cpp | |
 Teuchos_TabularOutputter.hpp | |
 Teuchos_TestForException.cpp | |
 Teuchos_TestForException.hpp | Standard test and throw macros |
 Teuchos_TestingHelpers.cpp | |
 Teuchos_TestingHelpers.hpp | Utilities to make writing tests easier |
 Teuchos_Time.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Time.hpp | Basic wall-clock timer class |
 Teuchos_TimeMonitor.cpp | |
 Teuchos_TimeMonitor.hpp | Scope guard for Teuchos::Time, with MPI collective timer reporting |
 Teuchos_toString.hpp | |
 Teuchos_TreeBuildingXMLHandler.cpp | |
 Teuchos_TreeBuildingXMLHandler.hpp | Defines a class for assembling an XMLObject from XML input |
 Teuchos_Tuple.hpp | |
 Teuchos_TwoDArray.hpp | A thin wrapper around the Teuchos Array class that allows for 2 dimensional arrays |
 Teuchos_TypeNameTraits.cpp | |
 Teuchos_TypeNameTraits.hpp | Defines basic traits returning the name of a type in a portable and readable way |
 Teuchos_TypeTraits.hpp | Defines basic traits allowing evaluation of type equality |
 Teuchos_UnitTestBase.cpp | |
 Teuchos_UnitTestBase.hpp | Unit testing support |
 Teuchos_UnitTestHarness.hpp | Unit testing support |
 Teuchos_UnitTestHelpers.hpp | Macros for defining unit tests |
 Teuchos_UnitTestRepository.cpp | |
 Teuchos_UnitTestRepository.hpp | Unit testing support |
 Teuchos_Utils.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Utils.hpp | A utilities class for Teuchos |
 Teuchos_ValidatorFactory.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ValidatorFactory.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ValidatorMaps.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ValidatorMaps.hpp | |
 Teuchos_ValidatorXMLConverter.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ValidatorXMLConverter.hpp | Converts back and forth between XML and ParameterEntryValidators |
 Teuchos_ValidatorXMLConverterDB.cpp | |
 Teuchos_ValidatorXMLConverterDB.hpp | A database for ValidatorXMLConverters |
 Teuchos_vector.hpp | |
 Teuchos_VerboseObject.cpp | |
 Teuchos_VerboseObject.hpp | |
 Teuchos_VerboseObjectParameterListHelpers.cpp | |
 Teuchos_VerboseObjectParameterListHelpers.hpp | |
 Teuchos_VerbosityLevel.cpp | |
 Teuchos_VerbosityLevel.hpp | |
 Teuchos_VerbosityLevelCommandLineProcessorHelpers.cpp | |
 Teuchos_VerbosityLevelCommandLineProcessorHelpers.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Version.hpp | |
 Teuchos_Workspace.cpp | |
 Teuchos_Workspace.hpp | |
 Teuchos_XML.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XML.hpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLConditionExceptions.hpp | A collection of Exceptions thrown when converting Conditions to and from XML |
 Teuchos_XMLDependencyExceptions.hpp | A collection of Exceptions thrown when converting Dependencys to and from XML |
 Teuchos_XMLFunctionObjectExceptions.hpp | A collection of Exceptions thrown when converting FunctionObjects to and from XML |
 Teuchos_XMLInputSource.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLInputSource.hpp | A base class for defining a source of XML input |
 Teuchos_XMLInputStream.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLInputStream.hpp | A base class for defining a XML input stream |
 Teuchos_XMLObject.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLObject.hpp | An object representation of a subset of XML data |
 Teuchos_XMLObjectImplem.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLObjectImplem.hpp | Low level implementation of XMLObject |
 Teuchos_XMLParameterListCoreHelpers.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLParameterListCoreHelpers.hpp | Simple helper functions that make it easy to read and write XML to and from a parameterlist |
 Teuchos_XMLParameterListExceptions.hpp | A collection of Exceptions that can be potentially thrown when converting a ParameterList to and from XML |
 Teuchos_XMLParameterListHelpers.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLParameterListHelpers.hpp | Additional ParameterList XML helper functions including parallel support |
 Teuchos_XMLParameterListReader.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLParameterListReader.hpp | Writes an XML object to a parameter list |
 Teuchos_XMLParameterListWriter.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLParameterListWriter.hpp | Writes a ParameterList to an XML object |
 Teuchos_XMLParser.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLParser.hpp | A class providing a simple XML parser. Methods can be overloaded to exploit external XML parsing libraries |
 Teuchos_XMLPerfTestArchive.cpp | |
 Teuchos_XMLPerfTestArchive.hpp | Tools for an XML-based performance test archive |
 Teuchos_YAML.cpp | |
 Teuchos_YAML.hpp | A TeuchosParser Language for a subset of YAML |
 Teuchos_YamlParameterListCoreHelpers.hpp | Simple helper functions that make it easy to read and write Yaml to and from a parameterlist |
 Teuchos_YamlParameterListHelpers.cpp | |
 Teuchos_YamlParameterListHelpers.hpp | |
 Teuchos_YamlParser.cpp | |
 Teuchos_YamlParser_decl.hpp | Functions to convert between ParameterList and YAML |
 TeuchosCore_ConfigDefs.hpp | |
 Trilinos_Details_LinearSolver.hpp | Declaration of linear solver interface |
 Trilinos_Details_LinearSolverFactory.cpp | |
 Trilinos_Details_LinearSolverFactory.hpp | Declaration and definition of linear solver factory, and "factory of factories" |
 Trilinos_LinearSolverSetupFailure.hpp | Declaration and definition of Trilinos::LinearSolverSetupFailure exception class |