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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2008-2009 NVIDIA Corporation
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #include <cusp/array2d.h>
17 #include <cusp/array1d.h>
18 #include <cuda.h>
19 #include <iostream>
21 namespace cusp
22 {
23 namespace detail
24 {
25 namespace device
26 {
29 template <typename IndexType,
30  typename ValueType>
31 __global__ void
32 row_axpby_kernel(const ValueType a, const ValueType b, const IndexType num_rows,
33  const IndexType num_cols,
34  const ValueType * x,
35  const ValueType * y,
36  ValueType * z)
37 {
38  for (IndexType row = threadIdx.y + blockDim.y * blockIdx.x; row < num_rows;
39  row += gridDim.x * blockDim.y)
40  for (IndexType j = threadIdx.x; j < num_cols; j+=blockDim.x )
41  z[j+num_cols*row]= a * x[j+num_cols*row] + b * y[j+num_cols*row];
42 }
44 template <typename IndexType,
45  typename ValueType>
46 __global__ void
47 col_axpby_kernel(const ValueType a, const ValueType b, const IndexType num_rows,
48  const IndexType num_cols,
49  const ValueType * x,
50  const ValueType * y,
51  ValueType * z)
52 {
53  for (IndexType j = threadIdx.y; j < num_cols; j+=blockDim.y )
54  for (IndexType row = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x; row < num_rows;
55  row += gridDim.x * blockDim.x)
56  z[j*num_rows+row]= a * x[j*num_rows+row] + b * y[j*num_rows+row];
57 }
59 template <typename IndexType,
60  typename ValueType>
61 __global__ void
62 row_spmm_dense_diag_kernel(const IndexType Anum_rows,
63  const IndexType Anum_cols,
64  const ValueType * Aval,
65  const ValueType * x,
66  ValueType * y)
67 {
68  for (IndexType row = threadIdx.y + blockDim.y * blockIdx.x; row < Anum_rows;
69  row += gridDim.x * blockDim.y)
70  for (IndexType j = threadIdx.x; j < Anum_cols; j+=blockDim.x )
71  y[j+Anum_cols*row]= x[j] * Aval[j+Anum_cols*row];
72 }
74 template <typename IndexType,
75  typename ValueType>
76 __global__ void
77 col_spmm_dense_diag_kernel(const IndexType Anum_rows,
78  const IndexType Anum_cols,
79  const ValueType * Aval,
80  const ValueType * x,
81  ValueType * y)
82 {
83  for (IndexType j = threadIdx.y; j < Anum_cols; j+=blockDim.y )
84  for (IndexType row = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x; row < Anum_rows;
85  row += gridDim.x * blockDim.x)
86  y[j*Anum_rows+row]= x[j] * Aval[j*Anum_rows+row];
87 }
89 template <typename IndexType,
90  typename ValueType>
91 __global__ void
92 row_spmm_MVdot_kernel(IndexType ROWS_PER_BLOCK, const IndexType Anum_rows,
93  const IndexType Anum_cols,
94  const ValueType * Aval,
95  const ValueType * x,
96  ValueType * temp)
97 {
98  extern __shared__ int sh[];
99  ValueType * const sdata = (ValueType*) sh;
101  for (IndexType col = threadIdx.x; col < Anum_cols; col += blockDim.x){
102  sdata[col + Anum_cols*threadIdx.y] = 0;
103  }
104  for (IndexType row = threadIdx.y + blockDim.y * blockIdx.x; row < Anum_rows;
105  row += gridDim.x * blockDim.y) {
106  for (IndexType col = threadIdx.x; col < Anum_cols; col += blockDim.x){
107  sdata[col + Anum_cols*threadIdx.y] +=
108  Aval[col + Anum_cols * row] * x[col + Anum_cols * row];
109  }
110  }
111  //sum all local sums together to get
112  __syncthreads();
113  IndexType nwarp = blockDim.y / 2;
114  while (nwarp > 0) {
115  for (IndexType col = threadIdx.x; col < Anum_cols; col += blockDim.x){
116  IndexType j = threadIdx.y;
117  if (j < nwarp){
118  IndexType j2 = j+nwarp;
119  sdata[col+j*Anum_cols] += sdata[col+j2*Anum_cols];
120  }
121  __syncthreads();
122  }
123  nwarp /= 2;
124  }
125  __syncthreads();
126  for (IndexType col = threadIdx.x; col < Anum_cols; col+=blockDim.x){
127  temp[ Anum_cols * blockIdx.x + col ] = sdata[col];
128  }
130 }
132 template <typename IndexType,
133  typename ValueType>
134 __global__ void
135 col_spmm_MVdot_kernel(const IndexType Anum_rows,
136  const IndexType Anum_cols,
137  const ValueType * Aval,
138  const ValueType * x,
139  ValueType * temp)
140 {
141  extern __shared__ int sh[];
