![o](ftv2mnode.png) Anasazi | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MultiVecTraits< double, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector > | Implementation of the Anasazi::MultiVecTraits for NOX::Abstract::MultiVectors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) OperatorTraits< double, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector, LOCA::AnasaziOperator::AbstractStrategy > | Implementation of the Anasazi::OperatorTraits for LOCA operators |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) LOCASort | An implementation of the Anasazi::SortManager that performs a collection of common sorting techniques |
![o](ftv2mnode.png) LOCA | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Abstract | LOCA abstract interface namespace |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Abstract interface for providing a user-defined factory |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Group | Compatiblity class for AbstractGroup hierarchy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Iterator | An abstract interface for implementing iteration |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) TransposeSolveGroup | Abstract group interface class for solving the transpose of the Jacobian |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) AnasaziOperator | Various group based operators for computing eigenvalues with Anasazi |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractStrategy | Abstract interface class for Anasazi operator strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Cayley | Anasazi operator for computing generalized eigenvalues using Cayley transformations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Cayley2Matrix | Anasazi operator for computing generalized eigenvalues using Cayley transformations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory for creating Anasazi operator strategy objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) JacobianInverse | Anasazi operator for computing eigenvalues of the inverse-Jacobian |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ShiftInvert | Anasazi operator for computing generalized eigenvalues using shift-invert |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) ShiftInvert2Matrix | Anasazi operator for computing generalized eigenvalues using shift-invert |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Bifurcation | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) PitchforkBord | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2plastnode.png) StatusTest | Convergence tests relating to pitchfork groups |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) NullVectorNormWRMS | A convergence test based on the weighted root-mean-square norm of the update to the null vector component for pitchfork location |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ParameterUpdateNorm | A convergence test based on the update of the parameter component for pitchfork location |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) SlackUpdateNorm | A convergence test based on the update of the slack variable component for pitchfork location |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) TPBord | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2plastnode.png) StatusTest | Convergence tests relating to turning point groups |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) NullVectorNormWRMS | A convergence test based on the weighted root-mean-square norm of the update to the null vector component for turning point location |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) ParameterUpdateNorm | A convergence test based on the update of the parameter component for turning point location |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Factory | Factory for creating bifurcation strategy objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) BorderedSolver | Strategies for solving bordered systems of equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractOperator | Abstract interface class representing an operator for solving bordered sets of linear equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractStrategy | Abstract interface class for solving bordered sets of linear equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) BorderedOperator | Bordered solver operator representing as bordered Jacobian as operator as implemented in the NOX::Abstract::Group |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Bordering | Bordered system solver strategy based on bordering |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ComplexOperator | Bordered solver operator representing the as implemented in the LOCA::Hopf::MooreSpence::AbstractGroup |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory for creating BorderedSolver strategy objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) HouseholderQR | A convenience class to compute the QR factorization of a an extended multi-vector |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) JacobianOperator | Bordered solver operator representing the Jacobian as implemented in the NOX::Abstract::Group |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LowerTriangularBlockElimination | Block elimination strategy for solving a block lower-triangular system |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Nested | Bordered system solver strategy for nested bordered systems |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) UpperTriangularBlockElimination | Block elimination strategy for solving a block upper-triangular system |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) EpetraAugmented | Bordered system solver strategy based on augmenting the Jacobian operator |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) EpetraHouseholder | Bordered system solver strategy based on Householder transformations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) LAPACKDirectSolve | Bordered system solver strategy based on direct factorization |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) BorderedSystem | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) AbstractGroup | An interface for groups that are bordered systems |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Continuation | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2plastnode.png) StatusTest | Convergence tests relating to continuation groups |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ParameterResidualNorm | A convergence test based on the parameter component of the residual for continuation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) ParameterUpdateNorm | A convergence test based on the update of the parameter component for continuation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Eigensolver | Collection of eigensolver strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractStrategy | Abstract interface class for Eigensolver strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AnasaziStrategy | Anasazi eigensolver strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) DefaultStrategy | Default eigensolver strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory for creating Eigensolver strategy objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) DGGEVStrategy | LAPACK DGGEV eigensolver strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) EigenvalueSort | Collection of eigenvalue sorting strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory for creating EigenvalueSort strategy objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractStrategy | Abstract interface for eigenvalue sorting strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LargestMagnitude | Largest-magnitude sorting strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SmallestMagnitude | Smallest-magnitude sorting strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LargestReal | Largest-real sorting strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SmallestReal | Smallest-real sorting strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LargestImaginary | Largest-imaginary sorting strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SmallestImaginary | Smallest-imaginary sorting strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) LargestRealInverseCayley | Largest-Real Cayley sorting strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Epetra | LOCA Epetra support |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) AnasaziOperator | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Floquet | Anasazi operator for computing generalized eigenvalues using Cayley transformations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Interface | Provides a set of interfaces for users to provide information about the nonlinear problem to LOCA |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FreeEnergy | Used by LOCA::Epetra::Group to provide a link to the external code for computing the free energy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MassMatrix | Used by LOCA::Epetra::Group to provide a link to the external code for the MassMatrix (coefficients of time dependent terms) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Required | Used by LOCA::Epetra::Group to provide a link to the external code for setting problem parameters |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) TimeDependent | Used by LOCA::Epetra::Group to provide a link to the external code for computing the shifted matrix |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) TimeDependentMatrixFree | Used by LOCA::Epetra::Group to provide a link to the external code for applying the shifted matrix in a matrix-free setting |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) TransposeLinearSystem | Strategies for solving transpose linear systems |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractStrategy | A pure virtual interface for solving the transpose of a linear system |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExplicitTranspose | Method for solving the transpose of a linear system by explicitly forming the transpose of the matrix |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory for creating transpose linear system strategy objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LeftPreconditioning | Method for solving the transpose of a linear system by transposing the preconditioner and switching to left preconditioning |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) TransposePreconditioner | Method for solving the transpose of a linear system by using the transpose of the preconditioner |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AdaptiveSolutionManager | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AdaptiveStepper | Implementation of LOCA::Abstract::Iterator for computing points along a continuation curve |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AugmentedOp | Epetra operator representing a bordered matrix |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) CompactWYOp | An Epetra operator for solving extended sets of equations using Householder transformations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Implementation of the LOCA::Abstract::Factory for Epetra groups |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Group | Extension of the NOX::Epetra::Group to LOCA |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) IdentityOp | An Epetra operator representing the identity matrix |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LeftPreconditionedOp | An Epetra operator for implementing the operator |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LowRankUpdateOp | An Epetra operator for implementing the operator |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LowRankUpdateRowMatrix | An Epetra row matrix for implementing the operator |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ModelEvaluatorInterface | Wrapper for an EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ShiftInvertInterface | Interface for LOCA::Epetra::ShifterInvertOperator |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ShiftInvertOperator | Epetra operator for |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) xyztPrec | Preconditioner operator class for solving space-time (XYZT) systems |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Extended | Extended groups and vectors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MultiAbstractGroup | LOCA abstract interface for extended groups, derived from the NOX::Abstract::Group, i.e., an abstract interface for "super" groups that have an underlying group component |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MultiVector | Implemenatation of the NOX::Abstract::MultiVector class for extended multi-vectors comprised of an arbitrary number of multi-vectors and scalars |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Vector | Implemenatation of the NOX::Abstract::Vector class for extended vectors comprised of an arbitrary number of vectors and scalars |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Homotopy | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractGroup | Interface to underlying groups for homotopy calculations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) DeflatedGroup | LOCA's Homotopy Algorithm |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Group | LOCA's Homotopy Algorithm |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Hopf | Groups and vectors for Hopf bifurcations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) MinimallyAugmented | Groups and vectors for locating Hopf bifurcations using the minimally augmented Hopf formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractGroup | Interface to underlying groups for Hopf calculations using the minimally augmented formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Constraint | Implementation of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ConstraintInterfaceMVDX for computing Hopf bifurcations for the minimally augmented Hopf formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedGroup | A group representing the minimally augemented Hopf equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) FiniteDifferenceGroup | Concrete class that provides concrete implementations of the derivative computation methods of the LOCA::Hopf::MinimallyAugmented::AbstractGroup using first-order finite differencing |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) MooreSpence | Groups and vectors for locating Hopf bifurcations using the Moore-Spence formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractGroup | Interface to underlying groups for Hopf point calculations using the Moore-Spence formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedGroup | A group representing the Moore-Spence Hopf equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedMultiVector | Multi-vector class to hold solution vectors, Newton vectors, etc.for the Moore-Spence Hopf eqautions |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedVector | Vector class to hold solution vectors, Newton vectors, etc. for Moore-Spence Hopf equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FiniteDifferenceGroup | Concrete class that provides concrete implementations of the derivative computation methods of the LOCA::Hopf::MooreSpence::AbstractGroup using first-order finite differencing |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SalingerBordering | Moore-Spence Hopf solver strategy based on "Salinger" bordering. This is the classic 5-solve Hopf bordering method |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SolverFactory | Factory for creating solver objects for solving Moore-Spence Hopf equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) SolverStrategy | Abstract strategy for solving the Moore-Spence Hopf equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ComplexMultiVector | Multi-vector class to hold two multi-vectors to represent a complex multi-vector |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) ComplexVector | Vector class to hold two vectors to represent a complex vector |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) LAPACK | LOCA BLAS/LAPACK support |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Implementation of the LOCA::Abstract::Factory for LAPACK groups |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Group | Extension of the NOX::LAPACK::Group to LOCA |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Interface | Virtual interface for LOCA::LAPACK::Group to provide a link to the external code for RHS and Jacobian fills |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) MultiContinuation | Groups and vectors for multi-parameter continuation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractGroup | LOCA abstract interface for continuation, derived from the NOX::Abstract::Group. This abstract class provides the interface necessary to perform continuation, i.e., compute families of solutions to |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractStrategy | Abstract interface class for continuation strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ArcLengthConstraint | Implementation of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ConstraintInterfaceMVDX for arclength continuation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ArcLengthGroup | Specialization of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ExtendedGroup to pseudo-arclength continuation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) CompositeConstraint | Implementation of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ConstraintInterface for composite constraints, i.e., a constraint comprised of multiple, separate constraints |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) CompositeConstraintMVDX | Implementation of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ConstraintInterfaceMVDX for composite constraints, i.e., a constraint comprised of multiple, separate constraints |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ConstrainedGroup | Extended group representing a constrained nonlinear problem |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ConstraintInterface | Abstract interface for the constraint portion of a constrained nonlinear system |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ConstraintInterfaceMVDX | Abstract interface for the constraint portion of a constrained nonlinear system for constraints that support computing a solution component derivative as a multi-vector |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedGroup | Base class for all continuation groups |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedMultiVector | MultiVector class to hold solution vectors, Newton vectors, etc. for continuation equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedVector | Vector class to hold solution vectors, Newton vectors, etc. for continuation equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory for creating continuation strategy objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FiniteDifferenceGroup | Concrete class that provides a concrete implementation of the computeDfDp() method of the LOCA::Continuation::AbstractGroup using first-order finite differencing |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MultiVecConstraint | Implementation of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ConstraintInterfaceMVDX for a simple linear multivector constraint |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) NaturalConstraint | Implementation of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ConstraintInterface for natural continuation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) NaturalGroup | Specialization of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ExtendedGroup to natural continuation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) MultiPredictor | Predictor direction strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractStrategy | Abstract interface class for predictor strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Constant | Constant predictor strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory for creating Predictor strategy objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Random | Random predictor strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Restart | Restart predictor strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Secant | Secant predictor strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Tangent | Tangent predictor strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Parameter | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractEntry | Abstract interface for all entries in LOCA::Parameter::Library |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Entry | Parameter entry interface class templated on ValueType |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) StandardEntry | Standard parameter entry class using a function object |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) DefaultFunctor | Default function object for setting a single parameter in a single object using a data member pointer |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Library | Class to provide a centralized library for setting/retrieving numerical parameter values in application codes |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) SublistParser | Class to parse a parameter list for sublists |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) PhaseTransition | Groups and vectors for turning point bifurcations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractGroup | Interface to underlying groups for phase transition calculations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedGroup | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedMultiVector | MultiVector class to hold solution vectors, Newton vectors, etc. for the phase transition tracking algorithm |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) ExtendedVector | Vector class to hold solution vectors, Newton vectors, etc. for the Phase Transition tracking formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Pitchfork | Groups and vectors for pitchfork bifurcations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) MinimallyAugmented | Groups and vectors for locating pitchfork bifurcations using the minimally augmented turning point formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractGroup | Interface to underlying groups for pitchfork calculations using the minimally augmented formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Constraint | Implementation of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ConstraintInterfaceMVDX for computing pitchforks for the minimally augmented pitchfork formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) ExtendedGroup | A group representing the minimally augemented pitchfork equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2plastnode.png) MooreSpence | Groups and vectors for locating pitchfork bifurcations using the Moore-Spence formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractGroup | Interface to underlying groups for pitchfork calculations using the Moore-Spence formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedGroup | A group representing the Moore-Spence pitchfork equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedMultiVector | MultiVector class to hold solution vectors, Newton vectors, etc.for the Moore-Spence pitchfork formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedVector | Vector class to hold solution vectors, Newton vectors, etc. for the Moore-Spence turning point formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) PhippsBordering | Moore-Spence pitchfork solver strategy based on "Phipps" bordering which is the 7-solve modified pitchfork bordering algorithm that uses bordered linear solves |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SalingerBordering | Moore-Spence pitchfork solver strategy based on "Salinger" bordering. This is the classic 6-solve bordering method |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SolverFactory | Factory for creating solver objects for solving Moore-Spence pitchfork equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) SolverStrategy | Abstract strategy for solving the Moore-Spence pitchfork equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) SaveEigenData | Collection strategies to save eigenvector/value data |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractStrategy | Abstract interface class strategies to save eigenvector/value data |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) DefaultStrategy | Default strategy for saving eigenvector/value data |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Factory | Factory for creating strategy objects to save eigenvectors/values |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) SingularJacobianSolve | Strategies for solving when is (nearly) singular |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Default | Default singular Jacobian solve computation class |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Generic | Generic singular jacobian solve interface |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ItRef | This class computes the solution to using one step of iterative refinement |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Manager | Manager for all singular Jacobian solve computations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Nic | This class computes the solution to using the Nic method |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) NicDay | This class computes the solution to using the Nic-Day method |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Solver | LOCA Solver classes |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Wrapper | A wrapper class for wrapping a NOX solver |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) StatusTest | Status checkers |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Abstract | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Combo | Arbitrary combination of status tests |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory to build a set of status tests from a parameter list |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MaxIters | Failure test based on the maximum number of continuation steps |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Wrapper | A wrapper class for wrapping a NOX status test |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) StepSize | Collection of step size control strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractStrategy | Abstract interface class for step size control strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Adaptive | Adaptive step size control strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Constant | Constant step size control strategy |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Factory | Factory for creating step size control strategy objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Thyra | LOCA Thyra support |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Group | Extension of the NOX::Thyra::Group to LOCA |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) GroupWrapper | Extension of the LOCA::Thyra::Group to provide access to solution data |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) SaveDataStrategy | Abstract interface class strategies to save continuation data |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) TimeDependent | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) AbstractGroup | Interface to underlying groups for time dependent systems |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) TurningPoint | Groups and vectors for turning point bifurcations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) MinimallyAugmented | Groups and vectors for locating turning point bifurcations using the minimally augmented turning point formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractGroup | Interface to underlying groups for turning point calculations using the minimally augmented formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Constraint | Implementation of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ConstraintInterfaceMVDX for computing turning points for the minimally augmented turning point formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedGroup | A group representing the minimally augemented turning point equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FiniteDifferenceGroup | Concrete class that provides concrete implementations of the derivative computation methods of the LOCA::TurningPoint::MinimallyAugmented::AbstractGroup using first-order finite differencing |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) ModifiedConstraint | Implementation of LOCA::MultiContinuation::ConstraintInterfaceMVDX for computing turning points for the minimally augmented turning point formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2plastnode.png) MooreSpence | Groups and