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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNPiroMain namespace of the Piro package
|oNEpetraNamespace that holds the definitions specific to Epetra
||oCLOCASolverEpetra-based Model Evaluator for LOCA solves
||oCMatrixFreeDecoratorDecorator class that creates a W (Jacobian) operator using Matrix-Free directional derivatives
||oCNOXSolverEpetra-based Model Evaluator for NOX solves
||oCRythmosSolverEpetra-based Model Evaluator for Rythmos solves
||oCSensitivityOperatorEpetra_Operator representing dg/dp
||oCSolverFactoryFactory for creating Epetra-based Piro solvers
||oCStokhosMPSolverAn epetra model evaluator adapter for setting up a multi-point solver
|oCLOCAAdaptiveSolverThyra-based Model Evaluator for LOCAAdaptive solves
|oCLOCASolverThyra-based Model Evaluator for LOCA solves
|oCMatrixFreeDecoratorDecorator class that creates a Jacobian (W) operator using matrix-free directional derivatives
|oCMatrixFreeLinearOpThis class implements a matrix-free Jacobian linear operator based on finite difference
|oCNOXSolverThyra-based Model Evaluator for NOX solves
|oCProviderHandle for auxiliary object factories
|oCProviderBaseGeneric abstract base class for an auxiliary object factory
|oCRythmosNOXRowSumUpdaterObserverFor a Rythmos/NOX solve, this object updates the row sum scaling
|oCRythmosSolverThyra-based Model Evaluator for Rythmos solves
|oCSolverFactoryFactory for creating Thyra-based Piro solvers
|oCSteadyStateSolverThyra-based abstract Model Evaluator for steady-states solves
|oCTempusIntegratorThyra-based Model Evaluator for Tempus solves using Tempus
|oCTempusSolverThyra-based Model Evaluator for Tempus solves
|oCTransientSolverThyra-based Model Evaluator for Tempus solves using Tempus
\NTriKotaPiro-specific extension of the TriKota package
 \CMPDirectApplicInterfaceAdapter class that transates from a Trilinos interface to a Dakota interface