142  volatile ValueType * const sdata = (ValueType*) sh;
144  IndexType tid = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y*blockDim.x;
146  for (IndexType col = threadIdx.y; col < Anum_cols; col += blockDim.y) {
148  ValueType s = 0.0;
149  for (IndexType row = threadIdx.x+blockDim.x*blockIdx.x; row < Anum_rows;
150  row += gridDim.x*blockDim.x) {
151  s += Aval[col*Anum_rows+row] * x[col*Anum_rows+row];
152  }
154  // sum all local sums together to get
155  sdata[tid] = s;
156  if (threadIdx.x+16 < blockDim.x) sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 16];
157  if (threadIdx.x+ 8 < blockDim.x) sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 8];
158  if (threadIdx.x+ 4 < blockDim.x) sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 4];
159  if (threadIdx.x+ 2 < blockDim.x) sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 2];
160  if (threadIdx.x+ 1 < blockDim.x) sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 1];
162  // store results
163  if (threadIdx.x == 0)
164  temp[col*gridDim.x+blockIdx.x] = sdata[tid];
165  }
167 }
169 //kernel to compute final dot product by adding the sums across the blocks
170 template <typename IndexType,
171  typename ValueType>
172 __global__ void
173 row_reduce_kernel(const IndexType num_rows,
174  const IndexType num_cols,
175  const ValueType * temp,
176  ValueType * y)
177 {
178  extern __shared__ int sh[];
179  ValueType * const sdata = (ValueType*) sh;
180  for (IndexType col = threadIdx.x; col < num_cols; col += blockDim.x){
181  sdata[col + num_cols*threadIdx.y] = 0;
182  }
183  for (IndexType row = threadIdx.y + blockDim.y * blockIdx.x; row < num_rows;
184  row += gridDim.x * blockDim.y) {
185  for (IndexType col = threadIdx.x; col < num_cols; col += blockDim.x){
186  sdata[col + num_cols*threadIdx.y] += temp[col + num_cols * row];
187  }
188  }
189  __syncthreads();
190  IndexType nwarp = blockDim.y / 2;
191  while (nwarp > 0) {
192  for (IndexType col = threadIdx.x; col < num_cols; col += blockDim.x){
193  IndexType j = threadIdx.y;
194  if (j < nwarp){
195  IndexType j2 = j+nwarp;
196  sdata[col+j*num_cols] += sdata[col+j2*num_cols];
197  }
198  __syncthreads();
199  }
200  nwarp /= 2;
201  }
202  __syncthreads();
203  for (IndexType col = threadIdx.x; col < num_cols; col+=blockDim.x){
204  y[col + num_cols * blockIdx.x] = sdata[col];
205  }
206 }
208 //kernel to compute final dot product by adding the sums across the blocks
209 template <typename IndexType,
210  typename ValueType>
211 __global__ void
212 col_reduce_kernel(const IndexType num_rows,
213  const IndexType num_cols,
214  const ValueType * temp,
215  ValueType * y)
216 {
217  extern __shared__ int sh[];
218  volatile ValueType * const sdata = (ValueType*) sh;
220  IndexType tid = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y*blockDim.x;
222  for (IndexType col = threadIdx.y; col < num_cols; col += blockDim.y) {
224  ValueType s = 0.0;
225  for (IndexType row = threadIdx.x; row < num_rows; row += blockDim.x) {
226  s += temp[col*num_rows+row];
227  }
229  // sum all local sums together to get
230  sdata[tid] = s;
231  if (threadIdx.x+16 < blockDim.x) sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 16];
232  if (threadIdx.x+ 8 < blockDim.x) sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 8];
233  if (threadIdx.x+ 4 < blockDim.x) sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 4];
234  if (threadIdx.x+ 2 < blockDim.x) sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 2];
235  if (threadIdx.x+ 1 < blockDim.x) sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 1];
237  // store results
238  if (threadIdx.x == 0)
239  y[col] = sdata[tid];
240  }
241 }
244 template <typename Vector1,
245  typename Vector2,
246  typename Vector3>
247 void __spmm_MVdot(const int numRHS, const Vector1& A,
248  const Vector2& x,
249  Vector3& y, cusp::row_major)
250 {
252  typedef typename Vector2::index_type IndexType;
253  typedef typename Vector2::value_type ValueType;
254  typedef typename Vector2::memory_space MemorySpace;