vectors for locating turning point bifurcations using the Moore-Spence formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AbstractGroup | Interface to underlying groups for turning point calculations using the Moore-Spence formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedGroup | A group representing the Moore-Spence turning point equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedMultiVector | MultiVector class to hold solution vectors, Newton vectors, etc.for the Moore-Spence turning point formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ExtendedVector | Vector class to hold solution vectors, Newton vectors, etc. for the Moore-Spence turning point formulation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FiniteDifferenceGroup | Concrete class that provides concrete implementations of the derivative computation methods of the LOCA::TurningPoint::MooreSpence::AbstractGroup using first-order finite differencing |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) PhippsBordering | Moore-Spence turning point solver strategy based on "Phipps" bordering which is the 5-solve modified turning point bordering algorithm that uses bordered linear solves |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SalingerBordering | Moore-Spence turning point solver strategy based on "Salinger" bordering. This is the classic 4-solve bordering method |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SolverFactory | Factory for creating solver objects for solving Moore-Spence turning point equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![](ftv2blank.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) SolverStrategy | Abstract strategy for solving the Moore-Spence turning point equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) DerivUtils | LOCA's generic derivative computation class to compute various derivatives via finite differencing |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ErrorCheck | An Error checking algorithm for NOX/LOCA routines |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory class for creating strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) GlobalData | Container class to hold "global" LOCA objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ParameterVector | LOCA's container for holding a set of parameters that are used by the LOCA continuation routines |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Stepper | Implementation of LOCA::Abstract::Iterator for computing points along a continuation curve |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MultiStepper | Implementation of LOCA::Abstract::Iterator for computing points along a continuation curve |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) AdaptiveStepper | Implementation of LOCA::Abstract::Iterator for computing points along a continuation curve |
![o](ftv2mnode.png) nox | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) MatrixFreeModelEvaluatorDecorator | Model Evaluator Decorator class that adds support for the evaluation of a matrix-free W_op |
![o](ftv2mnode.png) NOX | Nonlinear solvers package namespace |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Abstract | NOX abstract interface for vector and group |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Group | NOX pure abstract interface to a "group"; i.e., a solution vector and the corresponding F-vector, Jacobian matrix, gradient vector, and Newton vector |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ImplicitWeighting | A pure virtual interface for enabling/disabling any user defined implicit weighting of the concrete object |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MultiVector | Abstract interface for multi-vectors used by NOX |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Vector | NOX's pure abstract vector interface for vectors that are used by the nonlinear solver |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Direction | Search direction strategies |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Utils | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) InexactNewton | Inexact Newton Utilities |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Broyden | Broyden direction |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) BroydenMemory | Utility class for NOX::Direction::Broyden method to manage the information stored in "limited" memory |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) BroydenMemoryUnit | Utility class for NOX::Direction::Broyden::BroydenMemory |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory to build direction objects derived from NOX::Direction::Generic |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Generic | Generic direction interface |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Newton | Newton direction computation |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) NonlinearCG | Calculates a search direction using the Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient method |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SteepestDescent | Calculates the steepest descent direction |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) UserDefinedFactory | Pure virtual interface for users to supply their own direction objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) UserDefinedFactoryT | Concrete instantiation of a NOX::Direction::UserDefinedFactory object that uses the base objects only for constuction |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Epetra | Improved version of the Epetra support class |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Interface | Provides a set of interfaces for users to provide information about the nonlinear problem to NOX |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Jacobian | Used by NOX::Epetra to provide a link to the external code for Jacobian fills |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Preconditioner | Used by NOX::Epetra to provide a link to the external code for Precondtioner fills |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Required | Supplies NOX with the set nonlinear equations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AdaptiveSolutionManager | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AdaptManager | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) BroydenOperator | A concrete implementation of a Broyden-type operator for NOX |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) ReplacementInterface | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FiniteDifference | Concrete implementation for creating an Epetra_RowMatrix Jacobian via finite differencing of the residual |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FiniteDifferenceColoring | Concrete implementation for creating an Epetra_RowMatrix Jacobian via finite differencing of the residual using coloring |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FiniteDifferenceColoringWithUpdate | Concrete implementation for creating an Epetra_RowMatrix Jacobian via finite differencing of the residual using coloring. This method assumes the existence of a valid parallel coloring of the columns of the Jacobian (aka from Isorropia) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Group | Concrete implementation of