static const std::string & getXMLTagName()
virtual RCP< Condition > convertXML(const XMLObject &xmlObj, const XMLParameterListReader::EntryIDsMap &entryIDsMap) const =0
Preforms any and all special xml conversion that is specific to a particular Condition.
RCP< Condition > fromXMLtoCondition(const XMLObject &xmlObj, const XMLParameterListReader::EntryIDsMap &entryIDsMap) const
Converts a given XMLObject to a Condition.
Converts back and forth between XML and Dependencies.
Representation of an XML data tree. XMLObject is a ref-counted handle to a XMLObjectImplem object...
std::map< RCP< const ParameterEntry >, ParameterEntry::ParameterEntryID, RCPConstComp > EntryIDsMap
void addAttribute(const std::string &name, T value)
Lookup whether or not Doubles are allowed.
virtual void convertCondition(const RCP< const Condition > condition, XMLObject &xmlObj, const XMLParameterListWriter::EntryIDsMap &entryIDsMap) const =0
Preforms any and all special condition conversion that is specific to a particlar Condition...
std::map< ParameterEntry::ParameterEntryID, RCP< ParameterEntry > > EntryIDsMap
Convenience typedef.
XMLObject fromConditiontoXML(const RCP< const Condition > condition, const XMLParameterListWriter::EntryIDsMap &entryIDsMap) const
Converters a given ParameterEntryValidator to XML.
Smart reference counting pointer class for automatic garbage collection.
static const std::string & getTypeAttributeName()
Returns the string to be used for the type attribute.