255  const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 32;
257  const size_t ROWS_PER_BLOCK = 8;
259  dim3 block(BLOCK_SIZE, ROWS_PER_BLOCK);
260  const size_t shared = block.y * numRHS * sizeof(ValueType);
263  const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = 96;
264  const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(A.num_rows, ROWS_PER_BLOCK));
265  dim3 grid(NUM_BLOCKS, 1);
268  cusp::array2d<ValueType, MemorySpace, cusp::row_major> temp(NUM_BLOCKS, A.num_cols, 0);
270  row_spmm_MVdot_kernel<IndexType,ValueType> <<<grid, block, shared>>>
271  (ROWS_PER_BLOCK, A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
272  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&A.values[0]),
273  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&x.values[0]),
274  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&temp.values[0]));
276  // add rows of temp (sum from each block) for final answer
277  IndexType num_rows = NUM_BLOCKS;
278  IndexType num_blocks = 16;
279  cusp::array2d<ValueType, MemorySpace, cusp::row_major> sum_temp(num_blocks, numRHS, 0);
280  //Need size to be power of 2
281  while (num_blocks > 0){
282  dim3 sum_grid(num_blocks, 1);
283  IndexType size = 1;
284  while (size < num_rows / num_blocks){
285  size <<=1;
286  }
287  dim3 sum_block( 32, size);
288  size_t sum_shared = sum_block.y * numRHS * sizeof(ValueType);
289  sum_temp.resize(num_blocks, numRHS);
290  row_reduce_kernel<IndexType,ValueType> <<<sum_grid, sum_block, sum_shared>>>
291  (temp.num_rows, temp.num_cols, thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&temp.values[0]),
292  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&sum_temp.values[0]));
293  cusp::copy(sum_temp, temp);
294  num_rows = num_blocks;
295  num_blocks /= 2;
296  }
297  for (IndexType i = 0; i < numRHS; i++){
298  y[i] = sum_temp(0, i);
299  }
300 }
302 template <typename Vector1,
303  typename Vector2,
304  typename Vector3>
305 void __spmm_MVdot(const int numRHS, const Vector1& A,
306  const Vector2& x,
307  Vector3& y, cusp::column_major)
308 {
309 #if 0
310  typedef typename Vector2::index_type IndexType;
311  for (IndexType col=0; col<A.num_cols; ++col) {
312  y[col] = cusp::blas::dotc(A.column(col), x.column(col));
313  }
314 #else
316  typedef typename Vector2::index_type IndexType;
317  typedef typename Vector2::value_type ValueType;
318  typedef typename Vector2::memory_space MemorySpace;
320  const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 32;
321  const size_t COLS_PER_BLOCK = 8;
323  dim3 block(BLOCK_SIZE, COLS_PER_BLOCK);
324  const size_t shared = block.x * block.y * sizeof(ValueType);
326  const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = 96;
327  const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(A.num_rows, BLOCK_SIZE));
328  dim3 grid(NUM_BLOCKS, 1);
331  cusp::array2d<ValueType, MemorySpace, cusp::column_major> temp(NUM_BLOCKS, A.num_cols, 0);
333  col_spmm_MVdot_kernel<IndexType,ValueType> <<<grid, block, shared>>>
334  (A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
335  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&A.values[0]),
336  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&x.values[0]),
337  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&temp.values[0]));
339  // add rows of temp (sum from each block) for final answer
340  dim3 sum_grid(1, 1);
341  col_reduce_kernel<IndexType,ValueType> <<<sum_grid, block, shared>>>
342  (NUM_BLOCKS, A.num_cols,
343  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&temp.values[0]),
344  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&y[0]));
345 #endif
346 }
348 template <typename Vector1,
349  typename Vector2,
350  typename Vector3>
351 void __spmm_dense_diag(const Vector1& A,
352  const Vector2& x,
353  Vector3& y,
354  cusp::row_major)
355 {
357  typedef typename Vector3::index_type IndexType;
358  typedef typename Vector3::value_type ValueType;
359  typedef typename Vector3::memory_space MemorySpace;
360  const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 32;