NOX::Abstract::Group for Trilinos/Epetra |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LinearSystem | Pure virtual class interface for allowing different linear solvers to be used by the NOX::Epetra::Group |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LinearSystemAztecOO | Concrete implementation of NOX::Epetra::LinearSolver for AztecOO |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MatrixFree | Concrete implementation for creating an Epetra_Operator Jacobian based on the Matrix-Free Newton-Krylov method |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MultiVector | Implementation of NOX::Abstract::MultiVector for Epetra multi-vectors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Observer | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Scaling | Object to control scaling of vectors and linear systems |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Vector | Implementation of NOX::Abstract::Vector for Epetra vectors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) VectorSpace | Pure virtual base class for the vector space used by NOX::Epetra::Vectors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) VectorSpaceL2 | Concrete class for an L2 vector space |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) VectorSpaceScaledL2 | Concrete class for a weighted L2 vector space |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Exceptions | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) SolverFailure | A generic exception class denoting a solver failure |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) LAPACK | NOX BLAS/LAPACK support |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Group | A simple example of a group structure, based on BLAS/LAPACK |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Matrix | A simple square matrix class for use by NOX::LAPACK::Group |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Interface | Virtual interface for NOX::BLAS::Group to provide a link to the external code for RHS and Jacobian fills |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LinearSolver | A simple linear solver for use by NOX::LAPACK::Group |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Vector | Implementation of NOX::Abstract::Vector for STL std::vector<double> (using LAPACK for some computations) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) LineSearch | NOX linesearches |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Utils | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Printing | Common line search utilites for printing line search information to the screen |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Slope | Common line search utilites for computing the slope of a function |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Backtrack | Generic backtracking line search |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory to build line search objects derived from NOX::LineSearch::Generic |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FullStep | Simplest line search - always take the full step |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Generic | Base class line search interface |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MoreThuente | More'-Thuente Line Search. Original code by Dianne O'Leary, modfified by Tammy Kolda and Roger Pawlowski for the NOX project. This version has been slightly optimized and also supports Homer Walker's work on adaptive forcing terms and Ared/Pred conditions. It also allows for arbitrary merit functions and norms to be supplied by the user |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) NonlinearCG | Use NonlinearCG linesearch |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Polynomial | A polynomial line search, either quadratic or cubic |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SafeguardedStep | A line search that determines the step size by capping the magnitue of specific entries of the direction vector. The limits are specified by a user defined vector |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) UserDefinedFactory | Pure virtual interface for users to supply their own line search objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) UserDefinedFactoryT | Concrete instantiation of a NOX::LineSearch::UserDefinedFactory object that uses the base objects only for constuction |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) SafeguardedDirection | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) MeritFunction | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Generic | Base class to support a user defined merit function that can be passed to line searches and directions through the parameter list |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) SumOfSquares | Sum of squares merit function |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Multiphysics | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) DataExchange | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Interface | Provides a set of interfaces for users to provide information about exchanging data between registered NOX solvers |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Solver | NOX nonlinear solvers namespace |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FixedPointBased | Nonlinear solver based on a line search (i.e., damping) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Generic | Abstract nonlinear solver method interface |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Manager | Manager class to control the instantiation of the objects derived from the NOX::Solver::Generic object |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Group | NOX pure abstract interface to a "group"; i.e., a solution vector and the corresponding F-vector, Jacobian matrix, gradient vector, and Newton vector |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Petsc | NOX Petsc support |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Group | Concrete implementation of NOX::Abstract::Group for Petsc |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Interface | Used by NOX::Petsc::Group to provide a link to the external code for F and Jacobian evaluations (if needed) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Options | Class to convert solver options from command line (or command input file) into a form usable by NOX |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SharedJacobian | Shared Jacobian for NOX::Petsc::Group objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Vector | Implementation of NOX::Abstract::Vector for Petsc vectors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Solver | NOX nonlinear solvers namespace |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AndersonAcceleration | Nonlinear solver based on Anderson Acceleration |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory class to control the creation of solvers derived from the NOX::Solver::Generic object |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Generic | Abstract nonlinear solver method interface |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) InexactTrustRegionBased | Newton-like solver using a trust region |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LineSearchBased | Nonlinear solver based on a