361  const size_t ROWS_PER_BLOCK = 8;
362  const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = cusp::detail::device::arch::max_active_blocks(row_spmm_dense_diag_kernel<IndexType, ValueType>, BLOCK_SIZE, (size_t) 0);
363  const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(A.num_rows, ROWS_PER_BLOCK));
364  dim3 block(BLOCK_SIZE, ROWS_PER_BLOCK);
365  dim3 grid(NUM_BLOCKS, 1);
367  row_spmm_dense_diag_kernel<IndexType,ValueType> <<<grid, block>>>
368  (A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
369  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&A.values[0]),
370  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&x[0]),
371  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&(y.values)[0]));
372 }
374 template <typename Vector1,
375  typename Vector2,
376  typename Vector3>
377 void __spmm_dense_diag(const Vector1& A,
378  const Vector2& x,
379  Vector3& y,
380  cusp::column_major)
381 {
382 #if 0
383  typedef typename Vector1::index_type IndexType;
384  typedef typename Vector1::value_type ValueType;
385  for (IndexType col=0; col<A.num_cols; ++col) {
386  cusp::blas::axpby(A.column(col), A.column(col), y.column(col),
387  x[col], ValueType(0.0));
388  }
389 #else
391  typedef typename Vector3::index_type IndexType;
392  typedef typename Vector3::value_type ValueType;
393  typedef typename Vector3::memory_space MemorySpace;
394  const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 32;
395  const size_t COLS_PER_BLOCK = 8;
396  const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = cusp::detail::device::arch::max_active_blocks(col_spmm_dense_diag_kernel<IndexType, ValueType>, BLOCK_SIZE, (size_t) 0);
397  const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(A.num_rows, BLOCK_SIZE));
398  dim3 block(BLOCK_SIZE, COLS_PER_BLOCK, 1);
399  dim3 grid(NUM_BLOCKS, 1);
401  col_spmm_dense_diag_kernel<IndexType,ValueType> <<<grid, block>>>
402  (A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
403  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&A.values[0]),
404  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&x[0]),
405  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&(y.values)[0]));
406 #endif
407 }
409 template <typename ValueType,
410  typename Vector1,
411  typename Vector2>
412 void __spmm_axpby(const ValueType& a,
413  const Vector1& x,
414  const ValueType& b,
415  const Vector1& y,
416  Vector2& z,
417  cusp::row_major)
418 {
420  typedef typename Vector2::index_type IndexType;
421  typedef typename Vector2::memory_space MemorySpace;
422  const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 32;
423  const size_t ROWS_PER_BLOCK = 6;
424  const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = cusp::detail::device::arch::max_active_blocks(row_axpby_kernel<IndexType, ValueType>, BLOCK_SIZE, (size_t) 0);
425  const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(x.num_rows, ROWS_PER_BLOCK));
426  dim3 block(BLOCK_SIZE, ROWS_PER_BLOCK);
427  dim3 grid(NUM_BLOCKS, 1);
429  row_axpby_kernel<IndexType,ValueType> <<<grid, block>>>
430  (a,b, x.num_rows, x.num_cols,
431  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&x.values[0]),
432  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&(y.values)[0]),
433  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&(z.values)[0]));
434 }
436 template <typename ValueType,
437  typename Vector1,
438  typename Vector2>
439 void __spmm_axpby(const ValueType& a,
440  const Vector1& x,
441  const ValueType& b,
442  const Vector1& y,
443  Vector2& z,
444  cusp::column_major)
445 {
446 #if 0
447  typedef typename Vector1::index_type IndexType;
448  for (IndexType col=0; col<x.num_cols; ++col) {
449  cusp::blas::axpby(x.column(col), y.column(col), z.column(col), a, b);
450  }
451 #else
453  typedef typename Vector2::index_type IndexType;
454  typedef typename Vector2::memory_space MemorySpace;
455  const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 32;
456  const size_t COLS_PER_BLOCK = 6;
457  const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = cusp::detail::device::arch::max_active_blocks(col_axpby_kernel<IndexType, ValueType>, BLOCK_SIZE, (size_t) 0);
458  const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(x.num_rows, BLOCK_SIZE));
459  dim3 block(BLOCK_SIZE, COLS_PER_BLOCK, 1);
460  dim3 grid(NUM_BLOCKS, 1);
462  col_axpby_kernel<IndexType,ValueType> <<<grid, block>>>
463  (a,b, x.num_rows, x.num_cols,
464  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&x.values[0]),
465  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&(y.values)[0]),
466  thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&(z.values)[0]));
467 #endif
468 }
470 template <typename Vector1,
471  typename Vector2,
472  typename Vector3>
473 void spmm_MVdot(const Vector1& A,
474  const Vector2& x,
475  Vector3& y)
476 {
477  //Determine if row-wise or col-wise then call appropriate multiply
478  __spmm_MVdot(A.num_cols, A, x, y, typename Vector2::orientation());
479 }
481 template <typename Vector1,
482  typename Vector2,
483  typename Vector3>
484 void spmm_dense_diag(const Vector1& A,
485  const Vector2& x,
486  Vector3& y)
487 {
488  //Determine if row-wise or col-wise then call appropriate multiply
489  __spmm_dense_diag(A, x, y, typename Vector1::orientation());
490 }
492 template <typename ValueType,
493  typename Vector1,
494  typename Vector2>
495 void spmm_axpby(const ValueType& a, const Vector1& x, const ValueType& b,
496  const Vector1& y,
497  Vector2& z)
498 {
499  __spmm_axpby(a, x, b, y, z, typename Vector1::orientation());
500 }
503 } // end namespace device
504 } // end namespace detail
505 } // end namespace cusp
void spmm_MVdot(const Vector1 &A, const Vector2 &x, Vector3 &y)
Definition: array2d.h:473
__global__ void col_spmm_dense_diag_kernel(const IndexType Anum_rows, const IndexType Anum_cols, const ValueType *Aval, const ValueType *x, ValueType *y)
Definition: array2d.h:77
__global__ void col_axpby_kernel(const ValueType a, const ValueType b, const IndexType num_rows, const IndexType num_cols, const ValueType *x, const ValueType *y, ValueType *z)
Definition: array2d.h:47
__global__ void row_reduce_kernel(const IndexType num_rows, const IndexType num_cols, const ValueType *temp, ValueType *y)
Definition: array2d.h:173
__global__ void row_spmm_dense_diag_kernel(const IndexType Anum_rows, const IndexType Anum_cols, const ValueType *Aval, const ValueType *x, ValueType *y)
Definition: array2d.h:62
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION PCE< Storage > min(const typename PCE< Storage >::value_type &a, const PCE< Storage > &b)
__global__ void col_reduce_kernel(const IndexType num_rows, const IndexType num_cols, const ValueType *temp, ValueType *y)
Definition: array2d.h:212
void spmm_axpby(const ValueType &a, const Vector1 &x, const ValueType &b, const Vector1 &y, Vector2 &z)
Definition: array2d.h:495
void spmm_dense_diag(const Vector1 &A, const Vector2 &x, Vector3 &y)
Definition: array2d.h:484
void __spmm_dense_diag(const Vector1 &A, const Vector2 &x, Vector3 &y, cusp::row_major)
Definition: array2d.h:351
void __spmm_axpby(const ValueType &a, const Vector1 &x, const ValueType &b, const Vector1 &y, Vector2 &z, cusp::row_major)
Definition: array2d.h:412
Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace device
void axpby(const ValueType &A, const MV1 &X, const ValueType &B, const MV1 &Y, MV2 &Z)
__global__ void row_axpby_kernel(const ValueType a, const ValueType b, const IndexType num_rows, const IndexType num_cols, const ValueType *x, const ValueType *y, ValueType *z)
Definition: array2d.h:32
__global__ void col_spmm_MVdot_kernel(const IndexType Anum_rows, const IndexType Anum_cols, const ValueType *Aval, const ValueType *x, ValueType *temp)
Definition: array2d.h:135
__global__ void row_spmm_MVdot_kernel(IndexType ROWS_PER_BLOCK, const IndexType Anum_rows, const IndexType Anum_cols, const ValueType *Aval, const ValueType *x, ValueType *temp)
Definition: array2d.h:92
void __spmm_MVdot(const int numRHS, const Vector1 &A, const Vector2 &x, Vector3 &y, cusp::row_major)
Definition: array2d.h:247