line search (i.e., damping) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SingleStep | Light wrapper over linear solver, executes exactly one iteration |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) TensorBased | Nonlinear solver based on a rank-1 tensor method |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) TrustRegionBased | Newton-like solver using a trust region |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) PseudoTransient | Pseudo-transient solver |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) StatusTest | Status checkers |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Combo | Arbitrary combination of status tests |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Divergence | Failure test based on a threshold value of the norm of F |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Factory | Factory to build a set of status tests from a parameter list |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) FiniteValue | Failure test based on whether the norm of a vector has a finite value |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Generic | Generic status test to check for convergence or failure of the nonlinear solver |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MaxIters | Failure test based on the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) NormF | Various convergence tests based on the norm of the residual |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) NormUpdate | Various convergence tests based on the norm of the change in the solution vector, , between outer iterations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) NormWRMS | Convergence test based on the weighted root mean square norm fo the solution update between iterations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) NStep | Takes n Iterations before declaring convergence |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) RelativeNormF | Requires reduction in residual norm compared to initial norm |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Stagnation | Failure test based on the convergence rate between nonlinear iterations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Thyra | NOX Thyra support |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) WeightedMeritFunction | Implementation of merit function for implicitly weighted norm |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Group | A concrete implementation of the NOX::Abstract::Group using Thyra |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MatrixFreeJacobianOperator | Concrete implementation of a Thyra::LinearOpBase object that approximates a Jacobian operator based on the Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov method (see Knoll and Keyes Journal of Computational Physics 193 (2004) 357-397 for details) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MultiVector | Implementation of NOX::Abstract::MultiVector for Thyra multi-vectors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Vector | Implementation of NOX::Thyra::Vector |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) GlobalData | Container class to hold "global" NOX objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LineSearchCounters | Common counters that all line search algorithms should report |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MultiVector | Default implementation for NOX::Abstract::MultiVector using an array of NOX::Abstract::MultiVector's |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Observer | NOX's pure virtual class to allow users to insert user defined operations into nox's solvers (before and after the NOX::Solver::Generic::step() and NOX::Solver::Generic::solve() methods). This is an Observer from GoF design pattern book |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ObserverLog | Logs observer calls. Useful for unit testing and debugging |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ObserverPrint | A NOX::Observer that provides summary solver output |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ObserverVector | Concrete implementation of NOX::Observer that stores a vector of Observers |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Random | A class to compute uniformly distributed random numbers in (-1,1) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SharedObject | Holder for objects that are shared between NOX::Abstract::Groups |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) SolverStats | Container for solver statistics |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LinearSolveStats | Statistics for the linear solve |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) TrustRegionStats | Container for trust region statistics |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2pnode.png) Utils | Provides printing utilities |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Fill | Fill object - used to print the given character the number of times specified |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Sci | Sci object - used to print the given value with the specified precision |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MatrixFreeModelEvaluatorDecorator | Model Evaluator Decorator class that adds support for the evaluation of a matrix-free W_op |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) RowSumScaling | Updates an inverse row sum scaling vector at the beginning of a solve |
![o](ftv2mnode.png) RTOpPack | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) TOpEleWiseMinSwapEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation operator for TOpEleWiseMinSwap |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) TOpEleWiseMinSwap | Element-wise product update transformation operator: z0[i] *= min(v0[i],abs(z0[i]) * z0[i]/abs(z0[i]), i=0...n-1 |
![o](ftv2mnode.png) Thyra | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AdaptiveStateBase | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LOCAAdaptiveState | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) TransAdaptiveState | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AdaptiveSolutionManager | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) VectorBase | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ModelEvaluator | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MultiVectorBase | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LinearOpBase | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LinearOpWithSolveBase | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) DefaultLinearOpSource | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) PreconditionerFactoryBase | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) PreconditionerBase | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) NOXNonlinearSolver | Concrete nonlinear solver for NOX |
![o](ftv2mnode.png) Trilinos | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2plastnode.png) Details | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ContinuationManager | |
![o](ftv2node.png) LOCAData | |
![o](ftv2node.png) LOCAInterface | |
![o](ftv2node.png) LOCANVectorData | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ParamData | |
![o](ftv2node.png) ProblemLOCAPrototype | |
![\](ftv2lastnode.png) ProblemNOXPrototype | |